コード例 #1
function getListRows($options)
    $VIEWER_NAME = "List Viewer ({$options['tableName']})";
    // error checking
    $requiredOptions = array('tableName');
    $validOptions = array('tableName', 'titleField', 'perPage', 'where', 'orderBy', 'viewerUrl', 'pageNum', 'useSeoUrls');
    $errors = _getOptionErrors($requiredOptions, $validOptions, $options);
    if ($errors) {
        die("{$VIEWER_NAME} errors<br/>\n{$errors}");
    // set defaults
    if (!@$options['pageNum']) {
        $options['pageNum'] = @$_REQUEST['page'];
    if (!@$options['pageNum']) {
        $options['pageNum'] = "1";
    // default to page 1
    if (!@$options['perPage']) {
        $options['perPage'] = 10;
    if (!@$options['viewerUrl']) {
        $options['viewerUrl'] = "No_viewerUrl_value_specified_in_options";
    // get absolute url for viewer
    if (@$options['useSeoUrls'] && @$options['viewerUrl'] && !preg_match("|[/]|", $options['viewerUrl'])) {
        $options['viewerUrl'] = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . "/" . $options['viewerUrl'];
        $options['viewerUrl'] = preg_replace("|^[\\\\/]+|", "/", $options['viewerUrl']);
        // remove multiple leading slashes (and replace \ returned by dirname on windows in root)
    # create query
    $schema = loadSchema($options['tableName']);
    $fullTableName = getTableNameWithPrefix($options['tableName']);
    $escapedTableName = mysql_escape($fullTableName);
    if (@$options['where'] != '') {
        $where = @$options['where'];
    } else {
        $where = _createDefaultWhereWithFormInput($schema, @$options['where'], $options);
    $where = _addWhereConditionsForSpecialFields($schema, $where);
    $orderBy = @$options['orderBy'] ? "ORDER BY {$options['orderBy']}" : '';
    $offset = ($options['pageNum'] - 1) * $options['perPage'];
    $limit = "LIMIT " . mysql_escape($options['perPage']) . " OFFSET " . mysql_escape($offset);
    $query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `{$escapedTableName}` {$where} {$orderBy} {$limit}";
    # execute query
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die("{$VIEWER_NAME}: MySQL Error: " . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
    $rows = array();
    while ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $filenameValue = getFilenameFieldValue($record, @$options['titleField']);
        $record['_link'] = _getLink($options['viewerUrl'], $filenameValue, $record['num'], @$options['useSeoUrls']);
        array_push($rows, $record);
    $listDetails = _getListDetails($options, count($rows));
    return array($rows, $listDetails);
コード例 #2
function searchMultipleTables($searchTables, $searchOptions)
    $VIEWER_NAME = "Search Multiple Tables";
    # error checking
    if (!@$searchOptions['perPage']) {
        die("{$VIEWER_NAME} : No perPage option specified!\n");
    ### create subqueries
    $subqueries = array();
    foreach ($searchTables as $tablename => $tableOptions) {
        foreach (array('viewerUrl', 'searchFields', 'titleField') as $optionName) {
            if (!@$tableOptions[$optionName]) {
                die("{$VIEWER_NAME} : No '{$optionName}' option specified for searchTable '" . htmlencode($tablename) . "'!\n");
        // get search fields
        $searchFieldsCSV = '';
        foreach ($tableOptions['searchFields'] as $fieldname) {
            if ($searchFieldsCSV) {
                $searchFieldsCSV .= ", ";
            $searchFieldsCSV .= "`" . mysql_escape($fieldname) . "`";
        // create query
        $fullEscapedTable = mysql_escape($TABLE_PREFIX . $tablename);
        $schema = loadSchema($tablename);
        $where = _addWhereConditionsForSpecialFields($schema, '', $searchOptions);
        $subquery = "SELECT '{$tablename}' as `tablename`, num, `{$tableOptions['titleField']}` as `_title`, ";
        if (@$tableOptions['summaryField']) {
            $subquery .= "`{$tableOptions['summaryField']}` as `_summary`, ";
        } else {
            $subquery .= "'' as `_summary`, ";
        foreach (range(1, 10) as $num) {
            $fieldname = "field{$num}";
            if (@$tableOptions["field{$num}"]) {
                $subquery .= "`{$tableOptions[$fieldname]}` as `{$fieldname}`, ";
            } else {
                $subquery .= "'' as `{$fieldname}`, ";
        $subquery .= "CONCAT_WS('\\t', {$searchFieldsCSV}) as _content FROM `{$fullEscapedTable}` {$where}\n";
        $subqueries[] = $subquery;
    # create query
    $schema = array('_content' => array());
    // allow this field to be searched in _getWhereForSearchQuery
    $where = _getWhereForSearchQuery($searchOptions['keywords'], array('_content'), $schema);
    $query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (\n  " . implode('  UNION ', $subqueries) . ") as combinedTable\n";
    if ($where) {
        $query .= "WHERE {$where}";
    if (@$searchOptions['orderBy']) {
        $query .= " ORDER BY " . $searchOptions['orderBy'] . " ";
    $query .= mysql_limit($searchOptions['perPage'], @$_REQUEST['page']);
    ## execute query
    $rows = array();
    if ($searchOptions['keywords'] && $where) {
        if (@$searchOptions['debugSql']) {
            print "<xmp>{$query}</xmp>";
        $result = mysql_query($query) or die("{$VIEWER_NAME}: MySQL Error: " . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
        while ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $detailUrl = $searchTables[$record['tablename']]['viewerUrl'];
            $filenameValue = '';
            // not working yet... getFilenameFieldValue($record, $searchTables[$record['tablename']]['filenameFields']);
            $useSeoUrls = false;
            $link = _getLink($detailUrl, $filenameValue, $record['num'], $useSeoUrls);
            $record['_title'] = $record['_title'];
            $record['_summary'] = strip_tags($record['_summary']);
            $record['_link'] = $link;
            array_push($rows, $record);
    $searchOptions['pageNum'] = @$_REQUEST['page'];
    $listDetails = _getListDetails($searchOptions, count($rows));
    return array($rows, $listDetails);