function _makeNextSchool($value, $column) { global $THIS_RET, $_CENTRE; if ($value == '0') { return 'Retain'; } elseif ($value == '-1') { return 'Do not enroll after this school year'; } elseif ($value == $THIS_RET['SCHOOL_ID']) { return 'Next Grade at ' . GetSchool($value); } else { return GetSchool($value); } }
# See license.txt. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; if (clean_param($_REQUEST['modfunc'], PARAM_ALPHAMOD) == 'print') { echo '<style type="text/css">.print_wrapper{font-family:arial;font-size:12px;}.print_wrapper table table{border-right:1px solid #666;border-bottom:1px solid #666;}.print_wrapper table td{font-size:12px;}</style>'; echo "<table width=100% style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; echo "<tr><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:10px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">" . _('List of Events') . "</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:10px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />" . _('Powered by openSIS') . "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; echo "<div class=print_wrapper>"; ListOutputFloat($_SESSION['events_RET'], array('SCHOOL_DATE' => _('Date'), 'TITLE' => _('Event'), 'DESCRIPTION' => _('Description')), _('Event'), _('Events'), '', '', array('search' => false, 'count' => false)); echo "</div>"; #ListOutput($_SESSION['events_RET'],array('SCHOOL_DATE'=>'Date','TITLE'=>'Event','DESCRIPTION'=>'Description'),'Event','Events'); } if (!$_REQUEST['month']) { $_REQUEST['month'] = date("n"); } else { $_REQUEST['month'] = MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month'], 'tonum') * 1; } if (!$_REQUEST['year']) { $_REQUEST['year'] = date("Y"); } $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['month'], 1, $_REQUEST['year']); DrawBC("" . _('School Setup') . ">> " . ProgramTitle());
(select CONCAT(LAST_NAME,' ',FIRST_NAME,' ',MIDDLE_NAME,' ') from staff where staff_id=course_periods.teacher_id) as teacher, room as location,days,course_period_id,course_id from course_periods where school_id='".UserSchool()."' and syear='".UserSyear()."' ".$where." order by subject,COURSE_TITLE"; $ret = DBGet(DBQuery($sql)); * */ $sql_subject = 'SELECT SUBJECT_ID,TITLE FROM course_subjects WHERE SCHOOL_ID=' . UserSchool() . ' AND SYEAR= ' . UserSyear(); $sql_subject_ret = DBGet(DBQuery($sql_subject)); if (count($sql_subject_ret)) { foreach ($sql_subject_ret as $subject) { echo "<table width=100% style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; echo "<tr><td width=105>" . DrawLogo() . "</td><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">All Courses</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />Powered by openSIS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; echo '<table border="0" width="100%" align="center"><tr><td><font face=verdana size=-1><b>' . $subject['TITLE'] . '</b></font></td></tr><tr>'; $sql_course = 'SELECT COURSE_ID,TITLE FROM courses WHERE SCHOOL_ID=' . UserSchool() . ' AND SYEAR= ' . UserSyear() . ' AND SUBJECT_ID=' . $subject['SUBJECT_ID']; $sql_course_ret = DBGet(DBQuery($sql_course)); foreach ($sql_course_ret as $course) { echo '<table border="0"><tr><td style=padding-left:40px;><font face=verdana size=-1><b>' . $course['TITLE'] . '</b></font></td></tr></table>'; $sql_course_period = 'SELECT TITLE FROM course_periods WHERE SCHOOL_ID=' . UserSchool() . ' AND SYEAR= ' . UserSyear() . ' AND COURSE_ID=' . $course['COURSE_ID']; $sql_course_period_ret = DBGet(DBQuery($sql_course_period)); foreach ($sql_course_period_ret as $course_period) { echo '<table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td style=padding-left:80px;><font face=verdana size=-1><b>' . $course_period['TITLE'] . '</b></font></td></tr></table>'; } } echo '</tr><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top" align="right">'; echo '</td></tr></table>';
$RET = GetStuList($extra); if (count($RET)) { include 'modules/Students/includes/functions.php'; //------------Comment Heading ----------------------------------------------------- //$categories_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT ID,TITLE,INCLUDE FROM STUDENT_FIELD_CATEGORIES ORDER BY SORT_ORDER,TITLE"),array(),array('ID')); // get the address and contacts custom fields, create the select lists and expand select and codeds options $address_categories_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT c.ID AS CATEGORY_ID,c.TITLE AS CATEGORY_TITLE,c.RESIDENCE,c.MAILING,c.BUS,f.ID,f.TITLE,f.TYPE,f.SELECT_OPTIONS,f.DEFAULT_SELECTION,f.REQUIRED FROM ADDRESS_FIELD_CATEGORIES c,ADDRESS_FIELDS f WHERE f.CATEGORY_ID=c.ID ORDER BY c.SORT_ORDER,c.TITLE,f.SORT_ORDER,f.TITLE"), array(), array('CATEGORY_ID')); $people_categories_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT c.ID AS CATEGORY_ID,c.TITLE AS CATEGORY_TITLE,c.CUSTODY,c.EMERGENCY,f.ID,f.TITLE,f.TYPE,f.SELECT_OPTIONS,f.DEFAULT_SELECTION,f.REQUIRED FROM PEOPLE_FIELD_CATEGORIES c,PEOPLE_FIELDS f WHERE f.CATEGORY_ID=c.ID ORDER BY c.SORT_ORDER,c.TITLE,f.SORT_ORDER,f.TITLE"), array(), array('CATEGORY_ID')); explodeCustom($address_categories_RET, $address_custom, 'a'); explodeCustom($people_categories_RET, $people_custom, 'p'); unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); $handle = PDFStart(); foreach ($RET as $student) { $_SESSION['student_id'] = $student['STUDENT_ID']; echo "<table width=100% style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; echo "<tr><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Student Information Report</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />Powered by openSIS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; echo "<table cellspacing=0 border=\"0\" style=\"border-collapse:collapse\">"; echo "<tr><td colspan=3 style=\"height:18px\"></td></tr>"; if ($StudentPicturesPath && (($file = @fopen($picture_path = $StudentPicturesPath . UserSyear() . '/' . UserStudentID() . '.JPG', 'r')) || ($file = @fopen($picture_path = $StudentPicturesPath . (UserSyear() - 1) . '/' . UserStudentID() . '.JPG', 'r')))) { echo '<tr><td width=300><IMG SRC="' . $picture_path . '?id=' . rand(6, 100000) . '" width=150 style="padding:4px; background-color:#fff; border:1px solid #333" ></td><td width=12px></td>'; } else { echo '<tr><td width=300><IMG SRC="assets/noimage.jpg?id=' . rand(6, 100000) . '" width=144 style="padding:4px; background-color:#fff; border:1px solid #333"></td><td width=12px></td>'; } fclose($file); #$sql=DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.CUSTOM_200000000 AS GENDER, s.CUSTOM_200000001 AS ETHNICITY, s.CUSTOM_200000002 AS COMMON_NAME, s.CUSTOM_200000003 AS SOCIAL_SEC_NO, s.CUSTOM_200000004 AS BIRTHDAY, s.CUSTOM_200000005 AS LANGUAGE, s.CUSTOM_200000006 AS PHYSICIAN_NAME, s.CUSTOM_200000007 AS PHYSICIAN_PHONO,s.custom_200000008 AS HOSPITAL,se.START_DATE AS START_DATE,sec.TITLE AS STATUS, se.NEXT_SCHOOL AS ROLLING FROM STUDENTS s, STUDENT_ENROLLMENT se,STUDENT_ENROLLMENT_CODES sec WHERE s.STUDENT_ID='".$_SESSION['student_id']."' AND s.STUDENT_ID=se.STUDENT_ID AND se.SYEAR=sec.SYEAR")); # ---------------- Sql Including Comment ------------------------------- # #$sql=DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.CUSTOM_200000000 AS GENDER, s.CUSTOM_200000001 AS ETHNICITY, s.CUSTOM_200000002 AS COMMON_NAME, s.CUSTOM_200000003 AS SOCIAL_SEC_NO, s.CUSTOM_200000004 AS BIRTHDAY, s.CUSTOM_200000005 AS LANGUAGE, s.CUSTOM_200000006 AS PHYSICIAN_NAME, s.CUSTOM_200000007 AS PHYSICIAN_PHONO,s.custom_200000008 AS HOSPITAL,se.START_DATE AS START_DATE,sec.TITLE AS STATUS, se.NEXT_SCHOOL AS ROLLING, smc.comment AS COMMENT FROM STUDENTS s, STUDENT_ENROLLMENT se,STUDENT_ENROLLMENT_CODES sec, STUDENT_MP_COMMENTS smc WHERE s.STUDENT_ID='".$_SESSION['student_id']."' AND s.STUDENT_ID=se.STUDENT_ID AND s.STUDENT_ID=smc.STUDENT_ID AND se.SYEAR=sec.SYEAR")); #$sql=DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.CUSTOM_200000000 AS GENDER, s.CUSTOM_200000001 AS ETHNICITY, s.CUSTOM_200000002 AS COMMON_NAME, s.CUSTOM_200000003 AS SOCIAL_SEC_NO, s.CUSTOM_200000004 AS BIRTHDAY, s.CUSTOM_200000005 AS LANGUAGE, s.CUSTOM_200000006 AS PHYSICIAN_NAME, s.CUSTOM_200000007 AS PHYSICIAN_PHONO,s.custom_200000008 AS HOSPITAL,s.custom_200000009 AS MCOMNT,s.custom_200000011 AS DNOTE,se.START_DATE AS START_DATE,sec.TITLE AS STATUS, se.NEXT_SCHOOL AS ROLLING, smc.comment AS COMMENT FROM STUDENTS s, STUDENT_ENROLLMENT se,STUDENT_ENROLLMENT_CODES sec, STUDENT_MP_COMMENTS smc WHERE s.STUDENT_ID='".$_SESSION['student_id']."' AND s.STUDENT_ID=se.STUDENT_ID AND s.STUDENT_ID=smc.STUDENT_ID AND se.SYEAR=sec.SYEAR")); $sql = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.gender AS GENDER, s.ethnicity AS ETHNICITY, s.common_name AS COMMON_NAME, s.social_security AS SOCIAL_SEC_NO, s.birthdate AS BIRTHDAY, AS EMAIL, AS PHONE, s.language AS LANGUAGE, s.physician AS PHYSICIAN_NAME, s.physician_phone AS PHYSICIAN_PHONO,s.preferred_hospital AS HOSPITAL,se.START_DATE AS START_DATE,sec.TITLE AS STATUS, se.NEXT_SCHOOL AS ROLLING FROM STUDENTS s, STUDENT_ENROLLMENT se,STUDENT_ENROLLMENT_CODES sec WHERE s.STUDENT_ID='" . $_SESSION['student_id'] . "' AND s.STUDENT_ID=se.STUDENT_ID AND se.SYEAR=sec.SYEAR")); $sql = $sql[1]; $medical_note = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT doctors_note_date AS MCOMNT,doctors_note_comments AS DNOTE FROM STUDENT_MEDICAL_NOTES WHERE STUDENT_ID='" . $_SESSION['student_id'] . "' "));
function PrintCatalog($result, $column_names, $singular = '', $plural = '', $link = false, $group = false, $options = false) { if (!isset($options['save'])) { $options['save'] = true; } if (!isset($options['print'])) { $options['print'] = true; } if (!isset($options['search'])) { $options['search'] = true; } if (!isset($options['center'])) { $options['center'] = true; } if (!isset($options['count'])) { $options['count'] = true; } if (!isset($options['sort'])) { $options['sort'] = true; } if (!$link) { $link = array(); } if (!isset($options['add'])) { if (!AllowEdit() || $_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) { if ($link) { unset($link['add']); unset($link['remove']); } } } // PREPARE LINKS --- $result_count = $display_count = count($result); $num_displayed = 100000; $extra = "page={$_REQUEST['page']}&LO_sort={$_REQUEST['LO_sort']}&LO_direction={$_REQUEST['LO_direction']}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']); $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['page']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['LO_sort']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['LO_direction']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['LO_search']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['remove_prompt']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['remove_name']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['LO_save']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['PHPSESSID']); #$PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST); $PHP_tmp_SELF = str_replace('>', '', PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST)); // END PREPARE LINKS --- // UN-GROUPING $group_count = count($group); if (!is_array($group)) { $group_count = false; } //$side_color = Preferences('COLOR'); $side_color = 'bgcolor="#f5f5f5"'; if ($group_count && $result_count) { $color = 'style=" background-color:#fff; padding:3px 4px 3px 4px;"'; $group_result = $result; unset($result); $result[0] = ''; foreach ($group_result as $item1) { if ($group_count == 1) { if ($color == 'bgcolor="#f5f5f5"') { $color = $side_color; } else { $color = 'bgcolor="#f5f5f5"'; } } foreach ($item1 as $item2) { if ($group_count == 1) { $i++; if (count($group[0]) && $i != 1) { foreach ($group[0] as $column) { $item2[$column] = str_replace('<!-- <!--', '<!--', '<!-- ' . str_replace('-->', '--><!--', $item2[$column])) . ' -->'; } } $item2['row_color'] = $color; $result[] = $item2; } else { if ($group_count == 2) { if ($color == 'bgcolor="#ffffff"') { $color = $side_color; } else { $color = 'bgcolor="#ffffff"'; } } foreach ($item2 as $item3) { if ($group_count == 2) { $i++; if (count($group[0]) && $i != 1) { foreach ($group[0] as $column) { $item3[$column] = '<!-- ' . $item3[$column] . ' -->'; } } if (count($group[1]) && $i != 1) { foreach ($group[1] as $column) { $item3[$column] = '<!-- ' . $item3[$column] . ' -->'; } } $item3['row_color'] = $color; $result[] = $item3; } else { if ($group_count == 3) { if ($color == 'bgcolor="#ffffff"') { $color = $side_color; } else { $color = 'bgcolor="#ffffff"'; } } foreach ($item3 as $item4) { if ($group_count == 3) { $i++; if (count($group[2]) && $i != 1) { foreach ($group[2] as $column) { unset($item4[$column]); } } $item4['row_color'] = $color; $result[] = $item4; } } } } } } $i = 0; } unset($result[0]); $result_count = count($result); unset($_REQUEST['LO_sort']); } // END UN-GROUPING $_LIST['output'] = true; // PRINT HEADINGS, PREPARE PDF, AND SORT THE LIST --- if ($_LIST['output'] != false) { if ($result_count != 0) { $count = 0; $remove = count($link['remove']['variables']); $cols = count($column_names); // HANDLE SEARCHES --- if ($result_count && $_REQUEST['LO_search'] && $_REQUEST['LO_search'] != 'Search') { $_REQUEST['LO_search'] = $search_term = str_replace('\\\\"', '"', $_REQUEST['LO_search']); $_REQUEST['LO_search'] = $search_term = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9 _"]*', '', strtolower($search_term)); if (substr($search_term, 0, 0) != '"' && substr($search_term, -1) != '"') { $search_term = ereg_replace('"', '', $search_term); while ($space_pos = strpos($search_term, ' ')) { $terms[strtolower(substr($search_term, 0, $space_pos))] = 1; $search_term = substr($search_term, $space_pos + 1); } $terms[trim($search_term)] = 1; } else { $search_term = ereg_replace('"', '', $search_term); $terms[trim($search_term)] = 1; } unset($terms['of']); unset($terms['the']); unset($terms['a']); unset($terms['an']); unset($terms['in']); foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $values[$key] = 0; foreach ($value as $name => $val) { $val = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9 _]+', '', strtolower($val)); if (strtolower($_REQUEST['LO_search']) == $val) { $values[$key] += 25; } foreach ($terms as $term => $one) { if (ereg($term, $val)) { $values[$key] += 3; } } } if ($values[$key] == 0) { unset($values[$key]); unset($result[$key]); $result_count--; $display_count--; } } if ($result_count) { array_multisort($values, SORT_DESC, $result); $result = ReindexResults($result); $values = ReindexResults($values); $last_value = 1; $scale = 100 / $values[$last_value]; for ($i = $last_value; $i <= $result_count; $i++) { $result[$i]['RELEVANCE'] = '<!--' . (int) ($values[$i] * $scale) . '--><IMG SRC="assets/pixel_grey.gif" width=' . (int) ($values[$i] * $scale) . ' height=10>'; } } $column_names['RELEVANCE'] = "Relevance"; if (is_array($group) && count($group)) { $options['count'] == false; $display_zero = true; } } // END SEARCHES --- if ($_REQUEST['LO_sort']) { foreach ($result as $sort) { if (substr($sort[$_REQUEST['LO_sort']], 0, 4) != '<!--') { $sort_array[] = $sort[$_REQUEST['LO_sort']]; } else { $sort_array[] = substr($sort[$_REQUEST['LO_sort']], 4, strpos($sort[$_REQUEST['LO_sort']], '-->') - 5); } } if ($_REQUEST['LO_direction'] == -1) { $dir = SORT_DESC; } else { $dir = SORT_ASC; } if ($result_count > 1) { if (is_int($sort_array[1]) || is_double($sort_array[1])) { array_multisort($sort_array, $dir, SORT_NUMERIC, $result); } else { array_multisort($sort_array, $dir, $result); } for ($i = $result_count - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $result[$i + 1] = $result[$i]; } unset($result[0]); } } } // HANDLE SAVING THE LIST --- if ($_REQUEST['LO_save'] == '1') { if (!$options['save_delimiter'] && Preferences('DELIMITER') == 'CSV') { $options['save_delimiter'] = 'comma'; } switch ($options['save_delimiter']) { case 'comma': $extension = 'csv'; break; case 'xml': $extension = 'xml'; break; default: $extension = 'xls'; break; } ob_end_clean(); if ($options['save_delimiter'] != 'xml') { foreach ($column_names as $key => $value) { $output .= str_replace(' ', ' ', eregi_replace('<BR>', ' ', ereg_replace('<!--.*-->', '', $value))) . 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',' : "\t"); } $output .= "\n"; } header("Cache-Control: public"); header("Pragma: "); header("Content-Type: application/{$extension}"); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . ProgramTitle() . 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" "; if (ceil($result_count / $num_displayed) <= 10) { for ($i = 1; $i <= ceil($result_count / $num_displayed); $i++) { if ($i != $_REQUEST['page']) { $pages .= "<A HREF={$PHP_tmp_SELF}&LO_sort={$_REQUEST['LO_sort']}&LO_direction={$_REQUEST['LO_direction']}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']) . "&page={$i}>{$i}</A>, "; } else { $pages .= "{$i}, "; } } $pages = substr($pages, 0, -2) . "<BR>"; } else { for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) { if ($i != $_REQUEST['page']) { $pages .= "<A HREF={$PHP_tmp_SELF}&LO_sort={$_REQUEST['LO_sort']}&LO_direction={$_REQUEST['LO_direction']}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']) . "&page={$i}>{$i}</A>, "; } else { $pages .= "{$i}, "; } } $pages = substr($pages, 0, -2) . " ... 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'><A class=column_heading><b>' . str_replace('controller', '', $value) . '</b></A></TD>'; $i++; } } echo '</TR></TABLE>'; echo '</div>'; } } }
} } } unset($_REQUEST['food_service']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['food_service']); } if ($_REQUEST['submit']['print']) { $events_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT TITLE,DESCRIPTION,to_char(SCHOOL_DATE,'dd-MON-yy') AS SCHOOL_DATE FROM CALENDAR_EVENTS WHERE SCHOOL_DATE BETWEEN '" . date('d-M-y', $time) . "' AND '" . date('d-M-y', $time_last) . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND (TITLE='" . $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE'] . "' OR TITLE='No School')"), array(), array('SCHOOL_DATE')); $skip = date("w", $time); echo '<!-- MEDIA TOP 1in --><P><span class="center">'; echo '<TABLE style="border: solid 2px; background-color: #fff;" class="cellpadding-3">' . "\n"; if ($_REQUEST['_ROSARIO_PDF']) { if (is_file('assets/dailymenu' . UserSchool() . '.jpg')) { echo '<TR class="center"><TD colspan="7"><img src="assets/dailymenu' . UserSchool() . '.jpg"></TD></TR>' . "\n"; } else { echo '<TR class="center"><TD colspan="7"><span style="color:black" class="sizep2"><b>' . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . '</b></span></TD></TR>' . "\n"; } } //modif Francois: display locale with strftime() echo '<TR class="center"><TD colspan="2">' . $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE'] . '</TD><TD colspan="3"><span style="color:black" class="sizep2"><b>' . ProperDate(date('Y.m.d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['month'], 1, $_REQUEST['year']))) . '</b></span></TD><TD colspan="2">' . $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE'] . '</TD></TR>' . "\n"; echo '<TR style="text-align:center; background-color:#808080">' . "\n"; echo '<TD style="width:100px;"><span style="color:white"><b>' . _('Sunday') . '</b></span></TD><TD style="width:100px;"><span style="color:white"><b>' . _('Monday') . '</b></span></TD><TD style="width:100px;"><span style="color:white"><b>' . _("Tuesday") . '</b></span></TD><TD style="width:100px;"><span style="color:white"><b>' . _("Wednesday") . '</b></span></TD><TD style="width:100px;"><span style="color:white"><b>' . _("Thursday") . '</b></span></TD><TD style="width:100px;"><span style="color:white"><b>' . _("Friday") . '</b></span></TD><TD style="width:100px;"><span style="color:white"><b>' . _("Saturday") . '</b></span></TD>' . "\n"; echo '</TR>'; if ($skip) { echo '<TR style="height:100px;"><TD style="background-color:#C0C0C0;" colspan="' . $skip . '"> </TD>' . "\n"; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $last; $i++) { if ($skip % 7 == 0) { echo '<TR style="height:0px;">'; } $day_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['month'], $i, $_REQUEST['year']);
$where = ' AND MARKING_PERIOD_ID=' . $_REQUEST['marking_period_id']; } $sql = 'select distinct (select title from course_subjects where subject_id=(select subject_id from courses where course_id=course_periods.course_id)) as subject, (select title from courses where course_id=course_periods.course_id) as COURSE_TITLE,course_id from course_periods where school_id=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' and syear=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' ' . $where . ' order by subject,COURSE_TITLE'; $ret = DBGet(DBQuery($sql)); if (count($ret)) { foreach ($ret as $s_id) { echo "<table width=100% style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; $mark_name_rp = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'2\' FROM school_quarters WHERE MARKING_PERIOD_ID=\'' . $_REQUEST['marking_period_id'] . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' UNION SELECT TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'1\' FROM school_semesters WHERE MARKING_PERIOD_ID=\'' . $_REQUEST['marking_period_id'] . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' UNION SELECT TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'0\' FROM school_years WHERE MARKING_PERIOD_ID=\'' . $_REQUEST['marking_period_id'] . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' ORDER BY 3')); $mark_name_rpt = $mark_name_rp[1]['TITLE']; if ($mark_name_rpt != '') { echo "<tr><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Course catalog by Term: " . $mark_name_rpt . "</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; } else { echo "<tr><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Course catalog by Term: All</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; } echo '<div align="center">'; echo '<table border="0" width="97%" align="center"><tr><td><font face=verdana size=-1><b>' . $s_id['SUBJECT'] . '</b></font></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td align="right"><table border="0" width="97%"><tr><td><font face=verdana size=-1><b>' . $s_id['COURSE_TITLE'] . '</b></font></td></tr>'; if (!$_REQUEST['marking_period_id']) { $sql_periods = 'SELECT cp.SHORT_NAME,(SELECT TITLE FROM school_periods WHERE period_id=cpv.period_id) AS PERIOD,r.TITLE as ROOM,cpv.DAYS,(SELECT CONCAT(LAST_NAME,\' \',FIRST_NAME,\' \') from staff where staff_id=cp.TEACHER_ID) as TEACHER from course_periods cp,course_period_var cpv,rooms r where cp.course_id=' . $s_id['COURSE_ID'] . ' and cp.syear=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' and cp.course_period_id=cpv.course_period_id and cpv.room_id=r.room_id and cp.school_id=\'' . UserSchool() . '\''; } else { $sql_periods = 'SELECT distinct cp.SHORT_NAME,(select CONCAT(START_TIME,\' - \',END_TIME,\' \') from school_periods where period_id=cpv.period_id) as PERIOD,r.TITLE as ROOM,cpv.DAYS,(select CONCAT(LAST_NAME,\' \',FIRST_NAME,\' \') from staff where staff_id=cp.TEACHER_ID) as TEACHER from course_periods cp,course_period_var cpv,rooms r where cp.course_id=' . $s_id['COURSE_ID'] . ' and cp.syear=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' and cp.course_period_id=cpv.course_period_id and cpv.room_id=r.room_id and cp.school_id=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' and cp.marking_period_id=\'' . $_REQUEST['marking_period_id'] . '\''; } $period_list = DBGet(DBQuery($sql_periods)); ##############################################List Output Generation################################################## $columns = array('SHORT_NAME' => 'Course', 'PERIOD' => 'Time', 'DAYS' => 'Days', 'ROOM' => 'Location', 'TEACHER' => 'Teacher'); echo '<tr><td colspan="2" valign="top" align="right">'; PrintCatalog($period_list, $columns, 'Course', 'Courses', '', '', array('search' => false)); echo '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr>';
$gd['DURATION'] = date("g:i A", strtotime($time[0])) . ' to ' . date("g:i A", strtotime($time[1])); unset($time); $temp_duration[$gd['DURATION']] = $gd['DURATION']; $temp_room[$gd['ROOM']] = $gd['ROOM']; } $RET[$ri][$rdi]['DAYS'] = _makeDays(implode('', $temp_days)); $RET[$ri][$rdi]['DURATION'] = implode(',', $temp_duration); $RET[$ri][$rdi]['ROOM'] = implode(',', $temp_room); } } } if (count($RET)) { $handle = PDFStart(); foreach ($RET as $student_id => $courses) { echo "<table width=100% style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; echo "<tr><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Student Schedules Report</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; unset($_openSIS['DrawHeader']); echo '<br>'; echo '<table border=0>'; echo '<tr><td>Student ID:</td>'; echo '<td>' . $courses[1]['STUDENT_ID'] . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Student Name:</td>'; echo '<td>' . $courses[1]['FULL_NAME'] . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Student Grade:</td>'; echo '<td>' . $courses[1]['GRADE_ID'] . '</td></tr>'; if ($_REQUEST['mailing_labels'] == 'Y') { $mail_address = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT STREET_ADDRESS_1,STREET_ADDRESS_2,CITY,STATE,ZIPCODE FROM student_address WHERE TYPE=\'Mail\' AND STUDENT_ID=' . $courses[1]['STUDENT_ID'])); $mail_address = $mail_address[1]['STREET_ADDRESS_1'] . ($mail_address[1]['STREET_ADDRESS_2'] != '' ? ' ' . $mail_address[1]['STREET_ADDRESS_2'] : ' ') . '<br>' . $mail_address[1]['CITY'] . ', ' . $mail_address[1]['STATE'] . ' ' . $mail_address[1]['ZIPCODE']; echo '<tr><td>Malling Details:</td>'; echo '<td>' . ($mail_address != '' ? $mail_address : 'N/A') . '</td></tr>'; }
<?php $tables = array('SCHOOL_PERIODS' => _('School Periods'), 'SCHOOL_MARKING_PERIODS' => _('Marking Periods'), 'REPORT_CARD_GRADES' => _('Report Card Grade Codes'), 'REPORT_CARD_COMMENTS' => _('Report Card Comment Codes'), 'ELIGIBILITY_ACTIVITIES' => _('Eligibility Activity Codes'), 'ATTENDANCE_CODES' => _('Attendance Codes'), 'SCHOOL_GRADELEVELS' => _('Grade Levels')); $table_list = '<TABLE align=left>'; foreach ($tables as $table => $name) { $table_list .= '<TR><TD><INPUT type=checkbox value=Y name=tables[' . $table . '] CHECKED></TD><TD>' . $name . '</TD></TR>'; } $table_list .= '</TABLE></CENTER><BR><small>' . _('New School\'s Title') . '</small> <INPUT type=text name=title value="' . _('New School') . '"><CENTER>'; DrawHeader(ProgramTitle()); if (Prompt(_('Confirm Copy School'), sprintf(_('Are you sure you want to copy the data for %s to a new school?'), GetSchool(UserSchool())), $table_list)) { if (count($_REQUEST['tables'])) { $id = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT " . db_seq_nextval('SCHOOLS_SEQ') . " AS ID" . FROM_DUAL)); $id = $id[1]['ID']; DBQuery("INSERT INTO SCHOOLS (ID,SYEAR,TITLE) values('{$id}','" . UserSyear() . "','" . str_replace("\\'", "''", $_REQUEST['title']) . "')"); DBQuery("UPDATE STAFF SET SCHOOLS=rtrim(SCHOOLS,',')||',{$id},' WHERE STAFF_ID='" . User('STAFF_ID') . "' AND SCHOOLS IS NOT NULL"); foreach ($_REQUEST['tables'] as $table => $value) { _rollover($table); } } echo '<FORM action=Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . ' method=POST>'; echo '<script language=JavaScript>parent.side.location="' . $_SESSION['Side_PHP_SELF'] . '?modcat="+parent.side.document.forms[0].modcat.value;</script>'; DrawHeader('<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif>' . sprintf(_('The data have been copied to a new school called "%s".'), $_REQUEST['title']), '<INPUT type=submit value="' . _('OK') . '>"'); echo '</FORM>'; unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['tables']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['delete_ok']); } function _rollover($table) { global $id; switch ($table) { case 'SCHOOL_PERIODS':
if ($row_mp_detail['grandparent_id'] != -1) { $mp_string .= ' or s.marking_period_id=' . $row_mp_detail[1]['GRANDPARENT_ID'] . ''; } # -------------------------- Date Function Start ------------------------------- # function cov_date($dt) { $temp_date = explode("-", $dt); $final_date = $temp_date[1] . '-' . $temp_date[2] . '-' . $temp_date[0]; return $final_date; } # -------------------------- Date Function End ------------------------------- # if (count($RET_stu)) { $handle = PDFStart(); foreach ($RET_stu as $student_id => $courses) { echo "<table width=100% style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; echo "<tr><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Student Daily Schedule</div></td><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\"> Schedule for: " . $row_mp_detail[1]['TITLE'] . " : " . cov_date($row_mp_detail[1]['START_DATE']) . " - " . cov_date($row_mp_detail[1]['END_DATE']) . "</td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=4 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; # --------------------------------------- Start Change ------------------------------------------- # $st_data = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT * FROM students WHERE student_id = " . $courses[1]['STUDENT_ID'])); unset($_openSIS['DrawHeader']); echo '<br>'; echo '<table border=0>'; echo '<tr><td>Student ID:</td>'; echo '<td>' . $courses[1]['STUDENT_ID'] . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Student Name:</td>'; echo '<td><b>' . $courses[1]['FULL_NAME'] . '</b></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>' . $courses[1]['GRD_LVL'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $st_data[1]['CUSTOM_10'] . '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; $sch_exist = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT COUNT( AS SCH_COUNT FROM schedule s WHERE s.syear=" . UserSyear() . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND s.student_id='" . $courses[1]['STUDENT_ID'] . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND s.school_id=" . UserSchool() . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND {$mp_string} )")); $sch_exist_yn = $sch_exist[1]['SCH_COUNT']; if ($sch_exist_yn != 0) {
$extra['SELECT'] .= ',r.' . $column; } $extra['FROM'] .= ',DISCIPLINE_REFERRALS r '; $extra['WHERE'] .= " AND r.STUDENT_ID=ssm.STUDENT_ID AND r.SYEAR=ssm.SYEAR "; if (strpos($extra['FROM'], 'DISCIPLINE_REFERRALS dr') !== false) { $extra['WHERE'] .= ' AND r.ID=dr.ID'; } $extra['group'] = array('STUDENT_ID'); $extra['ORDER'] = ',r.ENTRY_DATE'; $RET = GetStuList($extra); if (count($RET)) { foreach ($RET as $student_id => $referrals) { unset($_FOCUS['DrawHeader']); DrawHeader(Config('TITLE') . ' ' . _('Discipline Log')); DrawHeader($referrals[1]['FULL_NAME'], $referrals[1]['STUDENT_ID']); DrawHeader(GetSchool(UserSchool()), $courses[1]['GRADE_ID']); if ($start_date && $end_date) { DrawHeader(ProperDate($start_date) . ' - ' . ProperDate($end_date)); } else { DrawHeader(_('School Year') . ': ' . UserSyear() . ' - ' . (UserSyear() + 1)); } echo '<BR>'; foreach ($referrals as $referral) { echo '<TABLE cellpadding=5><TR>'; if ($_REQUEST['elements']['ENTRY_DATE']) { echo '<TD><small><font color=gray>' . _('Date') . ': </font></small><b>' . ProperDate($referral['ENTRY_DATE']) . '</b></TD>'; } if ($_REQUEST['elements']['STAFF_ID']) { echo '<TD><small><font color=gray>' . _('Reporter') . ': </font></small><b>' . GetTeacher($referral['STAFF_ID']) . '</b></TD>'; } $end_tr = false;
$where = ' AND c.course_id=cp.course_id AND c.grade_level=' . $_REQUEST['id']; } $sql = 'select distinct (select title from course_subjects where subject_id=(select subject_id from courses where course_id=cp.course_id)) as subject, (select title from courses where course_id=cp.course_id) as COURSE_TITLE,cp.course_id from course_periods cp' . $from . ' where cp.school_id=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' and cp.syear=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' ' . $where . ' order by subject,COURSE_TITLE'; $ret = DBGet(DBQuery($sql)); if (count($ret)) { foreach ($ret as $s_id) { echo "<meta charset='UTF-8'><table width=100% style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; $grade_level_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT TITLE FROM school_gradelevels WHERE id=\'' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '\'')); $grade_title = $grade_level_RET[1]['TITLE']; if ($grade_title != '') { echo "<meta charset='UTF-8'><tr><td width=105>" . DrawLogo() . "</td><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">" . _('Course') . "" . _('catalog by Grade Level') . " : " . $grade_title . "</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />Powered by openSIS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; } else { echo "<meta charset='UTF-8'><tr><td width=105>" . DrawLogo() . "</td><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">" . _('Course') . "" . _('catalog by Grade Level') . "\t: " . _('All') . "</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />Powered by openSIS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; } echo '<div align="center">'; echo '<table border="0" width="97%" align="center"><tr><td><font face=verdana size=-1><b>' . $s_id['SUBJECT'] . '</b></font></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td align="right"><table border="0" width="97%"><tr><td><font face=verdana size=-1><b>' . $s_id['COURSE_TITLE'] . '</b></font></td></tr>'; $sql_periods = 'SELECT cp.SHORT_NAME,(SELECT TITLE FROM school_periods WHERE period_id=cp.period_id) AS PERIOD,cp.ROOM,cp.DAYS,(SELECT CONCAT(LAST_NAME,\' \',FIRST_NAME,\' \') from staff where staff_id=cp.TEACHER_ID) as TEACHER from course_periods cp where cp.course_id=' . $s_id['COURSE_ID'] . ' and cp.syear=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' and cp.school_id=\'' . UserSchool() . '\''; $period_list = DBGet(DBQuery($sql_periods)); ##############################################List Output Generation################################################## $columns = array('SHORT_NAME' => '' . _('Course'), 'PERIOD' => '' . _('Time'), 'DAYS' => '' . _('Days'), 'ROOM' => '' . _('Location'), 'TEACHER' => '' . _('Teacher')); echo '<tr><td colspan="2" valign="top" align="right">'; PrintCatalog($period_list, $columns, _('Course'), _('Courses'), '', '', array('search' => false)); echo '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr>'; ###################################################################################################################### echo '</table></div>'; echo "<meta charset='UTF-8'><div style=\"page-break-before: always;\"></div>"; }
$_REQUEST['syear'] = $defined[SYEAR]; $_REQUEST['title'] = $defined[TITLE]; $_REQUEST['account_id'] = $defined[ACCOUNT_ID]; $_REQUEST['amount'] = $defined[AMOUNT]; $_REQUEST['date'] = $defined[DUE_DATE]; } $sql = "INSERT INTO STU_BILLING_FEES \n\t\t\t\t\t(ID,GLOBAL_ID,ACCOUNT_ID,STUDENT_ID,TITLE,AMOUNT,EFFECTIVE_DATE,DUE_DATE,SYEAR,SCHOOL,GRADE) \n\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT " . db_seq_nextval('STU_BILLING_FEES_SEQ') . "," . $global_id[1][GLOBAL_ID] . ",'" . $_REQUEST['account_id'] . "',ssm.STUDENT_ID,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $_REQUEST['title'] . "','" . $_REQUEST['amount'] . "','{$effective_date}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $_REQUEST['date'] . "','" . $_REQUEST['syear'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $_REQUEST['school'] . "','" . $_REQUEST['grade'] . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM STU_SCHOOL_MEETS ssm \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\tssm.SYEAR='{$_REQUEST['syear']}' AND ssm.ACTIVE='A' "; if ($_REQUEST[grade]) { $sql .= "AND ssm.GRADE='{$_REQUEST['grade']}' "; } if ($_REQUEST[school]) { $sql .= "AND ssm.SCHOOL='{$_REQUEST['school']}' "; } $sql .= ')'; DBQuery($sql); $note[] = 'The Student Billing Fee ' . $title . ' has been Applied to all students ' . ($_REQUEST[grade] ? 'in ' . GetGrade($_REQUEST[grade]) : '') . ' ' . ($_REQUEST[school] ? 'at ' . GetSchool($_REQUEST[school]) : ''); unset($_REQUEST[modfunc]); } } if ($_REQUEST[modfunc] == 'delete') { if (DeletePrompt('fee for all applicable students')) { DBQuery("DELETE FROM STU_BILLING_FEES WHERE GLOBAL_ID={$_REQUEST['id']}"); $note[] = "That Fee has been Deleted for All Applicable Students"; unset($_REQUEST[modfunc]); } } if (!$_REQUEST[modfunc]) { // LIST if ($note) { echo '<TABLE width=100%><TR><TD bgcolor=#E8E8E9><font size=-1>'; ErrorMessage($note, 'note');
} else { DBQuery("UPDATE TEMPLATES SET TEMPLATE = '" . $REQUEST_letter_text . "' WHERE MODNAME = '" . $_REQUEST['modname'] . "' AND STAFF_ID = '" . User('STAFF_ID') . "'"); } $REQUEST_letter_text = nl2br(str_replace("''", "'", str_replace(' ', ' ', $REQUEST_letter_text))); $css = true; $handle = PDFStart($css); foreach ($RET as $student) { $student_points = $total_points = 0; unset($_ROSARIO['DrawHeader']); if ($_REQUEST['mailing_labels'] == 'Y') { echo '<BR /><BR /><BR />'; } //DrawHeader(ParseMLField(Config('TITLE')).' Letter'); DrawHeader(' '); DrawHeader($student['FULL_NAME'], $student['STUDENT_ID']); DrawHeader($student['GRADE_ID'], GetSchool(UserSchool())); //DrawHeader('',GetMP(GetCurrentMP('QTR',DBDate(),false))); DrawHeader(ProperDate(DBDate())); if ($_REQUEST['mailing_labels'] == 'Y') { echo '<BR /><BR /><TABLE class="width-100p"><TR><TD style="width:50px;"> </TD><TD>' . $student['MAILING_LABEL'] . '</TD></TR></TABLE><BR />'; } $letter_text = $REQUEST_letter_text; foreach ($student as $column => $value) { $letter_text = str_replace('__' . $column . '__', $value, $letter_text); } echo '<BR />' . $letter_text; echo '<div style="page-break-after: always;"></div>'; } PDFStop($handle); } else { BackPrompt(_('No Students were found.'));
echo ' <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> window.location="Side.php?school_id=new&modcat=' . strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['modcat'])) . '"; </SCRIPT> '; } } } if (clean_param($_REQUEST['copy'], PARAM_ALPHAMOD) == 'done') { echo '<br><strong>School has been created successfully.</strong>'; } else { if (!$_REQUEST['modfunc']) { if (!$_REQUEST['new_school']) { $schooldata = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT * FROM schools WHERE ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\'')); $schooldata = $schooldata[1]; $school_name = GetSchool(UserSchool()); } else { $school_name = 'Add a School'; } echo "<FORM name=school id=school enctype='multipart/form-data' METHOD='POST' ACTION='Modules.php?modname=" . strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['modname'])) . "&modfunc=update&btn=" . $_REQUEST['button'] . "&new_school={$_REQUEST['new_school']}'>"; PopTable_wo_header('header'); echo "<table border=0 align=center><tr><td>"; echo "<TABLE align=center>"; echo "<TR><TD class='label'><b>School Name:<font color=red>*</font></b></td><td>" . TextInput($schooldata['TITLE'], 'values[TITLE]', '', 'class=cell_floating size=24 onKeyUp=checkDuplicateName(1,this,' . $schooldata['ID'] . '); onBlur=checkDuplicateName(1,this,' . $schooldata['ID'] . ');') . "</td></TR>"; echo "<input type=hidden id=checkDuplicateNameTable1 value='schools'/>"; echo "<input type=hidden id=checkDuplicateNameField1 value='title'/>"; echo "<input type=hidden id=checkDuplicateNameMsg1 value='school name'/>"; echo "<TR ALIGN=LEFT><TD class='label'><b>Address:<font color=red>*</font></b></TD><td>" . TextInput($schooldata['ADDRESS'], 'values[ADDRESS]', '', 'class=cell_floating maxlength=100 size=24') . "</td></TR>"; echo "<TR ALIGN=LEFT><TD class='label'><b>City:<font color=red>*</font></b></TD><td>" . TextInput($schooldata['CITY'], 'values[CITY]', '', 'maxlength=100, class=cell_floating size=24') . "</td></TR>"; echo "<TR ALIGN=LEFT><TD class='label'><b>State:<font color=red>*</font></b></TD><td>" . TextInput($schooldata['STATE'], 'values[STATE]', '', 'maxlength=10 class=cell_floating size=24') . "</td></TR>"; echo "<TR ALIGN=LEFT><TD class='label'><b>Zip/Postal Code:<font color=red>*</font></b></TD><td>" . TextInput($schooldata['ZIPCODE'], 'values[ZIPCODE]', '', 'maxlength=10 class=cell_floating size=24') . "</td></TR>";
if (!$extra['DATE'] || DBDate('postgres') > $extra['DATE']) { $extra['DATE'] = DBDate(); } // get the fy marking period id, there should be exactly one fy marking period $fy_id = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID FROM SCHOOL_MARKING_PERIODS WHERE MP='FY' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "'")); $fy_id = $fy_id[1]['MARKING_PERIOD_ID']; $course_periods_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT cp.TITLE,cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID,cp.PERIOD_ID,cp.MARKING_PERIOD_ID,cp.MP,cp.DAYS,c.TITLE AS COURSE_TITLE,cp.TEACHER_ID,(SELECT LAST_NAME||', '||FIRST_NAME FROM STAFF WHERE STAFF_ID=cp.TEACHER_ID) AS TEACHER FROM COURSE_PERIODS cp,COURSES c WHERE c.COURSE_ID=cp.COURSE_ID AND cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID IN ({$cp_list}) ORDER BY TEACHER")); $first_extra = $extra; $handle = PDFStart(); $PCL_UserCoursePeriod = $_SESSION['UserCoursePeriod']; // save/restore for teachers foreach ($course_periods_RET as $teacher_id => $course_period) { unset($_CENTRE['DrawHeader']); DrawHeader(Config('TITLE') . ' - ' . _('Class List')); DrawHeader($course_period['TEACHER'], $course_period['COURSE_TITLE'] . ' ' . GetPeriod($course_period['PERIOD_ID']) . ($course_period['MARKING_PERIOD_ID'] != "{$fy_id}" ? ' - ' . GetMP($course_period['MARKING_PERIOD_ID']) : '') . (strlen($course_period['DAYS']) < 5 ? ' - ' . $course_period['DAYS'] : '')); DrawHeader(GetSchool(UserSchool()), ProperDate(DBDate())); $_CENTRE['User'] = array(1 => array('STAFF_ID' => $course_period['TEACHER_ID'], 'NAME' => 'name', 'PROFILE' => 'teacher', 'SCHOOLS' => ',' . UserSchool() . ',', 'SYEAR' => UserSyear())); $_SESSION['UserCoursePeriod'] = $course_period['COURSE_PERIOD_ID']; $extra = $first_extra; $extra['MP'] = $course_period['MARKING_PERIOD_ID']; $extra['MPTable'] = $course_period['MP']; $extra['suppress_save'] = true; include 'modules/misc/Export.php'; echo '<!-- NEW PAGE -->'; } $_SESSION['UserCoursePeriod'] = $PCL_UserCoursePeriod; PDFStop($handle); } else { BackPrompt(_('You must choose at least one course period.')); } }
unset($_CENTRE['DrawHeader']); DrawHeader(Config('TITLE') . ' - ' . _('Student Requests')); DrawHeader($address[1]['FULL_NAME'], $address[1]['STUDENT_ID']); DrawHeader($address[1]['GRADE_ID']); DrawHeader(GetSchool(UserSchool())); DrawHeader(ProperDate(DBDate())); echo '<BR><BR><TABLE width=100%><TR><TD width=50> </TD><TD>' . $address[1]['MAILING_LABEL'] . '</TD></TR></TABLE><BR>'; ListOutput($address, $columns, _('Request'), _('Requests'), array(), array(), array('center' => false, 'print' => false)); echo '<!-- NEW PAGE -->'; } } else { unset($_CENTRE['DrawHeader']); DrawHeader(Config('TITLE') . ' - ' . _('Student Requests')); DrawHeader($courses[1]['FULL_NAME'], $courses[1]['STUDENT_ID']); DrawHeader($courses[1]['GRADE_ID']); DrawHeader(GetSchool(UserSchool())); DrawHeader(ProperDate(DBDate())); ListOutput($courses, $columns, _('Request'), _('Requests'), array(), array(), array('center' => false, 'print' => false)); echo '<!-- NEW PAGE -->'; } } PDFStop($handle); } else { BackPrompt(_('No Students were found.')); } } function _makeExtra($value, $title = '') { global $THIS_RET; if ($THIS_RET['WITH_TEACHER_ID']) { $return .= Localize('colon', _('With')) . ' ' . GetTeacher($THIS_RET['WITH_TEACHER_ID']) . '<BR>';
function CreateList($dli = '', $pli = '', $sli = '', $cli = '', $mp = '', $mp_name = '') { $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST); if ($sli != '') { $s_ret = DBGet(DBQuery("select title from course_subjects where subject_id='" . $sli . "'")); } if ($cli != '') { $c_ret = DBGet(DBQuery("select title from courses where course_id='" . $cli . "'")); } if ($mp != '') { $sql = 'SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'2\' FROM school_quarters WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'1\' FROM school_semesters WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'0\' FROM school_years WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' ORDER BY 3,4'; $mp_ret1 = DBGet(DBQuery($sql)); $mp_name = $mp_ret1[1]['TITLE']; } if ($mp == '') { $where = ''; $heading = "All available classes"; } else { if ($sli == '') { $where = 'and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' and course_id in (select course_id from courses where subject_id in (select subject_id from course_subjects))'; $heading = "All available classes for <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>"; } else { if ($cli == '') { $where = 'and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' and course_id in (select Course_Id from courses where subject_id = \'' . $_REQUEST['subject_id'] . '\' and School_Id=\'' . UserSchool() . '\')'; $heading = "All available classes for <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $s_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>"; } else { $where = 'and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' and course_id=\'' . $cli . '\''; $heading = "All available classes for <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $s_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $c_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>"; } } } $sql = 'select (select title from courses where course_id=course_periods.course_id) as course, (select title from course_subjects where subject_id=(select subject_id from courses where course_id=course_periods.course_id)) as subject, short_name,(select CONCAT(START_TIME,\' - \',END_TIME,\' \') from school_periods where period_id=course_period_var.period_id) as period_time, (select title from school_periods where period_id=course_period_var.period_id) as period, marking_period_id, (select title from marking_periods where marking_period_id=course_periods.marking_period_id) as mp, (select CONCAT(LAST_NAME,\' \',FIRST_NAME,\' \') from staff where staff_id=course_periods.teacher_id) as teacher, rooms.title as location,days,course_periods.course_period_id,course_periods.begin_date,course_periods.end_date,course_periods.SCHEDULE_TYPE,course_period_var.ID AS CPV_ID from course_periods,course_period_var,rooms where course_periods.school_id=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' and course_period_var.room_id=rooms.room_id and course_periods.course_period_id=course_period_var.course_period_id and course_periods.syear=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' ' . $where . ' GROUP BY course_period_var.COURSE_PERIOD_ID ORDER BY course_period_var.ID'; $ret_temp = DBGet(DBQuery($sql)); $ret = array(); $i = 1; $days_arr = array("Monday" => 'M', "Tuesday" => 'T', "Wednesday" => 'W', "Thursday" => 'H', "Friday" => 'F', "Saturday" => 'S', "Sunday" => 'U'); echo "<br><br>"; foreach ($ret_temp as $ri => $rd) { $time = explode(' - ', $rd['PERIOD_TIME']); $rd['PERIOD_TIME'] = date("g:i A", strtotime($time[0])) . ' - ' . date("g:i A", strtotime($time[1])); unset($time); if ($rd['SCHEDULE_TYPE'] == 'FIXED') { $ret[$i] = $rd; } else { $get_det = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT cpv.*,CONCAT(sp.START_TIME,\' - \',sp.END_TIME,\' \') as PERIOD_TIME,sp.TITLE as PERIOD,r.TITLE AS LOCATION FROM course_period_var cpv,school_periods sp,rooms r WHERE cpv.COURSE_PERIOD_ID=' . $rd['COURSE_PERIOD_ID'] . ' AND cpv.PERIOD_ID=sp.PERIOD_ID AND cpv.ROOM_ID=r.ROOM_ID')); $ret[$i] = $rd; if (count($get_det) > 1) { foreach ($get_det as $gi => $gd) { if ($rd['CPV_ID'] != $gd['ID']) { $time = explode(' - ', $gd['PERIOD_TIME']); $gd['PERIOD_TIME'] = date("g:i A", strtotime($time[0])) . ' - ' . date("g:i A", strtotime($time[1])); unset($time); $ret[$i]['PERIOD_TIME'] = $ret[$i]['PERIOD_TIME'] . ' , ' . $gd['PERIOD_TIME']; $ret[$i]['PERIOD'] = $ret[$i]['PERIOD'] . ' , ' . $gd['PERIOD']; $ret[$i]['LOCATION'] = $ret[$i]['LOCATION'] . ' , ' . $gd['LOCATION']; if ($rd['SCHEDULE_TYPE'] == 'VARIABLE') { $ret[$i]['DAYS'] = $ret[$i]['DAYS'] . ' , ' . $gd['DAYS']; } else { $ret[$i]['DAYS'] = $ret[$i]['DAYS'] . ' , ' . $days_arr[$gd['DAYS']]; } } } $final_days = explode(' , ', $ret[$i]['DAYS']); $final_days = array_unique($final_days); $final_days = implode(' , ', $final_days); $ret[$i]['DAYS'] = $final_days; } } $i++; } // exit; $html = "<b>" . $heading . "</b><br>\n <A HREF=" . str_replace('Modules.php', 'ForExport.php', $PHP_tmp_SELF) . "&create_excel=true&LO_save=1&_openSIS_PDF=true > <IMG SRC=assets/download.png border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0></A>\n <br>"; $html .= "<table width=100% style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; $html .= "<tr><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Student Schedules Report</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:10px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; ########################################List Output Generation #################################################### $columns = array('SUBJECT' => 'Subject', 'COURSE' => 'Course', 'MP' => 'Marking Period', 'PERIOD_TIME' => 'Time', 'PERIOD' => 'Period', 'DAYS' => 'Days', 'LOCATION' => 'Location', 'TEACHER' => 'Teacher'); if ($_REQUEST['print'] == 'list') { echo "<table width=100% style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; echo "<tr><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Course Catalog</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:10px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; } echo '<style type="text/css">.print-div td{font-size:12px;font-family:arial;}</style><div class="print-div">'; ListOutputFloat($ret, $columns, 'Course', 'Courses', '', '', array('search' => false, 'count' => false)); echo '</div>'; echo "<div style=\"page-break-before: always;\"></div>"; ########################################################################################################## }
//============================ $tables = array('staff' => 'Staff', 'school_periods' => 'School Periods', 'school_years' => 'Marking Periods', 'school_calendars' => 'Calendars', 'report_card_grade_scales' => 'Report Card Grade Codes', 'course_subjects' => 'Subjects', 'courses' => 'Courses', 'course_periods' => 'Course Periods', 'student_enrollment' => 'Students', 'report_card_comments' => 'Report Card Comment Codes', 'honor_roll' => 'Honor Roll Setup', 'attendance_codes' => 'Attendance Codes', 'student_enrollment_codes' => 'Student Enrollment Codes'); $no_school_tables = array('student_enrollment_codes' => true, 'staff' => true); $required = array('staff' => true, 'school_years' => true, 'student_enrollment' => true, 'student_enrollment_codes' => true); $table_list = '<TABLE align=center>'; $table_list .= '<tr><td colspan=3 class=clear></td></tr>'; foreach ($tables as $table => $name) { $table_list .= '<TR><td width=1%></td><TD width=5%><INPUT type=checkbox value=Y name=' . $table . ' CHECKED ' . ($required[$table] ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . ' onchange="validate_rollover(this.form,this)"></TD><TD width=94%>' . $name . '</TD></TR>'; } $table_list .= '</TABLE>'; //=============================== if (Prompt_rollover('Confirm Rollover', 'Are you sure you want to roll the data for ' . $cur_session . ' to the next school year?', $table_list)) { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>back_before_roll();</script>"; } } else { Prompt_rollover_back('Rollover Completed', 'Data has been rolledover for ' . $cur_session . ' for ' . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . ''); } foreach ($tables as $table => $name) { echo '<INPUT type=hidden name=hide_' . $table . ' id="chk_' . $table . '" value="' . $_REQUEST[$table] . '">'; } echo ' <td align="left" valign="top"> <TABLE><TR><TD><div id="staff"></div></TD></TR> <TR><TD><div id="school_periods"></div></TD></TR> <TR><TD><div id="school_years"></div></TD></TR> <TR><TD><div id="attendance_calendars"></div></TD></TR> <TR><TD><div id="report_card_grade_scales"></div></TD></TR> <TR><TD><div id="course_subjects"></div></TD></TR> <TR><TD><div id="courses"></div></TD></TR> <TR><TD><div id="course_periods"></div></TD></TR> <TR><TD><div id="student_enrollment"></div></TD></TR>
function CreateList($dli = '', $pli = '', $sli = '', $cli = '', $mp = '', $mp_name = '') { $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST); if ($sli != '') { $s_ret = DBGet(DBQuery("select title from COURSE_SUBJECTS where subject_id='" . $sli . "'")); } if ($cli != '') { $c_ret = DBGet(DBQuery("select title from COURSES where course_id='" . $cli . "'")); } if ($mp != '') { $sql = "SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,'2' FROM SCHOOL_QUARTERS WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' and marking_period_id='" . $mp . "' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,'1' FROM SCHOOL_SEMESTERS WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' and marking_period_id='" . $mp . "' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,'0' FROM SCHOOL_YEARS WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' and marking_period_id='" . $mp . "' ORDER BY 3,4"; $mp_ret1 = DBGet(DBQuery($sql)); $mp_name = $mp_ret1[1]['TITLE']; } if ($mp == '') { $where = ''; $heading = "All available classes"; } else { if ($sli == '') { $where = "and marking_period_id='" . $mp . "' and course_id in (select course_id from COURSES where subject_id in (select subject_id from COURSE_SUBJECTS))"; $heading = "All available classes for <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>"; } else { if ($cli == '') { $where = "and marking_period_id='" . $mp . "' and course_id in (select Course_Id from COURSES where subject_id = '" . $_REQUEST['subject_id'] . "' and School_Id='" . UserSchool() . "')"; #$where = "and marking_period_id='".$mp."' and course_id in (select Course_Id from courses where subject_id = '".$_REQUEST['subject_id']."' and School_Id='".UserSchool()."')"; $heading = "All available classes for <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $s_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>"; } else { $where = "and marking_period_id='" . $mp . "' and course_id='" . $cli . "'"; $heading = "All available classes for <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $s_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $c_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>"; } } } /* $sql = "select (select title from COURSES where course_id=COURSE_PERIODS.course_id) as course, (select title from COURSE_SUBJECTS where subject_id=(select subject_id from COURSES where course_id=COURSE_PERIODS.course_id)) as subject, short_name,(select CONCAT(START_TIME,' - ',END_TIME,' ') from SCHOOL_PERIODS where period_id=COURSE_PERIODS.period_id) as period, marking_period_id, (select CONCAT(LAST_NAME,' ',FIRST_NAME,' ',MIDDLE_NAME,' ') from STAFF where staff_id=COURSE_PERIODS.teacher_id) as teacher, room as location,days,course_period_id from COURSE_PERIODS where school_id='".UserSchool()."' and syear='".UserSyear()."' ".$where.""; */ $sql = "select\r\n (select title from COURSES where course_id=COURSE_PERIODS.course_id) as course,\r\n (select title from COURSE_SUBJECTS where subject_id=(select subject_id from COURSES where \t\t\t\t\t\tcourse_id=COURSE_PERIODS.course_id)) as subject,\r\n short_name,(select CONCAT(START_TIME,' - ',END_TIME,' ') from SCHOOL_PERIODS where period_id=COURSE_PERIODS.period_id) as period_time, (select title from SCHOOL_PERIODS where period_id=COURSE_PERIODS.period_id) as period, marking_period_id, (select title from MARKING_PERIODS where marking_period_id=COURSE_PERIODS.marking_period_id) as mp,\r\n (select CONCAT(LAST_NAME,' ',FIRST_NAME,' ') from STAFF where staff_id=COURSE_PERIODS.teacher_id) as teacher, room as location,days,course_period_id from COURSE_PERIODS where school_id='" . UserSchool() . "' and syear='" . UserSyear() . "' " . $where . ""; $ret = DBGet(DBQuery($sql)); $html = "<b>" . $heading . "</b><br>\r\n <A HREF=" . str_replace('Modules.php', 'for_export.php', $PHP_tmp_SELF) . "&create_excel=true&LO_save=1&_openSIS_PDF=true > <IMG SRC=assets/download.png border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0></A>\r\n <br>"; $html .= "<table width=100% style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; $html .= "<tr><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Student Schedules Report</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />Powered by openSIS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; ########################################List Output Generation #################################################### $columns = array('SUBJECT' => 'Subject', 'COURSE' => 'Course', 'MP' => 'Marking Period', 'PERIOD_TIME' => 'Time', 'PERIOD' => 'Period', 'DAYS' => 'Days', 'LOCATION' => 'Location', 'TEACHER' => 'Teacher'); if ($_REQUEST['print'] == 'list') { echo "<table width=100% style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; echo "<tr><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Course Catalog</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />Powered by openSIS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; } ListOutputFloat($ret, $columns, 'Course', 'Courses', '', '', array('search' => false, 'count' => false)); echo "<div style=\"page-break-before: always;\"></div>"; ########################################################################################################## }
$this_PDF = str_replace('/T(values[abs][' . GetMP($mp, 'SORT_ORDER') . '])', "/T(values[{$student_count}][abs][1])", $this_PDF); $this_PDF = str_replace('(default[abs][' . GetMP($mp, 'SORT_ORDER') . '])', '( ' . count($attendance_day_RET[$student_id][$qtr]) . ' )', $this_PDF); } foreach ($_REQUEST['mp_arr'] as $mp) { $columns[$mp] = GetMP($mp, $mp_TITLE); } $this_PDF = str_replace('/T(values[students][USER_NAME])', "/T(values[{$student_count}][students][USER_NAME])", $this_PDF); $this_PDF = str_replace('(default[students][USER_NAME])', '(' . User('NAME') . ')', $this_PDF); $this_PDF = str_replace('/T(values[students][FULL_NAME])', "/T(values[{$student_count}][students][FULL_NAME])", $this_PDF); $this_PDF = str_replace('(default[students][FULL_NAME])', '(' . $course_periods[$course_period_id][key($course_periods[$course_period_id])][1]['FULL_NAME'] . ')', $this_PDF); $this_PDF = str_replace('/T(values[students][STUDENT_ID])', "/T(values[{$student_count}][students][STUDENT_ID])", $this_PDF); $this_PDF = str_replace('(default[students][STUDENT_ID])', '(' . $course_periods[$course_period_id][key($course_periods[$course_period_id])][1]['STUDENT_ID'] . ')', $this_PDF); $this_PDF = str_replace('/T(values[students][GRADE_ID])', "/T(values[{$student_count}][students][GRADE_ID])", $this_PDF); $this_PDF = str_replace('(default[students][GRADE_ID])', '(' . ereg_replace("<!-- [0-9]+ -->", '', $course_periods[$course_period_id][key($course_periods[$course_period_id])][1]['GRADE_ID']) . ')', $this_PDF); $this_PDF = str_replace('/T(values[students][SCHOOL])', "/T(values[{$student_count}][students][SCHOOL])", $this_PDF); $this_PDF = str_replace('(default[students][SCHOOL])', '(' . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . ')', $this_PDF); $this_PDF = str_replace('/T(values[students][SYEAR])', "/T(values[{$student_count}][students][SYEAR])", $this_PDF); $this_PDF = str_replace('(default[students][SYEAR])', '(' . UserSyear() . ' - ' . (UserSyear() + 1) . ')', $this_PDF); fwrite($FP, $this_PDF); @fclose($FP); $card = $tempfile; $tempfile = tempnam('', 'html'); exec("/usr/local/bin/pdftk {$card} output {$tempfile} flatten"); @unlink($card); $cards .= $tempfile . " *\n"; $delete_cards[] = $tempfile; $count_cards++; } $cards = substr($cards, 0, -1); $sourcefile = tempnam('', 'html'); $FP = @fopen($sourcefile, "w");
$addresses = array(0 => array()); } foreach ($addresses as $address) { unset($_ROSARIO['DrawHeader']); if ($_REQUEST['mailing_labels'] == 'Y') { echo '<BR /><BR /><BR />'; } //modif Francois: add school logo $logo_pic = 'assets/school_logo.jpg'; $picwidth = 110; if (file_exists($logo_pic)) { echo '<TABLE><TR><TD style="width:' . $picwidth . 'px;"><img src="' . $logo_pic . '" width="' . $picwidth . '" /></TD><TD class="width-100p">'; } DrawHeader(_('Report Card')); DrawHeader($mps[key($mps)][1]['FULL_NAME'], $mps[key($mps)][1]['STUDENT_ID']); DrawHeader($mps[key($mps)][1]['GRADE_ID'], GetSchool(UserSchool())); //modif Francois: add school year DrawHeader(_('School Year') . ': ' . FormatSyear(UserSyear(), Config('SCHOOL_SYEAR_OVER_2_YEARS'))); $count_lines = 4; if ($_REQUEST['elements']['mp_absences'] == 'Y') { $count = 0; //modif Francois: fix error Invalid argument supplied for foreach() if (is_array($attendance_day_RET[$student_id][$last_mp])) { foreach ($attendance_day_RET[$student_id][$last_mp] as $abs) { $count += 1 - $abs['STATE_VALUE']; } } $mp_absences = Localize('colon', sprintf(_('Absences in %s'), GetMP($last_mp, 'TITLE'))) . ' ' . $count; } if ($_REQUEST['elements']['ytd_absences'] == 'Y') { $count = 0;
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. #************************************************************************** $tables = array('SCHOOL_PERIODS' => 'School Periods', 'SCHOOL_YEARS' => 'Marking Periods', 'REPORT_CARD_GRADES' => 'Report Card Grade Codes', 'REPORT_CARD_COMMENTS' => 'Report Card Comment Codes', 'ELIGIBILITY_ACTIVITIES' => 'Eligibility Activity Codes', 'ATTENDANCE_CODES' => 'Attendance Codes', 'SCHOOL_GRADELEVELS' => 'Grade Levels'); $table_list = '<TABLE align=center cellspacing="5" cellpadding="3" border=0><tr><td ><b>New School\'s Title: </b><INPUT type=text name=title value="New School" class="cell_medium_wide"></td></tr>'; foreach ($tables as $table => $name) { $table_list .= '<TR><TD><INPUT type=checkbox value=Y name=tables[' . $table . '] CHECKED> ' . $name . '</TD></TR>'; } $table_list .= '</TABLE>'; DrawBC("School Setup > " . ProgramTitle()); if (Prompt_Copy_School('Confirm Copy School', 'Are you sure you want to copy the data for ' . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . ' to a new school?', $table_list)) { if (count($_REQUEST['tables'])) { $id = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT " . db_seq_nextval('SCHOOLS_SEQ') . " AS ID" . FROM_DUAL)); $id = $id[1]['ID']; DBQuery("INSERT INTO SCHOOLS (ID,TITLE) values('" . $id . "','" . str_replace("\\'", "''", $_REQUEST['title']) . "')"); DBQuery("UPDATE STAFF SET SCHOOLS=CONCAT(SCHOOLS,',','{$id}') WHERE STAFF_ID='" . User('STAFF_ID') . "' AND SCHOOLS IS NOT NULL"); foreach ($_REQUEST['tables'] as $table => $value) { _rollover($table); } } echo '<FORM action=Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . ' method=POST>'; echo '<script language=JavaScript>parent.side.location="' . $_SESSION['Side_PHP_SELF'] . '?modcat="+parent.side.document.forms[0].modcat.value;</script>'; echo "<br><br>"; DrawHeaderHome('<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif> The data have been copied to a new school called "' . $_REQUEST['title'] . '".', '<INPUT type=submit value=OK class="btn_medium">'); echo '</FORM>'; unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['tables']);
} if ($_REQUEST['elements']['comments'] == 'Y') { foreach ($all_commentsA_RET as $comment) { $columns['C' . $comment[1]['ID']] = $comment[1]['TITLE']; } $columns['COMMENT'] = 'Comment'; } if ($_REQUEST['elements']['gpa'] == 'Y') { $columns['GPA'] = 'GPA'; } //start of report card print $handle = PDFStart(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['elements']['percents']) || isset($_REQUEST['elements']['percents']) && $_REQUEST['elements']['percents'] == 'Y') { foreach ($RET as $student_id => $course_periods) { echo "<table width=100% style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; echo "<tr><td width=105>" . DrawLogo() . "</td><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . ' (' . $cur_session . ')' . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Student Report Card</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br \\>Powered by openSIS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; echo '<!-- MEDIA SIZE 8.5x11in -->'; if (!isset($_REQUEST['elements']['percents']) || isset($_REQUEST['elements']['percents']) && $_REQUEST['elements']['percents'] == 'Y') { $comments_arr = array(); $comments_arr_key = count($all_commentsA_RET) > 0; unset($grades_RET); $i = 0; $total_grade_point = 0; $Total_Credit_Hr_Attempted = 0; foreach ($course_periods as $course_period_id => $mps) { $i++; $grades_RET[$i]['COURSE_TITLE'] = $mps[key($mps)][1]['COURSE_TITLE']; $grades_RET[$i]['TEACHER'] = $mps[key($mps)][1]['TEACHER']; $grades_RET[$i]['TEACHER_ID'] = $mps[key($mps)][1]['TEACHER_ID']; $grades_RET[$i]['CGPA'] = round($mps[key($mps)][1]['UNWEIGHTED_GPA'], 3); if ($mps[key($mps)][1]['WEIGHTED_GP'] && $mps[key($mps)][1]['COURSE_WEIGHT']) {
//// $extra['functions']['TEACHER'] = '_makeTeacher'; // $extra['group'] = array('STUDENT_ID'); // //$extra['group'] = array('STUDENT_ID','COURSE_PERIOD_ID'); // $RET = GetStuList($extra); // print_r($RET); $RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT DISTINCT s.STUDENT_ID, CONCAT(s.LAST_NAME,', ',coalesce(s.COMMON_NAME,s.FIRST_NAME)) AS FULL_NAME FROM students s,student_standards ss, report_card_grades rcg, course_periods cp\r\n WHERE ss.GRADE_ID=rcg.ID AND cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID=ss.COURSE_PERIOD_ID AND s.STUDENT_ID=ss.STUDENT_ID\r\n AND s.STUDENT_ID IN ({$st_list})\r\n ")); if (count($RET)) { $grade_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT TITLE, COMMENT FROM report_card_grades WHERE SCHOOL_ID=" . UserSchool() . " AND SYEAR=" . UserSyear())); $handle = PDFStart(); foreach ($RET as $student) { /*echo "SELECT DISTINCT cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID AS CP_ID, cp.TITLE AS CP_TITLE, cp.MARKING_PERIOD_ID, CONCAT(st.TITLE, ' ', st.LAST_NAME, ' ',st.FIRST_NAME) AS TEACHER FROM STUDENTS s,STUDENT_STANDARDS ss, REPORT_CARD_GRADES rcg, COURSE_PERIODS cp, MARKING_PERIODS mp, STAFF st WHERE ss.GRADE_ID=rcg.ID AND cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID=ss.COURSE_PERIOD_ID AND s.STUDENT_ID=ss.STUDENT_ID AND cp.MARKING_PERIOD_ID=mp.MARKING_PERIOD_ID AND cp.TEACHER_ID=st.STAFF_ID AND s.STUDENT_ID=$student[STUDENT_ID]";*/ $periods = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT DISTINCT cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID AS CP_ID, cp.TITLE AS CP_TITLE, cp.MARKING_PERIOD_ID, CONCAT(st.TITLE, ' ', st.LAST_NAME, ' ',st.FIRST_NAME) AS TEACHER FROM students s,student_standards ss, report_card_grades rcg, course_periods cp, marking_periods mp, staff st\r\n WHERE ss.GRADE_ID=rcg.ID AND cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID=ss.COURSE_PERIOD_ID AND s.STUDENT_ID=ss.STUDENT_ID AND cp.MARKING_PERIOD_ID=mp.MARKING_PERIOD_ID AND cp.TEACHER_ID=st.STAFF_ID\r\n AND s.STUDENT_ID={$student['STUDENT_ID']}")); echo "<table width=100% style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; echo "<tr><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Elementary Grades " . GetMp(UserMp()) . "</div><div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Student: " . $student[FULL_NAME] . " ( " . $student[STUDENT_ID] . " )</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />Powered by openSIS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; echo "<table >"; echo '<TABLE WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BORDER="0" class="course_period_tbl">'; echo '<TR><TH align="left">Attendance</TH>'; $mp_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT DISTINCT mp.TITLE, mp.MARKING_PERIOD_ID FROM marking_periods mp, course_periods cp, attendance_period ap\r\n WHERE mp.MARKING_PERIOD_ID=cp.MARKING_PERIOD_ID\r\n AND cp.SCHOOL_ID=" . UserSchool() . " AND cp.SYEAR=" . UserSyear() . "\r\n AND cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID=ap.COURSE_PERIOD_ID AND ap.STUDENT_ID={$student['STUDENT_ID']}")); $mp_name = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT DISTINCT mp.SHORT_NAME,mp.MARKING_PERIOD_ID FROM marking_periods mp WHERE mp.SCHOOL_ID=" . UserSchool() . " AND mp.SYEAR=" . UserSyear() . "")); foreach ($mp_name as $mp1) { echo '<TH align="center" width="60px">' . $mp1[SHORT_NAME] . '</TH>'; } echo '</TR>'; $atteadance_code_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT ID, TITLE FROM attendance_codes WHERE SCHOOL_ID=" . UserSchool() . " AND SYEAR=" . UserSyear() . " ORDER BY SORT_ORDER, TITLE")); foreach ($atteadance_code_RET as $ac) { echo '<TR>'; echo '<TD class="course_period">' . $ac[TITLE] . '</TD>'; //echo '<TD class="course_period"></TD>'; //echo '<TD class="course_period"></TD>';
} } unset($_REQUEST['food_service']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['food_service']); } if ($_REQUEST['submit']['print']) { $events_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT TITLE,DESCRIPTION,DATE_FORMAT(SCHOOL_DATE,'%d-%b-%y') AS SCHOOL_DATE FROM CALENDAR_EVENTS WHERE SCHOOL_DATE BETWEEN '" . date('d-M-y', $time) . "' AND '" . date('d-M-y', $time_last) . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND (TITLE='" . $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE'] . "' OR TITLE='No School')"), array(), array('SCHOOL_DATE')); $skip = date("w", $time); echo "<!-- MEDIA TOP 1in -->\n<P><CENTER>\n"; echo "<TABLE border=2 cellpadding=3 bgcolor=#FFFFFF>\n"; if ($_REQUEST['_CENTRE_PDF']) { if ($file = @fopen($CentrePath . '/assets/dailymenu' . UserSchool() . '.jpg', 'r')) { echo "<TR align=center><TD colspan=7><img src='assets/dailymenu" . UserSchool() . ".jpg'></TD></TR>\n"; fclose($file); } else { echo "<TR align=center><TD colspan=7><font color=black size=+3><b>" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "</b></font></TD></TR>\n"; } } echo "<TR align=center><TD colspan=2>" . $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE'] . "</TD><TD colspan=3><font color=black size=+2><b>" . date('F Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['month'], 1, $_REQUEST['year'])) . "</b></font></TD><TD colspan=2>" . $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE'] . "</TD></TR>\n"; echo "<TR bgcolor=#808080 align=center>\n"; echo "<TD width=100><font color=white><b>Sunday</b></font></TD>\n<TD width=100><font color=white><b>Monday</b></font></TD>\n<TD width=100><font color=white><b>Tuesday</b></font></TD>\n<TD width=100><font color=white><b>Wednesday</b></font></TD>\n<TD width=100><font color=white><b>Thursday</b></font></TD>\n<TD width=100><font color=white><b>Friday</b></font></TD>\n<TD width=100><font color=white><b>Saturday</b></font></TD>\n"; echo "</TR>\n"; if ($skip) { echo "<TR height=100><TD bgcolor=#C0C0C0 colspan=" . $skip . "> </TD>\n"; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $last; $i++) { if ($skip % 7 == 0) { echo "<TR height=100>"; } $day_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['month'], $i, $_REQUEST['year']); $date = strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $day_time));
<?php DrawHeader(ProgramTitle()); $begin_date = $_REQUEST['day_begin'] . '-' . $_REQUEST[month_begin] . '-' . $_REQUEST[year_begin]; $end_date = $_REQUEST[day_end] . '-' . $_REQUEST[month_end] . '-' . $_REQUEST[year_end]; DrawHeader(ProperDate($begin_date) . ' - ' . ProperDate($end_date) . ' : ' . GetSchool($_REQUEST[sch])); // LUNCH DEBITS $sql = "SELECT MENU_ID," . db_case(array('FSC', "''", "'REG'", "'1'", "'FREE'", "'2'", "'REDUCED'")) . " as FSC,\n\t\t\tcount(*) as COUNT \n\t\tFROM STU_BILLING_ACT_LUNCH sba,STUDENT_ENROLLMENT se \n\t\tWHERE se.SYEAR=sba.SYEAR AND se.STUDENT_ID=sba.STUDENT_ID AND se.SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND "; $sql .= "PAYMENT_DATE BETWEEN '{$begin_date}' AND '{$end_date}'\n\t\tGROUP BY MENU_ID,FSC"; $QI = DBQuery($sql); $counts_RET = DBGet($QI, array(), array('MENU_ID', 'FSC')); $sql = "SELECT ID,SCHOOL_ID,TITLE FROM LUNCH_MENU WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' "; $QI = DBQuery($sql); $menu_RET = DBGet($QI, array(), array('SCHOOL_ID')); $columns = array('TITLE' => 'Lunch Item', 'REG_COUNT' => 'Regular Purchases', 'FREE_COUNT' => 'Free Purchases', 'REDUCED_COUNT' => 'Reduced Purchases', 'TOTAL' => 'Total'); foreach ($menu_RET as $school => $items) { unset($RET); $RET[] = ''; foreach ($items as $item) { $total = $counts_RET[$item[ID]]['REG'][1]['COUNT'] + $counts_RET[$item[ID]]['FREE'][1]['COUNT'] + $counts_RET[$item[ID]]['REDUCED'][1]['COUNT']; $RET[] = array('TITLE' => $item[TITLE], 'REG_COUNT' => $counts_RET[$item[ID]]['REG'][1]['COUNT'], 'FREE_COUNT' => $counts_RET[$item[ID]]['FREE'][1]['COUNT'], 'REDUCED_COUNT' => $counts_RET[$item[ID]]['REDUCED'][1]['COUNT'], 'TOTAL' => $total); } unset($RET[0]); ListOutput($RET, $columns, '.', '.', '', array(), array('save' => false)); }
echo '</TD></TR>'; } echo '<TR><TD colspan=2 align=center>'; Buttons('Find', 'Reset'); echo '</TD></TR>'; echo '</TABLE>'; PopTable('footer'); } if ($_REQUEST[modfunc] == 'list') { $begin_date = $_REQUEST[day_begin] . '-' . $_REQUEST[month_begin] . '-' . $_REQUEST[year_begin]; $end_date = $_REQUEST[day_end] . '-' . $_REQUEST[month_end] . '-' . $_REQUEST[year_end]; $account_title = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT TITLE FROM STU_BILLING_ACCOUNTS WHERE ID='{$_REQUEST['account_id']}'")); if ($account_title[1]) { $account_title = ' : ' . $account_title[1]['TITLE']; } DrawHeader(ucwords(str_replace('stubilling', 'student billing ', str_replace('lunch', 'lunch ', $_REQUEST[type]))) . ' : ' . ProperDate($begin_date) . ' - ' . ProperDate($end_date) . ' : ' . GetSchool($_REQUEST[sch]) . $account_title); echo '<BR>'; echo '<TABLE>'; switch ($_REQUEST[type]) { case 'stubillingcredits': // STUBILLING CREDITS $sql = "SELECT s.LAST_NAME||', '||s.FIRST_NAME as FULL_NAME,sba.STUDENT_ID,sum(AMOUNT) as AMOUNT FROM STU_BILLING_ACT sba,STUDENTS s "; if ($_REQUEST[sch]) { $sql .= ",STU_SCHOOL_MEETS ssm WHERE ssm.SYEAR=sba.SYEAR AND ssm.STUDENT_ID=sba.STUDENT_ID AND ssm.SCHOOL='{$_REQUEST['sch']}' AND s.STUDENT_ID=ssm.STUDENT_ID AND "; } else { $sql .= "WHERE "; } $sql .= "s.STUDENT_ID=sba.STUDENT_ID AND sba.PAYMENT_DATE BETWEEN '{$begin_date}' AND '{$end_date}' AND (sba.LUNCH_PAYMENT!='Y' OR sba.LUNCH_PAYMENT IS NULL) " . ($_REQUEST[account_id] ? "AND ACCOUNT_ID='{$_REQUEST['account_id']}'" : '') . " GROUP BY sba.STUDENT_ID,FULL_NAME"; break; case 'stubillingdebits': // STUBILLING CREDITS
} if ($_REQUEST['room']) { $extra['SELECT'] .= ',(SELECT cp.ROOM FROM course_periods cp WHERE cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID=\'' . UserCoursePeriod() . '\') AS ROOM'; } } $RET = GetStuList($extra); if (count($RET)) { $skipRET = array(); for ($i = ($_REQUEST['start_row'] - 1) * $max_cols + $_REQUEST['start_col']; $i > 1; $i--) { $skipRET[-$i] = array('LAST_NAME' => ' '); } $handle = PDFstart(); $cols = 0; $rows = 0; echo "<meta charset='UTF-8'><table width=100% border=0 style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; echo "<meta charset='UTF-8'><tr><td width=105>" . DrawLogo() . "</td><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">" . _('Student Labels') . "</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br \\>" . _('Powered by openSIS') . "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style=font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;>'; foreach ($skipRET + $RET as $i => $student) { if ($cols < 1) { echo '<tr>'; } echo '<td width="33.3%" height="86" align="center" valign="middle">'; echo '<table border=0 align=center>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td align=center>' . $student['NICK_NAME'] . ' ' . $student['LAST_NAME'] . '</td></tr>'; if ($_REQUEST['teacher']) { echo '<tr><td align=center>' . _('Teacher') . ':'; echo '' . $student['TEACHER'] . '</td></tr>'; } if ($_REQUEST['room']) { echo '<tr><td align=center>' . _('Room No :') . '';
if ($row_mp_detail['grandparent_id'] != -1) { $mp_string .= ' or s.marking_period_id=' . $row_mp_detail['grandparent_id'] . ''; } # -------------------------- Date Function Start ------------------------------- # function cov_date($dt) { $temp_date = explode("-", $dt); $final_date = $temp_date[1] . '-' . $temp_date[2] . '-' . $temp_date[0]; return $final_date; } # -------------------------- Date Function End ------------------------------- # if (count($RET_stu)) { $handle = PDFStart(); foreach ($RET_stu as $student_id => $courses) { echo "<table width=100% style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >"; echo "<tr><td width=105>" . DrawLogo() . "</td><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">" . _('Student Daily Schedule') . "</div></td><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\"> " . _('Schedule for') . ": " . $row_mp_detail['title'] . " : " . cov_date($row_mp_detail['start_date']) . " - " . cov_date($row_mp_detail['end_date']) . "</td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />" . _('Powered by openSIS') . "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=4 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; # --------------------------------------- Start Change ------------------------------------------- # $st_data = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT * FROM students WHERE student_id = " . $courses[1]['STUDENT_ID'])); unset($_openSIS['DrawHeader']); echo '<br>'; echo '<table border=0>'; /*echo '<tr><td>Student ID:</td>'; echo '<td>'.$courses[1]['STUDENT_ID'] .'</td></tr>';*/ echo '<tr><td>' . _('Student ID') . ':</td>'; echo '<td>' . $courses[1]['STUDENT_ID'] . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>' . _('Student Name') . ':</td>'; echo '<td><b>' . $courses[1]['FULL_NAME'] . '</b></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>' . $courses[1]['GRD_LVL'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $st_data[1]['CUSTOM_10'] . '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; $sch_exist = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT COUNT( AS SCH_COUNT FROM schedule s WHERE s.syear=" . UserSyear() . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND s.student_id='" . $courses[1]['STUDENT_ID'] . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND s.school_id=" . UserSchool() . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND {$mp_string} )"));