コード例 #1
         $max_field_sizes = array('tinyblob' => '256', 'blob' => '65536', 'mediumblob' => '16777216', 'longblob' => '4294967296');
         // yeah, really
         $this_field_max_size = $max_upload_size;
         // from PHP max
         if ($this_field_max_size > $max_field_sizes[$field['pma_type']]) {
             $this_field_max_size = $max_field_sizes[$field['pma_type']];
         echo PMA_displayMaximumUploadSize($this_field_max_size) . "\n";
         // do not generate here the MAX_FILE_SIZE, because we should
         // put only one in the form to accommodate the biggest field
         if ($this_field_max_size > $biggest_max_file_size) {
             $biggest_max_file_size = $this_field_max_size;
     if (!empty($cfg['UploadDir'])) {
         $files = PMA_getFileSelectOptions(PMA_userDir($cfg['UploadDir']));
         if ($files === FALSE) {
             echo '        <font color="red">' . $strError . '</font><br />' . "\n";
             echo '        ' . $strWebServerUploadDirectoryError . "\n";
         } elseif (!empty($files)) {
             echo "<br />\n";
             echo '    <i>' . $strOr . '</i>' . ' ' . $strWebServerUploadDirectory . ':<br />' . "\n";
             echo '        <select size="1" name="fields_uploadlocal_' . $field['Field_md5'] . $vkey . '">' . "\n";
             echo '            <option value="" selected="selected"></option>' . "\n";
             echo $files;
             echo '        </select>' . "\n";
     // end if (web-server upload directory)
 } elseif ('geometry' == $field['pma_type']) {
     // ignore this column to avoid changing it
コード例 #2

if (isset($cfg['SaveDir']) && !empty($cfg['SaveDir'])) {
    <input type="checkbox" name="onserver" value="saveit"
        onclick="document.getElementById('checkbox_dump_asfile').checked = true;"
    <label for="checkbox_dump_onserver">
    echo sprintf($strSaveOnServer, htmlspecialchars(PMA_userDir($cfg['SaveDir'])));
    </label>,<br />
    <input type="checkbox" name="onserverover" value="saveitover"
        onclick="document.getElementById('checkbox_dump_onserver').checked = true;
            document.getElementById('checkbox_dump_asfile').checked = true;"
    <label for="checkbox_dump_onserverover">
    echo $strOverwriteExisting;
コード例 #3
ファイル: common.lib.php プロジェクト: AmberWish/laba_web
 * Display the form used to select a file to import from the server upload directory
 * @param array  $import_list array of import types
 * @param string $uploaddir   upload directory
 * @return nothing
function PMA_selectUploadFile($import_list, $uploaddir)
    echo '<label for="radio_local_import_file">' . sprintf(__("Select from the web server upload directory <b>%s</b>:"), htmlspecialchars(PMA_userDir($uploaddir))) . '</label>';
    $extensions = '';
    foreach ($import_list as $key => $val) {
        if (!empty($extensions)) {
            $extensions .= '|';
        $extensions .= $val['extension'];
    $matcher = '@\\.(' . $extensions . ')(\\.(' . PMA_supportedDecompressions() . '))?$@';
    $active = isset($timeout_passed) && $timeout_passed && isset($local_import_file) ? $local_import_file : '';
    $files = PMA_getFileSelectOptions(PMA_userDir($uploaddir), $matcher, $active);
    if ($files === false) {
        PMA_Message::error(__('The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached'))->display();
    } elseif (!empty($files)) {
        echo "\n";
        echo '    <select style="margin: 5px" size="1" name="local_import_file" id="select_local_import_file">' . "\n";
        echo '        <option value="">&nbsp;</option>' . "\n";
        echo $files;
        echo '    </select>' . "\n";
    } elseif (empty($files)) {
        echo '<i>' . __('There are no files to upload') . '</i>';
コード例 #4
ファイル: sql_query_form.lib.php プロジェクト: hoogle/ttt
 * prints bookmark fieldset
 * @usedby  PMA_sqlQueryForm()
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['cfg']['GZipDump']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['cfg']['BZipDump']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['cfg']['AvailableCharsets']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowAnywhereRecoding']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['strAutodetect']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['strBzip']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['strCharsetOfFile']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['strCompression']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['strError']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['strGo']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['strGzip']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['strLocationTextfile']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['strWebServerUploadDirectory']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['strWebServerUploadDirectoryError']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['allow_recoding']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['charset']
 * @uses    $GLOBALS['max_upload_size']
 * @uses    PMA_supportedDecompressions()
 * @uses    PMA_getFileSelectOptions()
 * @uses    PMA_displayMaximumUploadSize()
 * @uses    PMA_generateCharsetDropdownBox()
 * @uses    PMA_generateHiddenMaxFileSize()
 * @uses    empty()
function PMA_sqlQueryFormUpload()
    $errors = array();
    $matcher = '@\\.sql(\\.(' . PMA_supportedDecompressions() . '))?$@';
    // we allow only SQL here
    if (!empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir'])) {
        $files = PMA_getFileSelectOptions(PMA_userDir($GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir']), $matcher, isset($timeout_passed) && $timeout_passed && isset($local_import_file) ? $local_import_file : '');
    } else {
        $files = '';
    // start output
    echo '<fieldset id="">';
    echo '<legend>';
    echo $GLOBALS['strLocationTextfile'] . '</legend>';
    echo '<div class="formelement">';
    echo '<input type="file" name="sql_file" class="textfield" /> ';
    echo PMA_displayMaximumUploadSize($GLOBALS['max_upload_size']);
    // some browsers should respect this :)
    echo PMA_generateHiddenMaxFileSize($GLOBALS['max_upload_size']) . "\n";
    echo '</div>';
    if ($files === FALSE) {
        $errors[$GLOBALS['strError']] = $GLOBALS['strWebServerUploadDirectoryError'];
    } elseif (!empty($files)) {
        echo '<div class="formelement">';
        echo '<strong>' . $GLOBALS['strWebServerUploadDirectory'] . ':</strong>' . "\n";
        echo '<select size="1" name="sql_localfile">' . "\n";
        echo '<option value="" selected="selected"></option>' . "\n";
        echo $files;
        echo '</select>' . "\n";
        echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="clearfloat"></div>' . "\n";
    echo '</fieldset>';
    echo '<fieldset id="" class="tblFooters">';
    if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < 40100 && $GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] && $GLOBALS['allow_recoding']) {
        echo $GLOBALS['strCharsetOfFile'] . "\n" . '<select name="charset_of_file" size="1">' . "\n";
        foreach ($GLOBALS['cfg']['AvailableCharsets'] as $temp_charset) {
            echo '<option value="' . $temp_charset . '"';
            if ($temp_charset == $GLOBALS['charset']) {
                echo ' selected="selected"';
            echo '>' . $temp_charset . '</option>' . "\n";
        echo '</select>' . "\n";
    } elseif (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 40100) {
        echo $GLOBALS['strCharsetOfFile'] . "\n";
        echo PMA_generateCharsetDropdownBox(PMA_CSDROPDOWN_CHARSET, 'charset_of_file', null, 'utf8', FALSE);
    // end if (recoding)
    echo '<input type="submit" name="SQL" value="' . $GLOBALS['strGo'] . '" />' . "\n";
    echo '<div class="clearfloat"></div>' . "\n";
    echo '</fieldset>';
    foreach ($errors as $error => $message) {
        echo '<div>' . $error . '</div>';
        echo '<div>' . $message . '</div>';
コード例 #5
ファイル: import.php プロジェクト: davidmottet/automne
if (strtolower(substr($memory_limit, -1)) == 'm') {
    $memory_limit = (int) substr($memory_limit, 0, -1) * 1024 * 1024;
} elseif (strtolower(substr($memory_limit, -1)) == 'k') {
    $memory_limit = (int) substr($memory_limit, 0, -1) * 1024;
} elseif (strtolower(substr($memory_limit, -1)) == 'g') {
    $memory_limit = (int) substr($memory_limit, 0, -1) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
} else {
    $memory_limit = (int) $memory_limit;
$read_limit = $memory_limit / 8;
// Just to be sure, there might be lot of memory needed for uncompression
// handle filenames
if (!empty($local_import_file) && !empty($cfg['UploadDir'])) {
    // sanitize $local_import_file as it comes from a POST
    $local_import_file = PMA_securePath($local_import_file);
    $import_file = PMA_userDir($cfg['UploadDir']) . $local_import_file;
} elseif (empty($import_file) || !is_uploaded_file($import_file)) {
    $import_file = 'none';
// Do we have file to import?
if ($import_file != 'none' && !$error) {
    // work around open_basedir and other limitations
    $open_basedir = @ini_get('open_basedir');
    // If we are on a server with open_basedir, we must move the file
    // before opening it. The doc explains how to create the "./tmp"
    // directory
    if (!empty($open_basedir)) {
        $tmp_subdir = PMA_IS_WINDOWS ? '.\\tmp\\' : './tmp/';
        if (is_writable($tmp_subdir)) {
            $import_file_new = $tmp_subdir . basename($import_file);
            if (move_uploaded_file($import_file, $import_file_new)) {
コード例 #6
     * @access  public
     * @uses    $GLOBALS['strFileCouldNotBeRead']
     * @uses    PMA_File::setName()
     * @uses    PMA_securePath()
     * @uses    PMA_userDir()
     * @uses    $GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir']
     * @param   string  $name
     * @return  boolean success
    function setLocalSelectedFile($name)
        if (empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir'])) return false;

        $this->setName(PMA_userDir($GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir']) . PMA_securePath($name));
        if (! $this->isReadable()) {
            $this->_error_message = $GLOBALS['strFileCouldNotBeRead'];
            return false;

        return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: export.php プロジェクト: alexhava/elixirjuice
    // If dump is going to be compressed, set correct mime_type and add
    // compression to extension
    if ($compression == 'bzip') {
        $filename .= '.bz2';
        $mime_type = 'application/x-bzip2';
    } elseif ($compression == 'gzip') {
        $filename .= '.gz';
        $mime_type = 'application/x-gzip';
    } elseif ($compression == 'zip') {
        $filename .= '.zip';
        $mime_type = 'application/zip';
// Open file on server if needed
if ($save_on_server) {
    $save_filename = PMA_userDir($cfg['SaveDir']) . preg_replace('@[/\\\\]@', '_', $filename);
    if (file_exists($save_filename) && empty($onserverover)) {
        $message = PMA_Message::error('strFileAlreadyExists');
    } else {
        if (is_file($save_filename) && !is_writable($save_filename)) {
            $message = PMA_Message::error('strNoPermission');
        } else {
            if (!($file_handle = @fopen($save_filename, 'w'))) {
                $message = PMA_Message::error('strNoPermission');
コード例 #8
            <ul id="ul_save_asfile">
if (isset($cfg['SaveDir']) && !empty($cfg['SaveDir'])) {
                    <input type="checkbox" name="onserver" value="saveit"
                    <label for="checkbox_dump_onserver">
    echo sprintf(__('Save on server in the directory <b>%s</b>'), htmlspecialchars(PMA_userDir($cfg['SaveDir'])));
                    <input type="checkbox" name="onserverover" value="saveitover"
                    <label for="checkbox_dump_onserverover"><?php 
    echo __('Overwrite existing file(s)');
コード例 #9
 * prints bookmark fieldset
 * @usedby  PMA_sqlQueryForm()
function PMA_sqlQueryFormUpload()
    $errors = array();
    $matcher = '@\\.sql(\\.(' . PMA_supportedDecompressions() . '))?$@';
    // we allow only SQL here
    if (!empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir'])) {
        $files = PMA_getFileSelectOptions(PMA_userDir($GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir']), $matcher, isset($timeout_passed) && $timeout_passed && isset($local_import_file) ? $local_import_file : '');
    } else {
        $files = '';
    // start output
    echo '<fieldset id="">';
    echo '<legend>';
    echo __('Browse your computer:') . '</legend>';
    echo '<div class="formelement">';
    echo '<input type="file" name="sql_file" class="textfield" /> ';
    echo PMA_displayMaximumUploadSize($GLOBALS['max_upload_size']);
    // some browsers should respect this :)
    echo PMA_generateHiddenMaxFileSize($GLOBALS['max_upload_size']) . "\n";
    echo '</div>';
    if ($files === false) {
        $errors[] = PMA_Message::error(__('The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached'));
    } elseif (!empty($files)) {
        echo '<div class="formelement">';
        echo '<strong>' . __('web server upload directory') . ':</strong>' . "\n";
        echo '<select size="1" name="sql_localfile">' . "\n";
        echo '<option value="" selected="selected"></option>' . "\n";
        echo $files;
        echo '</select>' . "\n";
        echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="clearfloat"></div>' . "\n";
    echo '</fieldset>';
    echo '<fieldset id="" class="tblFooters">';
    echo __('Character set of the file:') . "\n";
    echo PMA_generateCharsetDropdownBox(PMA_CSDROPDOWN_CHARSET, 'charset_of_file', null, 'utf8', false);
    echo '<input type="submit" name="SQL" value="' . __('Go') . '" />' . "\n";
    echo '<div class="clearfloat"></div>' . "\n";
    echo '</fieldset>';
    foreach ($errors as $error) {
コード例 #10
         if (!is_writable($tmp_subdir)) {
             // if we cannot move the file don't change blob fields
             $file_to_insert = false;
         } else {
             $new_file_to_upload = $tmp_subdir . basename($file_to_insert);
             move_uploaded_file($file_to_insert, $new_file_to_upload);
             $file_to_insert = $new_file_to_upload;
             $unlink = true;
 } elseif (!empty($me_fields_uploadlocal)) {
     // ... or selected file from $cfg['UploadDir']
     $file_to_insert = PMA_userDir($GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir']) . preg_replace('@\\.\\.*@', '.', $me_fields_uploadlocal);
     if (!is_readable($file_to_insert)) {
         $file_to_insert = false;
 // garvin: else: Post-field contains no data. Blob-fields are preserved, see below. ($protected$)
 if ($file_to_insert) {
     $val = '';
     // check if file is not empty
     if (function_exists('file_get_contents')) {
         $val = file_get_contents($file_to_insert);
     } elseif ($file_to_insert_size = filesize($file_to_insert)) {
         $val = fread(fopen($file_to_insert, 'rb'), $file_to_insert_size);
     if (!empty($val)) {
         $val = '0x' . bin2hex($val);
コード例 #11
         // into MySQL and it also allow not to care about charset
         // conversion that would otherwise corrupt the data.
         if (!empty($val)) {
             // garvin: The upload was valid. Check in new blob-field's contents.
             $val = '0x' . bin2hex($val);
             $seen_binary = TRUE;
             $check_stop = TRUE;
         // garvin: ELSE: an empty file was uploaded. Remove blob-field's contents.
         // Blob-fields are preserved, see below. ($protected$)
     } else {
         // garvin: Danger, will robinson. File is malicious. Blob-fields are preserved, see below. ($protected$)
         // void
 } elseif (!empty(${'me_fields_uploadlocal_' . $encoded_key})) {
     $file_to_upload = PMA_userDir($cfg['UploadDir']) . preg_replace('@\\.\\.*@', '.', ${'me_fields_uploadlocal_' . $encoded_key});
     // A local file will be uploaded.
     $open_basedir = @ini_get('open_basedir');
     // If we are on a server with open_basedir, we must move the file
     // before opening it. The doc explains how to create the "./tmp"
     // directory
     $unlink = false;
     if (!empty($open_basedir)) {
         $tmp_subdir = PMA_IS_WINDOWS ? '.\\tmp\\' : './tmp/';
         // function is_writeable() is valid on PHP3 and 4
         if (!is_writeable($tmp_subdir)) {
             // if we cannot move the file don't change blob fields
             $file_to_upload = '';
         } else {
             $new_file_to_upload = $tmp_subdir . basename($file_to_upload);
             move_uploaded_file($file_to_upload, $new_file_to_upload);
コード例 #12
    echo '<div class="warning">' . "\n";
    echo $strUploadsNotAllowed . "\n";
if (!empty($cfg['UploadDir'])) {
    $extensions = '';
    foreach ($import_list as $key => $val) {
        if (!empty($extensions)) {
            $extensions .= '|';
        $extensions .= $val['extension'];
    $matcher = '@\\.(' . $extensions . ')(\\.(' . PMA_supportedDecompressions() . '))?$@';
    $files = PMA_getFileSelectOptions(PMA_userDir($cfg['UploadDir']), $matcher, isset($timeout_passed) && $timeout_passed && isset($local_import_file) ? $local_import_file : '');
    echo '<div class="formelementrow">' . "\n";
    if ($files === FALSE) {
        echo '    <div class="warning">' . "\n";
        echo '        <strong>' . $strError . '</strong>: ' . "\n";
        echo '        ' . $strWebServerUploadDirectoryError . "\n";
        echo '    </div>' . "\n";
    } elseif (!empty($files)) {
        echo "\n";
        echo '    <i>' . $strOr . '</i><br/><label for="select_local_import_file">' . $strWebServerUploadDirectory . '</label>&nbsp;: ' . "\n";
        echo '    <select style="margin: 5px" size="1" name="local_import_file" onchange="match_file(this.value)" id="select_local_import_file">' . "\n";
        echo '        <option value=""></option>' . "\n";
        echo $files;
        echo '    </select>' . "\n";
    echo '</div>' . "\n";
コード例 #13
  * @access  public
  * @uses    PMA_File::setName()
  * @uses    PMA_securePath()
  * @uses    PMA_userDir()
  * @uses    $GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir']
  * @param   string  $name
  * @return  boolean success
 function setLocalSelectedFile($name)
     if (empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir'])) {
         return false;
     $this->setName(PMA_userDir($GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir']) . PMA_securePath($name));
     if (!$this->isReadable()) {
         $this->_error_message = __('File could not be read');
         return false;
     return true;
コード例 #14
  * test of generating user dir, globals are defined
  * @dataProvider userDirDataProvider
 public function testUserDirString($a, $e)
     $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user'] = '******';
     $this->assertEquals($e, PMA_userDir($a));