コード例 #1
ファイル: root_admins.php プロジェクト: jfharden/bitsand
    $sql .= ")";
    if ($sFirstName != '' || $sSurname != '') {
        $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql);
    echo "<h3>Search Results</h3>\n";
    if ($sFirstName == '' && $sSurname == '') {
        echo "<i>No search term entered</i>";
    } elseif (ba_db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
        echo "<i>No non-admin users found</i>";
    } else {
        echo "<table class = 'sortable'>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>PlayerID</th><th>First Name</th><th>Surname</th><th colspan = '2'>&nbsp;</th></tr>\n";
        while ($row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            echo "<tr class = 'highlight'>\n";
            if ($row['plPassword'] == 'ACCOUNT DISABLED') {
                echo "<td>" . PID_PREFIX . sprintf('%03s', $row['plPlayerID']) . " (account disabled)</td>\n";
            } else {
                echo "<td>" . PID_PREFIX . sprintf('%03s', $row['plPlayerID']) . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td>" . htmlentities(stripslashes($row['plFirstName'])) . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td>" . htmlentities(stripslashes($row['plSurname'])) . "</td>\n";
            $sEmail = htmlentities(stripslashes($row['plEmail']));
            echo "<td><a href = 'mailto:" . Obfuscate($sEmail) . "'>E-mail</a></td>\n";
            echo "<td><a href = 'root_admins.php?action=add&amp;id={$row['plPlayerID']}'>Add</td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "</table>\n";
include '../inc/inc_foot.php';
コード例 #2
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: jfharden/bitsand
    echo "<p class = 'warn'>" . htmlentities($_GET['warn']) . $sMessage . "</p>\n";

<form action = 'index.php' method = 'post'>
<table class = 'blockmid'>
<td>E-mail address:</td>
<td><input name = 'txtEmail' class = 'text'></td>
<td><input name = 'txtPassword' type = 'password' class = 'text'></td>
<td colspan = '2' class = 'mid'><input type = 'submit' name = 'btnSubmit' value = 'Login'>&nbsp;
<input type = 'reset' value = "Reset form"></td>

<li>Not registered? <a href = "register.php">Register</a></li>
<li>Forgotten your password? <a href = "retrieve.php">Get a new password</a></li>
<li>Please ensure that you have read and understood the <a href = "terms.php">terms &amp; conditions</a></li>
echo "<li>Problem? See the <a href = 'faq.php'>FAQ</a> or <a href = 'mailto:" . Obfuscate(EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL) . "'>E-mail " . EVENT_CONTACT_NAME . "</a> with event queries, <a href = 'mailto:" . Obfuscate(TECH_CONTACT_MAIL) . "'>E-mail " . TECH_CONTACT_NAME . "</a> with web site problems.</li>\n";
<li><a href='iCalendar.php'>iCalendar feed of events</a></li>

include 'inc/inc_foot.php';
コード例 #3
ファイル: faq.php プロジェクト: jfharden/bitsand
//Do not need login check for this page
$bLoginCheck = False;
include 'inc/inc_head_db.php';
include 'inc/inc_head_html.php';

echo TITLE;
 - FAQ</h1>

$db_prefix = DB_PREFIX;
$sql = "SELECT faqOrder, faqQuestion, faqAnswer FROM {$db_prefix}faq ORDER BY faqOrder";
$result = ba_db_query($link, $sql);
while ($row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $faqQuestion = htmlentities($row['faqQuestion']);
    $faqAnswer = htmlentities($row['faqAnswer']);
    $faqQuestion = str_replace("EVENT_MAIL", "<a href = 'mailto:" . Obfuscate(EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL) . "'>" . EVENT_CONTACT_NAME . "</a>", $faqQuestion);
    $faqQuestion = str_replace("TECH_MAIL", "<a href = 'mailto:" . Obfuscate(TECH_CONTACT_MAIL) . "'>" . TECH_CONTACT_NAME . "</a>", $faqQuestion);
    $faqQuestion = str_replace("PLAYER_ID", player_ID(), $faqQuestion);
    $faqAnswer = str_replace("EVENT_MAIL", "<a href = 'mailto:" . Obfuscate(EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL) . "'>" . EVENT_CONTACT_NAME . "</a>", $faqAnswer);
    $faqAnswer = str_replace("TECH_MAIL", "<a href = 'mailto:" . Obfuscate(TECH_CONTACT_MAIL) . "'>" . TECH_CONTACT_NAME . "</a>", $faqAnswer);
    $faqAnswer = str_replace("PLAYER_ID", player_ID(), $faqAnswer);
    echo "<p class = 'question'>" . stripslashes($faqQuestion) . "</p>\n";
    echo "<p>" . stripslashes($faqAnswer) . "</p>\n";

include 'inc/inc_foot.php';
コード例 #4
 $osresult = ba_db_query($link, "SELECT ospName FROM {$db_prefix}ospstaken, {$db_prefix}osps WHERE otPlayerID = " . $record['plPlayerID'] . " AND ospID = otOspID ORDER BY ospName");
 $oslist = "";
 while ($osrow = ba_db_fetch_assoc($osresult)) {
     $oslist .= htmlentities(stripslashes($osrow['ospName'])) . ", ";
 if (strlen($oslist) > 0) {
     $oslist = substr_replace($oslist, "", -2);
 $output .= $indentItem . "Occupational Skills: " . $oslist;
 $output .= $indentItem . "Notes: " . $record['chNotes'];
 $output .= $endIndent . $endIndent . $endPara;
 $output .= $endIndent . $endPara;
 $output .= $startPara;
 $output .= "If any of the above information is incorrect, please let ";
 if ($buttonpressed == 1) {
     $output .= EVENT_CONTACT_NAME . " (<a href = 'mailto:" . Obfuscate(EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL) . "'>" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . "</a>) know as soon as possible.";
 } else {
     $output .= EVENT_CONTACT_NAME . " (" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . ") know as soon as possible.";
 $output .= $endPara;
 $output .= $startPara;
 $output .= "We look forward to seeing you at the event.";
 $output .= $endPara;
 if ($buttonpressed == 1) {
     $output .= "<hr />";
     echo $output;
 } else {
     if ($buttonpressed == 2) {
         echo "Sending confirmation e-mail to " . $record['plFirstName'] . " " . $record['plSurname'] . " (" . PID_PREFIX . sprintf('%03s', $record['plPlayerID']) . ")<br />\n";
         ini_set("sendmail_from", EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL);
         $mail = mail($record['plEmail'], SYSTEM_NAME . ' - Final Confirmation for ' . $eventinfo['evEventName'], $output, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . ">", '-f' . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL);
コード例 #5
ファイル: retrieve.php プロジェクト: jfharden/bitsand
    $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "players SET plPassword = '******', plLoginCounter = 0 " . "WHERE plEmail LIKE '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $sEmail) . "'";
    $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql);
    if (ba_db_affected_rows($link) == 0) {
        //No changes made.
        $sMsg = 'E-mail not found. Password not reset. Please check and try again';
    } else {
        //Send e-mail
        $sTo = $sEmail;
        $sSubject = SYSTEM_NAME . " - password reset";
        $sBody = "Hi,\nYour password at " . SYSTEM_NAME . " has been reset. " . "Your new password is:\n{$sNewPass}\nYou can log in using this new password.\n\n" . fnSystemURL();
        ini_set("sendmail_from", EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL);
        $mail = mail($sTo, $sSubject, $sBody, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . ">", '-f' . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL);
        if ($mail) {
            $sMsg = "A new password has been sent to {$sEmail}. Please check your e-mail for your new password.<br />\n" . "If you do not get the e-mail, check your Junk/Spam folder - it may have been marked as spam " . "(this appears to be particularly common with web-based e-mail services)";
        } else {
            $sMsg = "There was an error sending your reset email. Please contact <a href = 'mailto:" . Obfuscate(TECH_CONTACT_MAIL) . "'>" . TECH_CONTACT_NAME . "</a> to reset your password manually";
    if (ba_db_affected_rows($link) > 1) {
        //More than one record updated - log warning
        LogWarning("retrieve.php - Multiple records updated from SQL query\n{$sql}");

echo TITLE;
 - Lost Password</h1>
コード例 #6
            $sURL = fnSystemURL() . 'eventbooking.php?EventID=' . $bookinginfo['evEventID'];
            header("Location: {$sURL}");
echo "<h2>Delete booking for event - " . htmlentities(stripslashes($bookinginfo['evEventName'])) . "</h2>";

<p>Please confirm that you wish to delete your current booking for this event.</p>

if ($bookinginfo['bkInQueue'] == 1) {
    echo "<p>You will lose your place in the queue, and may miss out on a place at the event if you continue.</p>";
if ($bookinginfo['bkAmountPaid'] > 0) {
    echo "<p>You will need to request a refund of any payment made, please contact <a href = 'mailto:" . Obfuscate(EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL) . "'>" . EVENT_CONTACT_NAME . "</a>.</p>";

<form method='POST' action='bookingconfirmdelete.php'>
<input type="hidden" value="<?php 
echo $bookingid;
" name='BookingID'/>
<tr><td><input type="submit" name='rebook' value='Cancel this booking and rebook as a different type'/></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="submit" name='delete' value='Cancel this booking without rebooking'/></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="submit" name='cancel' value='Leave this booking'/></td></tr>
コード例 #7
ファイル: inc_foot.php プロジェクト: jfharden/bitsand
    $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql);
    $iIC = ba_db_num_rows($result);
    //Check for OOC data needs to check for some actual data, as a record will always exist
    $sql = "SELECT plFirstName FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}";
    $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql);
    $row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result);
    if ($row['plFirstName'] != '') {
        $bOOC = True;
    } else {
        $bOOC = False;
    echo "<hr>\n<p>";
    echo "Logged in with Player ID " . PID_PREFIX . sprintf('%03s', $PLAYER_ID) . "<br>\n";
    echo "<ul>\n";
    echo "<li><a href = '{$CSS_PREFIX}terms.php'>Terms &amp; conditions</a></li>\n";
    echo "<li>Problem? See the <a href = '{$CSS_PREFIX}faq.php'>FAQ</a>. Or e-mail <a href = 'mailto:" . Obfuscate(EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL) . "'>" . EVENT_CONTACT_NAME . "</a> with event queries, or <a href = 'mailto:" . Obfuscate(TECH_CONTACT_MAIL) . "'>" . TECH_CONTACT_NAME . "</a> with web site problems.</li>\n";
    echo "</ul>\n";
 * Use include_once to include the version file so that we have access to the
 * BitsandVersion object.  This is until we implement v9 with an MVC framework
 * with autoloader.
if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'version.php')) {
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'version.php';
    $version = ' v' . BitsandVersion::get();
} else {
    $version = '';