} else { # Now we send the output (POSIX)... $file = GetSystemOption('temp_dir') . $backupname . ".zip"; header('Pragma: public'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Cache-Control: private', false); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Type: application/force-download'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file)); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $backupname . '.zip'); readfile_chunked($file); unlink(GetSystemOption('temp_dir') . $backupname . ".zip "); function readfile_chunked($filename) { $chunksize = 1 * (1024 * 1024); $buffer = ''; $handle = fopen($filename, 'rb'); if ($handle === false) { return false; } while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fread($handle, $chunksize); print $buffer; } return fclose($handle); } } header("location: " . GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=ok"); exit;
*/ include 'conf/zcnf.php'; include 'lang/' . GetPrefdLang($personalinfo['ap_language_vc']) . '.php'; include 'inc/zAccountDetails.php'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM z_vhosts WHERE vh_acc_fk=" . $useraccount['ac_id_pk'] . " AND vh_deleted_ts IS NULL"; $listdomains = DataExchange("r", $z_db_name, $sql); $rowdomains = mysql_fetch_assoc($listdomains); $totaldomains = DataExchange("t", $z_db_name, $sql); if (isset($_GET['a'])) { if ($_GET['a'] == 'show') { $report_to_show1 = GetSystemOption('webalizer_sd') . $useraccount['ac_user_vc'] . "/" . $_POST['inDomain'] . "/index.html"; if (!file_exists($report_to_show1)) { $report_to_show = "static/nowebstats/index.html"; } else { $report_to_show = GetSystemOption('webalizer_sd') . $useraccount['ac_user_vc'] . "/" . $_POST['inDomain'] . "/index.html"; } } } echo "" . $lang['27'] . "<br><br><h2>" . $lang['29'] . "</h2>"; if ($totaldomains > 0) { echo "<form action=\"" . GetNormalModuleURL(GetFullURL()) . "&a=show\" method=\"post\" name=\"frmStats\" id=\"frmStats\">\r\n<table class=\"zform\">\r\n<tr>\r\n<td><strong>" . $lang['28'] . "</strong></td>\r\n<td><select name=\"inDomain\" id=\"inDomain\">\r\n<option value=\"\">-- " . $lang['29'] . " --</option>"; do { echo "<option value=\"" . $rowdomains['vh_name_vc'] . "\">" . $rowdomains['vh_name_vc'] . "</option>"; } while ($rowdomains = mysql_fetch_assoc($listdomains)); echo "</select></td>\r\n<td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"" . $lang['30'] . "\"></td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</table>\r\n</form>"; if (isset($_GET['a']) && $_GET['a'] == "show") { echo "<br><h2>" . $lang['31'] . "</h2><iframe height=\"400\" width=\"100%\" allowtransparency=\"\" src=\"" . $report_to_show . "\" title=\"" . $lang['31'] . "\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"auto\"></iframe>"; } } else { echo $lang['32']; }
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ # Now we need to declare and cleanup some variables $acc_fk = $useraccount['ac_id_pk']; $returnurl = Cleaner('o', $_POST['inReturn']); # Now we turn the values that are avaliable to be saved... $sql = "SELECT * FROM z_settings WHERE st_editable_in=1"; $listoptions = DataExchange("r", $z_db_name, $sql); $rowoptions = mysql_fetch_assoc($listoptions); if (isset($_POST['inSaveSystem'])) { do { # Now we simply update the account details based on the current session. DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, "UPDATE z_settings SET st_value_tx='" . Cleaner('o', $_POST['' . $rowoptions['st_name_vc'] . '']) . "' WHERE st_name_vc = '" . $rowoptions['st_name_vc'] . "'"); } while ($rowoptions = mysql_fetch_assoc($listoptions)); } if (isset($_POST['inSaveTemplate'])) { DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, "UPDATE z_settings SET st_value_tx='" . Cleaner('o', $_POST['inTemplate']) . "' WHERE st_name_vc = 'zpanel_template'"); DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, "UPDATE z_settings SET st_value_tx='" . Cleaner('o', str_replace(".php", "", $_POST['inTranslation'])) . "' WHERE st_name_vc = 'zpanel_lang'"); } if (isset($_POST['inSaveWelcome'])) { DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, "UPDATE z_settings SET st_value_tx='" . htmlentities($_POST['inWelcome']) . "' WHERE st_name_vc = 'zpanel_welcome'"); } $returnurl = GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=ok"; header("location: " . $returnurl . ""); exit;
$newpass = Cleaner("i", $_POST['inNewPass']); $conpass = Cleaner("i", $_POST['inConPass']); $doresetmysql = Cleaner("i", $_POST['inResMySQL']); $returnurl = $_POST['inReturnURL']; if (md5($current_pass) != $useraccount['ac_pass_vc'] || empty($newpass)) { # Current password does not match! $endonerror = "&r=error"; } else { if ($newpass == $conpass) { # Check that the new password matches the confirmation box. if ($doresetmysql != '1') { # User has selected to update ZPanel account password only! $sql = "UPDATE z_accounts SET ac_pass_vc='" . md5($newpass) . "' WHERE ac_id_pk=" . $acc_fk . ""; DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql); TriggerLog($acc_fk, "User has updated their ZPanel account password."); $endonerror = "&r=ok"; } else { # User has selected to change both passwords. $sql = "UPDATE z_accounts SET ac_pass_vc='" . md5($newpass) . "' WHERE ac_id_pk=" . $acc_fk . ""; DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql); zapi_mysqluser_setpass($useraccount['ac_user_vc'], $newpass, $zdb); TriggerLog($acc_fk, "User has updated both their ZPanel and MySQL account passwords."); $endonerror = "&r=ok-both"; } } else { $endonerror = "&r=error"; } } $returnurl = GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "" . $endonerror . ""; header("location: " . $returnurl . ""); exit;