/** * 跳转方法 */ protected function redirect($url = '') { if (!$url) { return; } Go($url); }
echo '<a href="#"> On ' . date("D M j G:i:s T Y") . ' follow Smart Agents reported activity'; echo '<span class="badge badge-success pull-left">' . $qnok . '</span>'; echo $qoe; echo '</a>'; if ($listok == "") { echo '<div class="label label-success">No erros</div>'; } else { echo '<pre>' . $listok . '</pre>'; } echo '</li>'; mysql_close(); } function Go() { echo '<style type="text/css"> pre {font-family: Consolas; font-size: small;}</style>'; echo '<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">'; linkPage(''); echo '</ul>'; } ?> <td class="iwMain"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span5 well well-white"> <?php Go(); ?> </div> </div> </td>
<?php global $stF, $st, $FLEETNAMES, $arrIncomingFleets, $showcolors, $g_arrResources; $stF = str_replace('.php', '', basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])); $st = reset(explode(".", $stF)); if (logincheck(false) && '1' === $g_arrUser['oldpwd'] && 'preferences' != $st && $GAMEPREFS['must_change_pwd']) { Save_Msg('<b>YOU MUST CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD BEFORE STARTING THE GAME!!', 'red'); Go("preferences.php"); } ?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" /> <title><?php echo $GAMEPREFS['gamename']; ?> </title> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css" /> <script src="general_1_2_6.js"></script> <script src="ajax_1_3_1.js"></script> <script> function TD(o) { var d = $(o).style; d.display = d.display != 'none' ? 'none' : ''; } function R(o) { new Ajax(o.href, {
$nu_h = $nu_h ? $nu_h : 8; $nu_v = ceil($THISUSER['location_city'] / $MAP_WIDTH); $nu_v = $nu_v ? $nu_v : 8; $naar_h = $_GET['city_id'] - floor($_GET['city_id'] / $MAP_WIDTH) * $MAP_WIDTH; $naar_h = $naar_h ? $naar_h : 8; $naar_v = ceil($_GET['city_id'] / $MAP_WIDTH); $naar_v = $naar_v ? $naar_v : 8; $afstand = abs($nu_h - $naar_h) + abs($nu_v - $naar_v); $turns_needed = $_GET['transport'] == "hitch" ? $afstand + 3 : rand($afstand, $afstand + 6); if ($THISUSER['turns'] >= $turns_needed && $THISUSER['location_city'] != $_GET['city_id']) { $lcp = rand(1, 64); // lcp = Location CityPart $nmh = $THISUSER['maphistory'] . ';' . $_GET['city_id'] . ".{$lcp};"; mysql_query("UPDATE {$TABLE['users']} SET location_city='" . $_GET['city_id'] . "', location_citypart='" . $lcp . "', turns=turns-" . $turns_needed . ", gebruikt=gebruikt+" . $turns_needed . ", maphistory='" . $nmh . "' WHERE id='" . $UID . "';") or die(mysql_error()); } Go("thismap.php"); } $title = "Metro Station"; require "inc.header.php"; ?> <br> <b>Metro Station: Citymap</b><br> <br> Where do you want to go..?<br> <br> <br> <form name=transport><select name=transport style='text-align:center;width:<?php echo 20 * $MAP_WIDTH + 2; ?>
if (!stristr("-" . $THISUSER['maphistory'], ";" . $THISUSER['location_city'] . "." . $iid . ";")) { $nmh = $THISUSER['maphistory'] . ";" . $THISUSER['location_city'] . "." . $iid . ";"; mysql_query("UPDATE {$TABLE['users']} SET maphistory='" . $nmh . "' WHERE id='" . $UID . "';"); } Go("?color=green&msg=Je hebt " . $turns_needed . " turns gebruikt. Je bent veilig aangekomen"); } else { if ($c == $iid) { // Je bent hier al: location_city.location_citypart Go("?"); } else { if ($THISUSER['turns'] < $turns_needed) { // Je bent hier al: location_city.location_citypart Go("?color=red&msg=Je hebt niet genoeg turns!"); } else { // Move kan niet Go("?color=red&msg=Je kan deze move niet maken. Je moet naar een zijstraat!"); } } } } $title = "Bus Station"; require "inc.header.php"; ?> <br> <b>Wijk "<?php echo $thismap['name']; ?> "</b><br> <br> Where do you want to go..?<br>
if (isset($_POST['usr'], $_POST['pwd'])) { $qUserCheck = mysql_query("SELECT id, username FROM " . $TABLE['users'] . " WHERE username = '******'usr'] . "' AND password = '******'pwd']) . "';") or die("F: " . mysql_error()); if (1 == mysql_num_rows($qUserCheck)) { $arrUser = mysql_fetch_assoc($qUserCheck); if (!empty($arrUser['activationcode'])) { Go("./?msg=Je account is nog niet geactiveerd."); } $save['login'] = true; $save['uid'] = $arrUser['id']; $save['username'] = $arrUser['username']; $uip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $time = time(); $date = date('d.m.Y H:i:s'); $uid = $save['uid']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO {$TABLE['log']} (uid, ip, time, actie) VALUES ('" . $save['uid'] . "','" . $uip . "','" . time() . "','login')") or die("H: (" . $TABLE[log] . ") " . mysql_error()); // mysql_query("UPDATE $TABLE[users] SET lastlogin = '******' WHERE id = '$uid'") or die("I: ".mysql_error()); $_SESSION['gangwars'] = $save; Go("index.php"); exit; } else { $vusr = $usr; $vip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $time = time(); $date = date('d.m.Y H:i:s'); mysql_query("INSERT INTO {$TABLE['log']} (uid,ip,time,actie) VALUES (null,'{$vip}','{$time}','login-failed')") or die("G: " . mysql_error()); SetCookie("logininfo", FALSE, time() + 1); Go("./?msg=FOUTTT"); exit; } exit; }
<?php require_once 'inc.config.php'; $ADMINPWD1 = "8007db9d948c88b6495a56fbe91b560f"; $ADMINPWD2 = "e3c2f9720cfc394a8975a1c87f3d949f"; if (!isset($_SESSION[$sessionname . '_ADMIN']) || md5($_SESSION[$sessionname . '_ADMIN']) != $ADMINPWD1 && md5($_SESSION[$sessionname . '_ADMIN']) != $ADMINPWD1) { Go('comp.php'); } if (isset($_GET['gethostbyaddr'])) { exit(gethostbyaddr($_GET['gethostbyaddr'])); } ?> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $GAMENAME; ?> </title> <style> body, table { margin : 0; cursor:default; overflow:auto; font-family:verdana; font-size:11px; color:#000000; } input, select { font-family:verdana; font-size:11px;
<?php require_once 'inc.config.php'; logincheck(); if (!empty($_POST['message']) && (!empty($_POST['parent_thread_id']) || !empty($_POST['title']))) { $arrInsert = array('parent_thread_id' => !empty($_POST['parent_thread_id']) ? (int) $_POST['parent_thread_id'] : null, 'galaxy_id' => $g_arrUser['galaxy_id'], 'utc_time' => time(), 'title' => !empty($_POST['title']) ? trim($_POST['title']) : null, 'message' => $_POST['message'], 'creator_planet_id' => PLANET_ID); if (!db_insert('politics', $arrInsert)) { Save_Msg('Could not save topic!', 'red'); } $iThreadId = !empty($_POST['parent_thread_id']) ? $_POST['parent_thread_id'] : db_insert_id(); Go('?id=' . (int) $iThreadId); } /*else if ( isset($_GET['delete_id']) && $g_arrUser['moc_planet_id'] === PLANET_ID ) { $q = db_query("SELECT threadid FROM $TABLE[politics] WHERE id='".$_GET['tid']."' AND deleted='0';"); if (!mysql_num_rows($q)) { Save_Msg("This message does not exist!"); Go(); } if (mysql_result($q,0,'threadid')>0) { // Bericht is een antwoord, geen Thread (OF bestaat niet) db_query("UPDATE $TABLE[politics] SET deleted='1' WHERE id='".$_GET['tid']."';"); Go("?id=".mysql_result($q,0,'threadid')); } else { // Bericht is Thread, dus alle antwoorden ook weggooien! db_query("UPDATE $TABLE[politics] SET deleted='1' WHERE (id='".$_GET['tid']."' OR threadid='".$_GET['tid']."');");
?> </font><br> <br> <b style='font-size:30px;'>NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS</b><br> <br> <form name=new_email method=post><input type=hidden name=action value=new_email> Old E-mail<br> <input type=text name=old_email value="" style='width:200px;'><br> <br> New E-mail<br> <input type=text name=new_email value="<?php echo isset($_GET['new_email']) ? $_GET['new_email'] : ""; ?> " style='width:200px;'><br> <br> Password<br> <input type=password name=pwd value="" style='width:200px;'><br> <br> Activation Code<br> <input type=text name=new_email_code value="<?php echo isset($_GET['new_email_code']) ? $_GET['new_email_code'] : ""; ?> " style='width:200px;'><br><br> <br> <br> <input type=submit value="Activate"></form> <?php } else { Go("index.php"); } }
<? include("config.php"); Check_Login(); if ($THISUSER[accepted]) Go("./"); $title="Make Money"; include("header.php"); ?> <br> <b>Make Money</b><br> <br> <? include("footer.php");
function Halt($log, $level = 'Error', $type = 3, $savePath = null) { if (is_array($log)) { Log::write($log['message'], $level, $type, $savePath); } else { Log::write($log, $level, $type, $savePath); } $error = array(); if (APP_DEBUG) { if (is_array($log)) { $error = $log; } else { $trace = debug_backtrace(); $error['message'] = $log; $error['file'] = $trace[0]['file']; $error['line'] = $trace[0]['line']; $error['function'] = isset($trace[0]['function']) ? $trace[0]['function'] : ''; $error['class'] = isset($trace[0]['class']) ? $trace[0]['class'] : ''; ob_start(); debug_print_backtrace(); $error['trace'] = htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()); } } else { if ($url = C('WEB_ERROR_URL')) { Go($url); } else { $error['message'] = C('WEB_ERROR_MESSAGE'); } } $haltPath = C('TPL_FILE_PATH') . '/' . C('HATL_TPL_FILE_NAME'); file_exists($haltPath) and (include $haltPath); exit; }
} if (!preg_match("/(?i)^([a-z0-9._-])+@([a-z0-9.-])+\\.([a-z0-9]){2,4}\$/", $eml)) { Go("?msg=Je <b>emailadres</b> is niet juist!&usr={$usr}"); } $activationcode = Create_Password(14); $l1 = rand(1, $MAX_SECTORS); $l2 = rand(1, $MAX_SECTORS); mysql_query("INSERT INTO {$TABLE['users']} (username,password,email,activationcode,charachter,charachtername,turns,location_city,location_citypart) VALUES ('{$usr}','{$pwd}','{$eml}', '{$activationcode}', '{$_POST['charachter']}', '{$_POST['charachtername']}', '{$TICKS_START}','{$l1}','{$l2}')") or die(mysql_error()); $mailtje = File_To_String("include/mailtje.txt"); $mailtje = str_replace("[username]", $usr, $mailtje); $mailtje = str_replace("[password]", $_POST[password], $mailtje); $mailtje = str_replace("[code]", $activationcode, $mailtje); $url = "http://" . $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST] . $_SERVER[PHP_SELF] . "?mode=activation&code={$activationcode}&username={$usr}"; $mailtje = str_replace("[url]", $url, $mailtje); @mail($eml, "Nieuwe account voor GangWars - Informatie", $mailtje, "From: Vibage.com GANGWARS REGISTRATIE<*****@*****.**>\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"); Go("./?msg=Je hebt jezelf succesvol aangemeld. Er is een e-mail verstuurd met activatiedata."); } $title = "Aanmelden"; include "header.php"; ?> <br> Aanmelden<br> <br> <br> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=250> <form name=aanmelden method=post action=aanmelden.php><input type=hidden name=check value=1> <tr><td><center> Gebruikersnaam:<br>
echo "<body style='overflow:auto;' leftmargin=1 rightmargin=1 topmargin=1 bottommargin=1 bgcolor=#dddddd>"; echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width=100%>"; $chat = mysql_query("SELECT *,u.charachtername AS name FROM $TABLE[chat] c LEFT JOIN $TABLE[users] u ON (u.id=c.uid) ORDER BY time,u.id LIMIT $vanaf,50") or die(mysql_error()); while ($rc = mysql_fetch_assoc($chat)) { echo "<tr ".(($UID==$rc[uid])?"bgcolor=#bbbbbb":"")."><td style='border-bottom:solid 1 white;'>$rc[name]: $rc[bericht]</td></tr>"; } die("</table><a name=onder> </a>"); } if ($_POST[check] == 1) { $time = time(); if (strlen($_POST[bericht])>1) mysql_query("INSERT INTO $TABLE[chat] (uid,bericht,time) VALUES ('$UID','$bericht','$time')"); Go("?"); } $title="Chatbox"; include("header.php"); ?> <br> <b>Chatbox</b><br> <br> <iframe src="pre_chatbox.php?mode=chat" style='width:95%;height:350;'></iframe> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=95%><tr valign=middle><form method=post><input type=hidden name=check value=1><td width=90%> <input type=text name=bericht autocomplete=off></td><td width=10%><input type=submit value="Talk" accesskey=s>
<?php require_once 'inc.config.php'; if (logincheck(false)) { Go('./'); } if (!$GAMEPREFS['general_signup'] && !$_SESSION[$sessionname . '_ADMIN']) { $tickerstatus = $GAMEPREFS['ticker_on'] ? "ON" : "OFF"; $loginstatus = $GAMEPREFS['general_login'] ? "" : "NOT"; Save_Msg("<b>Signup is closed for the moment.</b><br>Ticker is <b>{$tickerstatus}</b>!<br>To login is <b>{$loginstatus} possible</b>!", "red"); Go("?changepage=index"); } if (isset($_POST['email'], $_POST['rulername'], $_POST['planetname'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['password2'], $_POST['race_id'])) { if (4 > strlen($_POST['rulername'])) { exit('Rulername too short!'); } else { if (4 > strlen($_POST['planetname'])) { exit('Planetname too short!'); } else { if (md5($_POST['password']) !== md5($_POST['password2'])) { exit('Passwords don\'t match!'); } else { if (db_count('planets', "rulername = '" . addslashes($_POST['rulername']) . "'")) { exit('Rulername taken!'); } else { if (db_count('planets', "planetname = '" . addslashes($_POST['planetname']) . "'")) { exit('Planetname taken!'); } else { if (db_count('planets', "email = '" . addslashes($_POST['email']) . "'")) { exit('E-mail address taken!'); } else {