コード例 #1

// Important constants :)
$pantheon_yellow = '#EFD01B';
// Default values for parameters - this will assume the channel you define the webhook for.
// The full Slack Message API allows you to specify other channels and enhance the messagge further
// if you like: https://api.slack.com/docs/messages/builder
$defaults = array('slack_username' => 'Pantheon-Quicksilver', 'always_show_text' => false);
// Load our hidden credentials.
// See the README.md for instructions on storing secrets.
$secrets = _get_secrets(array('slack_url'), $defaults);
// Build an array of fields to be rendered with Slack Attachments as a table
// attachment-style formatting:
// https://api.slack.com/docs/attachments
$fields = array(array('title' => 'Site', 'value' => $_ENV['PANTHEON_SITE_NAME'], 'short' => 'true'), array('title' => 'Environment', 'value' => '<http://' . $_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'] . '-' . $_ENV['PANTHEON_SITE_NAME'] . '.pantheonsite.io|' . $_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'] . '>', 'short' => 'true'), array('title' => 'By', 'value' => $_POST['user_email'], 'short' => 'true'), array('title' => 'Workflow', 'value' => ucfirst($_POST['stage']) . ' ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $_POST['wf_type']), 'short' => 'true'), array('title' => 'View Dashboard', 'value' => '<https://dashboard.pantheon.io/sites/' . PANTHEON_SITE . '#' . PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT . '/deploys|View Dashboard>', 'short' => 'true'));
// Customize the message based on the workflow type.  Note that slack_notification.php
// must appear in your pantheon.yml for each workflow type you wish to send notifications on.
switch ($_POST['wf_type']) {
    case 'deploy':
        // Find out what tag we are on and get the annotation.
        $deploy_tag = `git describe --tags`;
        $deploy_message = $_POST['deploy_message'];
        // Prepare the slack payload as per:
        // https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks
        $text = 'Deploy to the ' . $_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'];
        $text .= ' environment of ' . $_ENV['PANTHEON_SITE_NAME'] . ' by ' . $_POST['user_email'] . ' complete!';
        $text .= ' <https://dashboard.pantheon.io/sites/' . PANTHEON_SITE . '#' . PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT . '/deploys|View Dashboard>';
        $text .= "\n\n*DEPLOY MESSAGE*: {$deploy_message}";
        // Build an array of fields to be rendered with Slack Attachments as a table
        // attachment-style formatting:
        // https://api.slack.com/docs/attachments
コード例 #2

// Get the environment; we will post a new comment to Jira each time
// a commit appears on a new branch on Pantheon.
// Do not watch test or live, though.
if ($env == 'live' || $env == 'test') {
// Look up the secrets from the secrets file.
$secrets = _get_secrets(array('jira_url', 'jira_user', 'jira_pass'), array());
// Get latest commit
$current_commithash = shell_exec('git rev-parse HEAD');
$last_commithash = FALSE;
// Retrieve the last commit processed by this script
$commit_file = $_SERVER['HOME'] . "/files/private/{$env}_jira_integration_commit.txt";
if (file_exists($commit_file)) {
    $last_processed_commithash = trim(file_get_contents($commit_file));
    // We should (almost) always find our last commit still in the repository;
    // if the user has force-pushed a branch, though, then our last commit
    // may be overwritten.  If this happens, only process the most recent commit.
    exec("git rev-parse {$last_processed_commithash} 2> /dev/null", $output, $status);
    if (!$status) {
        $last_commithash = $last_processed_commithash;
// Update the last commit file with the latest commit
file_put_contents($commit_file, $current_commithash, LOCK_EX);
// Retrieve git log for commits after last processed, to current
$commits = _get_commits($current_commithash, $last_commithash, $env);
// Check each commit message for Jira ticket numbers

// Secrets helper function
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/secrets_helper.php';
// Load Slack helper functions
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/slack_helper.php';
// An example of using Pantheon's Quicksilver technology to do
// automatic performance test using Load Impact. Adapted from
// a random GitHub done by someone at Rackspace.
// Provide the API Key and API Path provided by Load Impact
$secrets = _get_secrets(array('loadimpact_key', 'loadimpact_key_v3', 'slack_channel', 'live_url'));
$api_key = $secrets['loadimpact_key'];
$api_key_v3 = $secrets['loadimpact_key_v3'];
// Provide the Project ID for the test on Load Impact
// $test_config_id = 3359026;
$test_config_id = 3420633;
// Provide the Slack Details
$slack_channel_name = $secrets['slack_channel'];
$slack_user_name = 'PerformanceTesting-with-LoadImpact';
$slack_user_icon = $secrets['live_url'] . '/wp-content/uploads/icons/loadimpact.png';
// If we are deploying to test, run a performace test
    echo 'Starting a performance test on the test environment...' . "\n";
    $text = 'Performance test has started. Doing a test of 50 virtual users for 3 minutes...';
    $fields = array(array('title' => 'Site', 'value' => $_ENV['PANTHEON_SITE_NAME'], 'short' => 'true'), array('title' => 'Environment', 'value' => '<http://' . $_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'] . '-' . $_ENV['PANTHEON_SITE_NAME'] . '.pantheonsite.io|' . $_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'] . '>', 'short' => 'true'), array('title' => 'By', 'value' => $_POST['user_email'], 'short' => 'true'), array('title' => 'Message', 'value' => $text, 'short' => 'false'));
    $attachment = array('fallback' => $text, 'color' => 'warning', 'fields' => $fields);
    _slack_tell($text, $slack_channel_name, $slack_user_name, $slack_user_icon, false, $attachment);
    $curl = curl_init();
    $curl_options = array(CURLOPT_URL => 'https://api.loadimpact.com/v2/test-configs/' . $test_config_id . '/start', CURLOPT_USERPWD => $api_key . ':', CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH => CURLAUTH_BASIC, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_POST => 1);
    curl_setopt_array($curl, $curl_options);
    $curl_response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl));
コード例 #4

// Secrets helper function
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/secrets_helper.php';
// Load Slack helper functions
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/slack_helper.php';
$secrets = _get_secrets(array('slack_channel', 'live_url'));
// Provide the Slack Details
$slack_channel_name = $secrets['slack_channel'];
$slack_user_name = 'WP-CLI-on-Pantheon';
$slack_user_icon = $secrets['live_url'] . '/wp-content/uploads/icons/wp-cfm.png';
// Activate the wp-cfm plugin
exec('wp plugin activate wp-cfm 2>&1');
// Automagically import config into WP-CFM site upon code deployment
$config_map = array('test' => 'pantheon_live', 'test' => 'pantheon_test', 'dev' => 'pantheon_dev', 'default' => 'pantheon_dev');
$config_name = array_key_exists(PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT, $config_map) ? $config_map[PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT] : $config_map['default'];
_slack_tell('Importation of WordPress WP-CFM Default Configuration on the ' . PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT . ' environment is starting...', $slack_channel_name, $slack_user_name, $slack_user_icon);
exec('wp config pull ' . $config_name . ' 2>&1', $output);
if (count($output) > 0) {
    $output = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', array_slice($output, 1, -1));
    $output = str_replace(' update', ' [update]', $output);
    $output = str_replace(' create', ' [create]', $output);
    $output = str_replace(' delete', ' [delete]', $output);
    $output = implode($output, "\n");
    $output = rtrim($output);
    _slack_tell($output, $slack_channel_name, $slack_user_name, $slack_user_icon, '#A9A9A9');
_slack_tell('Importation of WordPress WP-CFM Default Configuration on the ' . PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT . ' environment is complete.', $slack_channel_name, $slack_user_name, $slack_user_icon);
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/private/config';
$files = scandir($path);
$files = array_diff(scandir($path), array('.', '..'));
コード例 #5
 * Helper Function to Alert Slack
function _slack_tell($message, $slack_channel_name, $slack_user_name, $slack_icon_url, $left_color_bar = false, $attachment = false)
    $defaults = array();
    $secrets = _get_secrets(array('slack_url'), $defaults);
    _slack_notification($secrets['slack_url'], $slack_channel_name, $slack_user_name, $message, $slack_icon_url, $left_color_bar, $attachment);
コード例 #6

// Load a secrets file.
// See the included example.secrets.json and instructions in README.
$secrets = _get_secrets('secrets.json');
//Create curl post request to hit the Jenkins webhook
$curl = curl_init($secrets->jenkins_url);
//Setup header with authentication
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode("{$secrets->username}:{$secrets->api_token}")));
//Declare request as a post and setup the fields
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array('token' => $secrets->token));
//Execute the request
$response = curl_exec($curl);
// TODO: could produce some richer responses here.
// Could even chain this to a slack notification. It's up to you!
if ($response) {
    echo "Build Queued";
} else {
    echo "Build Failed";
 * Get secrets from secrets file.
 * @param string $file path within files/private that has your json
function _get_secrets($file)
    $secrets_file = $_SERVER['HOME'] . '/files/private/' . $file;
    if (!file_exists($secrets_file)) {
        die('No secrets file found. Aborting!');

// Secrets helper function
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/secrets_helper.php';
// Load Slack helper functions
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/slack_helper.php';
// An example of using Pantheon's Quicksilver technology to do
// automatic visual regression testing using Spotbot.qa
// Provide the API Key provided by Spotbot.qa
$secrets = _get_secrets(array('spotbot_key', 'slack_channel', 'live_url', 'test_url'));
$api_key = $secrets['spotbot_key'];
// Provide the Project URL for the project on Spotbot.qa
$project_url = $secrets['test_url'];
// Provide the Slack Details
$slack_channel_name = $secrets['slack_channel'];
$slack_user_name = 'CrossBrowserTesting-with-Spotbot';
$slack_user_icon = $secrets['live_url'] . '/wp-content/uploads/icons/spotbot.png';
// If we are deploying to test, run a visual regression test
// between the production environment and the testing environment.
    echo 'Kicking off browser testing for the test site...' . "\n";
    $curl = curl_init();
    $curl_options = array(CURLOPT_URL => 'https://spotbot.qa/api/scans', CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Authorization: ' . $api_key), CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => 'pageUrl=' . urlencode($project_url));
    curl_setopt_array($curl, $curl_options);
    $curl_response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl));
    if ($curl_response->status == 'ok') {
        echo "Check out the result here: " . $curl_response->result[0]->url . "\n";
        $text = 'Kicking off a cross browser test using Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Android, and iOS...';
        $fields = array(array('title' => 'Site', 'value' => $_ENV['PANTHEON_SITE_NAME'], 'short' => 'true'), array('title' => 'Environment', 'value' => '<http://' . $_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'] . '-' . $_ENV['PANTHEON_SITE_NAME'] . '.pantheonsite.io|' . $_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'] . '>', 'short' => 'true'), array('title' => 'By', 'value' => $_POST['user_email'], 'short' => 'true'), array('title' => 'Message', 'value' => $text, 'short' => 'false'), array('title' => 'Results', 'value' => $curl_response->result[0]->url, 'short' => false));
        $attachment = array('fallback' => $text, 'color' => 'good', 'fields' => $fields);
コード例 #8

// Default values for parameters
$defaults = array('hipchat_url' => 'https://api.hipchat.com/v2/room/', 'hipchat_room_id' => 'quicksilver');
// Load our hidden credentials.
// See the README.md for instructions on storing secrets.
$secrets = _get_secrets(array('hipchat_auth_token'), $defaults);
// Add a slash on the end of the hipchat URL if it does not already have one.
if ($secrets['hipchat_url'][strlen($secrets['hipchat_url']) - 1] != '/') {
    $secrets['hipchat_url'] .= '/';
$workflow_description = ucfirst($_POST['stage']) . ' ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $_POST['wf_type']);
// Customize the message based on the workflow type.  Note that hipchat_notification.php
// must appear in your pantheon.yml for each workflow type you wish to send notifications on.
switch ($_POST['wf_type']) {
    case 'deploy':
        // Find out what tag we are on and get the annotation.
        $deploy_tag = `git describe --tags`;
        $deploy_message = $_POST['deploy_message'];
        // Prepare the message
        $url = 'https://dashboard.pantheon.io/sites/' . PANTHEON_SITE . '#' . PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT . '/deploy';
        $text = '<b>' . $_POST['user_fullname'] . '</b> deployed
    <a href="' . $url . '">' . $_ENV['PANTHEON_SITE_NAME'] . '</a><br />
    <b>On branch "' . PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT . '"</b><br />Workflow: ' . $workflow_description . '<br />
    Deploy Message: ' . htmlentities($deploy_message);
    case 'sync_code':
        // Get the committer, hash, and message for the most recent commit.
        $committer = `git log -1 --pretty=%cn`;
        $email = `git log -1 --pretty=%ce`;
        $message = `git log -1 --pretty=%B`;
コード例 #9

// Default values for parameters
$defaults = array('chikka_url' => 'https://post.chikka.com/smsapi/request', 'mobile_number' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx');
// Load our hidden credentials.
// See the README.md for instructions on storing secrets.
$secrets = _get_secrets(array('chikka_client_id', 'chikka_client_secret', 'chikka_accesscode'), $defaults);
$number = $secrets['mobile_number'];
$workflow_description = ucfirst($_POST['stage']) . ' ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $_POST['wf_type']);
// Customize the message based on the workflow type.  Note that chikka_sms_notification.php
// must appear in your pantheon.yml for each workflow type you wish to send notifications on.
switch ($_POST['wf_type']) {
    case 'deploy':
        // Find out what tag we are on and get the annotation.
        $deploy_tag = `git describe --tags`;
        $deploy_message = $_POST['deploy_message'];
        // Prepare the message
        $text = $_POST['user_fullname'] . ' deployed ' . $_ENV['PANTHEON_SITE_NAME'] . '
    On branch "' . PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT . '"Workflow: ' . $workflow_description . '
    Deploy Message: ' . htmlentities($deploy_message);
    case 'sync_code':
        // Get the committer, hash, and message for the most recent commit.
        $committer = `git log -1 --pretty=%cn`;
        $email = `git log -1 --pretty=%ce`;
        $message = `git log -1 --pretty=%B`;
        $hash = `git log -1 --pretty=%h`;
        // Prepare the message
        $text = $_POST['user_fullname'] . ' committed to' . $_ENV['PANTHEON_SITE_NAME'] . '
    On branch "' . PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT . '"Workflow: ' . $workflow_description . '
    - ' . htmlentities($message);