public function get() { $parameter = NULL; $cr = 0; $display = NULL; $api_prm = NULL; $this->load->helper(array('printerstate', 'zimapi')); $parameter = $this->input->get('p'); //return false if missing if ($parameter) { switch ($parameter) { case PRINTERSTATE_PRM_EXTRUDER: $cr = PrinterState_getExtruder($display); //$abb_extruder break; case PRINTERSTATE_PRM_TEMPER: // check which temperature we want $has_e = $this->input->get('e'); $has_h = $this->input->get('h'); $has_v = $this->input->get('v'); if ($has_e === FALSE && $has_h === FALSE) { $cr = ERROR_MISS_PRM; } else { if (!($has_e === FALSE) && !($has_h === FALSE)) { $cr = ERROR_WRONG_PRM; } else { if (!($has_e === FALSE) && !($has_v === FALSE)) { // refuse getting data not existed for mono extruder if ($has_v == 'l' && $this->config->item('nb_extruder') == 1) { $cr = ERROR_WRONG_PRM; } else { if (in_array($has_v, array('l', 'r'))) { // $tmp_array = PrinterState_getExtruderTemperaturesAsArray(); // $cr = ERROR_OK; // $display = ($has_v == 'l') // ? $tmp_array[PRINTERSTATE_LEFT_EXTRUD] // : $tmp_array[PRINTERSTATE_RIGHT_EXTRUD]; $cr = PrinterState_getTemperature($display, 'e', $has_v); } else { $cr = ERROR_WRONG_PRM; } } } else { $api_prm = $has_e === FALSE ? 'h' : 'e'; $cr = PrinterState_getTemperature($display, $api_prm); } } } break; case PRINTERSTATE_PRM_CARTRIDGE: $api_prm = $this->input->get('v'); // refuse getting data not existed for mono extruder if ($api_prm == 'l' && $this->config->item('nb_extruder') == 1) { $cr = ERROR_WRONG_PRM; } else { $cr = PrinterState_getCartridge($display, $api_prm); } break; case PRINTERSTATE_PRM_INFO: //TODO need add SSO account $cr = ERROR_OK; $display = PrinterState_getInfo(); break; case 'render': $this->_return_under_construction(); return; break; case PRINTERSTATE_PRM_ACCELERATION: $cr = PrinterState_getAcceleration($display); break; case PRINTERSTATE_PRM_SPEED_MOVE: case PRINTERSTATE_PRM_SPEED_EXTRUDE: $cr = PrinterState_getSpeed($display); break; case PRINTERSTATE_PRM_COLDEXTRUSION: $value = NULL; $cr = PrinterState_getColdExtrusion($value); if ($cr == ERROR_OK) { if ($value == TRUE) { $display = 'on'; } else { $display = 'off'; } } break; case PRINTERSTATE_PRM_FILAMENT: $value = NULL; $api_prm = $this->input->get('v'); // refuse getting data not existed for mono extruder if ($api_prm == 'l' && $this->config->item('nb_extruder') == 1) { $cr = ERROR_WRONG_PRM; } else { if ($api_prm) { $cr = ERROR_OK; $value = PrinterState_getFilamentStatus($api_prm); if ($value == TRUE) { $display = 'true'; } else { $display = 'false'; } } else { $cr = ERROR_MISS_PRM; } } break; case PRINTERSTATE_PRM_ENDSTOP: $status = NULL; $abb_endstop = $this->input->get('axis'); $cr = PrinterState_getEndstop($abb_endstop, $status); if ($cr == ERROR_OK) { $display = $status ? 'on' : 'off'; } break; case PRINTERSTATE_PRM_STRIPLED: $value = NULL; $cr = PrinterState_getStripLedStatus($value); if ($cr == ERROR_OK) { if ($value == TRUE) { $display = 'on'; } else { $display = 'off'; } } break; case PRINTERSTATE_PRM_HEADLED: $value = NULL; $cr = PrinterState_getTopLedStatus($value); if ($cr == ERROR_OK) { if ($value == TRUE) { $display = 'on'; } else { $display = 'off'; } } break; case PRINTERSTATE_PRM_OFFSET: $value = NULL; $axis = $this->input->get('axis'); if ($axis) { $cr = PrinterState_getOffset($axis, $value); if ($cr == ERROR_OK) { $display = $value; } } else { $cr = ERROR_MISS_PRM; } break; case PRINTERSTATE_PRM_POSITION: $cr = PrinterState_getPosition($display); break; case ZIMAPI_PRM_CAPTURE: $path_capture = ''; $password = $this->input->get('password'); if (!ZimAPI_checkCameraPassword($password)) { $cr = ERROR_WRONG_PWD; break; } $this->load->helper('file'); if (ZimAPI_cameraCapture($path_capture)) { $this->output->set_content_type(get_mime_by_extension($path_capture))->set_output(@file_get_contents($path_capture)); return; } else { $cr = ERROR_INTERNAL; } break; case ZIMAPI_PRM_VIDEO_MODE: if (ZimAPI_checkCamera($display)) { $cr = ERROR_OK; } else { $cr = ERROR_INTERNAL; } break; case ZIMAPI_PRM_PRESET: if (ZimAPI_getPreset($display)) { $cr = ERROR_OK; } else { $cr = ERROR_INTERNAL; } break; case ZIMAPI_PRM_UPGRADE: if (ZimAPI_getUpgradeMode($display)) { $cr = ERROR_OK; } else { $cr = ERROR_INTERNAL; } if ($display != 'off') { $display = 'on'; } break; case ZIMAPI_PRM_PROXY: if (ZimAPI_getTromboning()) { $display = 'on'; } else { $display = 'off'; } $cr = ERROR_OK; break; case ZIMAPI_PRM_SSH: $status_current = NULL; if (ZimAPI_getSSH($status_current)) { $cr = ERROR_OK; if ($status_current) { $display = 'on'; } else { $display = 'off'; } } else { $cr = ERROR_INTERNAL; } break; case ZIMAPI_PRM_STATS: if (ZimAPI_getStatistic()) { $display = 'on'; } else { $display = 'off'; } $cr = ERROR_OK; break; default: $cr = ERROR_WRONG_PRM; break; } } else { $cr = ERROR_MISS_PRM; } if ($cr != ERROR_OK) { $display = $cr . " " . t(MyERRMSG($cr)); } $this->output->set_status_header($cr, $display); // http_response_code($cr); $this->output->set_content_type(RETURN_CONTENT_TYPE); // echo $display; $this->load->library('parser'); $this->parser->parse('plaintxt', array('display' => $display)); return; }
public function index() { $template_data = array(); $ret_val = 0; $status_upgrade = FALSE; $status_tromboning = FALSE; $status_statistic = FALSE; $status_ssh = FALSE; $option_selected = 'selected="selected"'; // get function status $this->load->helper(array('zimapi', 'printerlog')); $ret_val = ZimAPI_getUpgradeMode($status_upgrade); if ($ret_val != TRUE) { $status_upgrade = 'off'; } $ret_val = ZimAPI_getSSH($status_ssh); if ($ret_val != TRUE) { $status_ssh = FALSE; } $status_tromboning = ZimAPI_getTromboning(); $status_statistic = ZimAPI_getStatistic(); // $this->changecartridge(); $this->load->library('parser'); $this->lang->load('printerstate/index', $this->config->item('language')); // parse the main body $template_data = array('reset_network' => t('reset_network'), 'printer_info' => t('printer_info'), 'back' => t('back'), 'set_hostname' => t('set_hostname'), 'set_preset' => t('set_preset'), 'upgrade_on' => $status_upgrade != 'off' ? $option_selected : NULL, 'tromboning_on' => $status_tromboning == TRUE ? $option_selected : NULL, 'statistic_on' => $status_statistic == TRUE ? $option_selected : NULL, 'remote_control_on' => $status_ssh == TRUE ? $option_selected : NULL, 'upgrade' => t('upgrade'), 'tromboning' => t('tromboning'), 'remote_control' => t('remote_control'), 'function_on' => t('function_on'), 'function_off' => t('function_off'), 'nozzles_adjustments' => t('nozzles_adjustments'), 'support' => t('support'), 'bicolor' => $this->config->item('nb_extruder') >= 2 ? 'true' : 'false'); // parse all page $this->_parseBaseTemplate(t('printerstate_index_pagetitle'), $this->parser->parse('printerstate/index', $template_data, TRUE)); return; }
public function index() { $template_data = array(); $temp_info = array(); $array_info = array(); $sso_name = NULL; $upgrade_mode = NULL; $profile_link = NULL; $this->load->helper(array('printerstate', 'zimapi')); $this->load->library('parser'); $this->lang->load('printerstate/printerinfo', $this->config->item('language')); $this->lang->load('test_version', $this->config->item('language')); ZimAPI_getPrinterSSOName($sso_name); ZimAPI_getUpgradeMode($upgrade_mode, $profile_link); $profile_link = $this->_bindUpgradeURL($profile_link); $temp_info = PrinterState_getInfoAsArray(); $array_info = array(array('title' => t('profile_title'), 'value' => $upgrade_mode . ' [ ' . $profile_link . ' ]'), array('title' => t('version_title'), 'value' => $temp_info[PRINTERSTATE_TITLE_VERSION]), array('title' => t('next_version_title'), 'value' => $temp_info[PRINTERSTATE_TITLE_VERSION_N]), array('title' => t('type_title'), 'value' => $temp_info[PRINTERSTATE_TITLE_TYPE]), array('title' => t('serial_title'), 'value' => $temp_info[PRINTERSTATE_TITLE_SERIAL]), array('title' => t('extruder_title'), 'value' => $temp_info[PRINTERSTATE_TITLE_NB_EXTRUD]), array('title' => t('marlin_title'), 'value' => $temp_info[PRINTERSTATE_TITLE_VER_MARLIN]), array('title' => t('ip_address'), 'value' => $temp_info[ZIMAPI_TITLE_IP])); // parse the main body $template_data = array('array_info' => $array_info, 'port_test_title' => t('port_test_title'), 'port_test_ok' => t('port_test_ok'), 'port_test_ko' => t('port_test_ko'), 'port_test_r80' => t('port_test_printer', array(80)), 'port_test_r443' => t('port_test_printer', array(443)), 'port_test_r4443' => t('port_test_printer', array(4443)), 'port_test_l80' => t('port_test_client', array(80)), 'port_test_l443' => t('port_test_client', array(443))); $this->_parseBaseTemplate(t('printerstate_printerinfo_pagetitle'), $this->parser->parse('test_version', $template_data, TRUE)); return; }