コード例 #1
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: epto/webgui8
	$APPL = array(
		't'		=>	$JSON['t']	,
		'api'	=>	$JSON['api'] ? $JSON['api'] : null ,
		'url'	=>	$JSON['url'] ? $JSON['url'] : null ,
		'hdc'	=>	$JSON['hdc'] ? intval($JSON['hdc']) : 0,
		'app'	=>	$JSON['app'] ? $JSON['app'] : null 	,
		'act'	=>	$JSON['act'] ? $JSON['act'] : 'main',
		'apiFile'=>	false )
	if ($APPL['url']) {
		$APPL['file'] = WGParseURI($APPL['url']);
		if ($APPL['file']!==false and !WGisAllowed($APPL['file']['path'])) FatalError("Access denied");
		} else $APPL['file'] = null;
	if ($APPL['file']===false) FatalError("Invalid file name");
	if ($APPL['file']) WGProcMIME();
	if ($JSON['t']==AJ_SYSTEM) {
		$APPL['isRAW'] = true;
		$APPL['isAPI'] = 'bin/system';
	if ($APPL['isAPI']) {
		if (!$APPL['api'] or $APPL['api']=='') FatalError("API name requested");
		if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]{1,40}$/',$APPL['api'])) FatalError("Invalid API name");
		$f = $APPL['isAPI'].'/'. $APPL['api']. '.php';
		$f = WGParseFile($f);
コード例 #2
ファイル: webgui.php プロジェクト: epto/webgui8
function WGFormCheck(&$obj,&$data) {
	global $MODULES;
	foreach($obj['obj'] as $li) {
		if (!isset($li['n'])) continue;
		$K = $li['n'];
		$V = @$data[$K];
		$T = $li['t'];
		if ($MODULES['form'][$T]) {
			if ($f($li,$data[$K])) return $K;
		if (!$li['f'] and (!isset($data[$li['n']]) or $data[$li['n']]=='')) return $K;
		if ($li['f'] and $V=='') continue;
		if ($li['par']['lmin']) {
			if (strlen($V)<$li['par']['lmin']) return $K;
		if ($li['par']['lmax']) {
			if (strlen($V)>$li['par']['lmax']) return $K;
		if ($li['reg']) {
			if (preg_match('/'.$li['reg'].'/',$V)==0) return $K;
		if ($T=='int') {
			if (!is_numeric($V) or preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,16}$/',$V)==0) return $K;
			if (isset($li['par']['min']) and $V<$li['par']['min']) return $K;
			if (isset($li['par']['max']) and $V>$li['par']['max']) return $K;
		if ($T=='float') {
			if (!is_numeric($V)) return $K;
			if (isset($li['par']['min']) and $V<$li['par']['min']) return $K;
			if (isset($li['par']['max']) and $V>$li['par']['max']) return $K;
		if ($T=='image') {
			$V = WGParseFile($V,true);
			if ($V===false or !WGisAllowed($V['w'])) return $K;
			if (!$V['F'] or $V['D']) return $K;
			if (isset($li['par']['path'])) {
				foreach($t0 as $t1) {
					$t1=trim($t1,'/ ');
					if ($t1=='') continue;
				if (strpos($t2,"\n{$V['dirname']}/\n")===false) return $K;
			if (isset($li['par']['type'])) {
				foreach($t0 as $t1) {
					$t1=trim($t1,'. ');
					if ($t1=='') continue;
				if (strpos($t2,".{$V['extension']}.")===false) return $K;
			$data[$K] = $V['w'];
		if ($T=='enum') {
			foreach($li['par'] as $k => $v) {
				if (strpos($k,'.')===false) continue;
			if (!$v[$V]) return $K;
		if ($T=='time') {
			if ($a<0 or $a>23 or $b<0 or $b>59) return $K;
			$data[$K] = ($a*60)+$b;
		if ($T=='date') {
			if (!checkdate($m,$d,$y)) return $K;
			$data[$K] = gmmktime(0,0,0,$m,$d,$y);
		if ($T=='mail') {
			$x=filter_var($V, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
			if ($x===false) return $K;
		if ($T=='url') {
			$x = filter_var($V,	FILTER_VALIDATE_URL );
			if ($x===false) return $K;
		if ($T=='color') {
			if (preg_match('/^\#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/',$V)==0) return $K;
		if ($T=='captcha') {
			$capid= $li['cap'];
			if (!isset($_SESSION['EWGCaptcha'][$capid]) or $_SESSION['EWGCaptcha'][$capid]=='') FatalError($li['par']['onused'] ? $li['par']['onused'] : "The captcha code/session is arleady used.");
			$code = $_SESSION['EWGCaptcha'][$capid];
			if ($code=='' or $code!=strtolower($V)) return $K;
			if (isset($obj['captchas'])) $obj['captchas']=array();
			$obj['captchas'][] = $capid; 
		if ($T=='font') {
			if (!is_array($V)) return $K;
			if (!isset($V['fontFamily']) or preg_match('/^[^\,\-\_\.\s]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9\s\_\-\.\,]{1,40}[^\,\-\_\.\s]{1}$/',$V['fontFamily'])==0) return $K;
			if (!isset($V['fontSize']) or preg_match('/^[1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,3}(px|pt)$/',$V['fontSize'])==0) return $K;
			if (!isset($V['fontWeight']) or preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,16}$/',$V['fontWeight'])==0) return $K;
	return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: link.php プロジェクト: epto/webgui8
$po = WGParseFile($APPL['file']['path']);
if (!$po['D'] and !$po['F']) return;
if (!WGisAllowed($po['w'])) FatalError("Access denied");


if ($js===false) FatalError("Invalid Link");
$js=trim($js,"\t\r\n ");
if ($js=='') FatalError("Invalid Link");

$CMD[] = array(
	'api'	=>	'shell',
	'data'	=>	$js)