コード例 #1
ファイル: image.php プロジェクト: rhotog/fabrik
  * resize an image to a specific width/height using imagemagick
  * you cant set the quality of the resized image
  * @param int maximum image Width (px)
  * @param int maximum image Height (px)
  * @param string full path of image to resize
  * @param string full file path to save resized image to
  * @return string output from image magick command
 function resize($maxWidth, $maxHeight, $origFile, $destFile)
     $ext = $this->GetImgType($origFile);
     if (!$ext) {
         //false so not an image type so cant resize
         // $$$ hugh - testing making thumbs for PDF's, so need a little tweak here
         $originfo = pathinfo($origFile);
         if (strtolower($originfo['extension']) != 'pdf') {
     ini_set('display_errors', true);
     //see if the imagick image lib is installed
     if (class_exists('Imagick')) {
         // $$$ hugh - having a go at handling PDF thumbnails, which should work as long as the server
         // has ghostscript (GS) installed.  Don't have a generic test for GS being available, so
         // it'll just fail if no GS.
         $originfo = pathinfo($origFile);
         if (strtolower($originfo['extension']) == 'pdf') {
             $pdf_thumb_type = 'png';
             // could use jpg or whatever
             // OK, it's a PDF, so first we need to add the page number we want to the source filename
             $pdf_file = $origFile . '[0]';
             // Now check to see if the destination filename needs changing - existing code will probably
             // just have used the sourcefile extension for the thumb file.
             $destinfo = pathinfo($destFile);
             if (strtolower($destinfo['extension']) == 'pdf') {
                 // rebuild $destFile with valid image extension
                 // NOTE - changed $destFile arg to pass by reference OOOPS can't do that!
                 // $$$ rob 04/08/2011 wont work in php 5.1
                 //$destFile = $destinfo['dirname'] . DS . $destinfo['filename'] . '.' . $pdf_thumb_type;
                 $thumb_file = JFile::stripExt($destFile) . '.' . $pdf_thumb_type;
             // Now just load it, set format, resize, save and garbage collect.
             // Hopefully IM will call the right delagate (ghostscript) to load the PDF.
             $im = new Imagick($pdf_file);
             $im->thumbnailImage($maxWidth, $maxHeight, true);
         } else {
             $im = new Imagick();
             /* Read the image file */
             /* Thumbnail the image ( width 100, preserve dimensions ) */
             $im->thumbnailImage($maxWidth, $maxHeight, true);
             /* Write the thumbail to disk */
             /* Free resources associated to the Imagick object */
         $this->_thumbPath = $destFile;
     } else {
         $resource = NewMagickWand();
         if (!MagickReadImage($resource, $origFile)) {
             echo "ERROR!";
         $resource = MagickTransformImage($resource, '0x0', $maxWidth . 'x' . $maxWidth);
         $this->_thumbPath = $destFile;
         MagickWriteImage($resource, $destFile);
コード例 #2
ファイル: image.php プロジェクト: glauberm/cinevi
  * Resize an image to a specific width/height
  * @param   int    $maxWidth  maximum image Width (px)
  * @param   int    $maxHeight maximum image Height (px)
  * @param   string $origFile  current images folder path (must have trailing end slash)
  * @param   string $destFile  destination folder path for resized image (must have trailing end slash)
  * @param   int    $quality   Percentage image save quality 100 = no compression, 0 = max compression
  * @return  object  image
 public function resize($maxWidth, $maxHeight, $origFile, $destFile, $quality = 100)
     $ext = $this->getImgType($origFile);
     if (!$ext) {
         // False so not an image type so cant resize
         // $$$ hugh - testing making thumbs for PDF's, so need a little tweak here
         $origInfo = pathinfo($origFile);
         if (JString::strtolower($origInfo['extension']) != 'pdf') {
     ini_set('display_errors', true);
     // See if the imagick image lib is installed
     if (class_exists('Imagick')) {
         /* $$$ hugh - having a go at handling PDF thumbnails, which should work as long as the server
          * has ghostscript (GS) installed.  Don't have a generic test for GS being available, so
          * it'll just fail if no GS.
         $origInfo = pathinfo($origFile);
         if (JString::strtolower($origInfo['extension']) == 'pdf') {
             $pdfThumbType = 'png';
             // OK, it's a PDF, so first we need to add the page number we want to the source filename
             $pdfFile = $origFile . '[0]';
             if (is_callable('exec')) {
                 $destFile = str_replace('.pdf', '.png', $destFile);
                 // Output File
                 $convert = "convert " . $pdfFile . "  -colorspace RGB -resize " . $maxWidth . " " . $destFile;
                 // Command creating
                 // Execution of complete command.
             } else {
                 // Now just load it, set format, resize, save and garbage collect.
                 // Hopefully IM will call the right delegate (ghostscript) to load the PDF.
                 $im = new Imagick($pdfFile);
                 $im->thumbnailImage($maxWidth, $maxHeight, true);
                 // as destroy() is deprecated
         } else {
             $im = new Imagick();
             /* Read the image file */
             /* Thumbnail the image ( width 100, preserve dimensions ) */
             $im->thumbnailImage($maxWidth, $maxHeight, true);
             /* Write the thumbnail to disk */
             /* Free resources associated to the Imagick object */
         $this->thumbPath = $destFile;
     } else {
         $resource = NewMagickWand();
         if (!MagickReadImage($resource, $origFile)) {
             echo "ERROR!";
         $resource = MagickTransformImage($resource, '0x0', $maxWidth . 'x' . $maxWidth);
         $this->thumbPath = $destFile;
         MagickWriteImage($resource, $destFile);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ImageProcess.php プロジェクト: akswosn/tossi
 function resizeMobile2($src_path, $dest_path, $d_width, $d_height)
     $mk = NewMagickWand();
     if (!MagickPingImage($mk, $src_path)) {
         echo "magick wand - no image \n";
         $format = sprintf("convert %s -resize %dx%d -colors 256 -quality 90 -depth 8 %s", $src_path, $destWidth, $destHeight, $dest_path);
         $buffer = "";
         exec($format, $buffer);
         return false;
     // Now we need to clear out the data that MagickPingImage() put there
     if (MagickReadImage($mk, $src_path)) {
         list($srcWidth, $srcHeight, $destWidth, $destHeight) = getRate($src_path, $d_width, $d_height);
         //소스 이미지를 읽어서
         $mk = MagickTransformImage($mk, NULL, $destWidth . "x" . $destHeight);
         MagickSetImageCompressionQuality($mk, 90);
         MagickSetImageDepth($mk, 8);
         //MagickSetImageIndex($mk, 256);
         MagickProfileImage($mk, "*", "");
         MagickQuantizeImage($mk, 256, MW_RGBColorspace, 0, true, false);
         //$chk = MagickResizeImage($mk, $destWidth, $destHeight);
         //echo "$src_path , $dest_path, $destWidth, $destHeight \n";
         // 이미지를 리사이징해라. 가로 $w 세로 $h
         //MagickResizeImage() 이라는 함수도 있는데 위의 것이 더 범용적입니다.
         if ($mk == null) {
             //echo "this is convert";
             $format = sprintf("convert %s -resize %dx%d -colors 256 -quality 90 -depth 8 %s", $src_path, $destWidth, $destHeight, $dest_path);
             $buffer = "";
             exec($format, $buffer);
             //echo "object is null \n";
             return true;
         MagickWriteImage($mk, $dest_path);
         // 새로운 이미지를 만들어라~
     } else {
         echo "magick wand - read fail \n";
         return false;
     return true;