/** * Title * * Description * * @access public */ function say($ph, $level=0) { global $commandLine; global $voicemode; /* if ($commandLine) { echo utf2win($ph); } else { echo $ph; } */ $rec=array(); $rec['MESSAGE']=$ph; $rec['ADDED']=date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $rec['ROOM_ID']=0; $rec['MEMBER_ID']=0; if ($level>0) { $rec['IMPORTANCE']=$level; } SQLInsert('shouts', $rec); if ($level>=(int)getGlobal('minMsgLevel')) { //$voicemode!='off' && $lang='en'; if (defined('SETTINGS_SITE_LANGUAGE')) { $lang=SETTINGS_SITE_LANGUAGE; } if (defined('SETTINGS_VOICE_LANGUAGE')) { $lang=SETTINGS_VOICE_LANGUAGE; } $google_file=GoogleTTS($ph, $lang); if ($google_file) { @touch($google_file); playSound($google_file, 1, $level); } else { //getObject("alice")->raiseEvent("say", array("say"=>$ph)); safe_exec('cscript '.DOC_ROOT.'/rc/sapi.js '.$ph, 1, $level); } } postToTwitter($ph); global $noPatternMode; if (!$noPatternMode) { include_once(DIR_MODULES.'patterns/patterns.class.php'); $pt=new patterns(); $pt->checkAllPatterns(); } }
/** * Title * * Description * * @access public */ function say($ph, $level = 0, $member_id = 0) { global $commandLine; global $voicemode; global $noPatternMode; global $ignorePushover; global $ignorePushbullet; global $ignoreGrowl; global $ignoreTwitter; /* if ($commandLine) { echo utf2win($ph); } else { echo $ph; } */ $rec = array(); $rec['MESSAGE'] = $ph; $rec['ADDED'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $rec['ROOM_ID'] = 0; $rec['MEMBER_ID'] = $member_id; if ($level > 0) { $rec['IMPORTANCE'] = $level; } $rec['ID'] = SQLInsert('shouts', $rec); if ($member_id) { //if (!$noPatternMode) { include_once DIR_MODULES . 'patterns/patterns.class.php'; $pt = new patterns(); $pt->checkAllPatterns($member_id); //} return; } if (defined('SETTINGS_HOOK_BEFORE_SAY') && SETTINGS_HOOK_BEFORE_SAY != '') { eval(SETTINGS_HOOK_BEFORE_SAY); } global $ignoreVoice; if ($level >= (int) getGlobal('minMsgLevel') && !$ignoreVoice && !$member_id) { //$voicemode!='off' && $lang = 'en'; if (defined('SETTINGS_SITE_LANGUAGE')) { $lang = SETTINGS_SITE_LANGUAGE; } if (defined('SETTINGS_VOICE_LANGUAGE')) { $lang = SETTINGS_VOICE_LANGUAGE; } if (!defined('SETTINGS_TTS_GOOGLE') || SETTINGS_TTS_GOOGLE) { $google_file = GoogleTTS($ph, $lang); } else { $google_file = false; } if (!defined('SETTINGS_SPEAK_SIGNAL') || SETTINGS_SPEAK_SIGNAL == '1') { $passed = time() - (int) getGlobal('lastSayTime'); if ($passed > 20) { // play intro-sound only if more than 20 seconds passed from the last one setGlobal('lastSayTime', time()); playSound('dingdong', 1, $level); } } if ($google_file) { @touch($google_file); playSound($google_file, 1, $level); } else { safe_exec('cscript ' . DOC_ROOT . '/rc/sapi.js ' . $ph, 1, $level); } } if (!$noPatternMode) { include_once DIR_MODULES . 'patterns/patterns.class.php'; $pt = new patterns(); $pt->checkAllPatterns($member_id); } if (defined('SETTINGS_PUSHOVER_USER_KEY') && SETTINGS_PUSHOVER_USER_KEY && !$ignorePushover) { include_once ROOT . 'lib/pushover/pushover.inc.php'; if (defined('SETTINGS_PUSHOVER_LEVEL')) { if ($level >= SETTINGS_PUSHOVER_LEVEL) { postToPushover($ph); } } elseif ($level > 0) { postToPushover($ph); } } if (defined('SETTINGS_PUSHBULLET_KEY') && SETTINGS_PUSHBULLET_KEY && !$ignorePushbullet) { include_once ROOT . 'lib/pushbullet/pushbullet.inc.php'; if (defined('SETTINGS_PUSHBULLET_PREFIX') && SETTINGS_PUSHBULLET_PREFIX) { $prefix = SETTINGS_PUSHBULLET_PREFIX . ' '; } else { $prefix = ''; } if (defined('SETTINGS_PUSHBULLET_LEVEL')) { if ($level >= SETTINGS_PUSHBULLET_LEVEL) { postToPushbullet($prefix . $ph); } } elseif ($level > 0) { postToPushbullet($prefix . $ph); } } if (defined('SETTINGS_GROWL_ENABLE') && SETTINGS_GROWL_ENABLE && $level >= SETTINGS_GROWL_LEVEL && !$ignoreGrowl) { include_once ROOT . 'lib/growl/growl.gntp.php'; $growl = new Growl(SETTINGS_GROWL_HOST, SETTINGS_GROWL_PASSWORD); $growl->setApplication('MajorDoMo', 'Notifications'); //$growl->registerApplication('http://localhost/img/logo.png'); $growl->notify($ph); } if (defined('SETTINGS_TWITTER_CKEY') && SETTINGS_TWITTER_CKEY && !$ignoreTwitter) { postToTwitter($ph); } if (defined('SETTINGS_HOOK_AFTER_SAY') && SETTINGS_HOOK_AFTER_SAY != '') { eval(SETTINGS_HOOK_AFTER_SAY); } }
/** * Title * * Description * * @access public */ function say($ph, $level = 0) { global $commandLine; global $voicemode; /* if ($commandLine) { echo utf2win($ph); } else { echo $ph; } */ $rec = array(); $rec['MESSAGE'] = $ph; $rec['ADDED'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $rec['ROOM_ID'] = 0; $rec['MEMBER_ID'] = 0; if ($level > 0) { $rec['IMPORTANCE'] = $level; } $rec['ID'] = SQLInsert('shouts', $rec); if (defined('SETTINGS_HOOK_BEFORE_SAY') && SETTINGS_HOOK_BEFORE_SAY != '') { eval(SETTINGS_HOOK_BEFORE_SAY); } if ($level >= (int) getGlobal('minMsgLevel')) { //$voicemode!='off' && $lang = 'en'; if (defined('SETTINGS_SITE_LANGUAGE')) { $lang = SETTINGS_SITE_LANGUAGE; } if (defined('SETTINGS_VOICE_LANGUAGE')) { $lang = SETTINGS_VOICE_LANGUAGE; } if (!defined('SETTINGS_TTS_GOOGLE') || SETTINGS_TTS_GOOGLE) { $google_file = GoogleTTS($ph, $lang); } else { $google_file = false; } if (!defined('SETTINGS_SPEAK_SIGNAL') || SETTINGS_SPEAK_SIGNAL == '1') { $passed = SQLSelectOne("SELECT (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ADDED)) as PASSED FROM shouts WHERE ID!='" . $rec['ID'] . "' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1"); if ($passed['PASSED'] > 20) { // play intro-sound only if more than 30 seconds passed from the last one playSound('dingdong', 1, $level); } } if ($google_file) { @touch($google_file); playSound($google_file, 1, $level); } else { safe_exec('cscript ' . DOC_ROOT . '/rc/sapi.js ' . $ph, 1, $level); } } global $noPatternMode; if (!$noPatternMode) { include_once DIR_MODULES . 'patterns/patterns.class.php'; $pt = new patterns(); $pt->checkAllPatterns(); } if (defined('SETTINGS_HOOK_AFTER_SAY') && SETTINGS_HOOK_AFTER_SAY != '') { eval(SETTINGS_HOOK_AFTER_SAY); } if (defined('SETTINGS_PUSHOVER_USER_KEY') && SETTINGS_PUSHOVER_USER_KEY) { include_once ROOT . 'lib/pushover/pushover.inc.php'; if (defined('SETTINGS_PUSHOVER_LEVEL')) { if ($level >= SETTINGS_PUSHOVER_LEVEL) { postToPushover($ph); } } elseif ($level > 0) { postToPushover($ph); } } if (defined('SETTINGS_GROWL_ENABLE') && SETTINGS_GROWL_ENABLE && $level >= SETTINGS_GROWL_LEVEL) { include_once ROOT . 'lib/growl/growl.gntp.php'; $growl = new Growl(SETTINGS_GROWL_HOST, SETTINGS_GROWL_PASSWORD); $growl->setApplication('MajorDoMo', 'Notifications'); //$growl->registerApplication('http://localhost/img/logo.png'); $growl->notify($ph); } postToTwitter($ph); }