コード例 #1
 public function FindItem()
     $resultQ = mssql_query("select [Name] from [Character] where (charindex (0x" . $this->ProductSerial . ", Inventory) %" . DIVISOR / 2 . "=4)");
     while ($result = mssql_fetch_object($resultQ)) {
         echo Print_error("<ul><li>Item foi encontrado no invent&aacute;rio do char: " . $result->Name . ".</li></ul>");
         $exitFunction = true;
     unset($result, $resultQ);
     $findColumnsQ = mssql_query("sp_MShelpcolumns N'dbo.warehouse', null, 'id', 1");
     while ($findColumns = mssql_fetch_object($findColumnsQ)) {
         if ($findColumns->col_typename == "varbinary") {
             $resultQ = mssql_query("select [AccountId] from [warehouse] where (charindex (0x" . $this->ProductSerial . ", " . $findColumns->col_name . ") %" . DIVISOR / 2 . "=4)");
             while ($result = mssql_fetch_object($resultQ)) {
                 echo Print_error("<ul><li>Encontrado no bau do login: "******". Tabela: warehouse, coluna: {$findColumns->name}</li></ul>");
                 $exitFunction = true;
     unset($result, $resultQ);
     $resultQ = mssql_query("select [AccountId],[Number] from [ExtWarehouse] where (charindex (0x" . $this->ProductSerial . ", Items) %" . DIVISOR / 2 . "=4)");
     while ($result = mssql_fetch_object($resultQ)) {
         echo Print_error("<ul><li>Item foi encontrado no bau extra " . $result->Number . " do login: "******".</li></ul>");
         $exitFunction = true;
     unset($result, $resultQ);
     $resultQ = @mssql_query("select [AccountId] from [ExtWarehouseVirtual] where (charindex (0x" . $this->ProductSerial . ", Item) %" . DIVISOR / 2 . "=4)");
     while ($result = @mssql_fetch_object($resultQ)) {
         echo Print_error("<ul><li>Item foi encontrado no bau virtual do login: "******".</li></ul>");
         $exitFunction = true;
     unset($result, $resultQ);
     if ($exitFunction == false) {
         echo "<ul><li>Esse item n&atilde;o foi encontrado no servidor.</li></ul>";
コード例 #2
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: neilor/MuShopping-v3
function Require_File($file)
    if (file_exists($file) == true) {
        require $file;
    } else {
        exit(Print_error($file, 2));
コード例 #3
ファイル: login.class.php プロジェクト: neilor/MuShopping-v3
 public function Valid_UserPwd()
     if (empty($this->password) == true) {
         exit(Print_error("Senha", 3));
     $checkQ = $this->query('exec dbo.webVerifyLogin "' . $this->login . '","' . $this->password . '","' . HASHMD5 . '"');
     $check = mssql_fetch_row($checkQ);
     if ($check[0] == 0) {
         exit(Print_error("Usu&aacute;rio ou Senha incorretos."));
コード例 #4
 public function __construct()
     if (defined("GOLDNAME") == false) {
         exit(Print_error("GOLDNAME", 1));
     if (defined("GOLDCOLUMN") == false) {
         exit(Print_error("GOLDCOLUMN", 1));
     if (defined("GOLDTABLE") == false) {
         exit(Print_error("GOLDTABLE", 1));
     if (defined("GOLDMEMBIDENT") == false) {
         exit(Print_error("GOLDMEMBIDENT", 1));
コード例 #5
 public function __construct()
     global $ODBC, $LD_Items;
     $_GET['ProductID'] = (int) $_GET['ProductID'];
     $SQL_Q = $this->query("SELECT ConnectStat FROM MEMB_STAT WHERE memb___id='" . $_SESSION['Login'] . "'");
     $SQL = mssql_fetch_object($SQL_Q);
     if ($SQL->ConnectStat != 0) {
         exit(Print_error("<ul><li>Voc&ecirc; deve estar offline do jogo para efetuar essa a&ccedil;&atilde;o!</li></ul>"));
     $searchKitQ = $ODBC->query("SELECT priceFix FROM Kits WHERE active = 1 AND Number = " . $_GET['ProductID']);
     if (odbc_num_rows($searchKitQ) == 0) {
         exit(Print_error("<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"Erro kit n&atilde;o cadastrado.\"); window.location='?';</script>"));
     $searchItensKitQ = $ODBC->query("SELECT * FROM KitsItemsDetails WHERE kitNumber = " . $_GET['ProductID']);
     echo "<ul><li>Aguarde em quanto sua compra &eacute; processada.</li><br />";
     //Inicio Função independente para cobrar o kit
     $searchKit = odbc_fetch_object($searchKitQ);
     $SQL_Q = $this->query("SELECT " . GOLDCOLUMN . " FROM " . GOLDTABLE . " WHERE " . GOLDMEMBIDENT . " = '" . $_SESSION['Login'] . "'");
     $SQL_R = mssql_fetch_row($SQL_Q);
     if ($SQL_R[0] < $searchKit->priceFix) {
         exit(Print_error("<ul><li>Desculpe, essa compra n&atilde;o pode ser realizada, pois seu saldo de " . GOLDNAME . " &eacute; insuficiente.</li></ul>"));
     $SQL_Q = $this->query("UPDATE " . GOLDTABLE . " SET " . GOLDCOLUMN . " = " . GOLDCOLUMN . "-" . $searchKit->priceFix . " WHERE " . GOLDMEMBIDENT . " = '" . $_SESSION['Login'] . "' AND " . GOLDCOLUMN . " >= " . $searchKit->priceFix . "; select @@rowcount as rows;");
     $SQL_R = mssql_fetch_object($SQL_Q);
     if ((int) $SQL_R->rows == 0) {
         exit(Print_error("<ul><li>Erro ao cobrar pelo kit.</li></ul>"));
     //Fim Função independente para cobrar o kit
     $ODBC->query("UPDATE Kits SET solds=solds+1 WHERE Number=" . $_GET['ProductID']);
     $searchLastSoldNumberQ = $ODBC->query("SELECT max(Number) as Numb FROM LogSoldsKits");
     $searchLastSoldNumber = odbc_fetch_object($searchLastSoldNumberQ);
     $searchLastSoldNumber->Numb = (int) $searchLastSoldNumber->Numb + 1;
     $ODBC->query("INSERT INTO LogSoldsKits (login,kitNumber,price,data) VALUES ('{$_SESSION['Login']}', {$_GET['ProductID']}, {$searchKit->priceFix}, '" . time() . "')");
     require "sockets.lib.php";
     while ($searchItensKit = odbc_fetch_object($searchItensKitQ)) {
         $LD_FinishBuy = new LD_FinishBuy($searchItensKit->itemNumber, $searchItensKit->fixLVL, $searchItensKit->fixOP, $searchItensKit->fixANC, $searchItensKit->fixSkill == 0 ? "false" : "true", $searchItensKit->fixLuck == 0 ? "false" : "true", $searchItensKit->fixOpEx1 == 0 ? "false" : "true", $searchItensKit->fixOpEx2 == 0 ? "false" : "true", $searchItensKit->fixOpEx3 == 0 ? "false" : "true", $searchItensKit->fixOpEx4 == 0 ? "false" : "true", $searchItensKit->fixOpEx5 == 0 ? "false" : "true", $searchItensKit->fixOpEx6 == 0 ? "false" : "true", $searchItensKit->fixJH, $searchItensKit->fixRefine == 0 ? "false" : "true", $searchItensKit->fixSocket1 == $socketLib['notSocket'] ? "false" : "true", $searchItensKit->fixSocket2 == $socketLib['notSocket'] ? "false" : "true", $searchItensKit->fixSocket3 == $socketLib['notSocket'] ? "false" : "true", $searchItensKit->fixSocket4 == $socketLib['notSocket'] ? "false" : "true", $searchItensKit->fixSocket5 == $socketLib['notSocket'] ? "false" : "true", $searchItensKit->fixSocket1, $searchItensKit->fixSocket2, $searchItensKit->fixSocket3, $searchItensKit->fixSocket4, $searchItensKit->fixSocket5, true);
         $ODBC->query("INSERT INTO LogSoldsKitsDetails (NumberSoldKit,login,itemId,itemSerial) VALUES ({$searchLastSoldNumber->Numb}, '{$_SESSION['Login']}', '{$searchItensKit->itemNumber}', '{$LD_Items->Item_Serial}')");
         if ($LD_FinishBuy->delivered == true) {
             echo "<li>Item: <strong>{$LD_FinishBuy->NAME}</strong>, entregue.</li>";
         } else {
             echo "<li>Item: <strong>{$LD_FinishBuy->NAME}</strong>, n&atilde;o houve espa&ccedil;o. <br />Libere espa&ccedil;o no bau e reenvie o item pelo hist&oacute;rico de compras.</li>";
     echo "<br /><li>Compra finalizada com sucesso!</li></ul>";
コード例 #6
ファイル: coupon.class.php プロジェクト: neilor/MuShopping-v3
 public function __construct($couponCode)
     global $ODBC;
     $findQ = $ODBC->query("SELECT * FROM CouponCodes WHERE couponCode='" . $couponCode . "'");
     $find = odbc_fetch_object($findQ);
     if ($find->active == 0) {
         exit(Print_error("Esse cupom est&aacute; desativado ou &eacute; inv&aacute;lido."));
     } elseif ($find->dateBegin > time()) {
         exit(Print_error("Esse cupom inicia em: " . date("d/m/Y g:i a", $find->dateBegin)));
     } elseif (time() > $find->dateEnd) {
         exit(Print_error("Esse cupom venceu em: " . date("d/m/Y g:i a", $find->dateEnd)));
     } else {
         echo "Copum com o " . $find->percent . "% de desconto ativado.<br />Aguarde enquanto a p&aacute;gina &eacute; atualizada.";
         $_SESSION['COUPON_ACTIVE'] = true;
         $_SESSION['COUPON_CODE'] = $couponCode;
         $_SESSION['COUPON_PERCENT'] = $find->percent;
         echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">setInterval(\"top.location = self.location;\",3000);</script>";
コード例 #7
 public function FindItem()
     $resultQ = mssql_query("select [Name] from [Character] where (charindex (0x" . $this->ProductSerial . ", Inventory) %" . DIVISOR / 2 . "=4)");
     while ($result = mssql_fetch_object($resultQ)) {
         echo Print_error("<ul><li>Item foi encontrado no invent&aacute;rio do char: " . $result->Name . ".</li></ul>");
         $exitFunction = true;
     unset($result, $resultQ);
     $findColumnsQ = mssql_query("sp_MShelpcolumns N'dbo.warehouse', null, 'id', 1");
     while ($findColumns = mssql_fetch_object($findColumnsQ)) {
         if ($findColumns->col_typename == "varbinary") {
             $resultQ = mssql_query("select [AccountId] from [warehouse] where (charindex (0x" . $this->ProductSerial . ", " . $findColumns->col_name . ") %" . DIVISOR / 2 . "=4)");
             while ($result = mssql_fetch_object($resultQ)) {
                 echo Print_error("<ul><li>Item foi encontrado no bau do login: "******".<!-- Column: {$findColumns->col_name} --></li></ul>");
                 $exitFunction = true;
     $resultQ = @mssql_query("select [AccountId],[Number] from [ExtWarehouse] where (charindex (0x" . $this->ProductSerial . ", Items) %" . DIVISOR / 2 . "=4)");
     while ($result = @mssql_fetch_object($resultQ)) {
         echo Print_error("<ul><li>Item foi encontrado no bau extra " . $result->Number . " do login: "******".</li></ul>");
         $exitFunction = true;
     $resultQ = @mssql_query("select [AccountId],[Number] from [ExtendedWarehouse] where (charindex (0x" . $this->ProductSerial . ", Items) %" . DIVISOR / 2 . "=4)");
     while ($result = @mssql_fetch_object($resultQ)) {
         echo Print_error("<ul><li>Item foi encontrado no bau extra " . $result->Number . " do login: "******".</li></ul>");
         $exitFunction = true;
     $resultQ = @mssql_query("select [AccountId] from [ExtWarehouseVirtual] where (charindex (0x" . $this->ProductSerial . ", Item) %" . DIVISOR / 2 . "=4)");
     while ($result = @mssql_fetch_object($resultQ)) {
         echo Print_error("<ul><li>Item foi encontrado no bau virtual do login: "******".</li></ul>");
         $exitFunction = true;
     unset($result, $resultQ);
     if ($exitFunction === true && $this->searchItem === true) {
     } elseif ($exitFunction === true) {
         exit(Print_error("<ul><li>Erro, o item ainda existe algum local no servidor, a recupera&ccedil;&atilde;o n&atilde;o pode continuar.</li></ul>"));
     } else {
         echo "<ul><li>Esse item n&atilde;o foi encontrado no servidor.</li></ul>";
コード例 #8
ファイル: vault.class.php プロジェクト: neilor/MuShopping-v3
 public function WriteVault()
     //print "<ul><li>Gravando Itens no Bau.</li></ul>";
     $this->Vault_End_Process = NULL;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->SlotCounts; $i++) {
         $this->Vault_End_Process .= $this->Vault_Slots[$i]['Hex'];
     $SQL_Q = $this->query("UPDATE warehouse SET items = 0x" . $this->Vault_End_Process . " WHERE AccountID='" . $_SESSION['Login'] . "' " . (constant("ENCGAMES_S6") === true ? " AND VaultID = 1" : NULL) . ";");
     if (!$SQL_Q) {
         exit(Print_error("<ul><li>Erro ao gravar conteudo no bau. [Obs: J&aacute; foi lhe cobrado pelo item]</li></ul>"));
コード例 #9
ファイル: sockets.lib.php プロジェクト: axlduff/teste

if (defined("SOCKET_USE_LIB") == false) {
    Print_error("SOCKET_USE_LIB not defined.");
switch (SOCKET_USE_LIB) {
    case 0:
        $socketLib = array("notSocket" => 255, "emptySocket" => 254, "socketTypeNumber" => array(1 => array(0 => array("socketTypeName" => "Fire", "socketName" => "Increase Damage", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "20", 2 => "400", 3 => "400", 4 => "400", 5 => "400")), 1 => array("socketTypeName" => "Fire", "socketName" => "Increase Attack Speed", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "7", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 2 => array("socketTypeName" => "Fire", "socketName" => "Increase Max Damage/Skill Power", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "30", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 3 => array("socketTypeName" => "Fire", "socketName" => "Increase Min Damage/Skill Power", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "20", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 4 => array("socketTypeName" => "Fire", "socketName" => "Increase Damage/Skill Power", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "20", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 5 => array("socketTypeName" => "Fire", "socketName" => "Decrease AG consumption", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "40", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1"))), 2 => array(10 => array("socketTypeName" => "Water", "socketName" => "Increase Defense Success Rate", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "10", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 11 => array("socketTypeName" => "Water", "socketName" => "Increase Defense", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "30", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 12 => array("socketTypeName" => "Water", "socketName" => "Increase Shield Defense", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "7", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 13 => array("socketTypeName" => "Water", "socketName" => "Increase Damage Reduction", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "4", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 14 => array("socketTypeName" => "Water", "socketName" => "Increase Damage Reflect", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "5", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1"))), 3 => array(16 => array("socketTypeName" => "Ice", "socketName" => "Increase Recover Life", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "8", 2 => "49", 3 => "50", 4 => "51", 5 => "52")), 17 => array("socketTypeName" => "Ice", "socketName" => "Increase Recover Mana", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "8", 2 => "49", 3 => "50", 4 => "51", 5 => "52")), 18 => array("socketTypeName" => "Ice", "socketName" => "Increase Skill Damage", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "37", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 19 => array("socketTypeName" => "Ice", "socketName" => "Increase Attack Success Rate", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "25", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 20 => array("socketTypeName" => "Ice", "socketName" => "Increase Item Durability", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "30", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1"))), 4 => array(21 => array("socketTypeName" => "Wind", "socketName" => "Increase Life Autorecovery", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "8", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 22 => array("socketTypeName" => "Wind", "socketName" => "Increase Max HP", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "4", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 23 => array("socketTypeName" => "Wind", "socketName" => "Increase Max MP", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "4", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 24 => array("socketTypeName" => "Wind", "socketName" => "Increase Mana Autorecovery", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "7", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 25 => array("socketTypeName" => "Wind", "socketName" => "Increase Max AG", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "25", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 26 => array("socketTypeName" => "Wind", "socketName" => "Increase AG Autorecovery", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "3", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1"))), 5 => array(29 => array("socketTypeName" => "Lightning", "socketName" => "Increase Excellent Damage", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "15", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 30 => array("socketTypeName" => "Lightning", "socketName" => "Increase Excellent Damage Rate", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "10", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 31 => array("socketTypeName" => "Lightning", "socketName" => "Increase Critical Damage", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "30", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 32 => array("socketTypeName" => "Lightning", "socketName" => "Increase Critical Damage Rate", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "8", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1"))), 6 => array(36 => array("socketTypeName" => "Ground", "socketName" => "Increase Strength", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "30", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")))));
    case 1:
        $socketLib = array("notSocket" => 0, "emptySocket" => 255, "socketTypeNumber" => array(1 => array(1 => array("socketTypeName" => "Fire", "socketName" => "Increase damage/skillpower (By Level)", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "20", 2 => "400", 3 => "400", 4 => "400", 5 => "400")), 2 => array("socketTypeName" => "Fire", "socketName" => "Increase Attack Speed", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "7", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 3 => array("socketTypeName" => "Fire", "socketName" => "Increase Max Damage/Skill Power", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "30", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 4 => array("socketTypeName" => "Fire", "socketName" => "Increase Min Damage/Skill Power", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "20", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 5 => array("socketTypeName" => "Fire", "socketName" => "Increase Damage/Skill Power", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "20", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 6 => array("socketTypeName" => "Fire", "socketName" => "Decrease AG use", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "40", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1"))), 2 => array(11 => array("socketTypeName" => "Water", "socketName" => "Increase Defense Success Rate", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "10", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 12 => array("socketTypeName" => "Water", "socketName" => "Increase Defense", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "30", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 13 => array("socketTypeName" => "Water", "socketName" => "Increase Shield Defense", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "7", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 14 => array("socketTypeName" => "Water", "socketName" => "Damage reduction", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "4", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 15 => array("socketTypeName" => "Water", "socketName" => "Damage reflections", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "5", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1"))), 3 => array(17 => array("socketTypeName" => "Ice", "socketName" => "Aumenta recupera&ccedil;&atilde;o de Vida", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "8", 2 => "49", 3 => "50", 4 => "51", 5 => "52")), 18 => array("socketTypeName" => "Ice", "socketName" => "Aumenta recupera&ccedil;&atilde;o de Mana", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "8", 2 => "49", 3 => "50", 4 => "51", 5 => "52")), 19 => array("socketTypeName" => "Ice", "socketName" => "Aumento do ataque do Skill", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "37", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 20 => array("socketTypeName" => "Ice", "socketName" => "Aumenta a Taxa de Ataque", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "25", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 21 => array("socketTypeName" => "Ice", "socketName" => "Fortalece o Item", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "30", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1"))), 4 => array(22 => array("socketTypeName" => "Wind", "socketName" => "Increase Life autorecovery", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "8", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 23 => array("socketTypeName" => "Wind", "socketName" => "Increase maximum life", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "4", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 24 => array("socketTypeName" => "Wind", "socketName" => "Increase maximum mana", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "4", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 25 => array("socketTypeName" => "Wind", "socketName" => "Increase mana autorecovery", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "7", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 26 => array("socketTypeName" => "Wind", "socketName" => "Increase maximum AG", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "25", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 27 => array("socketTypeName" => "Wind", "socketName" => "Increase AG amount", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "3", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1"))), 5 => array(30 => array("socketTypeName" => "Lightning", "socketName" => "Increase Excellent Damage", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "15", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 31 => array("socketTypeName" => "Lightning", "socketName" => "Increase Excellent Damage success rate", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "10", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 32 => array("socketTypeName" => "Lightning", "socketName" => "Increase Critical Damage", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "30", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")), 33 => array("socketTypeName" => "Lightning", "socketName" => "Increase critical damage success rate", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "8", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1"))), 6 => array(37 => array("socketTypeName" => "Ground", "socketName" => "Increase stamina", "socketsArgs" => array(1 => "30", 2 => "1", 3 => "1", 4 => "1", 5 => "1")))));
//print_r( $socketLib );
//var_dump( $socketLib );
コード例 #10
 public function GetProductDetails($ProductID)
     global $tpl, $LD_General, $ODBC;
     $ODBC_Q = $ODBC->query("SELECT * FROM Items WHERE Number='" . $ProductID . "'");
     $ODBC_R = odbc_fetch_object($ODBC_Q);
     if (odbc_num_rows($ODBC_Q) == 0) {
         exit(Print_error("<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"Desculpe, esse produto não encontrado.\"); //history.go(-1);</script>"));
     $tpl->set("ProductID", $ProductID);
     $tpl->set("ProductName", $ODBC_R->NAME);
     $tpl->set("ProductPhoto", $ODBC_R->photoItem);
     $tpl->set("ProductPhotoAnc", $ODBC_R->photoItemAnc);
     $tpl->set("NormalPriceJS", $ODBC_R->price);
     $tpl->set("LevelPrice", $ODBC_R->priceLevel);
     $tpl->set("AdcionalPrice", $ODBC_R->priceOption);
     $tpl->set("SkillPrice", $ODBC_R->priceSkill);
     $tpl->set("LuckPrice", $ODBC_R->priceLuck);
     $tpl->set("AncientPrice", $ODBC_R->priceAncient);
     $tpl->set("JhPrice", $ODBC_R->priceJh);
     $tpl->set("RefinePrice", $ODBC_R->priceRefine);
     $tpl->set("SocketPrice", $ODBC_R->priceSocket);
     $tpl->set("OpExcPrice", $ODBC_R->priceOptExc);
     $tpl->set("ClassesName", ($ODBC_R->C_0 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(0) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_1 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(1) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_2 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(2) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_16 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(16) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_17 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(17) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_18 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(18) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_32 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(32) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_33 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(33) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_34 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(34) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_48 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(48) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_49 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(49) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_64 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(64) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_65 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(65) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_80 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(80) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_81 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(81) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_82 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(82) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_96 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(96) . ",&nbsp;" : "") . ($ODBC_R->C_98 == 1 ? $LD_General->GetNameClass(98) . ",&nbsp;" : ""));
     $tpl->set("DisabledLevel", $ODBC_R->LVL == "SN" || $ODBC_R->LVL != "NO" ? "disabled=\"disabled\"" : "");
     $tpl->set("LevelFix", $ODBC_R->LVL != "SN" && $ODBC_R->LVL != "NO" ? (int) $ODBC_R->LVL : "0");
     $tpl->set("DisabledAdcional", $ODBC_R->OP == 0 ? "disabled=\"disabled\"" : "");
     $tpl->set("DisabledAncient", $ODBC_R->ANC == 0 ? "disabled=\"disabled\"" : "");
     //$tpl->set("ProductNameAncient", ($ODBC_R->ANC == 1 ? $ODBC_R->SetItem1:""));
     $tpl->set("DisabledSkill", $ODBC_R->SK == 0 ? "disabled=\"disabled\"" : "");
     $tpl->set("DisabledLuck", $ODBC_R->LK == 0 ? "disabled=\"disabled\"" : "");
     $tpl->set("DisabledOpExc", $ODBC_R->EXE == 0 ? "disabled=\"disabled\"" : "");
     $tpl->set("DisabledJH", $ODBC_R->JH == 0 || SYSTEM_ITEMS == "OLD" ? "disabled=\"disabled\"" : "");
     $tpl->set("DisabledRefine", $ODBC_R->RF == 0 || SYSTEM_ITEMS == "OLD" ? "disabled=\"disabled\"" : "");
     $tpl->set("DisabledSocket", $ODBC_R->Socket == 0 ? "disabled=\"disabled\"" : "");
     $tpl->set("MaxOptionsBuy", $ODBC_R->maxOptExcSel);
     if ($ODBC_R->ANC == 1) {
         $tmpAncSelect = "<option value='0'>N&atilde;o</option>";
         if ($ODBC_R->SetItem1 != "NO") {
             $tpl->set("SetItemAnc1", $ODBC_R->SetItem1);
         } else {
             $tpl->set("SetItemAnc1", "");
         if ($ODBC_R->SetItem2 != "NO") {
             $tpl->set("SetItemAnc2", $ODBC_R->SetItem2);
         } else {
             $tpl->set("SetItemAnc2", "");
         if ($ODBC_R->SetItem1 != "NO") {
             $tmpAncSelect .= "<option value='1'>{$ODBC_R->SetItem1}</option>";
         if ($ODBC_R->SetItem2 != "NO") {
             $tmpAncSelect .= "<option value='2'>{$ODBC_R->SetItem2}</option>";
         $tpl->set("OptionSelectAnc", $tmpAncSelect);
     } else {
         $tpl->set("SetItemAnc1", "");
         $tpl->set("SetItemAnc2", "");
         $tpl->set("OptionSelectAnc", "<option value='0'>N&atilde;o</option>");
     if ($ODBC_R->JH == 0) {
         $tpl->set("OptionSelectJH", "<option value='00'>Nenhuma</option>");
     } else {
         $SelectOptionsJhQ = $ODBC->query("SELECT * FROM ItemsJewelOfHarmony WHERE TP = '{$ODBC_R->JH}' ORDER BY [Number]");
         while ($SelectOptionsJh = odbc_fetch_array($SelectOptionsJhQ)) {
             if (substr($SelectOptionsJh['NM'], 0, 8) == "NONE JoH") {
             for ($iJh = 0; $iJh < 14; $iJh++) {
                 $indexJh = strtoupper(dechex($iJh));
                 if ($this->isZeroOptionJh == true && $SelectOptionsJh['prefx' . $indexJh] == 0) {
                 if ($SelectOptionsJh['prefx' . $indexJh] == 0) {
                     $this->isZeroOptionJh = true;
                 $this->optionJHTemp .= "<option value='{$SelectOptionsJh['ID']}{$indexJh}'>{$SelectOptionsJh['NM']} " . $SelectOptionsJh['prefx' . $indexJh] . " </option>\n";
             $this->isZeroOptionJh = false;
             $this->optionJHTemp .= "<option disabled='disabled'>--------</option>\n";
         $tpl->set("OptionSelectJH", "<option value='00'>Nenhuma</option><option disabled='disabled'>--------</option>\n" . $this->optionJHTemp);
     if ($ODBC_R->RF == 0) {
         $tpl->set("OptionRadioRF", "Nenhuma");
     } else {
         $SelectOptionRefineQ = $ODBC->query("SELECT prefx1, prefx2 FROM ItemsRefinery WHERE ID={$ODBC_R->RF}");
         $SelectOptionRefine = odbc_fetch_object($SelectOptionRefineQ);
         $tpl->set("OptionRadioRF", $SelectOptionRefine->prefx1 . ", " . $SelectOptionRefine->prefx2);
     require "modules/sockets.lib.php";
     if ($ODBC_R->Socket == 0) {
         $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect1", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['notSocket']}\">Slot de socket fechado</option>");
         $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect2", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['notSocket']}\">Slot de socket fechado</option>");
         $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect3", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['notSocket']}\">Slot de socket fechado</option>");
         $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect4", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['notSocket']}\">Slot de socket fechado</option>");
         $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect5", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['notSocket']}\">Slot de socket fechado</option>");
     } else {
         switch ($ODBC_R->CATEGORIA) {
             //None: -1, Fire: 1, Water: 2, Ice: 3, Wind: 4, Lightning: 5, Ground/Earth: 6
             case "Amulets":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Armors":
                 $typesSockets = array("2", "4", "6");
             case "Axes":
                 $typesSockets = array("1", "3", "5");
             case "Boots":
                 $typesSockets = array("2", "4", "6");
             case "Bows":
                 $typesSockets = array("1", "3", "5");
             case "Castel Siege":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "CrossBows":
                 $typesSockets = array("1", "3", "5");
             case "Events":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Events MIX":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Gifts/Boxs":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Gloves":
                 $typesSockets = array("2", "4", "6");
             case "Guards/Pets":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Helms":
                 $typesSockets = array("2", "4", "6");
             case "Jewels":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Jewels MIX":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Maces":
                 $typesSockets = array("1", "3", "5");
             case "Mix Items":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Mix Pets":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "New/Test":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Orbs":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Other Items":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Pants":
                 $typesSockets = array("2", "4", "6");
             case "Pendants":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Potions":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Quests":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Rings":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Scepters":
                 $typesSockets = array("1", "3", "5");
             case "Scrolls":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
             case "Shields":
                 $typesSockets = array("2", "4", "6");
             case "Spears":
                 $typesSockets = array("1", "3", "5");
             case "Staffs":
                 $typesSockets = array("1", "3", "5");
             case "Swords":
                 $typesSockets = array("1", "3", "5");
             case "Wings":
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
                 $typesSockets = array("-1");
         if ($typesSockets[0] == "-1") {
             $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect1", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['emptySocket']}\">Socket livre [Provavelmente sem suporte]</option>");
             $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect2", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['emptySocket']}\">Socket livre [Provavelmente sem suporte]</option>");
             $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect3", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['emptySocket']}\">Socket livre [Provavelmente sem suporte]</option>");
             $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect4", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['emptySocket']}\">Socket livre [Provavelmente sem suporte]</option>");
             $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect5", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['emptySocket']}\">Socket livre [Provavelmente sem suporte]</option>");
         } else {
             for ($iSocketCount = 0, $iSocketIncrement = count($typesSockets); $iSocketCount < $iSocketIncrement; $iSocketCount++) {
                 foreach ($socketLib['socketTypeNumber'][$typesSockets[$iSocketCount]] as $key => $socket) {
                     $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[0] .= "<option value=\"" . (int) $key . "\">{$socket['socketTypeName']} ({$socket['socketName']} + {$socket['socketsArgs'][1]})</option>\n";
                     $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[1] .= "<option value=\"" . (int) ($key + 50) . "\">{$socket['socketTypeName']} ({$socket['socketName']} + {$socket['socketsArgs'][2]})</option>\n";
                     $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[2] .= "<option value=\"" . (int) ($key + 100) . "\">{$socket['socketTypeName']} ({$socket['socketName']} + {$socket['socketsArgs'][3]})</option>\n";
                     $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[3] .= "<option value=\"" . (int) ($key + 150) . "\">{$socket['socketTypeName']} ({$socket['socketName']} + {$socket['socketsArgs'][5]})</option>\n";
                     $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[4] .= "<option value=\"" . (int) ($key + 200) . "\">{$socket['socketTypeName']} ({$socket['socketName']} + {$socket['socketsArgs'][5]})</option>\n";
             /*for($iSocketCount = 0, $iSocketIncrement = count($typesSockets); $iSocketCount < $iSocketIncrement; $iSocketCount++)
                   $SelectOptionsSocketQ = $ODBC->query("SELECT ST, NM, ID, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 FROM ItemsSocket WHERE TP = ".$typesSockets[$iSocketCount]);
                   while($SelectOptionsSocket = odbc_fetch_array($SelectOptionsSocketQ))
                       $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[0] .= "<option value=\"". ($SelectOptionsSocket['ID']) ."\">{$SelectOptionsSocket['ST']} ({$SelectOptionsSocket['NM']} + {$SelectOptionsSocket['S1']})</option>\n";
                       $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[1] .= "<option value=\"". ($SelectOptionsSocket['ID']+50) ."\">{$SelectOptionsSocket['ST']} ({$SelectOptionsSocket['NM']} + {$SelectOptionsSocket['S2']})</option>\n";
                       $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[2] .= "<option value=\"". ($SelectOptionsSocket['ID']+100) ."\">{$SelectOptionsSocket['ST']} ({$SelectOptionsSocket['NM']} + {$SelectOptionsSocket['S3']})</option>\n";
                       $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[3] .= "<option value=\"". ($SelectOptionsSocket['ID']+150) ."\">{$SelectOptionsSocket['ST']} ({$SelectOptionsSocket['NM']} + {$SelectOptionsSocket['S4']})</option>\n";
                       $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[4] .= "<option value=\"". ($SelectOptionsSocket['ID']+200) ."\">{$SelectOptionsSocket['ST']} ({$SelectOptionsSocket['NM']} + {$SelectOptionsSocket['S5']})</option>\n";
             $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect1", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['emptySocket']}\">Deixar o socket livre</option>" . $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[0]);
             $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect2", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['emptySocket']}\">Deixar o socket livre</option>" . $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[1]);
             $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect3", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['emptySocket']}\">Deixar o socket livre</option>" . $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[2]);
             $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect4", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['emptySocket']}\">Deixar o socket livre</option>" . $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[3]);
             $tpl->set("OptionSocketSelect5", "<option value=\"{$socketLib['emptySocket']}\">Deixar o socket livre</option>" . $this->selectOptionsSocketItemTmp[4]);
     $tpl->set("MaxOptText", "<em>Max. de op&ccedil;&otilde;es excelentes: </em><strong>" . $ODBC_R->maxOptExcSel . "</strong>");
     if ($_SESSION['COUPON_ACTIVE'] == true) {
         $tpl->set("NormalPrice", ceil($ODBC_R->preco / 100 * (100 - $_SESSION['COUPON_PERCENT'])));
         $tpl->set("CouponActiveJS", "true");
         $tpl->set("CouponAmount", $_SESSION['COUPON_PERCENT']);
         $tpl->set("CouponCode", $_SESSION['COUPON_CODE']);
         $tpl->set("CouponActiveDIV", "<div id=\"CouponCodeDIV\" style=\"text-align:center;\" class=\"quadros\">Cupom <em>" . $_SESSION['COUPON_CODE'] . "</em> ativado.<br />Valor do desconto <em>" . $_SESSION['COUPON_PERCENT'] . "%</em>.</div>");
     } else {
         $tpl->set("NormalPrice", $ODBC_R->price);
         $tpl->set("CouponActiveJS", "false");
         $tpl->set("CouponAmount", 0);
         $tpl->set("CouponCode", "");
         $tpl->set("CouponActiveDIV", "");
     switch ($ODBC_R->EXE) {
         case 1:
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1", "Aumenta mana ap&oacute;s matar monstros +mana/8 ");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2", "Aumenta vida ap&oacute;s matar monstros +vida/8");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3", "Aumenta velocidade de ataque +7");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4", "Adiciona dano +2%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5", "Aumenta danos +leve1/20");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6", "Excelente dano ratio +10%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6Disabled", "false");
         case 2:
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1", "Aumenta os zens que caem em +40%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2", "&Ecirc;xito rank defensivo +10%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3", "Devolve o golpe recebido +5%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4", "Golpe recebido reduzido +4%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5", "Aumenta mana em +4%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6", "Aumenta vida em +4%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6Disabled", "false");
         case 3:
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1", "Aumenta hp");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2", "Aumenta mana");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3", "Poder defensivo contra oponentes de 3%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4", "Aumenta stamina");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5", "Aumenta velocidade de ataque +7");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6", "Sem Efeito");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6Disabled", "\"disabled\"");
         case 4:
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1", "+ Ataque");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2", "+ Defesa");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3", "+ Illusion");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4", "Sem efeito");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5", "Sem efeito");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6", "Sem efeito");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4Disabled", "\"disabled\"");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5Disabled", "\"disabled\"");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6Disabled", "\"disabled\"");
         case 5:
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1", "Aumenta os zens que caem em +40%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2", "&Ecirc;xito rank defensivo +10%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3", "Devolve o golpe recebido +5%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4", "Golpe recebido reduzido +4%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5", "Aumenta mana em +4%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6", "Aumenta vida em +4%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6Disabled", "false");
         case 6:
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1", "Aumenta mana ap&oacute;s matar monstros +mana/8");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2", "Aumenta vida ap&oacute;s matar monstros +vida/8");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3", "Aumenta velocidade de ataque +7");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4", "Adiciona dano +2%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5", "Aumenta danos +leve1/20");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6", "&Ecirc;xito rank defensivo +10%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6Disabled", "false");
         case 7:
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1", "Ignora o Poder Defensivo do Oponente 5%");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2", "5% Chance de retornar o dano");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3", "5% Chance de recuperar toda a vida");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4", "5% Chance de recuperar toda a mana");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5", "Sem efeito");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6", "Sem efeito");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4Disabled", "false");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5Disabled", "true");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6Disabled", "true");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1", "Sem efeito");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2", "Sem efeito");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3", "Sem efeito");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4", "Sem efeito");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5", "Sem efeito");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6", "Sem efeito");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc1Disabled", "\"disabled\"");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc2Disabled", "\"disabled\"");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc3Disabled", "\"disabled\"");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc4Disabled", "\"disabled\"");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc5Disabled", "\"disabled\"");
             $tpl->set("NomeOpExc6Disabled", "\"disabled\"");
コード例 #11
 private function ChargeGold()
     $SQL_Q = $this->query("UPDATE " . GOLDTABLE . " SET " . GOLDCOLUMN . " = " . GOLDCOLUMN . "-" . $this->End_Price . " WHERE " . GOLDMEMBIDENT . " = '" . $_SESSION['Login'] . "' AND " . GOLDCOLUMN . " >= " . $this->End_Price . "; select @@rowcount as rows;");
     $SQL_R = mssql_fetch_object($SQL_Q);
     if ((int) $SQL_R->rows == 0) {
         exit(Print_error("<ul><li>Erro ao cobrar pelo item.</li></ul>"));