コード例 #1
* Upgrades for MajorVersion = 0, MinorVersion = 0
* Add code to perform actual database updgrad operation 
* For first version, create supporting tables
* @param $dbhandle  handle to database
* @return $status   true if operation was successful
function V_Major0_Minor0_Upgrade($dbhandle)
    $logger = LoggerSingleton::GetInstance();
    $logger->LogInfo("V0_0_Upgrade - Enter ");
    $status = true;
    /* create password table if not persent */
    // check if existing
    if (true == $status) {
        $status = IsExisting_Password($dbhandle);
        $logger->LogInfo("IsExisting Password table status :" . var_export($status, true));
    // Create table
    if (false == $status) {
        $status = CreateTable_Password($dbhandle);
        $logger->LogInfo("Create Password table status : " . var_export($status, true));
    /* Create UserDetails table if not present */
    if (true == $status) {
        $status = IsExisting_UserDetails($dbhandle);
        $logger->LogInfo("IsExisting UserDetails table status :" . var_export($status, true));
    // Create table
    if (false == $status) {
        $status = CreateTable_UserDetails($dbhandle);
        $logger->LogInfo("Create UserDetails table status : " . var_export($status, true));
    /* Create TodoList table if not present already */
    if (true == $status) {
        $status = IsExisting_TodoList($dbhandle);
        $logger->LogInfo("IsExisting TodoList table status :" . var_export($status, true));
    // Create table
    if (false == $status) {
        $status = CreateTable_TodoList($dbhandle);
        $logger->LogInfo("Create TodoList table status : " . var_export($status, true));
    $logger->LogInfo("Exit form V_Major0_Minor0_Upgrade with status :" . var_export($status, true));
    return $status;
コード例 #2
$username = "******";
$password = "******";
global $PasswordTable_Name;
global $PasswordTable_Id;
global $PasswordTable_Password;
global $PasswordTable_User;
$status = true;
// get handle
$dbhandle = new mysqli($dbhostname, $username, $password, $dbname);
if (false == $dbhandle) {
    $status = false;
    $logger->LogError("Unable to connect to database : {$dbhandle->error}");
// check if existing
if (true == $status) {
    $status = IsExisting_Password($dbhandle);
    $logger->LogInfo("IsExisting Password table status :" . var_export($status, true));
// Create table
if (false == $status) {
    $status = CreateTable_Password($dbhandle);
    $logger->LogInfo("Create Password table status : " . var_export($status, true));
// insert into table
$user = '******';
$password = '******';
$id = null;
if (true == $status) {
    $status = InsertInto_Password($dbhandle, $id, $user, $password);
    $logger->LogInfo("Insert into table status : " . var_export($status, true));