コード例 #1
 * Displays top part of the form
 * @uses PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs()
 * @uses PMA_getHiddenFields()
 * @param string $action         default: $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
 * @param string $method         'post' or 'get'
 * @param array  $hidden_fields  array of form hidden fields (key: field name)
function display_form_top($action = null, $method = 'post', $hidden_fields = null)
    static $has_check_page_refresh = false;
    if ($action === null) {
        $action = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    if ($method != 'post') {
        $method = 'get';
<form method="<?php 
    echo $method;
" action="<?php 
    echo htmlspecialchars($action);
" class="config-form">
<input type="hidden" name="tab_hash" value="" />
    // we do validation on page refresh when browser remembers field values,
    // add a field with known value which will be used for checks
    if (!$has_check_page_refresh) {
        $has_check_page_refresh = true;
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="check_page_refresh" id="check_page_refresh"' . ' value="" />' . "\n";
    echo PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs('', '', 0, 'server') . "\n";
    echo PMA_getHiddenFields((array) $hidden_fields);
コード例 #2
 * Displays top part of the form
 * @param string $action        default: $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
 * @param string $method        'post' or 'get'
 * @param array  $hidden_fields array of form hidden fields (key: field name)
 * @return void
function PMA_displayFormTop($action = null, $method = 'post', $hidden_fields = null)
    static $has_check_page_refresh = false;
    if ($action === null) {
        $action = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    if ($method != 'post') {
        $method = 'get';
    echo '<form method="' . $method . '" action="' . htmlspecialchars($action) . '" class="config-form disableAjax">';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="tab_hash" value="" />';
    // we do validation on page refresh when browser remembers field values,
    // add a field with known value which will be used for checks
    if (!$has_check_page_refresh) {
        $has_check_page_refresh = true;
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="check_page_refresh" ' . ' id="check_page_refresh" value="" />' . "\n";
    echo PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs('', '', 0, 'server') . "\n";
    echo PMA_getHiddenFields((array) $hidden_fields);
コード例 #3
 * generates the error report form to collect user description and preview the
 * report before being sent
 * @return String the form
function PMA_getErrorReportForm()
    $html = "";
    $html .= '<form action="error_report.php" method="post" name="report_frm"' . ' id="report_frm" class="ajax">' . '<fieldset style="padding-top:0px">';
    $html .= '<p>' . __('phpMyAdmin has encountered an error. We have collected data about' . ' this error as well as information about relevant configuration' . ' settings to send to the phpMyAdmin team to help us in' . ' debugging the problem.') . '</p>';
    $html .= '<div class="label"><label><p>' . __('You may examine the data in the error report:') . '</p></label></div>' . '<pre class="report-data">' . htmlspecialchars(PMA_getPrettyReportData()) . '</pre>';
    $html .= '<div class="label"><label><p>' . __('Please explain the steps that lead to the error:') . '</p></label></div>' . '<textarea class="report-description" name="description"' . 'id="report_description"></textarea>';
    $html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="always_send"' . ' id="always_send_checkbox"/>' . '<label for="always_send_checkbox">' . __('Automatically send report next time') . '</label>';
    $html .= '</fieldset>';
    $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs();
    $reportData = PMA_getReportData();
    if (!empty($reportData)) {
        $html .= PMA_getHiddenFields($reportData);
    $html .= '</form>';
    return $html;
コード例 #4
  * Prepare sort by key dropdown - html code segment
  * @param Index[] $indexes            the indexes of the table for sort criteria
  * @param string  $sort_expression    the sort expression
  * @param string  $unsorted_sql_query the unsorted sql query
  * @return  string  $drop_down_html         html content
  * @access  private
  * @see     _getTableHeaders()
 private function _getSortByKeyDropDown($indexes, $sort_expression, $unsorted_sql_query)
     $drop_down_html = '';
     $drop_down_html .= '<form action="sql.php" method="post" ' . 'class="print_ignore">' . "\n" . PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($this->__get('db'), $this->__get('table')) . PMA_getHiddenFields(array('sort_by_key' => '1')) . __('Sort by key') . ': <select name="sql_query" class="autosubmit">' . "\n";
     $used_index = false;
     $local_order = isset($sort_expression) ? $sort_expression : '';
     foreach ($indexes as $index) {
         $asc_sort = '`' . implode('` ASC, `', array_keys($index->getColumns())) . '` ASC';
         $desc_sort = '`' . implode('` DESC, `', array_keys($index->getColumns())) . '` DESC';
         $used_index = $used_index || $local_order == $asc_sort || $local_order == $desc_sort;
         if (preg_match('@(.*)([[:space:]](LIMIT (.*)|PROCEDURE (.*)|' . 'FOR UPDATE|LOCK IN SHARE MODE))@is', $unsorted_sql_query, $my_reg)) {
             $unsorted_sql_query_first_part = $my_reg[1];
             $unsorted_sql_query_second_part = $my_reg[2];
         } else {
             $unsorted_sql_query_first_part = $unsorted_sql_query;
             $unsorted_sql_query_second_part = '';
         $drop_down_html .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($unsorted_sql_query_first_part . "\n" . ' ORDER BY ' . $asc_sort . $unsorted_sql_query_second_part) . '"' . ($local_order == $asc_sort ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . htmlspecialchars($index->getName()) . ' (ASC)</option>';
         $drop_down_html .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($unsorted_sql_query_first_part . "\n" . ' ORDER BY ' . $desc_sort . $unsorted_sql_query_second_part) . '"' . ($local_order == $desc_sort ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . htmlspecialchars($index->getName()) . ' (DESC)</option>';
     $drop_down_html .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($unsorted_sql_query) . '"' . ($used_index ? '' : ' selected="selected"') . '>' . __('None') . '</option>' . '</select>' . "\n" . '</form>' . "\n";
     return $drop_down_html;
コード例 #5
 * create hidden form fields from array with name => value
 * <code>
 * $values = array(
 *     'aaa' => aaa,
 *     'bbb' => array(
 *          'bbb_0',
 *          'bbb_1',
 *     ),
 *     'ccc' => array(
 *          'a' => 'ccc_a',
 *          'b' => 'ccc_b',
 *     ),
 * );
 * echo PMA_getHiddenFields($values);
 * // produces:
 * <input type="hidden" name="aaa" Value="aaa" />
 * <input type="hidden" name="bbb[0]" Value="bbb_0" />
 * <input type="hidden" name="bbb[1]" Value="bbb_1" />
 * <input type="hidden" name="ccc[a]" Value="ccc_a" />
 * <input type="hidden" name="ccc[b]" Value="ccc_b" />
 * </code>
 * @param array  $values hidden values
 * @param string $pre    prefix
 * @return string form fields of type hidden
function PMA_getHiddenFields($values, $pre = '')
    $fields = '';
    foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
        if (!empty($pre)) {
            $name = $pre . '[' . $name . ']';
        if (is_array($value)) {
            $fields .= PMA_getHiddenFields($value, $name);
        } else {
            // do not generate an ending "\n" because
            // PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs() is sometimes called
            // from a JS document.write()
            $fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . htmlspecialchars($name) . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '" />';
    return $fields;
コード例 #6
  * Generates the HTML code for displaying the fast filter for tables
  * @param Node $node The node for which to generate the fast filter html
  * @return string LI element used for the fast filter
 private function _fastFilterHtml($node)
     $retval = '';
     $filter_db_min = (int) $GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum'];
     $filter_item_min = (int) $GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum'];
     if ($node === $this->_tree && $this->_tree->getPresence() >= $filter_db_min) {
         $url_params = array('pos' => 0);
         $retval .= '<li class="fast_filter db_fast_filter">';
         $retval .= '<form class="ajax fast_filter">';
         $retval .= PMA_getHiddenFields($url_params);
         $retval .= '<input class="searchClause" type="text"';
         $retval .= ' name="searchClause" accesskey="q"';
         // allow html5 placeholder attribute
         $placeholder_key = 'value';
         if (PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT !== 'IE' || PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER > 9) {
             $placeholder_key = 'placeholder';
         $retval .= " {$placeholder_key}='" . __('Filter databases by name or regex');
         $retval .= "' />";
         $retval .= '<span title="' . __('Clear fast filter') . '">X</span>';
         $retval .= "</form>";
         $retval .= "</li>";
     } else {
         if ($node->type == Node::CONTAINER && ($node->real_name == 'tables' || $node->real_name == 'views' || $node->real_name == 'functions' || $node->real_name == 'procedures' || $node->real_name == 'events') && method_exists($node->realParent(), 'getPresence') && $node->realParent()->getPresence($node->real_name) >= $filter_item_min) {
             $paths = $node->getPaths();
             $url_params = array('pos' => $this->_pos, 'aPath' => $paths['aPath'], 'vPath' => $paths['vPath'], 'pos2_name' => $node->real_name, 'pos2_value' => 0);
             $retval .= "<li class='fast_filter'>";
             $retval .= "<form class='ajax fast_filter'>";
             $retval .= PMA_getHiddenFields($url_params);
             $retval .= "<input class='searchClause' type='text'";
             $retval .= " name='searchClause2'";
             // allow html5 placeholder attribute
             $placeholder_key = 'value';
             if (PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT !== 'IE' || PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER > 9) {
                 $placeholder_key = 'placeholder';
             $retval .= " {$placeholder_key}='" . __('Filter by name or regex') . "' />";
             $retval .= "<span title='" . __('Clear fast filter') . "'>X</span>";
             $retval .= "</form>";
             $retval .= "</li>";
     return $retval;
コード例 #7
  * Generates the HTML code for displaying the fast filter for tables
  * @param Node $node The node for which to generate the fast filter html
  * @return string LI element used for the fast filter
 private function _fastFilterHtml($node)
     $retval = '';
     if ($node === $this->_tree && $this->_tree->getPresence() >= (int) $GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum']) {
         $url_params = array('pos' => 0);
         $retval .= "<ul>";
         $retval .= "<li class='fast_filter db_fast_filter'>";
         $retval .= "<form class='ajax fast_filter'>";
         $retval .= PMA_getHiddenFields($url_params);
         $retval .= "<input class='searchClause' name='searchClause'";
         $retval .= " value='" . __('filter databases by name') . "' />";
         $retval .= "<span title='" . __('Clear Fast Filter') . "'>X</span>";
         $retval .= "</form>";
         $retval .= "</li>";
         $retval .= "</ul>";
     } else {
         if ($node->type == Node::CONTAINER && ($node->real_name == 'tables' || $node->real_name == 'views' || $node->real_name == 'functions' || $node->real_name == 'procedures' || $node->real_name == 'events') && $node->realParent()->getPresence($node->real_name) >= (int) $GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum']) {
             $paths = $node->getPaths();
             $url_params = array('pos' => $this->_pos, 'aPath' => $paths['aPath'], 'vPath' => $paths['vPath'], 'pos2_name' => $node->real_name, 'pos2_value' => 0);
             $retval .= "<li class='fast_filter'>";
             $retval .= "<form class='ajax fast_filter'>";
             $retval .= PMA_getHiddenFields($url_params);
             $retval .= "<input class='searchClause' name='searchClause2'";
             $retval .= " value='" . __('filter items by name') . "' />";
             $retval .= "<span title='" . __('Clear Fast Filter') . "'>X</span>";
             $retval .= "</form>";
             $retval .= "</li>";
     return $retval;
コード例 #8
 * generates the error report form to collect user description and preview the
 * report before being sent
 * @return String the form
function PMA_getErrorReportForm()
    $datas = array('report_data' => PMA_getPrettyReportData(), 'hidden_inputs' => PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs(), 'hidden_fields' => null);
    $reportData = PMA_getReportData();
    if (!empty($reportData)) {
        $datas['hidden_fields'] = PMA_getHiddenFields($reportData);
    return PMA\libraries\Template::get('error/report_form')->render($datas);
コード例 #9
 * Renders the server selection in list or selectbox form, or option tags only
 * @param boolean $not_only_options whether to include form tags or not
 * @param boolean $omit_fieldset    whether to omit fieldset tag or not
 * @return string
function PMA_selectServer($not_only_options, $omit_fieldset)
    $retval = '';
    // Show as list?
    if ($not_only_options) {
        $list = $GLOBALS['cfg']['DisplayServersList'];
        $not_only_options = !$list;
    } else {
        $list = false;
    if ($not_only_options) {
        $retval .= '<form method="post" action="' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabServer'] . '" class="disableAjax">';
        $retval .= PMA_getHiddenFields(array('token' => $_SESSION[' PMA_token ']));
        if (!$omit_fieldset) {
            $retval .= '<fieldset>';
        $retval .= '<label for="select_server">' . __('Current Server:') . '</label> ';
        $retval .= '<select name="server" id="select_server" class="autosubmit">';
        $retval .= '<option value="">(' . __('Servers') . ') ...</option>' . "\n";
    } elseif ($list) {
        $retval .= __('Current Server:') . '<br />';
        $retval .= '<ul id="list_server">';
    foreach ($GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'] as $key => $server) {
        if (empty($server['host'])) {
        if (!empty($GLOBALS['server']) && (int) $GLOBALS['server'] === (int) $key) {
            $selected = 1;
        } else {
            $selected = 0;
        if (!empty($server['verbose'])) {
            $label = $server['verbose'];
        } else {
            $label = $server['host'];
            if (!empty($server['port'])) {
                $label .= ':' . $server['port'];
        if (!empty($server['only_db'])) {
            if (!is_array($server['only_db'])) {
                $label .= ' - ' . $server['only_db'];
                // try to avoid displaying a too wide selector
            } elseif (count($server['only_db']) < 4) {
                $label .= ' - ' . implode(', ', $server['only_db']);
        if (!empty($server['user']) && $server['auth_type'] == 'config') {
            $label .= '  (' . $server['user'] . ')';
        if ($list) {
            $retval .= '<li>';
            if ($selected) {
                $retval .= '<strong>' . htmlspecialchars($label) . '</strong>';
            } else {
                $retval .= '<a class="disableAjax item" href="' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabServer'] . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('server' => $key)) . '" >' . htmlspecialchars($label) . '</a>';
            $retval .= '</li>';
        } else {
            $retval .= '<option value="' . $key . '" ' . ($selected ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . htmlspecialchars($label) . '</option>' . "\n";
    // end while
    if ($not_only_options) {
        $retval .= '</select>';
        if (!$omit_fieldset) {
            $retval .= '</fieldset>';
        $retval .= '</form>';
    } elseif ($list) {
        $retval .= '</ul>';
    return $retval;