コード例 #1
  * gets the DB rows for all images and calls the HTML output function
 function Joom_ShowMinis()
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('site');
     // selected category
     $this->catid = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('joom.button.catid', 'catid', 0, 'int');
     // pagination
     $limitstart = JRequest::getInt('limitstart', 0);
     $limit = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('joom.button.limit', 'limit', 50, 'int');
     // ensure that image can be seen later on
     $where = "WHERE \n                   jgc.published = '1'\n                AND jgc.access  <= " . $user->get('aid') . "\n                AND jg.published = '1'\n                AND jg.approved  = '1'";
     if ($this->catid) {
         $where .= "\n                AND jg.catid = '" . $this->catid . "'";
         $this->catpath = Joom_getCatPath($this->catid);
     // query
     $query = "  SELECT \n                  jg.id, \n                  jg.catid, \n                  jg.imgtitle, \n                  jg.imgthumbname, \n                  jgc.name \n                FROM \n                  #__joomgallery AS jg\n                LEFT JOIN \n                  #__joomgallery_catg AS jgc ON jgc.cid = jg.catid\n              " . $where;
     // execute the query if list_limit = 0 -> all pictures
     if ($limit == 0) {
         $rows = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
         $total = count($rows);
     } else {
         // take the query and replace the 'select *' with 'select count(jg.id)' -> $querycount
         // to count total rows for navigation
         $countquery = str_replace('SELECT jg.id, jg.catid, jg.imgtitle, jg.imgthumbname, jgc.name', 'SELECT COUNT(id)', $query);
         $total = $this->_db->loadResult();
         if ($total <= $limit) {
             $limitstart = 0;
         $this->_db->setQuery($query, $limitstart, $limit);
         $rows = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
     $this->_pagination = new JPagination($total, $limitstart, $limit);
コード例 #2
    function Joom_ShowSubCategories_HTML(&$rows)
        $config = Joom_getConfig();
        $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('site');
        $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
        $user =& JFactory::getUser();
        $pic_count = count($rows);
        $num_rows = ceil($pic_count / $config->jg_colsubcat);
        $index = 0;
  <div class="jg_subcat">
        if ($config->jg_showsubcathead) {
    <div class="sectiontableheader">
            echo JText::_('JGS_SUBCATEGORIES');
        //Ausrichtung entsprechend der globalen Vorgabe
        switch ($config->jg_subcatthumbalign) {
            case 1:
                $img_position = 'left';
            case 2:
                $img_position = 'right';
            case 3:
                $img_position = 'middle';
        for ($row_count = 0; $row_count < $num_rows; $row_count++) {
            $linecolor = ($row_count + 1) % 2 + 1;
  <div class="jg_row <?php 
            if ($linecolor == 1) {
                echo "sectiontableentry1";
            } else {
                echo "sectiontableentry2";
            for ($col_count = 0; $col_count < $config->jg_colsubcat && $index < $pic_count; $col_count++) {
                $cur_name = $rows[$index];
                if ($config->jg_showcatasnew) {
                    $isnew = Joom_CheckNewCatg($cur_name->cid);
                } else {
                    $isnew = '';
                $catpath = $cur_name->catpath . '/';
    <div class="jg_subcatelem_cat">
                if ($cur_name != NULL) {
                    if ($config->jg_showsubthumbs != 0) {
      <div class="jg_subcatelem_photo">
                    if ($config->jg_showsubthumbs == 1) {
                        if ($user->get('aid') >= $cur_name->access && $cur_name->catimage != '') {
          <a href="<?php 
                            echo JRoute::_($this->viewcategory_url . $cur_name->cid . _JOOM_ITEMID);
            <img src="<?php 
                            echo _JOOM_LIVE_SITE . $config->jg_paththumbs . $catpath . $cur_name->catimage;
"  align="<?php 
                            echo $img_position;
" hspace="4" vspace="0" class="jg_photo" alt="<?php 
                            echo $cur_name->name;
" />
      <div class="jg_subcatelem_txt">
        <img src="<?php 
                        echo $this->assetsimages_url . 'arrow.png';
" class="pngfile jg_icon" alt="arrow" />
                        if ($user->get('aid') >= $cur_name->access) {
        <a href="<?php 
                            echo JRoute::_($this->viewcategory_url . $cur_name->cid . _JOOM_ITEMID);
                            echo $cur_name->name;
                        } else {
        <span class="jg_no_access" onMouseOver="return overlib('<?php 
                            echo JText::_('JGS_ALERT_YOU_NOT_ACCESS_THIS_DIRECTORY', true);
', CAPTION, '<?php 
                            echo addslashes($cur_name->name);
', BELOW, RIGHT);" onmouseout="return nd();">
                            echo $cur_name->name;
                        echo Joom_GetNumberOfLinks($cur_name->cid);
                        echo $isnew;
                    if ($config->jg_showsubthumbs == 0) {
        <div class="jg_subcatelem_txt">
              <img src="<?php 
                        echo $this->assetsimages_url . 'arrow.png';
" class="pngfile jg_icon" alt="arrow" />
                        if ($user->get('aid') >= $cur_name->access) {
              <a href="<?php 
                            echo JRoute::_($this->viewcategory_url . $cur_name->cid . _JOOM_ITEMID);
                            echo $cur_name->name;
                        } else {
              <span class="jg_no_access" onMouseOver="return overlib('<?php 
                            echo JText::_('JGS_ALERT_YOU_NOT_ACCESS_THIS_DIRECTORY', true);
', CAPTION, '<?php 
                            echo addslashes($cur_name->name);
', BELOW, RIGHT);" onmouseout="return nd();">
                            echo $cur_name->name;
                        echo Joom_GetNumberOfLinks($cur_name->cid);
) <?php 
                        echo $isnew;
                    if ($config->jg_showsubthumbs == 2) {
                        $allsubcats = Joom_GetAllSubCategories($cur_name->cid, $config->jg_showrandomsubthumb);
                        if ($allsubcats) {
                            $randomsubcat = $allsubcats[mt_rand(0, count($allsubcats) - 1)];
                        } else {
                            $randomsubcat = '0';
                    if ($config->jg_showtotalsubcathits) {
                        if ($config->jg_showrandomsubthumb > 2 && $config->jg_showsubthumbs == 2) {
                            $totalsubcats = $allsubcats;
                        } else {
                            $totalsubcats = Joom_GetAllSubCategories($cur_name->cid, 4);
                        $totalhits = Joom_GetTotalHits($totalsubcats);
                    if ($config->jg_showsubthumbs == 2) {
                        //random pic nur, wenn auch $randomsubcat(s) vorhanden
                        if ($config->jg_showrandomsubthumb == 1 || $config->jg_showrandomsubthumb >= 2 && $randomsubcat != '0') {
                            $subcatid = $cur_name->cid;
                            $query = "  SELECT \n                            *,\n                            c.access \n                          FROM \n                            #__joomgallery AS p\n                          LEFT JOIN \n                            #__joomgallery_catg AS c ON c.cid = p.catid\n                          WHERE \n                      ";
                            if ($config->jg_showrandomsubthumb == 1) {
                                $query .= "  p.catid = {$cur_name->cid}";
                            } elseif ($config->jg_showrandomsubthumb >= 2) {
                                $query .= "  p.catid = {$randomsubcat}";
                                $catpath = Joom_getCatPath($randomsubcat);
                            $query .= "  AND p.published = '1' \n                          AND p.approved  = '1' \n                          AND c.access   <= " . $user->get('aid') . " \n                          AND c.published = '1'\n                        ORDER BY \n                          rand() \n                        LIMIT 1\n                      ";
                            $rows2 = $database->loadObjectList();
                            $count = count($rows2);
                        } else {
                            $count = 0;
                        if ($count > 0) {
                            $row3 = $rows2[0];
                            if ($row3->imgfilename != '') {
          <a href="<?php 
                                echo JRoute::_($this->viewcategory_url . $cur_name->cid . _JOOM_ITEMID);
            <img src="<?php 
                                echo _JOOM_LIVE_SITE . $config->jg_paththumbs . $catpath . $row3->imgfilename;
                                /*// vorher $row3->catpath.'/' anstatt $catpath */
" align="<?php 
                                echo $img_position;
" hspace="4" vspace="0" class="jg_photo" alt="<?php 
                                echo $cur_name->name . " :: " . $row3->imgtitle;
" />
      <div class="jg_subcatelem_txt">
            <img src="<?php 
                        echo $this->assetsimages_url . 'arrow.png';
" class="pngfile jg_icon" alt="arrow" />
                        if ($user->get('aid') >= $cur_name->access) {
            <a href="<?php 
                            echo JRoute::_($this->viewcategory_url . $cur_name->cid . _JOOM_ITEMID);
                            echo $cur_name->name;
                        } else {
            <span class="jg_no_access" onMouseOver="return overlib('<?php 
                            echo JText::_('JGS_ALERT_YOU_NOT_ACCESS_THIS_DIRECTORY', true);
', CAPTION, '<?php 
                            echo addslashes($cur_name->name);
', BELOW, RIGHT);" onmouseout="return nd();">
                            echo $cur_name->name;
                        echo Joom_GetNumberOfLinks($cur_name->cid);
) <?php 
                        echo $isnew;
                    if ($config->jg_rmsm > 0) {
                        if ($cur_name->access > 1) {
            <span class="jg_sm">
                            echo JText::_('JGS_SPECIAL_MEMBERS');
                        } elseif ($cur_name->access > 0) {
            <span class="jg_rm">
                            echo JText::_('JGS_REGISTERED_MEMBERS');
                if ($user->get('aid') >= $cur_name->access) {
                    if ($config->jg_showtotalsubcathits) {
                        echo JText::_('JGS_HITS');
: <?php 
                        echo $totalhits;
                    if ($cur_name->description) {
                        echo $cur_name->description;
                $mainframe->triggerEvent('onAfterDisplayJoomCatThumb', array($cur_name->cid));
            // for loop over cols in row
    <div class="jg_clearboth"></div>
        // for loop over rows
コード例 #3
 function Joom_Favourites_CreateZip()
     $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('site');
     $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $config = Joom_getConfig();
     // Kontrollabfrage, ob der Zip-Download erlaubt ist
     if ($config->jg_zipdownload != 1 && ($user->get('id') || $config->jg_usefavouritesforpubliczip != 1)) {
         $mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_($this->showfavourites_url . _JOOM_ITEMID, false), JText::_('JGS_FAV_NOT_ALLOWED'));
     // Einbinden der PclZip-Library
     if (file_exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'pcl' . DS . 'pclzip.lib.php')) {
         require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'pcl' . DS . 'pclzip.lib.php';
     } else {
         $mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_($this->showfavourites_url . _JOOM_ITEMID, false), JText::_('JGS_FAV_ZIPLIBRARY_NOT_FOUND'));
     // Name des Zip-Archivs
     $zipname = 'components/com_joomgallery/joomgallery_' . date('d_m_Y') . '__';
     if ($user->get('id')) {
         $zipname .= $user->get('id') . '_';
     $zipname .= mt_rand(10000, 99999) . '.zip';
     // Erstellen des Zip-Archivs
     $zipfile = new PclZip($zipname);
     if (!is_null($this->piclist)) {
         $picids = explode(',', $this->piclist);
         $files = array();
         foreach ($picids as $picid) {
             $database->setQuery(" SELECT \n                                catid,imgfilename \n                              FROM \n                                #__joomgallery\n                              WHERE \n                                id = '" . $picid . "'\n                            ");
             $row = $database->loadObject();
             $catpath = Joom_getCatPath($row->catid);
             if (file_exists(JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $config->jg_pathoriginalimages . $catpath . $row->imgfilename))) {
                 array_push($files, $config->jg_pathoriginalimages . $catpath . $row->imgfilename);
             } elseif (file_exists(JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $config->jg_pathimages . $catpath . $row->imgfilename))) {
                 array_push($files, $config->jg_pathimages . $catpath . $row->imgfilename);
         $createzip = $zipfile->create($files, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH);
         if ($createzip == 0) {
             // workaround for servers with wwwwrun problem
             Joom_Chmod(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_joomgallery', 0777);
             $createzip = $zipfile->create($files, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH);
             Joom_Chmod(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_joomgallery', 0755);
         if ($user->get('id')) {
             if ($this->user_exists) {
                 $database->setQuery(" SELECT \n                                  zipname \n                                FROM \n                                  #__joomgallery_users\n                                WHERE \n                                  uuserid = '" . $user->get('id') . "'\n                              ");
                 if ($old_zip = $database->loadResult()) {
                     if (file_exists($old_zip)) {
                 $database->setQuery(" UPDATE \n                                  #__joomgallery_users\n                                SET \n                                  time = NOW(),zipname = '" . $zipname . "'\n                                WHERE \n                                  uuserid = '" . $user->get('id') . "'\n                              ");
             } else {
                 $database->setQuery(" INSERT INTO \n                                  #__joomgallery_users \n                                    (uuserid,time,zipname)\n                                VALUES\n                                  ('" . $user->get('id') . "', NOW(), '" . $zipname . "')\n                              ");
         } else {
             $database->setQuery(" INSERT INTO \n                                #__joomgallery_users\n                                  (time,zipname)\n                              VALUES\n                                (NOW(),'" . $zipname . "')\n                            ");
         include_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'html' . DS . 'joom.favourites.html.php';
         if ($createzip != 0) {
             $zipsize = filesize($zipname);
             if ($zipsize < 1000000) {
                 $zipsize = round($zipsize, -3) / 1000;
                 $zipsize_string = $zipsize . ' KB';
             } else {
                 $zipsize = round($zipsize, -6) / 1000000;
                 $zipsize_string = $zipsize . ' MB';
             HTML_Joom_Favourites::Joom_Favourites_CreateZip_HTML($zipname, $zipsize_string);
         } else {
     } else {
         $mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_($this->showfavourites_url . _JOOM_ITEMID, false), $this->Output('NO_PICTURES'));