<?php include 'functions.php'; /*End of functions */ $userName = $_POST['name']; /*get the users userName*/ $passWord = $_POST['password']; /*get the users password*/ $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; /*ip address of user */ $message = ""; /*message to be returned*/ /*Check if userName exists*/ if (UsernameAvailable($userName) === false) { //the name is not already in associated with user in db if (ConfirmPassword($userName, $passWord) === true) { /*User password confirmed */ /*add user to connections table*/ $userId = GetUserid($userName); AddUserToConnections($userId, $ip); $message = '{"SIGNINSUCCEED" : true}'; } else { $message = '{"ERROR" : "INVALIDPASSWORD"}'; } } else { //the username does not exist in db $message = '{"ERROR" : "INVALIDUSERNAME"}'; } echo $message;
<?php include 'functions.php'; $userName = $_POST['name']; /*new users userName*/ /*hash the new users password*/ $passWord = password_hash($_POST['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $email = $_POST['email']; /*new users email address*/ $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; /*ip address of user */ $message = ""; /*message to be returned*/ /*Check if userName is available*/ if (UsernameAvailable($userName) === true) { //the name is not already in associated with user in db if (AddNewUser($userName, $passWord, $email) === true) { // User added to db $message = '{"SIGNINSUCCEED" : true}'; /*add user to connections table*/ $userId = GetUserid($userName); AddUserToConnections($userId, $ip); } } else { //the name is already in associated with user in db $message = '{"ERROR" : "INVALIDUSERNAMETAKEN"}'; } echo $message;