public function offsetGet($index) { if ($index == '..') { return $this->parentNode; } if (!parent::offsetExists($index)) { return null; } $result = parent::offsetGet($index); if (is_string($result) && strpos($result, '{UOL}') !== false) { $splits = explode('/', substr($result, 5)); if (count($splits) == 1) { return $result; } $curnode = $this; for ($i = 0; $i < count($splits); $i++) { $o = $splits[$i]; if (!isset($curnode[$o])) { if ($curnode->isroot && $o == '..' && $i + 1 != count($splits)) { $i++; // Well.. shit $temp = GetItemWZInfo(intval($splits[$i]), CURRENT_LOCALE); if ($temp == null) { return null; } $curnode = $temp; } else { return null; } } else { $curnode = $curnode[$o]; } } //if ($curnode !== $this) { return $curnode; //} } return $result; }
function RenderTamedMob() { global $options; global $data_buffer, $imageoptions, $zmap; $itemid = $options['tamingmob']; // TamingMob manipulates body X/Y $info = GetItemWZInfo($itemid, CURRENT_LOCALE); $mainx = $imageoptions['mainx']; $mainy = $imageoptions['mainy']; if ($info !== null) { $block = $info[$options['stance']][$options['stance_frame']]; foreach ($block as $innerid => $innerblock) { if (!$innerblock instanceof TreeNode) { continue; } $zval = $innerblock['z']; if ($zval == 'tamingMobBack') { // Nexon'd $zval = 'tamingMobRear'; } if (is_string($zval)) { $zval = $zmap[$zval]; } $objectdata = array('info' => $innerblock, 'itemid' => $itemid, 'category' => 'tamingmob', 'vslot' => array(), 'islot' => 'Tm'); $x = $mainx; $y = $mainy; $mappings = $objectdata['info']['map']; if (!isset($mappings)) { continue; } else { $imageoptions['mainx'] = $mainx + $mappings['navel']['X']; $imageoptions['mainy'] = $mainy + $mappings['navel']['Y'] + 20; } $copy = $mappings->getArrayCopy(); krsort($copy); foreach ($copy as $mapname => $mapping) { if (!isset($data_buffer['body_map'][$mapname])) { $data_buffer['body_map'][$mapname][0] = $x + $mapping['X']; $data_buffer['body_map'][$mapname][1] = $y + $mapping['Y']; } else { $x = $data_buffer['body_map'][$mapname][0] - $mapping['X']; $y = $data_buffer['body_map'][$mapname][1] - $mapping['Y']; } } if (DEBUGGING) { echo 'Final map ' . $x . ', ' . $y . "\r\n"; } $objectdata['x'] = $x; $objectdata['y'] = $y; $objectdata['image'] = $options['stance'] . '.' . $options['stance_frame'] . '.' . $innerid . '.png'; if (DEBUGGING) { echo 'Image ' . $objectdata['image'] . "\r\n"; } $foundinfo = true; $data_buffer['zlayers'][$zval][] = $objectdata; } $data_buffer['item_locations'][$itemid] = GetItemDataLocation($data_buffer['main-dir'], $itemid); $options['stance'] = 'sit'; } }
} $petid = intval($_GET['id']); if ($petid < 0 || $petid > 1000) { die; } $petid = 5000000 + $petid; $images_location = ''; // Add ID to image location $images_location .= $petid . '.img/'; $image = imagecreatetruecolor(256, 256); imagesavealpha($image, true); $trans = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 0, 127); imagefill($image, 0, 0, $trans); $x = 128; $y = 128 - 10; $info = GetItemWZInfo($petid, CURRENT_LOCALE); $image_offset = array(0, 0); if ($info['stand0'] !== null) { $origin = $info['stand0']['0']['origin']; $image_offset[0] = $origin['X']; $image_offset[1] = $origin['Y']; } AddImage('stand0.0.png', $x - $image_offset[0], $y - $image_offset[1]); imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image); function AddImage($url, $x, $y) { global $image, $images_location; $img = @imagecreatefrompng($images_location . $url) or die('image not found'); imagecopyresampled($image, $img, $x, $y, 0, 0, imagesx($img), imagesy($img), imagesx($img), imagesy($img)); imagealphablending($img, true);
function RenderItemAtPosition($item, $x, $y, $bgicon = false, $amount = true) { $isequip = $item->type == ITEM_EQUIP; $info = GetItemDialogInfo($item, $isequip); $pos = 'left: ' . $x . 'px; top: ' . $y . 'px;'; $itemIcon = ''; if ($item->bagid != -1 || $item->type == ITEM_PET && $item->IsExpired()) { $itemIcon = 'D'; } if (floor($item->itemid / 10000) == 166) { $itemIcon = 'D'; } $display_id = GetItemIconID($info['iconid'], CURRENT_LOCALE); // For nebulites $itemwzinfo = GetItemWZInfo($display_id, CURRENT_LOCALE); $uid = substr(uniqid(), -5); ?> <div class="item-slot<?php echo $info['potentials'] != 0 ? ' potential' . $info['potentials'] : ''; ?> <?php echo !$bgicon ? 'no-bg' : ''; ?> " style="<?php echo $pos; ?> " item-name="<?php echo IGTextToWeb(GetMapleStoryString("item", $item->itemid, "name", CURRENT_LOCALE)); ?> " onmouseover='<?php echo $info['mouseover']; ?> ' onmousemove="MoveWindow(event)" onmouseout="HideItemInfo()"> <img class="icon" potential="<?php echo $info['potentials']; ?> " style="margin-top: <?php echo 32 - $itemwzinfo['info']['icon']['origin']['Y']; ?> px; margin-left: <?php echo -$itemwzinfo['info']['icon']['origin']['X']; ?> px;" src="<?php echo GetItemIcon($display_id, CURRENT_LOCALE, $itemIcon); ?> " /> <?php if (!$isequip && $amount) { ?> <span class="amount"><?php echo $item->amount; ?> </span> <?php } if ($info['iscash'] == 1) { ?> <div class="cashitem"></div><?php } if ($info['islocked'] == 1) { ?> <div class="locked"></div><?php } if ($info['isluckyscrolled'] == 1) { ?> <div class="lucky"></div><?php } AddNebulite($info, 1); AddNebulite($info, 2); AddNebulite($info, 3); ?> </div> <?php }
function get_data($itemid) { return GetItemWZInfo($itemid, CURRENT_LOCALE); }
function GetItemIconID($id, $locale) { $type = GetItemType($id, $locale); if ($type != 306) { $iteminfo = GetItemWZInfo($id, $locale); if ($iteminfo['info'] === null) { return $id; } if ($iteminfo['info']->IsUOL('icon')) { $id = $iteminfo['info']['icon']['..']['..']['ITEMID']; // Hell yea. Get the UOL object, then go back to get the Item ID } return $id; } $nebtype = $id / 1000 % 5; $main_id = 3800274; return $main_id + $nebtype; }