function getValue() { $value = $this->base->getValue(); $locale_value = $this->_getLocale(); $toolkit =& Limb :: toolkit(); $locale =& $toolkit->getLocale($locale_value); if(isset($this->parameters[2]) && $this->parameters[2]->getValue()) $fract_digits = $this->parameters[2]->getValue(); else $fract_digits = $locale->fract_digits; if(isset($this->parameters[3]) && $this->parameters[3]->getValue()) $decimal_symbol = $this->parameters[3]->getValue(); else $decimal_symbol = $locale->decimal_symbol; if(isset($this->parameters[4]) && $this->parameters[4]->getValue()) $thousand_separator = $this->parameters[4]->getValue(); else $thousand_separator = $locale->thousand_separator; if ($this->isConstant()) return number_format($value, $fract_digits, $decimal_symbol, $thousand_separator); else RaiseError('compiler', 'UNRESOLVED_BINDING'); }
function getValue() { include_once(LIMB_DIR . '/core/http/Ip.class.php'); if ($this->isConstant()) return Ip :: decode($this->base->getValue()); else RaiseError('compiler', 'UNRESOLVED_BINDING'); }
public function ApplyIdentityToConnectionOptions(&$connectionOptions) { if ($this->GetCurrentUser() == $this->guestUserName) { if ($this->allowGuestAccess) { $connectionOptions['username'] = $this->guestServerLogin; $connectionOptions['password'] = $this->guestServerPassword; } else { RaiseError(GetCaptions()->GetMessageString('GuestAccessDenied')); } } else { $connectionOptions['username'] = $this->GetCurrentUser(); $connectionOptions['password'] = $_COOKIE[UserIdentityCookieStorage::passwordCookie]; } }
function getValue() { require_once(LIMB_DIR . '/core/i18n/Strings.class.php'); $locale_value = $this->_getLocale(); if(isset($this->parameters[0]) && $this->parameters[0]->getValue()) $file = $this->parameters[0]->getValue(); else $file = 'common'; $value = $this->base->getValue(); if ($this->isConstant()) return Strings :: get($value, $file, $locale_value); else RaiseError('compiler', 'UNRESOLVED_BINDING'); }
public function RenderRecordCardView(RecordCardView $recordCardView) { $Grid = $recordCardView->GetGrid(); $linkBuilder = null; $primaryKeyMap = array(); $Grid->GetDataset()->Open(); $Row = array(); if ($Grid->GetDataset()->Next()) { $linkBuilder = $Grid->CreateLinkBuilder(); $linkBuilder->AddParameter(OPERATION_PARAMNAME, OPERATION_PRINT_ONE); $keyValues = $Grid->GetDataset()->GetPrimaryKeyValues(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($keyValues); $i++) { $linkBuilder->AddParameter("pk{$i}", $keyValues[$i]); } $primaryKeyMap = $Grid->GetDataset()->GetPrimaryKeyValuesMap(); $rowValues = $Grid->GetDataset()->GetFieldValues(); foreach ($Grid->GetSingleRecordViewColumns() as $Column) { $columnName = $Grid->GetDataset()->IsLookupField($Column->GetName()) ? $Grid->GetDataset()->IsLookupFieldNameByDisplayFieldName($Column->GetName()) : $Column->GetName(); $columnRenderResult = ''; $customRenderColumnHandled = false; $Grid->OnCustomRenderColumn->Fire(array($columnName, $Column->GetData(), $rowValues, &$columnRenderResult, &$customRenderColumnHandled)); $columnRenderResult = $customRenderColumnHandled ? $columnRenderResult : $this->Render($Column); $Row[] = $columnRenderResult; } } else { RaiseError('Cannot retrieve single record. Check the primary key fields.'); } $customParams = array(); $this->DisplayTemplate($Grid->GetPage()->GetCustomTemplate(PagePart::VerticalGrid, PageMode::ModalView, 'view/record_card_view.tpl', $customParams), array('Grid' => $Grid, 'Columns' => $Grid->GetSingleRecordViewColumns()), array_merge($customParams, array('PrintOneRecord' => $Grid->GetPage()->GetPrinterFriendlyAvailable(), 'PrintRecordLink' => $linkBuilder->GetLink(), 'Title' => $Grid->GetPage()->GetShortCaption(), 'PrimaryKeyMap' => $primaryKeyMap, 'ColumnCount' => count($Grid->GetSingleRecordViewColumns()), 'Row' => $Row))); }
public function GetViewSingleRowViewData(Renderer $renderer) { $detailViewData = array(); $this->GetDataset()->Open(); $linkBuilder = null; if ($this->GetDataset()->Next()) { $linkBuilder = $this->CreateLinkBuilder(); $linkBuilder->AddParameter(OPERATION_PARAMNAME, OPERATION_PRINT_ONE); $keyValues = $this->GetDataset()->GetPrimaryKeyValues(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($keyValues); $i++) { $linkBuilder->AddParameter("pk{$i}", $keyValues[$i]); } $primaryKeyMap = $this->GetDataset()->GetPrimaryKeyValuesMap(); foreach ($this->details as $detail) { $detailViewData[] = array('Link' => $detail->GetSeparateViewLink(), 'Caption' => $detail->GetCaption()); } return array('Details' => $detailViewData, 'CancelUrl' => $this->GetReturnUrl(), 'PrintOneRecord' => $this->GetPage()->GetPrinterFriendlyAvailable(), 'PrintRecordLink' => $linkBuilder->GetLink(), 'Title' => $this->GetPage()->GetShortCaption(), 'PrimaryKeyMap' => $primaryKeyMap, 'Row' => $this->GetViewSingleRowColumnViewData($renderer)); } else { RaiseError('Cannot retrieve single record. Check the primary key fields.'); return null; } }
public function LoadTemplate($templatename) { $templ = @file("{$this->Smarty->template_dir}/{$templatename}"); if (count($templ) > 0) { $this->Subject = array_shift($templ); $this->Body = $this->Smarty->fetch("string:".implode("", $templ)); } else RaiseError(_("Cannot read template {$templatename}")); }
public function GetFieldValueAsSQL($fieldInfo, $value) { if ($fieldInfo->FieldType == ftNumber) { $result = str_replace(',', '.', $value); if (!is_numeric($result)) { RaiseError('Field "' . $fieldInfo->Name . '" must be a number.'); } return $this->EscapeString($result); } elseif ($fieldInfo->FieldType == ftDateTime) { if (!is_string($value) && get_class($value) == 'SMDateTime') { return $this->GetDateTimeFieldValueAsSQL($fieldInfo, $value); } else { return $this->GetDateTimeFieldValueAsSQL($fieldInfo, SMDateTime::Parse($value, '')); } } elseif ($fieldInfo->FieldType == ftDate) { if (!is_string($value) && get_class($value) == 'SMDateTime') { return $this->GetDateFieldValueAsSQL($fieldInfo, $value); } else { return $this->GetDateFieldValueAsSQL($fieldInfo, SMDateTime::Parse($value, '')); } } elseif ($fieldInfo->FieldType == ftTime) { if (!is_string($value) && get_class($value) == 'SMDateTime') { return $this->GetTimeFieldValueAsSQL($fieldInfo, $value); } else { return $this->GetTimeFieldValueAsSQL($fieldInfo, SMDateTime::Parse($value, '')); } } elseif ($fieldInfo->FieldType == ftBlob) { if (is_array($value)) { return '\'' . mysql_escape_string(file_get_contents($value[0])) . '\''; } else { return '\'' . mysql_escape_string($value) . '\''; } } else { return '\'' . $this->EscapeString($value) . '\''; } }
public function GetFieldValueAsSQL($fieldInfo, $value) { if ($fieldInfo->FieldType == ftBoolean) { if (!is_numeric($value) || !($value == 0 || $value == 1)) { RaiseError("The only valid values for the column {$fieldInfo->Name} are 0 and 1."); } return $this->EscapeString($value); } else { return parent::GetFieldValueAsSQL($fieldInfo, $value); } }
public function Post() { $this->DoBeforePost(); if ($this->editMode) { if (count($this->editFieldValues) > 0 || count($this->editFieldSetToDefault) > 0) { $updateCommand = $this->CreateUpdateCommand(); $primaryKeyValues = $this->GetOldPrimaryKeyValuesMap(); foreach ($primaryKeyValues as $keyFieldName => $value) { $updateCommand->SetKeyFieldValue($keyFieldName, $value); } foreach ($this->editFieldValues as $fieldName => $value) { if (in_array($fieldName, $this->editFieldSetToDefault)) { $updateCommand->SetParameterValue($fieldName, null, true); } else { $updateCommand->SetParameterValue($fieldName, $value); } } foreach ($this->GetFields() as $field) { if ($field->GetReadOnly()) { $updateCommand->SetParameterValue($field->GetNameInDataset(), $field->GetDefaultValue()); } } if (DebugUtils::GetDebugLevel() >= 1) { echo $updateCommand->GetSQL() . '<br>'; } $updateCommand->Execute($this->GetConnection()); } $this->editMode = false; } elseif ($this->insertMode) { $hasValuesForAutoIncrement = false; $insertCommand = $this->CreateInsertCommand() or RaiseError('Could not create InsertCommand'); $this->Connect(); foreach ($this->masterFieldValue as $fieldName => $value) { $insertCommand->SetParameterValue($fieldName, $value); } foreach ($this->insertFieldValues as $fieldName => $value) { if (in_array($fieldName, $this->insertFieldSetToDefault)) { if (!$this->GetFieldByName($fieldName)->GetIsAutoincrement()) { $insertCommand->SetParameterValue($fieldName, null, true); } } else { if ($this->GetFieldByName($fieldName)->GetIsAutoincrement()) { $hasValuesForAutoIncrement = true; } $insertCommand->SetParameterValue($fieldName, $value); } } foreach ($this->GetFields() as $field) { if ($field->GetReadOnly()) { $insertCommand->SetParameterValue($field->GetNameInDataset(), $field->GetDefaultValue()); } } foreach ($this->defaultFieldValues as $fieldName => $value) { $insertCommand->SetParameterValue($fieldName, $value); } $insertCommand->SetAutoincrementInsertion($hasValuesForAutoIncrement); if (DebugUtils::GetDebugLevel() == 1) { echo $insertCommand->GetSQL() . '<br>'; } $insertCommand->Execute($this->GetConnection()); $this->UpdatePrimaryKeyAfterInserting(); $this->insertMode = false; $this->insertedMode = true; } }
/** * Raises an error, passing it on to the framework level error mechanisms * @param string (optional) SQL statement * @return void * @access private */ function RaiseError($sql = NULL) { $errno = mysql_errno($this->getConnectionId()); $id = 'DB_ERROR'; $info = array('driver' => 'MySQL'); if ($errno != 0) { $info['errorno'] = $errno; $info['error'] = mysql_error($this->getConnectionId()); $id .= '_MESSAGE'; } if (!is_null($sql)) { $info['sql'] = $sql; $id .= '_SQL'; } RaiseError('db', $id, $info); }
<?php try { $db_ConnectionString = DB_CONNECTIONSTRING; //READ CONNECTIONSTRING FROM CONFIG if (strlen(trim($db_ConnectionString)) == 0) { throw new Exception(" Connection String not found", 101); } else { $arrConnectionString = explode(":", $db_ConnectionString); if (!is_array($arrConnectionString)) { throw new Exception("Invald Connection String ", 102); } else { if (count($arrConnectionString) != 5) { throw new Exception("Invald Connection String ", 102); } } } //CREATE DKMANAGER OBJECT $objDataHelper = new DataHelper($db_ConnectionString); if (!is_object($objDataHelper)) { throw new Exception("DataHelper Object did not instantiate", 104); } } catch (Exception $e) { RaiseError($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()); }
/** * Raises an error, passing it on to the framework level error mechanisms * @param string (optional) SQL statement * @return void * @access private */ function RaiseError($error = NULL, $sql = NULL) { if (empty($error)) { $error =& $this->getConnectionId(); } $id = 'DB_ERROR'; $info = array('driver' => 'mdb2'); if (MDB2::isError($error)) { $errno = $error->getCode(); if ($errno != -1) { $info['errorno'] = $errno; $info['error'] = $error->getMessage(); $id .= '_MESSAGE'; } } if (!is_null($sql)) { $info['sql'] = $sql; $id .= '_SQL'; } RaiseError('db', $id, $info); }
function Do_Work() { global $settings; global $need_reload; global $px_Setops; global $res_str; pluginload(); $vDir = './farmville-logs'; if (!file_exists($vDir)) { mkdir($vDir); } $time_limit = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; // number of seconds to 'keep' the log DAYSxHOURSxMINSxSECS if ($df = opendir($vDir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($df))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $file1 = $vDir . '/' . $file; $last_modified = filemtime($file1); if (time() - $last_modified > $time_limit) { unlink($file1); } } } closedir($df); } while (file_exists('notrun_parser.txt') || file_exists('notrun_parser_' . $_SESSION['userId'] . '.txt')) { AddLog2("Bot Paused. Next check in 30 seconds."); sleep(30); } parse_neighbors(); parse_user(); AddLog2("Beginning Bot Cycle"); Hook('before_work'); // Init $res = DoInit('full'); if ($res != 'OK') { RaiseError(2); } else { $res_str = ''; //for main logs } Hook('before_load_settings'); // load settings if (!function_exists('LoadSavedSettings')) { die("\n\nSettings plugin installed incorrectly no LoadSavedSettings found!\n\n"); } $px_Setopts = LoadSavedSettings(); $enable_lonlyanimals = $px_Setopts['lonlyanimals']; Hook('after_load_settings'); if ($enable_lonlyanimals) { AddLog2("check lonlyanimal"); Do_Check_Lonlyanimals(); } Hook('flybiplane'); Hook('before_harvest'); Hook('harvest'); Hook('after_harvest'); Hook('before_harvest_buildings'); Hook('harvest_buildings'); Hook('after_harvest_buildings'); //after building harvest Hook('before_harvest_animals'); //get product from livestock Hook('harvest_animals'); Hook('after_harvest_animals'); Hook('before_transform_animals'); Hook('transform_animals'); Hook('after_transform_animals'); Hook('before_harvest_trees'); Hook('harvest_trees'); Hook('after_harvest_trees'); Hook('before_hoe'); Hook('hoe'); Hook('after_hoe'); Hook('before_before_planting'); Hook('before_planting'); Hook('planting'); Hook('after_planting'); Hook('after_work'); Parser_Check_Images(); AddLog2("Peak Memory Usaged: " . round(memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024, 2) . "MB"); AddLog2("Finished Bot Cycle"); }
function RaiseCannotRetrieveSingleRecordError() { RaiseError('Cannot retrieve single record. Check the primary key fields.'); }
ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); /* Used to determine output to display */ define('DW_TESTS_OUTPUT_HTML', 1); define('DW_TESTS_OUTPUT_XML', 2); if (isset($_GET['output']) && $_GET['output'] == 'xml') { define('DW_TESTS_OUTPUT', DW_TESTS_OUTPUT_XML); } else { define('DW_TESTS_OUTPUT', DW_TESTS_OUTPUT_HTML); } require_once 'lib/testmanager.php'; TestManager::setup('tests.ini'); if (!defined('SIMPLE_TEST')) { define('SIMPLE_TEST', ConfigManager::getOptionAsPath('tests', 'simpletest', 'library_path')); } if (!@(include_once SIMPLE_TEST . 'reporter.php')) { RaiseError('runtime', 'LIBRARY_REQUIRED', array('library' => 'Simple Test', 'path' => SIMPLE_TEST)); } function &DW_TESTS_GetReporter() { static $Reporter = NULL; if (!$Reporter) { switch (DW_TESTS_OUTPUT) { case DW_TESTS_OUTPUT_XML: require_once SIMPLE_TEST . 'xml.php'; $Reporter = new XmlReporter(); break; case DW_TESTS_OUTPUT_HTML: default: $Reporter = new HTMLReporter('utf-8'); break; }