function HandlePostRename($pagename) { global $RedirectToRenameFmt, $GroupPattern, $WikiWordPattern; $newpagename = MakePageName($pagename, stripmagic($_POST['group'] . '.' . $_POST['renametext'])); if (PageExists($newpagename)) { Abort("'{$newpagename}' already exists"); } else { Lock(2); $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, "edit"); if ($page) { $ntext = $page['text']; } else { Abort("cannot get '{$pagename}'"); } $ogroup = FmtPageName('$Group', $pagename); $ngroup = FmtPageName('$Group', $newpagename); # Abort('stop for testing'); if ($_POST['addgroup']) { if ($_POST['addgroup'] == 'new') { $h = $ogroup; $ogroup = $ngroup; $ngroup = $h; } if ($ogroup == $ngroup) { $ngroup = $ngroup . '1'; } $ntext = preg_replace("/(\\[[=@].*?[=@]\\])|(\\[\\[[^#].*?\\]\\])|([`:\\/])?\\b(({$GroupPattern}([\\/.]))?{$WikiWordPattern})/e", 'QualifyUnqualifiedLinks($ngroup,$ogroup,"$0")', $ntext); # Abort(str_replace("\n",'<br/>',str_replace("\n\n",'</p><p>',$ntext))); # $page = RetrieveAuthPage($newpagename,"edit"); } $page['text'] = $ntext; WritePage($newpagename, $page); $page['text'] = str_replace('$RenameText', $newpagename, $RedirectToRenameFmt); WritePage($pagename, $page); } Redirect($pagename); }
function HandlePostAttr($pagename, $auth = 'attr') { global $PageAttributes, $EnablePostAttrClearSession; Lock(2); $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true); if (!$page) { Abort("?unable to read $pagename"); } foreach($PageAttributes as $attr=>$p) { $v = stripmagic(@$_POST[$attr]); if ($v == '') continue; if ($v=='clear') unset($page[$attr]); else if (strncmp($attr, 'passwd', 6) != 0) $page[$attr] = $v; else { $a = array(); preg_match_all('/"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|\\S+/', $v, $match); foreach($match[0] as $pw) $a[] = preg_match('/^(@|\\w+:)/', $pw) ? $pw : crypt(preg_replace('/^([\'"])(.*)\\1$/', '$2', $pw)); if ($a) $page[$attr] = implode(' ',$a); } } WritePage($pagename,$page); Lock(0); if (IsEnabled($EnablePostAttrClearSession, 1)) { @session_start(); unset($_SESSION['authid']); unset($_SESSION['authlist']); $_SESSION['authpw'] = array(); } Redirect($pagename); exit; }
function HandlePostAttr($pagename) { global $PageAttributes; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, 'attr'); if (!$page) { Abort("?unable to read {$pagename}"); } foreach ($PageAttributes as $attr => $p) { $newpw = @$_POST[$attr]; if ($newpw == 'clear') { unset($page[$attr]); } else { if ($newpw > '') { $page[$attr] = crypt($newpw); } } } WritePage($pagename, $page); Redirect($pagename); exit; }
function BlocklistDownload($pagename, $dir = '') { global $BlocklistDownloadFmt, $BlocklistDownload, $FmtV; if ($dir) { flush(); chdir($dir); } SDV($BlocklistDownloadFmt, " [@ ## blocklist-note: NOTE: This page is automatically generated by blocklist.php ## blocklist-note: NOTE: Any edits to this page may be lost! ## blocklist-url: \$BlocklistDownloadUrl ## blocklist-when: \$CurrentTimeISO # blocklist-format: \$BlocklistFormat \$BlocklistData @] "); ## get the existing blocklist page $bd = &$BlocklistDownload[$pagename]; $page = ReadPage($pagename, READPAGE_CURRENT); ## try to retrieve the remote data $blocklistdata = @file($bd['url']); ## if we didn't get it, and we don't already have text, save a ## note in the page so we know what happened if (!$blocklistdata && !@$page['text']) { $auf = ini_get('allow_url_fopen'); $blocklistdata = "#### Unable to download blocklist (allow_url_fopen=$auf)"; } ## if we have some new text to save, let's format it and save it if ($blocklistdata) { $blocklistdata = implode('', (array)$blocklistdata); $blocklistdata = preg_replace('/^##blocklist.*/m', '', $blocklistdata); $FmtV['$BlocklistData'] = $blocklistdata; $FmtV['$BlocklistDownloadUrl'] = $bd['url']; $FmtV['$BlocklistFormat'] = $bd['format']; $page['text'] = FmtPageName($BlocklistDownloadFmt, $pagename); SDV($page['passwdread'], '@lock'); } ## save our updated(?) blocklist page WritePage($pagename, $page); }
function HandleUpgrade($pagename, $auth = 'ALWAYS') { global $SiteGroup, $SiteAdminGroup, $StatusPageName, $ScriptUrl, $AuthUserPageFmt, $VersionNum, $Version; StopWatch('HandleUpgrade: begin'); $message = ''; $done = ''; ## check for Site.* --> SiteAdmin.* foreach(array('AuthUser', 'NotifyList', 'Blocklist', 'ApprovedUrls') as $n) { $n0 = "$SiteGroup.$n"; $n1 = "$SiteAdminGroup.$n"; StopWatch("HandleUpgrade: checking $n0 -> $n1"); ## checking AuthUser is special, because Site.AuthUser comes with the ## distribution. if ($n == 'AuthUser') { ## if we already have a user-modified SiteAdmin.AuthUser, we can skip SDV($AuthUserPageFmt, '$SiteAdminGroup.AuthUser'); $n1 = FmtPageName($AuthUserPageFmt, $pagename); $page = ReadPage($n1, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (@$page['time'] > 1000000000) continue; ## if there's not a user-modified Site.AuthUser, we can skip $page = ReadPage($n0, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (@$page['time'] == 1000000000) continue; } else if (!PageExists($n0) || PageExists($n1)) continue; if (@$_REQUEST['migrate'] == 'yes') { ## if the admin wants PmWiki to migrate, do it. $page = RetrieveAuthPage($n0, 'admin', true); StopWatch("HandleUpgrade: copying $n0 -> $n1"); if ($page) { WritePage($n1, $page); $done .= "<li>Copied $n0 to $n1</li>"; continue; } } $message .= "<li>$n0 -> $n1</li>"; } if ($message) { $migrateurl = "$ScriptUrl?action=upgrade&migrate=yes"; $infourl = ''; $message = "<h2>Upgrade notice -- SiteAdmin group</h2> <p>This version of PmWiki expects several administrative pages from the <em>Site</em> group to be found in a new <em>SiteAdmin</em> group. On this site, the following pages appear to need to be relocated:</p> <ul>$message</ul> <p>For more information about this change, including the various options for proceeding, see</p> <blockquote><a target='_blank' href='$infourl'>$infourl</a></blockquote> <form action='$ScriptUrl' method='post'> <p>If you would like PmWiki to attempt to automatically copy these pages into their new <br /> locations for you, try <input type='hidden' name='action' value='upgrade' /> <input type='hidden' name='migrate' value='yes' /> <input type='submit' value='Relocate pages listed above' /> (admin password required) </p> </form> <p>If you want to configure PmWiki so that it continues to look for the above pages in <em>$SiteGroup</em>, add the following line near the top of <em>local/config.php</em>:</p> <blockquote><pre>\$SiteAdminGroup = \$SiteGroup;</pre></blockquote> $Version "; print $message; exit; } StopWatch("UpgradeCheck: writing $StatusPageName"); Lock(2); SDV($StatusPageName, "$SiteAdminGroup.Status"); $page = ReadPage($StatusPageName); $page['updatedto'] = $VersionNum; WritePage($StatusPageName, $page); if ($done) { $done .= "<li>Updated $StatusPageName</li>"; echo "<h2>Upgrade to $Version ... ok</h2><ul>$done</ul>"; $GLOBALS['EnableRedirect'] = 0; } Redirect($pagename); }
function HandlePostAttr($pagename) { global $PageAttributes, $EnablePostAttrClearSession; Lock(2); $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, 'attr', true, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$page) { Abort("?unable to read {$pagename}"); } foreach ($PageAttributes as $attr => $p) { $v = @$_POST[$attr]; if ($v == '') { continue; } if ($v == 'clear') { unset($page[$attr]); } else { if (strncmp($attr, 'passwd', 6) != 0) { $page[$attr] = $v; } else { $a = array(); foreach (preg_split('/\\s+/', $v, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $pw) { $a[] = preg_match('/^\\w+:/', $pw) ? $pw : crypt($pw); } if ($a) { $page[$attr] = implode(' ', $a); } } } } WritePage($pagename, $page); Lock(0); if (IsEnabled($EnablePostAttrClearSession, 1)) { @session_start(); unset($_SESSION['authid']); $_SESSION['authpw'] = array(); } Redirect($pagename); exit; }
function HandlePostAttr($pagename) { global $PageAttributes, $EnablePostAttrClearSession; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, 'attr'); if (!$page) { Abort("?unable to read {$pagename}"); } foreach ($PageAttributes as $attr => $p) { $newpw = @$_POST[$attr]; if ($newpw == 'clear') { unset($page[$attr]); } else { if ($newpw > '') { $page[$attr] = crypt($newpw); } } } WritePage($pagename, $page); if (IsEnabled($EnablePostAttrClearSession, 1)) { $_SESSION['authpw'] = array(); } Redirect($pagename); exit; }
if ($autogroup || in_array($pmGroup, $pmGallery['virtualgroups'])) { // prevent "Page not found..." error message showing up in pmGallery groups //PageNotFound file doesn't need to exist! SDV($GLOBALS['DefaultPageTextFmt'], '(:include {$Group}.pmPageNotFound:)'); if ($autogroup) { $n = $pmGroup . '.GroupFooter'; if (!PageExists($n) && $n != $GLOBALS['pagename']) { ## Add a custom page storage location $GLOBALS['PageStorePath'] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/wikilib.d/{\$FullName}"; $where = count($GLOBALS['WikiLibDirs']); if ($where > 1) { $where--; } array_splice($GLOBALS['WikiLibDirs'], $where, 0, array(new PageStore($GLOBALS['PageStorePath']))); // if there is no footer for this group then copy the default over. WritePage($n, ReadPage('PmGallery.GroupFooter')); } } } $pmGallery['virtualgroups'][0] = trim($pmGallery['virtualgroups'][0], '+'); } /** * Main routine called from markup within wiki pages */ function pmGallery($args) { $o = array('album' => '', 'wikitarget' => '', 'startimg' => '', 'tag' => '', 'random' => '', 'width' => '', 'height' => '', 'imageurl' => '', 'query' => '', 'user' => '', 'thumbsize' => '', 'imagesize' => '', 'maxresults' => '', 'wrapper' => 'ul > li', 'mode' => '', 'provider' => 'picasa', 'exif' => false, 'urlbase' => 'com', 'proxy' => '', 'authkey' => '', 'debug' => false, 'cachedir' => '', 'cachelife' => '7200'); $o = array_merge($o, $GLOBALS['pmGallery']); // Allows the markup to be used in an (:include user="******":) where {$$user} might be blank, and thus passed to this routine as {$$user}. $o = array_merge($o, preg_grep('/(\\{\\$\\$.*\\}|^$)/', ParseArgs($args), PREG_GREP_INVERT)); #find all elements NOT like {$$user} or empty
function ConvertV1WikiD($path) { global $WikiDir; Lock(2); if (!is_dir($path)) { Abort("?$path is not an accessible directory"); exit(); } $WikiV1Dir = new PageStore1x("$path/\$FullName"); $oldlist = $WikiV1Dir->ls(); $newlist = ListPages(); $bothlist = array_intersect($oldlist,$newlist); sort($bothlist); $difflist = array_diff($oldlist,$newlist); sort($difflist); $bcount = count($bothlist); $dcount = count($difflist); echo " <html> <head> <title>Convert v1 pages to v2</title> </head> <body> <h2>Convert and Copy PmWiki v1.x pages into v2.x</h2> "; $copy = array(); if (@$_POST['copydiff']) $copy = $difflist; if (@$_POST['copyboth']) $copy = array_merge($copy,$bothlist); if (@$_POST['copy']) $copy = array_merge($copy,$_POST['copy']); if (@$copy) { echo "<p>Okay, I'm now converting the pages you've requested. When this is finished, you can see if anything else needs to be converted, otherwise you can get rid of the <tt>include_once('scripts/compat1x.php');</tt> and <tt>ConvertV1WikiD()</tt> lines that are in your local/config.php file.</p>"; $copy = array_unique($copy); foreach($copy as $p) { echo "<li>Converting $p</li>\n"; $page = $WikiV1Dir->read($p); WritePage($p,$page); } echo "<p>Converted ", count($copy), " pages.</p>\n"; } else { echo " <p>This function will migrate pages from a 1.x wiki.d/ directory ($path) into your 2.x wiki.d/ directory, converting markups as it proceeds. Note that the files in your 1.x wiki.d/ directory are not affected by this script, so if the conversion doesn't work out for any reason you still have your original pages lying around.</p> "; } /* now rebuild the lists */ $oldlist = $WikiV1Dir->ls(); $newlist = ListPages(); $bothlist = array_intersect($oldlist,$newlist); sort($bothlist); $difflist = array_diff($oldlist,$newlist); sort($difflist); $bcount = count($bothlist); $dcount = count($difflist); echo " <form method='post'> "; echo "<h3>Migrate pages from v1 to v2 (don't overwrite existing v2 pages)</h3>"; if ($difflist) { echo " <p>The following $dcount pages exist only in the version 1 wiki.d/ directory. </p> <dd><input type='submit' name='copydiff' value='Copy and convert all pages that do not already exist' /></dd> <p>or</p><dd><input type='submit' name='copyindv' value='Copy and convert pages checked in the list below' /><p></p></dd> "; foreach($difflist as $p) echo "<dd><input type='checkbox' name='copy[]' value='$p' /> $p</dd>\n"; } else { echo "<p>There aren't any pages in your version 1 wiki.d/ directory that are not already in your version 2 directory.</p>"; } echo "<h3>Migrate pages from v1 to v2 (overwrite existing v2 pages)</h3> <p>The following $bcount pages exist in <em>both</em> the version 1 and version 2 wiki.d/ directories. If you use one of the buttons below, then your converted version 1 pages will <em>overwrite</em> the existing version 2 pages, and you will lose any edits that you might have made in the version 2 installation (it's possible that this is what you want).</p> <dd><input type='submit' name='copyboth' value='Convert and overwrite pages that do already exist' /></dd> <p>or</p><dd><input type='submit' name='copyindv' value='Convert and overwrite pages checked in the list below' /><p></p></dd> "; foreach($bothlist as $p) echo "<dd><input type='checkbox' name='copy[]' value='$p' /> $p</dd>\n"; echo "</form></body></html>\n"; exit(); }
function ConvertXML() { global $WikiDir; global $EnablePageStoreXML; $pagelist = $WikiDir->ls(); $pagelist = array_unique($pagelist); sort($pagelist); $pagecount = count($pagelist); echo "\n <html>\n <head>\n <title>Convert pages from/to XML</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n <h2>Convert existing pages</h2>\n <p>I'm now converting "; echo $EnablePageStoreXML ? "<b>to</b> " : "<b>from</b> "; echo "XML the files (pages) you have stored in your wiki. When this is finished\n you can get rid of the <tt>ConvertXML();</tt> line in your\n local/config.php</p>"; if ($pagelist) { foreach ($pagelist as $p) { echo $EnablePageStoreXML ? "<li>Converting to XML: {$p}</li>\n" : "<li>Converting from XML: {$p}</li>\n"; $page = ReadPage($p); WritePage($p, $page); } } echo "<p>Converted {$pagecount} pages.</p>\n"; echo "<p>Now you can get rid of the <tt>ConvertXML();</tt> line in your local/config.php</p>\n </body></html>\n"; exit(0); }
<?php /* $GLOBALS in php is an associative array that contains references to all variables which are currently defined in the global scope of the script */ function WritePage($pagetitle, $description, $pageheading, $forwardlink = "", $backlink = "") { /*not all pages need forward and back links, therefore a default value of blank is assigned so the function can be called without these two arguements */ $GLOBALS["forwardlink"] = "{$forwardlink}"; /* assigns the global variable forwardlink to the arguement passed into $forwardlink in the function WritePage */ $GLOBALS["backlink"] = "{$backlink}"; echo "<br>" . "<br>" . $pagetitle . "<br>" . $description . "<br>" . $pageheading . "<br>" . $GLOBALS["forwardlink"] . "<br>" . $GLOBALS["backlink"]; } WritePage("Page Title - PHP Globals", "A page description for PHP Globals goes here.", "PHP Globals - Example", "/link/somplace/forward/", "/link/someplace/back/"); function PrevNext($back, $forward) { echo "<a href=" . $back . ">Back</a>"; echo "<a href=" . $forward . ">Forward</a>"; } ?> <div id="center"> <?php PrevNext($GLOBALS["backlink"], $GLOBALS["forwardlink"]); ?> </div>
function HandleAnalyze($pagename, $auth = 'read') { global $AnalyzeKey, $AnalyzeSkip, $EnableAnalyzeSave, $RecipeInfo; header('Content-type: text/plain'); if (!$AnalyzeKey) { print "NoKey=1\n"; exit(0); } if ($_REQUEST['key'] != $AnalyzeKey) { print "InvalidKey=1\n"; exit(0); } WritePage('Site.Analyze', array('text' => 'Test Analysis page', 'passwdread' => '@lock')); echo 'AnalyzeVersion=', $RecipeInfo['PmWiki:SiteAnalyzer']['Version'], "\n"; SDV($EnableAnalyzeSave, 0); $vars = array('EnableAnalyzeSave', 'VersionNum', 'Version', 'ScriptUrl', 'PubDirUrl', 'FarmD', 'WorkDir', 'EnableDiag'); foreach ($vars as $k) { $v = @$GLOBALS[$k]; echo "{$k}={$v}\n"; } echo 'AnalyzeSkip=', join(',', (array) $AnalyzeSkip), "\n"; $conf = array('register_globals', 'post_max_size', 'safe_mode', 'safe_mode_gid', 'upload_max_filesize'); foreach ($conf as $v) { echo "{$v}=", ini_get($v), "\n"; } $fn = array('phpversion', 'session_save_path', 'get_magic_quotes_gpc', 'get_magic_quotes_runtime'); foreach ($fn as $f) { echo "{$f}=" . $f() . "\n"; } $session = array('SERVER_SOFTWARE', 'PHP_SELF', 'REQUEST_URI', 'SCRIPT_NAME'); foreach ($session as $s) { echo "{$s}={$_SERVER[$s]}\n"; } global $FarmD, $LocalDir, $WorkDir, $UploadDir; $files = array('farmd' => $FarmD, 'cwd' => getcwd(), 'local' => $LocalDir, 'workdir' => $WorkDir, 'uploads' => $UploadDir, 'cookbook' => 'cookbook', 'scripts' => "{$FarmD}/scripts", 'cookbook_farm' => "{$FarmD}/cookbook"); foreach ($files as $f => $v) { if (!file_exists($v)) { continue; } $owner = @fileowner($v); $group = @filegroup($v); $perms = sprintf("%o", @fileperms($v)); echo "{$f}={$owner}:{$group}:{$perms}:{$v}\n"; } $dir = 'cookbook'; $dfp = @opendir($dir); if ($dfp) { $cookbookfiles = array(); while (($name = readdir($dfp)) !== false) { if ($name[0] == '.') { continue; } $cookbookfiles[] = $name; $text = implode('', @file("{$dir}/{$name}")); if (preg_match("/^\\s*\\\$RecipeInfo\\['(.*?)'\\]\\['Version'\\]\\s*=\\s*'(.*?)'\\s*;/m", $text, $match)) { SDV($RecipeInfo[$match[1]]['Version'], $match[2]); } if (preg_match("/^\\s*SDV\\(\\s*\\\$RecipeInfo\\['(.*?)'\\]\\['Version'\\]\\s*,\\s*'(.*?)'\\s*\\)\\s*\\;/m", $text, $match)) { SDV($RecipeInfo[$match[1]]['Version'], $match[2]); } } closedir($dfp); echo "CookbookFiles=", implode(' ', $cookbookfiles), "\n"; } if (@$RecipeInfo) { echo "RecipeInfo=" . count($RecipeInfo) . "\n"; } foreach ((array) $RecipeInfo as $r => $v) { if ($v['Version']) { echo "RecipeInfo[{$r}]={$v['Version']}\n"; } } exit(0); }