echo '<FORM METHOD="post" NAME="PacketForm" id="PacketForm" ACTION="base_stat_sensor.php">'; if ($qs->num_result_rows > 0) { $qro->PrintHeader(); } $i = 0; $sensorips = GetSensorSidsNames($db); $report_data = array(); // data to fill report_data if (is_array($_SESSION["server"]) && $_SESSION["server"][0] != "") { $_conn = $dbo->custom_connect($_SESSION["server"][0], $_SESSION["server"][2], $_SESSION["server"][3]); } else { $_conn = $dbo->connect(); } while (($myrow = $result->baseFetchRow()) && $i < $qs->GetDisplayRowCnt()) { $device_id = $myrow['device_id']; list($myrow['name'], $myrow['sensor_ip']) = explode(' - ', GetSensorName($myrow['sensor_id'], $db, true)); $sensor_ip = $myrow['name'] == 'N/A' ? 'N/A' : $myrow['sensor_ip']; $device_ip = $myrow['device_ip'] != '' ? $myrow['device_ip'] . ($myrow['interface'] != '' ? ':' . $myrow['interface'] : '') : '-'; $sname = $myrow['name']; $event_cnt = $myrow['event_cnt']; $unique_event_cnt = $myrow['sig_cnt'] != "" ? $myrow['sig_cnt'] : "-"; $num_src_ip = $myrow['saddr_cnt'] != "" ? $myrow['saddr_cnt'] : "-"; $num_dst_ip = $myrow['daddr_cnt'] != "" ? $myrow['daddr_cnt'] : "-"; $_country_aux = $geoloc->get_country_by_host($conn, $sensor_ip); $country = strtolower($_country_aux[0]); $country_name = $_country_aux[1]; $homelan = ""; if ($country) { $country_img = " <img src=\"/ossim/pixmaps/flags/" . $country . ".png\" alt=\"{$country_name}\" title=\"{$country_name}\">"; $slnk = $current_url . "/pixmaps/flags/" . $country . ".png"; } else {
// data to fill report_data if (is_array($_SESSION["server"]) && $_SESSION["server"][0] != "") { $_conn = $dbo->custom_connect($_SESSION["server"][0], $_SESSION["server"][2], $_SESSION["server"][3]); } else { $_conn = $dbo->connect(); } while (($myrow = $result->baseFetchRow()) && $i < $qs->GetDisplayRowCnt()) { $ctx = $myrow["ctx"]; $product_type = GetSourceType($myrow["product_type"], $db); $total_occurances = $myrow["events"]; $urlp = "base_qry_main.php?new=1&submit=" . gettext("Query DB") . "&sourcetype=" . urlencode($myrow["product_type"]); //$urlp = "base_stat_ptypes.php?sort=occur_d&sourcetype=".urlencode($myrow["product_type"]); qroPrintEntryHeader($i); qroPrintEntry('  <a href="' . $urlp . '">' . $product_type . '</a>', 'left', "", "nowrap"); qroPrintEntry(' <a href="' . $urlp . '">' . Util::number_format_locale($total_occurances, 0) . '</a>', "center", "", ""); qroPrintEntry(Session::show_entities() && !empty($entities[$ctx]) ? $entities[$ctx] : (Session::show_entities() ? _("Unknown") : GetSensorName($ctx, $db)), "center", "", ""); qroPrintEntry(" <A class='usig' id='sg" . $myrow["product_type"] . "-{$ctx}' HREF='{$urlp}'>-</a>", "left", "", ""); qroPrintEntry("<div id='ts" . $myrow["product_type"] . "-{$ctx}'>-</div>", "center", "", "nowrap"); qroPrintEntryFooter(); $i++; $prev_time = null; } $result->baseFreeRows(); $dbo->close($_conn); $qro->PrintFooter(); $qs->PrintBrowseButtons(); $qs->PrintAlertActionButtons(); $qs->SaveState(); echo "\n</FORM>\n"; PrintBASESubFooter(); if ($debug_time_mode >= 1) {
if ($addr_type == 1) { if ($no_ip) { $url_criteria = BuildSrcIPFormVars(NULL_IP); } else { $url_criteria = BuildSrcIPFormVars($currentIP); } } else { if ($addr_type == 2) { if ($no_ip) { $url_criteria = BuildDstIpFormVars(NULL_IP); } else { $url_criteria = BuildDstIPFormVars($currentIP); } } } $sens = Session::show_entities() && !empty($entities[$ctx]) ? $entities[$ctx] : (Session::show_entities() ? _("Unknown") : GetSensorName($ctx, $db)); qroPrintEntry($sens, "center", "middle"); qroPrintEntry('<A HREF="' . $tmp_iplookup . $url_criteria . '">' . Util::number_format_locale($num_events, 0) . '</A>', "center", "middle"); qroPrintEntry('<A HREF="' . $tmp_iplookup2 . $url_criteria . '">' . Util::number_format_locale($num_sig, 0) . '</A>', "center", "middle"); qroPrintEntry(Util::number_format_locale($num_ip, 0), "center", "middle"); if (file_exists("../kml/GoogleEarth.php") && $currentIP != "" && $currentIP != "::") { qroPrintEntry("<a href='' onclick='\"../kml/TourConfig.php?type={$addr_type_name}&ip={$currentIP}\",\"IP {$currentIP} " . ($addr_type == 2 ? _("sources") : _("destinations")) . " - Goggle Earth API\",\"width=1024,height=700,scrollbars=NO,toolbar=1\");return false'><img align='absmiddle' title='" . _("Geolocation Tour") . "' src='../pixmaps/google_earth_icon.png' border='0'></a> <a href='' onclick='\"../kml/IPGoogleMap.php?type={$addr_type_name}&ip={$currentIP}\",\"IP {$currentIP} " . ($addr_type == 2 ? _("sources") : _("destinations")) . " - Goggle Maps API\",\"width=1024,height=700,scrollbars=NO,toolbar=1\");return false'><img title='" . _("Geolocation Map") . "' align='absmiddle' src='../pixmaps/google_maps_icon.png' border='0'></a>"); } else { qroPrintEntry(''); } qroPrintEntryFooter(); ++$i; // report_data $report_data[] = array($currentIP, '', $num_sig, $num_ip, "", "", "", "", "", "", $sens, intval($_GET['addr_type']), 0, $num_events, $country_img); } $result->baseFreeRows();
function Description() { $tmp = ""; //if ($this->criteria != " " && $this->criteria != "") $tmp = $tmp . gettext("Sensor") . ' = [' . Util::htmlentities($this->criteria, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8") . '] (' . GetSensorName($this->criteria, $this->db) .')'. $this->cs->GetClearCriteriaString($this->export_name) . '<BR>'; if ($this->criteria != " " && $this->criteria != "") { $tmp = $tmp . gettext("Sensor") . ' = (' . GetSensorName($this->criteria, $this->db) . ')' . $this->cs->GetClearCriteriaString($this->export_name) . '<BR>'; } return $tmp; }
} // SENSOR Filter mysql layer (not implemented) //$query = "SELECT DISTINCT ac_sensor_sid.sid, sum(ac_sensor_sid.cid) as event_cnt, (select count(distinct plugin_id, plugin_sid) from ac_sensor_signature where ac_sensor_signature.sid=ac_sensor_sid.sid and as sig_cnt, (select count(distinct(ip_src)) from ac_sensor_ipsrc where ac_sensor_sid.sid=ac_sensor_ipsrc.sid and as saddr_cnt, (select count(distinct(ip_dst)) from ac_sensor_ipdst where ac_sensor_sid.sid=ac_sensor_ipdst.sid and as daddr_cnt, min(ac_sensor_sid.first_timestamp) as first_timestamp, max(ac_sensor_sid.last_timestamp) as last_timestamp FROM ac_sensor_sid FORCE INDEX(primary) GROUP BY ac_sensor_sid.sid ORDER BY event_cnt DESC LIMIT 10"; $query = "SELECT DISTINCT sid, sum(cid) as event_cnt FROM ac_sensor_sid GROUP BY sid ORDER BY event_cnt DESC"; } else { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT sid, sum(cid) as event_cnt FROM ac_sensor_sid GROUP BY sid ORDER BY event_cnt DESC"; } if (!($rs =& $conn->Execute($query))) { print $conn->ErrorMsg(); exit; } $s = 0; $data = array(); while (!$rs->EOF) { // SENSOR Filter PHP layer $sensor_plugin = explode("-", GetSensorName($rs->fields["sid"], $conn), 2); if ($s < 20 && (Session::allowedSensors() == "" || $sensorkeys[$sensor_plugin[0]] > 0)) { $plugin = $sensor_plugin[1] != "" ? preg_replace("/:.*/", "", $sensor_plugin[1]) : "snort"; if ($plugin == "") { $plugin = "snort"; } $plugin = preg_replace("/ossec-.*/", "ossec", $plugin); $sensor_plugin[0] = preg_replace("/:.*/", "", $sensor_plugin[0]); $sensor = $sensors[$sensor_plugin[0]] != "" ? $sensors[$sensor_plugin[0]] : $sensor_plugin[0]; $data[$sensor][$plugin] += $rs->fields["event_cnt"]; $s++; } $rs->MoveNext(); } $header = $events = array(); $header[] = "";
$srcud[] = Util::htmlentities($idm_u . $idm_d); } else { $dstud[] = Util::htmlentities($idm_u . $idm_d); } } } $myrow["src_userdomain"] = implode(", ", $srcud); $myrow["dst_userdomain"] = implode(", ", $dstud); $rs_id->baseFreeRows(); $myrow["src_mac"] = formatMAC($myrow["src_mac"]); $myrow["dst_mac"] = formatMAC($myrow["dst_mac"]); // // SID, CID, PLUGIN_* $cell_data['ID'] = $eid; $cell_align['ID'] = "center"; $sensor_name = GetSensorName($myrow["device_id"], $db); if ($sensor_name == 'Unknown' || $sensor_name == 'N/A') { $sensor_msg = _("Directive events are generated in servers, not in sensors"); $cell_data['SENSOR'] = '<A class="trlnk" alt="' . $sensor_msg . '" title="' . $sensor_msg . '" HREF="#">' . _("N/A") . '</A>'; $cell_pdfdata['SENSOR'] = _("N/A"); } else { $sensor_msg = $sensorips[$myrow["device_id"]]; $s_url = Menu::get_menu_url("base_qry_main.php?new=2&num_result_rows=-1&submit=Query+DB¤t_view=-1&sensor=" . $myrow["device_id"], 'analysis', 'security_events', 'security_events'); $cell_data['SENSOR'] = '<a class="trlnk" alt="' . Util::htmlentities($sensor_msg) . '" title="' . Util::htmlentities($sensor_msg) . '" href="' . $s_url . '">' . Util::htmlentities($sensor_name) . '</a>'; $cell_pdfdata['SENSOR'] = Util::htmlentities($sensor_name); } $cell_align['SENSOR'] = "center"; $e_url = Menu::get_menu_url("base_qry_main.php?new=2&num_result_rows=-1&submit=Query+DB¤t_view=-1&ctx={$ctx}", 'analysis', 'security_events', 'security_events'); $cell_data['ENTITY'] = '<a class="trlnk" href="' . $e_url . '">' . Util::htmlentities(!empty($entities[$ctx]) ? $entities[$ctx] : _("Unknown")) . '</a>'; $cell_align['ENTITY'] = "center"; $cell_data['ENTITY'] = Util::htmlentities(!empty($entities[$ctx]) ? $entities[$ctx] : _("Unknown"));