コード例 #1
 public function indexAction($id = null)
     if (empty($id)) {
         return AddAlertMessage('danger', 'Статьи не существует.', '/');
     $vUserID = GetUserID();
     $UnknownUserGUID = GetUnknownUserGUID();
     $IsNotifyRecipientActive = false;
     if ($vUserID != 0) {
         $vAddWhere = "((UserID = {$vUserID}) or (UnknownUserGUID = '{$UnknownUserGUID}'))";
         $UnknownUserGUIDForViewed = "";
         $IsNotifyRecipientActive = Emails_IsNotifyRecipientActive(1, $id, $_SESSION['auth']['email']);
     } else {
         $vAddWhere = "(UnknownUserGUID = '{$UnknownUserGUID}')";
         $UnknownUserGUIDForViewed = $UnknownUserGUID;
     // Регистрация просмотра статьи пользователем
     $sql = "insert into ArticleViewed(ArticleID, UnknownUserGUID, UserID, LastView) " . "values({$id}, '{$UnknownUserGUIDForViewed}', {$vUserID}, '" . GetLocalDateTimeAsSQLStr() . "') " . "on duplicate key update " . "LastView = '" . GetLocalDateTimeAsSQLStr() . "';";
     $article = new Articles($this->context, 'ID = "' . $id . '"');
     if (!isset($article->ID) || $article->ID == null) {
         return AddAlertMessage('danger', 'Статьи не существует.', '/');
     if ($article->IsActive != '1' && !Tools::getValue('preview')) {
         return AddAlertMessage('danger', 'Статья в черновике.', '/');
     $article->PhotoL = URL . DIR_DBIMAGES . 'articles/' . $id . '/l_1.' . $article->MainImageExt;
     $sql = "select Name from ArticleCategories where ID = " . (int) $article->CategoryID;
     $category = GetMainConnection()->query($sql)->fetch();
     $vArticleLike = $this->db->query("select ID from ArticleLikes where (ArticleID = {$id}) and {$vAddWhere} limit 1;")->fetch();
     $vAlreadyLiked = !empty($vArticleLike['ID']);
     $sql = "select CommentDate, UserID, UserName, Comment " . "from ArticleComments " . "where (ArticleID = {$id}) " . "and (IsDeleted = 0) " . "order by CommentDate desc;";
     $ArticleComments = $this->db->query($sql)->fetchAll();
     if (!isset($article->AuthorID) || $article->AuthorID == null) {
         $ArticleAuthor['Name'] = '';
         $ArticleAuthor['ShortDescription'] = '';
         $ArticleAuthor['Photo'] = '';
     } else {
         $sql = 'SELECT Name, ShortDescription, Photo FROM Authors WHERE ID=' . (int) $article->AuthorID;
         $ArticleAuthor = $this->db->query($sql)->fetch();
     $this->view->setVars(array('id' => $id, 'article' => $article, 'similar' => $article->getSimilar($id), 'discused' => $article->getMostDiscussed(), 'alreadyLiked' => $vAlreadyLiked, 'ArticleAuthor' => $ArticleAuthor, 'ArticleDocuments' => $article->getArticleDocuments($id), 'ArticleComments' => $ArticleComments, 'ArticleCategory' => $category['Name'], 'IsNotifyRecipientActive' => $IsNotifyRecipientActive));
     $this->view->breadcrumbs = array(array('url' => '/category', 'title' => 'Все статьи'), array('url' => '/articles/c-' . $article->CategoryID, 'title' => $category['Name']), array('url' => '/articles/c-' . $article->CategoryID . '/a-' . $article->ID, 'title' => $article->Name));
     $this->view->meta = array('meta_title' => $article->Name, 'meta_description' => $article->ShortDescription, 'meta_keywords' => $article->MetaKeywords);
コード例 #2
 public function itemAction($id = null)
     if (empty($id)) {
         return AddAlertMessage('danger', 'Организации не существует.', '/');
     $CanSubmit = CanSubmit_CheckTokenForPreventDoubleSubmit();
     $ActiveTab = "uslugi";
     /*if (($CanSubmit == true) && (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'AddCommentBtn') !== NULL)) {
           $ActiveTab = "comments";
           $MsgUserName = POSTStrAsSQLStr('MsgUserName');
           $MsgText = POSTStrAsSQLStr('MsgText');
           if (!empty($MsgUserName) && !empty($MsgText)) {
               if (isset($_SESSION['auth'])) {
                   $vUserID = $_SESSION['auth']['id'];
                   $vUnknownUserGUID = "null";
               } else {
                   $vUserID = "null";
                   $vUnknownUserGUID = "'".(string)GetUnknownUserGUID()."'";
               $sql = "insert into CatalogComments(CatalogItemID, UserID, UnknownUserGUID, CreateDate, UserName, Text) ".
                      "values($id, $vUserID, $vUnknownUserGUID, '".GetLocalDateTimeAsSQLStr()."', '$MsgUserName', '$MsgText');";
     if ($CanSubmit == true && filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'AddRaitingBtn') !== NULL) {
         $ActiveTab = "raiting";
         $Rating1 = POSTStrAsSQLStr('uslovjEdt');
         $Rating2 = POSTStrAsSQLStr('personalEdt');
         $Rating3 = POSTStrAsSQLStr('uvagaEdt');
         if (isset($_SESSION['auth'])) {
             $vUserIDForIns = $_SESSION['auth']['id'];
             $vUnknownUserGUIDForIns = "null";
             $vUserID = "=" . $_SESSION['auth']['id'];
             $vUnknownUserGUID = "is null";
         } else {
             $vUserIDForIns = "null";
             $vUnknownUserGUIDForIns = "'" . (string) GetUnknownUserGUID() . "'";
             $vUserID = "is null";
             $vUnknownUserGUID = "='" . (string) GetUnknownUserGUID() . "'";
         $sql = "insert into CatalogRatings(CatalogItemID, UserID, UnknownUserGUID, Rating1, Rating2, Rating3) " . "select * from (select {$id} as C1, {$vUserIDForIns} as C2, {$vUnknownUserGUIDForIns} as C3, {$Rating1} as C4, {$Rating2} as C5, {$Rating3} as C6) AS tmp " . "where not exists ( " . "select ID " . "from CatalogRatings " . "where (CatalogItemID = {$id}) " . "and (UserID {$vUserID}) " . "and (UnknownUserGUID {$vUnknownUserGUID}) " . ") limit 1;";
     $sql = "select CI.ID, CI.id_pod_cat, CI.name, L.ShortName as LocalityName, CONCAT_WS(', ', L.Name, CI.adress) as FullAddress, CI.adress, CI.foto, CI.kont_tell, " . "CI.site_url, CP.name as SubCategoryName, CI.MetaKeywords, (CI.Rating1+CI.Rating2+CI.Rating3)/3 as TotalRating, " . "CI.Rating1, CI.Rating2, CI.Rating3, CI.CountRatings, CI.uslugi, CI.MapX, CI.MapY, L.RegionName, L.LocalityName as OriginalLocalityName " . "from Catalog_item as CI " . "left outer join view_LocalitiesWithRegion as L on ((CI.LocalityID = L.ID) and (CI.RegionID = L.RegionID)) " . "left outer join Catalog_pod as CP on (CI.id_pod_cat = CP.ID) " . "where CI.ID = {$id} " . "and CI.IsDeleted = 0";
     $item = $this->db->query($sql)->fetch();
     $sql = "select PI.foto, CONCAT_WS(' ', PI.famil, PI.name, PI.othestvo) as Name, PP.Name as JobTitleName, PI.tell_kont, PI.rabot_graf " . "from Personal_item as PI " . "left outer join Personal_pod as PP on (PI.id_pod_cat = PP.ID) " . "where (PI.CatalogItemID = {$id}) " . "and (PI.IsDeleted = 0) " . "order by PI.famil, PI.name, PI.othestvo;";
     $personal = $this->db->query($sql)->fetchAll();
     $sql = "select Photo " . "from Catalog_item_images " . "where (CatalogItemID = {$id}) " . "order by ID;";
     $photos = $this->db->query($sql)->fetchAll();
     $sql = "select CreateDate, UserID, UserName, Text " . "from CatalogComments " . "where (CatalogItemID = {$id}) " . "and (IsDeleted = 0) " . "order by CreateDate desc;";
     $comments = $this->db->query($sql)->fetchAll();
     if (isset($_SESSION['auth'])) {
         $vUserID = "=" . $_SESSION['auth']['id'];
         $vUnknownUserGUID = "is null";
     } else {
         $vUserID = "is null";
         $vUnknownUserGUID = "='" . (string) GetUnknownUserGUID() . "'";
     $sql = "select ID " . "from CatalogRatings " . "where (CatalogItemID = {$id}) " . "and (UserID {$vUserID}) " . "and (UnknownUserGUID {$vUnknownUserGUID}) " . "limit 1;";
     $rec = $this->db->query($sql)->fetch();
     $RaitingID = $rec['ID'];
     $this->view->setVars(array('id' => $id, 'item' => $item, 'personal' => $personal, 'photos' => $photos, 'comments' => $comments, 'ActiveTab' => $ActiveTab, 'RaitingID' => $RaitingID));
     $this->view->breadcrumbs = array(array('url' => '/catalog/', 'title' => 'Каталог организаций'), array('url' => '/catalog/p-' . $item['id_pod_cat'], 'title' => $item['SubCategoryName']), array('url' => '/catalog/i-' . $id, 'title' => $item['name']));
     $this->view->meta = array('meta_title' => 'Организация: ' . $item['name'], 'meta_description' => 'Организация: ' . $item['name'], 'meta_keywords' => $item['MetaKeywords']);