コード例 #1
ファイル: ShowInfo.php プロジェクト: novnan/meiju
function DtGetHtml($add, $newstemp_r, $mid, $tbname, $line, $page_line, $start, $page, $search)
    global $public_r, $class_r, $class_zr, $class_tr, $fun_r, $empire, $dbtbpre, $emod_r, $level_r;
    $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . " set onclick=onclick+1 where id='{$add['id']}' limit 1");
    $add['onclick'] = $add['onclick'] + 1;
    $newstemptext = $newstemp_r[temptext];
    $formatdate = $newstemp_r[showdate];
    $pagetitle = ehtmlspecialchars($add[title]);
    $url = ReturnClassLink($add[classid]);
    $newstemptext = DtInfo_ReplaceSvars($newstemptext, $url, $add[classid], $pagetitle, $add[keyboard], $pagetitle);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--other.link--]')) {
        $keyboardtext = GetKeyboard($add[keyboard], $add[keyid], $add[classid], $add[id], $class_r[$add[classid]][link_num]);
    $ptitle = $add['title'];
    $truepage = '';
    $titleselect = '';
    $expage = '[!--empirenews.page--]';
    $pf = $emod_r[$mid]['pagef'];
    if ($pf && strstr($add[$pf], $expage)) {
        $n_r = explode($expage, $add[$pf]);
        $thispagenum = count($n_r);
        if ($page < 0 || $page > $thispagenum - 1) {
            $page = 0;
        $add[$pf] = $n_r[$page];
        if ($page) {
            $ti_r = explode('[/!--empirenews.page--]', $n_r[$page]);
            if (count($ti_r) >= 2) {
                $ptitle = $ti_r[0];
                $add[$pf] = $ti_r[1];
            } else {
                $ptitle = $add['title'] . '(' . ($page + 1) . ')';
        $pagefunr = eReturnRewriteInfoUrl($add['classid'], $add['id'], 0);
        $pagefunr['repagenum'] = 0;
        $truepage = InfoUsePage($thispagenum, $line, $page_line, $start, $page, $search, $pagefunr);
        if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--title.select--]')) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < $thispagenum; $j++) {
                $spurl = eReturnRewritePageLink($pagefunr, $j);
                if ($j == 0) {
                    $sptitle = $add[title];
                } else {
                    $ti_r = explode('[/!--empirenews.page--]', $n_r[$j]);
                    $sptitle = count($ti_r) >= 2 ? $ti_r[0] : $add[title] . '(' . ($j + 1) . ')';
                $select = '';
                if ($page == $j) {
                    $ptitle = $sptitle;
                    $select = ' selected';
                $titleselect .= '<option value="' . $spurl . '"' . $select . '>' . $sptitle . '</option>';
            $titleselect = '<select name="titleselect" onchange="self.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">' . $titleselect . '</select>';
        if ($page == $thispagenum - 1) {
            $thisnextlink = eReturnRewritePageLink($pagefunr, 0);
        } else {
            $thisnextlink = eReturnRewritePageLink($pagefunr, $page + 1);
    $docheckrep = ReturnCheckDoRepStr();
    if ($add[newstext]) {
        if (empty($public_r['dorepword']) && $docheckrep[3]) {
            $add[newstext] = ReplaceWord($add[newstext]);
        if (empty($public_r['dorepkey']) && $docheckrep[4] && !empty($add[dokey])) {
            $add[newstext] = ReplaceKey($add['newstext'], $add['classid']);
        if ($public_r['opencopytext']) {
            $add[newstext] = AddNotCopyRndStr($add[newstext]);
    $tempf = $emod_r[$mid]['tempf'];
    $fr = explode(',', $tempf);
    $fcount = count($fr) - 1;
    $newstempstr = $newstemptext;
    for ($i = 1; $i < $fcount; $i++) {
        $f = $fr[$i];
        $value = $add[$f];
        if ($f == 'downpath') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--downpath--]')) {
                $value = ReturnDownSoftHtml($add);
        } elseif ($f == 'onlinepath') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--onlinepath--]')) {
                $value = ReturnOnlinepathHtml($add);
        } elseif ($f == 'morepic') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--morepic--]')) {
                $value = ReturnMorepicpathHtml($add);
        } elseif ($f == 'newstime') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--newstime--]')) {
                $value = date($formatdate, $value);
        } elseif ($f == 'befrom') {
            if ($docheckrep[1] && strstr($newstemptext, '[!--befrom--]')) {
                $value = ReplaceBefrom($value);
        } elseif ($f == 'writer') {
            if ($docheckrep[2] && strstr($newstemptext, '[!--writer--]')) {
                $value = ReplaceWriter($value);
        } elseif ($f == 'titlepic') {
            if (empty($value)) {
                $value = $public_r[newsurl] . 'e/data/images/notimg.gif';
        } elseif ($f == 'title') {
        } else {
            if (!strstr($emod_r[$mid]['editorf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
                if (strstr($emod_r[$mid]['tobrf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
                    $value = nl2br($value);
                if (!strstr($emod_r[$mid]['dohtmlf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
                    $value = RepFieldtextNbsp(ehtmlspecialchars($value));
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--' . $f . '--]', $value, $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--id--]', $add[id], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--classid--]', $add[classid], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--class.name--]', $class_r[$add[classid]][classname], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--ttid--]', $add[ttid], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--tt.name--]', $class_tr[$add[ttid]][tname], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--tt.url--]', sys_ReturnBqInfoTypeUrl($add['ttid']), $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--onclick--]', $add[onclick], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--userfen--]', $add[userfen], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--username--]', $add[username], $newstempstr);
    if ($add[ismember] == 1 && $add[userid]) {
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--linkusername--]', "<a href='" . $public_r[newsurl] . "e/space/?userid=" . $add[userid] . "' target=_blank>" . $add[username] . "</a>", $newstempstr);
    } else {
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--linkusername--]', $add[username], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--userid--]', $add[userid], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--other.link--]', $keyboardtext, $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--news.url--]', $public_r[newsurl], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--plnum--]', $add[plnum], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--totaldown--]', $add[totaldown], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--keyboard--]', $add[keyboard], $newstempstr);
    $titleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($add);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--titleurl--]', $titleurl, $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--page.stats--]', '', $newstempstr);
    $classurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($add, 9);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--class.url--]', $classurl, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--info.next--]')) {
        $next_r = $empire->fetch1("select isurl,titleurl,classid,id,title from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " where id>{$add['id']} and classid='{$add['classid']}' order by id limit 1");
        if (empty($next_r[id])) {
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $classurl . "'>" . $fun_r['HaveNoNextLink'] . "</a>";
        } else {
            $nexttitleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($next_r);
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $nexttitleurl . "'>" . $next_r[title] . "</a>";
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--info.next--]', $infonext, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--info.pre--]')) {
        $next_r = $empire->fetch1("select isurl,titleurl,classid,id,title from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " where id<{$add['id']} and classid='{$add['classid']}' order by id desc limit 1");
        if (empty($next_r[id])) {
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $classurl . "'>" . $fun_r['HaveNoNextLink'] . "</a>";
        } else {
            $nexttitleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($next_r);
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $nexttitleurl . "'>" . $next_r[title] . "</a>";
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--info.pre--]', $infonext, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--info.vote--]')) {
        $myvotetext = sys_GetInfoVote($add[classid], $add[id]);
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--info.vote--]', $myvotetext, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--pinfopfen--]')) {
        $pinfopfen = $add[infopfennum] ? round($add[infopfen] / $add[infopfennum]) : 0;
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--pinfopfen--]', $pinfopfen, $newstempstr);
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--infopfennum--]', $add[infopfennum], $newstempstr);
    $string = $newstempstr;
    $string = str_replace('[!--p.title--]', strip_tags($ptitle), $string);
    $string = str_replace('[!--next.page--]', $thisnextlink, $string);
    $string = str_replace('[!--page.url--]', $truepage, $string);
    $string = str_replace('[!--title.select--]', $titleselect, $string);
    return $string;
コード例 #2
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: novnan/meiju
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    $n_r = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$classid][tbname] . " where id='{$id}' limit 1");
    if (!$n_r['id'] || $n_r['classid'] != $classid) {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    $pubid = ReturnInfoPubid($classid, $id);
    $search = "&classid={$classid}&id=" . $id;
    $titleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($n_r);
    $title = stripSlashes($n_r[title]);
    $pagetitle = ehtmlspecialchars($title);
    $infopfennum = $n_r['infopfennum'];
    $pinfopfen = $infopfennum ? round($n_r['infopfen'] / $infopfennum) : 0;
    $url = ReturnClassLink($n_r[classid]) . "&nbsp;>&nbsp;<a href=" . $titleurl . ">" . $title . "</a>&nbsp;>&nbsp;" . $fun_r[pl];
$rewritetempid = 0;
if ($_GET['tempid']) {
    $tempid = (int) $_GET['tempid'];
    $tempnum = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from " . GetTemptb("enewspltemp") . " where tempid='{$tempid}'");
    $tempid = $tempnum ? $tempid : $public_r['defpltempid'];
    $search .= '&tempid=' . $tempid;
    $rewritetempid = $tempid;
} else {
    if ($doaction == 'dozt') {
        $tempid = $class_zr[$classid]['pltempid'] ? $class_zr[$classid]['pltempid'] : $public_r['defpltempid'];
    } else {
        $tempid = $class_r[$classid]['pltempid'] ? $class_r[$classid]['pltempid'] : $public_r['defpltempid'];
コード例 #3
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: novnan/meiju
if (empty($class_r[$classid]['listdt']) && !$cr['repagenum']) {
    $classurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($cr, 9);
if ($cr['cgroupid']) {
    $mgroupid = (int) getcvar('mlgroupid');
    if (!strstr($cr[cgroupid], ',' . $mgroupid . ',')) {
        printerror('NotLevelToClass', 'history.go(-1)', 1);
$GLOBALS['navclassid'] = $classid;
$url = ReturnClassLink($classid);
$pagetitle = $class_r[$classid]['classname'];
$pagekey = $cr['classpagekey'];
$pagedes = $cr['intro'];
$classimg = $cr['classimg'] ? $cr['classimg'] : $public_r[newsurl] . 'e/data/images/notimg.gif';
if (!$class_r[$classid][islast] && $cr['islist'] != 1) {
    if (empty($cr['listdt']) || $cr['islist'] == 3) {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    if ($cr[islist] == 2) {
        $classtemp = GetClassText($classid);
        $dttempname = 'classpage' . $classid;
    } else {
        if (empty($cr['classtempid'])) {
            printerror('ErrorUrl', '', 1);
コード例 #4
function GetHtml($add, $fields, $doall = 0)
    global $public_r, $class_r, $class_zr, $fun_r, $empire, $dbtbpre, $emod_r, $class_tr, $level_r, $etable_r;
    if (empty($doall)) {
        if ($add['titleurl'] || $add['checked'] == 0 || $class_r[$add[classid]][showdt] == 2 || strstr($public_r['nreinfo'], ',' . $add['classid'] . ',')) {
            return '';
    $mid = $class_r[$add[classid]]['modid'];
    $tbname = $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname];
    if ($emod_r[$mid]['tbdataf'] && $emod_r[$mid]['tbdataf'] != ',') {
        $selectdataf = substr($emod_r[$mid]['tbdataf'], 1, -1);
        $addr = $empire->fetch1("select " . $selectdataf . " from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_data_" . $add[stb] . " where id='{$add['id']}'");
        $add = array_merge($add, $addr);
    $iclasspath = ReturnSaveInfoPath($add[classid], $add[id]);
    $doclasspath = ECMS_PATH . $iclasspath;
    $createinfopath = $doclasspath;
    $newspath = '';
    if ($add[newspath]) {
        $createpath = $doclasspath . $add[newspath];
        if (!file_exists($createpath)) {
            $r[newspath] = FormatPath($add[classid], $add[newspath], 1);
        $createinfopath .= $add[newspath] . '/';
        $newspath = $add[newspath] . '/';
    if ($class_r[$add[classid]][filename] == 3) {
        $createinfopath .= ReturnInfoSPath($add['filename']);
        $fn3 = 1;
    if ($emod_r[$mid]['savetxtf']) {
        $stf = $emod_r[$mid]['savetxtf'];
        if ($add[$stf]) {
            $add[$stf] = GetTxtFieldText($add[$stf]);
    $GLOBALS['navclassid'] = $add[classid];
    $GLOBALS['navinfor'] = $add;
    $add[newstempid] = $add[newstempid] ? $add[newstempid] : $class_r[$add[classid]][newstempid];
    $newstemp_r = GetNewsTemp($add[newstempid]);
    $newstemptext = $newstemp_r[temptext];
    $formatdate = $newstemp_r[showdate];
    $pagetitle = htmlspecialchars($add[title]);
    $url = ReturnClassLink($add[classid]);
    $newstemptext = Info_ReplaceSvars($newstemptext, $url, $add[classid], $pagetitle, $add[keyboard], $pagetitle);
    if ($add[groupid] || $class_r[$add[classid]]['cgtoinfo']) {
        if (empty($add[newspath])) {
            $include = '';
        } else {
            $pr = explode('/', $add[newspath]);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($pr); $i++) {
                $include .= '../';
        if ($fn3 == 1) {
            $include .= '../';
        $pr = explode('/', $iclasspath);
        $pcount = count($pr);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $pcount - 1; $i++) {
            $include .= '../';
        $include1 = $include;
        $include .= 'e/class/CheckLevel.php';
        $filetype = '.php';
        $addlevel = "<?php\r\n\t\tdefine('empirecms','wm_chief');\r\n\t\t\$check_tbname='" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . "';\r\n\t\t\$check_infoid=" . $add[id] . ";\r\n\t\t\$check_classid=" . $add[classid] . ";\r\n\t\t\$check_path=\"" . $include1 . "\";\r\n\t\trequire(\"" . $include . "\");\r\n\t\t?>";
    } else {
        $filetype = $class_r[$add[classid]][filetype];
        $addlevel = '';
    if ($class_r[$add[classid]][classurl] && $class_r[$add[classid]][ipath] == '') {
        $dolink = $class_r[$add[classid]][classurl] . '/' . $newspath;
    } else {
        $dolink = $public_r[newsurl] . $iclasspath . $newspath;
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--other.link--]')) {
        $keyboardtext = GetKeyboard($add[keyboard], $add[keyid], $add[classid], $add[id], $class_r[$add[classid]][link_num]);
    $onclick = "<script src='" . $public_r[newsurl] . "e/public/onclick?enews=donews&classid={$add['classid']}&id=" . $add[id] . "'></script>";
    $docheckrep = ReturnCheckDoRepStr();
    if ($add[newstext]) {
        if (empty($public_r['dorepword']) && $docheckrep[3]) {
            $add[newstext] = ReplaceWord($add[newstext]);
        if (empty($public_r['dorepkey']) && $docheckrep[4] && !empty($add[dokey])) {
            $add[newstext] = ReplaceKey($add[newstext]);
        if ($public_r['opencopytext']) {
            $add[newstext] = AddNotCopyRndStr($add[newstext]);
    $expage = '[!--empirenews.page--]';
    $pf = $emod_r[$mid]['pagef'];
    $tempf = $emod_r[$mid]['tempf'];
    if ($pf && strstr($add[$pf], $expage)) {
        $tempf = str_replace(',' . $pf . ',', ',', $tempf);
    $fr = explode(',', $tempf);
    $fcount = count($fr) - 1;
    $newstempstr = $newstemptext;
    for ($i = 1; $i < $fcount; $i++) {
        $f = $fr[$i];
        $value = $add[$f];
        if ($f == 'downpath') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--downpath--]')) {
                $value = ReturnDownSoftHtml($add);
        } elseif ($f == 'onlinepath') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--onlinepath--]')) {
                $value = ReturnOnlinepathHtml($add);
        } elseif ($f == 'morepic') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--morepic--]')) {
                $value = ReturnMorepicpathHtml($add);
        } elseif ($f == 'newstime') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--newstime--]')) {
                $value = date($formatdate, $value);
        } elseif ($f == 'befrom') {
            if ($docheckrep[1] && strstr($newstemptext, '[!--befrom--]')) {
                $value = ReplaceBefrom($value);
        } elseif ($f == 'writer') {
            if ($docheckrep[2] && strstr($newstemptext, '[!--writer--]')) {
                $value = ReplaceWriter($value);
        } elseif ($f == 'titlepic') {
            if (empty($value)) {
                $value = $public_r[newsurl] . 'e/data/images/notimg.gif';
        } elseif ($f == 'title') {
        } else {
            if (!strstr($emod_r[$mid]['editorf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
                if (strstr($emod_r[$mid]['tobrf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
                    $value = nl2br($value);
                if (!strstr($emod_r[$mid]['dohtmlf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
                    $value = RepFieldtextNbsp(htmlspecialchars($value));
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--' . $f . '--]', $value, $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--id--]', $add[id], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--classid--]', $add[classid], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--class.name--]', $class_r[$add[classid]][classname], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--ttid--]', $add[ttid], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--tt.name--]', $class_tr[$add[ttid]][tname], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--onclick--]', $add[onclick], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--userfen--]', $add[userfen], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--username--]', $add[username], $newstempstr);
    if ($add[ismember] == 1 && $add[userid]) {
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--linkusername--]', "<a href='" . $public_r[newsurl] . "e/space/?userid=" . $add[userid] . "' target=_blank>" . $add[username] . "</a>", $newstempstr);
    } else {
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--linkusername--]', $add[username], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--userid--]', $add[userid], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--other.link--]', $keyboardtext, $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--news.url--]', $public_r[newsurl], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--plnum--]', $add[plnum], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--totaldown--]', $add[totaldown], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--keyboard--]', $add[keyboard], $newstempstr);
    $titleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($add);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--titleurl--]', $titleurl, $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--page.stats--]', $onclick, $newstempstr);
    $classurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($add, 9);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--class.url--]', $classurl, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--info.next--]')) {
        $next_r = $empire->fetch1("select titleurl,groupid,classid,newspath,filename,id,title from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " where id>{$add['id']} and classid='{$add['classid']}' and checked=1 order by id limit 1");
        if (empty($next_r[id])) {
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $classurl . "'>" . $fun_r['HaveNoNextLink'] . "</a>";
        } else {
            $nexttitleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($next_r);
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $nexttitleurl . "'>" . $next_r[title] . "</a>";
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--info.next--]', $infonext, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--info.pre--]')) {
        $next_r = $empire->fetch1("select titleurl,groupid,classid,newspath,filename,id,title from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " where id<{$add['id']} and classid='{$add['classid']}' and checked=1 order by id desc limit 1");
        if (empty($next_r[id])) {
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $classurl . "'>" . $fun_r['HaveNoNextLink'] . "</a>";
        } else {
            $nexttitleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($next_r);
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $nexttitleurl . "'>" . $next_r[title] . "</a>";
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--info.pre--]', $infonext, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--info.vote--]')) {
        $myvotetext = sys_GetInfoVote($add[classid], $add[id]);
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--info.vote--]', $myvotetext, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--pinfopfen--]')) {
        $pinfopfen = $add[infopfennum] ? round($add[infopfen] / $add[infopfennum]) : 0;
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--pinfopfen--]', $pinfopfen, $newstempstr);
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--infopfennum--]', $add[infopfennum], $newstempstr);
    if ($pf && strstr($add[$pf], $expage)) {
        $n_r = explode($expage, $add[$pf]);
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        $thefun = $public_r['textpagefun'] ? $public_r['textpagefun'] : 'sys_ShowTextPage';
        if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--title.select--]')) {
            $dotitleselect = sys_ShowTextPageSelect($thispagenum, $dolink, $add, $filetype, $n_r);
        for ($j = 1; $j <= $thispagenum; $j++) {
            $string = $newstempstr;
            $truepage = '';
            $titleselect = '';
            if ($thispagenum == $j) {
                $thisnextlink = $dolink . $add[filename] . $filetype;
            } else {
                $thisj = $j + 1;
                $thisnextlink = $dolink . $add[filename] . '_' . $thisj . $filetype;
            $k = $j - 1;
            if ($j == 1) {
                $file = $doclasspath . $newspath . $add[filename] . $filetype;
                $ptitle = $add[title];
            } else {
                $file = $doclasspath . $newspath . $add[filename] . '_' . $j . $filetype;
                $ti_r = explode('[/!--empirenews.page--]', $n_r[$k]);
                if (count($ti_r) >= 2) {
                    $ptitle = $ti_r[0];
                    $n_r[$k] = $ti_r[1];
                } else {
                    $ptitle = $add[title] . '(' . $j . ')';
            if ($thispagenum != 1) {
                $truepage = $thefun($thispagenum, $j, $dolink, $add, $filetype, '');
                $titleselect = str_replace("?" . $j . "\">", "?" . $j . "\" selected>", $dotitleselect);
            $newstext = $n_r[$k];
            if (!strstr($emod_r[$mid]['editorf'], ',' . $pf . ',')) {
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                    $newstext = nl2br($newstext);
                if (!strstr($emod_r[$mid]['dohtmlf'], ',' . $pf . ',')) {
                    $newstext = htmlspecialchars($newstext);
                    $newstext = RepFieldtextNbsp($newstext);
            $string = str_replace('[!--' . $pf . '--]', $newstext, $string);
            $string = str_replace('[!--p.title--]', $ptitle, $string);
            $string = str_replace('[!--next.page--]', $thisnextlink, $string);
            $string = str_replace('[!--page.url--]', $truepage, $string);
            $string = str_replace('[!--title.select--]', $titleselect, $string);
            WriteFiletext($file, $addlevel . $string);
    } else {
        $file = $doclasspath . $newspath . $add[filename] . $filetype;
        $string = $newstempstr;
        $string = str_replace('[!--p.title--]', $add[title], $string);
        $string = str_replace('[!--next.page--]', '', $string);
        $string = str_replace('[!--page.url--]', '', $string);
        $string = str_replace('[!--title.select--]', '', $string);
        WriteFiletext($file, $addlevel . $string);
    if (empty($add['havehtml'])) {
        $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " set havehtml=1 where id='{$add['id']}' limit 1");
コード例 #5
     } else {
         $add .= ' and ' . ReturnClass($class_r[$trueclassid][sonclass]);
     $cr = $empire->fetch1("select classpagekey,intro,classimg,cgroupid from {$dbtbpre}enewsclass where classid='{$trueclassid}'");
     if ($cr['cgroupid']) {
         $mgroupid = (int) getcvar('mlgroupid');
         if (!strstr($cr[cgroupid], ',' . $mgroupid . ',')) {
             printerror('NotLevelToClass', 'history.go(-1)', 1);
     $pagetitle = $class_r[$trueclassid]['classname'];
     $pagekey = $cr['classpagekey'];
     $pagedes = $cr['intro'];
     $classimg = $cr['classimg'] ? $cr['classimg'] : $public_r[newsurl] . 'e/data/images/notimg.gif';
     $url = ReturnClassLink($trueclassid);
     $pageecms = 0;
     $pageclassid = $trueclassid;
     $GLOBALS['navclassid'] = $trueclassid;
 if (empty($class_r[$trueclassid][tbname])) {
     printerror('ErrorUrl', '', 1);
 if (empty($tbname)) {
     $tbname = $class_r[$trueclassid][tbname];
     $mid = $class_r[$trueclassid][modid];
     $yhid = $class_r[$trueclassid][yhid];
 if ($class_r[$trueclassid][reorder]) {
     $addorder = $class_r[$trueclassid][reorder];
コード例 #6
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: novnan/meiju
function ListHtml($classid, $fields, $enews = 0, $userlistr = "")
    global $empire, $dbtbpre, $emod_r, $public_r, $class_r, $class_zr, $fun_r, $class_tr, $level_r, $etable_r;
    if (($enews == 0 || $enews == 3) && ($class_r[$classid]['listdt'] || $class_r[$classid]['wburl'] || strstr($public_r['nreclass'], ',' . $classid . ','))) {
        return '';
    $GLOBALS['navclassid'] = $classid;
    $doclass = "index";
    $classlevel = '';
    $yhvar = 'qlist';
    if ($enews == 0) {
        if (InfoIsInTable($class_r[$classid][tbname])) {
            return '';
        $selfclassid = $classid;
        $doenews = 0;
        $cr = $empire->fetch1("select classpagekey,intro,classimg,cgroupid,repagenum,bdinfoid from {$dbtbpre}enewsclass where classid='{$classid}'");
        if (!empty($cr['bdinfoid'])) {
            return '';
        $mid = $class_r[$classid][modid];
        if ($cr['cgroupid']) {
            $classlevel = AddCheckClassLevel($classid, $cr['cgroupid'], '');
        $pagetitle = ehtmlspecialchars($class_r[$classid][classname]);
        $pagekey = ehtmlspecialchars($cr['classpagekey']);
        $pagedes = ehtmlspecialchars($cr['intro']);
        $classimg = $cr['classimg'];
        $url = ReturnClassLink($classid);
        $haveclass = 0;
        if (empty($class_r[$classid][reorder])) {
            $addorder = "newstime desc";
        } else {
            $addorder = $class_r[$classid][reorder];
        $pagefunr = eReturnRewriteLink('classpage', $classid, 0);
        $pagefunr['repagenum'] = $cr['repagenum'];
        $totalrepage = $cr['repagenum'] * $class_r[$classid][lencord];
        if ($totalrepage) {
            $limit = " limit " . $totalrepage;
        if ($class_r[$classid][maxnum]) {
            if ($class_r[$classid][maxnum] < $totalrepage) {
                $limit = " limit " . $class_r[$classid][maxnum];
            $limitnum = $class_r[$classid][maxnum];
        $yhid = $class_r[$classid][yhid];
        if ($yhid) {
            $yhadd = ReturnYhSql($yhid, $yhvar, 1);
        $query = "select " . ReturnSqlListF($mid) . " from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$classid][tbname] . " where " . $yhadd . "classid='{$classid}' order by " . ReturnSetTopSql('list') . $addorder . $limit;
        $totalquery = "select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$classid][tbname] . " where " . $yhadd . "classid='{$classid}'";
        $doclasspath = ReturnSaveClassPath($classid, 0);
        $dopath = eReturnTrueEcmsPath() . $doclasspath . "/";
        if (empty($class_r[$classid][classurl])) {
            $dolink = $public_r[newsurl] . $doclasspath . "/";
        } else {
            $dolink = $class_r[$classid][classurl] . "/";
        $dotype = $class_r[$classid][classtype];
        $classname = $class_r[$classid][classname];
        $lencord = $class_r[$classid][lencord];
        $onclick = "<script src='" . $public_r[newsurl] . "e/public/onclick/?enews=doclass&classid={$classid}'></script>";
        $listtempid = $class_r[$classid][listtempid];
    } elseif ($enews == 5) {
        $mid = $class_tr[$classid]['mid'];
        $tbname = $emod_r[$mid]['tbname'];
        if (InfoIsInTable($tbname)) {
            return '';
        $selfclassid = $classid;
        $doenews = 1;
        $cr = $empire->fetch1("select tnum,listtempid,maxnum,reorder,timg,intro,pagekey,listdt,repagenum from {$dbtbpre}enewsinfotype where typeid='{$classid}'");
        $pagetitle = ehtmlspecialchars($class_tr[$classid]['tname']);
        $pagekey = ehtmlspecialchars($cr['pagekey']);
        $pagedes = ehtmlspecialchars($cr['intro']);
        $classimg = $cr['timg'];
        $url = ReturnInfoTypeLink($classid);
        $haveclass = 1;
        if ($cr['listdt']) {
            return '';
        if (empty($cr['reorder'])) {
            $addorder = 'newstime desc';
        } else {
            $addorder = $cr['reorder'];
        $pagefunr = eReturnRewriteLink('ttpage', $classid, 0);
        $pagefunr['repagenum'] = $cr['repagenum'];
        $totalrepage = $cr['repagenum'] * $cr['tnum'];
        if ($totalrepage) {
            $limit = " limit " . $totalrepage;
        if ($cr['maxnum']) {
            if ($cr['maxnum'] < $totalrepage) {
                $limit = " limit " . $cr['maxnum'];
            $limitnum = $cr['maxnum'];
        $yhid = $class_tr[$classid]['yhid'];
        if ($yhid) {
            $yhadd = ReturnYhSql($yhid, $yhvar, 1);
        $query = "select " . ReturnSqlListF($mid) . " from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . " where " . $yhadd . "ttid='{$classid}' order by " . $addorder . $limit;
        $totalquery = "select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . " where " . $yhadd . "ttid='{$classid}'";
        $doclasspath = ReturnSaveInfoTypePath($classid, 0);
        $dopath = eReturnTrueEcmsPath() . $doclasspath . "/";
        $dolink = $public_r[newsurl] . $doclasspath . "/";
        $dotype = $class_tr[$classid]['ttype'];
        $classname = $class_tr[$classid]['tname'];
        $lencord = $cr['tnum'];
        $onclick = "";
        $listtempid = $cr['listtempid'];
    } elseif ($enews == 3) {
        if (InfoIsInTable($class_r[$classid][tbname])) {
            return '';
        $selfclassid = $classid;
        $doenews = 0;
        $cr = $empire->fetch1("select classpagekey,intro,classimg,cgroupid,repagenum from {$dbtbpre}enewsclass where classid='{$classid}'");
        $mid = $class_r[$classid][modid];
        if ($cr['cgroupid']) {
            $classlevel = AddCheckClassLevel($classid, $cr['cgroupid'], '');
        $pagetitle = ehtmlspecialchars($class_r[$classid][classname]);
        $pagekey = ehtmlspecialchars($cr['classpagekey']);
        $pagedes = ehtmlspecialchars($cr['intro']);
        $classimg = $cr['classimg'];
        $url = ReturnClassLink($classid);
        $haveclass = 1;
        if (empty($class_r[$classid][reorder])) {
            $addorder = "newstime desc";
        } else {
            $addorder = $class_r[$classid][reorder];
        $pagefunr = eReturnRewriteLink('classpage', $classid, 0);
        $pagefunr['repagenum'] = $cr['repagenum'];
        $totalrepage = $cr['repagenum'] * $class_r[$classid][lencord];
        if ($totalrepage) {
            $limit = " limit " . $totalrepage;
        if ($class_r[$classid][maxnum]) {
            if ($class_r[$classid][maxnum] < $totalrepage) {
                $limit = " limit " . $class_r[$classid][maxnum];
            $limitnum = $class_r[$classid][maxnum];
        $whereclass = ReturnClass($class_r[$classid][sonclass]);
        $yhid = $class_r[$classid][yhid];
        if ($yhid) {
            $yhadd = ReturnYhSql($yhid, $yhvar, 1);
        $query = "select " . ReturnSqlListF($mid) . " from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$classid][tbname] . " where " . $yhadd . "(" . $whereclass . ") order by " . ReturnSetTopSql('list') . $addorder . $limit;
        $totalquery = "select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$classid][tbname] . " where " . $yhadd . "(" . $whereclass . ")";
        $doclasspath = ReturnSaveClassPath($classid, 0);
        $dopath = eReturnTrueEcmsPath() . $doclasspath . "/";
        if (empty($class_r[$classid][classurl])) {
            $dolink = $public_r[newsurl] . $doclasspath . "/";
        } else {
            $dolink = $class_r[$classid][classurl] . "/";
        $dotype = $class_r[$classid][classtype];
        $classname = $class_r[$classid][classname];
        $lencord = $class_r[$classid][lencord];
        $onclick = "<script src='" . $public_r[newsurl] . "e/public/onclick/?enews=doclass&classid={$classid}'></script>";
        $listtempid = $class_r[$classid][listtempid];
    } elseif ($enews == 4) {
        $selfclassid = 0;
        $doenews = 1;
        $userlistr['listsql'] = RepSqlTbpre($userlistr['listsql']);
        $userlistr['totalsql'] = RepSqlTbpre($userlistr['totalsql']);
        $pagetitle = ehtmlspecialchars($userlistr['pagetitle']);
        $pagekey = ehtmlspecialchars($userlistr['pagekeywords']);
        $pagedes = ehtmlspecialchars($userlistr['pagedescription']);
        $haveclass = 1;
        if ($userlistr['maxnum']) {
            $limit = " limit " . $userlistr['maxnum'];
            $limitnum = $userlistr['maxnum'];
        $query = stripSlashes($userlistr['listsql']) . $limit;
        $totalquery = stripSlashes($userlistr['totalsql']);
        $dopath = $userlistr['addpath'] . $userlistr['filepath'];
        $dolink = $public_r[newsurl] . str_replace($userlistr['addpath'] . '../../', '', $dopath);
        $dotype = $userlistr['filetype'];
        $classname = $userlistr['pagetitle'];
        $lencord = $userlistr['lencord'];
        $onclick = '';
        $url = ReturnUserPLink($pagetitle, $dolink);
        $listtempid = $userlistr['listtempid'];
    if (empty($lencord)) {
        $lencord = 25;
    $listtemp_r = GetListTemp($listtempid);
    $listtemp = $listtemp_r[temptext];
    $subnews = $listtemp_r[subnews];
    $subtitle = $listtemp_r[subtitle];
    $docode = $listtemp_r[docode];
    $listvar = str_replace('[!--news.url--]', $public_r[newsurl], $listtemp_r[listvar]);
    $rownum = $listtemp_r[rownum];
    $formatdate = $listtemp_r[showdate];
    if (empty($rownum)) {
        $rownum = 1;
    if (empty($mid)) {
        $mid = $listtemp_r[modid];
    $field = ReturnReplaceListF($mid);
    $pagefunr['dofile'] = $dofile;
    if (!empty($public_r['listpagefun']) || !empty($public_r['listpagelistfun'])) {
        if (strstr($listtemp, '[!--show.page--]')) {
            $thefun = $public_r['listpagefun'];
            $bereplistpage = '[!--show.page--]';
        } else {
            $thefun = $public_r['listpagelistfun'];
            $bereplistpage = '[!--show.listpage--]';
    } else {
        $thefun = 'sys_ShowListPage';
        $bereplistpage = '[!--show.page--]';
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--newsnav--]', $url, $listtemp);
    $listtemp = Class_ReplaceSvars($listtemp, $url, $selfclassid, $pagetitle, $pagekey, $pagedes, $classimg, $add, $doenews);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--page.stats--]', $onclick, $listtemp);
    $no = 1;
    $ok = 0;
    $changerow = 1;
    $num = $empire->gettotal($totalquery);
    if ($limitnum && $limitnum < $num) {
        $num = $limitnum;
    $page = ceil($num / $lencord);
    $list_exp = "[!--empirenews.listtemp--]";
    $list_r = explode($list_exp, $listtemp);
    if (empty($num)) {
        $noinfopath = $dopath . "index" . $dotype;
        NotinfoListHtml($noinfopath, $list_r, $classlevel);
        return "";
    $sql = $empire->query($query);
    $listtext = $list_r[1];
    while ($k = $empire->fetch($sql)) {
        $repvar = ReplaceListVars($no, $listvar, $subnews, $subtitle, $formatdate, $url, $haveclass, $k, $field, $docode);
        $listtext = str_replace("<!--list.var" . $changerow . "-->", $repvar, $listtext);
        $changerow += 1;
        if ($changerow > $rownum) {
            $changerow = 1;
            $string .= $listtext;
            $listtext = $list_r[1];
        if ($no % $lencord == 0 || $num % $lencord != 0 && $num == $no) {
            $ok += 1;
            $pagenum = ceil($no / $lencord);
            if ($pagenum == 1) {
                $path = $dopath . "index" . $dotype;
            } else {
                $path = $dopath . "index_" . $ok . $dotype;
            $returnpager = $thefun($num, $pagenum, $dolink, $dotype, $page, $lencord, $ok, $myoptions, $pagefunr);
            $showpage = $returnpager['showpage'];
            $myoptions = $returnpager['option'];
            $list1 = str_replace($bereplistpage, $showpage, $list_r[0]);
            $list2 = str_replace($bereplistpage, $showpage, $list_r[2]);
            if ($changerow <= $rownum && $listtext != $list_r[1]) {
                $string .= $listtext;
            $listtext = $list_r[1];
            $changerow = 1;
            $string = $list1 . $string . $list2;
            $string = str_replace('[!--list.pageno--]', $pagenum == 1 ? '' : $pagenum, $string);
            WriteFiletext($path, $classlevel . $string);
            $string = '';
コード例 #7
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: novnan/meiju
    $tempnum = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from " . GetTemptb("enewsprinttemp") . " where tempid='{$tempid}'");
    $tempid = $tempnum ? $tempid : $public_r['defprinttempid'];
} else {
    $mod_tempr = $empire->fetch1("select printtempid from {$dbtbpre}enewsmod where mid='{$mid}'");
    $tempid = $mod_tempr[printtempid] ? $mod_tempr[printtempid] : $public_r['defprinttempid'];
if (empty($tempid)) {
    $tempid = 1;
$savetxtf = $emod_r[$mid]['savetxtf'];
if ($savetxtf && $r[$savetxtf]) {
    $r[$savetxtf] = GetTxtFieldText($r[$savetxtf]);
$pagef = $emod_r[$mid]['pagef'];
if ($pagef && $r[$pagef]) {
    $r[$pagef] = str_replace('[!--empirenews.page--]', '', $r[$pagef]);
    $r[$pagef] = str_replace('[/!--empirenews.page--]', '', $r[$pagef]);
$url = ReturnClassLink($r[classid]) . "&nbsp;>&nbsp;" . $fun_r['zw'];
$titleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($r);
if (empty($r[titlepic])) {
    $r[titlepic] = $public_r[newsurl] . 'e/data/images/notimg.gif';
$bclassid = $class_r[$classid][bclassid];
@(require ECMS_PATH . DASHBOARD . '/data/filecache/template/print' . $tempid . '.php');
$empire = null;