コード例 #1
        $output = '<div id="' . $el_id . '" class="' . $css_class . '"' . $anim_data . '>';
        $output .= "\n\t" . '<div class="wt_view">';
        $output .= "\n\t\t" . $image_string;
        $output .= "\n\t\t" . '<div class="wt_team_content">';
        $output .= "\n\t\t" . '<div class="wt_team_description">';
        $output .= "\n\t\t\t" . $content;
        $output .= $team_soc_output;
        $output .= "\n\t\t" . '</div>';
        $output .= "\n\t\t" . '</div>';
        $output .= "\n\t" . '</div>';
        $output .= "\n\t" . '<div class="wt_team_info">';
        $output .= "\n\t\t" . '<h5 class="wt_team_title">' . $team_name . '</h5>';
        $output .= "\n\t\t" . '<span class="wt_team_job">' . $team_job . '</span>';
        $output .= "\n\t" . '</div>';
        $output .= '</div>';
        return $output;
Register WhoaThemes shortcode within Visual Composer interface.
if (function_exists('wpb_map')) {
    $add_wt_sc_func = new WT_VCSC_SHORTCODE();
    $add_wt_extra_id = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTExtraId();
    $add_wt_extra_class = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTExtraClass();
    $add_wt_css_animation = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTAnimations();
    $add_wt_css_animation_type = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTAnimationsType();
    $add_wt_css_animation_delay = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTAnimationsDelay();
    wpb_map(array('name' => __('WT Team', 'wt_vcsc'), 'base' => 'wt_team', 'icon' => 'wt_vc_ico_team', 'class' => 'wt_vc_sc_team', 'category' => __('by WhoaThemes', 'wt_vcsc'), 'description' => __('Team members', 'wt_vcsc'), 'params' => array(array('type' => 'attach_image', 'heading' => __('Image', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'image', 'value' => '', 'description' => __('Select image from media library.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Image size', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'img_size', 'description' => __('Enter image size. Example: "thumbnail", "medium", "large", "full" or other sizes defined by current theme. Alternatively enter image size in pixels: 200x100 (Width x Height). Leave empty to use "thumbnail" size.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Image alignment', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'alignment', 'value' => array(__('Align left', 'wt_vcsc') => '', __('Align right', 'wt_vcsc') => 'right', __('Align center', 'wt_vcsc') => 'center'), 'std' => 'center', 'description' => __('Select image alignment.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Image style', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'style', 'value' => WT_VCSC_getShared('single image styles')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Border color', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'border_color', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'style', 'value' => array('vc_box_border', 'vc_box_border_circle', 'vc_box_outline', 'vc_box_outline_circle')), 'description' => __('Select border color for your element.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'heading' => __('Link to large image?', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'img_link_large', 'description' => __('If selected, image will be linked to the larger image.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'value' => array(__('Yes, please', 'wt_vcsc') => 'yes')), array('type' => 'vc_link', 'heading' => __('URL (Link)', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'link', 'description' => __('Select URL if you want this image to have a link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'img_link_large', 'is_empty' => true, 'callback' => 'wpb_single_image_img_link_dependency_callback')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Team member name', 'wt_vcsc'), 'holder' => 'div', 'param_name' => 'team_name', 'description' => __('Set team member name.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Team member job title', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'team_job', 'description' => __('Set team member job title.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'textarea_html', 'holder' => 'div', 'class' => 'hidden_el', 'heading' => __('Team member description', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'content', 'value' => __('<p>Here you can set a small description for this team member.</p>', 'wt_vcsc'), 'description' => __('Enter team member description.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'wt_multidropdown', 'heading' => __('Team member socials', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array(__("No", "wt_vcsc") => '', __('Website', 'wt_vcsc') => 'website', __('Email', 'wt_vcsc') => 'email', __('Facebook', 'wt_vcsc') => 'facebook', __('Twitter', 'wt_vcsc') => 'twitter', __('Pinterest', 'wt_vcsc') => 'pinterest', __('LinkedIn', 'wt_vcsc') => 'linkedin', __('Google +', 'wt_vcsc') => 'google', __('Dribbble', 'wt_vcsc') => 'dribbble', __('YouTube', 'wt_vcsc') => 'youtube', __('Vimeo', 'wt_vcsc') => 'vimeo', __('Rss', 'wt_vcsc') => 'rss', __('Github', 'wt_vcsc') => 'github', __('Delicious', 'wt_vcsc') => 'delicious', __('Flickr', 'wt_vcsc') => 'flickr', __('Lastfm', 'wt_vcsc') => 'lastfm', __('Tumblr', 'wt_vcsc') => 'tumblr', __('Deviantart', 'wt_vcsc') => 'deviantart', __('Skype', 'wt_vcsc') => 'skype', __('Instagram', 'wt_vcsc') => 'instagram', __('StumbleUpon', 'wt_vcsc') => 'stumbleupon', __('Behance', 'wt_vcsc') => 'behance', __('SoundCloud', 'wt_vcsc') => 'soundcloud'), 'description' => __('Select custom social media links. <b>Hold the \'Ctrl\' or \'Shift\' keys while clicking to select multiple items</b>. <br>Don\'t include \'No\' option in your selection.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Website Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'website_link', 'description' => __('Set website link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('website'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Email Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'email_link', 'description' => __('Set email link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => 'email')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Facebook Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'facebook_link', 'description' => __('Set facebook link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('facebook'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Twitter Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'twitter_link', 'description' => __('Set twitter link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('twitter'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Pinterest Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'pinterest_link', 'description' => __('Set pinterest link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('pinterest'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('LinkedIn Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'linkedin_link', 'description' => __('Set linkedin link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('linkedin'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Google + Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'google_link', 'description' => __('Set google + link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('google'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Dribbble Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'dribbble_link', 'description' => __('Set dribbble link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => ' border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('dribbble'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('YouTube Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'youtube_link', 'description' => __('Set youtube link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('youtube'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Vimeo Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'vimeo_link', 'description' => __('Set vimeo link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => ' border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('vimeo'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Rss Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'rss_link', 'description' => __('Set rss link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'hidden_el border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('rss'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Github Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'github_link', 'description' => __('Set github link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('github'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Delicious Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'delicious_link', 'description' => __('Set delicious link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'hidden_el border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('delicious'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Flickr Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'flickr_link', 'description' => __('Set flickr link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('flickr'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Lastfm Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'lastfm_link', 'description' => __('Set lastfm link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('lastfm'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Tumblr Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'tumblr_link', 'description' => __('Set tumblr link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('tumblr'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Deviantart Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'deviantart_link', 'description' => __('Set deviantart link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('deviantart'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Skype Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'skype_link', 'description' => __('Set skype link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('skype'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Instagram Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'instagram_link', 'description' => __('Set instagram link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('instagram'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('StumbleUpon Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'stumbleupon_link', 'description' => __('Set stumbleupon link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('stumbleupon'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Behance Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'behance_link', 'description' => __('Set behance link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('behance'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('SoundCloud Link', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'soundcloud_link', 'description' => __('Set soundcloud link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_holder_class' => 'border_box wt_dependency', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'team_socials', 'value' => array('soundcloud'))), $add_wt_extra_id, $add_wt_extra_class, $add_wt_css_animation, $add_wt_css_animation_type, $add_wt_css_animation_delay, array('type' => 'css_editor', 'heading' => __('Css', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'css', 'group' => __('Design options', 'wt_vcsc')))));
コード例 #2
        $name_string = !empty($name_link_to) ? '<a href="' . $name_link_to . '"' . $a_name_title_output . $a_name_target_output . '>' . $name . '</a>' : $name;
        $content = wpb_js_remove_wpautop($content, true);
        // fix unclosed/unwanted paragraph tags in $content
        $output = '<div id="' . $el_id . '" class="' . $css_class . '"' . $anim_data . '>';
        $output .= "\n\t" . '<div class="wt_testimonial_content">';
        $output .= "\n\t\t" . $content;
        $output .= "\n\t" . '</div>';
        $output .= "\n\t" . '<div class="wt_testimonial_bottom clearfix">';
        $output .= "\n\t\t" . '<div class="wt_testimonial_avatar">';
        $output .= "\n\t\t\t" . $image_string;
        $output .= "\n\t\t" . '</div>';
        $output .= "\n\t\t" . '<div class="wt_testimonial_meta">';
        $output .= "\n\t\t\t" . '<p class="wt_testimonial_author">' . $name_string . '</p>';
        $output .= "\n\t\t" . '</div>';
        $output .= "\n\t" . '</div>';
        $output .= '</div>';
        return $output;
Register WhoaThemes shortcode within Visual Composer interface.
if (function_exists('wpb_map')) {
    $add_wt_sc_func = new WT_VCSC_SHORTCODE();
    $add_wt_extra_id = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTExtraId();
    $add_wt_extra_class = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTExtraClass();
    $add_wt_css_animation = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTAnimations();
    $add_wt_css_animation_type = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTAnimationsType();
    $add_wt_css_animation_delay = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTAnimationsDelay();
    wpb_map(array('name' => __('WT Testimonial', 'wt_vcsc'), 'base' => 'wt_testimonial', 'icon' => 'wt_vc_ico_testimonial', 'class' => 'wt_vc_sc_testimonial', 'category' => __('by WhoaThemes', 'wt_vcsc'), 'description' => __('Static testimonial', 'wt_vcsc'), 'params' => array(array('type' => 'attach_image', 'heading' => __('Image', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'image', 'value' => '', 'description' => __('Select image from media library.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Image size', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'img_size', 'description' => __('Enter image size. Example: "thumbnail", "medium", "large", "full" or other sizes defined by current theme. Alternatively enter image size in pixels: 200x100 (Width x Height). Leave empty to use "thumbnail" size.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Image style', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'style', 'value' => WT_VCSC_getShared('single image styles')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Border color', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'border_color', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'style', 'value' => array('vc_box_border', 'vc_box_border_circle', 'vc_box_outline', 'vc_box_outline_circle')), 'description' => __('Select border color for your element.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'heading' => __('Link to large image?', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'img_link_large', 'description' => __('If selected, image will be linked to the larger image.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'value' => array(__('Yes, please', 'wt_vcsc') => 'yes')), array('type' => 'vc_link', 'heading' => __('URL (Link)', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'link', 'description' => __('Select URL if you want this image to have a link.', 'wt_vcsc'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'img_link_large', 'is_empty' => true, 'callback' => 'wpb_single_image_img_link_dependency_callback')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Name', 'wt_vcsc'), 'holder' => 'div', 'param_name' => 'name', 'description' => __('Set testimonial author name.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'vc_link', 'heading' => __('URL (Link)', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'name_link', 'description' => __('Select URL if you want the author name to have a link.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'textarea_html', 'holder' => 'div', 'heading' => __('Testimonial content', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'content', 'value' => __('<blockquote>Here you can enter a small text for this testimonial.</blockquote>', 'wt_vcsc'), 'description' => __('Enter testimonial description.', 'wt_vcsc')), $add_wt_extra_id, $add_wt_extra_class, $add_wt_css_animation, $add_wt_css_animation_type, $add_wt_css_animation_delay, array('type' => 'css_editor', 'heading' => __('Css', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'css', 'group' => __('Design options', 'wt_vcsc')))));
コード例 #3
        $output = '<div id="' . $el_id . '" class="' . $css_class . '"' . $anim_data . '>';
        if ($icon_out != '') {
            $output .= "\n\t" . '<div class="wt_icon' . $icon_type . $icon_style . $border_style . $icon_size . $icon_default . '"' . $inline_style . '>';
            $output .= $icon_out;
            $output .= "\n\t" . '</div>';
        if ($img_output != '') {
            $output .= "\n\t" . '<div class="wt_service_img">';
            $output .= $img_output;
            $output .= "\n\t" . '</div>';
        $output .= '<div class="wt_service_details' . $empty_space . '">';
        $output .= "\n\t" . $title_out;
        $output .= "\n\t" . $content;
        $output .= '</div>';
        $output .= '</div>';
        return $output;
Register WhoaThemes shortcode within Visual Composer interface.
if (function_exists('wpb_map')) {
    $add_wt_sc_func = new WT_VCSC_SHORTCODE();
    $add_wt_extra_id = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTExtraId();
    $add_wt_extra_class = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTExtraClass();
    $add_wt_css_animation = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTAnimations();
    $add_wt_css_animation_type = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTAnimationsType();
    $add_wt_css_animation_delay = $add_wt_sc_func->getWTAnimationsDelay();
    wpb_map(array('name' => __('WT Service Box', 'wt_vcsc'), 'base' => 'wt_service_box', 'icon' => 'wt_vc_ico_service_box', 'class' => 'wt_vc_sc_service_box', 'category' => __('by WhoaThemes', 'wt_vcsc'), 'description' => __('Build a service box', 'wt_vcsc'), 'params' => array(array('type' => 'wt_separator', 'heading' => __('', 'wt_vcsc'), "param_name" => 'separator', 'value' => 'Service Image & Styles'), array('type' => 'attach_image', 'heading' => __('Image', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'image', 'value' => '', 'description' => __('Select image from media library.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Image size', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'img_size', 'description' => __('Enter image size. Example: "thumbnail", "medium", "large", "full" or other sizes defined by current theme. Alternatively enter image size in pixels: 200x100 (Width x Height). Leave empty to use "thumbnail" size.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Image style', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'style', 'value' => WT_VCSC_getShared('single image styles')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Border color', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'border_color', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'style', 'value' => array('vc_box_border', 'vc_box_border_circle', 'vc_box_outline', 'vc_box_outline_circle')), 'description' => __('Select border color for your image.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'wt_separator', 'heading' => __('', 'wt_vcsc'), "param_name" => 'separator_2', 'value' => 'Service Icon & Styles'), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'icon', 'description' => __('<a href="http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/" target="_blank">Font Awesome</a>, <a href="http://entypo.com/" target="_blank">Entypo</a> or <a href="http://glyphicons.com/" target="_blank">Glyphicons</a> accepted. (use "fa-", "entypo-" or "glyphicon-" prefix - for example "<strong>fa-adjust, entypo-flag or glyphicon-leaf</strong>"', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Icon type', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'icon_type', 'value' => array(__('Simple', 'wt_vcsc') => 'wt_icon_type_1', __('Background', 'wt_vcsc') => 'wt_icon_type_2', __('Background hover & border', 'wt_vcsc') => 'wt_icon_type_3'), 'description' => __('Select service icon type.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Icon style', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'icon_style', 'value' => array(__('Square', 'wt_vcsc') => 'wt_icon_square', __('Rounded', 'wt_vcsc') => 'wt_icon_rounded', __('Circle', 'wt_vcsc') => 'wt_icon_circle', __('Diamond', 'wt_vcsc') => 'wt_icon_diamond', __('Diamond Rounded', 'wt_vcsc') => 'wt_icon_diamond wt_icon_rounded'), 'std' => 'wt_icon_circle', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => array('wt_icon_type_2', 'wt_icon_type_3')), 'description' => __('Select service icon style.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'heading' => __('Default Icon?', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'default_icon', 'value' => array(__('Yes please.', 'wt_vcsc') => 'yes'), 'description' => __('Check this option to add a default background / border color.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'class' => '', 'heading' => __('Border Style', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'border_style', 'value' => array(__('Solid', 'wt_vcsc') => 'solid', __('Dotted', 'wt_vcsc') => 'dotted', __('Dashed', 'wt_vcsc') => 'dashed'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => array('wt_icon_type_3')), 'description' => __('Select border style.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon background', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'icon_background', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => array('wt_icon_type_2', 'wt_icon_type_3')), 'description' => __('Select icon background.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon color', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'icon_color', 'description' => __('Select icon color.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Icon size', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'icon_size', 'value' => array('26' => '26', '30' => '30', '32' => '32', '38' => '38', '40' => '40', '42' => '42', '44' => '44', '50' => '50'), 'std' => '30', 'description' => __('Select icon size.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'wt_separator', 'heading' => __('', 'wt_vcsc'), "param_name" => 'separator_3', 'value' => 'Service Title & Content'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Alignment', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'alignment', 'value' => array(__('Align left', 'wt_vcsc') => 'left', __('Align right', 'wt_vcsc') => 'right', __('Align center', 'wt_vcsc') => 'center'), 'std' => 'left', 'description' => __('Select service box alignment.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'heading' => __('Empty space below icon?', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'empty_space', 'value' => array(__('Yes please.', 'wt_vcsc') => 'yes'), 'description' => __('Check this option if you don\'t want to fill the space below icon with text.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Service title', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'title', "admin_label" => true, 'description' => __('Add title for your service box.', 'wt_vcsc')), array('type' => 'textarea_html', 'heading' => __('Service text', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'content', 'value' => __('<p>I am text block. Click edit button to change this text.</p>', 'wt_vcsc'), 'description' => __('Add text for your service box.', 'wt_vcsc')), $add_wt_extra_id, $add_wt_extra_class, $add_wt_css_animation, $add_wt_css_animation_type, $add_wt_css_animation_delay, array('type' => 'css_editor', 'heading' => __('Css', 'wt_vcsc'), 'param_name' => 'css', 'group' => __('Design options', 'wt_vcsc')))));