function GetList($page = 1) { global $dsql, $aid, $pagesize, $cfg_templeturl; $querystring = "select fb.*,mb.userid,mb.face as mface,mb.spacesta,mb.scores from `#@__feedback` fb\r\n left join `#@__member` mb on mb.mid = fb.mid where fb.aid='{$aid}' and fb.ischeck='1' order by desc"; $row = $dsql->GetOne("select count(*) as dd from `#@__feedback` where aid='{$aid}' and ischeck='1' "); $totalcount = empty($row['dd']) ? 0 : $row['dd']; $startNum = $pagesize * ($page - 1); if ($startNum > $totalcount) { echo "参数错误!"; return $totalcount; } $dsql->Execute('fb', $querystring . " limit {$startNum}, {$pagesize} "); while ($fields = $dsql->GetArray('fb')) { if ($fields['userid'] != '') { $spaceurl = $GLOBALS['cfg_memberurl'] . '/index.php?uid=' . $fields['userid']; } else { $spaceurl = '#'; } if ($fields['username'] == '匿名') { $spaceurl = '#'; } $fields['bgimg'] = 'cmt-neu.gif'; $fields['ftypetitle'] = '该用户表示中立'; if ($fields['ftype'] == 'bad') { $fields['bgimg'] = 'cmt-bad.gif'; $fields['ftypetitle'] = '该用户表示差评'; } else { if ($fields['ftype'] == 'good') { $fields['bgimg'] = 'cmt-good.gif'; $fields['ftypetitle'] = '该用户表示好评'; } } $fields['face'] = empty($fields['face']) ? 6 : $fields['face']; $fields['msg'] = str_replace('<', '<', $fields['msg']); $fields['msg'] = str_replace('>', '>', $fields['msg']); $fields['msg'] = Quote_replace($fields['msg']); extract($fields, EXTR_OVERWRITE); ?> <div id="commetmsgs" class="dede_comment"> <div class='decmt-box'> <div class='decmt-title'> <span class='moodico'><img src='<?php echo $cfg_templeturl; ?> /images/mood/ico-mood-<?php echo $face; ?> .gif'/></span> <span class='username'><a href='<?php echo $spaceurl; ?> '><?php echo $username; ?> </a></span> <span class='date'><?php echo GetDateMk($dtime); ?> </span> <span>发表</span> </div> <div class='decmt-act'> <span id='goodfb<?php echo $id; ?> '> <a href='#goodfb<?php echo $id; ?> ' onclick="postBadGood('goodfb',<?php echo $id; ?> );">支持</a>[<?php echo $good; ?> ] </span> <span id='badfb<?php echo $id; ?> '> <a href='#badfb<?php echo $id; ?> ' onclick="postBadGood('badfb',<?php echo $id; ?> );">反对</a>[<?php echo $bad; ?> ] </span> <span class='quote'> <a href='#postform' onclick="quoteCommet('<?php echo $id; ?> ');">[引用]</a> </span> </div> <div class='decmt-content'> <?php echo $msg; ?> <img src='<?php echo $cfg_templeturl; ?> /images/<?php echo $bgimg; ?> ' alt='<?php echo $ftypetitle; ?> ' /> </div> </div> </div> <?php } return $totalcount; }
/** * 读取列表内容 * * @param int $page 页码 * @return string */ function GetList($page = 1) { global $dsql, $aid, $pagesize, $cfg_templeturl, $cfg_cmspath; $querystring = "SELECT fb.*,mb.userid,mb.face as mface,mb.spacesta,mb.scores, FROM `#@__feedback` fb\n LEFT JOIN `#@__member` mb on mb.mid = fb.mid WHERE fb.aid='{$aid}' AND fb.ischeck='1' ORDER BY DESC"; $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) AS dd FROM `#@__feedback` WHERE aid='{$aid}' AND ischeck='1' "); $totalcount = empty($row['dd']) ? 0 : $row['dd']; $startNum = $pagesize * ($page - 1); if ($startNum > $totalcount) { echo "参数错误!"; return $totalcount; } $dsql->Execute('fb', $querystring . " LIMIT {$startNum}, {$pagesize} "); while ($fields = $dsql->GetArray('fb')) { if ($fields['userid'] != '') { $spaceurl = $GLOBALS['cfg_memberurl'] . '/index.php?uid=' . $fields['userid']; } else { $spaceurl = '#'; } if ($fields['username'] == '匿名') { $spaceurl = '#'; } $fields['bgimg'] = 'cmt-neu.gif'; $fields['ftypetitle'] = '该用户表示中立'; if ($fields['ftype'] == 'bad') { $fields['bgimg'] = 'cmt-bad.gif'; $fields['ftypetitle'] = '该用户表示差评'; } else { if ($fields['ftype'] == 'good') { $fields['bgimg'] = 'cmt-good.gif'; $fields['ftypetitle'] = '该用户表示好评'; } } if (empty($fields['mface'])) { if ($fields['sex'] == "女") { $fields['mface'] = $cfg_cmspath . "/member/templets/images/dfgirl.png"; } else { $fields['mface'] = $cfg_cmspath . "/member/templets/images/dfboy.png"; } } $fields['face'] = empty($fields['face']) ? 6 : $fields['face']; $fields['msg'] = str_replace('<', '<', $fields['msg']); $fields['msg'] = str_replace('>', '>', $fields['msg']); helper('smiley'); $fields['msg'] = RemoveXSS(Quote_replace(parseSmileys($fields['msg'], $cfg_cmspath . '/images/smiley'))); extract($fields, EXTR_OVERWRITE); ?> <div class="decmt-box2"> <ul> <li> <a href='<?php echo $spaceurl; ?> ' class='plpic'><img src='<?php echo $mface; ?> ' height='40' width='40'/></a> <span class="title"><a href="<?php echo $spaceurl; ?> "><?php echo $username; ?> </a></span> <div class="comment_act"><span class="fl"><?php echo GetDateMk($dtime); ?> 发表</span></div> <div style="clear:both"><?php echo ubb($msg); ?> </div> <div class="newcomment_act"><span class="fr"><span id='goodfb<?php echo $id; ?> '> <a href='#goodfb<?php echo $id; ?> ' onclick="postBadGood('goodfb',<?php echo $id; ?> );">支持</a>[<?php echo $good; ?> ] </span> <span id='badfb<?php echo $id; ?> '> <a href='#badfb<?php echo $id; ?> ' onclick="postBadGood('badfb',<?php echo $id; ?> );">反对</a>[<?php echo $bad; ?> ] </span> <span class='quote'> <!--<a href='/plus/feedback.php?aid=<?php echo $id; ?> &fid=<?php echo $id; ?> &action=quote'>[引用]</a>--> <a href='javascript:ajaxFeedback(<?php echo $id; ?> ,<?php echo $id; ?> ,"quote");'>[引用]</a> </span></span></div> </li> </ul> <div id="ajaxfeedback_<?php echo $id; ?> "></div> </div> <?php } return $totalcount; }