function PrintSecureUserCheck($warningtext, $yesmsg, $nomsg) { global $content, $page; // Copy properties $content['warningtext'] = $warningtext; $content['yesmsg'] = $yesmsg; $content['nomsg'] = $nomsg; // Handle GET and POST input! $content['form_url'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?"; foreach ($_GET as $varname => $varvalue) { $content['form_url'] .= $varname . "=" . $varvalue . "&"; } $content['form_url'] .= "verify=yes"; // Append verify! foreach ($_POST as $varname => $varvalue) { $content['POST_VARIABLES'][] = array("varname" => $varname, "varvalue" => $varvalue); } // --- BEGIN CREATE TITLE $content['TITLE'] = InitPageTitle(); $content['TITLE'] .= " :: Confirm Action"; // --- END CREATE TITLE // --- Parsen and Output InitTemplateParser(); $page->parser($content, "admin/admin_securecheck.html"); $page->output(); // --- // Exit script execution exit; }
// Set error code $content['error_code'] = $ret; if ($ret == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { $content['detailederror'] = $content['LN_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND']; } else { if ($ret == ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLE) { $content['detailederror'] = $content['LN_ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLE']; } else { $content['detailederror'] = $content['LN_ERROR_UNKNOWN']; } } } // Close file! $stream->Close(); } // --- // --- BEGIN CREATE TITLE $content['TITLE'] = InitPageTitle(); if ($content['messageenabled'] == "true") { // Append custom title part! $content['TITLE'] .= " :: Details for '" . $content['uid_current'] . "'"; } else { // APpend to title Page title $content['TITLE'] .= " :: Unknown uid"; } // --- END CREATE TITLE // --- Parsen and Output InitTemplateParser(); $page->parser($content, "details.html"); $page->output(); // ---
function OutpuCustomErrorMessage() { global $page, $content; // Create template Parser and output results $content['TITLE'] .= " :: " . $content['LN_GEN_ERRORDETAILS']; InitTemplateParser(); $page->parser($content, "chartgenerator.html"); $page->output(); // Exit in any case exit; }