$value = array(array("order_id"=>$order_id,"information"=>$information,"stamp"=>$stamp,"time"=>$time)); if(SaeMemcacheSet($key,$value)===false){ MyError("Memcache写入失败"); } } else{ $value[] = array("order_id"=>$order_id,"information"=>$information,"stamp"=>$stamp,"time"=>$time); if(SaeMemcacheSet($key,$value)===false){ MyError("Memcache写入失败"); } } */ //写法2: $value = array(array("order_id" => $order_id, "information" => $information, "stamp" => $stamp, "time" => $time)); if (SaeMemcacheAdd($key, $value) === false) { $value = array("order_id" => $order_id, "information" => $information, "stamp" => $stamp, "time" => $time); if (SaeMemcacheAppendArray($key, $value) === false) { MyError("Memcache写入失败"); } } $login_stamp = time(); $login_time = "'" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $login_stamp) . "'"; if (SaeMySQLConnect() === false) { MyError("数据库连接失败"); } $SQL = "UPDATE `user_info`\nSET `user_info`.`last_login_time` = {$login_time}, `user_info`.`last_login_stamp` = {$login_stamp}\nWHERE `user_info`.`id` = {$user_id}\n"; if (SaeMySQLTryUpdate($SQL) === false) { MyError("数据库更新失败"); } SaeMySQLDisconnect(); MySuccess("信息发送完成");
include '../SAE/SaeMySQL.php'; include '../SAE/SaeMemcache.php'; include '../My.php'; header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); if (MySetParameterInteger("user_id") === false) { MyException("缺少user_id参数"); } $key = 'pc_to_phone【' . $user_id . '】'; $wait = 100 * 1000; for ($i = 0; $i < 300; $i++) { $value = SaeMemcacheRead($key); if ($value !== false) { break; } usleep($wait); } if ($value === false) { MySuccess($value, '没有任何信息'); } else { if (SaeMemcacheDelete($key) === false) { MyError("Memcache删除失败"); } $checked_value = array(); $login_stamp = time() - 60 * 5; foreach ($value as $v) { if ($v['stamp'] > $login_stamp) { $checked_value[] = $v; } } MySuccess($checked_value, '信息收取完成'); }
function ExceptionHandler($exception) { //var_dump($exception); //echo "code:";var_dump($exception->getCode()); //echo "message:";var_dump($exception->getMessage()); //echo "file:";var_dump($exception->getFile()); //echo "line:";var_dump($exception->getLine()); //echo "trace:";var_dump($exception->getTrace()); MyError('全局异常捕捉', $exception->getFile() . "[行号" . $exception->getLine() . "]" . $exception->getMessage()); //示例: //(手动创建异常)throw new Exception('Uncaught Exception'); //注意: //在这个异常处理程序被调用后,脚本会停止执行 }
include 'MyPHP/My.php'; include 'MyPHP/MySQLi.php'; //参数 $user_id = MySessionGet('user_id'); if ($user_id === false) { MySuccess(1, '用户未登录'); } if (MySetParameterInteger("group_id") === false) { MyException("缺少group_id参数或group_id不是整数"); } if (MySetParameter("path") === false) { $path = ''; //MyException("缺少path参数"); } //权限验证 if (MySQLConnect() === false) { MyError('数据库连接错误'); } $authority = MySQLSelectCell("SELECT `authority` FROM `user_group_info` WHERE `user_id` = {$user_id} and `group_id` = {$group_id}"); MySQLDisconnect(); if ((int) $authority < 2048) { MySuccess(2, '用户权限不足'); } //文件保存 if (!isset($_FILES) || !isset($_FILES["file"])) { MyException("缺少file文件参数"); } if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], ".../CloudDisk/{$group_id}/" . $path . $_FILES["file"]["name"]) === false) { MyError('文件移动失败'); } MySuccess("{$group_id}/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"], '文件上传成功');
<?php //示例(用户注册) include '../SAE/SaeMySQL.php'; include '../My.php'; header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); if (MySetParameter("username") === false) { MyException("缺少username参数"); } if (MySetParameter("password") === false) { MyException("缺少password参数"); } $register_stamp = time(); $register_time = "'" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $register_stamp) . "'"; if (SaeMySQLConnect() === false) { MyError("数据库连接失败"); } $username = SaeMySQLCheck($username); $password = SaeMySQLCheck($password); $SQL = "INSERT INTO `user_info` (`name`, `password`, `register_time`, `last_login_time`, `last_login_stamp`)\nVALUES ({$username} , {$password}, {$register_time}, {$register_time}, {$register_stamp})\n"; $Result = SaeMySQLInsert($SQL); if ($Result === false) { MySuccess("0", "账号已存在"); } SaeMySQLDisconnect(); MySuccess($Result, "注册成功");
if (MySetParameterInteger("user_id") === false) { MyException("缺少user_id参数"); } $stamp = time(); $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $stamp); $key = 'pc_to_phone【' . $user_id . '】'; //写法1: /* $value = SaeMemcacheRead($key); if($value===false){ $value = array(array("order_id"=>$order_id,"information"=>$information,"stamp"=>$stamp,"time"=>$time)); if(SaeMemcacheSet($key,$value)===false){ MyError("Memcache写入失败"); } } else{ $value[] = array("order_id"=>$order_id,"information"=>$information,"stamp"=>$stamp,"time"=>$time); if(SaeMemcacheSet($key,$value)===false){ MyError("Memcache写入失败"); } } */ //写法2: $value = array(array("order_id" => $order_id, "information" => $information, "stamp" => $stamp, "time" => $time)); if (SaeMemcacheAdd($key, $value) === false) { $value = array("order_id" => $order_id, "information" => $information, "stamp" => $stamp, "time" => $time); if (SaeMemcacheAppendArray($key, $value) === false) { MyError("Memcache写入失败"); } } MySuccess("信息发送完成");
include 'MyPHP/My.php'; include 'MyPHP/MySQLi.php'; //参数 $user_id = MySessionGet('user_id'); if ($user_id === false) { MySuccess(1, '用户未登录'); } if (MySetParameterInteger("group_id") === false) { MyException("缺少group_id参数或group_id不是整数"); } if (MySetParameter("path") === false) { $path = ''; //MyException("缺少path参数"); } if (MySetParameter("file") === false) { MyException("缺少file参数"); } //权限验证 if (MySQLConnect() === false) { MyError('数据库连接错误'); } $authority = MySQLSelectCell("SELECT `authority` FROM `user_group_info` WHERE `user_id` = {$user_id} and `group_id` = {$group_id}"); MySQLDisconnect(); if ((int) $authority < 2048) { MySuccess(2, '用户权限不足'); } //文件删除 if (@unlink(".../CloudDisk/{$group_id}/" . $path . $file) === false) { MyError('文件删除失败'); } MySuccess(0, '文件删除成功');
MyError('数据库连接错误'); } $authority = MySQLSelectCell("SELECT `authority` FROM `user_group_info` WHERE `user_id` = {$user_id} and `group_id` = {$group_id}"); MySQLDisconnect(); if ((int) $authority < 2048) { MySuccess(2, '用户权限不足'); } //文件列表 $handle = @opendir($path); if ($handle === false) { MyError('文件夹打开错误'); } $list = array(); while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if ($file !== '.' && $file !== '..') { $stat = @stat($file); if ($stat === false) { MyError('文件信息获取失败'); } //var_dump($stat); $list[] = array('name' => $file, 'size' => $stat['size'], 'time' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $stat['mtime'])); if (strpos($file, '.') !== false) { $list['type'] = 'file'; } else { $list['type'] = 'path'; } } } closedir($handle); return $list; MySuccess($list, '获取文件列表成功');