コード例 #1
ファイル: pagelist.php プロジェクト: BogusCurry/pmwiki
function MakePageList($pagename, $opt, $retpages = 1)
    global $MakePageListOpt, $SearchPatterns, $EnablePageListProtect, $PCache, $FmtV;
    StopWatch('MakePageList begin');
    SDVA($MakePageListOpt, array('list' => 'default'));
    $opt = array_merge((array) $MakePageListOpt, $opt);
    $readf = @$opt['readf'];
    # we have to read the page if order= is anything but name
    $order = @$opt['order'];
    $readf |= $order && $order != 'name' && $order != '-name';
    $pats = @(array) $SearchPatterns[$opt['list']];
    if (@$opt['group']) {
        $pats[] = FixGlob($opt['group'], '$1$2.*');
    if (@$opt['name']) {
        $pats[] = FixGlob($opt['name'], '$1*.$2');
    # inclp/exclp contain words to be included/excluded.
    $incl = array();
    $inclp = array();
    $inclx = false;
    $excl = array();
    $exclp = '';
    foreach ((array) @$opt[''] as $i) {
        $incl[] = $i;
    foreach ((array) @$opt['+'] as $i) {
        $incl[] = $i;
    foreach ((array) @$opt['-'] as $i) {
        $excl[] = $i;
    foreach ($incl as $i) {
        $inclp[] = '$' . preg_quote($i) . '$i';
        $inclx |= preg_match('[^\\w\\x80-\\xff]', $i);
    if ($excl) {
        $exclp = '$' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $excl)) . '$i';
    $searchterms = count($incl) + count($excl);
    $readf += $searchterms;
    # forced read if incl/excl
    if (@$opt['trail']) {
        $trail = ReadTrail($pagename, $opt['trail']);
        $list = array();
        foreach ($trail as $tstop) {
            $pn = $tstop['pagename'];
            $list[] = $pn;
            $tstop['parentnames'] = array();
            PCache($pn, $tstop);
        foreach ($trail as $tstop) {
            $PCache[$tstop['pagename']]['parentnames'][] = @$trail[$tstop['parent']]['pagename'];
    } else {
        $list = ListPages($pats);
    if (IsEnabled($EnablePageListProtect, 1)) {
        $readf = 1000;
    $matches = array();
    $FmtV['$MatchSearched'] = count($list);
    $terms = $incl ? PageIndexTerms($incl) : array();
    if (@$opt['link']) {
        $link = MakePageName($pagename, $opt['link']);
        $linkp = "/(^|,){$link}(,|\$)/i";
        $terms[] = " {$link} ";
    if ($terms) {
        $xlist = PageIndexGrep($terms, true);
        $a = count($list);
        $list = array_diff($list, $xlist);
        $a -= count($list);
        StopWatch("MakePageList: PageIndex filtered {$a} pages");
    $xlist = array();
    StopWatch('MakePageList scanning ' . count($list) . " pages, readf={$readf}");
    foreach ((array) $list as $pn) {
        if ($readf) {
            $page = $readf >= 1000 ? RetrieveAuthPage($pn, 'read', false, READPAGE_CURRENT) : ReadPage($pn, READPAGE_CURRENT);
            if (!$page) {
            if (@$linkp && !preg_match($linkp, @$page['targets'])) {
                $xlist[] = $pn;
            if ($searchterms) {
                $text = $pn . "\n" . @$page['targets'] . "\n" . @$page['text'];
                if ($exclp && preg_match($exclp, $text)) {
                foreach ($inclp as $i) {
                    if (!preg_match($i, $text)) {
                        if (!$inclx) {
                            $xlist[] = $pn;
                        continue 2;
            $page['size'] = strlen(@$page['text']);
        } else {
            $page = array();
        $page['pagename'] = $page['name'] = $pn;
        PCache($pn, $page);
        $matches[] = $pn;
    StopWatch('MakePageList sort');
    if ($order) {
        SortPageList($matches, $order);
    if ($xlist) {
        register_shutdown_function('PageIndexUpdate', $xlist, getcwd());
    StopWatch('MakePageList end');
    if ($retpages) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++) {
            $matches[$i] =& $PCache[$matches[$i]];
    return $matches;
コード例 #2
ファイル: pagelist.php プロジェクト: BogusCurry/pmwiki
function PageListTermsTargets(&$list, &$opt, $pn, &$page) {
  global $FmtV;
  static $reindex = array();
  $fold = $GLOBALS['StrFoldFunction'];

  switch ($opt['=phase']) {
    case PAGELIST_PRE:
      $FmtV['$MatchSearched'] = count($list);
      $incl = array(); $excl = array();
      foreach((array)@$opt[''] as $i) { $incl[] = $fold($i); }
      foreach((array)@$opt['+'] as $i) { $incl[] = $fold($i); }
      foreach((array)@$opt['-'] as $i) { $excl[] = $fold($i); }

      $indexterms = PageIndexTerms($incl);
      foreach($incl as $i) {
        $delim = (!preg_match('/[^\\w\\x80-\\xff]/', $i)) ? '$' : '/';
        $opt['=inclp'][] = $delim . preg_quote($i,$delim) . $delim . 'i';
      if ($excl) 
        $opt['=exclp'][] = '$'.implode('|', array_map('preg_quote',$excl)).'$i';

      if (@$opt['link']) {
        $link = MakePageName($pn, $opt['link']);
        $opt['=linkp'] = "/(^|,)$link(,|$)/i";
        $indexterms[] = " $link ";

      if (@$opt['=cached']) return 0;
      if ($indexterms) {
        StopWatch("PageListTermsTargets begin count=".count($list));
        $xlist = PageIndexGrep($indexterms, true);
        $list = array_diff($list, $xlist);
        StopWatch("PageListTermsTargets end count=".count($list));

      if (@$opt['=inclp'] || @$opt['=exclp'] || @$opt['=linkp']) 
      return 0;

      if (!$page) { $page = ReadPage($pn, READPAGE_CURRENT); $opt['=readc']++; }
      if (!$page) return 0;
      if (@$opt['=linkp'] && !preg_match($opt['=linkp'], @$page['targets'])) 
        { $reindex[] = $pn; return 0; }
      if (@$opt['=inclp'] || @$opt['=exclp']) {
        $text = $fold($pn."\n".@$page['targets']."\n".@$page['text']);
        foreach((array)@$opt['=exclp'] as $i) 
          if (preg_match($i, $text)) return 0;
        foreach((array)@$opt['=inclp'] as $i) 
          if (!preg_match($i, $text)) { 
            if ($i{0} == '$') $reindex[] = $pn;
            return 0; 
      return 1;

      if ($reindex) PageIndexQueueUpdate($reindex);
      $reindex = array();
      return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: pagelist.php プロジェクト: BogusCurry/pmwiki
function PageListTermsTargets(&$list, &$opt, $pn, &$page)
    global $FmtV;
    switch ($opt['=phase']) {
        case PAGELIST_PRE:
            $FmtV['$MatchSearched'] = count($list);
            $incl = array();
            $excl = array();
            foreach ((array) @$opt[''] as $i) {
                $incl[] = $i;
            foreach ((array) @$opt['+'] as $i) {
                $incl[] = $i;
            foreach ((array) @$opt['-'] as $i) {
                $excl[] = $i;
            $indexterms = PageIndexTerms($incl);
            foreach ($incl as $i) {
                $delim = !preg_match('/[^\\w\\x80-\\xff]/', $i) ? '$' : '/';
                $opt['=inclp'][] = $delim . preg_quote($i, $delim) . $delim . 'i';
            if ($excl) {
                $opt['=exclp'][] = '$' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $excl)) . '$i';
            if (@$opt['link']) {
                $link = MakePageName($pn, $opt['link']);
                $opt['=linkp'] = "/(^|,){$link}(,|\$)/i";
                $indexterms[] = " {$link} ";
            if (@$opt['=cached']) {
                return 0;
            if ($indexterms) {
                StopWatch("PageListTermsTargets begin count=" . count($list));
                $xlist = PageIndexGrep($indexterms, true);
                $list = array_diff($list, $xlist);
                StopWatch("PageListTermsTargets end count=" . count($list));
            if (@$opt['=inclp'] || @$opt['=exclp'] || @$opt['=linkp']) {
                return PAGELIST_ITEM | PAGELIST_POST;
            return 0;
        case PAGELIST_ITEM:
            if (!$page) {
                $page = ReadPage($pn, READPAGE_CURRENT);
            if (!$page) {
                return 0;
            if (@$opt['=linkp'] && !preg_match($opt['=linkp'], @$page['targets'])) {
                $opt['=reindex'][] = $pn;
                return 0;
            if (@$opt['=inclp'] || @$opt['=exclp']) {
                $text = $pn . "\n" . @$page['targets'] . "\n" . @$page['text'];
                foreach ((array) @$opt['=exclp'] as $i) {
                    if (preg_match($i, $text)) {
                        return 0;
                foreach ((array) @$opt['=inclp'] as $i) {
                    if (!preg_match($i, $text)) {
                        if ($i[0] == '$') {
                            $opt['=reindex'][] = $pn;
                        return 0;
            return 1;
        case PAGELIST_POST:
            if (@$opt['=reindex']) {
                register_shutdown_function('PageIndexUpdate', $opt['=reindex'], getcwd());
            return 0;