コード例 #1
ファイル: ftpmedia.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
* FTP Import
* @param    int     album_id    album_id upload media
* @return   string              HTML
function MG_ftpUpload($album_id)
    global $MG_albums, $_USER, $_CONF, $_MG_CONF, $LANG_MG00, $LANG_MG01, $LANG_MG03;
    $retval = '';
    $T = new Template(MG_getTemplatePath($album_id));
    $T->set_file('mupload', 'ftpupload.thtml');
    $T->set_var('site_url', $_CONF['site_url']);
    $T->set_var('album_id', $album_id);
    if ($MG_albums[$album_id]->access == 3 || SEC_hasRights('mediagallery.admin') || $MG_albums[$album_id]->member_uploads == 1 && !COM_isAnonUser()) {
        $T->set_var(array('s_form_action' => $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . '/admin.php', 'lang_upload_help' => $LANG_MG03['upload_help'], 'lang_media_ftp' => $LANG_MG01['upload_media'], 'lang_directory' => $LANG_MG01['directory'], 'lang_recurse' => $LANG_MG01['recurse'], 'lang_delete_files' => $LANG_MG01['delete_files'], 'lang_caption' => $LANG_MG01['caption'], 'lang_file' => $LANG_MG01['file'], 'lang_description' => $LANG_MG01['description'], 'lang_save' => $LANG_MG01['save'], 'lang_cancel' => $LANG_MG01['cancel'], 'lang_reset' => $LANG_MG01['reset'], 'lang_yes' => $LANG_MG01['yes'], 'lang_no' => $LANG_MG01['no'], 'lang_ftp_help' => $LANG_MG03['ftp_help'], 'album_id' => $album_id, 'ftp_path' => $_MG_CONF['ftp_path'], 'action' => 'ftp'));
        $T->parse('output', 'mupload');
        $retval .= $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
        return $retval;
    } else {
        COM_errorLog("MediaGallery: user attempted to upload to a restricted album.");
        return MG_genericError($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
コード例 #2
ファイル: massdelete.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
function MG_MassdeleteAlbum($album_id)
    global $MG_albums, $_USER, $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_MG_CONF, $LANG_MG00, $LANG_MG01;
    // need to check perms here...
    if ($MG_albums[$album_id]->access != 3) {
        COM_errorLog("MediaGallery: Someone has tried to illegally delete an album in Media Gallery.  User id: {$_USER['uid']}, Username: {$_USER['username']}, IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 1);
        return MG_genericError($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
    if ($_MG_CONF['member_albums'] == 1 && $MG_albums[$album_id]->parent == $_MG_CONF['member_album_root']) {
        $result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['mg_albums']} WHERE owner_id=" . $MG_albums[$album_id]->owner_id . " AND album_parent=" . $MG_albums[$album_id]->parent);
        $numRows = DB_numRows($result);
        if ($numRows == 0) {
            DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['mg_userprefs']} SET member_gallery=0 WHERE uid=" . $MG_albums[$album_id]->owner_id, 1);
    require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/mediagallery/include/rssfeed.php';
コード例 #3
ファイル: mediamanage.php プロジェクト: NewRoute/glfusion
function MG_mediaEdit($album_id, $media_id, $actionURL = '', $mqueue = 0, $view = 0, $back = '')
    global $MG_albums, $_USER, $_CONF, $_MG_CONF, $_TABLES, $_MG_CONF, $LANG_MG00, $LANG_MG01, $LANG_MG03, $LANG_MG07, $_POST, $_DB_dbms;
    if ($actionURL == '') {
        $actionURL = $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php';
    $retval = '';
    $preview = '';
    $preview_end = '';
    $srcURL = '';
    if ($view) {
        $srcURL = '&s=1';
    $T = new Template(MG_getTemplatePath($album_id));
    $T->set_file(array('admin' => 'mediaedit.thtml', 'asf_options' => 'edit_asf_options.thtml', 'mp3_options' => 'edit_mp3_options.thtml', 'swf_options' => 'edit_swf_options.thtml', 'mov_options' => 'edit_mov_options.thtml', 'flv_options' => 'edit_flv_options.thtml'));
    $T->set_var('album_id', $album_id);
    // a little sanity check, make sure the media item really belongs to the passed album.
    $match = 0;
    // Find which albums this image is already in...
    $sql = "SELECT album_id FROM " . ($mqueue ? $_TABLES['mg_media_album_queue'] : $_TABLES['mg_media_albums']) . " WHERE media_id='" . DB_escapeString($media_id) . "'";
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    $nRows = DB_numRows($result);
    $albums = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nRows; $i++) {
        $row = DB_fetchArray($result);
        $albums[$i] = $row['album_id'];
        if ($row['album_id'] == $album_id) {
            $match = 1;
    // pull the media information from the database...
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . ($mqueue ? $_TABLES['mg_mediaqueue'] : $_TABLES['mg_media']) . " WHERE media_id='" . DB_escapeString($media_id) . "'";
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    $row = DB_fetchArray($result);
    if ($MG_albums[$album_id]->access != 3 && !SEC_inGroup($MG_albums[$album_id]->mod_group_id) && $row['media_user_id'] != $_USER['uid']) {
        COM_errorLog("Someone has tried to illegally sort albums in Media Gallery.  User id: {$_USER['uid']}, Username: {$_USER['username']}, IP: {$REMOTE_ADDR}", 1);
        return MG_genericError($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
    // Build Album List
    $level = 0;
    $album_jumpbox = '<select name="albums" width="40">';
    $album_jumpbox .= '</select>';
    // should check the above for errors, etc...
    if ($row['media_type'] == 0) {
        if (!function_exists('MG_readEXIF')) {
            require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/mediagallery/include/lib-exif.php';
        $exif_info = MG_readEXIF($row['media_id'], 1, $mqueue);
        if ($exif_info == '') {
            $exif_info = '';
    } else {
        $exif_info = '';
    $dtObject = new Date($row['media_time'], $_USER['tzid']);
    $media_time_month = $dtObject->month;
    $media_time_day = $dtObject->day;
    $media_time_year = $dtObject->year;
    $media_time_hour = $dtObject->hour;
    $media_time_minute = $dtObject->minute;
    $month_select = '<select name="media_month">';
    $month_select .= COM_getMonthFormOptions($media_time_month);
    $month_select .= '</select>';
    $day_select = '<select name="media_day">';
    for ($i = 1; $i < 32; $i++) {
        $day_select .= '<option value="' . $i . '"' . ($media_time_day == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : "") . '>' . $i . '</option>';
    $day_select .= '</select>';
    $current_year = (int) date("Y");
    $end_year = $current_year + 10;
    $year_select = '<select name="media_year">';
    for ($i = 1998; $i < $end_year; $i++) {
        $year_select .= '<option value="' . $i . '"' . ($media_time_year == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : "") . '>' . $i . '</option>';
    $year_select .= '</select>';
    $hour_select = '<select name="media_hour">';
    for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
        $hour_select .= '<option value="' . $i . '"' . ($media_time_hour == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : "") . '>' . $i . '</option>';
    $hour_select .= '</select>';
    $minute_select = '<select name="media_minute">';
    for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++) {
        $minute_select .= '<option value="' . $i . '"' . ($media_time_minute == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : "") . '>' . ($i < 10 ? '0' : '') . $i . '</option>';
    $minute_select .= '</select>';
    $i = 0;
    switch ($row['media_type']) {
        case 0:
            if (!file_exists($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'disp/' . $row['media_filename'][0] . '/' . $row['media_filename'] . '.' . $row['media_mime_ext'])) {
                $pThumbnail = $row['media_filename'][0] . '/' . $row['media_filename'] . '.jpg';
            } else {
                $pThumbnail = $row['media_filename'][0] . '/' . $row['media_filename'] . '.' . $row['media_mime_ext'];
            $thumbnail = $_MG_CONF['mediaobjects_url'] . '/tn/' . $pThumbnail;
            $size = @getimagesize($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'disp/' . $pThumbnail);
            if ($_CONF['image_lib'] == 'gdlib' && !function_exists("imagerotate")) {
                $rotate_right = '';
                $rotate_left = '';
            } else {
                $rotate_right = '<a href="' . $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . '/admin.php?mode=rotate&amp;action=right' . $srcURL . '&amp;queue=' . $mqueue . '&amp;media_id=' . $row['media_id'] . '&amp;album_id=' . $album_id . '">' . '<img src="' . $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . '/images/rotate_right_icon.gif"  alt="' . $LANG_MG01['rotate_left'] . '" style="border:none;"/></a>';
                $rotate_left = '<a href="' . $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . '/admin.php?mode=rotate&amp;action=left' . $srcURL . '&amp;queue=' . $mqueue . '&amp;media_id=' . $row['media_id'] . '&amp;album_id=' . $album_id . '">' . '<img src="' . $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . '/images/rotate_left_icon.gif" alt="' . $LANG_MG01['rotate_right'] . '" style="border:none;"/></a>';
        case 1:
            switch ($row['mime_type']) {
                case 'video/x-flv':
                    $thumbnail = $_MG_CONF['mediaobjects_url'] . '/flv.png';
                    $size = @getimagesize($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'flv.png');
                    $preview = "<a href=\"javascript:showVideo('" . $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . "/video.php?n=" . $row['media_id'] . ($mqueue ? "&amp;s=q" : '') . "',415,540)\">";
                    $preview_end = "</a>";
                case 'application/x-shockwave-flash':
                    $thumbnail = $_MG_CONF['mediaobjects_url'] . '/flash.png';
                    $size = @getimagesize($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'flash.png');
                    $preview = "<a href=\"javascript:showVideo('" . $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . "/video.php?n=" . $row['media_id'] . ($mqueue ? "&amp;s=q" : '') . "',415,540)\">";
                    $preview_end = "</a>";
                case 'video/mpeg':
                case 'video/x-mpeg':
                case 'video/x-mpeq2a':
                    if ($_MG_CONF['use_wmp_mpeg'] == 1) {
                        $thumbnail = $_MG_CONF['mediaobjects_url'] . '/wmp.png';
                        $size = @getimagesize($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'wmp.png');
                        $preview = "<a href=\"javascript:showVideo('" . $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . "/video.php?n=" . $row['media_id'] . ($mqueue ? "&amp;s=q" : '') . "',415,540)\">";
                        $preview_end = "</a>";
                case 'video/x-motion-jpeg':
                case 'video/quicktime':
                case 'video/x-qtc':
                case 'audio/mpeg':
                    $thumbnail = $_MG_CONF['mediaobjects_url'] . '/quicktime.png';
                    $size = @getimagesize($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'quicktime.png');
                    $preview = "<a href=\"javascript:showVideo('" . $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . "/video.php?n=" . $row['media_id'] . ($mqueue ? "&amp;s=q" : '') . "',415,540)\">";
                    $preview_end = "</a>";
                case 'video/x-ms-asf':
                case 'video/x-ms-asf-plugin':
                case 'video/avi':
                case 'video/msvideo':
                case 'video/x-msvideo':
                case 'video/avs-video':
                case 'video/x-ms-wmv':
                case 'video/x-ms-wvx':
                case 'video/x-ms-wm':
                case 'application/x-troff-msvideo':
                case 'application/x-ms-wmz':
                case 'application/x-ms-wmd':
                    $thumbnail = $_MG_CONF['mediaobjects_url'] . '/wmp.png';
                    $size = @getimagesize($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'wmp.png');
                    $preview = "<a href=\"javascript:showVideo('" . $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . "/video.php?n=" . $row['media_id'] . ($mqueue ? "&amp;s=q" : '') . "',415,540)\">";
                    $preview_end = "</a>";
                    $thumbnail = $_MG_CONF['mediaobjects_url'] . '/video.png';
                    $size = @getimagesize($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'video.png');
            $rotate_right = '';
            $rotate_left = '';
        case 2:
            $thumbnail = $_MG_CONF['mediaobjects_url'] . '/audio.png';
            $size = @getimagesize($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'audio.png');
            $preview = "<a href=\"javascript:showVideo('" . $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . "/video.php?n=" . $row['media_id'] . ($mqueue ? "&amp;s=q" : '') . "',325,330)\">";
            $preview_end = "</a>";
            $rotate_right = '';
            $rotate_left = '';
        case 4:
            switch ($row['mime_type']) {
                case 'application/zip':
                    $thumbnail = $_MG_CONF['mediaobjects_url'] . '/zip.png';
                    $size = @getimagesize($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'zip.png');
                case 'application/pdf':
                    $thumbnail = $_MG_CONF['mediaobjects_url'] . '/pdf.png';
                    $size = @getimagesize($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'pdf.png');
                    $thumbnail = $_MG_CONF['mediaobjects_url'] . '/generic.png';
                    $size = @getimagesize($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'generic.png');
            $rotate_right = '';
            $rotate_left = '';
        case 5:
            $thumbnail = $_MG_CONF['mediaobjects_url'] . '/remote.png';
            $size = @getimagesize($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'remote.png');
            $rotate_left = '';
            $rotate_right = '';
    $media_time = MG_getUserDateTimeFormat($row['media_time']);
    if ($row['media_tn_attached'] == 1) {
        foreach ($_MG_CONF['validExtensions'] as $ext) {
            if (file_exists($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'tn/' . $row['media_filename'][0] . '/tn_' . $row['media_filename'] . $ext)) {
                $pAttachedThumbnail = $_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'tn/' . $row['media_filename'][0] . '/tn_' . $row['media_filename'] . $ext;
                $iAttachedThumbnail = $_MG_CONF['mediaobjects_url'] . '/tn/' . $row['media_filename'][0] . '/tn_' . $row['media_filename'] . $ext;
        $atnsize = @getimagesize($pAttachedThumbnail);
        if ($atnsize != FALSE) {
            if ($atnsize[0] > $atnsize[1]) {
                $ratio = $atnsize[0] / 200;
                $newwidth = 200;
                $newheight = round($atnsize[1] / $ratio);
            } else {
                $ratio = $atnsize[1] / 200;
                $newheight = 200;
                $newwidth = round($atnsize[0] / $ratio);
            $atnsize = 'height="' . $newheight . '" width="' . $newwidth . '"';
        } else {
            $atnsize = '';
        $T->set_var(array('attached_thumbnail' => '<img src="' . $_MG_CONF['mediaobjects_url'] . '/tn/' . $row['media_filename'][0] . '/tn_' . $row['media_filename'] . $ext . '" alt="" ' . $atnsize . '/>'));
    // playback options, if needed...
    if ($row['mime_type'] == 'video/x-ms-asf' || $row['mime_type'] == 'video/x-ms-wvx' || $row['mime_type'] == 'video/x-ms-wm' || $row['mime_type'] == 'video/x-ms-wmx' || $row['mime_type'] == 'video/x-ms-wmv' || $row['mime_type'] == 'audio/x-ms-wma' || $row['mime_type'] == 'video/x-msvideo') {
        // pull defaults, then override...
        $playback_options['autostart'] = $_MG_CONF['asf_autostart'];
        $playback_options['enablecontextmenu'] = $_MG_CONF['asf_enablecontextmenu'];
        $playback_options['stretchtofit'] = $_MG_CONF['asf_stretchtofit'];
        $playback_options['uimode'] = $_MG_CONF['asf_uimode'];
        $playback_options['showstatusbar'] = $_MG_CONF['asf_showstatusbar'];
        $playback_options['playcount'] = $_MG_CONF['asf_playcount'];
        $playback_options['height'] = $_MG_CONF['asf_height'];
        $playback_options['width'] = $_MG_CONF['asf_width'];
        $playback_options['bgcolor'] = $_MG_CONF['asf_bgcolor'];
        $poResult = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['mg_playback_options']} WHERE media_id='" . DB_escapeString($row['media_id']) . "'");
        $poNumRows = DB_numRows($poResult);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $poNumRows; $i++) {
            $poRow = DB_fetchArray($poResult);
            $playback_options[$poRow['option_name']] = $poRow['option_value'];
        $uimode_select = '<select name="uimode">';
        $uimode_select .= '<option value="none" ' . ($playback_options['uimode'] == 'none' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['none'] . '</option>';
        $uimode_select .= '<option value="mini" ' . ($playback_options['uimode'] == 'mini' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['mini'] . '</option>';
        $uimode_select .= '<option value="full" ' . ($playback_options['uimode'] == 'full' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['full'] . '</option>';
        $uimode_select .= '</select>';
        $T->set_var(array('autostart_enabled' => $playback_options['autostart'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'autostart_disabled' => $playback_options['autostart'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'enablecontextmenu_enabled' => $playback_options['enablecontextmenu'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'enablecontextmenu_disabled' => $playback_options['enablecontextmenu'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'stretchtofit_enabled' => $playback_options['stretchtofit'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'stretchtofit_disabled' => $playback_options['stretchtofit'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'showstatusbar_enabled' => $playback_options['showstatusbar'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'showstatusbar_disabled' => $playback_options['showstatusbar'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'uimode_select' => $uimode_select, 'uimode' => $playback_options['uimode'], 'playcount' => $playback_options['playcount'], 'height' => $playback_options['height'], 'width' => $playback_options['width'], 'bgcolor' => $playback_options['bgcolor'], 'lang_playcount' => $LANG_MG07['playcount'], 'lang_playcount_help' => $LANG_MG07['playcount_help'], 'lang_playback_options' => $LANG_MG07['playback_options'], 'lang_option' => $LANG_MG07['option'], 'lang_description' => $LANG_MG07['description'], 'lang_on' => $LANG_MG07['on'], 'lang_off' => $LANG_MG07['off'], 'lang_auto_start' => $LANG_MG07['auto_start'], 'lang_auto_start_help' => $LANG_MG07['auto_start_help'], 'lang_enable_context_menu' => $LANG_MG07['enable_context_menu'], 'lang_enable_context_menu_help' => $LANG_MG07['enable_context_menu_help'], 'lang_stretch_to_fit' => $LANG_MG07['stretch_to_fit'], 'lang_stretch_to_fit_help' => $LANG_MG07['stretch_to_fit_help'], 'lang_status_bar' => $LANG_MG07['status_bar'], 'lang_status_bar_help' => $LANG_MG07['status_bar_help'], 'lang_ui_mode' => $LANG_MG07['ui_mode'], 'lang_ui_mode_help' => $LANG_MG07['ui_mode_help'], 'lang_height' => $LANG_MG07['height'], 'lang_width' => $LANG_MG07['width'], 'lang_height_help' => $LANG_MG07['height_help'], 'lang_width_help' => $LANG_MG07['width_help'], 'lang_bgcolor' => $LANG_MG07['bgcolor'], 'lang_resolution' => $LANG_MG07['resolution'], 'resolution' => $row['media_resolution_x'] > 0 && $row['media_resolution_y'] > 0 ? $row['media_resolution_x'] . 'x' . $row['media_resolution_y'] : 'unknown', 'lang_bgcolor_help' => $LANG_MG07['bgcolor_help']));
        $T->parse('playback_options', 'asf_options');
    if ($row['mime_type'] == 'audio/mpeg') {
        // pull defaults, then override...
        $playback_options['autostart'] = $_MG_CONF['mp3_autostart'];
        $playback_options['enablecontextmenu'] = $_MG_CONF['mp3_enablecontextmenu'];
        $playback_options['uimode'] = $_MG_CONF['mp3_uimode'];
        $playback_options['showstatusbar'] = $_MG_CONF['mp3_showstatusbar'];
        $playback_options['loop'] = $_MG_CONF['mp3_loop'];
        $poResult = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['mg_playback_options']} WHERE media_id='" . DB_escapeString($row['media_id']) . "'");
        $poNumRows = DB_numRows($poResult);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $poNumRows; $i++) {
            $poRow = DB_fetchArray($poResult);
            $playback_options[$poRow['option_name']] = $poRow['option_value'];
        $uimode_select = '<select name="uimode">';
        $uimode_select .= '<option value="none" ' . ($playback_options['uimode'] == 'none' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['none'] . '</option>';
        $uimode_select .= '<option value="mini" ' . ($playback_options['uimode'] == 'mini' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['mini'] . '</option>';
        $uimode_select .= '<option value="full" ' . ($playback_options['uimode'] == 'full' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['full'] . '</option>';
        $uimode_select .= '</select>';
        $T->set_var(array('audio_tab' => true, 'autostart_enabled' => $playback_options['autostart'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'autostart_disabled' => $playback_options['autostart'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'enablecontextmenu_enabled' => $playback_options['enablecontextmenu'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'enablecontextmenu_disabled' => $playback_options['enablecontextmenu'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'showstatusbar_enabled' => $playback_options['showstatusbar'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'showstatusbar_disabled' => $playback_options['showstatusbar'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'loop_enabled' => $playback_options['loop'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'loop_disabled' => $playback_options['loop'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'uimode_select' => $uimode_select, 'uimode' => $playback_options['uimode'], 'lang_playback_options' => $LANG_MG07['playback_options'], 'lang_option' => $LANG_MG07['option'], 'lang_description' => $LANG_MG07['description'], 'lang_on' => $LANG_MG07['on'], 'lang_off' => $LANG_MG07['off'], 'lang_auto_start' => $LANG_MG07['auto_start'], 'lang_auto_start_help' => $LANG_MG07['auto_start_help'], 'lang_enable_context_menu' => $LANG_MG07['enable_context_menu'], 'lang_enable_context_menu_help' => $LANG_MG07['enable_context_menu_help'], 'lang_stretch_to_fit' => $LANG_MG07['stretch_to_fit'], 'lang_stretch_to_fit_help' => $LANG_MG07['stretch_to_fit_help'], 'lang_status_bar' => $LANG_MG07['status_bar'], 'lang_status_bar_help' => $LANG_MG07['status_bar_help'], 'lang_ui_mode' => $LANG_MG07['ui_mode'], 'lang_ui_mode_help' => $LANG_MG07['ui_mode_help'], 'lang_loop' => $LANG_MG07['loop'], 'lang_loop_help' => $LANG_MG07['loop_help']));
        $T->parse('playback_options', 'mp3_options');
    if ($row['mime_type'] == 'application/x-shockwave-flash' || $row['mime_type'] == 'video/x-flv') {
        // pull defaults, then override...
        $playback_options['play'] = $_MG_CONF['swf_play'];
        $playback_options['menu'] = $_MG_CONF['swf_menu'];
        $playback_options['quality'] = $_MG_CONF['swf_quality'];
        $playback_options['height'] = $_MG_CONF['swf_height'];
        $playback_options['width'] = $_MG_CONF['swf_width'];
        $playback_options['loop'] = $_MG_CONF['swf_loop'];
        $playback_options['scale'] = $_MG_CONF['swf_scale'];
        $playback_options['wmode'] = $_MG_CONF['swf_wmode'];
        $playback_options['allowscriptaccess'] = $_MG_CONF['swf_allowscriptaccess'];
        $playback_options['bgcolor'] = $_MG_CONF['swf_bgcolor'];
        $playback_options['swf_version'] = $_MG_CONF['swf_version'];
        $poResult = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['mg_playback_options']} WHERE media_id='" . DB_escapeString($row['media_id']) . "'");
        $poNumRows = DB_numRows($poResult);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $poNumRows; $i++) {
            $poRow = DB_fetchArray($poResult);
            $playback_options[$poRow['option_name']] = $poRow['option_value'];
        $quality_select = '<select name="quality">';
        $quality_select .= '<option value="low" ' . ($playback_options['quality'] == 'low' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['low'] . '</option>';
        $quality_select .= '<option value="high" ' . ($playback_options['quality'] == 'high' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['high'] . '</option>';
        $quality_select .= '</select>';
        $scale_select = '<select name="scale">';
        $scale_select .= '<option value="showall" ' . ($playback_options['scale'] == 'showall' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['showall'] . '</option>';
        $scale_select .= '<option value="noborder" ' . ($playback_options['scale'] == 'noborder' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['noborder'] . '</option>';
        $scale_select .= '<option value="exactfit" ' . ($playback_options['scale'] == 'exactfit' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['exactfit'] . '</option>';
        $scale_select .= '</select>';
        $wmode_select = '<select name="wmode">';
        $wmode_select .= '<option value="window" ' . ($playback_options['wmode'] == 'window' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['window'] . '</option>';
        $wmode_select .= '<option value="opaque" ' . ($playback_options['wmode'] == 'opaque' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['opaque'] . '</option>';
        $wmode_select .= '<option value="transparent" ' . ($playback_options['wmode'] == 'transparent' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['transparent'] . '</option>';
        $wmode_select .= '</select>';
        $asa_select = '<select name="allowscriptaccess">';
        $asa_select .= '<option value="always" ' . ($playback_options['allowscriptaccess'] == 'always' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['always'] . '</option>';
        $asa_select .= '<option value="sameDomain" ' . ($playback_options['allowscriptaccess'] == 'sameDomain' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['sameDomain'] . '</option>';
        $asa_select .= '<option value="never" ' . ($playback_options['allowscriptaccess'] == 'never' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['never'] . '</option>';
        $asa_select .= '</select>';
        $T->set_var(array('play_enabled' => $playback_options['play'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'play_disabled' => $playback_options['play'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'menu_enabled' => $playback_options['menu'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'menu_disabled' => $playback_options['menu'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'loop_enabled' => $playback_options['loop'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'loop_disabled' => $playback_options['loop'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'quality_select' => $quality_select, 'scale_select' => $scale_select, 'wmode_select' => $wmode_select, 'asa_select' => $asa_select, 'flashvars' => isset($playback_options['flashvars']) ? $playback_options['flashvars'] : '', 'height' => $playback_options['height'], 'width' => $playback_options['width'], 'bgcolor' => $playback_options['bgcolor'], 'swf_version' => $playback_options['swf_version'], 'lang_playback_options' => $LANG_MG07['playback_options'], 'lang_option' => $LANG_MG07['option'], 'lang_description' => $LANG_MG07['description'], 'lang_on' => $LANG_MG07['on'], 'lang_off' => $LANG_MG07['off'], 'lang_height' => $LANG_MG07['height'], 'lang_width' => $LANG_MG07['width'], 'lang_height_help' => $LANG_MG07['height_help'], 'lang_width_help' => $LANG_MG07['width_help'], 'lang_auto_start' => $LANG_MG07['auto_start'], 'lang_auto_start_help' => $LANG_MG07['auto_start_help'], 'lang_menu' => $LANG_MG07['menu'], 'lang_menu_help' => $LANG_MG07['menu_help'], 'lang_scale' => $LANG_MG07['scale'], 'lang_swf_scale_help' => $LANG_MG07['swf_scale_help'], 'lang_wmode' => $LANG_MG07['wmode'], 'lang_wmode_help' => $LANG_MG07['wmode_help'], 'lang_loop' => $LANG_MG07['loop'], 'lang_loop_help' => $LANG_MG07['loop_help'], 'lang_quality' => $LANG_MG07['quality'], 'lang_quality_help' => $LANG_MG07['quality_help'], 'lang_flash_vars' => $LANG_MG07['flash_vars'], 'lang_asa' => $LANG_MG07['asa'], 'lang_asa_help' => $LANG_MG07['asa_help'], 'lang_bgcolor' => $LANG_MG07['bgcolor'], 'lang_bgcolor_help' => $LANG_MG07['bgcolor_help'], 'lang_swf_version_help' => $LANG_MG07['swf_version_help']));
        if ($row['mime_type'] == 'application/x-shockwave-flash') {
            $T->parse('playback_options', 'swf_options');
        } else {
            $T->parse('playback_options', 'flv_options');
    if ($row['media_mime_ext'] == 'mov' || $row['media_mime_ext'] == 'mp4' || $row['mime_type'] == 'video/quicktime' || $row['mime_type'] == 'video/mpeg') {
        // pull defaults, then override...
        $playback_options['autoref'] = $_MG_CONF['mov_autoref'];
        $playback_options['autoplay'] = $_MG_CONF['mov_autoplay'];
        $playback_options['controller'] = $_MG_CONF['mov_controller'];
        $playback_options['kioskmode'] = isset($_MG_CONF['mov_kioskmod']) ? $_MG_CONF['mov_kiokmode'] : '';
        $playback_options['scale'] = $_MG_CONF['mov_scale'];
        $playback_options['loop'] = $_MG_CONF['mov_loop'];
        $playback_options['height'] = $_MG_CONF['mov_height'];
        $playback_options['width'] = $_MG_CONF['mov_width'];
        $playback_options['bgcolor'] = $_MG_CONF['mov_bgcolor'];
        $poResult = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['mg_playback_options']} WHERE media_id='" . DB_escapeString($row['media_id']) . "'");
        $poNumRows = DB_numRows($poResult);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $poNumRows; $i++) {
            $poRow = DB_fetchArray($poResult);
            $playback_options[$poRow['option_name']] = $poRow['option_value'];
        $scale_select = '<select name="scale">';
        $scale_select .= '<option value="tofit" ' . ($playback_options['scale'] == 'tofit' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['to_fit'] . '</option>';
        $scale_select .= '<option value="aspect" ' . ($playback_options['scale'] == 'aspect' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['aspect'] . '</option>';
        $scale_select .= '<option value="1" ' . ($playback_options['scale'] == '1' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $LANG_MG07['normal_size'] . '</option>';
        $scale_select .= '</select>';
        $T->set_var(array('autoref_enabled' => $playback_options['autoref'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'autoref_disabled' => $playback_options['autoref'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'autoplay_enabled' => $playback_options['autoplay'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'autoplay_disabled' => $playback_options['autoplay'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'controller_enabled' => $playback_options['controller'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'controller_disabled' => $playback_options['controller'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'kioskmode_enabled' => $playback_options['kioskmode'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'kioskmode_disabled' => $playback_options['kioskmode'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'scale_select' => $scale_select, 'loop_enabled' => $playback_options['loop'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'loop_disabled' => $playback_options['loop'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"', 'height' => $playback_options['height'], 'width' => $playback_options['width'], 'bgcolor' => $playback_options['bgcolor'], 'lang_playback_options' => $LANG_MG07['playback_options'], 'lang_option' => $LANG_MG07['option'], 'lang_description' => $LANG_MG07['description'], 'lang_on' => $LANG_MG07['on'], 'lang_off' => $LANG_MG07['off'], 'lang_height' => $LANG_MG07['height'], 'lang_width' => $LANG_MG07['width'], 'lang_height_help' => $LANG_MG07['height_help'], 'lang_width_help' => $LANG_MG07['width_help'], 'lang_auto_start' => $LANG_MG07['auto_start'], 'lang_auto_start_help' => $LANG_MG07['auto_start_help'], 'lang_auto_ref' => $LANG_MG07['auto_ref'], 'lang_auto_ref_help' => $LANG_MG07['auto_ref_help'], 'lang_controller' => $LANG_MG07['controller'], 'lang_controller_help' => $LANG_MG07['controller_help'], 'lang_kiosk_mode' => $LANG_MG07['kiosk_mode'], 'lang_kiosk_mode_help' => $LANG_MG07['kiosk_mode_help'], 'lang_scale' => $LANG_MG07['scale'], 'lang_scale_help' => $LANG_MG07['scale_help'], 'lang_loop' => $LANG_MG07['loop'], 'lang_loop_help' => $LANG_MG07['loop_help'], 'lang_bgcolor' => $LANG_MG07['bgcolor'], 'lang_bgcolor_help' => $LANG_MG07['bgcolor_help']));
        $T->parse('playback_options', 'mov_options');
    $T->set_var(array('original_filename' => $row['media_original_filename'], 'attach_tn' => $row['media_tn_attached'], 'at_tn_checked' => $row['media_tn_attached'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'album_id' => $album_id, 'media_thumbnail' => $thumbnail, 'nocache' => time(), 'media_id' => $row['media_id'], 'media_title' => $row['media_title'], 'media_desc' => $row['media_desc'], 'media_time' => $media_time[0], 'media_views' => $row['media_views'], 'media_comments' => $row['media_comments'], 'media_exif_info' => $exif_info, 'media_rating_max' => 5, 'height' => $size[1] + 50, 'width' => $size[0] + 40, 'queue' => $mqueue, 'month_select' => $month_select, 'day_select' => $day_select, 'year_select' => $year_select, 'hour_select' => $hour_select, 'minute_select' => $minute_select, 'user_ip' => $row['media_user_ip'], 'album_select' => $album_jumpbox, 'media_rating' => $row['media_rating'] / 2, 'media_votes' => $row['media_votes'], 's_mode' => 'edit', 's_title' => $LANG_MG01['edit_media'], 's_rotate_right' => $rotate_right, 's_rotate_left' => $rotate_left, 's_form_action' => $actionURL, 'allowed_html' => COM_allowedHTML(SEC_getUserPermissions(), false, 'mediagallery', 'media_title'), 'site_url' => $_MG_CONF['site_url'], 'preview' => $preview, 'preview_end' => $preview_end));
    if ($row['remote_media'] == 1) {
        $T->set_var(array('remoteurl' => $row['remote_url'], 'lang_remote_url' => $LANG_MG01['remote_url']));
    } else {
        $T->set_var(array('remoteurl' => $row['remote_url'], 'lang_remote_url' => $LANG_MG01['alternate_url']));
    if ($row['media_type'] == 1) {
        $T->set_var(array('lang_resolution' => $LANG_MG07['resolution'], 'resolution' => $row['media_resolution_x'] > 0 && $row['media_resolution_y'] > 0 ? $row['media_resolution_x'] . 'x' . $row['media_resolution_y'] : 'unknown'));
    } else {
        $T->set_var(array('lang_resolution' => '', 'resolution' => ''));
    // Pull user information now
    if ($row['media_user_id'] != '') {
        if ($_CONF['show_fullname']) {
            $displayname = 'fullname';
        } else {
            $displayname = 'username';
        $username = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], $displayname, "uid={$row['media_user_id']}");
    } else {
        $username = '';
    $userselect = '<select name="owner_name"> ';
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['users']} WHERE status=3 AND uid > 1 ORDER BY username ASC";
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    while ($userRow = DB_fetchArray($result)) {
        $userselect .= '<option value="' . $userRow['uid'] . '"' . ($userRow['uid'] == $row['media_user_id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $userRow['username'] . '</option>' . LB;
    $userselect .= '</select>';
    if (SEC_hasRights('mediagallery.admin')) {
        $T->set_var('username', $userselect);
    } else {
        $T->set_var('username', $username);
    $cat_select = '<select name="cat_id" id="cat_id">';
    $cat_select .= '<option value="">' . $LANG_MG01['no_category'] . '</option>';
    $result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['mg_category']} ORDER BY cat_id ASC");
    while ($catRow = DB_fetchArray($result)) {
        $cat_select .= '<option value="' . $catRow['cat_id'] . '" ' . ($catRow['cat_id'] == $row['media_category'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $catRow['cat_name'] . '</option>';
    $cat_select .= '</select>';
    // keywords
    $keywords = $row['media_keywords'];
    if ($back != '') {
        $T->set_var(array('rpath' => htmlentities($back, ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt())));
    } else {
        $T->set_var(array('rpath' => ''));
    $artist = $row['artist'];
    $musicalbum = $row['album'];
    $genre = $row['genre'];
    // language items...
    $T->set_var(array('lang_original_filename' => $LANG_MG01['original_filename'], 'lang_media_item' => $LANG_MG00['media_col_header'], 'lang_media_attributes' => $LANG_MG01['media_attributes'], 'lang_mediaattributes' => $LANG_MG01['mediaattributes'], 'lang_attached_thumbnail' => $LANG_MG01['attached_thumbnail'], 'lang_category' => $LANG_MG01['category'], 'lang_keywords' => $LANG_MG01['keywords'], 'lang_rating' => $LANG_MG03['rating'], 'lang_comments' => $LANG_MG03['comments'], 'lang_votes' => $LANG_MG03['votes'], 'media_edit_title' => $LANG_MG01['media_edit'], 'media_edit_help' => $LANG_MG01['media_edit_help'], 'rotate_left' => $LANG_MG01['rotate_left'], 'rotate_right' => $LANG_MG01['rotate_right'], 'lang_title' => $LANG_MG01['title'], 'albums' => $LANG_MG01['albums'], 'description' => $LANG_MG01['description'], 'capture_time' => $LANG_MG01['capture_time'], 'views' => $LANG_MG03['views'], 'uploaded_by' => $LANG_MG01['uploaded_by'], 'submit' => $LANG_MG01['submit'], 'cancel' => $LANG_MG01['cancel'], 'reset' => $LANG_MG01['reset'], 'lang_save' => $LANG_MG01['save'], 'lang_reset' => $LANG_MG01['reset'], 'lang_cancel' => $LANG_MG01['cancel'], 'lang_reset_rating' => $LANG_MG01['reset_rating'], 'lang_reset_views' => $LANG_MG01['reset_views'], 'cat_select' => $cat_select, 'media_keywords' => $keywords, 'lang_replacefile' => $LANG_MG01['replace_file'], 'artist' => $artist, 'musicalbum' => $musicalbum, 'genre' => $genre, 'lang_artist' => $LANG_MG01['artist'], 'lang_genre' => $LANG_MG01['genre'], 'lang_music_album' => $LANG_MG01['music_album']));
    $T->parse('output', 'admin');
    $retval .= $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
    return $retval;
コード例 #4
ファイル: batch.php プロジェクト: NewRoute/glfusion
* deletes specified album and moves contents if target_id not 0
* @param    int     album_id    album_id to delete
* @param    int     target_id   album id of where to move the delted albums contents
* @return   string              HTML
function MG_deleteAlbum($album_id, $target_id, $actionURL = '')
    global $MG_albums, $_USER, $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_MG_CONF, $LANG_MG00, $LANG_MG01;
    if ($actionURL == '') {
        $actionURL = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/mediagallery/index.php';
    // need to check perms here...
    if ($MG_albums[$album_id]->access != 3) {
        COM_errorLog("MediaGallery: Someone has tried to illegally delete an album in Media Gallery.  User id: {$_USER['uid']}, Username: {$_USER['username']}, IP: {$REMOTE_ADDR}", 1);
        return MG_genericError($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
    if ($target_id == 0) {
        // Delete all images  -- need to recurse through all sub-albums...
    } else {
        // move the stuff to another album...
        //  add a check to make sure we have edit rights to the target album...
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['mg_albums']} WHERE album_id=" . $target_id;
        $result = DB_query($sql);
        $nRows = DB_numRows($result);
        if ($nRows > 0) {
            $row = DB_fetchArray($result);
            $access = SEC_hasAccess($row['owner_id'], $row['group_id'], $row['perm_owner'], $row['perm_group'], $row['perm_members'], $row['perm_anon']);
            if ($access == 3 || SEC_hasRights('mediagallery.admin')) {
                $sql = "UPDATE " . $_TABLES['mg_media_albums'] . " SET album_id = " . $target_id . " WHERE album_id = " . $album_id;
                $sql = "UPDATE " . $_TABLES['mg_albums'] . " SET album_parent = " . $target_id . " WHERE album_parent=" . $album_id;
                $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $_TABLES['mg_albums'] . " WHERE album_id = " . $album_id;
                // now we need to update the last_update, media_count and thumbnail image for this album....
                $dbCount = DB_count($_TABLES['mg_media_albums'], 'album_id', $target_id);
                DB_query("UPDATE " . $_TABLES['mg_albums'] . " SET media_count=" . $dbCount . " WHERE album_id=" . $target_id);
                // now pull last_update and new thumbnail
                if ($MG_albums[$target_id]->album_cover == -1) {
                    $result = DB_query("SELECT media_filename FROM {$_TABLES['mg_media']} AS m LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['mg_media_albums']} AS ma ON m.media_id=ma.media_id WHERE ma.album_id=" . $target_id . " AND m.media_type=0 ORDER BY m.media_upload_time DESC LIMIT 1");
                    $nRows = DB_numRows($result);
                    if ($nRows > 0) {
                        $row = DB_fetchArray($result);
                        $filename = $row['media_filename'];
                        $sql = "UPDATE " . $_TABLES['mg_albums'] . " SET album_cover = '-1', album_cover_filename='" . $filename . "' WHERE album_id = " . $target_id;
                    } else {
                        $sql = "UPDATE " . $_TABLES['mg_albums'] . " SET album_cover = '-1', album_cover_filename='' WHERE album_id = " . $target_id;
            } else {
                COM_errorLog("MediaGallery: User attempting to move to a album that user does not have privelges too!");
                return MG_genericError($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
        } else {
            COM_errorLog("MediaGallery: Deleting Album - ERROR - Target albums does not exist");
            return MG_genericError($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
    // check and see if we need to reset the member_gallery flag...
    if ($_MG_CONF['member_albums'] == 1 && $MG_albums[$album_id]->parent == $_MG_CONF['member_album_root']) {
        $result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['mg_albums']} WHERE owner_id=" . $MG_albums[$album_id]->owner_id . " AND album_parent=" . $MG_albums[$album_id]->parent);
        $numRows = DB_numRows($result);
        if ($numRows == 0) {
            DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['mg_userprefs']} SET member_gallery=0 WHERE uid=" . $MG_albums[$album_id]->owner_id, 1);
    require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/mediagallery/include/rssfeed.php';
    if ($target_id != 0) {
    echo COM_refresh($actionURL);
コード例 #5
ファイル: lib-watermark.php プロジェクト: NewRoute/glfusion
function MG_watermarkUpload($actionURL = '')
    global $album_jumpbox, $MG_albums, $_USER, $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_MG_CONF, $LANG_MG00, $LANG_MG01, $LANG_MG03, $_POST;
    if ($actionURL == '') {
        $actionURL = $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . '/admin.php';
    $retval = '';
    $T = new Template(MG_getTemplatePath(0));
    $T->set_file(array('upload' => 'wm_upload.thtml'));
    if ($MG_albums[0]->access != 3 && !$MG_albums[0]->owner_id) {
        COM_errorLog("Someone has tried to illegally edit media in Media Gallery.  User id: {$_USER['uid']}, Username: {$_USER['username']}, IP: {$REMOTE_ADDR}", 1);
        return MG_genericError($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
    $retval .= '<h2>' . $LANG_MG01['watermark_upload'] . '</h2>';
    // check the php.ini for the settings...
    $post_max_size = ini_get('post_max_size');
    $upload_max_filesize = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
    $html_max_filesize = 65536;
    $warning = sprintf($LANG_MG01['upload_warning'], $upload_max_filesize, $post_max_size);
    $T->set_var(array('s_form_action' => $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . '/admin.php', 'action' => 'wm_upload', 'lang_wmupload_help' => $LANG_MG01['wm_upload_help'], 'lang_watermark_upload' => $LANG_MG01['watermark_upload'], 'lang_file' => $LANG_MG01['file'], 'lang_description' => $LANG_MG01['description'], 'lang_save' => $LANG_MG01['save'], 'lang_cancel' => $LANG_MG01['cancel'], 'lang_reset' => $LANG_MG01['reset'], 'max_file_size' => '<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="' . $html_max_filesize . '"/>', 'lang_warning' => $warning));
    if ($MG_albums[0]->owner_id) {
        $public = '<label for="wm_public">' . $LANG_MG01['public_access'] . ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</label><input type="checkbox" name="wm_public" id="wm_public" value="1"/><br/><br/>';
        $T->set_var('public', $public);
    $T->parse('output', 'upload');
    $retval .= $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
    return $retval;
コード例 #6
ファイル: albumedit.php プロジェクト: NewRoute/glfusion
* saves the specified album information
* @param    int     album_id    album_id to edit
* @return   string              HTML
function MG_saveAlbum($album_id, $actionURL = '')
    global $_DB_dbms, $MG_albums, $_USER, $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_MG_CONF, $LANG_MG00, $LANG_MG01, $_POST;
    $update = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['album_id'])) {
        $aid = COM_applyFilter($_POST['album_id'], true);
    } else {
        $aid = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['force_child_update'])) {
        $forceChildPermUpdate = COM_applyFilter($_POST['force_child_update'], true);
    } else {
        $forceChildPermUpdate = 0;
    $thumb = $_FILES['thumbnail'];
    $thumbnail = $thumb['tmp_name'];
    if (isset($_POST['attach_tn'])) {
        $att = COM_applyFilter($_POST['attach_tn']);
    } else {
        $att = 0;
    if ($aid > 0) {
        // should be 0 or negative 1 for create
        $album = $MG_albums[$aid];
        $oldparent = $album->parent;
        $old_tn_attached = $album->tn_attached;
        $old_featured = $album->featured;
        $update = 1;
    } else {
        $album = new mgAlbum();
        $album->id = $aid;
        $update = 0;
        $old_tn_attached = 0;
    if ($_MG_CONF['htmlallowed'] == 1) {
        $album->title = COM_checkHTML(COM_killJS($_POST['album_name']));
        $album->description = COM_checkHTML(COM_killJS($_POST['album_desc']));
    } else {
        $album->title = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(COM_checkWords(COM_killJS($_POST['album_name']))));
        $album->description = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(COM_checkWords(COM_killJS($_POST['album_desc']))));
    if ($album->title == "") {
        return MG_errorHandler("You must enter an Album Name");
    $album->parent = COM_applyFilter($_POST['parentaid'], true);
    // we should not need this
    if (isset($_POST['hidden'])) {
        $album->hidden = COM_applyFilter($_POST['hidden'], true);
    } else {
        $album->hidden = 0;
    $album->cover = COM_applyFilter($_POST['cover']);
    $album->cover_filename = COM_applyFilter($_POST['album_cover_filename']);
    if (isset($_POST['enable_album_views'])) {
        $album->enable_album_views = COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_album_views'], true);
    } else {
        $album->enable_album_views = 0;
    $album->image_skin = COM_applyFilter($_POST['skin']);
    $album->album_skin = COM_applyFilter($_POST['askin']);
    $album->display_skin = COM_applyFilter($_POST['dskin']);
    if (isset($_POST['display_album_desc'])) {
        $album->display_album_desc = COM_applyFilter($_POST['display_album_desc'], true);
    } else {
        $album->display_album_desc = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['enable_comments'])) {
        $album->enable_comments = COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_comments'], true);
    } else {
        $album->enable_comments = 0;
    $album->exif_display = COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_exif'], true);
    if (isset($_POST['enable_rating'])) {
        $album->enable_rating = COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_rating'], true);
    } else {
        $album->enable_rating = 0;
    $album->playback_type = COM_applyFilter($_POST['playback_type'], true);
    $album->tn_attached = isset($_POST['attach_tn']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['attach_tn'], true) : 0;
    $album->enable_slideshow = COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_slideshow'], true);
    if (isset($_POST['enable_random'])) {
        $album->enable_random = COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_random'], true);
    } else {
        $album->enable_random = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['enable_shutterfly'])) {
        $album->enable_shutterfly = COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_shutterfly'], true);
    } else {
        $album->enable_shutterfly = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['enable_views'])) {
        $album->enable_views = COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_views'], true);
    } else {
        $album->enable_views = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['enable_keywords'])) {
        $album->enable_keywords = COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_keywords'], true);
    } else {
        $album->enable_keywords = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['enable_sort'])) {
        $album->enable_sort = COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_sort'], true);
    } else {
        $album->enable_sort = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['enable_rss'])) {
        $album->enable_rss = COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_rss'], true);
    } else {
        $album->enable_rss = 0;
    $album->enable_postcard = COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_postcard'], true);
    if (isset($_POST['albums_first'])) {
        $album->albums_first = COM_applyFilter($_POST['albums_first'], true);
    } else {
        $album->albums_first = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['allow_download'])) {
        $album->allow_download = COM_applyFilter($_POST['allow_download'], true);
    } else {
        $album->allow_download = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['usealternate'])) {
        $album->useAlternate = COM_applyFilter($_POST['usealternate'], true);
    } else {
        $album->useAlternate = 0;
    $album->full = COM_applyFilter($_POST['full_display'], true);
    $album->tn_size = COM_applyFilter($_POST['tn_size'], true);
    $album->max_image_height = COM_applyFilter($_POST['max_image_height'], true);
    $album->max_image_width = COM_applyFilter($_POST['max_image_width'], true);
    $album->max_filesize = COM_applyFilter($_POST['max_filesize'], true);
    if ($album->max_filesize != 0) {
        $album->max_filesize = $album->max_filesize * 1024;
    $album->display_image_size = COM_applyFilter($_POST['display_image_size'], true);
    $album->display_rows = COM_applyFilter($_POST['display_rows'], true);
    $album->display_columns = COM_applyFilter($_POST['display_columns'], true);
    $album->skin = COM_applyFilter($_POST['album_theme']);
    if (isset($_POST['filename_title'])) {
        $album->filename_title = COM_applyFilter($_POST['filename_title'], true);
    } else {
        $album->filename_title = 0;
    $album->shopping_cart = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['wm_auto'])) {
        $album->wm_auto = COM_applyFilter($_POST['wm_auto'], true);
    } else {
        $album->wm_auto = 0;
    $album->wm_id = COM_applyFilter($_POST['wm_id']);
    $album->wm_opacity = COM_applyFilter($_POST['wm_opacity'], true);
    $album->wm_location = COM_applyFilter($_POST['wm_location'], true);
    $album->album_sort_order = COM_applyFilter($_POST['album_sort_order'], true);
    if (isset($_POST['uploads'])) {
        $album->member_uploads = COM_applyFilter($_POST['uploads'], true);
    } else {
        $album->member_uploads = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['moderate'])) {
        $album->moderate = COM_applyFilter($_POST['moderate'], true);
    } else {
        $album->moderate = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['email_mod'])) {
        $album->email_mod = COM_applyFilter($_POST['email_mod'], true);
    } else {
        $album->email_mod = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['podcast'])) {
        $album->podcast = COM_applyFilter($_POST['podcast'], true);
    } else {
        $album->podcast = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['mp3ribbon'])) {
        $album->mp3ribbon = COM_applyFilter($_POST['mp3ribbon'], true);
    } else {
        $album->mp3ribbon = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['rsschildren'])) {
        $album->rssChildren = COM_applyFilter($_POST['rsschildren'], true);
    } else {
        $album->rssChildren = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['tnheight'])) {
        $album->tnHeight = COM_applyFilter($_POST['tnheight'], true);
        if ($album->tnHeight == 0) {
            $album->tnHeight = 200;
    } else {
        $album->tnHeight = 200;
    if (isset($_POST['tnwidth'])) {
        $album->tnWidth = COM_applyFilter($_POST['tnwidth'], true);
        if ($album->tnWidth == 0) {
            $album->tnWidth = 200;
    } else {
        $album->tnWidth = 200;
    if (SEC_hasRights('mediagallery.admin')) {
        $format_jpg = isset($_POST['format_jpg']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_jpg'], true) : 0;
        $format_png = isset($_POST['format_png']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_png'], true) : 0;
        $format_tif = isset($_POST['format_tif']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_tif'], true) : 0;
        $format_gif = isset($_POST['format_gif']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_gif'], true) : 0;
        $format_bmp = isset($_POST['format_bmp']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_bmp'], true) : 0;
        $format_tga = isset($_POST['format_tga']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_tga'], true) : 0;
        $format_psd = isset($_POST['format_psd']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_psd'], true) : 0;
        $format_mp3 = isset($_POST['format_mp3']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_mp3'], true) : 0;
        $format_ogg = isset($_POST['format_ogg']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_ogg'], true) : 0;
        $format_asf = isset($_POST['format_asf']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_asf'], true) : 0;
        $format_swf = isset($_POST['format_swf']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_swf'], true) : 0;
        $format_mov = isset($_POST['format_mov']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_mov'], true) : 0;
        $format_mp4 = isset($_POST['format_mp4']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_mp4'], true) : 0;
        $format_mpg = isset($_POST['format_mpg']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_mpg'], true) : 0;
        $format_zip = isset($_POST['format_zip']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_zip'], true) : 0;
        $format_other = isset($_POST['format_other']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_other'], true) : 0;
        $format_flv = isset($_POST['format_flv']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_flv'], true) : 0;
        $format_rflv = isset($_POST['format_rflv']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_rflv'], true) : 0;
        $format_emb = isset($_POST['format_emb']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['format_emb'], true) : 0;
        $album->valid_formats = $format_jpg + $format_png + $format_tif + $format_gif + $format_bmp + $format_tga + $format_psd + $format_mp3 + $format_ogg + $format_asf + $format_swf + $format_mov + $format_mp4 + $format_mpg + $format_zip + $format_other + $format_flv + $format_rflv + $format_emb;
        if (isset($_POST['featured'])) {
            $album->featured = COM_applyFilter($_POST['featured'], true);
            // admin only
        } else {
            $album->featured = 0;
        $album->cbposition = COM_applyFilter($_POST['featureposition'], true);
        // admin only
        $album->cbpage = COM_applyFilter($_POST['featurepage']);
        // admin only
        $album->group_id = isset($_POST['group_id']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['group_id']) : 0;
        // admin only
        $album->mod_group_id = isset($_POST['mod_id']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['mod_id'], true) : 0;
        // admin only
        $perm_owner = isset($_POST['perm_owner']) ? $_POST['perm_owner'] : 0;
        // admin only
        $perm_group = isset($_POST['perm_group']) ? $_POST['perm_group'] : 0;
        // admin only
        $perm_members = isset($_POST['perm_members']) ? $_POST['perm_members'] : 0;
        $perm_anon = isset($_POST['perm_anon']) ? $_POST['perm_anon'] : 0;
        list($album->perm_owner, $album->perm_group, $album->perm_members, $album->perm_anon) = SEC_getPermissionValues($perm_owner, $perm_group, $perm_members, $perm_anon);
    } else {
        $perm_owner = $album->perm_owner;
        // already set by existing album?
        $perm_group = $album->perm_group;
        // already set by existing album?
        if ($update == 0) {
            if (isset($MG_albums[$album->parent]->group_id)) {
                $grp_id = $MG_albums[$album->parent]->group_id;
                $album->group_id = $grp_id;
            } else {
                $gresult = DB_query("SELECT grp_id FROM {$_TABLES['groups']} WHERE grp_name LIKE 'mediagallery Admin'");
                $grow = DB_fetchArray($gresult);
                $grp_id = $grow['grp_id'];
                $album->group_id = $grp_id;
                // only do these two if create....
            $album->mod_group_id = $_MG_CONF['member_mod_group_id'];
            if ($album->mod_group_id == '' || $album->mod_group_id < 1) {
                $album->mod_group_id = $grp_id;
        $perm_members = $_POST['perm_members'];
        $perm_anon = $_POST['perm_anon'];
        list($junk1, $junk2, $album->perm_members, $album->perm_anon) = SEC_getPermissionValues($perm_owner, $perm_group, $perm_members, $perm_anon);
    if (isset($_POST['owner_id'])) {
        $album->owner_id = COM_applyFilter($_POST['owner_id']);
    } else {
        $album->owner_id = 2;
    // simple check to see if we can create off the album root...
    if (!SEC_hasRights('mediagallery.admin')) {
        if ($album->parent == $_MG_CONF['member_album_root'] && $update == 0) {
            if ($_MG_CONF['member_create_new'] == 0) {
                return MG_errorHandler("Cannot create a new album off the member root, please select a new parent album");
    // final permission check to make sure we have the proper rights to create here....
    if ($album->parent == 0 && $update == 0 && !$_MG_CONF['member_albums'] == 1 && !$_MG_CONF['member_album_root'] == 0) {
        // see if we are mediagallery.admin
        if (!SEC_hasRights('mediagallery.admin')) {
            COM_errorLog("MediaGallery: Someone has tried to illegally save a Media Gallery Album in Root.  User id: {$_USER['uid']}, Username: {$_USER['username']}, IP: {$REMOTE_ADDR}", 1);
            return MG_genericError($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
    } elseif ($album->parent != 0) {
        if (!isset($MG_albums[$album->parent]->id)) {
            // does not exist...
            COM_errorLog("MediaGallery: Someone has tried to save a album to non-existent parent album.  User id: {$_USER['uid']}, Username: {$_USER['username']}, IP: {$REMOTE_ADDR}", 1);
            return MG_genericError($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
        } else {
            if ($MG_albums[$album->parent]->access != 3 && !SEC_hasRights('mediagallery.admin') && !$_MG_CONF['member_albums'] && !($_MG_CONF['member_album_root'] == $MG_album[$album->parent]->id)) {
                COM_errorLog("MediaGallery: Someone has tried to illegally save a Media Gallery Album.  User id: {$_USER['uid']}, Username: {$_USER['username']}, IP: {$REMOTE_ADDR}", 1);
                return MG_genericError($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
    if ($old_tn_attached == 0 && $album->tn_attached == 1 && $thumb['tmp_name'] == '') {
        $album->tn_attached = 0;
    if ($old_tn_attached == 1 && $album->tn_attached == 0) {
        $remove_old_tn = 1;
    } else {
        $remove_old_tn = 0;
    if ($thumb['tmp_name'] != '' && $album->tn_attached == 1) {
        $thumbnail = $thumb['tmp_name'];
        $attachtn = 1;
    } else {
        $attachtn = 0;
    // pull the watermark id associated with the filename...
    if ($album->wm_id == 'blank.png') {
        $wm_id = 0;
    } else {
        $wm_id = DB_getItem($_TABLES['mg_watermarks'], 'wm_id', 'filename="' . DB_escapeString($album->wm_id) . '"');
    if ($wm_id == '') {
        $wm_id = 0;
    if ($wm_id == 0) {
        $album->wm_auto = 0;
    $album->wm_id = $wm_id;
    // handle new featured albums
    if (SEC_hasRights('mediagallery.admin')) {
        if ($album->featured) {
            // check for other featured albums, we can only have one
            $sql = "SELECT album_id FROM {$_TABLES['mg_albums']} WHERE featured=1 AND cbpage='" . DB_escapeString($album->cbpage) . "'";
            $result = DB_query($sql);
            $nRows = DB_numRows($result);
            if ($nRows > 0) {
                $row = DB_fetchArray($result);
                $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['mg_albums']} SET featured=0 WHERE album_id=" . $row['album_id'];
    } else {
        // if a new album, set the member album defaults since we are a non-admin
        if ($album->isMemberAlbum() && update == 0) {
            $album->perm_owner = $_MG_CONF['member_perm_owner'];
            $album->perm_group = $_MG_CONF['member_perm_group'];
            $album->enable_random = $_MG_CONF['member_enable_random'];
            $album->max_image_height = $_MG_CONF['member_max_height'];
            $album->max_image_width = $_MG_CONF['member_max_width'];
            $album->max_filesize = $_MG_CONF['member_max_filesize'];
            $album->member_uploads = $_MG_CONF['member_uploads'];
            $album->moderate = $_MG_CONF['member_moderate'];
            $album->email_mod = $_MG_CONF['member_email_mod'];
            $album->valid_formats = $_MG_CONF['member_valid_formats'];
    $album->title = substr($album->title, 0, 254);
    if ($_DB_dbms == "mssql") {
        $album->description = substr($album->description, 0, 1500);
    if ($album->last_update == '') {
        $album->last_update = 0;
    $album->last_update = intval($album->last_update);
    if ($album->id < 1) {
        $album->id = $album->createAlbumID();
        $aid = $album->id;
        $album->order = $album->getNextSortOrder();
    if ($album->id == 0) {
        COM_errorLog("MediaGallery: Internal Error - album_id = 0 - Contact mark@glfusion.org  ");
        return MG_genericError($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
    // now handle the attached cover...
    if ($attachtn == 1) {
        if (!function_exists('MG_getFile')) {
            require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/mediagallery/include/lib-upload.php';
        $media_filename = $_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'covers/cover_' . $album->id;
        MG_attachThumbnail($album->id, $thumbnail, $media_filename);
    if ($remove_old_tn == 1) {
        foreach ($_MG_CONF['validExtensions'] as $ext) {
            if (file_exists($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'covers/cover_' . $album->id . $ext)) {
                @unlink($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'covers/cover_' . $album->id . $ext);
    // do any album sorting here...
    if (isset($MG_albums[$aid]) && $MG_albums[$aid]->parent == 0) {
        switch ($MG_albums[$aid]->album_sort_order) {
            case 0:
            case 3:
                // upload, asc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($aid, 2, 1, 0);
            case 4:
                // upload, desc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($aid, 2, 0, 0);
            case 5:
                // title, asc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($aid, 0, 1, 0);
            case 6:
                // title, desc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($aid, 0, 0, 0);
            case 7:
                // rating, desc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($aid, 3, 0, 0);
            case 8:
                // rating, desc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($aid, 3, 1, 0);
                // skip it...
    } else {
        // not a root album...
        switch ($MG_albums[$MG_albums[$aid]->parent]->album_sort_order) {
            case 0:
            case 3:
                // upload, asc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($MG_albums[$aid]->parent, 2, 1, 0);
            case 4:
                // upload, desc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($MG_albums[$aid]->parent, 2, 0, 0);
            case 5:
                // title, asc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($MG_albums[$aid]->parent, 0, 1, 0);
            case 6:
                // title, desc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($MG_albums[$aid]->parent, 0, 0, 0);
            case 7:
                // rating, desc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($MG_albums[$aid]->parent, 3, 0, 0);
            case 8:
                // rating, desc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($MG_albums[$aid]->parent, 3, 1, 0);
                // skip it...
        // now call it for myself to sort my subs
        switch ($MG_albums[$aid]->album_sort_order) {
            case 0:
            case 3:
                // upload, asc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($aid, 2, 1, 0);
            case 4:
                // upload, desc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($aid, 2, 0, 0);
            case 5:
                // title, asc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($aid, 0, 1, 0);
            case 6:
                // title, desc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($aid, 0, 0, 0);
            case 7:
                // rating, desc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($aid, 3, 0, 0);
            case 8:
                // rating, desc
                MG_staticSortAlbum($aid, 3, 1, 0);
                // skip it...
    if (!function_exists('MG_buildFullRSS')) {
        require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/mediagallery/include/rssfeed.php';
    $actionURL = $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . '/album.php?aid=' . $album->id;
    echo COM_refresh($actionURL);
コード例 #7
ファイル: category.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
function MG_saveCategory($cat_id)
    global $_USER, $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_MG_CONF, $LANG_MG00, $LANG_MG01, $_POST;
    $update = 0;
    $A['cat_id'] = COM_applyFilter($_POST['cat_id'], true);
    //    if ($_MG_CONF['htmlallowed'] == 1 ) {
    //        $A['cat_name']          = DB_escapeString(COM_checkHTML(COM_killJS($_POST['cat_name'])));
    //        $A['cat_description']   = DB_escapeString(COM_checkHTML(COM_killJS($_POST['cat_desc'])));
    //    } else {
    $A['cat_name'] = DB_escapeString(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(COM_checkWords(COM_killJS($_POST['cat_name'])))));
    $A['cat_description'] = DB_escapeString(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(COM_checkWords(COM_killJS($_POST['cat_desc'])))));
    //    }
    if ($A['cat_name'] == "") {
        return MG_errorHandler($LANG_MG01['category_error']);
    $sql = "SELECT MAX(cat_order) + 1 AS nextcat_order FROM " . $_TABLES['mg_category'];
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    $row = DB_fetchArray($result);
    if ($row == NULL || $result == NULL) {
        $A['cat_order'] = 10;
    } else {
        $A['cat_order'] = $row['nextcat_order'];
        if ($A['cat_order'] < 0) {
            $A['cat_order'] = 10;
    if ($A['cat_order'] == NULL) {
        $A['cat_order'] = 10;
    //  -- Let's make sure we don't have any SQL overflows...
    $A['cat_name'] = substr($A['cat_name'], 0, 254);
    if ($A['cat_id'] == 0) {
        COM_errorLog("Media Gallery Internal Error - cat_id = 0 - Contact support@glfusion.org  ");
        return MG_genericError($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
    DB_save($_TABLES['mg_category'], "cat_id,cat_name,cat_description,cat_order", "'{$A['cat_id']}','{$A['cat_name']}','{$A['cat_description']}',{$A['cat_order']}");
    echo COM_refresh($_MG_CONF['admin_url'] . 'category.php');
コード例 #8
ファイル: sort.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
function MG_saveStaticSortMedia($album_id, $actionURL = '')
    global $_USER, $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_MG_CONF, $LANG_MG00, $LANG_MG01, $LANG_MG03, $_POST;
    // check permissions...
    if ($album_id == 0) {
        COM_errorLog("Media Gallery: Invalid album_id passed to sort");
        return MG_genericError($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
    // -- get the sort options
    $sortby = COM_applyFilter($_POST['sortyby'], true);
    $sortorder = COM_applyFilter($_POST['sortorder'], true);
    switch ($sortby) {
        case '0':
            // media_time
            $sql_sort_by = " ORDER BY m.media_time ";
        case '1':
            // media_upload_time
            $sql_sort_by = " ORDER BY m.media_upload_time ";
        case '2':
            // media title
            $sql_sort_by = " ORDER BY m.media_title ";
        case '3':
            // media original filename
            $sql_sort_by = " ORDER BY m.media_original_filename ";
        case '4':
            // rating
            $sql_sort_by = " ORDER BY m.media_rating ";
            $sql_sort_by = " ORDER BY m.media_time ";
    switch ($sortorder) {
        case '0':
            // ascending
            $sql_order = " DESC";
        case '1':
            // descending
            $sql_order = " ASC";
            $sql_order = " ASC";
    $sql = "SELECT  *\n            FROM " . $_TABLES['mg_media_albums'] . " as ma LEFT  JOIN " . $_TABLES['mg_media'] . " as m ON m.media_id = ma.media_id\n            WHERE ma.album_id=" . intval($album_id) . $sql_sort_by . $sql_order;
    $order = 10;
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    $numRows = DB_numRows($result);
    for ($x = 0; $x < $numRows; $x++) {
        $row = DB_fetchArray($result);
        $media_id[$x] = $row['media_id'];
        $media_order[$x] = $order;
        $order += 10;
    $media_count = $numRows;
    for ($x = 0; $x < $media_count; $x++) {
        $sql = "UPDATE " . $_TABLES['mg_media_albums'] . " SET media_order=" . $media_order[$x] . " WHERE media_id='" . $media_id[$x] . "' AND album_id=" . $album_id;
        $res = DB_query($sql);
    echo COM_refresh($actionURL);
コード例 #9
ファイル: global.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
* Saves the global configuration to all albums
* @return   string              HTML
function MG_saveGlobalAlbumAttr()
    global $_USER, $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_MG_CONF, $LANG_MG00, $LANG_MG01, $_POST;
    if (!SEC_hasRights('mediagallery.admin')) {
        COM_errorLog("Media Gallery user attempted to edit global album attributes without proper accss.");
        return MG_genericError($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
    $startaid = COM_applyFilter($_POST['startaid'], true);
    $A['enable_comments'] = isset($_POST['enable_comments']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_comments'], true) : 0;
    $A['exif_display'] = isset($_POST['enable_exif']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_exif'], true) : 0;
    $A['enable_rating'] = isset($_POST['enable_rating']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_rating'], true) : 0;
    $A['rsschildren'] = isset($_POST['rsschildren']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['rsschildren'], true) : 0;
    $A['podcast'] = isset($_POST['podcast']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['podcast'], true) : 0;
    $A['mp3ribbon'] = isset($_POST['mp3ribbon']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['mp3ribbon'], true) : 0;
    $A['playback_type'] = isset($_POST['playback_type']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['playback_type'], true) : 0;
    $A['enable_slideshow'] = isset($_POST['enable_slideshow']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_slideshow'], true) : 0;
    $A['enable_random'] = isset($_POST['enable_random']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_random'], true) : 0;
    $A['enable_shutterfly'] = isset($_POST['enable_shutterfly']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_shutterfly'], true) : 0;
    $A['enable_views'] = isset($_POST['enable_views']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_views'], true) : 0;
    $A['enable_keywords'] = isset($_POST['enable_keywords']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_keywords'], true) : 0;
    $A['enable_sort'] = isset($_POST['enable_sort']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['enable_sort'], true) : 0;
    $A['albums_first'] = isset($_POST['albums_first']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['albums_first'], true) : 0;
    $A['tn_size'] = isset($_POST['tn_size']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['tn_size'], true) : 0;
    $A['tn_height'] = isset($_POST['tnheight']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['tnheight'], true) : 200;
    $A['tn_width'] = isset($_POST['tnwidth']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['tnwidth'], true) : 200;
    if ($A['tn_height'] == 0) {
        $A['tn_height'] = 200;
    if ($A['tn_width'] == 0) {
        $A['tn_width'] = 200;
    $A['display_rows'] = isset($_POST['display_rows']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['display_rows'], true) : 0;
    $A['display_columns'] = isset($_POST['display_columns']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['display_columns'], true) : 0;
    $A['full_display'] = isset($_POST['full_display']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['full_display'], true) : 0;
    $A['max_image_height'] = isset($_POST['max_image_height']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['max_image_height'], true) : 0;
    $A['max_image_width'] = isset($_POST['max_image_width']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['max_image_width'], true) : 0;
    $A['max_filesize'] = isset($_POST['max_filesize']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['max_filesize'], true) : 0;
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    // valid media formats....
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    $updateSQL = '';
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    if ($updateSQL != '') {
        if ($startaid == 0) {
            $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['mg_albums']} SET " . $updateSQL;
            if ($enable_rss_active) {
                require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/mediagallery/include/rssfeed.php';
        } else {
            MG_saveGlobalAlbumAttrChildren($startaid, $updateSQL);
            if ($enable_rss_active) {
                require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/mediagallery/include/rssfeed.php';
    if ($admin_menu == 1) {
        echo COM_refresh($_MG_CONF['admin_url'] . 'index.php?msg=11');
    } else {
        echo COM_refresh($_MG_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php');