function R_spambot($asb_question, $asb_reponse, $message = '') { // idée originale, développement et intégration - Gérald MARINO alias neo-machine global $user; global $REQUEST_METHOD; if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST") { if (!isset($user)) { if ($asb_reponse != '' and is_numeric($asb_reponse) and strlen($asb_reponse) <= 2) { $ibid = decrypt($asb_question); $ibid = explode(',', $ibid); $result = "\$arg=({$ibid['0']});"; // submit intervient en moins de 5 secondes (trop vite) ou plus de 30 minutes (trop long) $temp = time() - $ibid[1]; if ($temp < 1800 and $temp > 5) { eval($result); } else { $arg = uniqid(mt_rand()); } } else { $arg = uniqid(mt_rand()); } if ($arg == $asb_reponse) { // plus de 2 http:// dans le texte preg_match_all('#http://#', $message, $regs); if (count($regs[0]) > 2) { L_spambot('', "false"); return false; } else { L_spambot('', "true"); return true; } } else { L_spambot('', "false"); return false; } } else { L_spambot('', "true"); return true; } } else { L_spambot('', "false"); return false; } }
<div class="col-sm-7"><a href="' . $m['poster_ip'] . '" target="_blank" >FlagFox</a></div> </div> <br /> <a href="' . $url_ret . '?topic=' . $topic . '&forum=' . $forum . '" class="btn btn-secondary">' . translate("Go Back") . '</a> </div>'; include "footer.php"; break; case 'banip': $sql = "SELECT p.poster_ip FROM " . $NPDS_Prefix . "users u, " . $NPDS_Prefix . "posts p WHERE p.post_id = '{$post}' AND u.uid = p.poster_id"; if (!($r = sql_query($sql))) { forumerror('0013'); } if (!($m = sql_fetch_assoc($r))) { forumerror('0014'); } L_spambot($m['poster_ip'], "ban"); header("location: {$url_ret}?topic={$topic}&forum={$forum}"); break; case 'aff': $sql = "UPDATE " . $NPDS_Prefix . "posts SET post_aff = '{$ordre}' WHERE post_id = '{$post}'"; sql_query($sql); header("location: {$url_ret}?topic={$topic}&forum={$forum}"); break; } } else { include "header.php"; echo "<p align=\"center\">" . translate("You are not the moderator of this forum therefor you cannot perform this function.") . "<br /><br />"; echo "<a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\" class=\"noir\">" . translate("Go Back") . "</a></p>"; include "footer.php"; } }