/** * Popup Dialog for equation editor in the tinyMCE */ function anno_popup_equations() { ?> <div id="anno-popup-equations" class="anno-mce-popup"> <form id="anno-tinymce-equations-form" class="" tabindex="-1"> <div class="anno-mce-popup-fields"> <div class="equation-edit-details"> <label for="equation-alttext"> <div><?php _ex('Alt Text', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </div> <input name="alt_text" type="text" id="equation-alttext" /> </label> <label for="equation-description"> <div><?php _ex('Description', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </div> <textarea name="description" id="equation-description"></textarea> </label> </div> <fieldset class="equation-display"> <legend><?php _ex('Display', 'legend', 'anno'); ?> </legend> <label for="equation-display-figure" class="radio"> <input type="radio" value="figure" name="display" class="equation-display-selection equation-display-figure" id="equation-display-figure"<?php checked(true, true, true); ?> /> <span><?php _ex('Display as Figure', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </span> </label> <label for="equation-display-inline" class="radio"> <input type="radio" value="inline" name="display" class="equation-display-selection equation-display-inline" id="equation-display-inline" /> <span><?php _ex('Display Inline', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </span> </label> <div id="equation-figure-details"> <label for="equation-label"> <span><?php _ex('Label', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </span> <input type="text" name="label" id="equation-label" /> </label> <label for="equation-caption"> <span><?php _ex('Caption', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </span> <textarea id="equation-caption" name="caption"></textarea> </label> </div> </fieldset> </div> <div class="anno-mce-popup-footer"> <?php _anno_popup_submit_button('anno-equations-insert', _x('Insert', 'button value', 'anno')); ?> </div> </form> </div> <?php }
function anno_popup_images_row_edit($attachment) { $img_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, 'anno_img_edit'); $description = $attachment->post_content; $caption = $attachment->post_excerpt; $alt_text = get_post_meta($attachment->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true); $display = get_post_meta($attachment->ID, '_anno_attachment_image_display', true); if (empty($display)) { $display = 'figure'; } //@TODO worth storing all this data in a single meta row as a serialized array $label = get_post_meta($attachment->ID, '_anno_attachment_image_label', true); $copyright_statement = get_post_meta($attachment->ID, '_anno_attachment_image_copyright_statement', true); $copyright_holder = get_post_meta($attachment->ID, '_anno_attachment_image_copyright_holder', true); $license = get_post_meta($attachment->ID, '_anno_attachment_image_license', true); $url = get_post_meta($attachment->ID, '_anno_attachment_image_url', true); $file_url = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment->ID); $link = get_attachment_link($attachment->ID); $img_size = get_post_meta($attachment->ID, '_anno_attachment_image_size', true); if (!$img_size) { $img_size = 'thumbnail'; } ?> <tr> <td class="img-edit-td" colspan="3"> <form id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-edit-' . $attachment->ID); ?> " class="anno-img-edit"> <div class="img-edit-details"> <img src="<?php echo esc_url($img_url[0]); ?> " alt="<?php echo esc_attr($attachment->post_title); ?> " class="img-list-img" /> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr('img-alttext-' . $attachment->ID); ?> "> <div><?php _ex('Alt Text', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </div> <input name="alt_text" type="text" id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-alttext-' . $attachment->ID); ?> " value="<?php echo esc_attr($alt_text); ?> " /> </label> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr('img-description-' . $attachment->ID); ?> "> <div><?php _ex('Description', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </div> <textarea name="description" id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-description-' . $attachment->ID); ?> "><?php echo esc_textarea($description); ?> </textarea> </label> </div> <?php /* @TODO Find a way to maintain wrapping URL data while adhering to DTD <div class="img-url-input"> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr('img-url-'.$attachment->ID); ?>"> <input id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-url-'.$attachment->ID); ?>" type="text" name="url" value="<?php echo esc_attr($url); ?>" /><span><?php _e('URL', 'anno'); ?></span> </label> <div id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-url-buttons-'.$attachment->ID); ?>" class="img-url-buttons"> <button type="button" class="button" title=""><?php _e('None', 'anno'); ?></button> <button type="button" class="button" title="<?php echo esc_attr($file_url); ?>"> <?php _e('File URL', 'anno'); ?></button> <button type="button" class="button" title="<?php echo esc_attr($link); ?>"><?php _e('Attachment Post URL', 'anno'); ?></button> </div> </div> */ ?> <fieldset class="img-display"> <legend><?php _ex('Display', 'legend', 'anno'); ?> </legend> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr('img-display-figure-' . $attachment->ID); ?> " class="radio"> <input type="radio" value="figure" name="display" class="img-display-selection img-display-figure" id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-display-figure-' . $attachment->ID); ?> "<?php checked($display, 'figure', true); ?> /> <span><?php _ex('Display as Figure', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </span> </label> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr('img-display-inline-' . $attachment->ID); ?> " class="radio"> <input type="radio" value="inline" name="display" class="img-display-selection img-display-inline" id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-display-inline-' . $attachment->ID); ?> "<?php checked($display, 'inline', true); ?> /> <span><?php _ex('Display Inline', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </span> </label> <div id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-figure-details-' . $attachment->ID); ?> "> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr('img-label-' . $attachment->ID); ?> "> <span><?php _ex('Label', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </span> <input type="text" name="label" id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-label-' . $attachment->ID); ?> " value="<?php echo esc_attr($label); ?> " /> </label> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr('img-caption-' . $attachment->ID); ?> "> <span><?php _ex('Caption', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </span> <textarea id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-caption-' . $attachment->ID); ?> " name="caption"><?php echo esc_textarea($caption); ?> </textarea> </label> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php _ex('Permissions', 'legend', 'anno'); ?> </legend> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr('img-copystatement-' . $attachment->ID); ?> "> <span><?php _ex('Copyright Statement', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </span> <input type="text" name="copyright_statement" id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-copystatement-' . $attachment->ID); ?> " value="<?php echo esc_attr($copyright_statement); ?> " /> </label> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr('img-copyholder-' . $attachment->ID); ?> "> <span><?php _ex('Copyright Holder', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </span> <input type="text" name="copyright_holder" id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-copyholder-' . $attachment->ID); ?> " value="<?php echo esc_attr($copyright_holder); ?> " /> </label> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr('img-license-' . $attachment->ID); ?> "> <span><?php _ex('License', 'input label', 'anno'); ?> </span> <input type="text" name="license" id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-license-' . $attachment->ID); ?> " value="<?php echo esc_attr($license); ?> " /> </label> </fieldset> <fieldset class="img-sizes"> <legend><?php _ex('Size', 'legend for image size', 'anno'); ?> </legend> <?php $sizes = array('thumbnail' => _x('Thumbnail', 'size label for images', 'anno'), 'medium' => _x('Medium', 'size label for images', 'anno'), 'large' => _x('Large', 'size label for images', 'anno')); // For small images, we won't have any image sizes displayed. $size_displayed = false; foreach ($sizes as $size_key => $size_label) { $downsize = image_downsize($attachment->ID, $size_key); $enabled = $downsize[3]; if ($enabled) { $img_size_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, $size_key); $img_size_url = $img_size_url[0]; $size_displayed = true; } else { $img_size_url = ''; } if (!empty($img_size_url)) { ?> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr('img-size-' . $size_key . '-' . $attachment->ID); ?> "> <input type="radio" name="size" id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-size-' . $size_key . '-' . $attachment->ID); ?> " value="<?php echo esc_attr($size_key); ?> " data-url="<?php echo esc_attr($img_size_url); ?> "<?php checked($size_key, $img_size, true); ?> /> <?php echo esc_html($size_label); ?> </label> <?php } } // No size data displayed because the original image was too small if (!$size_displayed) { $img_size_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, 'full'); $img_size_url = $img_size_url[0]; if ($img_size_url) { ?> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr('img-size-full-' . $attachment->ID); ?> "> <input type="radio" name="size" id="<?php echo esc_attr('img-size-full-' . $attachment->ID); ?> " value="full" data-url="<?php echo esc_attr($img_size_url); ?> "<?php checked(true, true, true); ?> /> <?php _ex('Full', 'size label for images', 'anno'); ?> </label> <?php } } ?> </fieldset> <?php if (anno_current_user_can_edit()) { ?> <div class="anno-mce-popup-footer"> <?php _anno_popup_submit_button('anno-image-save', _x('Save', 'button value', 'anno'), 'submit'); ?> <input type="button" id="<?php echo esc_attr('anno-image-insert-' . $attachment->ID); ?> " class="anno-image-insert button" value="<?php _ex('Insert', 'button value', 'anno'); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="anno-img-save" /> <input type="hidden" name="attachment_id" value="<?php echo esc_attr($attachment->ID); ?> " /> </div> <?php } ?> </form> </td> </tr> <?php }