コード例 #1
  * class constructor
 function __construct($action)
     $this->_mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('administrator');
     $this->_db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $this->_config = Joom_GetConfig();
     $this->logfilename = 'migration.log.txt';
     //Check the maximum execution time of the script
     //set secure setting of the real execution time
     $max_execution_time = @ini_get('max_execution_time');
     //try to set the max execution time to 60s if lower than
     //if not succesful the return value will be the old time, so use this
     if ($max_execution_time < 60) {
         @ini_set('max_execution_time', '60');
         $max_execution_time = @ini_get('max_execution_time');
     $this->max_execution_time = $max_execution_time;
     $this->maxtime = (int) $this->max_execution_time * 0.8;
     $this->starttime = time();
     switch ($action) {
         case 'start':
         case 'continue':
コード例 #2
function Joom_ShowMenu_HTML()
    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
    $config = Joom_GetConfig();
.joom_cpanel img {
  padding:21px 0px !important;
    $database->setQuery("SELECT id\n      FROM #__components\n      WHERE link = 'option=" . _JOOM_OPTION . "' AND parent=''");
    $id = $database->loadResult();
    $database->setQuery("SELECT *\n      FROM #__components\n      WHERE parent='" . $id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
    $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
<table border="0" cellpadding="10" style="margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto;" class="adminform">
      <td width="55%" valign="top">
        <div id="cpanel" class="joom_cpanel">
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        Joom_QuickIconButton($row->admin_menu_link, $row->admin_menu_img, $row->name);
      <td width="45%" valign="top">
    $modules =& JModuleHelper::getModules('joom_cpanel');
    // TODO: allowAllClose should default true in J!1.6, so remove the array when it does.
    $pane =& JPane::getInstance('sliders', array('allowAllClose' => true));
    echo $pane->startPane("content-pane");
    if ($config->jg_checkupdate) {
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
        echo $pane->startPanel($module->title, 'cpanel-panel-' . $module->name);
        echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module);
        echo $pane->endPanel();
    echo $pane->endPane();
    if ($config->jg_checkupdate) {
        if (!count(Joom_CheckUpdate())) {
  <div style=" weight:100%; text-align:center; color:#008000; font-weight:bold;">
            echo JText::_('JGA_SYSTEM_UPTODATE');
コード例 #3
 * returns the currently installed version of JoomGallery
 * @return string Version
function Joom_GetGalleryVersion()
    static $version;
    if (!isset($version)) {
        $config = Joom_GetConfig();
        // do not read RSS file if update check is disabled
        if ($config->jg_checkupdate) {
            $extensions = Joom_GetInstalledExtensions();
            if (isset($extensions['JoomGallery']['installed_version'])) {
                $version = $extensions['JoomGallery']['installed_version'];
            } else {
                $version = 'not found';
        } else {
            $xml_file = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_joomgallery' . DS . 'joomgallery.xml';
            if (file_exists($xml_file)) {
                $xml =& JFactory::getXMLParser('simple');
                // TODO: error handling, maybe there's no 'version' tag?
                $version_tag = $xml->document->getElementByPath('version');
                $version = $version_tag->data();
    return $version;
コード例 #4
 * recreates thumbnails of the selected images
 * if original image is existent, detail image will be recreated, too.
function Joom_Recreate()
    $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('administrator');
    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $config = Joom_GetConfig();
    $cids = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('joom.recreate.ids', 'id', array(), 'array');
    $thumb_count = $mainframe->getUserState('joom.recreate.thumbcount');
    $img_count = $mainframe->getUserState('joom.recreate.imgcount');
    $row = new mosjoomgallery($database);
    // before first loop check for selected images
    if (is_null($thumb_count) and !count($cids)) {
        return array(false, JText::_('JGA_NO_IMAGES_SELECTED'));
    //Check the maximum execution time of the script
    //set secure setting of the real execution time
    $max_execution_time = @ini_get('max_execution_time');
    //try to set the max execution time to 60s if lower than
    //if not succesful the return value will be the old time, so use this
    if ($max_execution_time < 60) {
        $max_execution_time = @ini_get('max_execution_time');
    $maxtime = (int) $max_execution_time * 0.8;
    $starttime = time();
    $debugoutput = '';
    //loop through selected images
    foreach ($cids as $key => $cid) {
        //catpath for category
        $catpath = Joom_GetCatPath($row->catid);
        $orig = JPATH_ROOT . DS . $config->jg_pathoriginalimages . $catpath . $row->imgfilename;
        $img = JPATH_ROOT . DS . $config->jg_pathimages . $catpath . $row->imgfilename;
        $thumb = JPATH_ROOT . DS . $config->jg_paththumbs . $catpath . $row->imgthumbname;
        //check if there is an original image
        if (JFile::exists($orig)) {
            $orig_existent = true;
        } else {
            //if not, use detail image to create thumbnail
            $orig_existent = false;
            if (JFile::exists($img)) {
                $orig = $img;
            } else {
                JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::sprintf('JGA_IMG_NOT_EXISTENT', $img));
                $mainframe->setUserState('joom.recreate.cids', array());
                $mainframe->setUserState('joom.recreate.count', null);
                return false;
        //TODO: move image into a trash instead of deleting immediately for possible rollback
        $return = Joom_ResizeImage($debugoutput, $orig, $thumb, $config->jg_useforresizedirection, $config->jg_thumbwidth, $config->jg_thumbheight, $config->jg_thumbcreation, $config->jg_thumbquality);
        if (!$return) {
            JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::sprintf('JGA_COULD_NOT_CREATE_THUMB', $thumb));
            $mainframe->setUserState('joom.recreate.cids', array());
            $mainframe->setUserState('joom.recreate.thumbcount', null);
            $mainframe->setUserState('joom.recreate.imgcount', null);
            return false;
        $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JGA_SUCCESSFULLY_CREATED_THUMB', $row->id, $row->imgtitle));
        if ($orig_existent) {
            //TODO: move image into a trash instead of deleting immediately for possible rollback
            $return = Joom_ResizeImage($debugoutput, $orig, $img, false, $config->jg_maxwidth, false, $config->jg_thumbcreation, $config->jg_picturequality, true);
            if (!$return) {
                JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::sprintf('JGA_COULD_NOT_CREATE_IMG', $img));
                $this->_mainframe->setUserState('joom.recreate.cids', array());
                $this->_mainframe->setUserState('joom.recreate.thumbcount', null);
                $this->_mainframe->setUserState('joom.recreate.imgcount', null);
                return false;
        $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JGA_SUCCESSFULLY_CREATED_IMG', $row->id, $row->imgtitle));
        //check remaining time
        $timeleft = -(time() - $starttime - $maxtime);
        if ($timeleft <= 0 and count($cids)) {
            $mainframe->setUserState('joom.recreate.cids', $cids);
            $mainframe->setUserState('joom.recreate.thumbcount', $thumb_count);
            $mainframe->setUserState('joom.recreate.imgcount', $img_count);
            $mainframe->redirect('index.php?option=' . _JOOM_OPTION . '&task=recreate', JText::_('JGA_REDIRECT'));
    $mainframe->setUserState('joom.recreate.cids', array());
    $mainframe->setUserState('joom.recreate.thumbcount', null);
    $mainframe->setUserState('joom.recreate.imgcount', null);
    return array($thumb_count, $img_count);