コード例 #1
 * Show the forms where the quiz answers can be edited.
 * @param Integer $quizID the ID of the quiz to be edited.
 * @param Object $page The associated page object for showing messages.
function WPCW_showPage_ModifyQuiz_showQuestionEntryForms($quizID, $page)
    global $wpdb, $wpcwdb;
    // Work out if we need correct answers or not. And what the pass mark is.
    $quizDetails = WPCW_quizzes_getQuizDetails($quizID, true, false, false);
    $needCorrectAnswers = 'survey' != $quizDetails->quiz_type;
    // Show the existing quiz questions as a series of forms.
    $quizItems = WPCW_quizzes_getListOfQuestions($quizID);
    // Show the number of correct answers the user must get in order to pass.
    if ('quiz_block' == $quizDetails->quiz_type) {
        $totalQs = WPCW_quizzes_calculateActualQuestionCount($quizID);
        $passQs = ceil($quizDetails->quiz_pass_mark / 100 * $totalQs);
        printf('<div class="wpcw_msg wpcw_msg_info">');
        printf(__('The trainee will be required to correctly answer at least <b>%d of the %d</b> following questions (<b>at least %d%%</b>) to progress.', 'wp_courseware'), $passQs, $totalQs, $quizDetails->quiz_pass_mark);
    // Got a  quiz, and trainer is requiring to show answers. Tell them we can't show answers
    // as this quiz contains open-ended questions that need grading.
    if ($needCorrectAnswers && 'show_answers' == $quizDetails->quiz_show_answers && WPCW_quizzes_containsQuestionsNeedingManualGrading($quizItems)) {
        printf('<div class="wpcw_msg wpcw_msg_error">');
        printf(__('This quiz contains questions that need <b>manual grading</b>, and you\'ve selected \'<b>Show Answers</b>\' when the user completes this quiz. ', 'wp_courseware') . '<br/><br/>' . __('Since answers cannot be shown to the user because they are not known at that stage, <b>answers cannot be shown</b>. To hide this message, select \'<b>No Answers</b>\' above.', 'wp_courseware'));
    $errorCount = 0;
    global $errorCount;
    // Wrapper for questions
    printf('<ol class="wpcw_dragable_question_holder">');
    if ($quizItems) {
        // Render edit form for each of the quizzes that already exist
        foreach ($quizItems as $quizItem) {
            switch ($quizItem->question_type) {
                case 'multi':
                    $quizObj = new WPCW_quiz_MultipleChoice($quizItem);
                case 'truefalse':
                    $quizObj = new WPCW_quiz_TrueFalse($quizItem);
                case 'open':
                    $quizObj = new WPCW_quiz_OpenEntry($quizItem);
                case 'upload':
                    $quizObj = new WPCW_quiz_FileUpload($quizItem);
                case 'random_selection':
                    $quizObj = new WPCW_quiz_RandomSelection($quizItem);
                    die(__('Unknown quiz type: ', 'wp_courseware') . $quizItem->question_type);
            $quizObj->showErrors = true;
            $quizObj->needCorrectAnswers = $needCorrectAnswers;
            // Keep track of errors
            if ($quizObj && $quizObj->gotError) {
            echo $quizObj->editForm_toString();
    // Do any of the questions have residual errors? Tell the user.
    if ($errorCount > 0) {
        $page->showMessage(sprintf(__('%d of the questions below have errors. Please make corrections and then save the changes.', 'wp_courseware'), $errorCount), true);
    // Show the menu for saving and adding new items.
    // Flag to indicate that questions have been updated.
    printf('<input type="hidden" name="survey_updated" value="survey_updated" />');
    printf('<a name="new_question"></a>');
    // The empty forms for adding a new question
    $quizItemDummy = new stdClass();
    $quizItemDummy->question_question = '';
    $quizItemDummy->question_correct_answer = false;
    $quizItemDummy->question_order = 0;
    $quizItemDummy->question_answer_type = false;
    $quizItemDummy->question_answer_hint = false;
    $quizItemDummy->question_answer_explanation = false;
    $quizItemDummy->question_answer_file_types = 'doc, pdf, jpg, png, jpeg, gif';
    $quizItemDummy->question_image = false;
    $quizItemDummy->question_usage_count = 0;
    $quizItemDummy->question_multi_random_enable = 0;
    $quizItemDummy->question_multi_random_count = 5;
    // Create some dummy answers.
    $quizItemDummy->question_data_answers = serialize(array(1 => array('answer' => ''), 2 => array('answer' => ''), 3 => array('answer' => '')));
    $quizFormsToCreate = array('new_multi' => 'WPCW_quiz_MultipleChoice', 'new_tf' => 'WPCW_quiz_TrueFalse', 'new_open' => 'WPCW_quiz_OpenEntry', 'new_upload' => 'WPCW_quiz_FileUpload', 'new_random_selection' => 'WPCW_quiz_RandomSelection');
    // Create the dummy quiz objects
    foreach ($quizFormsToCreate as $dummyid => $objClass) {
        // Set placeholder class
        $quizItemDummy->question_id = $dummyid;
        // Create new object and set it up with defaults
        $quizObj = new $objClass($quizItemDummy);
        $quizObj->cssClasses .= ' wpcw_question_template';
        $quizObj->showErrors = false;
        $quizObj->needCorrectAnswers = $needCorrectAnswers;
        $quizObj->editForm_questionNotSavedYet = true;
        echo $quizObj->editForm_toString();
コード例 #2
 * Function called when a user is submitting quiz answers via
 * the frontend form. 
function WPCW_AJAX_units_handleQuizResponse()
    // Security check
    if (!wp_verify_nonce(WPCW_arrays_getValue($_POST, 'progress_nonce'), 'wpcw-progress-nonce')) {
        die(__('Security check failed!', 'wp_courseware'));
    // Quiz ID and Unit ID are combined in the single CSS ID for validation.
    // So validate both are correct and that user is allowed to access quiz.
    $quizAndUnitID = WPCW_arrays_getValue($_POST, 'id');
    // e.g. quiz_complete_69_1 or quiz_complete_17_2 (first ID is unit, 2nd ID is quiz)
    if (!preg_match('/quiz_complete_(\\d+)_(\\d+)/', $quizAndUnitID, $matches)) {
        echo WPCW_units_getCompletionBox_error();
    // Use the extracted data for further validation
    $unitID = $matches[1];
    $quizID = $matches[2];
    $user_id = get_current_user_id();
    // #### Get associated data for this unit. No course/module data, not a unit
    $parentData = WPCW_units_getAssociatedParentData($unitID);
    if (!$parentData) {
        // No error, as not a valid unit.
    // #### User not allowed access to content, so certainly can't say they've done this unit.
    if (!WPCW_courses_canUserAccessCourse($parentData->course_id, $user_id)) {
        // No error, as not a valid unit.
    // #### Check that the quiz is valid and belongs to this unit
    $quizDetails = WPCW_quizzes_getQuizDetails($quizID, true);
    if (!($quizDetails && $quizDetails->parent_unit_id == $unitID)) {
    // Validate the quiz answers... which means we might have to
    // send back the form to be re-filled.
    $canContinue = WPCW_quizzes_handleQuizRendering_canUserContinueAfterQuiz($quizDetails, $_POST, $user_id);
    // Check that user is allowed to progress.
    if ($canContinue) {
        WPCW_units_saveUserProgress_Complete($user_id, $unitID, 'complete');
        // Unit complete, check if course/module is complete too.
        do_action('wpcw_user_completed_unit', $user_id, $unitID, $parentData);
        // Only complete if allowed to continue.
        echo WPCW_units_getCompletionBox_complete($parentData, $unitID, $user_id);
コード例 #3
ファイル: export_data.inc.php プロジェクト: NClaus/Ambrose
 * Function that handles the export of the survey responses for a specified survey.
function WPCW_data_export_quizSurveyData()
    $quizID = trim(WPCW_arrays_getValue($_GET, 'quiz_id')) + 0;
    $quizDetails = WPCW_quizzes_getQuizDetails($quizID, true, false, false);
    // Check that we can find the survey.
    if (!$quizDetails) {
        printf('<div class="error updated"><p>%s</p></div>', __('Sorry, could not find that survey to export the response data.', 'wp_courseware'));
    // Ensure it's a survey
    if ('survey' != $quizDetails->quiz_type) {
        printf('<div class="error updated"><p>%s</p></div>', __('Sorry, but the selected item is not a survey, it\'s a quiz.', 'wp_courseware'));
    // Does this survey contain random questions? If so, then we need to get the full question data
    // of all possible questions
    if (WPCW_quizzes_doesQuizContainRandomQuestions($quizDetails)) {
        $quizDetails->questions = WPCW_quizzes_randomQuestions_fullyExpand($quizDetails);
    global $wpcwdb, $wpdb;
    // Create a URL-safe version of the filename.
    $csvFileName = WPCW_urls_createCleanURL('survey-' . $quizDetails->quiz_id . '-' . $quizDetails->quiz_title) . '.csv';
    // The headings
    $headings = array(__('Trainee WP ID', 'wp_courseware'), __('Trainee Name', 'wp_courseware'), __('Trainee Email Address', 'wp_courseware'));
    // Extract the questions to use as headings.
    $questionListForColumns = array();
    // See if we have any questions in the list.
    if (!empty($quizDetails->questions)) {
        foreach ($quizDetails->questions as $questionID => $questionDetails) {
            $questionListForColumns[$questionID] = $questionDetails->question_question;
            // Add this question to the headings.
            $headings[] = $questionDetails->question_question;
    // Start CSV
    $out = fopen('php://output', 'w');
    // Push out the question headings.
    fputcsv($out, $headings);
    // The responses to the questions
    $answers = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("\n\t\tSELECT * \n\t\tFROM {$wpcwdb->user_progress_quiz}\n\t\tWHERE quiz_id = %d\n\t", $quizDetails->quiz_id));
    // Process eacy response from the user, extracting their details too.
    if (!empty($answers)) {
        foreach ($answers as $answerDetails) {
            $resultData = array();
            // We've definitely got the ID
            $resultData[] = $answerDetails->user_id;
            // See if we can get the name and email address.
            $userDetails = get_userdata($answerDetails->user_id);
            if ($userDetails) {
                $resultData[] = $userDetails->display_name;
                $resultData[] = $userDetails->user_email;
            } else {
                $resultData[] = __('User no longer on system.', 'wp_courseware');
                $resultData[] = __('n/a', 'wp_courseware');
            // Extract their responses into an array
            $theirResponses = maybe_unserialize($answerDetails->quiz_data);
            // Go through answers logically now
            if (!empty($questionListForColumns)) {
                foreach ($questionListForColumns as $questionID => $questionTitle) {
                    if (isset($theirResponses[$questionID]) && isset($theirResponses[$questionID]['their_answer'])) {
                        $resultData[] = $theirResponses[$questionID]['their_answer'];
                    } else {
                        $resultData[] = __('No answer for this question.', 'wp_courseware');
            // end of !empty check
            fputcsv($out, $resultData);
        // end foreach
    // end of if (!empty($answers))
    // All done
コード例 #4
 * Shows a detailed summary of the user's quiz or survey answers.
function WPCW_showPage_UserProgess_quizAnswers_load()
    global $wpcwdb, $wpdb;
    $page = new PageBuilder(false);
    $page->showPageHeader(__('Detailed User Quiz/Survey Results', 'wp_courseware'), '75%', WPCW_icon_getPageIconURL());
    $userID = WPCW_arrays_getValue($_GET, 'user_id') + 0;
    $unitID = WPCW_arrays_getValue($_GET, 'unit_id') + 0;
    $quizID = WPCW_arrays_getValue($_GET, 'quiz_id') + 0;
    // Create a link back to the detailed user progress, and back to all users.
    printf('<div class="wpcw_button_group">');
    // Link back to all user summary
    printf('<a href="%s" class="button-secondary">%s</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;', admin_url('users.php'), __('&laquo; Return to User Summary', 'wp_courseware'));
    if ($userDetails = get_userdata($userID)) {
        // Link back to user's personal summary
        printf('<a href="%s&user_id=%d" class="button-secondary">%s</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;', admin_url('users.php?page=WPCW_showPage_UserProgess'), $userDetails->ID, sprintf(__('&laquo; Return to <b>%s\'s</b> Progress Report', 'wp_courseware'), $userDetails->display_name));
    // Try to get the full detailed results.
    $results = WPCW_quizzes_getUserResultsForQuiz($userID, $unitID, $quizID);
    // No results, so abort.
    if (!$results) {
        // Close the button wrapper for above early
        // .wpcw_button_group
        $page->showMessage(__('Sorry, but no results could be found.', 'wp_courseware'), true);
    // Could potentially have an issue where the quiz has been deleted
    // but the data exists.. small chance though.
    $quizDetails = WPCW_quizzes_getQuizDetails($quizID, true, true, $userID);
    // Extra button - return to gradebook
    printf('<a href="%s&course_id=%d" class="button-secondary">%s</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;', admin_url('admin.php?page=WPCW_showPage_GradeBook'), $quizDetails->parent_course_id, __("&laquo; Return to Gradebook", 'wp_courseware'));
    // .wpcw_button_group
    // #### 1 - Handle grades being updated
    $results = WPCW_showPage_UserProgess_quizAnswers_handingGrading($quizDetails, $results, $page, $userID, $unitID);
    // #### 2A - Check if next action for user has been triggered by the admin.
    $results = WPCW_showPage_UserProgess_quizAnswers_whatsNext_savePreferences($quizDetails, $results, $page, $userID, $unitID);
    // #### 2B - Handle telling admin what's next
    WPCW_showPage_UserProgess_quizAnswers_whatsNext($quizDetails, $results, $page, $userID, $unitID);
    //Ê#### 3 - Handle sending emails if something has changed.
    if (isset($results->sendOutEmails) && $results->sendOutEmails) {
        $extraDetail = isset($results->extraEmailDetail) ? $results->extraEmailDetail : '';
        // Only called if the quiz was graded.
        if (isset($results->quiz_has_just_been_graded) && $results->quiz_has_just_been_graded) {
            // Need to call the action anyway, but any functions hanging off this
            // should check if the admin wants users to have notifications or not.
            do_action('wpcw_quiz_graded', $userID, $quizDetails, number_format($results->quiz_grade, 1), $extraDetail);
        $courseDetails = WPCW_courses_getCourseDetails($quizDetails->parent_course_id);
        if ($courseDetails->email_quiz_grade_option == 'send_email') {
            // Message is only if quiz has been graded.
            if (isset($results->quiz_has_just_been_graded) && $results->quiz_has_just_been_graded) {
                $page->showMessage(__('The user has been sent an email with their grade for this course.', 'wp_courseware'));
    // #### - Table 1 - Overview
    printf('<h3>%s</h3>', __('Quiz/Survey Overview', 'wp_courseware'));
    $tbl = new TableBuilder();
    $tbl->attributes = array('id' => 'wpcw_tbl_progress_quiz_info', 'class' => 'widefat wpcw_tbl');
    $tblCol = new TableColumn(false, 'quiz_label');
    $tblCol->cellClass = 'wpcw_tbl_label';
    $tblCol = new TableColumn(false, 'quiz_detail');
    // These are the base details for the quiz to show.
    $summaryData = array(__('Quiz Title', 'wp_courseware') => $quizDetails->quiz_title, __('Quiz Description', 'wp_courseware') => $quizDetails->quiz_desc, __('Quiz Type', 'wp_courseware') => WPCW_quizzes_getQuizTypeName($quizDetails->quiz_type), __('No. of Questions', 'wp_courseware') => $results->quiz_question_total, __('Completed Date', 'wp_courseware') => __('About', 'wp_courseware') . ' ' . human_time_diff($results->quiz_completed_date_ts) . ' ' . __('ago', 'wp_courseware') . '<br/><small>(' . date('D jS M Y \\a\\t H:i:s', $results->quiz_completed_date_ts) . ')</small>', __('Number of Quiz Attempts', 'wp_courseware') => $results->attempt_count, __('Permitted Quiz Attempts', 'wp_courseware') => -1 == $quizDetails->quiz_attempts_allowed ? __('Unlimited', 'wp_courseware') : $quizDetails->quiz_attempts_allowed);
    // Quiz details relating to score, etc.
    if ('survey' != $quizDetails->quiz_type) {
        $summaryData[__('Pass Mark', 'wp_courseware')] = $quizDetails->quiz_pass_mark . '%';
        // Still got items to grade
        if ($results->quiz_needs_marking > 0) {
            $summaryData[__('No. of Questions to Grade', 'wp_courseware')] = '<span class="wpcw_status_info wpcw_icon_pending">' . $results->quiz_needs_marking . '</span>';
            $summaryData[__('Overall Grade', 'wp_courseware')] = '<span class="wpcw_status_info wpcw_icon_pending">' . __('Awaiting Final Grading', 'wp_courseware') . '</span>';
        } else {
            $summaryData[__('No. of Question to Grade', 'wp_courseware')] = '-';
            // Show if PASSED or FAILED with the overall grade.
            $gradeData = false;
            if ($results->quiz_grade >= $quizDetails->quiz_pass_mark) {
                $gradeData = sprintf('<span class="wpcw_tbl_progress_quiz_overall wpcw_question_yesno_status wpcw_question_yes">%s%% %s</span>', number_format($results->quiz_grade, 1), __('Passed', 'wp_courseware'));
            } else {
                $gradeData = sprintf('<span class="wpcw_tbl_progress_quiz_overall wpcw_question_yesno_status wpcw_question_no">%s%% %s</span>', number_format($results->quiz_grade, 1), __('Failed', 'wp_courseware'));
            $summaryData[__('Overall Grade', 'wp_courseware')] = $gradeData;
    foreach ($summaryData as $label => $data) {
        $tbl->addRow(array('quiz_label' => $label . ':', 'quiz_detail' => $data));
    echo $tbl->toString();
    // ### 4 - Form Code - to allow instructor to send data back to
    printf('<form method="POST" id="wpcw_tbl_progress_quiz_grading_form">');
    printf('<input type="hidden" name="grade_answers_submitted" value="true">');
    // ### 5 - Table 2 - Each Specific Quiz
    $questionNumber = 0;
    if ($results->quiz_data && count($results->quiz_data) > 0) {
        foreach ($results->quiz_data as $questionID => $answer) {
            $data = $answer;
            // Get the question type
            if (isset($quizDetails->questions[$questionID])) {
                // Store as object for easy reference.
                $quObj = $quizDetails->questions[$questionID];
                // Render the question as a table.
                printf('<h3>%s #%d - %s</h3>', __('Question', 'wp_courseware'), ++$questionNumber, $quObj->question_question);
                $tbl = new TableBuilder();
                $tbl->attributes = array('id' => 'wpcw_tbl_progress_quiz_info', 'class' => 'widefat wpcw_tbl wpcw_tbl_progress_quiz_answers_' . $quObj->question_type);
                $tblCol = new TableColumn(false, 'quiz_label');
                $tblCol->cellClass = 'wpcw_tbl_label';
                $tblCol = new TableColumn(false, 'quiz_detail');
                $theirAnswer = false;
                switch ($quObj->question_type) {
                    case 'truefalse':
                    case 'multi':
                        $theirAnswer = $answer['their_answer'];
                        // File Upload - create a download link
                    // File Upload - create a download link
                    case 'upload':
                        $theirAnswer = sprintf('<a href="%s%s" target="_blank" class="button-primary">%s .%s %s (%s)</a>', WP_CONTENT_URL, $answer['their_answer'], __('Open', 'wp_courseware'), pathinfo($answer['their_answer'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION), __('File', 'wp_courseware'), WPCW_files_getFileSize_human($answer['their_answer']));
                        // Open Ended - Wrap in span tags, to cap the size of the field, and format new lines.
                    // Open Ended - Wrap in span tags, to cap the size of the field, and format new lines.
                    case 'open':
                        $theirAnswer = '<span class="wpcw_q_answer_open_wrap"><textarea readonly>' . $data['their_answer'] . '</textarea></span>';
                // end of $theirAnswer check
                $summaryData = array(__('Type', 'wp_courseware') => array('data' => WPCW_quizzes_getQuestionTypeName($quObj->question_type), 'cssclass' => ''), __('Their Answer', 'wp_courseware') => array('data' => $theirAnswer, 'cssclass' => ''));
                // Just for quizzes - show answers/grade
                if ('survey' != $quizDetails->quiz_type) {
                    switch ($quObj->question_type) {
                        case 'truefalse':
                        case 'multi':
                            // The right answer...
                            $summaryData[__('Correct Answer', 'wp_courseware')] = array('data' => $answer['correct'], 'cssclass' => '');
                            // Did they get it right?
                            $getItRight = sprintf('<span class="wpcw_question_yesno_status wpcw_question_%s">%s</span>', $answer['got_right'], 'yes' == $answer['got_right'] ? __('Yes', 'wp_courseware') : __('No', 'wp_courseware'));
                            $summaryData[__('Did they get it right?', 'wp_courseware')] = array('data' => $getItRight, 'cssclass' => '');
                        case 'upload':
                        case 'open':
                            $gradeHTML = false;
                            $theirGrade = WPCW_arrays_getValue($answer, 'their_grade');
                            // Not graded - show select box.
                            if ($theirGrade == 0) {
                                $cssClass = 'wpcw_grade_needs_grading';
                            } else {
                                $cssClass = 'wpcw_grade_already_graded';
                                $gradeHTML = sprintf('<span class="wpcw_grade_view">%d%% <a href="#">(%s)</a></span>', $theirGrade, __('Click to edit', 'wp_courseware'));
                            // Not graded yet, allow admin to grade the quiz, or change
                            // the grading later if they want to.
                            $gradeHTML .= WPCW_forms_createDropdown('grade_quiz_' . $quObj->question_id, WPCW_quizzes_getPercentageList(__('-- Select a grade --', 'wp_courseware')), $theirGrade, false, 'wpcw_tbl_progress_quiz_answers_grade');
                            $summaryData[__('Their Grade', 'wp_courseware')] = array('data' => $gradeHTML, 'cssclass' => $cssClass);
                // Check of showing the right answer.
                foreach ($summaryData as $label => $data) {
                    $tbl->addRow(array('quiz_label' => $label . ':', 'quiz_detail' => $data['data']), $data['cssclass']);
                echo $tbl->toString();
            // end if (isset($quizDetails->questions[$questionID]))
        // foreach ($results->quiz_data as $questionID => $answer)
    // Shows a bar that pops up, allowing the user to easily save all grades that have changed.
	<div id="wpcw_sticky_bar" style="display: none">
		<div id="wpcw_sticky_bar_inner">
			<a href="#" id="wpcw_tbl_progress_quiz_grading_updated" class="button-primary"><?php 
    _e('Save Changes to Grades', 'wp_courseware');
			<span id="wpcw_sticky_bar_status" title="<?php 
    _e('Grades have been changed. Ready to save changes?', 'wp_courseware');
コード例 #5
ファイル: common.inc.php プロジェクト: umairriaz90/Daschug1
 * Get the associated quiz for a unit.
 * @param Integer $unitID The ID of the unit to get the associated quiz for.
 * @param Boolean $resolveRandomQuestions If true, convert any randomised questions to live questions.
 * @param Integer $userID The ID of the user to resolve the questions to.
 * @return Object The Object of the associated quiz, or false if no quiz found.
function WPCW_quizzes_getAssociatedQuizForUnit($unitID, $resolveRandomQuestions = false, $userID)
    if (!$unitID) {
        return false;
    global $wpcwdb, $wpdb;
    $SQL = $wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\tSELECT quiz_id \n\t\t\tFROM {$wpcwdb->quiz}\t\n\t\t\tWHERE parent_unit_id = %d \n\t\t\t", $unitID);
    $quizObj = $wpdb->get_row($SQL);
    // Nothing found
    if (!$quizObj) {
        return false;
    // Return full details for this quiz
    return WPCW_quizzes_getQuizDetails($quizObj->quiz_id, true, $resolveRandomQuestions, $userID);
コード例 #6
 * Handle the quiz deletion from the summary page.
 * @param PageBuilder $page The page rendering object.
function WPCW_quizzes_handleQuizDeletion($page)
    global $wpcwdb, $wpdb;
    // Check that the quiz exists and deletion has been requested
    if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'delete' && isset($_GET['quiz_id'])) {
        $quizID = $_GET['quiz_id'];
        $quizDetails = WPCW_quizzes_getQuizDetails($quizID, false, false, false);
        // Only do deletion if quiz details are valid.
        if ($quizDetails) {
            // Delete quiz questions from question map
            $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\tDELETE FROM {$wpcwdb->quiz_qs_mapping}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE parent_quiz_id = %d\n\t\t\t", $quizDetails->quiz_id));
            // Delete user progress
            $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\tDELETE FROM {$wpcwdb->user_progress_quiz} \n\t\t\t\tWHERE quiz_id = %d\n\t\t\t", $quizDetails->quiz_id));
            // Finally delete quiz itself
            $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\tDELETE FROM {$wpcwdb->quiz} \n\t\t\t\tWHERE quiz_id = %d\n\t\t\t", $quizDetails->quiz_id));
            $page->showMessage(sprintf(__('The quiz \'%s\' was successfully deleted.', 'wp_courseware'), $quizDetails->quiz_title));
        // end of if $quizDetails
    // end of check for deletion action