コード例 #1
ファイル: class_printvntt.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
	function input_hn($hn){
		$this->hn = $hn;
		$this->Thaidate = date("d-m-").(date("Y")+543);
		$sql = "Select vn, kew, toborow From opday where thdatehn = '".$this->Thaidate.$this->hn."' Order by row_id DESC limit 0,1";
		$result = Mysql_Query($sql);
		list($this->vn, $this->kew, $this->toborow) = Mysql_fetch_row($result);
		$sql = "Select yot, name, surname, idcard, ptright, dbirth, idguard, inrxform, note From opcard where hn = '".$this->hn."'  limit 0,1";
		list($yot, $name, $surname,$this->idcard,$this->ptright, $dbirth, $this->idguard, $this->inrxform, $this->note) = Mysql_fetch_row(Mysql_Query($sql));
		$this->ptname = $yot." ".$name." ".$surname;
		$this->age = $this->calcage($dbirth);
		if( $this->inrxform != ""){
			if($this->inrxform == "¼Ùé»èÇ¡ÅØèÁàÊÕ觵éͧä´éÃѺ¡ÒéմÇѤ«Õ¹»éͧ¡Ñ¹âää¢éËÇÑ´ãË­è(¿ÃÕ)")
				$this->inrxform .= "<BR>Influza Vaccine 0.5 ml. IM";

			$this->inrxform = "<table width='210' border='0'><TR><TD align='center'>".$this->inrxform;
			$this->inrxform .= "<TD></TR></Table>";
		$sql = "Select tradname, advreact  From drugreact where hn = '".$this->hn."' ";
		$result = Mysql_Query($sql);
		if(Mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){
			$this->drugreact = "<Table width='210' border='0'><TR><TD colspan='2'><U><B>á¾éÂÒ</B></U></TD></TR>";
				while($arr = Mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
					$this->drugreact .= "<TR><TD>ÂÒ:".$arr["tradname"]."<BR>ÍÒ¡ÒÃ:".$arr["advreact"]."</TD></TR>";
			$this->drugreact .= "</Table>";
コード例 #2
ファイル: phardividedrug.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
		if(($drugcode2[0] == "0" || $drugcode2[0] == "2") && !(ord($drugcode2[1])  >= 48 && ord($drugcode2[1]) <= 57 )){

			echo "<td align=\"center\"><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"stiker[]\" value=\"".$_SESSION["list_druglst"]["amount"][$j]."\" size='2'></td>";
			echo "<td align=\"center\"><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"stiker[]\" value=\"0\" size='2'></td>";

	echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Drugcode[]\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($_SESSION["list_druglst"]["drugcode"][$j])."\">";
	echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Tradname[]\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($_SESSION["list_druglst"]["tradname"][$j])."\">";
	echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Slipcode[]\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($_SESSION["list_druglst"]["slcode"][$j])."\">";

	$sql = "Select salepri, part, unit,freepri  From druglst where drugcode = '".$_SESSION["list_druglst"]["drugcode"][$j]."' limit 0,1 ";
	list($Salepri,$Part,$Unit, $freepri) = Mysql_fetch_row(Mysql_Query($sql)); 

	echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Salepri[]\" value=\"",htmlspecialchars($Salepri),"\">";
	echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Freepri[]\" value=\"",htmlspecialchars($freepri),"\">";
	echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Part[]\" value=\"",htmlspecialchars($Part),"\">";
	echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Unit[]\" value=\"",htmlspecialchars($Unit),"\">";
	echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Statcon[]\" value=\"",htmlspecialchars($_SESSION["list_druglst"]["statcon"][$j]),"\">";
	echo "</TR>";


コード例 #3
ファイル: opidno.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
                $color = "66CDAA";
        if (!empty($idcard)) {
            $sql = "Select id From ssodata where id LIKE '{$idcard}%' limit 1 ";
            if (Mysql_num_rows(Mysql_Query($sql)) > 0) {
                echo "���������Է�Ի�Сѹ�ѧ��";
            } else {
                echo "";
        } else {
            echo "������������Ţ��Шӵ�ǻ�ЪҪ�";
        if (!empty($hn)) {
            $sql = "Select hn, status From cscddata where hn = '{$hn}' AND ( status like '%U%' OR status = '\r' OR status like '%V%')  limit 1 ";
            if (Mysql_num_rows(Mysql_Query($sql)) > 0) {
                echo "���������Է�Ԩ��µç";
            } else {
                echo "";
        } else {
            echo "����������� HN";
        print " <tr>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=" . $color . "><a target=_BLANK  href=\"opedit.php? cIdcard={$idcard}&cHn={$hn} & cName={$name} &cSurname={$surname}\">{$idcard}</a></td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=" . $color . ">{$hn}</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=" . $color . ">{$yot}</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=" . $color . ">{$name}</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=" . $color . ">{$surname}</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=" . $color . ">{$ptright}</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=" . $color . "><a target= _BLANK href=\"hndaycheck.php?hn={$hn}\">�� þ.</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=" . $color . "><a target= _BLANK href=\"appdaycheck.php?hn={$hn}\">��Ǩ�Ѵ</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=" . $color . "><a target= _BLANK href=\"ancheck.php?hn={$hn}\">��Ǩ�͹</td>\n" . " </tr>\n";
    include "unconnect.inc";
<FONT SIZE="2" COLOR="#990000">***��͸Ժ��***</FONT> <BR>
<FONT SIZE="" COLOR="66CDAA">������ ��� �ѧ�����ӡ�õ�Ǩ�Է�ԡ���ѡ��</FONT><BR>
コード例 #4
ファイル: allfood.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
    <th bgcolor=6495ED class="font1">ÊèǹÊÙ§</th>
    <th bgcolor=6495ED class="font1">BMI</th>
$ckdate = date("Y") + 543 . date("-m-d");
$datenow = date("Y") + 543 . date("-m-d H:i:s");
$query = "SELECT an,bed,ptname,diagnos,diag1,food,bedcode,age,hn,ptright,bedname,bedpri\n                     FROM bed WHERE bedcode LIKE '{$lbedcode}%' ORDER BY bed ASC ";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed");
while (list($an, $bed, $ptname, $diagnos, $diag1, $food, $bedcode, $age, $hn, $ptright, $bedname, $bedpri) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
    if ($diag1 == "âä»ÃШӵÑÇ") {
        $diag1_value = "";
    } else {
        $diag1_value = $diag1;
    $sql = "SELECT thidate,weight,height FROM opd WHERE  hn ='{$hn}' order by thidate DESC limit 1 ";
    list($thidate, $weight, $height) = mysql_fetch_row(Mysql_Query($sql));
    $bmi = '';
    if ($height != "" && $height > 0 && $weight != "" && $weight > 0) {
        $ht = $height / 100;
        $bmi = number_format($weight / ($ht * $ht), 2);
    print " <tr>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=66FFCC>{$bed}</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=66FFCC>{$hn}</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=66FFCC>{$ptname}</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=66FFCC>{$diagnos}</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=#00FF66>{$diag1_value}</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=#FFCC66><a target=_BLANK  href=\"food_ex.php?cAn={$an}\">{$food}</a></td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=66FFCC>{$age}</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=66FFCC>{$weight}</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=66FFCC>{$height}</td>\n" . "  <td BGCOLOR=66FFCC>{$bmi}</td>\n" . " </tr>\n";
    ///////////////////////////  FOOD  //////////////////////////////
    if ($an != '') {
        $select = "select * from food where regisdate like '{$ckdate}%' and an='{$an}' and typefood='" . $_POST['menu'] . "' ";
        // echo $select."<br>";
        $strresult = mysql_query($select) or die("Query failed food");
        $rows = mysql_num_rows($strresult);
        $arr = mysql_fetch_array($strresult);
        if ($rows) {
            $update = "UPDATE `food` SET \n`an` = '{$an}',\n`ptname` = '{$ptname}',\n`ptright` = '{$ptright}',\n`bedcode` = '{$bedcode}',\n`bedpri` = '{$bedpri}',\n`food` = '{$food}',\n`typefood` = '" . $_POST['menu'] . "',\n`bedname` = '{$bedname}' ,\nofficer='" . $sOfficer . "' WHERE  row_id='" . $arr['row_id'] . "' ";
コード例 #5
ファイル: print_appoilst_inj.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
		$xx = array("[idno]", "[Thidate]");
		$yy = array($runno, $_POST["list_date"][$i]." 00:00:00");

		$sql_dphardep2 = str_replace($xx,$yy,$sql_dphardep);

		if($rows_drugrx > 0){
				$result = Mysql_Query($sql_dphardep2) or die(mysql_error());
				$idno = mysql_insert_id();
				$yy = array($idno, $_POST["list_date"][$i]." 00:00:00");
				$sql_ddrugrx2 = str_replace($xx,$yy,$sql_ddrugrx);
				$qq = array("[INJNO]");
				$zz = array("������ $k");
				$sql_ddrugrx2 = str_replace($qq,$zz,$sql_ddrugrx2);
				$result = Mysql_Query($sql_ddrugrx2) or die(mysql_error());


<TITLE> �Ѵ�մ�� </TITLE>

<style type="text/css">

a:link {color:#FF0000; text-decoration:underline;}
コード例 #6
ファイル: appinsert1 - Backup.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
 $result = mysql_query($sqltel);
 $sql = "INSERT INTO appoint(date,officer,hn,ptname,age,doctor,appdate,apptime,room,\ndetail,detail2,advice,patho,xray,other,depcode,labextra)\n\n\tVALUES('{$Thidate}','{$sOfficer}','{$cHn}','{$cPtname}','{$cAge}','{$cdoctor}','{$appd}','{$capptime}',\n\n\t'{$room}','{$detail}','" . jschars($detail2) . "','{$advice}','{$pathoall}','{$xrayall}','" . jschars($other) . "','{$depcode}','" . jschars($labm) . "');";
 $result = mysql_query($sql);
 $idno = mysql_insert_id();
 $count = count($_SESSION["list_code"]);
 if ($count > 0) {
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `appoint_lab` ( `id` , `code` )  VALUES ";
     $list = array();
     for ($n = 0; $n < $count; $n++) {
         if (!empty($_SESSION["list_code"][$n])) {
             $q = "('" . $idno . "', '" . $_SESSION["list_code"][$n] . "')  ";
             array_push($list, $q);
     $sql .= implode(", ", $list);
     $result = Mysql_Query($sql) or die("Error appoint_lab " . Mysql_Error());
     $patho = implode(", ", $_SESSION["list_code"]);
 $pathoall = $patho . ' ' . $patho2;
 //    echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(). "\n";
 //    echo "<br>";
 $exm = explode(" ", $appd);
 $d1 = $exm[0];
 $m1 = trim($exm[1]);
 $y1 = $exm[2] - 543;
 $arr1 = array("���Ҥ�" => "01", "����Ҿѹ��" => "02", "�չҤ�" => "03", "����¹" => "04", "����Ҥ�" => "05", "�Զع�¹" => "06", "�á�Ҥ�" => "07", "�ԧ�Ҥ�" => "08", "�ѹ��¹" => "09", "���Ҥ�" => "10", "��Ȩԡ�¹" => "11", "�ѹ�Ҥ�" => "12");
 $appday = $y1 . '-' . $arr1[$m1] . '-' . $d1;
 $DayOfWeek = date("w", strtotime($appday));
 //	echo $DayOfWeek;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ipbill_part.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
/* ���������ǹ������ ipdibill.php��ͷ������  �������������Ţ�ѭ��
       $query ="UPDATE bed SET price='$Netpri',
                       WHERE an='$cAn' ";
       $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed bed");     
       echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(). "\n";
       echo "<br>";

$sql = "Select sum(price),status FROM ipacc WHERE an = '$cAn' and status='��˹���' group by status ";
$result2 = Mysql_Query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
list($pricedc,$status) = Mysql_fetch_row($result2);

//����ѡ�Ҿ�Һ�� �ѡ����������  �����͡�������ǹ����ҧ����
    $BFY       = array_sum($aBBFY);
    $BFN       = array_sum($aBBFN);
//�ҷ����� þ.   ��¡�������� �ѡ�Թ�����������͡
	//�ҷ����� þ.�׹�ѹ��Ѻ��ҹ
    $Essd1    =array_sum($aBEssd1);   //����Թ�����㹺ѭ������ѡ��觪ҵ�
    $Nessdy1=array_sum($aBNessdy1);     //����Թ����ҹ͡�ѭ������ѡ��觪ҵ� �ԡ��
    $DDLDDY1 =$Essd1+$Nessdy1; //3.������������÷ҧ������ʹ(�ԡ��)
    $Nessdn1=array_sum($aBNessdn1);     //����Թ����ҹ͡�ѭ������ѡ��觪ҵ� �ԡ����

    $Essd    =array_sum($aBEssd);   //����Թ�����㹺ѭ������ѡ��觪ҵ�
    $Nessdy=array_sum($aBNessdy);     //����Թ����ҹ͡�ѭ������ѡ��觪ҵ� �ԡ��
コード例 #8
ファイル: ophn.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
	 echo "<font color='#FF0000'>«éÓ</font>";

// µÃǨÊͺáÅÐà»ÅÕè¹ HN AN µÍ¹¢Öé¹»ÕãËÁè
	$sql = "Select left(prefix,2) From runno where title = 'HN' ";
	list($title_hn) = Mysql_fetch_row(Mysql_Query($sql));
	$year_now = substr(date("Y")+543,2);
	if($title_hn != $year_now){
		$sql = "Update runno set prefix = '".$year_now."-', runno = 0 where  title = 'HN' limit 1;";
		$result = mysql_Query($sql);
	$sql = "Select left(prefix,2) From runno where title = 'AN' ";
	list($title_an) = Mysql_fetch_row(Mysql_Query($sql));
	$year_now = substr(date("Y")+543,2);
	if($title_an != $year_now){
		$sql = "Update runno set prefix = '".$year_now."/', runno = 0 where  title = 'AN' limit 1;";
		$result = mysql_Query($sql);
	// END

<FONT SIZE="2" COLOR="#990000">***¤Ó͸ԺÒÂ***</FONT> <BR>
<FONT SIZE="" COLOR="#99CC00">ÊÕà¢ÕÂÇÍè͹ ¤×Í µÃǨÊͺáÅéÇ ÁÕÊÔ·¸Ô¨èÒµç</FONT><BR>
<FONT SIZE="" COLOR="#FF0033">ÊÕá´§ ¤×Í äÁèÁÕÊÔ·¸Ô</FONT><BR>
コード例 #9
ファイル: xrread.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
	        	print "AN $sAn<br>";
	       print "$sPtname<br>";
	       print "����: $sAge (�ѹ�Դ: $cAge)<br>";
	       if (!empty($sPtright)){
		print "�Է�ԡ���ѡ��: $sPtright<br>";
	       print "�������:$cAddress $cMuang<br>";
	       print "ᾷ��: $cDoctor<br>";
                       print "��õ�Ǩ: $cDetail<br>";
	       print "�ѹ����Ǩ: $sDate<br>";
	       print "��ҹ��:-<br>";
 	  else {
  	       echo "��辺 HN : $hn ";
list($report) = Mysql_fetch_row(Mysql_Query("Select report From patdata where row_id = '".$_GET["nRow_id"]."' "));

<form method="POST" action="xrprn.php">
  <p><textarea rows="13" name="report" cols="105"><?php echo $report;?></textarea></p>
   <input type="submit" value="  &#3610;&#3633;&#3609;&#3607;&#3638;&#3585;  " name="B1">
  <input type="reset" value="  &#3621;&#3610;&#3607;&#3636;&#3657;&#3591;  " name="B2"></p>

<?php include("unconnect.inc");  ?>
コード例 #10
ファイル: class_borrowAN.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
 function delete_borrowAN($id = "")
     $list = explode("-", $id);
     $sql = "Delete From borrowan where borrowAN_year = '" . $list[0] . "' AND borrowAN_id = '" . $list[1] . "' ";
     $result = Mysql_Query($sql);
コード例 #11
ファイル: vncash.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
    <TD bgcolor="6495ED">AN</TD>
	<TD bgcolor="6495ED">ª×èÍ-Ê¡ØÅ</TD>
	<TD bgcolor="6495ED">ÊÔ·¸Ôì</TD>
	<TD bgcolor="6495ED"><font size='1'>¨Ó¹Ç¹à§Ô¹</TD>
	<TD bgcolor="6495ED">á¼¹¡</TD>
	<TD bgcolor="6495ED">à¨éÒ˹éÒ·Õè</TD>
	<TD bgcolor="6495ED"><font size='1'>ÍÍ¡OPCARD</TD>
    <TD bgcolor="6495ED"><font size='2'>¹Ñ´ÁÒà¾×èÍ</font></TD>
$sql = "Select tvn, hn, ptname, ptright, price,an,date,depart,idname,sumnprice From depart  where date like '{$yr}-{$m}-{$d}%' AND    (cashok = '' OR cashok is Null ) AND an = '' AND `status` = 'Y' AND price > 0 ORDER BY ptright,date ";
$result = Mysql_Query($sql);
while ($arr = Mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $dapp = "select * from appoint where hn='" . $arr["hn"] . "' and appdate = '" . $d . " " . $mon[$m + 0] . " " . $yr . "' ";
    $result2 = Mysql_Query($dapp);
    $arr2 = Mysql_fetch_assoc($result2);
    $datearr = explode(" ", $arr["date"]);
    $datearr2 = explode(":", $datearr[1]);
    $times = $datearr2[0] . "." . $datearr2[1];
    $more = 24 - $times + $nows + (1 - 2) * 24;
    if ($arr["price"] <= '0') {
        $color = "#CC3366";
    } else {
        $color = "66CDAA";
    if ($more >= 2) {
        if ($arr["depart"] == "HEMO") {
            $color = "#FFFF66";
        } else {
            $color = "#FFCACA";
コード例 #12
ファイル: ncr_report_all_depart.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs

$sqlncr= "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ncr SELECT *  FROM  ncr2556  WHERE nonconf_date  like '".$date1."%'  and until ='".$_SESSION["Codencr"]."'";
$result = Mysql_Query($sqlncr) or die(mysql_error());




<h1 align="center" class="forntsarabun">ÃÒ§ҹÊÃØ»ÍغѵԡÒÃ³ì  »ÃÐ¨Ó»Õ <?=$date1;?> á¼¹¡ <strong><?=$_SESSION["Untilncr"]?></h1>
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"  bordercolor="#000000" style="border-collapse:collapse">
    <td rowspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#00CCFF" class="forntsarabun"><p>à´×͹</p></td>
    <td colspan="10" align="center" bgcolor="#00CCFF" class="forntsarabun">ÃдѺ¤ÇÒÁÃعáç·Ò§¤ÅÔ¹Ô¡</td>
    <td colspan="9" align="center" bgcolor="#00CCFF" class="forntsarabun">à˵ءÒóì</td>
    <td colspan="10" align="center" bgcolor="#00CCFF" class="forntsarabun">ª¹Ô´¢Í§¤ÇÒÁàÊÕè§</td>
コード例 #13
ファイル: calroom.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
		$datenow=date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); //«—єє’й
		$sallstart = strtotime($datenow)-strtotime($chgdatesall);
		//echo $s."<br>";
		$dallstart = intval($sallstart/86400);   //day
	    $sallstart -= $dallstart*86400;
	    $hallstart  = intval($sallstart/3600);    //hour
	    //echo "®”є«є«—є  $d «—є $h ™—и«вЅІ &nbsp;&nbsp;";
	    $daysallstart= $dallstart;
		$query5 = "update bed SET days ='$daysallstart' where bedcode = '$bedcode'";
				$result5 = mysql_query($query5) or die("Query failed,cannot update beddays");
		$query3 = "Select my_food,doctor,diag,dcdate From ipcard where an = '$an' limit 1";
		$result3 = Mysql_Query($query3) or die(mysql_error());
		list($myfood,$doctor,$diag,$dcdate) = Mysql_fetch_row($result3);
		if($dcdate=="0000-00-00 00:00:00"){
			if($oBedcode1 != '44'){
			  else {
コード例 #14
}elseif($result && isset($_POST["submit2"])){
	if($_POST["drugreact"] == 0){
		$_POST["congenital_disease"] .=" , ¼Ùé»èÇÂäÁèá¾éÂÒ";
		$list = array();
		$sql = "Select  tradname From drugreact  where hn = '".$_POST["hn"]."' ";
		$result = Mysql_Query($sql);
		while($arr = Mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
			array_push($list ,$arr["tradname"]);
		$list_drug = implode(", ",$list);
		$_POST["congenital_disease"] .= " , á¾éÂÒ: ".$list_drug;
	$detail = "select * from condxofyear_emp where thdatevn = '".$date_vn."' order by row_id desc";
	$result = Mysql_Query($detail);
	$arrs = Mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
	<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="font-family:'MS Sans Serif'; font-size:12px">
		<td>ª×èÍ : <?php echo $arrs["ptname"];?> HN :<?php echo $arrs["hn"];?></td>
	  <td>Çѹ·ÕèµÃǨ : <?php echo $thidate_now;?></td>
		<td>¼Å¡ÒõÃÇ?: <?php echo $arrs["summary"]." ".$arrs["diag"];?></td>
コード例 #15
ファイル: opmonrepcscd.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs


print "<font face='Angsana New'><br>¨Ó¹Ç¹·Ñé§ÊÔé¹ $x ÃÒ¡Òà ´Ñ§¹Õé<br>";
//   $x++;
   for ($n=$x; $n>=1; $n--){
		 $Nquery = "Select hn, status From cscddata where hn = '$aHn[$n]' AND ( status like '%U%' OR status = '\r' OR status like '%V%')  limit 1 ";
			if(Mysql_num_rows(Mysql_Query($Nquery)) > 0){
                "<td bgcolor=$color><font face='Angsana New'>$num</td>\n".
                "<td bgcolor=$color><font face='Angsana New'>$aDate[$n]</td>\n".
			"<td bgcolor=$color><font face='Angsana New'>$atxDate[$n]</td>\n".
                "<td bgcolor=$color><font face='Angsana New'>$aHn[$n]</td>\n".
                "<td bgcolor=$color><font face='Angsana New'>$aAn[$n]</td>\n".   
コード例 #16
ファイル: preappoi2.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
      <select size="1" name="detail" onChange="listb(<?=$counter?>)" id="detail">
      <? if($_SESSION["sOfficer"]!="����ѵ�� �������"){ ?>
      <option value="NA"><<�Ѵ������>></option>  
	  <? } ?>
      if($_SESSION["sOfficer"]=="����ѵ�� �������"){
	  $app = "select * from applist where status='Y' and applist ='��š�д١'";
	  $app = "select * from applist where status='Y' ";
	  $row = mysql_query($app);
	  while($result = mysql_fetch_array($row)){
			$sql1 = "Select menucode From inputm where idname = '".$_SESSION["sIdname"]."' ";
			$result1 = Mysql_Query($sql1);
			$arr = Mysql_fetch_row($result1);
			if($arr[0] == "ADMICU" || $arr[0] == "ADMWF" || $arr[0] == "ADMVIP" || $arr[0] == "ADMOBG"){
					$str= "  Selected  ";
      	<option value="<?=$result['appvalue']?>" <?=$str;?>><?=$result['applist']?></option>
        <!--<option value="FU01 ��Ǩ����Ѵ">��Ǩ����Ѵ</option>
        <option value="FU02 ����ŵ�Ǩ">����ŵ�Ǩ</option>
        <option value="FU03 �͹�ç��Һ��">�͹�ç��Һ��</option>
        <option value="FU04 �ѹ�����">�ѹ�����</option>
        <option value="FU05 ��ҵѴ">��ҵѴ</option>
        <option value="FU06 �ٵ�">�ٵ�</option>
        <option value="FU07 ��չԡ�ѧ���">��չԡ�ѧ���</option>
コード例 #17
// value, you run a Mysql Command to get information about that
// Pokemon and you display what ever you want.
echo "My Pokemon";
$MyPokemonList = unserialize($MyPokemon);
foreach ($MyPokemonList as $MyPoke) {
    $Pokemon = Mysql_Fetch_Array(Mysql_Query("SELECT * FROM user_pokemon WHERE uid = '" . $MyPoke . "'"));
// These are the Other Person Pokemon.
// Here the Pokemon have been unserialized, and put in a foreach
// to get each and every value from the array. After you get the
// value, you run a Mysql Command to get information about that
// Pokemon and you display what ever you want.  echo $Other."'s Pokemon";
echo $Other . "'s Pokemon";
$OthersPokemonList = unserialize($OthersPokemon);
foreach ($OthersPokemonList as $OthersPoke) {
    $Pokemon = Mysql_Fetch_Array(Mysql_Query("SELECT * FROM user_pokemon WHERE uid = '" . $OthersPoke . "'"));

	       <p>&nbsp;	               </p>
</center>      </p>

<center><script type="text/javascript"><!--
コード例 #18
ファイル: hnnid.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
		////////////////////////////////¨º¤Ô´à§Ô¹ 50 ºÒ·
        print "VN  :$tvn<br>";
        print "HN :$cHn<br>";
        print "$cPtname<br>";
        print "ÊÔ·¸Ô¡ÒÃÃÑ¡ÉÒ :$cPtright";
        print "<br><a href='erask.php'>ª×èͶ١µéͧ ·ÓÃÒ¡ÒõèÍä»</a>";
else {
   print"äÁ辺 HN $hn ã¹àǪÃÐàºÕ¹";


$query = "SELECT count(hn) FROM opday2 WHERE thdatehn = '$thdatehn' AND (left(toborow,5) = 'EX 92'  ) Order by row_id DESC limit 1 ";
$result = Mysql_Query($query);
list($count_opday2) = Mysql_fetch_row($result);

if($count_opday2 == 0){
	$query = "SELECT * FROM opcard WHERE hn = '$hn' limit 1 ";
	 $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed");
	$row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
	      $cYot = $row->yot;
	      $cName = $row->name;
	      $cSurname = $row->surname;
          $cPtname=$cYot.' '.$cName.'  '.$cSurname;
	      $cPtright = $row->ptright;
コード例 #19
ファイル: refer.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
						<Option value='P08' ".($type_wound == 'P08' ? ' Selected ':'').">╩цп║я╧йя╖╓а</Option>
						<Option value='P09' ".($type_wound == 'P09' ? ' Selected ':'').">30╨р╥</Option>
						<Option value='P10' ".($type_wound == 'P10' ? ' Selected ':'').">30╨р╥╘ь║Ю╘т╧</Option>
						<Option value='P11' ".($type_wound == 'P11' ? ' Selected ':'').">╬ц╨.</Option>
						<Option value='P12' ".($type_wound == 'P12' ? ' Selected ':'').">║╥.44</Option>
			echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
			<TD>А╬╥бЛ╪ыИця║ир/Refer&nbsp;:&nbsp;<SELECT NAME=\"doctor\">";
	$sql_dc = "Select name From doctor where status = 'y' AND row_id != '0' Order by name ASC ";
	$result_dc = Mysql_Query($sql_dc);
	while(list($name) = Mysql_fetch_row($result_dc)){
		echo "<option value=\"".$name."\" ";
			if($doctor == $name) echo " Selected ";
		echo ">".$name."</option>";
		echo "</SELECT>&nbsp;
			<TD>Refer╥уХ&nbsp;:&nbsp;<SELECT NAME=\"ward\">";
		echo "<option value=\"opd\" >кИм╖╣цг╗Бц╓</option>";
		echo "<option value=\"opd_obg\" >йы╣т</option>";
コード例 #20
ファイル: dt_index.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
function dump($txt)
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
include "checklogin.php";
$_SESSION['close_popup'] = false;
$sql = "Select a.name From doctor as a INNER JOIN inputm as b ON a.doctorcode = b.codedoctor where idname = '" . $_SESSION["sIdname"] . "' limit 1";
list($doctorname) = Mysql_fetch_row(Mysql_Query($sql));
$thidate = date("d-m-") . (date("Y") + 543);
$sql = "Select vn, hn, ptname, toborow,thidate  From opd where thdatehn like '" . $thidate . "%' AND doctor = '" . $doctorname . "' AND dc_diag is NULL Order by vn ASC ";
$result_list_pt = Mysql_Query($sql);
$num_list_pt = Mysql_num_rows($result_list_pt);
$sql = "Select vn, hn, ptname, toborow ,thidate \nFrom opd \nwhere thdatehn like '" . $thidate . "%' \nAND room = 'ËéͧµÃǨâä·ÑèÇä»' \nAND dc_diag is NULL \nOrder by vn ASC ";
$result_list_pt2 = Mysql_Query($sql);
$num_list_pt2 = Mysql_num_rows($result_list_pt2);
echo $_SESSION["sOfficer"];
<style type="text/css">
body,td,th {
	font-family: Angsana New;
	font-size: 20px;
コード例 #21
ファイル: ap_putoff1print.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
<body Onload="window.print();">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-874">
<link href="css/backoffice.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
include "connect.inc";
$sum = count($_SESSION['putid']);
for ($k = 0; $k < $sum; $k++) {
    $sql = " Select a.row_id, a.date, a.officer, a.hn, a.ptname, a.age, a.doctor, a.appdate, a.apptime, a.room, a.detail, a.detail2, a.advice, a.patho, a.xray, a.other, a.depcode, b.idguard, b.ptright From appoint as a INNER JOIN opcard as b ON a.hn=b.hn where a.row_id = '" . $_SESSION['putid'][$k] . "'  limit 1 ";
    list($row_id, $date, $officer, $cHn, $cPtname, $cAge, $cdoctor, $appd, $capptime, $room, $detail, $detail2, $advice, $patho, $xray, $other, $depcode, $cidguard, $cptright) = Mysql_fetch_row(Mysql_Query($sql));
    $Thaidate = date("d-m-") . (date("Y") + 543) . "  " . date("H:i:s");
    $Thidate = date("Y") + 543 . date("-m-d H:i:s");
    $doctor = substr($doctor, 5);
    $depcode = substr($depcode, 4);
    print "<font face='Angsana New' size='5'><center><b>㺹Ѵ������";
    print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;�ç��Һ�Ť�������ѡ��������  �ӻҧ </b> </center>";
    print "  <font face='Angsana New' size='2'><center>FR-NUR-003/2,04, 25 �.�. 54 </center>";
    print "<b><font face='Angsana New' size='4'>����: {$cPtname}  </b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>HN:</b> {$cHn} &nbsp;<b>����:</b> {$cAge}&nbsp;<B>�Է��:{$cptright}&nbsp;:<u>{$cidguard}</u></font></B><br>";
    print "<b><font face='Angsana New' size='5'><U>�Ѵ���ѹ���: {$appd} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </b><b> ����:</b> {$capptime}</U></FONT><br>";
    print "<font face='Angsana New' size='4'><b><U>���㺹Ѵ���:&nbsp; {$room}</U></b><font face='Angsana New' size='3'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    if ($detail != 'NA') {
        echo "<font face='Angsana New' size='4'><b>����:</b>&nbsp; {$detail}";
        if (!empty($detail2)) {
            print "(&nbsp; {$detail2})";
        echo "<br><font face='Angsana New' size='3'><b>ᾷ����Ѵ:</b>&nbsp; {$cdoctor}</b><br>";
    if ($advice != 'NA') {
        print "<b>����й�:</b> &nbsp;{$advice}<br>";
    if (trim($patho) != 'NA') {
コード例 #22
ファイル: report_massage_diag.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
	<TD width="33" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">ÃÇÁ</TD>
	<TD width="50" align="right" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><?php echo $sum33;?></TD>
    <td width="66%" valign="top"><TABLE class="forntsarabun">
        <TD colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">ICD9CM</TD>
$sql2 = "SELECT  b.hn,b.date FROM `patdata` AS a, depart AS b WHERE b.row_id = a.idno AND ( a.code in ('58002' , '58003' ,'58004' ,'58002a','58002b','58002c','58005','58006','58007','58008','58101','58102','58130','58131','58201','58301','58301a')) AND b.date LIKE '".$today."%'  and  a.status='Y' and a.price >0";
 // echo $sql2;
$result2 = Mysql_Query($sql2);
while(list($hn,$bdate) = Mysql_fetch_row($result2)){
/*	$sqlicd10 = "SELECT count(icd10) ,icd10 FROM `opday` WHERE  hn='".$hn."' and icd10 !='' Group by icd10 ";
	$queryicd10 = mysql_query($sqlicd10) or die("Query failed ".$sqlicd10."");
$sqlicd="SELECT count(icd10)as counticd,icd10,icd9cm FROM `opday` WHERE thidate like '$subdate%' and hn='".$hn."'  ";
$objqueryicd  = mysql_query($sqlicd);
//echo $sqlicd;

	while (list($counticd,$icd10,$icd9cm) = mysql_fetch_row($objqueryicd)){
コード例 #23
ファイル: ipcheck.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
   <p> �����&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
   <select size="1" name="food">
     <option value="����û���" selected="selected">����û���</option>
     <option value="�������͹">�������͹</option>
     <option value="���������">���������</option>
     <option value="NPO (�������, ���)">NPO (�������, ���)</option>
   <p>������������&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="text" name="addfood" size="50">

  $sql = "Select menucode From inputm where idname = '".$_SESSION["sIdname"]."' ";
list($menucode) = Mysql_fetch_row(Mysql_Query($sql));

  if($menucode == "ADMMAINOPD"){

$strSQL = "SELECT name FROM doctor  where status='y'  and menucode !='ADMPT'  order by name"; 
$objQuery = mysql_query($strSQL) or die ("Error Query [".$strSQL."]"); 
<select name="doctor"> 
while($objResult = mysql_fetch_array($objQuery)) 
<option value="<?=$objResult["name"];?>" <? if($arr['doctor']==$objResult["name"]){ echo "selected"; }?>><?=$objResult["name"];?></option> 
コード例 #24
ファイル: dt_add_xray.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
    $first_page = "dt_dental.php";
} else {
    $first_page = "dt_diag.php";
$Thidate = date("Y") + 543 . date("-m-d G:i:s");
$Thaidate = date("d-m-") . (date("Y") + 543) . "  " . date("G:i:s");
$Thdhn = date("d-m-") . (date("Y") + 543) . $_SESSION["hn_now"];
$item = 0;
$detail = "";
$detail2 = "";
$item = count($_SESSION["S_listxray"]);
$stiker = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $item; $i++) {
    $detail2 .= $i + 1 . "." . $_SESSION["S_listxray"][$i]["choice2"] . "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $item; $i++) {
    $detail .= $_SESSION["S_listxray"][$i]["choice2"] . " ";
    $sql = "Select dbirth From opcard where hn ='" . $_SESSION["hn_now"] . "' ";
    list($dbirth) = Mysql_fetch_row(Mysql_Query($sql));
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `xray_doctor` (`date` ,`hn` ,`vn` ,`yot` ,`name` ,`sname` ,`detail` ,`doctor` ,`status` ,`xrayno` ,`film` ,`type_diag`,`detail_all`,`dbirth`)VALUES ('" . $Thidate . "', '" . $_SESSION["hn_now"] . "', '" . $_SESSION["vn_now"] . "', '" . $_SESSION["yot_now"] . "', '" . $_SESSION["name_now"] . "', '" . $_SESSION["surname_now"] . "', '" . $detail . "', '" . $_SESSION["dt_doctor"] . "', 'N', '" . $_SESSION["nRunno"] . "', '" . $_POST["type"] . "', '" . $_POST["type_diag"] . "', '" . $detail2 . "', '" . $dbirth . "');";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    $stiker .= "<TR style=\"font-family:'MS Sans Serif'; font-size:14px\" >\n\t\t\t<TD>&nbsp;" . ($i + 1) . "." . $detail . "</TD>\n\n\t\t\t</TR>";
    $detail = "";
$stiker = "<TABLE  width=\"300\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n\t<TR>\n\t\t<TD><font style=\"font-family:'MS Sans Serif'; font-size:14px\"  ><CENTER><B>㺠X-Ray&nbsp;&nbsp;No. " . $_SESSION["nRunno"] . "</B></CENTER>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp&nbsp;" . $Thaidate . "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;HN:" . $_SESSION["hn_now"] . ",&nbsp;&nbsp;VN:" . $_SESSION["vn_now"] . ", &nbsp; »ÃÐàÀ·¿ÔÅìÁ : " . $_POST["type"] . "<br>&nbsp;" . $_SESSION["yot_now"] . " " . $_SESSION["name_now"] . " " . $_SESSION["surname_now"] . "&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;ÊÔ·¸Ô : " . $_SESSION["ptright_now"] . "<BR>&nbsp;á¾·Âì : " . $_SESSION["dt_doctor"] . "</TD>\n\t</TR>" . $stiker . "<TR><TD align='center' ><font style=\"font-family:'MS Sans Serif'; font-size:14px\"  ><B>¹Ó㺹Õéä»Â×è¹·ÕèËéͧ X-Ray</B><BR</TD></TR>";
echo "\n\t<html>\n\t<head>\n\t\t<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">\n\t\twindow.onload = function(){\n\t\t\n\t\t\tsetTimeout(\"window.location.href='" . $first_page . "';\",5000);\n\t\t}\n\t\t</SCRIPT>\n\t</head>\n\t<body leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\">\n\t\t", $stiker, "\n\t</body>\n\t</html>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t";

コード例 #25
ファイル: stk_basic_opd.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs

if( empty($weight) ){
	$weight = 0;
if( empty($height) ){
	$height = 0;
	$ht = 0;
	$ht = $height/100;

$bmi = number_format(($weight / ( $ht * $ht)), 2);

$sql111 = "Select dbirth From opcard where hn='$hn' ";
$result111 = Mysql_Query($sql111);
list($dbirth) = Mysql_fetch_row($result111);
$cAge = calcage($dbirth);

$pdf = new SHSPdf('L', 'mm', array( 80, 50));
$pdf->SetThaiFont(); // �絿͹��
$pdf->SetFont('THSarabun','',14); // ���¡��ҹ�͹������������
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 2);
$pdf->SetMargins(2, 2);

$full_text = "HN: $hn, $thidate, $cAge\n";
$full_text .= "VN: $vn, T: $temperature C, P: $pause ����/�ҷ�, R: $rate ����/�ҷ�\n";
$full_text .= "BP: $bp1 / $bp2 mmHg, ��: $weight ��., ��: $height ��.\n";
$full_text .= "������: $cigarette, ����: $alcohol, bmi: $bmi, PS: $painscore\n";
コード例 #26
    echo "<b>Other's Pokemon</b>";
    if ($MyPokemon != "N;") {
        $MyPokemonList = unserialize($MyPokemon);
        foreach ($MyPokemonList as $MyPokeList) {
            $Pokemon123 = Mysql_Fetch_Array(Mysql_Query("SELECT * FROM user_pokemon WHERE id = '{$MyPokeList}'"));
            echo "<br />" . $Pokemon123['name'] . " [" . $Pokemon123['level'] . "] - Exp: ", $Pokemon123['exp'];
            $update1 = mysql_query("UPDATE user_pokemon SET uid='" . $OtherUserId . "'WHERE id = '" . $MyPokeList . "'");
    } else {
        echo "<br />None";
    echo "<br /><br /><b>My Pokemon</b>";
    if ($OthersPokemon != "N;") {
        $OthersPokemonList = unserialize($OthersPokemon);
        foreach ($OthersPokemonList as $OthersPokeList) {
            $Pokemon12 = Mysql_Fetch_Array(Mysql_Query("SELECT * FROM user_pokemon WHERE id = '{$OthersPokeList}'"));
            echo "<br />" . $Pokemon12['name'] . " [" . $Pokemon12['level'] . "] - Exp: ", $Pokemon12['exp'];
            $update12 = mysql_query("UPDATE user_pokemon SET uid='" . $MyUserId . "' WHERE id = '" . $OthersPokeList . "'");
    } else {
        echo "<br />None";
    echo "<br /><br />Trade Completed Succesfully";
    $markdeleted = mysql_query("DELETE FROM Trades WHERE id='{$tradeid}'");

コード例 #27
ファイル: opdedit.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
			xmlhttp = newXmlHttp();
			xmlhttp.open("GET", url, false);

			document.getElementById("list3").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;

if(isset($_GET["action"]) && $_GET["action"] == "hospcode"){
	$sql = "SELECT hospcode,hosptype,name  FROM hospcode WHERE  hospcode  like '".$_GET["search2"]."%' ";
	//echo "==>".$sql;
	$result = Mysql_Query($sql)or die(Mysql_error());

	if(Mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){
		echo "<br><Div style=\"position: absolute;text-align: left; width:650px; height:300px; overflow:auto; \">";
		echo "<TABLE border=\"1\" bordercolor=\"#336600\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"width=\"100%\">
			<table bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\">
			<tr align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#336600\">
				<td ><font style=\"color: #FFFFFF\"><strong>���� þ.</strong></font></td>
				<td ><font style=\"color: #FFFFFF\"><strong>���� þ.</strong></font></td>
				<td width=\"50\" bgcolor=\"#FF0000\"><font style=\"color: #000000\"><strong><A HREF=\"javascript:void(0);\" Onclick=\"document.getElementById('list3').innerHTML ='';\">�Դ</A></strong></font></td>
コード例 #28
ファイル: labseek.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
if($_SESSION["until_login"] == "xray" && (!empty($_POST["xraydetail"]) && count($_POST["xraydetail"]) > 0)){
		$_SESSION["cXraydetail"] = "";
		$count = count($_POST["xraydetail"]);

		$_SESSION["cXraydetail"] .= ($i+1).".".$_POST["xraydetail"][$i]."";

		$sql = "Select yot,name, surname, dbirth From opcard where hn ='".$cHn."' limit 0,1";
		list($yot, $name, $surname, $dbirth) = Mysql_fetch_row(Mysql_Query($sql));

		$query = "SELECT runno FROM runno WHERE title = 'xrayno' limit 0,1";
		$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed");
		list($xray_no) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
		 $query ="UPDATE runno SET runno = $xray_no WHERE title='xrayno' limit 1 ";
		$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed");
		$sql = "INSERT INTO `xray_doctor` (`date` ,`hn` ,`vn` ,`yot` ,`name` ,`sname` ,`detail` ,`doctor` ,`status` ,`xrayno` ,`film` ,`type_diag`,`detail_all`,`dbirth`,`orderby`)VALUES ('".(date("Y")+543).date("-m-d H:i:s")."', '".$cHn."', '".$tvn."', '".$yot."', '".$name."', '".$surname."', '".$_SESSION["cXraydetail"]."', '".$_POST["doctor"]."', 'N', '".$xray_no."', 'digital', '".$_POST["diag"]."', '".$_SESSION["cXraydetail"]."', '".$dbirth."', 'XRAY');";

コード例 #29
ファイル: dt_xray.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs

if (isset($_GET["action"])) {
    header("content-type: application/x-javascript; charset=TIS-620");
if (empty($_SESSION["S_listxray"])) {
    $_SESSION["S_listxray"] = array();
include "connect.inc";
$style_menu = 2;
if ($_GET["action"] == "select") {
    echo "2.&nbsp;<SELECT NAME=\"choice2\">";
    $sql = "Select code, detail From xraytype where h_code = '" . $_GET["search"] . "' order by detail ASC ";
    $result = Mysql_Query($sql);
    while (list($code, $detail) = Mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        echo "<Option value=\"" . $code . "\">" . $detail . "</Option>";
    echo "</SELECT>";
} else {
    if ($_GET["action"] == "addxray") {
        $count = count($_SESSION["S_listxray"]);
        $_SESSION["S_listxray"][$count]["choice1"] = $_GET["choice1"];
        $_SESSION["S_listxray"][$count]["choice2"] = $_GET["choice2"];
        $_SESSION["S_listxray"][$count]["amount"] = $_GET["amount"];
        $_SESSION["S_listxray"][$count]["type"] = $_GET["type"];
    } else {
        if ($_GET["action"] == "delxray") {
コード例 #30
ファイル: trauma_lab_add.php プロジェクト: robocon/shs
				If (!empty($_SESSION["list_code"][$n])){
					$q = "('$Thidate','$cAn','".$_SESSION["list_code"][$n]."','$cDepart','".$_SESSION["list_detail"][$n]."','1','".$price[$n]."','$sOfficer','$aPart[$n]','$cAccno','$idno') ";

			if($n > 0){
				$sql .= implode(", ",$list);
				$result = Mysql_Query($sql) or die("Error ipacc ".Mysql_Error());
		$sql ="UPDATE opday SET patho=patho+".$pathopri." WHERE thdatehn= '".$Thdhn."' AND  vn = '".$tvn."' ";
		$result = Mysql_Query($sql) or die("Error update opday ".Mysql_Error());

		echo "
		<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
		window.onload = function(){
	<body leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\">