コード例 #1
 * Create a Foundation block grid.
 * @link http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/grid.php
 * @access public
 * @param array $blocks the content of the blocks (default: array()).
 * @param int $up the number of blocks of this block grid to display
 *        horizontally (default: 2).
 * @param mixed $mobile_up the optional number of blocks to display per row
          on mobile devices (default: null).
 * @param string $grid_class an optional class of the grid (default: '').
 * @param string $block_class an optional class of the blocks (default: '').
 * @return string the HTML code with the block grid.
 function block_grid($blocks = array(), $up = 2, $mobile_up = null, $grid_class = '', $block_class = '')
     $up = _number_to_text($up) . '-up';
     $mobile_up = !is_null($mobile_up) ? ' mobile-' . _number_to_text($mobile_up) . '-up' : '';
     $grid_class = $grid_class != '' ? ' ' . $grid_class : $grid_class;
     $block_class = $block_class != '' ? ' class="' . $block_class . '"' : $block_class;
     $result = '';
     $result .= '<ul class="block-grid ' . $up . $mobile_up . $grid_class . '"' . '>';
     foreach ($blocks as $block) {
         $result .= '<li' . $block_class . '>' . $block . '</li>';
     $result .= '</ul>';
     return $result;
コード例 #2
  * Create a Foundation columns div element.
  * @link http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/grid.php
  * @param string $data the content of the columns element.
  * @param int $number the number of columns, any number [1-12], defaults to 12.
  * @param string $class any optional classes of the columns div.
  * @param int $mobile an optional mobile columns setting, any number [1-4].
  * @return string the columns div html.
 function columns($data = '', $number = 12, $class = '', $mobile = null)
     $class = $class != '' ? $class . ' ' : $class;
     $number = _number_to_text($number) . ' ';
     $mobile = $mobile != null ? 'mobile-' . _number_to_text($mobile) . ' ' : $mobile;
     return "<div class=\"" . $class . $number . $mobile . "columns\">" . $data . "</div>";