コード例 #1
ファイル: admin_only.inc.php プロジェクト: JalpMi/v2contact
 * Function that allows a course to be created or edited.
function WPCW_showPage_ModifyCourse()
    $page = new PageBuilder(true);
    $courseDetails = false;
    $courseID = false;
    // Trying to edit a course
    if (isset($_GET['course_id'])) {
        $courseID = $_GET['course_id'] + 0;
        $courseDetails = WPCW_courses_getCourseDetails($courseID);
        // Abort if course not found.
        if (!$courseDetails) {
            $page->showPageHeader(__('Edit Course', 'wp_courseware'), '75%', WPCW_icon_getPageIconURL());
            $page->showMessage(__('Sorry, but that course could not be found.', 'wp_courseware'), true);
        } else {
            $page->showPageHeader(__('Edit Course', 'wp_courseware'), '75%', WPCW_icon_getPageIconURL());
    } else {
        $page->showPageHeader(__('Add Course', 'wp_courseware'), '75%', WPCW_icon_getPageIconURL());
    global $wpcwdb;
    $formDetails = array('break_course_general' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab(false)), 'course_title' => array('label' => __('Course Title', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_title', 'desc' => __('The title of your course.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 150, 'minlen' => 1, 'regexp' => '/^[^<>]+$/', 'error' => __('Please specify a name for your course, up to a maximum of 150 characters, just no angled brackets (&lt; or &gt;). Your trainees will be able to see this course title.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_desc' => array('label' => __('Course Description', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_desc', 'desc' => __('The description of this course. Your trainees will be able to see this course description.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 5000, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the description of your course to 5000 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_opt_completion_wall' => array('label' => __('When do users see the next unit on the course?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'desc' => __('Can a user see all possible course units? Or must they complete previous units before seeing the next unit?', 'wp_courseware'), 'data' => array('all_visible' => __('<b>All Units Visible</b> - All units are visible regardless of completion progress.', 'wp_courseware'), 'completion_wall' => __('<b>Only Completed/Next Units Visible</b> - Only show units that have been completed, plus the next unit that the user can start.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_access' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'course_opt_user_access' => array('label' => __('Granting users access to this course', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'desc' => __('This setting allows you to set how users can access this course. They can either be given access automatically as soon as the user is created, or you can manually give them access. You can always manually remove access if you wish.', 'wp_courseware'), 'data' => array('default_show' => __('<b>Automatic</b> - All newly created users will be given access this course.', 'wp_courseware'), 'default_hide' => __('<b>Manual</b> - Users can only access course if you grant them access.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_messages' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'course_message_unit_complete' => array('label' => __('Message - Unit Complete', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee once they\'ve <b>completed a unit</b>, which is displayed at the bottom of the unit page. HTML is OK.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_message_course_complete' => array('label' => __('Message - Course Complete', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee once they\'ve <b>completed the whole course</b>, which is displayed at the bottom of the unit page. HTML is OK.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_message_unit_pending' => array('label' => __('Message - Unit Pending', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee when they\'ve <b>yet to complete a unit</b>. This message is displayed at the bottom of the unit page, along with a button that says "<b>Mark as completed</b>". HTML is OK.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_message_unit_no_access' => array('label' => __('Message - Access Denied', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee they are <b>not allowed to access a unit</b>, because they are not allowed to <b>access the whole course</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_message_unit_not_yet' => array('label' => __('Message - Not Yet Available', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee they are <b>not allowed to access a unit yet</b>, because they need to complete a previous unit.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_message_unit_not_logged_in' => array('label' => __('Message - Not Logged In', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee they are <b>not logged in</b>, and therefore cannot access the unit.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_message_quiz_open_grading_blocking' => array('label' => __('Message - Open-Question Submitted - Blocking Mode', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee they have submitted an answer to an <b>open-ended or upload question</b>, and you need to grade their answer <b>before they continue</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_message_quiz_open_grading_non_blocking' => array('label' => __('Message - Open-Question Submitted - Non-Blocking Mode', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee they have submitted an answer to an <b>open-ended or upload question</b>, and you need to grade their answer, but they can <b>continue anyway</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_notifications_from_details' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'course_from_email' => array('label' => __('Email From Address', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email', 'desc' => __('The email address that the email notifications should be from.<br/>Depending on your server\'s spam-protection set up, this may not appear in the outgoing emails.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'email', 'maxlen' => 150, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please enter a valid email address.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_from_name' => array('label' => __('Email From Name', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email', 'desc' => __('The name used on the email notifications, which are sent to you and your trainees. <br/>Depending on your server\'s spam-protection set up, this may not appear in the outgoing emails.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 150, 'minlen' => 1, 'regexp' => '/^[^<>]+$/', 'error' => __('Please specify a from name, up to a maximum of 150 characters, just no angled brackets (&lt; or &gt;).', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_to_email' => array('label' => __('Admin Notify Email Address', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email', 'desc' => __('The email address to send admin notifications to.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'email', 'maxlen' => 150, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please enter a valid email address.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_notifications_user_module' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'email_complete_module_option_admin' => array('label' => __('Module Complete - Notify You?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_option', 'data' => array('send_email' => __('<b>Send me an email</b> - when one of your trainees has completed a module.', 'wp_courseware'), 'no_email' => __('<b>Don\'t send me an email</b> - when one of your trainees has completed a module.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_complete_module_option' => array('label' => __('Module Complete - Notify User?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_option', 'data' => array('send_email' => __('<b>Send Email</b> - to user when module has been completed.', 'wp_courseware'), 'no_email' => __('<b>Don\'t Send Email</b> - to user when module has been completed.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_complete_module_subject' => array('label' => __('Module Complete - Email Subject', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_subject', 'rows' => 2, 'desc' => __('The <b>subject line</b> for the email sent to a user when they complete a <b>module</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 300, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email subject to 300 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_complete_module_body' => array('label' => __('Module Complete - Email Body', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template', 'desc' => __('The <b>template body</b> for the email sent to a user when they complete a <b>module</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 5000, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email body to 5000 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_notifications_user_course' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'email_complete_course_option_admin' => array('label' => __('Course Complete - Notify You?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_option', 'data' => array('send_email' => __('<b>Send me an email</b> - when one of your trainees has completed the whole course.', 'wp_courseware'), 'no_email' => __('<b>Don\'t send me an email</b> - when one of your trainees has completed the whole course.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_complete_course_option' => array('label' => __('Course Complete - Notify User?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_option', 'data' => array('send_email' => __('<b>Send Email</b> - to user when the whole course has been completed.', 'wp_courseware'), 'no_email' => __('<b>Don\'t Send Email</b> - to user when the whole course has been completed.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_complete_course_subject' => array('label' => __('Course Complete - Email Subject', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_subject', 'rows' => 2, 'desc' => __('The <b>subject line</b> for the email sent to a user when they complete <b>the whole course</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 300, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email subject to 300 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_complete_course_body' => array('label' => __('Course Complete - Email Body', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template', 'desc' => __('The <b>template body</b> for the email sent to a user when they complete <b>the whole course</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 5000, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email body to 5000 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_notifications_user_grades' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'email_quiz_grade_option' => array('label' => __('Quiz Grade - Notify User?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_option', 'data' => array('send_email' => __('<b>Send Email</b> - to user after a quiz is graded (automatically or by the instructor).', 'wp_courseware'), 'no_email' => __('<b>Don\'t Send Email</b> - to user when a quiz is graded.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_quiz_grade_subject' => array('label' => __('Quiz Graded - Email Subject', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_subject', 'rows' => 2, 'desc' => __('The <b>subject line</b> for the email sent to a user when they receive a <b>grade for a quiz</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 300, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email subject to 300 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_quiz_grade_body' => array('label' => __('Quiz Graded - Email Body', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template', 'desc' => __('The <b>template body</b> for the email sent to a user when they receive a <b>grade for a quiz</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 5000, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email body to 5000 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_notifications_user_final' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'email_complete_course_grade_summary_subject' => array('label' => __('Final Summary - Email Subject', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_subject', 'rows' => 2, 'desc' => __('The <b>subject line</b> for the email sent to a user when they receive their <b>grade summary at the end of the course</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 300, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email subject to 300 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_complete_course_grade_summary_body' => array('label' => __('Final Summary - Email Body', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template', 'desc' => __('The <b>template body</b> for the email sent to a user when they receive their <b>grade summary at the end of the course</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 5000, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email body to 5000 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_certificates_user_course' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab(__('Course Complete Certificates', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_opt_use_certificate' => array('label' => __('Enable certificates?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'data' => array('use_certs' => __('<b>Yes</b> - generate a PDF certificate when user completes this course.', 'wp_courseware'), 'no_certs' => __('<b>No</b> - don\'t generate a PDF certificate when user completes this course.', 'wp_courseware'))));
    $form = new RecordsForm($formDetails, $wpcwdb->courses, 'course_id');
    $form->customFormErrorMsg = __('Sorry, but unfortunately there were some errors saving the course details. Please fix the errors and try again.', 'wp_courseware');
    // Set defaults if adding a new course
    if (!$courseDetails) {
        $form->loadDefaults(array('email_complete_module_subject' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_COMPLETE_MODULE_SUBJECT, 'email_complete_course_subject' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_COMPLETE_COURSE_SUBJECT, 'email_quiz_grade_subject' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_QUIZ_GRADE_SUBJECT, 'email_complete_course_grade_summary_subject' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_COURSE_SUMMARY_WITH_GRADE_SUBJECT, 'email_complete_module_body' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_COMPLETE_MODULE_BODY, 'email_complete_course_body' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_COMPLETE_COURSE_BODY, 'email_quiz_grade_body' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_QUIZ_GRADE_BODY, 'email_complete_course_grade_summary_body' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_COURSE_SUMMARY_WITH_GRADE_BODY, 'course_from_name' => get_bloginfo('name'), 'course_from_email' => get_bloginfo('admin_email'), 'course_to_email' => get_bloginfo('admin_email'), 'course_opt_completion_wall' => 'completion_wall', 'course_opt_user_access' => 'default_show', 'email_complete_course_option_admin' => 'send_email', 'email_complete_course_option' => 'send_email', 'email_complete_module_option_admin' => 'send_email', 'email_complete_module_option' => 'send_email', 'email_quiz_grade_option' => 'send_email', 'course_opt_use_certificate' => 'no_certs', 'course_message_unit_not_yet' => __("You need to complete the previous unit first.", 'wp_courseware'), 'course_message_unit_pending' => __("Have you completed this unit? Then mark this unit as completed.", 'wp_courseware'), 'course_message_unit_complete' => __("You have now completed this unit.", 'wp_courseware'), 'course_message_course_complete' => __("You have now completed the whole course. Congratulations!", 'wp_courseware'), 'course_message_unit_no_access' => __("Sorry, but you're not allowed to access this course.", 'wp_courseware'), 'course_message_unit_not_logged_in' => __('You cannot view this unit as you\'re not logged in yet.', 'wp_courseware'), 'course_message_quiz_open_grading_blocking' => __('Your quiz has been submitted for grading by the course instructor. Once your grade has been entered, you will be able access the next unit.', 'wp_courseware'), 'course_message_quiz_open_grading_non_blocking' => __('Your quiz has been submitted for grading by the course instructor. You have now completed this unit.', 'wp_courseware')));
    // Useful place to go
    $directionMsg = '<br/></br>' . sprintf(__('Do you want to return to the <a href="%s">course summary page</a>?', 'wp_courseware'), admin_url('admin.php?page=WPCW_wp_courseware'));
    // Override success messages
    $form->msg_record_created = __('Course details successfully created. ', 'wp_courseware') . $directionMsg;
    $form->msg_record_updated = __('Course details successfully updated. ', 'wp_courseware') . $directionMsg;
    $form->setSaveButtonLabel(__('Save ALL Details', 'wp_courseware'));
    // Process form
    $formHTML = $form->getHTML();
    // Show message about this course having quizzes that require a pass mark.
    // Need updated details for this.
    $courseDetails = WPCW_courses_getCourseDetails($courseID);
    if ($courseDetails && $courseDetails->course_opt_completion_wall == 'all_visible') {
        $quizzes = WPCW_quizzes_getAllBlockingQuizzesForCourse($courseDetails->course_id);
        // Count how many blocking quizzes there are.
        if ($quizzes && count($quizzes) > 0) {
            $quizCountMessage = sprintf(__('Currently <b>%d of your quizzes</b> are blocking process based on a percentage score <b>in this course</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), count($quizzes));
        } else {
            $quizCountMessage = __('You do not currently have any blocking quizzes for this course.', 'wp_courseware');
        printf('<div id="message" class="wpcw_msg_info wpcw_msg"><b>%s</b> - %s<br/><br/>
				</div>', __('Important Note', 'wp_courseware'), __('You have selected <b>All Units Visible</b>. If you create a quiz blocking progress based on a percentage score, students will have access to the entire course regardless of quiz score.', 'wp_courseware'), $quizCountMessage);
    // Generate the tabs.
    $tabList = array('break_course_general' => __('General Course Details', 'wp_courseware'), 'break_course_access' => __('User Access', 'wp_courseware'), 'break_course_messages' => __('User Messages', 'wp_courseware'), 'break_course_notifications_from_details' => __('Email Address Details', 'wp_courseware'), 'break_course_notifications_user_module' => __('Email Notifications - Module', 'wp_courseware'), 'break_course_notifications_user_course' => __('Email Notifications - Course', 'wp_courseware'), 'break_course_notifications_user_grades' => __('Email Notifications - Quiz Grades', 'wp_courseware'), 'break_course_notifications_user_final' => __('Email Notifications - Final Summary', 'wp_courseware'), 'break_course_certificates_user_course' => __('Certificates', 'wp_courseware'));
    echo '<div class="wpcw_tab_wrapper" id="wpcw_courses_tabs"><div class="wpcw_tab_wrapper_tabs">';
    $currentTab = current(array_keys($tabList));
    // Select the first one.
    foreach ($tabList as $tabName => $label) {
        $class = $tabName == $currentTab ? ' wpcw_tab_active' : '';
        printf('<a class="wpcw_tab%s" href="#" data-tab="%s">%s</a>', $class, $tabName, $label);
    echo '</div>';
    // .wpcw_tab_wrapper_tabs
    // Show the form
    echo $formHTML;
    echo '</div>';
    // .wpcw_tab_wrapper
    // Include a link to delete the course
    if ($courseDetails) {
        $page->openPane('wpcw-deletion-course', __('Delete Course?', 'wp_courseware'));
        printf('<a href="%s&action=delete_course&course_id=%d" class="wpcw_delete_item" title="%s">%s</a>', admin_url('admin.php?page=WPCW_wp_courseware'), $courseID, __("Are you sure you want to delete the this course and all its modules?\n\nThis CANNOT be undone!", 'wp_courseware'), __('Delete this Course', 'wp_courseware'));
        printf('<p>%s</p>', __('Units will <b>not</b> be deleted, they will <b>just be disassociated</b> from this course.', 'wp_courseware'));
    // Email template tags here...
    $page->openPane('wpcw_docs_email_tags', __('Email Template Tags', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<h4 class="wpcw_docs_side_mini_hdr">%s</h4>', __('All Email Notifications', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dl class="wpcw_email_tags">');
    printf('<dt>{USER_NAME}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The display name of the user.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{SITE_NAME}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The name of the website.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{SITE_URL}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The URL of the website.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{COURSE_TITLE}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The title of the course for the unit that\'s just been completed.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{MODULE_TITLE}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The title of the module for the unit that\'s just been completed.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{MODULE_NUMBER}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The number of the module for the unit that\'s just been completed.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{CERTIFICATE_LINK}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('If the course has PDF certificates enabled, this is the link of the PDF certficate. (If there is no certificate or certificates are not enabled, this is simply blank)', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<h4 class="wpcw_docs_side_mini_hdr">%s</h4>', __('Quiz Email Notifications Only', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dl class="wpcw_email_tags">');
    printf('<dt>{QUIZ_TITLE}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The title of the quiz that has been graded.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{QUIZ_GRADE}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The overall percentage grade for a quiz.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{QUIZ_RESULT_DETAIL}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('Any optional information relating to the result of the quiz, e.g. information about retaking the quiz.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{UNIT_URL}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The URL of a unit that is associated with the quiz.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<h4 class="wpcw_docs_side_mini_hdr">%s</h4>', __('Final Summary Notifications Only', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dl class="wpcw_email_tags">');
    printf('<dt>{CUMULATIVE_GRADE}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The overall cumulative grade that the user has scored from completing all quizzes on the course.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{QUIZ_SUMMARY}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The summary of each quiz, and what the user scored on each.', 'wp_courseware'));
コード例 #2
 * Function that allows a course to be created or edited.
function WPCW_showPage_ModifyCourse_load()
    $page = new PageBuilder(true);
    $courseDetails = false;
    $courseID = false;
    // Trying to edit a course
    if (isset($_GET['course_id'])) {
        $courseID = $_GET['course_id'] + 0;
        $courseDetails = WPCW_courses_getCourseDetails($courseID);
        // Abort if course not found.
        if (!$courseDetails) {
            $page->showPageHeader(__('Edit Course', 'wp_courseware'), '75%', WPCW_icon_getPageIconURL());
            $page->showMessage(__('Sorry, but that course could not be found.', 'wp_courseware'), true);
        } else {
            $page->showPageHeader(__('Edit Course', 'wp_courseware'), '75%', WPCW_icon_getPageIconURL());
            // Check user is allowed to edit this course.
            $canEditCourse = apply_filters('wpcw_back_permissions_user_can_edit_course', true, get_current_user_id(), $courseDetails);
            if (!$canEditCourse) {
                $page->showMessage(apply_filters('wpcw_back_msg_permissions_user_can_edit_course', __('You are currently not permitted to edit this course.', 'wp_courseware'), get_current_user_id(), $courseDetails), true);
    } else {
        $page->showPageHeader(__('Add Course', 'wp_courseware'), '75%', WPCW_icon_getPageIconURL());
        // Check user is allowed to add another course.
        $canAddCourse = apply_filters('wpcw_back_permissions_user_can_add_course', true, get_current_user_id());
        if (!$canAddCourse) {
            $page->showMessage(apply_filters('wpcw_back_msg_permissions_user_can_add_course', __('You are currently not permitted to add a new course.', 'wp_courseware'), get_current_user_id()), true);
    // We've requested a course tool. Do the checks here...
    if ($courseDetails && ($action = WPCW_arrays_getValue($_GET, 'action'))) {
        switch ($action) {
            // Tool - reset progress for all users.
            case 'reset_course_progress':
                // Get a list of all users on this course.
                global $wpdb, $wpcwdb;
                $userList = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT user_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$wpcwdb->user_courses}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE course_id = %d \n\t\t\t\t\t", $courseDetails->course_id));
                $unitList = false;
                // Get all units for a course
                $courseMap = new WPCW_CourseMap();
                $unitList = $courseMap->getUnitIDList_forCourse();
                // Reset all users for this course.
                WPCW_users_resetProgress($userList, $unitList, $courseDetails, $courseMap->getUnitCount());
                // Confirm it's complete.
                $page->showMessage(__('User progress for this course has been reset.', 'wp_courseware'));
                // Access changes
            // Access changes
            case 'grant_access_users_all':
            case 'grant_access_users_admins':
                WPCW_showPage_ModifyCourse_courseAccess_runAccessChanges($page, $action, $courseDetails);
        // Add a link back to editing, as we've hidden that panel.
        printf('<p><a href="%s?page=WPCW_showPage_ModifyCourse&course_id=%d" class="button button-secondary">%s</a></p>', admin_url('admin.php'), $courseDetails->course_id, __('&laquo; Go back to editing the course settings', 'wp_courseware'));
    } else {
        global $wpcwdb;
        $formDetails = array('break_course_general' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab(false)), 'course_title' => array('label' => __('Course Title', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_title', 'desc' => __('The title of your course.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 150, 'minlen' => 1, 'regexp' => '/^[^<>]+$/', 'error' => __('Please specify a name for your course, up to a maximum of 150 characters, just no angled brackets (&lt; or &gt;). Your trainees will be able to see this course title.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_desc' => array('label' => __('Course Description', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_desc', 'desc' => __('The description of this course. Your trainees will be able to see this course description.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 5000, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the description of your course to 5000 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_opt_completion_wall' => array('label' => __('When do users see the next unit on the course?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'desc' => __('Can a user see all possible course units? Or must they complete previous units before seeing the next unit?', 'wp_courseware'), 'data' => array('all_visible' => __('<b>All Units Visible</b> - All units are visible regardless of completion progress.', 'wp_courseware'), 'completion_wall' => __('<b>Only Completed/Next Units Visible</b> - Only show units that have been completed, plus the next unit that the user can start.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_access' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'course_opt_user_access' => array('label' => __('Granting users access to this course', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'desc' => __('This setting allows you to set how users can access this course. They can either be given access automatically as soon as the user is created, or you can manually give them access. You can always manually remove access if you wish.', 'wp_courseware'), 'data' => array('default_show' => __('<b>Automatic</b> - All newly created users will be given access this course.', 'wp_courseware'), 'default_hide' => __('<b>Manual</b> - Users can only access course if you grant them access.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_messages' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'course_message_unit_complete' => array('label' => __('Message - Unit Complete', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee once they\'ve <b>completed a unit</b>, which is displayed at the bottom of the unit page. HTML is OK.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_message_course_complete' => array('label' => __('Message - Course Complete', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee once they\'ve <b>completed the whole course</b>, which is displayed at the bottom of the unit page. HTML is OK.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_message_unit_pending' => array('label' => __('Message - Unit Pending', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee when they\'ve <b>yet to complete a unit</b>. This message is displayed at the bottom of the unit page, along with a button that says "<b>Mark as completed</b>". HTML is OK.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_message_unit_no_access' => array('label' => __('Message - Access Denied', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee they are <b>not allowed to access a unit</b>, because they are not allowed to <b>access the whole course</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_message_unit_not_yet' => array('label' => __('Message - Not Yet Available', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee they are <b>not allowed to access a unit yet</b>, because they need to complete a previous unit.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_message_unit_not_logged_in' => array('label' => __('Message - Not Logged In', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee they are <b>not logged in</b>, and therefore cannot access the unit.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_message_quiz_open_grading_blocking' => array('label' => __('Message - Open-Question Submitted - Blocking Mode', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee they have submitted an answer to an <b>open-ended or upload question</b>, and you need to grade their answer <b>before they continue</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_message_quiz_open_grading_non_blocking' => array('label' => __('Message - Open-Question Submitted - Non-Blocking Mode', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_message', 'desc' => __('The message shown to a trainee they have submitted an answer to an <b>open-ended or upload question</b>, and you need to grade their answer, but they can <b>continue anyway</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 2, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 500, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit message to 500 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_notifications_from_details' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'course_from_email' => array('label' => __('Email From Address', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email', 'desc' => __('The email address that the email notifications should be from.<br/>Depending on your server\'s spam-protection set up, this may not appear in the outgoing emails.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'email', 'maxlen' => 150, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please enter a valid email address.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_from_name' => array('label' => __('Email From Name', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email', 'desc' => __('The name used on the email notifications, which are sent to you and your trainees. <br/>Depending on your server\'s spam-protection set up, this may not appear in the outgoing emails.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 150, 'minlen' => 1, 'regexp' => '/^[^<>]+$/', 'error' => __('Please specify a from name, up to a maximum of 150 characters, just no angled brackets (&lt; or &gt;).', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_to_email' => array('label' => __('Admin Notify Email Address', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email', 'desc' => __('The email address to send admin notifications to.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'email', 'maxlen' => 150, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please enter a valid email address.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_notifications_user_module' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'email_complete_module_option_admin' => array('label' => __('Module Complete - Notify You?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_option', 'data' => array('send_email' => __('<b>Send me an email</b> - when one of your trainees has completed a module.', 'wp_courseware'), 'no_email' => __('<b>Don\'t send me an email</b> - when one of your trainees has completed a module.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_complete_module_option' => array('label' => __('Module Complete - Notify User?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_option', 'data' => array('send_email' => __('<b>Send Email</b> - to user when module has been completed.', 'wp_courseware'), 'no_email' => __('<b>Don\'t Send Email</b> - to user when module has been completed.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_complete_module_subject' => array('label' => __('Module Complete - Email Subject', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_subject', 'rows' => 2, 'desc' => __('The <b>subject line</b> for the email sent to a user when they complete a <b>module</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 300, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email subject to 300 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_complete_module_body' => array('label' => __('Module Complete - Email Body', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template', 'desc' => __('The <b>template body</b> for the email sent to a user when they complete a <b>module</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 5000, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email body to 5000 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_notifications_user_course' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'email_complete_course_option_admin' => array('label' => __('Course Complete - Notify You?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_option', 'data' => array('send_email' => __('<b>Send me an email</b> - when one of your trainees has completed the whole course.', 'wp_courseware'), 'no_email' => __('<b>Don\'t send me an email</b> - when one of your trainees has completed the whole course.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_complete_course_option' => array('label' => __('Course Complete - Notify User?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_option', 'data' => array('send_email' => __('<b>Send Email</b> - to user when the whole course has been completed.', 'wp_courseware'), 'no_email' => __('<b>Don\'t Send Email</b> - to user when the whole course has been completed.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_complete_course_subject' => array('label' => __('Course Complete - Email Subject', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_subject', 'rows' => 2, 'desc' => __('The <b>subject line</b> for the email sent to a user when they complete <b>the whole course</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 300, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email subject to 300 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_complete_course_body' => array('label' => __('Course Complete - Email Body', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template', 'desc' => __('The <b>template body</b> for the email sent to a user when they complete <b>the whole course</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 5000, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email body to 5000 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_notifications_user_grades' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'email_quiz_grade_option' => array('label' => __('Quiz Grade - Notify User?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_option', 'data' => array('send_email' => __('<b>Send Email</b> - to user after a quiz is graded (automatically or by the instructor).', 'wp_courseware'), 'no_email' => __('<b>Don\'t Send Email</b> - to user when a quiz is graded.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_quiz_grade_subject' => array('label' => __('Quiz Graded - Email Subject', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_subject', 'rows' => 2, 'desc' => __('The <b>subject line</b> for the email sent to a user when they receive a <b>grade for a quiz</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 300, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email subject to 300 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_quiz_grade_body' => array('label' => __('Quiz Graded - Email Body', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template', 'desc' => __('The <b>template body</b> for the email sent to a user when they receive a <b>grade for a quiz</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'rows' => 20, 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 5000, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email body to 5000 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_notifications_user_final' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'email_complete_course_grade_summary_subject' => array('label' => __('Final Summary - Email Subject', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template_subject', 'rows' => 2, 'desc' => __('The <b>subject line</b> for the email sent to a user when they receive their <b>grade summary at the end of the course</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 300, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email subject to 300 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'email_complete_course_grade_summary_body' => array('label' => __('Final Summary - Email Body', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'rows' => 20, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_course_email_template', 'desc' => __('The <b>template body</b> for the email sent to a user when they receive their <b>grade summary at the end of the course</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 5000, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the email body to 5000 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_certificates_user_course' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'course_opt_use_certificate' => array('label' => __('Enable certificates?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'radio', 'required' => true, 'data' => array('use_certs' => __('<b>Yes</b> - generate a PDF certificate when user completes this course.', 'wp_courseware'), 'no_certs' => __('<b>No</b> - don\'t generate a PDF certificate when user completes this course.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'break_course_certificates_user_tools' => array('type' => 'break', 'html' => WPCW_forms_createBreakHTML_tab()), 'course_tools_reset_all_users' => array('label' => __('Reset User Progess for this Course?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'custom', 'html' => sprintf('<a href="%s?page=WPCW_showPage_ModifyCourse&course_id=%d&action=reset_course_progress" class="button-primary" id="wpcw_course_btn_progress_reset_whole_course">%s</a><p>%s</p>', admin_url('admin.php'), $courseID, __('Reset All Users on this Course to the start', 'wp_courseware'), __('This button will reset all users who can access this course back to the beginning of the course. This deletes all grade data too.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'course_tools_user_access' => array('label' => __('Bulk-grant access to this course?', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'custom', 'html' => sprintf('<a href="%s?page=WPCW_showPage_ModifyCourse&course_id=%d&action=grant_access_users_all" class="button-primary" id="wpcw_course_btn_access_all_existing_users">%s</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
										    <a href="%s?page=WPCW_showPage_ModifyCourse&course_id=%d&action=grant_access_users_admins" class="button-primary" id="wpcw_course_btn_access_all_existing_admins">%s</a> 
										    <p>%s</p>', admin_url('admin.php'), $courseID, __('All Existing Users (including Administrators)', 'wp_courseware'), admin_url('admin.php'), $courseID, __('Only All Existing Administrators', 'wp_courseware'), __('You can use the buttons above to grant all users access to this course. Depending on how many users you have, this may be a slow process.', 'wp_courseware'))));
        // Generate the tabs.
        $tabList = array('break_course_general' => array('label' => __('General Course Details', 'wp_courseware')), 'break_course_access' => array('label' => __('User Access', 'wp_courseware')), 'break_course_messages' => array('label' => __('User Messages', 'wp_courseware')), 'break_course_notifications_from_details' => array('label' => __('Email Address Details', 'wp_courseware')), 'break_course_notifications_user_module' => array('label' => __('Email Notifications - Module', 'wp_courseware')), 'break_course_notifications_user_course' => array('label' => __('Email Notifications - Course', 'wp_courseware')), 'break_course_notifications_user_grades' => array('label' => __('Email Notifications - Quiz Grades', 'wp_courseware')), 'break_course_notifications_user_final' => array('label' => __('Email Notifications - Final Summary', 'wp_courseware')), 'break_course_certificates_user_course' => array('label' => __('Certificates', 'wp_courseware')), 'break_course_certificates_user_tools' => array('label' => __('Course Access Tools', 'wp_courseware')));
        // Remove reset fields if not appropriate.
        if (!$courseDetails) {
            // The tab
            // The tool
        $form = new RecordsForm($formDetails, $wpcwdb->courses, 'course_id', false, 'wpcw_course_settings');
        $form->customFormErrorMsg = __('Sorry, but unfortunately there were some errors saving the course details. Please fix the errors and try again.', 'wp_courseware');
        // Set defaults if adding a new course
        if (!$courseDetails) {
            $form->loadDefaults(array('email_complete_module_subject' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_COMPLETE_MODULE_SUBJECT, 'email_complete_course_subject' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_COMPLETE_COURSE_SUBJECT, 'email_quiz_grade_subject' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_QUIZ_GRADE_SUBJECT, 'email_complete_course_grade_summary_subject' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_COURSE_SUMMARY_WITH_GRADE_SUBJECT, 'email_complete_module_body' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_COMPLETE_MODULE_BODY, 'email_complete_course_body' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_COMPLETE_COURSE_BODY, 'email_quiz_grade_body' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_QUIZ_GRADE_BODY, 'email_complete_course_grade_summary_body' => EMAIL_TEMPLATE_COURSE_SUMMARY_WITH_GRADE_BODY, 'course_from_name' => get_bloginfo('name'), 'course_from_email' => get_bloginfo('admin_email'), 'course_to_email' => get_bloginfo('admin_email'), 'course_opt_completion_wall' => 'completion_wall', 'course_opt_user_access' => 'default_show', 'email_complete_course_option_admin' => 'send_email', 'email_complete_course_option' => 'send_email', 'email_complete_module_option_admin' => 'send_email', 'email_complete_module_option' => 'send_email', 'email_quiz_grade_option' => 'send_email', 'course_opt_use_certificate' => 'no_certs', 'course_message_unit_not_yet' => __("You need to complete the previous unit first.", 'wp_courseware'), 'course_message_unit_pending' => __("Have you completed this unit? Then mark this unit as completed.", 'wp_courseware'), 'course_message_unit_complete' => __("You have now completed this unit.", 'wp_courseware'), 'course_message_course_complete' => __("You have now completed the whole course. Congratulations!", 'wp_courseware'), 'course_message_unit_no_access' => __("Sorry, but you're not allowed to access this course.", 'wp_courseware'), 'course_message_unit_not_logged_in' => __('You cannot view this unit as you\'re not logged in yet.', 'wp_courseware'), 'course_message_quiz_open_grading_blocking' => __('Your quiz has been submitted for grading by the course instructor. Once your grade has been entered, you will be able access the next unit.', 'wp_courseware'), 'course_message_quiz_open_grading_non_blocking' => __('Your quiz has been submitted for grading by the course instructor. You have now completed this unit.', 'wp_courseware')));
        // Useful place to go
        $directionMsg = '<br/></br>' . sprintf(__('Do you want to return to the <a href="%s">course summary page</a>?', 'wp_courseware'), admin_url('admin.php?page=WPCW_wp_courseware'));
        // Override success messages
        $form->msg_record_created = __('Course details successfully created. ', 'wp_courseware') . $directionMsg;
        $form->msg_record_updated = __('Course details successfully updated. ', 'wp_courseware') . $directionMsg;
        $form->setSaveButtonLabel(__('Save ALL Details', 'wp_courseware'));
        // Process form
        $formHTML = $form->getHTML();
        // Show message about this course having quizzes that require a pass mark.
        // Need updated details for this.
        $courseDetails = WPCW_courses_getCourseDetails($courseID);
        if ($courseDetails && $courseDetails->course_opt_completion_wall == 'all_visible') {
            $quizzes = WPCW_quizzes_getAllBlockingQuizzesForCourse($courseDetails->course_id);
            // Count how many blocking quizzes there are.
            if ($quizzes && count($quizzes) > 0) {
                $quizCountMessage = sprintf(__('Currently <b>%d of your quizzes</b> are blocking process based on a percentage score <b>in this course</b>.', 'wp_courseware'), count($quizzes));
            } else {
                $quizCountMessage = __('You do not currently have any blocking quizzes for this course.', 'wp_courseware');
            printf('<div id="message" class="wpcw_msg_info wpcw_msg"><b>%s</b> - %s<br/><br/>
					</div>', __('Important Note', 'wp_courseware'), __('You have selected <b>All Units Visible</b>. If you create a quiz blocking progress based on a percentage score, students will have access to the entire course regardless of quiz score.', 'wp_courseware'), $quizCountMessage);
        // Generate the tabs
        echo WPCW_tabs_generateTabHeader($tabList, 'wpcw_courses_tabs', false);
        // Show the form
        echo $formHTML;
        echo '</div>';
        // .wpcw_tab_wrapper
    // end if not doing a tool manipulation.
    // Include a link to delete the course
    if ($courseDetails) {
        $page->openPane('wpcw-deletion-course', __('Delete Course?', 'wp_courseware'));
    // Email template tags here...
    $page->openPane('wpcw_docs_email_tags', __('Email Template Tags', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<h4 class="wpcw_docs_side_mini_hdr">%s</h4>', __('All Email Notifications', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dl class="wpcw_email_tags">');
    printf('<dt>{USER_NAME}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The display name of the user.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{SITE_NAME}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The name of the website.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{SITE_URL}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The URL of the website.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{COURSE_TITLE}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The title of the course for the unit that\'s just been completed.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{MODULE_TITLE}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The title of the module for the unit that\'s just been completed.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{MODULE_NUMBER}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The number of the module for the unit that\'s just been completed.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{CERTIFICATE_LINK}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('If the course has PDF certificates enabled, this is the link of the PDF certficate. (If there is no certificate or certificates are not enabled, this is simply blank)', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<h4 class="wpcw_docs_side_mini_hdr">%s</h4>', __('Quiz Email Notifications Only', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dl class="wpcw_email_tags">');
    printf('<dt>{QUIZ_TITLE}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The title of the quiz that has been graded.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{QUIZ_GRADE}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The overall percentage grade for a quiz.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{QUIZ_GRADES_BY_TAG}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('Includes a breakdown of scores by tag if available.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{QUIZ_TIME}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('If the quiz was timed, displays the time used to complete the quiz.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{QUIZ_ATTEMPTS}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('Indicates the number of attempts for the quiz.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{CUSTOM_FEEDBACK}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('Includes any custom feedback messages that have been triggered based on the user\'s specific results in the quiz.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{QUIZ_RESULT_DETAIL}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('Any optional information relating to the result of the quiz, e.g. information about retaking the quiz.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{UNIT_TITLE}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The title of the unit that is associated with the quiz.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{UNIT_URL}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The URL of the unit that is associated with the quiz.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<h4 class="wpcw_docs_side_mini_hdr">%s</h4>', __('Final Summary Notifications Only', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dl class="wpcw_email_tags">');
    printf('<dt>{CUMULATIVE_GRADE}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The overall cumulative grade that the user has scored from completing all quizzes on the course.', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<dt>{QUIZ_SUMMARY}</dt><dd>%s</dd>', __('The summary of each quiz, and what the user scored on each.', 'wp_courseware'));