} else { $columns = array(); } $columns += array('TITLE' => _('Fee'), 'AMOUNT' => _('Amount'), 'ASSIGNED_DATE' => _('Assigned'), 'DUE_DATE' => _('Due'), 'COMMENTS' => _('Comment')); if (!$_REQUEST['print_statements']) { $link['add']['html'] = array('REMOVE' => button('add'), 'TITLE' => _makeFeesTextInput('', 'TITLE'), 'AMOUNT' => _makeFeesTextInput('', 'AMOUNT'), 'ASSIGNED_DATE' => ProperDate(DBDate()), 'DUE_DATE' => _makeFeesDateInput('', 'DUE_DATE'), 'COMMENTS' => _makeFeesTextInput('', 'COMMENTS')); } if (!$_REQUEST['print_statements']) { echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']} method=POST>"; DrawStudentHeader(); if (AllowEdit()) { DrawHeader('', '<INPUT type=submit value=' . _('Save') . '>'); } $options = array(); } else { $options = array('center' => false); } ListOutput($RET, $columns, _('Fee'), _('Fees'), $link, array(), $options); if (!$_REQUEST['print_statements'] && AllowEdit()) { echo '<CENTER><INPUT type=submit value=' . _('Save') . '></CENTER>'; } echo '<BR>'; if (!$_REQUEST['print_statements']) { $payments_total = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT SUM(p.AMOUNT) AS TOTAL FROM BILLING_PAYMENTS p WHERE p.STUDENT_ID='" . UserStudentID() . "' AND p.SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "'")); $table = '<TABLE><TR><TD align=' . ALIGN_RIGHT . '>' . _('Total from Fees:') . ' ' . str_replace(SystemPreferences('CURRENCY'), SystemPreferences('CURRENCY') . '</TD><TD align=' . ALIGN_RIGHT . '>', Currency($fees_total)) . '</TD></TR>'; $table .= '<TR><TD align=' . ALIGN_RIGHT . '>' . _('Less: Total from Payments:') . ' ' . str_replace(SystemPreferences('CURRENCY'), SystemPreferences('CURRENCY') . '</TD><TD align=' . ALIGN_RIGHT . '>', Currency($payments_total[1]['TOTAL'])) . '</TD></TR>'; $table .= '<TR><TD align=' . ALIGN_RIGHT . '>' . _('Balance:') . ' <b>' . str_replace(SystemPreferences('CURRENCY'), SystemPreferences('CURRENCY') . '</b></TD><TD align=' . ALIGN_RIGHT . '><b>', Currency($fees_total - $payments_total[1]['TOTAL'], 'CR')) . '</b></TD></TR></TABLE>'; DrawHeader('', '', $table); echo '</FORM>'; } }
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2006 Andrew Schmadeke. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt * Focus/SIS is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright notices and details. */ DrawHeader(ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['day_start'] && $_REQUEST['month_start'] && $_REQUEST['year_start']) { $start_date = $_REQUEST['day_start'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['month_start'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['year_start']; } else { $start_date = '01-' . strtoupper(date('M-y')); } if ($_REQUEST['day_end'] && $_REQUEST['month_end'] && $_REQUEST['year_end']) { $end_date = $_REQUEST['day_end'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['month_end'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['year_end']; } else { $end_date = DBDate(); } echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']} method=POST>"; DrawHeader(' <B>' . _('Report Timeframe') . ': </B>' . PrepareDate($start_date, '_start') . ' - ' . PrepareDate($end_date, '_end'), '<INPUT type=submit value=' . _('Go') . '>'); echo '</FORM>'; $billing_payments = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT sum(AMOUNT) AS AMOUNT FROM BILLING_PAYMENTS WHERE SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND PAYMENT_DATE BETWEEN '{$start_date}' AND '{$end_date}'")); $billing_fees = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT sum(f.AMOUNT) AS AMOUNT FROM BILLING_FEES f WHERE AND f.SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND f.ASSIGNED_DATE BETWEEN '{$start_date}' AND '{$end_date}'")); PopTable('header', _('Totals')); echo '<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>'; echo '<TR><TD align=' . ALIGN_RIGHT . '>' . _('Payments:') . ' ' . str_replace(SystemPreferences('CURRENCY'), SystemPreferences('CURRENCY') . '</TD><TD align=' . ALIGN_RIGHT . '>', Currency($billing_payments[1]['AMOUNT'])) . '</TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD align=' . ALIGN_RIGHT . '>' . _('Less: Fees:') . ' ' . str_replace(SystemPreferences('CURRENCY'), SystemPreferences('CURRENCY') . '</TD><TD align=' . ALIGN_RIGHT . '>', Currency($billing_fees[1]['AMOUNT'])) . '</TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD align=' . ALIGN_RIGHT . ' style="border:1;border-style: solid none none none;"><B>' . _('Total:') . ' ' . str_replace(SystemPreferences('CURRENCY'), SystemPreferences('CURRENCY') . '</B></TD><TD align=' . ALIGN_RIGHT . ' style="border:1;border-style: solid none none none"><B>', Currency($billing_payments[1]['AMOUNT'] - $billing_fees[1]['AMOUNT'])) . '</B></TD></TR>'; echo '</TABLE>'; PopTable('footer');