コード例 #1
$REALSON = null;
$connection = _MySQLConnect($AccountDBHost, $DBUser, $DBPassword, $AccountDB);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(`bandate`) AS `BAN_DATE`, FROM_UNIXTIME(`unbandate`) AS `UNBAN_DATE`,`bannedby`,`banreason` FROM `account_banned` WHERE `id` = " . (int) _getAccountID() . " AND `active` = 1;", $connection) or die(mysql_error());
$result = mysql_fetch_array($query);
if (!$result) {
    $_SESSION['TCA'] = false;
    echo _getAlreadyEffectSTR("<h2>" . $L[38] . "</h2>");
} else {
    if (isset($_SESSION['TCA']) && $_SESSION['TCA']) {
        if (_isEnoughMythCoins($PriceForUnban, $connection)) {
            _SpendMythCoins($PriceForUnban, 9, $_SESSION['AccountUN'], (int) _getAccountID(), 0, 0, !empty($result['bannedby']) ? $result['bannedby'] : "Server" . " : " . $result['banreason'], $connection);
            $REALSON = _GDiv($L[17]);
            $_SESSION['TCA'] = false;
        } else {
            $REALSON = _RDiv($L[18]);
    } else {
        $_SESSION['TCA'] = true;
    echo "\n        <div class = 'text-center'>" . $REALSON . "\n            <h2>" . $L[94] . "</h2>\n        </div>\n        <fieldset>\n            <div class = 'charBox alert alert-error'>\n                <table>\n                    <tr>\n                        <td width = '73'>\n                            <img class = 'img-rounded' src = '_template/img/_faces/0-0-0-0.png' border = 'none'>\n                        </td>\n                        <td width = '340'>\n                        <h4>" . $result['banreason'] . "</h4>\n                            <span class = ''>" . $L[165] . "</span>" . _AU_BAN_AUTHOR_STR($result['bannedby']) . "<br/>\n                            <span class = ''>" . $L[166] . "</span>" . $result['BAN_DATE'] . "<br/>\n                            <span class = ''>" . $L[167] . "</span>" . $result['UNBAN_DATE'] . "\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n                </table>\n            </div>\n            <div class = 'charBox alert alert-success'>\n                <table>\n                    <tr>\n                        <td width = '73'>\n                            <img class = 'img-rounded' src = '_template/img/_faces/0-0-0-0.png' border = 'none'>\n                        </td>\n                        <td width = '340'>\n                        <h4>" . $result['banreason'] . "</h4>\n                            <span class = ''>" . $L[165] . "</span>" . _AU_BAN_AUTHOR_STR($result['bannedby']) . "<br/>\n                            <span class = ''>" . $L[166] . "</span>" . $result['BAN_DATE'] . "<br/>\n                            <span class = ''>" . $L[167] . "</span>" . $L[168] . "\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n                </table>\n            </div>\n        </fieldset>\n        <fieldset>\n            <form action = " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . " method = 'POST'>\n                " . _BDiv(_PRICE_STR($PriceForUnban)) . "\n                <div class = 'text-center'>\n                    <button class = 'btn btn-primary' type = 'submit'>" . _getPriceButtonSTR($PriceForUnban) . "</button>\n                </div>\n            </form>\n        </fieldset>";
mysql_close($connection) or die(mysql_error());
include_once '_template/_footer.php';
function _AU_BAN_AUTHOR_STR($X)
    global $L;
    return empty($X) ? $L[39] : $X;
コード例 #2
function _FORM_TO_CHAR_ACTIONS($CA, $HEADER, $REALSON = "", $PRICE, $NL = null, $NN = null, $NR = null, $NC = null, $C = null)
    global $L;
    echo "\n        <form action = " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . " method = 'POST'>\n        <fieldset>\n            <div class = 'text-center'>" . $REALSON . "\n                <h2>" . $HEADER . "</h2>\n                <fieldset>";
    _FORM_CHAR_BLOCK($CA, $L[114]);
    _FORM_CHAR_BLOCK($CA, $L[115], true, $NL, $NN, $NR, $NC, $C);
    echo "</fieldset>" . _BDiv(_PRICE_STR($PRICE)) . "\n                <p><button class = 'btn btn-primary' type = 'submit'>" . _getPriceButtonSTR($PRICE) . "</button></p>\n            </div>\n        </fieldset>\n        </form>";
コード例 #3
function _FORM_ITEM_SHOP($SA, $RealmID, $DBUser, $DBPassword, $GUID, $ItemID, $MinPrice, $PriceX, $DisplayPrice, $ITEM_DISCOUNT_MODE, $DISCOUNT_CONF, $REALSON = "")
    global $L, $AccountDBHost, $AccountDB, $PageListRecordsAmmount;
    echo "\n        <fieldset>\n            <div class = 'text-center'>" . $REALSON . "\n                <h2>" . $L[82] . "</h2>";
    _FORM_CHAR_BLOCK($SA, null, true);
    echo "</fieldset>";
    $connection = _MySQLConnect(_HostDBSwitch($RealmID), $DBUser, $DBPassword, _WorldDBSwitch($RealmID));
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    if (isset($ItemID)) {
        $query = mysql_query("\n                SELECT\n                  `entry` AS `id`,\n                  `class`,\n                  `subclass`,\n                  `ItemLevel`,\n                  `RequiredLevel`,\n                  `Quality`,\n                  `name`\n                FROM `item_template`\n            WHERE `entry` = " . $ItemID . ";", $connection) or die(mysql_error());
        $QueryResult = mysql_fetch_array($query);
        if (!empty($QueryResult['id'])) {
            $PRICE = _CalculatePrise($QueryResult, $MinPrice, $PriceX);
            $DISCOUNT = null;
            if ($PRICE > 1 && $ITEM_DISCOUNT_MODE) {
                $DISCOUNT = round($PRICE - $PRICE * $DISCOUNT_CONF);
            $_SESSION['TCA']['SItemPrice'] = isset($DISCOUNT) ? $DISCOUNT : $PRICE;
            $_SESSION['TCA']['SItemName'] = $QueryResult['name'];
            echo "\n                <fieldset class = 'text-center'>\n                <div style = 'width: 800px;' class = 'alert service alert-success'>\n                    <div class = 'service_icon'></div>\n                    <h4><a href = 'http://old.wowhead.com/item=" . $QueryResult['id'] . "' target = '_blank'></a></h4>\n                    <div class = 'service_desc'>" . _PRICE_STR($PRICE, true, isset($DISCOUNT) && $PRICE > $DISCOUNT ? $DISCOUNT : null) . "</div>\n                </div>\n                </fieldset></br>";
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    $ITEM_CLASS = _refleshSessionValue(isset($_SESSION['TCA']['ItemClass']) ? $_SESSION['TCA']['ItemClass'] : null, isset($_GET['C']) ? (int) $_GET['C'] : null, 2);
    if (!isset($_SESSION['TCA']['ItemClass']) || $_SESSION['TCA']['ItemClass'] != $ITEM_CLASS) {
    $_SESSION['TCA']['ItemClass'] = $ITEM_CLASS;
    $PAGE_INDEX = _refleshSessionValue(isset($_SESSION['TCA']['P']) ? $_SESSION['TCA']['P'] : null, isset($_GET['page']) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : null, 1);
    $_SESSION['TCA']['P'] = $PAGE_INDEX;
    if (isset($ITEM_CLASS) && $ITEM_CLASS === 7) {
        $ITEM_CLASS_Q_STR = isset($ITEM_CLASS) ? "WHERE `class` IN (5, 6, 7) ORDER BY `class`,`itemlevel`" : null;
    } else {
        $ITEM_CLASS_Q_STR = isset($ITEM_CLASS) ? "WHERE `class` = " . $ITEM_CLASS . " ORDER BY `itemlevel`" : null;
    $query = mysql_query("\n            SELECT\n              `entry` AS `id`,\n              `class`,\n              `subclass`,\n              `ItemLevel`,\n              `RequiredLevel`,\n              `Quality`,\n              `name`\n            FROM `item_template` " . $ITEM_CLASS_Q_STR . "\n        DESC LIMIT " . ($PAGE_INDEX * $PageListRecordsAmmount - $PageListRecordsAmmount) . ", " . $PageListRecordsAmmount . ";", $connection) or die(mysql_error());
    echo "\n            <fieldset class = 'text-center'>\n            <form action = " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . " method = 'POST'>\n            <div class = 'clearfix'>";
    if (isset($ItemID)) {
        echo "     \n                <input name = 'itemID' type = 'text' placeholder = '" . $L[19] . "'>\n            </div>\n            <p>\n                <button class = 'btn btn-primary' type = 'submit'>" . _getPriceButtonSTR(11) . "</button>\n            </p>\n            <input type = 'hidden' name = 'isItemSame' value = '" . $ItemID . "'/>";
    } else {
        echo "\n                <input name = 'itemID' type = 'text' placeholder = '" . $L[49] . "'>\n            </div>\n            <p>\n                <button class = 'btn btn-primary' type = 'submit'>" . $L[48] . "</button>\n            </p>";
    echo "\n            </form>\n            </fieldset>\n            <ul class = 'nav nav-tabs'>\n                <li" . _getBISelector(2, $ITEM_CLASS) . "><a href = '?C=2'>" . $L[282] . "</a></li> <!-- Weapon -->\n                <li" . _getBISelector(4, $ITEM_CLASS) . "><a href = '?C=4'>" . $L[284] . "</a></li> <!-- Armor -->\n                <li" . _getBISelector(16, $ITEM_CLASS) . "><a href = '?C=16'>" . $L[296] . "</a></li> <!-- Glyph -->\n                <li" . _getBISelector(3, $ITEM_CLASS) . "><a href = '?C=3'>" . $L[283] . "</a></li> <!-- Gem -->\n                <li" . _getBISelector(9, $ITEM_CLASS) . "><a href = '?C=9'>" . $L[289] . "</a></li> <!-- Recipe -->\n\n                <li" . _getBISelector(0, $ITEM_CLASS) . "><a href = '?C=0'>" . $L[280] . "</a></li> <!-- Consumable -->\n                <li" . _getBISelector(1, $ITEM_CLASS) . "><a href = '?C=1'>" . $L[281] . "</a></li> <!-- Container --> \n                <li" . _getBISelector(7, $ITEM_CLASS, "title = '" . $L[285] . ", " . $L[286] . ", " . $L[287] . "' ") . "><a href = '?C=7'>" . $L[287] . "</a></li> <!-- Trade Goods -->\n                <li" . _getBISelector(12, $ITEM_CLASS) . "><a href = '?C=12'>" . $L[292] . "</a></li> <!-- Quest -->\n                <li" . _getBISelector(13, $ITEM_CLASS) . "><a href = '?C=13'>" . $L[293] . "</a></li> <!-- Key -->\n                <li" . _getBISelector(15, $ITEM_CLASS) . "><a href = '?C=15'>" . $L[295] . "</a></li> <!-- Miscellaneous -->\n            </ul>\n            " . _pushPageNav($PAGE_INDEX) . "\n            <table class = 'table table-condensed'>\n                <tr class = 'menuBar'>\n                    <td>" . $L[275] . "</td>\n                    <td>" . $L[64] . "</td>\n                    <td></td>\n                </tr>";
    while ($QueryResult = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        $PRICE = _CalculatePrise($QueryResult, $MinPrice, $PriceX);
        $DISCOUNT = null;
        if ($PRICE > 1 && $ITEM_DISCOUNT_MODE) {
            $DISCOUNT = round($PRICE - $PRICE * 0.1);
        $class = isset($DISCOUNT) && $PRICE > $DISCOUNT ? "success" : "info";
        echo "\n                <tr class = '" . $class . "'>\n                <td><a href = 'http://" . _getWHLanguage() . "wowhead.com/item=" . $QueryResult['id'] . "' target = '_blank'></a></td>";
        if (isset($DISCOUNT) && $PRICE > $DISCOUNT) {
            echo "<td>" . _PRICE_STR($PRICE, true, $DISCOUNT) . "</td>";
        } else {
            echo "\n                <td>" . _PRICE_STR($PRICE, true) . "</td>";
        echo "<td><a href = '" . _AddGETAtributeToURL("itemID", $QueryResult['id']) . "'>" . $L[299] . "</a></td>\n            </tr>";
    echo "\n            </table>" . _pushPageNav($PAGE_INDEX);
コード例 #4
function _FORM_INSTANT_EXT_REPUTATION($SA, $RealmID, $DBUser, $DBPassword, $faction, $level, $PRICE, $REALSON = "")
    $connection = _MySQLConnect(_HostDBSwitch($RealmID), $DBUser, $DBPassword, _CharacterDBSwitch($RealmID));
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT `faction`,`standing`,`flags` FROM `character_reputation` WHERE `guid` = " . $SA['CharGUID'] . " AND `flags` & 1;", $connection) or die(mysql_error());
    while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        $SA['ReputationList'][$result['faction']]['Level'] = $result['standing'];
        $SA['ReputationList'][$result['faction']]['Flag'] = $result['flags'];
    global $L;
    echo "\n        <form action = " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . " method = 'POST'>\n        <fieldset>\n            <div class = 'text-center'>" . $REALSON . "\n                <h2>" . $L[88] . "</h2>\n        <fieldset>";
    _FORM_CHAR_BLOCK($SA, null, true);
    include_once '_core/f_switch.php';
    if (isset($faction) && isset($level)) {
        $faction = mb_convert_case(_getFactionNameFromID($faction), MB_CASE_TITLE, 'UTF-8');
        echo "<div class = 'alert service " . _getColorOfReputationBlock($level) . " reputationBlock'>\n                <div class = 'service_icon'><img src = '_template/img/reputation.png'></div>\n                <h4>" . $faction . "  (" . $L[114] . ")</h4>\n                <div class = 'service_desc'>" . _getReputationRank($level) . "</div>\n            </div>\n            <div class = 'alert service alert-success reputationBlock'>\n                <div class = 'service_icon'><img src = '_template/img/reputation.png'></div>\n                <h4>" . $faction . " (" . $L[115] . ")</h4>\n                <div class = 'service_desc'>" . _getReputationRank(42001) . "</div>\n            </div>";
    echo "\n        </fieldset>";
    if (isset($faction) && isset($level)) {
        echo "\n            <fieldset>\n            " . _BDiv(_PRICE_STR($PRICE)) . "\n                <form action = " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . " method = 'POST'>\n                    <p><button class = 'btn btn-primary' type = 'submit'>" . _getPriceButtonSTR($PRICE) . "</button></p>\n                    <input type = 'hidden' name = '2nd_checker' value = '" . $faction . "' id = '2nd_checker' />\n               </form>\n            </div>\n            </fieldset>";
    } else {
        echo "\n            <legend>" . $L[81] . "</legend>\n            <fieldset>";
        if (isset($SA['ReputationList'])) {
            foreach ($SA['ReputationList'] as $ID => $Array) {
                $faction = mb_convert_case(_getFactionNameFromID($ID), MB_CASE_TITLE, 'UTF-8');
                if ($faction < 0) {
                echo "<a href = '_a_instant_exalted_reputation.php?faction=" . $ID . "&level=" . $Array['Level'] . "'><div class = 'alert service " . _getColorOfReputationBlock($Array['Level']) . "'>\n                        <div class = 'service_icon'><img src = '_template/img/reputation.png'></div>\n                        <h4>" . $faction . "</h4>\n                        <div class = 'service_desc'>" . _getReputationRank($Array['Level']) . "</div>\n                    </div></a>";
        } else {
            echo _getAlreadyEffectSTR("<h2>" . $L[270] . "</h2>");
        echo "\n            </fieldset>";
    echo "</fieldset>\n            </form>";