//curl data from DB to sms_api; require_once './mail_db_conn.php'; $conn = db_connect(); $SELECT_SQL = " SELECT sms_queue.id,sms_queue.content,receiver_info.phone_number\n\t\tFROM sms_queue,receiver_info \n\t\tWHERE sms_queue.contact = receiver_info.user_name\n\t\tAND sms_queue.send_result = 'pending'; "; include "./SendSMS.php"; while ("ok") { $SELECT_RESULT = mysql_query($SELECT_SQL, $conn); if ($SELECT_RESULT) { while ($SELECT_ARRAY = mysql_fetch_array($SELECT_RESULT)) { $datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); file_put_contents("log/ops_system.log", $datetime . "Select_result: " . $SELECT_ARRAY['phone_number'] . " - " . $SELECT_ARRAY['content'] . ".\n", FILE_APPEND); $RESPONDS = SEND_SMS($SELECT_ARRAY['phone_number'], $SELECT_ARRAY['content']); if ($RESPONDS == "true") { $UPDATE_SQL = "UPDATE sms_queue SET send_result = 'success' WHERE id='" . $SELECT_ARRAY['id'] . "';"; } else { $RESPONDS = SEND_SMS($SELECT_ARRAY['phone_number'], $SELECT_ARRAY['content']); if ($RESPONDS == "true") { $UPDATE_SQL = "UPDATE sms_queue SET send_result = 'success' WHERE id='" . $SELECT_ARRAY['id'] . "';"; } else { $UPDATE_SQL = "UPDATE sms_queue SET send_result = 'fail' WHERE id='" . $SELECT_ARRAY['id'] . "';"; } } mysql_query($UPDATE_SQL, $conn); file_put_contents("log/ops_system.log", $datetime . " Finished - Update: " . $UPDATE_SQL . ".\n", FILE_APPEND); } } #$UPDATE_SQL_S = "update sms_queue set send_result = 'skip' where send_result = 'pending';"; #mysql_query($UPDATE_SQL_S,$conn); sleep(1); }
//$url = ""; $url = "http://sms.4000966666.com:9000/NotificationService/services/notification"; $content = $content . " 【中交兴路】"; $post_field = GET_POST_FIELD($receivers, $content); //var_dump($post_field); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "{$post_field}"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $rsp = curl_exec($ch); //$rsp = trim($rsp); var_dump($rsp); $datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if (preg_match("/success/", $rsp)) { #file_put_contents("log/ops_system.log",$datetime." send sms success.\n",FILE_APPEND); file_put_contents("log/ops_system.log", $datetime . "receiver: " . $receivers . "; content:" . $content . "send sms success.\n", FILE_APPEND); return "true"; } else { #file_put_contents("log/ops_system.log",$datetime." send sms failed.\n",FILE_APPEND); file_put_contents("log/ops_system.log", $datetime . "receiver: " . $receivers . "; content:" . $content . " send sms failed.\n", FILE_APPEND); return "false"; } curl_close($ch); } //$OP_RESULT = SEND_SMS("13911484765","【中交兴路监控平台】:测试 中交兴路监控平台各位领导客车平台出现异常情况!"); $OP_RESULT = SEND_SMS("13520181582", "【中交兴路监控平台】:测试 中交兴路监控平台各位领导客车平台出现异常情况!"); //$OP_RESULT = SEND_SMS("13801035856","<From 21ViaNet> : Swap SWAP OK - 100% free (4094 MB out of 4094 MB)"); echo $OP_RESULT; #$OP_RESULT1 = SEND_SMS("18611153002","1<From 21ViaNet> : Swap SWAP OK - 100% free (4094 MB out of 4094 MB)"); #echo $OP_RESULT1;
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // collect user information $user_fname = $row['user_fname']; $email_id = $row['user_email']; $subject_title = "SKOL Test remainder"; $user_phone = $row['user_phone']; $message_body = "Dear " . $row['user_fname'] . ", \nThere is an Test coming up in " . $row['course_name'] . " - " . $row['subject_name'] . " - " . $row['test_name'] . " on tomorrow Date " . $row['schedule'] . "\nAll The Best. \nThanks and Regards \nSKOL System \nadmin@skolsystem.com."; // send email $email_status = SEND_EMAIL($email_id, $subject_title, $message_body); if ($email_status) { $email_sent++; } // send sms $schedule_id = SEND_SMS($user_phone, $message_body); if (isset($schedule_id)) { $user_phone = trim($user_phone); $query = mysql_query("insert into unsend_sms_alert(user_fname,email_id,user_phone,message_body,sms_response) values('" . $user_fname . "','" . $email_id . "'," . $user_phone . ",'" . $message_body . "','" . $schedule_id . "');"); if (isset($query)) { $sms_count++; } else { echo "<p> Failed to update in unsent_sms_alert </p> \n"; } } } } else { echo "There is no SMS remainder all sent successfully ! <br> \n"; } } // Check for sms status ---------------------------------- START --------------
<?php include_once "../SendSMS.php"; $NotificationResult = file_get_contents("./result.txt"); //echo $NotificationResult; SEND_SMS("13911484765,15810613566", "[ZJXL_IT From tiger]\n{$NotificationResult}."); //SEND_SMS("18610212142","【中交兴路监控平台】:短信通讯正常!你该下班了!]");