function upgrade_question_attributes148() { global $modifyoutput, $dbprefix; $sDBPrefix = $dbprefix; $sSurveyQuery = "SELECT sid FROM {$sDBPrefix}surveys"; $oSurveyResult = db_execute_assoc($sSurveyQuery); foreach ($oSurveyResult->FetchRow() as $aSurveyRow) { $surveyid = $aSurveyRow['sid']; $languages = array_merge(array(GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid)), GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid)); $sAttributeQuery = "select q.qid,attribute,value from {$sDBPrefix}question_attributes qa , {$sDBPrefix}questions q where q.qid=qa.qid and sid={$surveyid}"; $oAttributeResult = db_execute_assoc($sAttributeQuery); $aAllAttributes = questionAttributes(true); foreach ($oAttributeResult->FetchRow() as $aAttributeRow) { if (isset($aAllAttributes[$aAttributeRow['attribute']]['i18n']) && $aAllAttributes[$aAttributeRow['attribute']]['i18n']) { modify_database("delete from {$sDBPrefix}question_attributes where qid={$aAttributeRow['qid']} and attribute='{$aAttributeRow['attribute']}'"); echo $modifyoutput; flush(); @ob_flush(); foreach ($languages as $language) { $sAttributeInsertQuery = "insert into {$sDBPrefix}question_attributes (qid,attribute,value,language) VALUES({$aAttributeRow['qid']},'{$aAttributeRow['attribute']}','{$aAttributeRow['value']}','{$language}' )"; modify_database("", $sAttributeInsertQuery); echo $modifyoutput; flush(); @ob_flush(); } } } } }
function browsemenubar($title = '') { global $surveyid, $scriptname, $imagefiles, $homeurl, $clang, $sumrows5, $surrows; $thissurvey = getSurveyInfo($surveyid); //BROWSE MENU BAR $browsemenubar = "<div class='menubar'>\n" . "<div class='menubar-title'>\n" . "<strong>{$title}</strong>: ({$thissurvey['name']})" . "</div>" . "<div class='menubar-main'>\n" . "<div class='menubar-left'>\n" . "<a href='{$scriptname}?sid={$surveyid}' title=\"" . $clang->gTview("Return to survey administration") . "\" >" . "<img name='Administration' src='{$imagefiles}/home.png' title='' alt='" . $clang->gT("Return to survey administration") . "' /></a>\n" . "<img src='{$imagefiles}/blank.gif' alt='' width='11' />\n" . "<img src='{$imagefiles}/seperator.gif' alt='' />\n" . "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=browse&sid={$surveyid}' title=\"" . $clang->gTview("Show summary information") . "\" >" . "<img name='SurveySummary' src='{$imagefiles}/summary.png' title='' alt='" . $clang->gT("Show summary information") . "' /></a>\n"; //Display responses if (count(GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid)) == 0) { $browsemenubar .= "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=browse&sid={$surveyid}&subaction=all' title=\"" . $clang->gTview("Display Responses") . "\" >" . "<img name='ViewAll' src='{$imagefiles}/document.png' title='' alt='" . $clang->gT("Display Responses") . "' /></a>\n"; } else { $browsemenubar .= "<a href=\"#\" accesskey='b' id='browseresponses'" . "title=\"" . $clang->gTview("Display Responses") . "\" >" . "<img src='{$imagefiles}/document.png' alt='" . $clang->gT("Display Responses") . "' name='ViewAll' /></a>"; $tmp_survlangs = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); $baselang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); $tmp_survlangs[] = $baselang; rsort($tmp_survlangs); $browsemenubar .= "<div class=\"langpopup\" id=\"browselangpopup\">" . $clang->gT("Please select a language:") . "<ul>"; foreach ($tmp_survlangs as $tmp_lang) { $browsemenubar .= "<li><a href=\"{$scriptname}?action=browse&sid={$surveyid}&subaction=all&browselang={$tmp_lang}\" accesskey='b'>" . getLanguageNameFromCode($tmp_lang, false) . "</a></li>"; } $browsemenubar .= "</ul></div>"; } // Display last 50 responses $browsemenubar .= "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=browse&sid={$surveyid}&subaction=all&limit=50&order=desc'" . " title=\"" . $clang->gTview("Display Last 50 Responses") . "\" >" . "<img name='ViewLast' src='{$imagefiles}/viewlast.png' alt='" . $clang->gT("Display Last 50 Responses") . "' /></a>\n"; // Data entry $browsemenubar .= "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=dataentry&sid={$surveyid}'" . " title=\"" . $clang->gTview("Dataentry Screen for Survey") . "\" >" . "<img name='DataEntry' src='{$imagefiles}/dataentry.png' alt='" . $clang->gT("Dataentry Screen for Survey") . "' /></a>\n"; // Statistics $browsemenubar .= "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=statistics&sid={$surveyid}' " . "title=\"" . $clang->gTview("Get statistics from these responses") . "\" >" . "<img name='Statistics' src='{$imagefiles}/statistics.png' alt='" . $clang->gT("Get statistics from these responses") . "' /></a>\n"; $browsemenubar .= "<img src='{$imagefiles}/seperator.gif' alt='' />\n"; if (bHasRight($surveyid, 'export')) { // Export to application $browsemenubar .= "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=exportresults&sid={$surveyid}' title=\"" . $clang->gTview("Export Results to Application") . "\" >" . "<img name='Export' src='{$imagefiles}/export.png' " . "alt='" . $clang->gT("Export Results to Application") . "' /></a>\n" . "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=exportspss&sid={$surveyid}' title=\"" . $clang->gTview("Export results to a SPSS/PASW command file") . "\" >" . "<img src='{$imagefiles}/exportspss.png' " . "alt='" . $clang->gT("Export results to a SPSS/PASW command file") . "' /></a>\n" . "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=exportr&sid={$surveyid}' title=\"" . $clang->gTview("Export results to a R data file") . "\" >" . "<img src='{$imagefiles}/exportr.png' " . "alt='" . $clang->gT("Export results to a R data file") . "' /></a>\n"; } //Import old response table $browsemenubar .= "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=importoldresponses&sid={$surveyid}' title=\"" . $clang->gTview("Import answers from a deactivated survey table") . "\" >" . "<img name='ImportOldResponses' src='{$imagefiles}/importold.png' alt='" . $clang->gT("Import answers from a deactivated survey table") . "' /></a>\n"; $browsemenubar .= "<img src='{$imagefiles}/seperator.gif' alt='' />\n"; //browse saved responses $browsemenubar .= "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=saved&sid={$surveyid}' title=\"" . $clang->gTview("View Saved but not submitted Responses") . "\" >" . "<img src='{$imagefiles}/saved.png' title='' alt='" . $clang->gT("View Saved but not submitted Responses") . "' name='BrowseSaved' /></a>\n" . "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=vvimport&sid={$surveyid}' title=\"" . $clang->gTview("Import a VV survey file") . "\" >" . "<img src='{$imagefiles}/importvv.png' alt='" . $clang->gT("Import a VV survey file") . "' /></a>\n"; //Export VV if (bHasRight($surveyid, 'export')) { $browsemenubar .= "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=vvexport&sid={$surveyid}' title=\"" . $clang->gTview("Export a VV survey file") . "\" >" . "<img src='{$imagefiles}/exportvv.png' title='' alt='" . $clang->gT("Export a VV survey file") . "' /></a>\n"; } //Iterate survey if (($surrows['browse_response'] && $surrows['activate_survey'] || $_SESSION['USER_RIGHT_SUPERADMIN'] == 1) && ($thissurvey['private'] == 'N' && $thissurvey['tokenanswerspersistence'] == 'Y')) { $browsemenubar .= "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=iteratesurvey&sid={$surveyid}' title=\"" . $clang->gTview("Iterate survey") . "\" >" . "<img src='{$imagefiles}/iterate.png' title='' alt='" . $clang->gT("Iterate survey") . "' /></a>\n"; } $browsemenubar .= "</div>\n" . "\t</div>\n" . "</div>\n"; return $browsemenubar; }
function getQuotaAnswers($qid, $surveyid, $quota_id) { global $clang; $baselang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); $query = "SELECT type, title FROM " . db_table_name('questions') . "q JOIN " . db_table_name('groups') . "g on g.gid=q.gid WHERE qid='{$qid}' AND q.language='{$baselang}' AND g.language='{$baselang}' order by group_order, question_order"; $result = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); $qtype = $result->FetchRow(); if ($qtype['type'] == 'G') { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('quota_members') . " WHERE sid='{$surveyid}' and qid='{$qid}' and quota_id='{$quota_id}'"; $result = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); $answerlist = array('M' => array('Title' => $qtype['title'], 'Display' => $clang->gT("Male"), 'code' => 'M'), 'F' => array('Title' => $qtype['title'], 'Display' => $clang->gT("Female"), 'code' => 'F')); if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { while ($quotalist = $result->FetchRow()) { $answerlist[$quotalist['code']]['rowexists'] = '1'; } } } if ($qtype['type'] == 'M') { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('quota_members') . " WHERE sid='{$surveyid}' and qid='{$qid}' and quota_id='{$quota_id}'"; $result = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); $query = "SELECT title,question FROM " . db_table_name('questions') . " WHERE parent_qid='{$qid}'"; $ansresult = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); $answerlist = array(); while ($dbanslist = $ansresult->FetchRow()) { $tmparrayans = array('Title' => $qtype['title'], 'Display' => substr($dbanslist['question'], 0, 40), 'code' => $dbanslist['title']); $answerlist[$dbanslist['title']] = $tmparrayans; } if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { while ($quotalist = $result->FetchRow()) { $answerlist[$quotalist['code']]['rowexists'] = '1'; } } } if ($qtype['type'] == 'L' || $qtype['type'] == 'O' || $qtype['type'] == '!') { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('quota_members') . " WHERE sid='{$surveyid}' and qid='{$qid}' and quota_id='{$quota_id}'"; $result = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); $query = "SELECT code,answer FROM " . db_table_name('answers') . " WHERE qid='{$qid}' and language='{$baselang}'"; $ansresult = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); $answerlist = array(); while ($dbanslist = $ansresult->FetchRow()) { $answerlist[$dbanslist['code']] = array('Title' => $qtype['title'], 'Display' => substr($dbanslist['answer'], 0, 40), 'code' => $dbanslist['code']); } if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { while ($quotalist = $result->FetchRow()) { $answerlist[$quotalist['code']]['rowexists'] = '1'; } } } if ($qtype['type'] == 'A') { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('quota_members') . " WHERE sid='{$surveyid}' and qid='{$qid}' and quota_id='{$quota_id}'"; $result = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); $query = "SELECT title,question FROM " . db_table_name('questions') . " WHERE parent_qid='{$qid}'"; $ansresult = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); $answerlist = array(); while ($dbanslist = $ansresult->FetchRow()) { for ($x = 1; $x < 6; $x++) { $tmparrayans = array('Title' => $qtype['title'], 'Display' => substr($dbanslist['question'], 0, 40) . ' [' . $x . ']', 'code' => $dbanslist['title']); $answerlist[$dbanslist['title'] . "-" . $x] = $tmparrayans; } } if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { while ($quotalist = $result->FetchRow()) { $answerlist[$quotalist['code']]['rowexists'] = '1'; } } } if ($qtype['type'] == 'B') { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('quota_members') . " WHERE sid='{$surveyid}' and qid='{$qid}' and quota_id='{$quota_id}'"; $result = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); $query = "SELECT code,answer FROM " . db_table_name('answers') . " WHERE qid='{$qid}' and language='{$baselang}'"; $ansresult = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); $answerlist = array(); while ($dbanslist = $ansresult->FetchRow()) { for ($x = 1; $x < 11; $x++) { $tmparrayans = array('Title' => $qtype['title'], 'Display' => substr($dbanslist['answer'], 0, 40) . ' [' . $x . ']', 'code' => $dbanslist['code']); $answerlist[$dbanslist['code'] . "-" . $x] = $tmparrayans; } } if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { while ($quotalist = $result->FetchRow()) { $answerlist[$quotalist['code']]['rowexists'] = '1'; } } } if ($qtype['type'] == 'Y') { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('quota_members') . " WHERE sid='{$surveyid}' and qid='{$qid}' and quota_id='{$quota_id}'"; $result = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); $answerlist = array('Y' => array('Title' => $qtype['title'], 'Display' => $clang->gT("Yes"), 'code' => 'Y'), 'N' => array('Title' => $qtype['title'], 'Display' => $clang->gT("No"), 'code' => 'N')); if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { while ($quotalist = $result->FetchRow()) { $answerlist[$quotalist['code']]['rowexists'] = '1'; } } } if ($qtype['type'] == 'I') { $slangs = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); array_unshift($slangs, $baselang); $query = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('quota_members') . " WHERE sid='{$surveyid}' and qid='{$qid}' and quota_id='{$quota_id}'"; $result = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); while (list($key, $value) = each($slangs)) { $tmparrayans = array('Title' => $qtype['title'], 'Display' => getLanguageNameFromCode($value, false), $value); $answerlist[$value] = $tmparrayans; } if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { while ($quotalist = $result->FetchRow()) { $answerlist[$quotalist['code']]['rowexists'] = '1'; } } } if (!isset($answerlist)) { return array(); } else { return $answerlist; } }
/** * showTranslateAdminmenu() creates the main menu options for the survey translation page * @param string $surveyid The survey ID * @param string $survey_title * @param string $tolang * @param string $activated * @param string $scriptname * @global string $imageurl, $clang, $publicurl * @return string */ function showTranslateAdminmenu($surveyid, $survey_title, $tolang, $scriptname) { global $imageurl, $clang, $publicurl; $baselang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); $supportedLanguages = getLanguageData(false); $langs = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); $adminmenu = "" . "<div class='menubar'>\n" . "<div class='menubar-title ui-widget-header'>\n" . "<strong>" . $clang->gT("Translate survey") . ": {$survey_title}</strong>\n" . "</div>\n" . "<div class='menubar-main'>\n"; $adminmenu .= "" . "<div class='menubar-left'>\n"; // Return to survey administration button $adminmenu .= menuItem($clang->gT("Return to survey administration"), $clang->gTview("Return to survey administration"), "Administration", "home.png", "{$scriptname}?sid={$surveyid}"); // Separator $adminmenu .= menuSeparator(); // Test / execute survey button if ($tolang != "") { $sumquery1 = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('surveys') . " inner join " . db_table_name('surveys_languagesettings') . " on (surveyls_survey_id=sid and surveyls_language=language) WHERE sid={$surveyid}"; //Getting data for this survey $sumresult1 = db_select_limit_assoc($sumquery1, 1); //Checked $surveyinfo = $sumresult1->FetchRow(); $surveyinfo = array_map('FlattenText', $surveyinfo); $activated = $surveyinfo['active']; if ($activated == "N") { $menutext = $clang->gT("Test This Survey"); $menutext2 = $clang->gTview("Test This Survey"); } else { $menutext = $clang->gT("Execute This Survey"); $menutext2 = $clang->gTview("Execute This Survey"); } if (count(GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid)) == 0) { $adminmenu .= menuItem($menutext, $menutext2, "do.png", "{$publicurl}/index.php?sid={$surveyid}&newtest=Y&lang={$baselang}"); } else { $icontext = $clang->gT($menutext); $icontext2 = $clang->gT($menutext); $adminmenu .= "<a href='#' id='dosurvey' class='dosurvey'" . "title=\"" . $icontext2 . "\" accesskey='d'>" . "<img src='{$imageurl}/do.png' alt='{$icontext}' />" . "</a>\n"; $tmp_survlangs = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); $tmp_survlangs[] = $baselang; rsort($tmp_survlangs); // Test Survey Language Selection Popup $adminmenu .= "<div class=\"langpopup\" id=\"dosurveylangpopup\">" . $clang->gT("Please select a language:") . "<ul>"; foreach ($tmp_survlangs as $tmp_lang) { $adminmenu .= "<li><a accesskey='d' onclick=\"\$('.dosurvey').qtip('hide');" . "\" target='_blank' href='{$publicurl}/index.php?sid={$surveyid}&" . "newtest=Y&lang={$tmp_lang}'>" . getLanguageNameFromCode($tmp_lang, false) . "</a></li>"; } $adminmenu .= "</ul></div>"; } } // End of survey-bar-left $adminmenu .= "</div>"; // Survey language list $selected = ""; if (!isset($tolang)) { $selected = " selected='selected' "; } $adminmenu .= "" . "<div class='menubar-right'>\n" . "<span class=\"boxcaption\">" . $clang->gT("Translate to") . ":</span>" . "<select onchange=\"[this.selectedIndex].value,'_top')\">\n"; if (count(GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid)) > 1) { $adminmenu .= "<option {$selected} value='{$scriptname}?action=translate&sid={$surveyid}'>" . $clang->gT("Please choose...") . "</option>\n"; } foreach ($langs as $lang) { $selected = ""; if ($tolang == $lang) { $selected = " selected='selected' "; } $tolangtext = $supportedLanguages[$lang]['description']; $adminmenu .= "<option {$selected} value='{$scriptname}?action=translate&sid={$surveyid}&tolang={$lang}'> " . $tolangtext . " </option>\n"; } $adminmenu .= "" . "</select>\n" . "</div>\n"; // End of menubar-right $adminmenu .= "" . "</div>\n"; $adminmenu .= "" . "</div>\n"; return $adminmenu; }
/** * * Enter description here... * @param $surveyid * @param $sMod * @param $newGroup * @return unknown_type */ function importQuestion($surveyid, $sMod, $newGroup = false) { global $connect; global $dbprefix; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC; include "lsrc.config.php"; $newsid = $surveyid; $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", START OK {$dbprefix} "); //$getGidSql = "SELECT gid FROM {$dbprefix} "; $getGidSql = "SELECT gid\r\n\t FROM {$dbprefix}groups \r\n\t WHERE sid=" . $surveyid . " AND language='" . GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid) . "'\r\n\t ORDER BY gid desc "; $getGidRs = db_execute_num($getGidSql); $gidRow = $getGidRs->FetchRow(); $gid = $gidRow[0]; if ($gid == '') { $this->debugLsrc("No Group for importing the question, available!"); return "No Group for importing the question, available! Import failed."; } if ($newGroup === true) { ++$gid; } $the_full_file_path = $queDir . $sMod . ".csv"; $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK {$the_full_file_path} "); $handle = fopen($the_full_file_path, "r"); while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle, 10240); //To allow for very long survey welcomes (up to 10k) $bigarray[] = $buffer; } fclose($handle); // Now we try to determine the dataformat of the survey file. if (substr($bigarray[1], 0, 24) == "# SURVEYOR QUESTION DUMP" && substr($bigarray[4], 0, 29) == "#") { $importversion = 100; // version 1.0 file } elseif (substr($bigarray[1], 0, 24) == "# SURVEYOR QUESTION DUMP" && substr($bigarray[4], 0, 37) == "#") { $importversion = 99; // Version 0.99 file or older - carries a different URL } elseif (substr($bigarray[0], 0, 26) == "# LimeSurvey Question Dump" || substr($bigarray[0], 0, 27) == "# PHPSurveyor Question Dump") { // Wow.. this seems to be a >1.0 version file - these files carry the version information to read in line two $importversion = substr($bigarray[1], 12, 3); } else { // $importquestion .= "<strong><font color='red'>".("Error")."</font></strong>\n"; // $importquestion .= ("This file is not a LimeSurvey question file. Import failed.")."\n"; // $importquestion .= "</font></td></tr></table>\n"; // $importquestion .= "</body>\n</html>\n"; // unlink($the_full_file_path); return "This is not a Limesurvey question file. Import failed"; } // if ($importversion != $dbversionnumber) // { //// $importquestion .= "<strong><font color='red'>".("Error")."</font></strong>\n"; //// $importquestion .= ("Sorry, importing questions is limited to the same version. Import failed.")."\n"; //// $importquestion .= "</font></td></tr></table>\n"; //// $importquestion .= "</body>\n</html>\n"; //// unlink($the_full_file_path); // return; // } $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) { unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //QUESTIONS if (array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $questionarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //ANSWERS if (array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $answerarray[] = str_replace("`default`", "`default_value`", $bigarray[$i]); } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //LABELSETS if (array_search("# LABELS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# LABELS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $labelsetsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //LABELS if (array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $labelsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //Question_attributes if (!isset($noconditions) || $noconditions != "Y") { $stoppoint = count($bigarray); for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 1) { $question_attributesarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); if (isset($questionarray)) { $countquestions = count($questionarray) - 1; } else { $countquestions = 0; } if (isset($answerarray)) { $answerfieldnames = convertCSVRowToArray($answerarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($answerarray[0]); $countanswers = count($answerarray); } else { $countanswers = 0; } if (isset($labelsetsarray)) { $countlabelsets = count($labelsetsarray) - 1; } else { $countlabelsets = 0; } if (isset($labelsarray)) { $countlabels = count($labelsarray) - 1; } else { $countlabels = 0; } if (isset($question_attributesarray)) { $countquestion_attributes = count($question_attributesarray) - 1; } else { $countquestion_attributes = 0; } $languagesSupported = array(); // this array will keep all the languages supported for the survey // Let's check that imported objects support at least the survey's baselang $langcode = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); $languagesSupported[$langcode] = 1; // adds the base language to the list of supported languages $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); if ($countquestions > 0) { $questionfieldnames = convertCSVRowToArray($questionarray[0], ',', '"'); $langfieldnum = array_search("language", $questionfieldnames); $qidfieldnum = array_search("qid", $questionfieldnames); $questionssupportbaselang = bDoesImportarraySupportsLanguage($questionarray, array($qidfieldnum), $langfieldnum, $langcode, true); if (!$questionssupportbaselang) { // $importquestion .= "<strong><font color='red'>".("Error")."</font></strong>\n" // .("You can't import a question which doesn't support the current survey's base language")."\n" // ."</td></tr></table>\n"; // unlink($the_full_file_path); return "You can't import a question which doesn't support the current survey's base language"; } } $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); foreach (GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid) as $language) { $languagesSupported[$language] = 1; } // Let's assume that if the questions do support tye baselang // Then the answers do support it as well. // ==> So the following section is commented for now //if ($countanswers > 0) //{ // $langfieldnum = array_search("language", $answerfieldnames); // $answercodefilednum1 = array_search("qid", $answerfieldnames); // $answercodefilednum2 = array_search("code", $answerfieldnames); // $answercodekeysarr = Array($answercodefilednum1,$answercodefilednum2); // $answerssupportbaselang = bDoesImportarraySupportsLanguage($answerarray,$answercodekeysarr,$langfieldnum,$langcode); // if (!$answerssupportbaselang) // { // $importquestion .= "<strong><font color='red'>".("Error")."</font></strong>\n" // .("You can't import answers which don't support current survey's base language")."\n" // ."</td></tr></table>\n"; // return; // } // //} $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); if ($countlabelsets > 0) { $labelsetfieldname = convertCSVRowToArray($labelsetsarray[0], ',', '"'); $langfieldnum = array_search("languages", $labelsetfieldname); $lidfilednum = array_search("lid", $labelsetfieldname); $labelsetssupportbaselang = bDoesImportarraySupportsLanguage($labelsetsarray, array($lidfilednum), $langfieldnum, $langcode, true); if (!$labelsetssupportbaselang) { // $importquestion .= "<strong><font color='red'>".("Error")."</font></strong>\n" // .("You can't import label sets which don't support the current survey's base language")."\n" // ."</td></tr></table>\n"; // unlink($the_full_file_path); return "You can't import label sets which don't support the current survey's base language"; } } // I assume that if a labelset supports the survey's baselang, // then it's labels do support it as well // GET SURVEY AND GROUP DETAILS //$surveyid=$postsid; //$gid=$postgid; $newsid = $surveyid; $newgid = $gid; $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //DO ANY LABELSETS FIRST, SO WE CAN KNOW WHAT THEIR NEW LID IS FOR THE QUESTIONS if (isset($labelsetsarray) && $labelsetsarray) { $csarray = buildLabelSetCheckSumArray(); // build checksums over all existing labelsets $count = 0; $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); foreach ($labelsetsarray as $lsa) { $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($labelsetsarray[0], ',', '"'); $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($lsa, ',', '"'); if ($count == 0) { $count++; continue; } $labelsetrowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); // Save old labelid $oldlid = $labelsetrowdata['lid']; // set the new language unset($labelsetrowdata['lid']); $newvalues = array_values($labelsetrowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $lsainsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}labelsets (" . implode(',', array_keys($labelsetrowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; //handle db prefix $lsiresult = $connect->Execute($lsainsert); // Get the new insert id for the labels inside this labelset $newlid = $connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}labelsets", "lid"); if ($labelsarray) { $count = 0; foreach ($labelsarray as $la) { $lfieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($labelsarray[0], ',', '"'); $lfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($la, ',', '"'); if ($count == 0) { $count++; continue; } // Combine into one array with keys and values since its easier to handle $labelrowdata = array_combine($lfieldorders, $lfieldcontents); $labellid = $labelrowdata['lid']; if ($labellid == $oldlid) { $labelrowdata['lid'] = $newlid; // translate internal links $labelrowdata['title'] = translink('label', $oldlid, $newlid, $labelrowdata['title']); $newvalues = array_values($labelrowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $lainsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}labels (" . implode(',', array_keys($labelrowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; //handle db prefix $liresult = $connect->Execute($lainsert); } } } //CHECK FOR DUPLICATE LABELSETS $thisset = ""; $query2 = "SELECT code, title, sortorder, language\r\n\t\t FROM {$dbprefix}labels\r\n\t\t WHERE lid=" . $newlid . "\r\n\t\t ORDER BY language, sortorder, code"; $result2 = db_execute_num($query2) or $this->debugLsrc("Died querying labelset {$lid}{$query2}" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($row2 = $result2->FetchRow()) { $thisset .= implode('.', $row2); } // while $newcs = dechex(crc32($thisset) * 1); unset($lsmatch); if (isset($csarray)) { foreach ($csarray as $key => $val) { if ($val == $newcs) { $lsmatch = $key; } } } if (isset($lsmatch)) { //There is a matching labelset. So, we will delete this one and refer //to the matched one. $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}labels WHERE lid={$newlid}"; $result = $connect->Execute($query) or $this->debugLsrc("Couldn't delete labels{$query}" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}labelsets WHERE lid={$newlid}"; $result = $connect->Execute($query) or $this->debugLsrc("Couldn't delete labelset{$query}" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $newlid = $lsmatch; } else { //There isn't a matching labelset, add this checksum to the $csarray array $csarray[$newlid] = $newcs; } //END CHECK FOR DUPLICATES $labelreplacements[] = array($oldlid, $newlid); } } $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); // QUESTIONS, THEN ANSWERS FOR QUESTIONS IN A NESTED FORMAT! if (isset($questionarray) && $questionarray) { $qafieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($questionarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($questionarray[0]); //Assuming we will only import one question at a time we will now find out the maximum question order in this group //and save it for later $qmaxqo = "SELECT MAX(question_order) AS maxqo FROM " . db_table_name('questions') . " WHERE sid={$newsid} AND gid={$newgid}"; $qres = db_execute_assoc($qmaxqo) or $this->debugLsrc("Error: " . ": Failed to find out maximum question order value\n{$qmaxqo}\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $qrow = $qres->FetchRow(); $newquestionorder = $qrow['maxqo'] + 1; $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); foreach ($questionarray as $qa) { $qacfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($qa, ',', '"'); $newfieldcontents = $qacfieldcontents; $questionrowdata = array_combine($qafieldorders, $qacfieldcontents); if (isset($languagesSupported[$questionrowdata["language"]])) { $oldqid = $questionrowdata['qid']; $oldsid = $questionrowdata['sid']; $oldgid = $questionrowdata['gid']; // Remove qid field if there is no newqid; and set it to newqid if it's set if (!isset($newqid)) { unset($questionrowdata['qid']); } else { $questionrowdata['qid'] = $newqid; } $questionrowdata["sid"] = $newsid; $questionrowdata["gid"] = $newgid; $questionrowdata["question_order"] = $newquestionorder; $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); // Now we will fix up the label id $type = $questionrowdata["type"]; //Get the type if ($type == "F" || $type == "H" || $type == "1" || $type == ":" || $type == ";") { //IF this is a flexible label array, update the lid entry $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); if (isset($labelreplacements)) { foreach ($labelreplacements as $lrp) { if ($lrp[0] == $questionrowdata["lid"]) { $questionrowdata["lid"] = $lrp[1]; } if ($lrp[0] == $questionrowdata["lid1"]) { $questionrowdata["lid1"] = $lrp[1]; } } } } $other = $questionrowdata["other"]; //Get 'other' field value $oldlid = $questionrowdata["lid"]; $questionrowdata = array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $questionrowdata); // translate internal links $questionrowdata['title'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['title']); $questionrowdata['question'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['question']); $questionrowdata['help'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['help']); $newvalues = array_values($questionrowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $qinsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}questions (" . implode(',', array_keys($questionrowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; $qres = $connect->Execute($qinsert) or $this->debugLsrc("Error: " . ": Failed to insert question\n{$qinsert}\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); // set the newqid only if is not set if (!isset($newqid)) { $newqid = $connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}questions", "qid"); } } } $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //NOW DO ANSWERS FOR THIS QID - Is called just once and only if there was a question if (isset($answerarray) && $answerarray) { foreach ($answerarray as $aa) { $answerfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($aa, ',', '"'); $answerrowdata = array_combine($answerfieldnames, $answerfieldcontents); if ($answerrowdata === false) { $importquestion .= '' . "Faulty line in import - fields and data don't match" . ":" . implode(',', $answerfieldcontents); } if (isset($languagesSupported[$answerrowdata["language"]])) { $code = $answerrowdata["code"]; $thisqid = $answerrowdata["qid"]; $answerrowdata["qid"] = $newqid; // translate internal links $answerrowdata['answer'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $answerrowdata['answer']); $newvalues = array_values($answerrowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $ainsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}answers (" . implode(',', array_keys($answerrowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; $ares = $connect->Execute($ainsert) or $this->debugLsrc("Error: " . ": Failed to insert answer\n{$ainsert}\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); } } } $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); // Finally the question attributes - Is called just once and only if there was a question if (isset($question_attributesarray) && $question_attributesarray) { //ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUESTION_ATTRIBUES $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($question_attributesarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($question_attributesarray[0]); foreach ($question_attributesarray as $qar) { $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($qar, ',', '"'); $qarowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); $qarowdata["qid"] = $newqid; unset($qarowdata["qaid"]); $newvalues = array_values($qarowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $qainsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}question_attributes (" . implode(',', array_keys($qarowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; $result = $connect->Execute($qainsert) or $this->debugLsrc("Couldn't insert question_attribute{$qainsert}" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); } } } $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", FERTIG "); // CONDITIONS is DONE return array('gid' => $newgid, 'qid' => $newqid); //return $newgid; }
* * $Id: assessments.php 9189 2010-10-08 11:13:15Z mennodekker $ */ include_once "login_check.php"; if (!isset($surveyid)) { $surveyid = returnglobal('sid'); } if (!isset($action)) { $action = returnglobal('action'); } $surveyinfo = getSurveyInfo($surveyid); $js_admin_includes[] = $homeurl . '/scripts/assessments.js'; $js_admin_includes[] = '../scripts/jquery/jquery.tablesorter.min.js'; $js_admin_includes[] = $rooturl . '/scripts/jquery/jquery-ui.js'; // . "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\" href=\"styles/default/jquery-ui.css\" />\n"; $assessmentlangs = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); $baselang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); array_unshift($assessmentlangs, $baselang); // makes an array with ALL the languages supported by the survey -> $assessmentlangs if (bHasRight($surveyid, 'edit_survey_property')) { if ($action == "assessmentadd") { $inserttable = $dbprefix . "assessments"; $first = true; foreach ($assessmentlangs as $assessmentlang) { if (!isset($_POST['gid'])) { $_POST['gid'] = 0; } $datarray = array('sid' => $surveyid, 'scope' => $_POST['scope'], 'gid' => $_POST['gid'], 'minimum' => $_POST['minimum'], 'maximum' => $_POST['maximum'], 'name' => $_POST['name_' . $assessmentlang], 'language' => $assessmentlang, 'message' => $_POST['assessmentmessage_' . $assessmentlang]); if ($first == false) { $datarray['id'] = $aid; }
$eqrow = array_map('htmlspecialchars', $eqrow); $editquestion .= "\t<div class='settingrow'><span class='settingcaption'>" . $clang->gT("Code:") . "</span>\n" . "<span class='settingentry'><input type='text' size='20' maxlength='20' id='title' name='title' value=\"{$eqrow['title']}\" />\n" . "\t</span></div>\n"; $editquestion .= "\t<div class='settingrow'><span class='settingcaption'>" . $clang->gT("Question:") . "</span>\n" . "<span class='settingentry'><textarea cols='50' rows='4' name='question_{$eqrow['language']}'>{$eqrow['question']}</textarea>\n" . getEditor("question-text", "question_" . $eqrow['language'], "[" . $clang->gT("Question:", "js") . "](" . $eqrow['language'] . ")", $surveyid, $gid, $qid, $action) . "\t</span></div>\n" . "\t<div class='settingrow'><span class='settingcaption'>" . $clang->gT("Help:") . "</span>\n" . "<span class='settingentry'><textarea cols='50' rows='4' name='help_{$eqrow['language']}'>{$eqrow['help']}</textarea>\n" . getEditor("question-help", "help_" . $eqrow['language'], "[" . $clang->gT("Help:", "js") . "](" . $eqrow['language'] . ")", $surveyid, $gid, $qid, $action) . "\t</span></div>\n" . "\t<div class='settingrow'><span class='settingcaption'> </span>\n" . "<span class='settingentry'> \n" . "\t</span></div>\n"; $editquestion .= ' </div>'; if (!$adding) { $aqquery = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}questions WHERE sid={$surveyid} AND gid={$gid} AND qid={$qid} AND language != '{$baselang}'"; $aqresult = db_execute_assoc($aqquery); while (!$aqresult->EOF) { $aqrow = $aqresult->FetchRow(); $editquestion .= '<div id="' . $aqrow['language'] . '">'; $aqrow = array_map('htmlspecialchars', $aqrow); $editquestion .= "\t<div class='settingrow'><span class='settingcaption'>" . $clang->gT("Question:") . "</span>\n" . "<span class='settingentry'><textarea cols='50' rows='4' name='question_{$aqrow['language']}'>{$aqrow['question']}</textarea>\n" . getEditor("question-text", "question_" . $aqrow['language'], "[" . $clang->gT("Question:", "js") . "](" . $aqrow['language'] . ")", $surveyid, $gid, $qid, $action) . "\t</span></div>\n" . "\t<div class='settingrow'><span class='settingcaption'>" . $clang->gT("Help:") . "</span>\n" . "<span class='settingentry'><textarea cols='50' rows='4' name='help_{$aqrow['language']}'>{$aqrow['help']}</textarea>\n" . getEditor("question-help", "help_" . $aqrow['language'], "[" . $clang->gT("Help:", "js") . "](" . $aqrow['language'] . ")", $surveyid, $gid, $qid, $action) . "\t</span></div>\n"; $editquestion .= '</div>'; } } else { $addlanguages = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); foreach ($addlanguages as $addlanguage) { $editquestion .= '<div id="' . $addlanguage . '">'; $editquestion .= '</h2>'; $editquestion .= "\t<div class='settingrow'><span class='settingcaption'>" . $clang->gT("Question:") . "</span>\n" . "<span class='settingentry'><textarea cols='50' rows='4' name='question_{$addlanguage}'></textarea>\n" . getEditor("question-text", "question_" . $addlanguage, "[" . $clang->gT("Question:", "js") . "](" . $addlanguage . ")", $surveyid, $gid, $qid, $action) . "\t</span></div>\n" . "\t<div class='settingrow'><span class='settingcaption'>" . $clang->gT("Help:") . "</span>\n" . "<span class='settingentry'><textarea cols='50' rows='4' name='help_{$addlanguage}'></textarea>\n" . getEditor("question-help", "help_" . $addlanguage, "[" . $clang->gT("Help:", "js") . "](" . $addlanguage . ")", $surveyid, $gid, $qid, $action) . "\t</span></div>\n" . "\t<div class='settingrow'><span class='settingcaption'> </span>\n" . "<span class='settingentry'> \n" . "\t</span></div>\n"; $editquestion .= '</div>'; } } //question type: $editquestion .= "\t<div id='questionbottom'><ul>\n" . "<li><label for='question_type'>" . $clang->gT("Question Type:") . "</label>\n"; if ($activated != "Y") { $editquestion .= "<select id='question_type' style='margin-bottom:5px' name='type' " . ">\n" . getqtypelist($eqrow['type'], 'group') . "</select>\n"; } else { $qtypelist = getqtypelist('', 'array'); $editquestion .= "{$qtypelist[$eqrow['type']]['description']} - " . $clang->gT("Cannot be changed (survey is active)") . "\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='type' id='question_type' value='{$eqrow['type']}' />\n"; }
function makelanguagechanger() { global $relativeurl; if (!isset($surveyid)) { $surveyid = returnglobal('sid'); } if (isset($surveyid)) { $slangs = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); $sBaseLanguage = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); } $token = sanitize_token(returnglobal('token')); if ($token != '') { $tokenparam = "&token={$token}"; } else { $tokenparam = ""; } $previewgrp = false; if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'previewgroup') { $previewgrp = true; } } if (!empty($slangs)) { if (isset($_SESSION['s_lang']) && $_SESSION['s_lang'] != '') { $lang = sanitize_languagecode($_SESSION['s_lang']); } else { if (isset($_POST['lang']) && $_POST['lang'] != '') { $lang = sanitize_languagecode($_POST['lang']); } else { if (isset($_GET['lang']) && $_GET['lang'] != '') { $lang = sanitize_languagecode($_GET['lang']); } else { $lang = $sBaseLanguage; } } } $slangs[] = $sBaseLanguage; $aAllLanguages = getLanguageData(); $slangs = array_keys(array_intersect_key($aAllLanguages, array_flip($slangs))); // Sort languages by their locale name $htmlcode = "<select name=\"select\" class='languagechanger' onchange=\"javascript:window.location=this.value\">\n"; $sAddToURL = ""; $sTargetURL = "{$relativeurl}/index.php"; if ($previewgrp) { $sAddToURL = "&action=previewgroup&gid={$_REQUEST['gid']}"; $sTargetURL = ""; } foreach ($slangs as $otherlang) { $htmlcode .= "\t<option value=\"{$sTargetURL}?sid=" . $surveyid . "&lang=" . $otherlang . "{$tokenparam}{$sAddToURL}\" "; if ($otherlang == $lang) { $htmlcode .= " selected=\"selected\" "; } $htmlcode .= ">" . getLanguageNameFromCode($otherlang, false) . "</option>\n"; } $htmlcode .= "</select>\n"; // . "</form>"; return $htmlcode; } elseif (!isset($surveyid)) { global $defaultlang, $baselang; $htmlcode = "<select name=\"select\" class='languagechanger' onchange=\"javascript:window.location=this.value\">\n"; $htmlcode .= "<option value=\"{$relativeurl}/index.php?lang=" . $defaultlang . "{$tokenparam}\">" . getLanguageNameFromCode($defaultlang, false) . "</option>\n"; foreach (getlanguagedata() as $key => $val) { $htmlcode .= "\t<option value=\"{$relativeurl}/index.php?lang=" . $key . "{$tokenparam}\" "; $htmlcode .= ">" . getLanguageNameFromCode($key, false) . "</option>\n"; } $htmlcode .= "</select>\n"; return $htmlcode; } }
/** * Generates statistics * * @param int $surveyid The survey id * @param mixed $allfields * @param mixed $q2show * @param mixed $usegraph * @param string $outputType Optional - Can be xls, html or pdf - Defaults to pdf * @param string $pdfOutput Sets the target for the PDF output: DD=File download , F=Save file to local disk * @param string $statlangcode Lamguage for statistics * @param mixed $browse Show browse buttons * @return buffer */ function generate_statistics($surveyid, $allfields, $q2show='all', $usegraph=0, $outputType='pdf', $pdfOutput='I',$statlangcode=null, $browse = true) { //$allfields =""; global $connect, $dbprefix, $clang, $rooturl, $rootdir, $homedir, $homeurl, $tempdir, $tempurl, $scriptname, $imagedir, $chartfontfile, $chartfontsize, $admintheme, $pdfdefaultfont, $pdffontsize; $fieldmap=createFieldMap($surveyid, "full"); if (is_null($statlangcode)) { $statlang=$clang; } else { $statlang = new limesurvey_lang($statlangcode); } /* * this variable is used in the function shortencode() which cuts off a question/answer title * after $maxchars and shows the rest as tooltip (in html mode) */ $maxchars = 13; //we collect all the html-output within this variable $statisticsoutput =''; /** * $outputType: html || pdf || */ /** * get/set Survey Details */ //no survey ID? -> come and get one if (!isset($surveyid)) {$surveyid=returnglobal('sid');} //Get an array of codes of all available languages in this survey $surveylanguagecodes = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); $surveylanguagecodes[] = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); // Set language for questions and answers to base language of this survey $language=$statlangcode; if ($usegraph==1) { //for creating graphs we need some more scripts which are included here require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../classes/pchart/pchart/pChart.class'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../classes/pchart/pchart/pData.class'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../classes/pchart/pchart/pCache.class'); $MyCache = new pCache($tempdir.'/'); //pick the best font file if font setting is 'auto' if ($chartfontfile=='auto') { $chartfontfile='vera.ttf'; if ( $language=='ar') { $chartfontfile='KacstOffice.ttf'; } elseif ($language=='fa' ) { $chartfontfile='KacstFarsi.ttf'; } } } if($q2show=='all' ) { $summarySql=" SELECT gid, parent_qid, qid, type " ." FROM {$dbprefix}questions WHERE parent_qid=0" ." AND sid=$surveyid "; $summaryRs = db_execute_assoc($summarySql); foreach($summaryRs as $field) { $myField = $surveyid."X".$field['gid']."X".$field['qid']; // Multiple choice get special treatment if ($field['type'] == "M") {$myField = "M$myField";} if ($field['type'] == "P") {$myField = "P$myField";} //numerical input will get special treatment (arihtmetic mean, standard derivation, ...) if ($field['type'] == "N") {$myField = "N$myField";} if ($field['type'] == "|") {$myField = "|$myField";} if ($field['type'] == "Q") {$myField = "Q$myField";} // textfields get special treatment if ($field['type'] == "S" || $field['type'] == "T" || $field['type'] == "U"){$myField = "T$myField";} //statistics for Date questions are not implemented yet. if ($field['type'] == "D") {$myField = "D$myField";} if ($field['type'] == "F" || $field['type'] == "H") { //Get answers. We always use the answer code because the label might be too long elsewise $query = "SELECT code, answer FROM ".db_table_name("answers")." WHERE qid='".$field['qid']."' AND scale_id=0 AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY sortorder, answer"; $result = db_execute_num($query) or safe_die ("Couldn't get answers!<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $counter2=0; //check all the answers while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) { $myField = "$myField{$row[0]}"; } //$myField = "{$surveyid}X{$flt[1]}X{$flt[0]}{$row[0]}[]"; } if($q2show=='all') $summary[]=$myField; //$allfields[]=$myField; } } else { // This gets all the 'to be shown questions' from the POST and puts these into an array if (!is_array($q2show)) $summary=returnglobal('summary'); else $summary = $q2show; //print_r($_POST); //if $summary isn't an array we create one if (isset($summary) && !is_array($summary)) { $summary = explode("+", $summary); } } /* Some variable depend on output type, actually : only line feed */ switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $linefeed = "\n"; break; case 'pdf': $linefeed = "\n"; break; case 'html': $linefeed = "<br />\n"; break; default: break; } /** * pdf Config */ if($outputType=='pdf') { require_once('classes/tcpdf/config/lang/eng.php'); global $l; $l['w_page'] = $statlang->gT("Page",'unescaped'); require_once('classes/tcpdf/mypdf.php'); // create new PDF document $pdf = new MyPDF(); $pdf->SetFont($pdfdefaultfont,'',$pdffontsize); $surveyInfo = getSurveyInfo($surveyid,$language); // set document information $pdf->SetCreator(PDF_CREATOR); $pdf->SetAuthor('LimeSurvey'); $pdf->SetTitle('Statistic survey '.$surveyid); $pdf->SetSubject($surveyInfo['surveyls_title']); $pdf->SetKeywords('LimeSurvey, Statistics, Survey '.$surveyid.''); $pdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage', 'two'); // set header and footer fonts $pdf->setHeaderFont(Array($pdfdefaultfont, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN)); $pdf->setFooterFont(Array($pdfdefaultfont, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA)); // set default header data // the path looks awkward - did not find a better solution to set the image path? $pdf->SetHeaderData("statistics.png", 10, $statlang->gT("Quick statistics",'unescaped') , $statlang->gT("Survey")." ".$surveyid." '".FlattenText($surveyInfo['surveyls_title'],true,'UTF-8')."'"); // set default monospaced font $pdf->SetDefaultMonospacedFont(PDF_FONT_MONOSPACED); //set margins $pdf->SetMargins(PDF_MARGIN_LEFT, PDF_MARGIN_TOP, PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT); $pdf->SetHeaderMargin(PDF_MARGIN_HEADER); $pdf->SetFooterMargin(PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER); //set auto page breaks $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM); //set image scale factor $pdf->setImageScale(PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO); //set some language-dependent strings $pdf->setLanguageArray($l); } if($outputType=='xls') { /** * Initiate the Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer */ include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/classes/pear/Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php"); if($pdfOutput=='F') $workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer($tempdir.'/statistic-survey'.$surveyid.'.xls'); else $workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer(); $workbook->setVersion(8); // Inform the module that our data will arrive as UTF-8. // Set the temporary directory to avoid PHP error messages due to open_basedir restrictions and calls to tempnam("", ...) if (!empty($tempdir)) { $workbook->setTempDir($tempdir); } if ($pdfOutput!='F') $workbook->send('statistic-survey'.$surveyid.'.xls'); // Creating the first worksheet $sheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet(utf8_decode('results-survey'.$surveyid)); $sheet->setInputEncoding('utf-8'); $sheet->setColumn(0,20,20); $separator="~|"; } /** * Start generating */ // creates array of post variable names for (reset($_POST); $key=key($_POST); next($_POST)) { $postvars[]=$key;} $aQuestionMap=array(); foreach ($fieldmap as $field) { if(isset($field['qid']) && $field['qid']!='') $aQuestionMap[]=$field['sid'].'X'.$field['gid'].'X'.$field['qid']; } /* * Iterate through postvars to create "nice" data for SQL later. * * Remember there might be some filters applied which have to be put into an SQL statement */ if(isset($postvars)) foreach ($postvars as $pv) { //Only do this if there is actually a value for the $pv if (in_array($pv, $allfields) || in_array(substr($pv,1),$aQuestionMap) || in_array($pv,$aQuestionMap) || (($pv[0]=='D' || $pv[0]=='N' || $pv[0]=='K') && in_array(substr($pv,1,strlen($pv)-2),$aQuestionMap))) { $firstletter=substr($pv,0,1); /* * these question types WON'T be handled here: * M = Multiple choice * T - Long Free Text * Q - Multiple Short Text * D - Date * N - Numerical Input * | - File Upload * K - Multiple Numerical Input */ if ($pv != "sid" && $pv != "display" && $firstletter != "M" && $firstletter != "P" && $firstletter != "T" && $firstletter != "Q" && $firstletter != "D" && $firstletter != "N" && $firstletter != "K" && $firstletter != "|" && $pv != "summary" && substr($pv, 0, 2) != "id" && substr($pv, 0, 9) != "datestamp") //pull out just the fieldnames { //put together some SQL here $thisquestion = db_quote_id($pv)." IN ("; foreach ($_POST[$pv] as $condition) { $thisquestion .= "'$condition', "; } $thisquestion = substr($thisquestion, 0, -2) . ")"; //we collect all the to be selected data in this array $selects[]=$thisquestion; } //M - Multiple choice //P - Multiple choice with comments elseif ($firstletter == "M" || $firstletter == "P") { $mselects=array(); //create a list out of the $pv array list($lsid, $lgid, $lqid) = explode("X", $pv); $aquery="SELECT title FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid=$lqid AND language='{$language}' and scale_id=0 ORDER BY question_order"; $aresult=db_execute_num($aquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't get subquestions<br />$aquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); // go through every possible answer while ($arow=$aresult->FetchRow()) { // only add condition if answer has been chosen if (in_array($arow[0], $_POST[$pv])) { $mselects[]=db_quote_id(substr($pv, 1, strlen($pv)).$arow[0])." = 'Y'"; } } if ($mselects) { $thismulti=implode(" OR ", $mselects); $selects[]="($thismulti)"; $mselects = ""; } } //N - Numerical Input //K - Multiple Numerical Input elseif ($firstletter == "N" || $firstletter == "K") { //value greater than if (substr($pv, strlen($pv)-1, 1) == "G" && $_POST[$pv] != "") { $selects[]=db_quote_id(substr($pv, 1, -1))." > ".sanitize_int($_POST[$pv]); } //value less than if (substr($pv, strlen($pv)-1, 1) == "L" && $_POST[$pv] != "") { $selects[]=db_quote_id(substr($pv, 1, -1))." < ".sanitize_int($_POST[$pv]); } } //| - File Upload Question Type else if ($firstletter == "|") { // no. of files greater than if (substr($pv, strlen($pv)-1, 1) == "G" && $_POST[$pv] != "") $selects[]=db_quote_id(substr($pv, 1, -1)."_filecount")." > ".sanitize_int($_POST[$pv]); // no. of files less than if (substr($pv, strlen($pv)-1, 1) == "L" && $_POST[$pv] != "") $selects[]=db_quote_id(substr($pv, 1, -1)."_filecount")." < ".sanitize_int($_POST[$pv]); } //"id" is a built in field, the unique database id key of each response row elseif (substr($pv, 0, 2) == "id") { if (substr($pv, strlen($pv)-1, 1) == "G" && $_POST[$pv] != "") { $selects[]=db_quote_id(substr($pv, 0, -1))." > '".$_POST[$pv]."'"; } if (substr($pv, strlen($pv)-1, 1) == "L" && $_POST[$pv] != "") { $selects[]=db_quote_id(substr($pv, 0, -1))." < '".$_POST[$pv]."'"; } } //T - Long Free Text //Q - Multiple Short Text elseif (($firstletter == "T" || $firstletter == "Q" ) && $_POST[$pv] != "") { $selectSubs = array(); //We intepret and * and % as wildcard matches, and use ' OR ' and , as the seperators $pvParts = explode(",",str_replace('*','%', str_replace(' OR ',',',$_POST[$pv]))); if(is_array($pvParts) AND count($pvParts)){ foreach($pvParts AS $pvPart){ $selectSubs[]=db_quote_id(substr($pv, 1, strlen($pv)))." LIKE '".trim($pvPart)."'"; } if(count($selectSubs)){ $selects[] = ' ('.implode(' OR ',$selectSubs).') '; } } } //D - Date elseif ($firstletter == "D" && $_POST[$pv] != "") { //Date equals if (substr($pv, -1, 1) == "=") { $selects[]=db_quote_id(substr($pv, 1, strlen($pv)-2))." = '".$_POST[$pv]."'"; } else { //date less than if (substr($pv, -1, 1) == "<") { $selects[]= db_quote_id(substr($pv, 1, strlen($pv)-2)) . " >= '".$_POST[$pv]."'"; } //date greater than if (substr($pv, -1, 1) == ">") { $selects[]= db_quote_id(substr($pv, 1, strlen($pv)-2)) . " <= '".$_POST[$pv]."'"; } } } //check for datestamp of given answer elseif (substr($pv, 0, 9) == "datestamp") { //timestamp equals $formatdata=getDateFormatData($_SESSION['dateformat']); if (substr($pv, -1, 1) == "E" && !empty($_POST[$pv])) { $datetimeobj = new Date_Time_Converter($_POST[$pv], $formatdata['phpdate'].' H:i'); $_POST[$pv]=$datetimeobj->convert("Y-m-d"); $selects[] = db_quote_id('datestamp')." >= '".$_POST[$pv]." 00:00:00' and ".db_quote_id('datestamp')." <= '".$_POST[$pv]." 23:59:59'"; } else { //timestamp less than if (substr($pv, -1, 1) == "L" && !empty($_POST[$pv])) { $datetimeobj = new Date_Time_Converter($_POST[$pv], $formatdata['phpdate'].' H:i'); $_POST[$pv]=$datetimeobj->convert("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $selects[]= db_quote_id('datestamp')." < '".$_POST[$pv]."'"; } //timestamp greater than if (substr($pv, -1, 1) == "G" && !empty($_POST[$pv])) { $datetimeobj = new Date_Time_Converter($_POST[$pv], $formatdata['phpdate'].' H:i'); $_POST[$pv]=$datetimeobj->convert("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $selects[]= db_quote_id('datestamp')." > '".$_POST[$pv]."'"; } } } } else { $statisticsoutput .= "<!-- $pv DOES NOT EXIST IN ARRAY -->"; } } //end foreach -> loop through filter options to create SQL //count number of answers $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid"); //if incompleted answers should be filtert submitdate has to be not null if (incompleteAnsFilterstate() == "inc") {$query .= " WHERE submitdate is null";} elseif (incompleteAnsFilterstate() == "filter") {$query .= " WHERE submitdate is not null";} $result = db_execute_num($query) or safe_die ("Couldn't get total<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //$total = total number of answers while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) {$total=$row[0];} //are there any filters that have to be taken care of? if (isset($selects) && $selects) { //filter incomplete answers? if (incompleteAnsFilterstate() == "filter" || incompleteAnsFilterstate() == "inc") {$query .= " AND ";} else {$query .= " WHERE ";} //add filter criteria to SQL $query .= implode(" AND ", $selects); } //$_POST['sql'] is a post field that is sent from the statistics script to the export script in order // to export just those results filtered by this statistics script. It can also be passed to the statistics // script to filter from external scripts. elseif (!empty($_POST['sql']) && !isset($_POST['id='])) { $newsql=substr($_POST['sql'], strpos($_POST['sql'], "WHERE")+5, strlen($_POST['sql'])); //for debugging only //$query = $_POST['sql']; //filter incomplete answers? if (incompleteAnsFilterstate() == "inc") {$query .= " AND ".$newsql;} elseif (incompleteAnsFilterstate() == "filter") {$query .= " AND ".$newsql;} else {$query .= " WHERE ".$newsql;} } //get me some data Scotty $result=db_execute_num($query) or safe_die("Couldn't get results<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //put all results into $results while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) {$results=$row[0];} if ($total) { $percent=sprintf("%01.2f", ($results/$total)*100); } switch($outputType) { case "xls": $xlsRow = 0; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$statlang->gT("Number of records in this query:")); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$results); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$statlang->gT("Total records in survey:")); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$total); if($total) { ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$statlang->gT("Percentage of total:")); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$percent."%"); } break; case 'pdf': // add summary to pdf $array = array(); //$array[] = array($statlang->gT("Results"),""); $array[] = array($statlang->gT("Number of records in this query:"), $results); $array[] = array($statlang->gT("Total records in survey:"), $total); if($total) $array[] = array($statlang->gT("Percentage of total:"), $percent."%"); $pdf->addPage('P','A4'); $pdf->Bookmark($pdf->delete_html($statlang->gT("Results")), 0, 0); $pdf->titleintopdf($statlang->gT("Results"),$statlang->gT("Survey")." ".$surveyid); $pdf->tableintopdf($array); $pdf->addPage('P','A4'); break; case 'html': $statisticsoutput .= "<br />\n<table class='statisticssummary' >\n" ."\t<thead><tr><th colspan='2'>".$statlang->gT("Results")."</th></tr></thead>\n" ."\t<tr><th >".$statlang->gT("Number of records in this query:").'</th>' ."<td>$results</td></tr>\n" ."\t<tr><th>".$statlang->gT("Total records in survey:").'</th>' ."<td>$total</td></tr>\n"; //only calculate percentage if $total is set if ($total) { $percent=sprintf("%01.2f", ($results/$total)*100); $statisticsoutput .= "\t<tr><th align='right'>".$statlang->gT("Percentage of total:").'</th>' ."<td>$percent%</td></tr>\n"; } $statisticsoutput .="</table>\n"; break; default: break; } //put everything from $selects array into a string connected by AND if (isset ($selects) && $selects) {$sql=implode(" AND ", $selects);} elseif (!empty($newsql)) {$sql = $newsql;} if (!isset($sql) || !$sql) {$sql="NULL";} //only continue if we have something to output if ($results > 0) { if($outputType=='html' && $browse === true) { //add a buttons to browse results $statisticsoutput .= "<form action='$scriptname?action=browse' method='post' target='_blank'>\n" ."\t\t<p>" ."\t\t\t<input type='submit' value='".$statlang->gT("Browse")."' />\n" ."\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='sid' value='$surveyid' />\n" ."\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='sql' value=\"$sql\" />\n" ."\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='subaction' value='all' />\n" ."\t\t</p>" ."\t\t</form>\n"; } } //end if (results > 0) //Show Summary results if (isset($summary) && $summary) { //let's run through the survey $runthrough=$summary; //START Chop up fieldname and find matching questions //GET LIST OF LEGIT QIDs FOR TESTING LATER $lq = "SELECT DISTINCT qid FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE sid=$surveyid and parent_qid=0"; $lr = db_execute_assoc($lq); //loop through the IDs while ($lw = $lr->FetchRow()) { //this creates an array of question id's' $legitqids[] = $lw['qid']; } //loop through all selected questions foreach ($runthrough as $rt) { $firstletter = substr($rt, 0, 1); // 1. Get answers for question ############################################################## //M - Multiple choice, therefore multiple fields if ($firstletter == "M" || $firstletter == "P") { //get SGQ data list($qsid, $qgid, $qqid) = explode("X", substr($rt, 1, strlen($rt)), 3); //select details for this question $nquery = "SELECT title, type, question, parent_qid, other FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE language='{$language}' AND parent_qid=0 AND qid='$qqid'"; $nresult = db_execute_num($nquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't get question<br />$nquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //loop through question data while ($nrow=$nresult->FetchRow()) { $qtitle=$nrow[0]; $qtype=$nrow[1]; $qquestion=FlattenText($nrow[2]); $qlid=$nrow[3]; $qother=$nrow[4]; } //1. Get list of answers $query="SELECT title, question FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid='$qqid' AND language='{$language}' and scale_id=0 ORDER BY question_order"; $result=db_execute_num($query) or safe_die("Couldn't get list of subquestions for multitype<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //loop through multiple answers while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) { $mfield=substr($rt, 1, strlen($rt))."$row[0]"; //create an array containing answer code, answer and fieldname(??) $alist[]=array("$row[0]", FlattenText($row[1]), $mfield); } //check "other" field. is it set? if ($qother == "Y") { $mfield=substr($rt, 1, strlen($rt))."other"; //create an array containing answer code, answer and fieldname(??) $alist[]=array($statlang->gT("Other"), $statlang->gT("Other"), $mfield); } } //S - Short Free Text //T - Long Free Text elseif ($firstletter == "T" || $firstletter == "S") //Short and long text { //search for key $fld = substr($rt, 1, strlen($rt)); $fielddata=$fieldmap[$fld]; //get SGQA IDs $qsid=$fielddata['sid']; $qgid=$fielddata['gid']; $qqid=$fielddata['qid']; list($qanswer, $qlid)=!empty($fielddata['aid']) ? explode("_", $fielddata['aid']) : array("", ""); //get SGQ data //list($qsid, $qgid, $qqid) = explode("X", substr($rt, 1, strlen($rt)), 3); //get question data $nquery = "SELECT title, type, question, other, parent_qid FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid=0 AND qid='$qqid' AND language='{$language}'"; $nresult = db_execute_num($nquery) or safe_die("Couldn't get text question<br />$nquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //loop through question data while ($nrow=$nresult->FetchRow()) { $qtitle=FlattenText($nrow[0]); $qtype=$nrow[1]; $qquestion=FlattenText($nrow[2]); $nlid=$nrow[4]; } $mfield=substr($rt, 1, strlen($rt)); //Text questions either have an answer, or they don't. There's no other way of quantising the results. // So, instead of building an array of predefined answers like we do with lists & other types, // we instead create two "types" of possible answer - either there is a response.. or there isn't. // This question type then can provide a % of the question answered in the summary. $alist[]=array("Answers", $statlang->gT("Answer"), $mfield); $alist[]=array("NoAnswer", $statlang->gT("No answer"), $mfield); } //Multiple short text elseif ($firstletter == "Q") { //get SGQ data list($qsid, $qgid, $qqid) = explode("X", substr($rt, 1, strlen($rt)), 3); //separating another ID $tmpqid=substr($qqid, 0, strlen($qqid)-1); //check if we have legid QIDs. if not create them by substringing while (!in_array ($tmpqid,$legitqids)) $tmpqid=substr($tmpqid, 0, strlen($tmpqid)-1); //length of QID $qidlength=strlen($tmpqid); //we somehow get the answer code (see SQL later) from the $qqid $qaid=substr($qqid, $qidlength, strlen($qqid)-$qidlength); //get some question data $nquery = "SELECT title, type, question, other FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE qid='".substr($qqid, 0, $qidlength)."' AND parent_qid=0 AND language='{$language}'"; $nresult = db_execute_num($nquery) or safe_die("Couldn't get text question<br />$nquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //more substrings $count = substr($qqid, strlen($qqid)-1); //loop through question data while ($nrow=$nresult->FetchRow()) { $qtitle=FlattenText($nrow[0]).'-'.$count; $qtype=$nrow[1]; $qquestion=FlattenText($nrow[2]); } //get answers $qquery = "SELECT title as code, question as answer FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid='".substr($qqid, 0, $qidlength)."' AND title='$qaid' AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY question_order"; $qresult=db_execute_num($qquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't get answer details (Array 5p Q)<br />$qquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //loop through answer data while ($qrow=$qresult->FetchRow()) { //store each answer here $atext=FlattenText($qrow[1]); } //add this to the question title $qtitle .= " [$atext]"; //even more substrings... $mfield=substr($rt, 1, strlen($rt)); //Text questions either have an answer, or they don't. There's no other way of quantising the results. // So, instead of building an array of predefined answers like we do with lists & other types, // we instead create two "types" of possible answer - either there is a response.. or there isn't. // This question type then can provide a % of the question answered in the summary. $alist[]=array("Answers", $statlang->gT("Answer"), $mfield); $alist[]=array("NoAnswer", $statlang->gT("No answer"), $mfield); } //RANKING OPTION THEREFORE CONFUSING elseif ($firstletter == "R") { //getting the needed IDs somehow $lengthofnumeral=substr($rt, strpos($rt, "-")+1, 1); list($qsid, $qgid, $qqid) = explode("X", substr($rt, 1, strpos($rt, "-")-($lengthofnumeral+1)), 3); //get question data $nquery = "SELECT title, type, question FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid=0 AND qid='$qqid' AND language='{$language}'"; $nresult = db_execute_num($nquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't get question<br />$nquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //loop through question data while ($nrow=$nresult->FetchRow()) { $qtitle=FlattenText($nrow[0]). " [".substr($rt, strpos($rt, "-")-($lengthofnumeral), $lengthofnumeral)."]"; $qtype=$nrow[1]; $qquestion=FlattenText($nrow[2]). "[".$statlang->gT("Ranking")." ".substr($rt, strpos($rt, "-")-($lengthofnumeral), $lengthofnumeral)."]"; } //get answers $query="SELECT code, answer FROM ".db_table_name("answers")." WHERE qid='$qqid' AND scale_id=0 AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY sortorder, answer"; $result=db_execute_num($query) or safe_die("Couldn't get list of answers for multitype<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //loop through answers while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) { //create an array containing answer code, answer and fieldname(??) $mfield=substr($rt, 1, strpos($rt, "-")-1); $alist[]=array("$row[0]", FlattenText($row[1]), $mfield); } } else if ($firstletter == "|") // File UPload { //get SGQ data list($qsid, $qgid, $qqid) = explode("X", substr($rt, 1, strlen($rt)), 3); //select details for this question $nquery = "SELECT title, type, question, parent_qid, other FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE language='{$language}' AND parent_qid=0 AND qid='$qqid'"; $nresult = db_execute_num($nquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't get question<br />$nquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //loop through question data while ($nrow=$nresult->FetchRow()) { $qtitle=$nrow[0]; $qtype=$nrow[1]; $qquestion=FlattenText($nrow[2]); $qlid=$nrow[3]; $qother=$nrow[4]; } /* 4) Average size of file per respondent 5) Average no. of files 5) Summary/count of file types (ie: 37 jpg, 65 gif, 12 png) 6) Total size of all files (useful if you're about to download them all) 7) You could also add things like smallest file size, largest file size, median file size 8) no. of files corresponding to each extension 9) max file size 10) min file size */ // 1) Total number of files uploaded // 2) Number of respondents who uploaded at least one file (with the inverse being the number of respondents who didn’t upload any) $fieldname=substr($rt, 1, strlen($rt)); $query = "SELECT SUM(".db_quote_id($fieldname.'_filecount').") as sum, AVG(".db_quote_id($fieldname.'_filecount').") as avg FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid"); $result=db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die("Couldn't fetch the records<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $showem = array(); while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) { $showem[]=array($statlang->gT("Total number of files"), $row['sum']); $showem[]=array($statlang->gT("Average no. of files per respondent"), $row['avg']); } $query = "SELECT ". $fieldname ." as json FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid"); $result=db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die("Couldn't fetch the records<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $responsecount = 0; $filecount = 0; $size = 0; while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) { $json = $row['json']; $phparray = json_decode($json); foreach ($phparray as $metadata) { $size += (int) $metadata->size; $filecount++; } $responsecount++; } $showem[] = array($statlang->gT("Total size of files"), $size." KB"); $showem[] = array($statlang->gT("Average file size"), $size/$filecount . " KB"); $showem[] = array($statlang->gT("Average size per respondent"), $size/$responsecount . " KB"); /* $query="SELECT title, question FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid='$qqid' AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY question_order"; $result=db_execute_num($query) or safe_die("Couldn't get list of subquestions for multitype<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //loop through multiple answers while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) { $mfield=substr($rt, 1, strlen($rt))."$row[0]"; //create an array containing answer code, answer and fieldname(??) $alist[]=array("$row[0]", FlattenText($row[1]), $mfield); } */ //outputting switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $headXLS = array(); $tableXLS = array(); $footXLS = array(); $xlsTitle = sprintf($statlang->gT("Field summary for %s"),html_entity_decode($qtitle,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')); $xlsDesc = html_entity_decode($qquestion,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'); ++$xlsRow; ++$xlsRow; ++$xlsRow; $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(0,$xlsRow,$xlsTitle); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(0,$xlsRow,$xlsDesc); $headXLS[] = array($statlang->gT("Calculation"),$statlang->gT("Result")); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(0, $xlsRow,$statlang->gT("Calculation")); $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(1, $xlsRow,$statlang->gT("Result")); break; case 'pdf': $headPDF = array(); $tablePDF = array(); $footPDF = array(); $pdfTitle = sprintf($statlang->gT("Field summary for %s"),html_entity_decode($qtitle,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')); $titleDesc = html_entity_decode($qquestion,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'); $headPDF[] = array($statlang->gT("Calculation"),$statlang->gT("Result")); break; case 'html': $statisticsoutput .= "\n<table class='statisticstable' >\n" ."\t<thead><tr><th colspan='2' align='center'><strong>".sprintf($statlang->gT("Field summary for %s"),$qtitle).":</strong>" ."</th></tr>\n" ."\t<tr><th colspan='2' align='center'><strong>$qquestion</strong></th></tr>\n" ."\t<tr>\n\t\t<th width='50%' align='center' ><strong>" .$statlang->gT("Calculation")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t\t<th width='50%' align='center' ><strong>" .$statlang->gT("Result")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t</tr></thead>\n"; foreach ($showem as $res) $statisticsoutput .= "<tr><td>".$res[0]."</td><td>".$res[1]."</td></tr>"; break; default: break; } } //N = numerical input //K = multiple numerical input elseif ($firstletter == "N" || $firstletter == "K") //NUMERICAL TYPE { //Zero handling if (!isset($excludezeros)) //If this hasn't been set, set it to on as default: { $excludezeros=1; } //check last character, greater/less/equals don't need special treatment if (substr($rt, -1) == "G" || substr($rt, -1) == "L" || substr($rt, -1) == "=") { //DO NOTHING } else { //create SGQ identifier list($qsid, $qgid, $qqid) = explode("X", $rt, 3); //multiple numerical input if($firstletter == "K") { // This is a multiple numerical question so we need to strip of the answer id to find the question title $tmpqid=substr($qqid, 0, strlen($qqid)-1); //did we get a valid ID? while (!in_array ($tmpqid,$legitqids)) $tmpqid=substr($tmpqid, 0, strlen($tmpqid)-1); //check lenght of ID $qidlength=strlen($tmpqid); //get answer ID from qid $qaid=substr($qqid, $qidlength, strlen($qqid)-$qidlength); //get question details from DB $nquery = "SELECT title, type, question, qid, parent_qid FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid=0 AND qid='".substr($qqid, 0, $qidlength)."' AND language='{$language}'"; $nresult = db_execute_num($nquery) or safe_die("Couldn't get text question<br />$nquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } //probably question type "N" = numerical input else { //we can use the qqid without any editing $nquery = "SELECT title, type, question, qid, parent_qid FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid=0 AND qid='$qqid' AND language='{$language}'"; $nresult = db_execute_num($nquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't get question<br />$nquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } //loop through results while ($nrow=$nresult->FetchRow()) { $qtitle=FlattenText($nrow[0]); //clean up title $qtype=$nrow[1]; $qquestion=FlattenText($nrow[2]); $qiqid=$nrow[3]; $qlid=$nrow[4]; } //Get answer texts for multiple numerical if(substr($rt, 0, 1) == "K") { //get answer data $atext=$connect->GetOne("SELECT question FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid='{$qiqid}' AND scale_id=0 AND title='{$qaid}' AND language='{$language}'"); //put single items in brackets at output $qtitle .= " [$atext]"; } //outputting switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $headXLS = array(); $tableXLS = array(); $footXLS = array(); $xlsTitle = sprintf($statlang->gT("Field summary for %s"),html_entity_decode($qtitle,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')); $xlsDesc = html_entity_decode($qquestion,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'); ++$xlsRow; ++$xlsRow; ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow, 0,$xlsTitle); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow, 0,$xlsDesc); $headXLS[] = array($statlang->gT("Calculation"),$statlang->gT("Result")); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow, 0,$statlang->gT("Calculation")); $sheet->write($xlsRow, 1,$statlang->gT("Result")); break; case 'pdf': $headPDF = array(); $tablePDF = array(); $footPDF = array(); $pdfTitle = sprintf($statlang->gT("Field summary for %s"),html_entity_decode($qtitle,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')); $titleDesc = html_entity_decode($qquestion,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'); $headPDF[] = array($statlang->gT("Calculation"),$statlang->gT("Result")); break; case 'html': $statisticsoutput .= "\n<table class='statisticstable' >\n" ."\t<thead><tr><th colspan='2' align='center'><strong>".sprintf($statlang->gT("Field summary for %s"),$qtitle).":</strong>" ."</th></tr>\n" ."\t<tr><th colspan='2' align='center'><strong>$qquestion</strong></th></tr>\n" ."\t<tr>\n\t\t<th width='50%' align='center' ><strong>" .$statlang->gT("Calculation")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t\t<th width='50%' align='center' ><strong>" .$statlang->gT("Result")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t</tr></thead>\n"; break; default: break; } //this field is queried using mathematical functions $fieldname=substr($rt, 1, strlen($rt)); //special treatment for MS SQL databases if ($connect->databaseType == 'odbc_mssql' || $connect->databaseType == 'odbtp' || $connect->databaseType == 'mssql_n' || $connect->databaseType == 'mssqlnative') { //standard deviation $query = "SELECT STDEVP(".db_quote_id($fieldname)."*1) as stdev"; } //other databases (MySQL, Postgres) else { //standard deviation $query = "SELECT STDDEV(".db_quote_id($fieldname).") as stdev"; } //sum $query .= ", SUM(".db_quote_id($fieldname)."*1) as sum"; //average $query .= ", AVG(".db_quote_id($fieldname)."*1) as average"; //min $query .= ", MIN(".db_quote_id($fieldname)."*1) as minimum"; //max $query .= ", MAX(".db_quote_id($fieldname)."*1) as maximum"; //Only select responses where there is an actual number response, ignore nulls and empties (if these are included, they are treated as zeroes, and distort the deviation/mean calculations) //special treatment for MS SQL databases if ($connect->databaseType == 'odbc_mssql' || $connect->databaseType == 'odbtp' || $connect->databaseType == 'mssql_n' || $connect->databaseType == 'mssqlnative') { //no NULL/empty values please $query .= " FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE ".db_quote_id($fieldname)." IS NOT NULL"; if(!$excludezeros) { //NO ZERO VALUES $query .= " AND (".db_quote_id($fieldname)." <> 0)"; } } //other databases (MySQL, Postgres) else { //no NULL/empty values please $query .= " FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE ".db_quote_id($fieldname)." IS NOT NULL"; if(!$excludezeros) { //NO ZERO VALUES $query .= " AND (".db_quote_id($fieldname)." != 0)"; } } //filter incomplete answers if set if (incompleteAnsFilterstate() == "inc") {$query .= " AND submitdate is null";} elseif (incompleteAnsFilterstate() == "filter") {$query .= " AND submitdate is not null";} //$sql was set somewhere before if ($sql != "NULL") {$query .= " AND $sql";} //execute query $result=db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die("Couldn't do maths testing<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //get calculated data while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) { //put translation of mean and calculated data into $showem array $showem[]=array($statlang->gT("Sum"), $row['sum']); $showem[]=array($statlang->gT("Standard deviation"), round($row['stdev'],2)); $showem[]=array($statlang->gT("Average"), round($row['average'],2)); $showem[]=array($statlang->gT("Minimum"), $row['minimum']); //Display the maximum and minimum figures after the quartiles for neatness $maximum=$row['maximum']; $minimum=$row['minimum']; } //CALCULATE QUARTILES //get data $query ="SELECT ".db_quote_id($fieldname)." FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE ".db_quote_id($fieldname)." IS NOT null"; //NO ZEROES if(!$excludezeros) { $query .= " AND ".db_quote_id($fieldname)." != 0"; } //filtering enabled? if (incompleteAnsFilterstate() == "inc") {$query .= " AND submitdate is null";} elseif (incompleteAnsFilterstate() == "filter") {$query .= " AND submitdate is not null";} //if $sql values have been passed to the statistics script from another script, incorporate them if ($sql != "NULL") {$query .= " AND $sql";} //execute query $result=$connect->Execute($query) or safe_die("Disaster during median calculation<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $querystarter="SELECT ".db_quote_id($fieldname)." FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE ".db_quote_id($fieldname)." IS NOT null"; //No Zeroes if(!$excludezeros) { $querystart .= " AND ".db_quote_id($fieldname)." != 0"; } //filtering enabled? if (incompleteAnsFilterstate() == "inc") {$querystarter .= " AND submitdate is null";} elseif (incompleteAnsFilterstate() == "filter") {$querystarter .= " AND submitdate is not null";} //if $sql values have been passed to the statistics script from another script, incorporate them if ($sql != "NULL") {$querystarter .= " AND $sql";} //we just count the number of records returned $medcount=$result->RecordCount(); //put the total number of records at the beginning of this array array_unshift($showem, array($statlang->gT("Count"), $medcount)); //no more comment from Mazi regarding the calculation // Calculating only makes sense with more than one result if ($medcount>1) { //1ST QUARTILE (Q1) $q1=(1/4)*($medcount+1); $q1b=(int)((1/4)*($medcount+1)); $q1c=$q1b-1; $q1diff=$q1-$q1b; $total=0; // fix if there are too few values to evaluate. if ($q1c<0) {$q1c=0;} if ($q1 != $q1b) { //ODD NUMBER $query = $querystarter . " ORDER BY ".db_quote_id($fieldname)."*1 "; $result=db_select_limit_assoc($query, 2, $q1c) or safe_die("1st Quartile query failed<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) { if ($total == 0) {$total=$total-$row[$fieldname];} else {$total=$total+$row[$fieldname];} $lastnumber=$row[$fieldname]; } $q1total=$lastnumber-((1-$q1diff)*$total); if ($q1total < $minimum) {$q1total=$minimum;} $showem[]=array($statlang->gT("1st quartile (Q1)"), $q1total); } else { //EVEN NUMBER $query = $querystarter . " ORDER BY ".db_quote_id($fieldname)."*1 "; $result=db_select_limit_assoc($query,1, $q1c) or safe_die ("1st Quartile query failed<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) { $showem[]=array($statlang->gT("1st quartile (Q1)"), $row[$fieldname]); } } $total=0; //MEDIAN (Q2) $median=(1/2)*($medcount+1); $medianb=(int)((1/2)*($medcount+1)); $medianc=$medianb-1; $mediandiff=$median-$medianb; if ($median != $medianb) { //remainder $query = $querystarter . " ORDER BY ".db_quote_id($fieldname)."*1 "; $result=db_select_limit_assoc($query,2, $medianc) or safe_die("What a complete mess with the remainder<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while ( $row=$result->FetchRow()) {$total=$total+$row[$fieldname]; } $showem[]=array($statlang->gT("2nd quartile (Median)"), $total/2); } else { //EVEN NUMBER $query = $querystarter . " ORDER BY ".db_quote_id($fieldname)."*1 "; $result=db_select_limit_assoc($query,1, $medianc-1) or safe_die("What a complete mess<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) { $showem[]=array($statlang->gT("Median value"), $row[$fieldname]); } } $total=0; //3RD QUARTILE (Q3) $q3=(3/4)*($medcount+1); $q3b=(int)((3/4)*($medcount+1)); $q3c=$q3b-1; $q3diff=$q3-$q3b; if ($q3 != $q3b) { $query = $querystarter . " ORDER BY ".db_quote_id($fieldname)."*1 "; $result = db_select_limit_assoc($query,2,$q3c) or safe_die("3rd Quartile query failed<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) { if ($total == 0) {$total=$total-$row[$fieldname];} else {$total=$total+$row[$fieldname];} $lastnumber=$row[$fieldname]; } $q3total=$lastnumber-((1-$q3diff)*$total); if ($q3total < $maximum) {$q1total=$maximum;} $showem[]=array($statlang->gT("3rd quartile (Q3)"), $q3total); } else { $query = $querystarter . " ORDER BY ".db_quote_id($fieldname)."*1"; $result = db_select_limit_assoc($query,1, $q3c) or safe_die("3rd Quartile even query failed<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) { $showem[]=array($statlang->gT("3rd quartile (Q3)"), $row[$fieldname]); } } $total=0; $showem[]=array($statlang->gT("Maximum"), $maximum); //output results foreach ($showem as $shw) { switch($outputType) { case 'xls': ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow, 0,html_entity_decode($shw[0],ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')); $sheet->write($xlsRow, 1,html_entity_decode($shw[1],ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')); $tableXLS[] = array($shw[0],$shw[1]); break; case 'pdf': $tablePDF[] = array(html_entity_decode($shw[0],ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'),html_entity_decode($shw[1],ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')); break; case 'html': $statisticsoutput .= "\t<tr>\n" ."\t\t<td align='center' >$shw[0]</td>\n" ."\t\t<td align='center' >$shw[1]</td>\n" ."\t</tr>\n"; break; default: break; } } switch($outputType) { case 'xls': ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow, 0,$statlang->gT("Null values are ignored in calculations")); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow, 0,sprintf($statlang->gT("Q1 and Q3 calculated using %s"), $statlang->gT("minitab method"))); $footXLS[] = array($statlang->gT("Null values are ignored in calculations")); $footXLS[] = array(sprintf($statlang->gT("Q1 and Q3 calculated using %s"), $statlang->gT("minitab method"))); break; case 'pdf': $footPDF[] = array($statlang->gT("Null values are ignored in calculations")); $footPDF[] = array(sprintf($statlang->gT("Q1 and Q3 calculated using %s"), "<a href='' target='_blank'>".$statlang->gT("minitab method")."</a>")); $pdf->addPage('P','A4'); $pdf->Bookmark($pdf->delete_html($qquestion), 1, 0); $pdf->titleintopdf($pdfTitle,$titleDesc); $pdf->headTable($headPDF, $tablePDF); $pdf->tablehead($footPDF); break; case 'html': //footer of question type "N" $statisticsoutput .= "\t<tr>\n" ."\t\t<td colspan='4' align='center' bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>\n" ."\t\t\t<font size='1'>".$statlang->gT("Null values are ignored in calculations")."<br />\n" ."\t\t\t".sprintf($statlang->gT("Q1 and Q3 calculated using %s"), "<a href='' target='_blank'>".$statlang->gT("minitab method")."</a>") ."</font>\n" ."\t\t</td>\n" ."\t</tr>\n</table>\n"; break; default: break; } //clean up unset($showem); } //end if (enough results?) //not enough (<1) results for calculation else { switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $tableXLS = array(); $tableXLS[] = array($statlang->gT("Not enough values for calculation")); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow, 0, $statlang->gT("Not enough values for calculation")); break; case 'pdf': $tablePDF = array(); $tablePDF[] = array($statlang->gT("Not enough values for calculation")); $pdf->addPage('P','A4'); $pdf->Bookmark($pdf->delete_html($qquestion), 1, 0); $pdf->titleintopdf($pdfTitle,$titleDesc); $pdf->equalTable($tablePDF); break; case 'html': //output $statisticsoutput .= "\t<tr>\n" ."\t\t<td align='center' colspan='4'>".$statlang->gT("Not enough values for calculation")."</td>\n" ."\t</tr>\n</table><br />\n"; break; default: break; } unset($showem); } } //end else -> check last character, greater/less/equals don't need special treatment } //end else-if -> multiple numerical types //is there some "id", "datestamp" or "D" within the type? elseif (substr($rt, 0, 2) == "id" || substr($rt, 0, 9) == "datestamp" || ($firstletter == "D")) { /* * DON'T show anything for date questions * because there aren't any statistics implemented yet! * * See bug report #2539 and * feature request #2620 */ } // NICE SIMPLE SINGLE OPTION ANSWERS else { //search for key $fielddata=$fieldmap[$rt]; //print_r($fielddata); //get SGQA IDs $qsid=$fielddata['sid']; $qgid=$fielddata['gid']; $qqid=$fielddata['qid']; $qanswer=$fielddata['aid']; //question type $qtype=$fielddata['type']; //question string $qastring=$fielddata['question']; //question ID $rqid=$qqid; //get question data $nquery = "SELECT title, type, question, qid, parent_qid, other FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE qid='{$rqid}' AND parent_qid=0 and language='{$language}'"; $nresult = db_execute_num($nquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't get question<br />$nquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //loop though question data while ($nrow=$nresult->FetchRow()) { $qtitle=FlattenText($nrow[0]); $qtype=$nrow[1]; $qquestion=FlattenText($nrow[2]); $qiqid=$nrow[3]; $qparentqid=$nrow[4]; $qother=$nrow[5]; } //check question types switch($qtype) { //Array of 5 point choices (several items to rank!) case "A": //get data $qquery = "SELECT title, question FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid='$qiqid' AND title='$qanswer' AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY question_order"; $qresult=db_execute_num($qquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't get answer details (Array 5p Q)<br />$qquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //loop through results while ($qrow=$qresult->FetchRow()) { //5-point array for ($i=1; $i<=5; $i++) { //add data $alist[]=array("$i", "$i"); } //add counter $atext=FlattenText($qrow[1]); } //list IDs and answer codes in brackets $qquestion .= $linefeed."[".$atext."]"; $qtitle .= "($qanswer)"; break; //Array of 10 point choices //same as above just with 10 items case "B": $qquery = "SELECT title, question FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid='$qiqid' AND title='$qanswer' AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY question_order"; $qresult=db_execute_num($qquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't get answer details (Array 10p Q)<br />$qquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($qrow=$qresult->FetchRow()) { for ($i=1; $i<=10; $i++) { $alist[]=array("$i", "$i"); } $atext=FlattenText($qrow[1]); } $qquestion .= $linefeed."[".$atext."]"; $qtitle .= "($qanswer)"; break; //Array of Yes/No/$statlang->gT("Uncertain") case "C": $qquery = "SELECT title, question FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid='$qiqid' AND title='$qanswer' AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY question_order"; $qresult=db_execute_num($qquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't get answer details<br />$qquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //loop thorugh results while ($qrow=$qresult->FetchRow()) { //add results $alist[]=array("Y", $statlang->gT("Yes")); $alist[]=array("N", $statlang->gT("No")); $alist[]=array("U", $statlang->gT("Uncertain")); $atext=FlattenText($qrow[1]); } //output $qquestion .= $linefeed."[".$atext."]"; $qtitle .= "($qanswer)"; break; //Array of Yes/No/$statlang->gT("Uncertain") //same as above case "E": $qquery = "SELECT title, question FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid='$qiqid' AND title='$qanswer' AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY question_order"; $qresult=db_execute_num($qquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't get answer details<br />$qquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($qrow=$qresult->FetchRow()) { $alist[]=array("I", $statlang->gT("Increase")); $alist[]=array("S", $statlang->gT("Same")); $alist[]=array("D", $statlang->gT("Decrease")); $atext=FlattenText($qrow[1]); } $qquestion .= $linefeed."[".$atext."]"; $qtitle .= "($qanswer)"; break; case ";": //Array (Multi Flexi) (Text) list($qacode, $licode)=explode("_", $qanswer); $qquery = "SELECT title, question FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid='$qiqid' AND title='$qacode' AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY question_order"; $qresult=db_execute_num($qquery) or die ("Couldn't get answer details<br />$qquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($qrow=$qresult->FetchRow()) { $fquery = "SELECT * FROM ".db_table_name("answers")." WHERE qid='{$qiqid}' AND scale_id=0 AND code = '{$licode}' AND language='{$language}'ORDER BY sortorder, code"; $fresult = db_execute_assoc($fquery); while ($frow=$fresult->FetchRow()) { $alist[]=array($frow['code'], $frow['answer']); $ltext=$frow['answer']; } $atext=FlattenText($qrow[1]); } $qquestion .= $linefeed."[".$atext."] [".$ltext."]"; $qtitle .= "($qanswer)"; break; case ":": //Array (Multiple Flexi) (Numbers) $qidattributes=getQuestionAttributes($qiqid); if (trim($qidattributes['multiflexible_max'])!='') { $maxvalue=$qidattributes['multiflexible_max']; } else { $maxvalue=10; } if (trim($qidattributes['multiflexible_min'])!='') { $minvalue=$qidattributes['multiflexible_min']; } else { $minvalue=1; } if (trim($qidattributes['multiflexible_step'])!='') { $stepvalue=$qidattributes['multiflexible_step']; } else { $stepvalue=1; } if ($qidattributes['multiflexible_checkbox']!=0) { $minvalue=0; $maxvalue=1; $stepvalue=1; } for($i=$minvalue; $i<=$maxvalue; $i+=$stepvalue) { $alist[]=array($i, $i); } $qquestion .= $linefeed."[".$fielddata['subquestion1']."] [".$fielddata['subquestion2']."]"; list($myans, $mylabel)=explode("_", $qanswer); $qtitle .= "[$myans][$mylabel]"; break; case "F": //Array of Flexible case "H": //Array of Flexible by Column $qquery = "SELECT title, question FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid='$qiqid' AND title='$qanswer' AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY question_order"; $qresult=db_execute_num($qquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't get answer details<br />$qquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //loop through answers while ($qrow=$qresult->FetchRow()) { //this question type uses its own labels $fquery = "SELECT * FROM ".db_table_name("answers")." WHERE qid='{$qiqid}' AND scale_id=0 AND language='{$language}'ORDER BY sortorder, code"; $fresult = db_execute_assoc($fquery); //add code and title to results for outputting them later while ($frow=$fresult->FetchRow()) { $alist[]=array($frow['code'], FlattenText($frow['answer'])); } //counter $atext=FlattenText($qrow[1]); } //output $qquestion .= $linefeed."[".$atext."]"; $qtitle .= "($qanswer)"; break; case "G": //Gender $alist[]=array("F", $statlang->gT("Female")); $alist[]=array("M", $statlang->gT("Male")); break; case "Y": //Yes\No $alist[]=array("Y", $statlang->gT("Yes")); $alist[]=array("N", $statlang->gT("No")); break; case "I": //Language // Using previously defined $surveylanguagecodes array of language codes foreach ($surveylanguagecodes as $availlang) { $alist[]=array($availlang, getLanguageNameFromCode($availlang,false)); } break; case "5": //5 Point (just 1 item to rank!) for ($i=1; $i<=5; $i++) { $alist[]=array("$i", "$i"); } break; case "1": //array (dual scale) $sSubquestionQuery = "SELECT question FROM ".db_table_name("questions")." WHERE parent_qid='$qiqid' AND title='$qanswer' AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY question_order"; $sSubquestion=FlattenText($connect->GetOne($sSubquestionQuery)); //get question attributes $qidattributes=getQuestionAttributes($qqid); //check last character -> label 1 if (substr($rt,-1,1) == 0) { //get label 1 $fquery = "SELECT * FROM ".db_table_name("answers")." WHERE qid='{$qqid}' AND scale_id=0 AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY sortorder, code"; //header available? if (trim($qidattributes['dualscale_headerA'])!='') { //output $labelheader= "[".$qidattributes['dualscale_headerA']."]"; } //no header else { $labelheader =''; } //output $labelno = sprintf($clang->gT('Label %s'),'1'); } //label 2 else { //get label 2 $fquery = "SELECT * FROM ".db_table_name("answers")." WHERE qid='{$qqid}' AND scale_id=1 AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY sortorder, code"; //header available? if (trim($qidattributes['dualscale_headerB'])!='') { //output $labelheader= "[".$qidattributes['dualscale_headerB']."]"; } //no header else { $labelheader =''; } //output $labelno = sprintf($clang->gT('Label %s'),'2'); } //get data $fresult = db_execute_assoc($fquery); //put label code and label title into array while ($frow=$fresult->FetchRow()) { $alist[]=array($frow['code'], FlattenText($frow['answer'])); } //adapt title and question $qtitle = $qtitle." [".$sSubquestion."][".$labelno."]"; $qquestion = $qastring .$labelheader; break; default: //default handling //get answer code and title $qquery = "SELECT code, answer FROM ".db_table_name("answers")." WHERE qid='$qqid' AND scale_id=0 AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY sortorder, answer"; $qresult = db_execute_num($qquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't get answers list<br />$qquery<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //put answer code and title into array while ($qrow=$qresult->FetchRow()) { $alist[]=array("$qrow[0]", FlattenText($qrow[1])); } //handling for "other" field for list radio or list drowpdown if ((($qtype == "L" || $qtype == "!") && $qother == "Y")) { //add "other" $alist[]=array($statlang->gT("Other"),$statlang->gT("Other"),$fielddata['fieldname'].'other'); } if ( $qtype == "O") { //add "comment" $alist[]=array($statlang->gT("Comments"),$statlang->gT("Comments"),$fielddata['fieldname'].'comment'); } } //end switch question type //moved because it's better to have "no answer" at the end of the list instead of the beginning //put data into array $alist[]=array("", $statlang->gT("No answer")); } //end else -> single option answers //foreach ($alist as $al) {$statisticsoutput .= "$al[0] - $al[1]<br />";} //debugging line //foreach ($fvalues as $fv) {$statisticsoutput .= "$fv | ";} //debugging line //2. Collect and Display results ####################################################################### if (isset($alist) && $alist) //Make sure there really is an answerlist, and if so: { // this will count the answers considered completed $TotalCompleted = 0; switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $xlsTitle = sprintf($statlang->gT("Field summary for %s"),html_entity_decode($qtitle,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')); $xlsDesc = html_entity_decode($qquestion,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'); ++$xlsRow; ++$xlsRow; ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow, 0,$xlsTitle); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow, 0,$xlsDesc); $tableXLS = array(); $footXLS = array(); break; case 'pdf': $sPDFQuestion=FlattenText($qquestion,true); $pdfTitle = $pdf->delete_html(sprintf($statlang->gT("Field summary for %s"),html_entity_decode($qtitle,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'))); $titleDesc = $sPDFQuestion; $pdf->addPage('P','A4'); $pdf->Bookmark($sPDFQuestion, 1, 0); $pdf->titleintopdf($pdfTitle,$sPDFQuestion); $tablePDF = array(); $footPDF = array(); break; case 'html': //output $statisticsoutput .= "<table class='statisticstable'>\n" ."\t<thead><tr><th colspan='4' align='center'><strong>" //headline .sprintf($statlang->gT("Field summary for %s"),$qtitle)."</strong>" ."</th></tr>\n" ."\t<tr><th colspan='4' align='center'><strong>" //question title .$qquestion."</strong></th></tr>\n" ."\t<tr>\n\t\t<th width='50%' align='center' >"; break; default: break; } echo ''; //loop thorugh the array which contains all answer data foreach ($alist as $al) { //picks out alist that come from the multiple list above if (isset($al[2]) && $al[2]) { //handling for "other" option if ($al[0] == $statlang->gT("Other")) { if($qtype=='!' || $qtype=='L') { // It is better for single choice question types to filter on the number of '-oth-' entries, than to // just count the number of 'other' values - that way with failing Javascript the statistics don't get messed up $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE ".db_quote_id(substr($al[2],0,strlen($al[2])-5))."='-oth-'"; } else { //get data $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE "; $query .= ($connect->databaseType == "mysql")? db_quote_id($al[2])." != ''" : "NOT (".db_quote_id($al[2])." LIKE '')"; } } /* * text questions: * * U = huge free text * T = long free text * S = short free text * Q = multiple short text */ elseif ($qtype == "U" || $qtype == "T" || $qtype == "S" || $qtype == "Q" || $qtype == ";") { //free text answers if($al[0]=="Answers") { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE "; $query .= ($connect->databaseType == "mysql")? db_quote_id($al[2])." != ''" : "NOT (".db_quote_id($al[2])." LIKE '')"; } //"no answer" handling elseif($al[0]=="NoAnswer") { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE ( "; $query .= ($connect->databaseType == "mysql")? db_quote_id($al[2])." = '')" : " (".db_quote_id($al[2])." LIKE ''))"; } } elseif ($qtype == "O") { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE ( "; $query .= ($connect->databaseType == "mysql")? db_quote_id($al[2])." <> '')" : " (".db_quote_id($al[2])." NOT LIKE ''))"; // all other question types } else { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE ".db_quote_id($al[2])." ="; //ranking question? if (substr($rt, 0, 1) == "R") { $query .= " '$al[0]'"; } else { $query .= " 'Y'"; } } } //end if -> alist set else { if ($al[0] != "") { //get more data if ($connect->databaseType == 'odbc_mssql' || $connect->databaseType == 'odbtp' || $connect->databaseType == 'mssql_n' || $connect->databaseType == 'mssqlnative') { // mssql cannot compare text blobs so we have to cast here $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE cast(".db_quote_id($rt)." as varchar)= '$al[0]'"; } else $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE ".db_quote_id($rt)." = '$al[0]'"; } else { // This is for the 'NoAnswer' case // We need to take into account several possibilities // * NoAnswer cause the participant clicked the NoAnswer radio // ==> in this case value is '' or ' ' // * NoAnswer in text field // ==> value is '' // * NoAnswer due to conditions, or a page not displayed // ==> value is NULL if ($connect->databaseType == 'odbc_mssql' || $connect->databaseType == 'odbtp' || $connect->databaseType == 'mssql_n' || $connect->databaseType == 'mssqlnative') { // mssql cannot compare text blobs so we have to cast here //$query = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE (".db_quote_id($rt)." IS NULL " $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE ( " // . "OR cast(".db_quote_id($rt)." as varchar) = '' " . "cast(".db_quote_id($rt)." as varchar) = '' " . "OR cast(".db_quote_id($rt)." as varchar) = ' ' )"; } else // $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE (".db_quote_id($rt)." IS NULL " $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".db_table_name("survey_$surveyid")." WHERE ( " // . "OR ".db_quote_id($rt)." = '' " . " ".db_quote_id($rt)." = '' " . "OR ".db_quote_id($rt)." = ' ') "; } } //check filter option if (incompleteAnsFilterstate() == "inc") {$query .= " AND submitdate is null";} elseif (incompleteAnsFilterstate() == "filter") {$query .= " AND submitdate is not null";} //check for any "sql" that has been passed from another script if ($sql != "NULL") {$query .= " AND $sql";} //get data $result=db_execute_num($query) or safe_die ("Couldn't do count of values<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); // $statisticsoutput .= "\n<!-- ($sql): $query -->\n\n"; // this just extracts the data, after we present while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) { //increase counter $TotalCompleted += $row[0]; //"no answer" handling if ($al[0] === "") {$fname=$statlang->gT("No answer");} //"other" handling //"Answers" means that we show an option to list answer to "other" text field elseif ($al[0] === $statlang->gT("Other") || $al[0] === "Answers" || ($qtype === "O" && $al[0] === $statlang->gT("Comments")) || $qtype === "P") { if ($qtype == "P" ) $ColumnName_RM = $al[2]."comment"; else $ColumnName_RM = $al[2]; if ($qtype=='O') { $TotalCompleted -=$row[0]; } $fname="$al[1]"; if ($browse===true) $fname .= " <input type='button' value='".$statlang->gT("Browse")."' onclick=\"'admin.php?action=listcolumn&sid=$surveyid&column=$ColumnName_RM&sql=".urlencode($sql)."', 'results', 'width=460, height=500, left=50, top=50, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, menubar=no, status=no, location=no, toolbar=no')\" />"; } /* * text questions: * * U = huge free text * T = long free text * S = short free text * Q = multiple short text */ elseif ($qtype == "S" || $qtype == "U" || $qtype == "T" || $qtype == "Q") { $headPDF = array(); $headPDF[] = array($statlang->gT("Answer"),$statlang->gT("Count"),$statlang->gT("Percentage")); //show free text answers if ($al[0] == "Answers") { $fname= "$al[1]"; if ($browse===true) $fname .= " <input type='submit' value='" . $statlang->gT("Browse")."' onclick=\"'admin.php?action=listcolumn&sid=$surveyid&column=$al[2]&sql=" . urlencode($sql)."', 'results', 'width=460, height=500, left=50, top=50, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, menubar=no, status=no, location=no, toolbar=no')\" />"; } elseif ($al[0] == "NoAnswer") { $fname= "$al[1]"; } $statisticsoutput .= "</th>\n" ."\t\t<th width='25%' align='center' >" ."<strong>".$statlang->gT("Count")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t\t<th width='25%' align='center' >" ."<strong>".$statlang->gT("Percentage")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t</tr></thead>\n"; } //check if aggregated results should be shown elseif (isset($showaggregateddata) && $showaggregateddata == 1) { if(!isset($showheadline) || $showheadline != false) { if($qtype == "5" || $qtype == "A") { switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $headXLS = array(); $headXLS[] = array($statlang->gT("Answer"),$statlang->gT("Count"),$statlang->gT("Percentage"),$statlang->gT("Sum")); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$statlang->gT("Answer")); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$statlang->gT("Count")); $sheet->write($xlsRow,2,$statlang->gT("Percentage")); $sheet->write($xlsRow,3,$statlang->gT("Sum")); break; case 'pdf': $headPDF = array(); $headPDF[] = array($statlang->gT("Answer"),$statlang->gT("Count"),$statlang->gT("Percentage"),$statlang->gT("Sum")); break; case 'html': //four columns $statisticsoutput .= "<strong>".$statlang->gT("Answer")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t\t<th width='15%' align='center' >" ."<strong>".$statlang->gT("Count")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t\t<th width='20%' align='center' >" ."<strong>".$statlang->gT("Percentage")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t\t<th width='15%' align='center' >" ."<strong>".$statlang->gT("Sum")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t</tr></thead>\n"; break; default: break; } $showheadline = false; } else { switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $headXLS = array(); $headXLS[] = array($statlang->gT("Answer"),$statlang->gT("Count"),$statlang->gT("Percentage")); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$statlang->gT("Answer")); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$statlang->gT("Count")); $sheet->write($xlsRow,2,$statlang->gT("Percentage")); break; case 'pdf': $headPDF = array(); $headPDF[] = array($statlang->gT("Answer"),$statlang->gT("Count"),$statlang->gT("Percentage")); break; case 'html': //three columns $statisticsoutput .= "<strong>".$statlang->gT("Answer")."</strong></td>\n" ."\t\t<th width='25%' align='center' >" ."<strong>".$statlang->gT("Count")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t\t<th width='25%' align='center' >" ."<strong>".$statlang->gT("Percentage")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t</tr></thead>\n"; break; default: break; } $showheadline = false; } } //text for answer column is always needed $fname="$al[1] ($al[0])"; //these question types get special treatment by $showaggregateddata if($qtype == "5" || $qtype == "A") { //put non-edited data in here because $row will be edited later $grawdata[]=$row[0]; $showaggregated_indice=count($grawdata) - 1; $showaggregated_indice_table[$showaggregated_indice]="aggregated"; $showaggregated_indice=-1; //keep in mind that we already added data (will be checked later) $justadded = true; //we need a counter because we want to sum up certain values //reset counter if 5 items have passed if(!isset($testcounter) || $testcounter >= 4) { $testcounter = 0; } else { $testcounter++; } //beside the known percentage value a new aggregated value should be shown //therefore this item is marked in a certain way if($testcounter == 0 ) //add 300 to original value { //HACK: add three times the total number of results to the value //This way we get a 300 + X percentage which can be checked later $row[0] += (3*$results); } //the third value should be shown twice later -> mark it if($testcounter == 2) //add 400 to original value { //HACK: add four times the total number of results to the value //This way there should be a 400 + X percentage which can be checked later $row[0] += (4*$results); } //the last value aggregates the data of item 4 + item 5 later if($testcounter == 4 ) //add 200 to original value { //HACK: add two times the total number of results to the value //This way there should be a 200 + X percentage which can be checked later $row[0] += (2*$results); } } //end if -> question type = "5"/"A" } //end if -> show aggregated data //handling what's left else { if(!isset($showheadline) || $showheadline != false) { switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $headXLS = array(); $headXLS[] = array($statlang->gT("Answer"),$statlang->gT("Count"),$statlang->gT("Percentage")); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$statlang->gT("Answer")); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$statlang->gT("Count")); $sheet->write($xlsRow,2,$statlang->gT("Percentage")); break; case 'pdf': $headPDF = array(); $headPDF[] = array($statlang->gT("Answer"),$statlang->gT("Count"),$statlang->gT("Percentage")); break; case 'html': //three columns $statisticsoutput .= "<strong>".$statlang->gT("Answer")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t\t<th width='25%' align='center' >" ."<strong>".$statlang->gT("Count")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t\t<th width='25%' align='center' >" ."<strong>".$statlang->gT("Percentage")."</strong></th>\n" ."\t</tr></thead>\n"; break; default: break; } $showheadline = false; } //answer text $fname="$al[1] ($al[0])"; } //are there some results to play with? if ($results > 0) { //calculate percentage $gdata[] = ($row[0]/$results)*100; } //no results else { //no data! $gdata[] = "N/A"; } //only add this if we don't handle question type "5"/"A" if(!isset($justadded)) { //put absolute data into array $grawdata[]=$row[0]; } else { //unset to handle "no answer" data correctly unset($justadded); } //put question title and code into array $label[]=$fname; //put only the code into the array $justcode[]=$al[0]; //edit labels and put them into antoher array $lbl[] = wordwrap(FlattenText("$al[1] ($row[0])"), 25, "\n"); // NMO 2009-03-24 $lblrtl[] = utf8_strrev(wordwrap(FlattenText("$al[1] )$row[0]("), 25, "\n")); // NMO 2009-03-24 } //end while -> loop through results } //end foreach -> loop through answer data //no filtering of incomplete answers and NO multiple option questions //if ((incompleteAnsFilterstate() != "filter") and ($qtype != "M") and ($qtype != "P")) //error_log("TIBO ".print_r($showaggregated_indice_table,true)); if (($qtype != "M") and ($qtype != "P")) { //is the checkbox "Don't consider NON completed responses (only works when Filter incomplete answers is Disable)" checked? //if (isset($_POST["noncompleted"]) and ($_POST["noncompleted"] == "on") && (isset($showaggregateddata) && $showaggregateddata == 0)) // TIBO: TODO WE MUST SKIP THE FOLLOWING SECTION FOR TYPE A and 5 when // showaggreagated data is set and set to 1 if (isset($_POST["noncompleted"]) and ($_POST["noncompleted"] == "on") ) { //counter $i=0; while (isset($gdata[$i])) { if (isset($showaggregated_indice_table[$i]) && $showaggregated_indice_table[$i]=="aggregated") { // do nothing, we don't rewrite aggregated results // or at least I don't know how !!! (lemeur) } else { //we want to have some "real" data here if ($gdata[$i] != "N/A") { //calculate percentage $gdata[$i] = ($grawdata[$i]/$TotalCompleted)*100; } } //increase counter $i++; } //end while (data available) } //end if -> noncompleted checked //noncompleted is NOT checked else { //calculate total number of incompleted records $TotalIncomplete = $results - $TotalCompleted; //output if ((incompleteAnsFilterstate() != "filter")) { $fname=$statlang->gT("Not completed or Not displayed"); } else { $fname=$statlang->gT("Not displayed"); } //we need some data if ($results > 0) { //calculate percentage $gdata[] = ($TotalIncomplete/$results)*100; } //no data :( else { $gdata[] = "N/A"; } //put data of incompleted records into array $grawdata[]=$TotalIncomplete; //put question title ("Not completed") into array $label[]= $fname; //put the code ("Not completed") into the array $justcode[]=$fname; //edit labels and put them into antoher array if ((incompleteAnsFilterstate() != "filter")) { $lbl[] = wordwrap(FlattenText($statlang->gT("Not completed or Not displayed")." ($TotalIncomplete)"), 20, "\n"); // NMO 2009-03-24 } else { $lbl[] = wordwrap(FlattenText($statlang->gT("Not displayed")." ($TotalIncomplete)"), 20, "\n"); // NMO 2009-03-24 } } //end else -> noncompleted NOT checked } //end if -> no filtering of incomplete answers and no multiple option questions //counter $i=0; //we need to know which item we are editing $itemcounter = 1; //array to store items 1 - 5 of question types "5" and "A" $stddevarray = array(); //loop through all available answers while (isset($gdata[$i])) { //repeat header (answer, count, ...) for each new question unset($showheadline); /* * there are 3 colums: * * 1 (50%) = answer (title and code in brackets) * 2 (25%) = count (absolute) * 3 (25%) = percentage */ $statisticsoutput .= "\t<tr>\n\t\t<td align='center' >" . $label[$i] ."\n" ."\t\t</td>\n" //output absolute number of records ."\t\t<td align='center' >" . $grawdata[$i] . "\n</td>"; //no data if ($gdata[$i] == "N/A") { switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $label[$i]=FlattenText($label[$i]); $tableXLS[] = array($label[$i],$grawdata[$i],sprintf("%01.2f", $gdata[$i]). "%"); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$label[$i]); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$grawdata[$i]); $sheet->write($xlsRow,2,sprintf("%01.2f", $gdata[$i]). "%"); break; case 'pdf': $tablePDF[] = array(FlattenText($label[$i]),$grawdata[$i],sprintf("%01.2f", $gdata[$i]). "%", ""); break; case 'html': //output when having no data $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t<td align='center' >"; //percentage = 0 $statisticsoutput .= sprintf("%01.2f", $gdata[$i]) . "%"; $gdata[$i] = 0; //check if we have to adjust ouput due to $showaggregateddata setting if(isset($showaggregateddata) && $showaggregateddata == 1 && ($qtype == "5" || $qtype == "A")) { $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t</td>"; } elseif ($qtype == "S" || $qtype == "U" || $qtype == "T" || $qtype == "Q") { $statisticsoutput .= "</td>\n\t</tr>\n"; } break; default: break; } } //data available else { //check if data should be aggregated if(isset($showaggregateddata) && $showaggregateddata == 1 && ($qtype == "5" || $qtype == "A")) { //mark that we have done soemthing special here $aggregated = true; //just calculate everything once. the data is there in the array if($itemcounter == 1) { //there are always 5 answers for($x = 0; $x < 5; $x++) { //put 5 items into array for further calculations array_push($stddevarray, $grawdata[$x]); } } //"no answer" & items 2 / 4 - nothing special to do here, just adjust output if($gdata[$i] <= 100) { if($itemcounter == 2 && $label[$i+4] == $statlang->gT("No answer")) { //prevent division by zero if(($results - $grawdata[$i+4]) > 0) { //re-calculate percentage $percentage = ($grawdata[$i] / ($results - $grawdata[$i+4])) * 100; } else { $percentage = 0; } } elseif($itemcounter == 4 && $label[$i+2] == $statlang->gT("No answer")) { //prevent division by zero if(($results - $grawdata[$i+2]) > 0) { //re-calculate percentage $percentage = ($grawdata[$i] / ($results - $grawdata[$i+2])) * 100; } else { $percentage = 0; } } else { $percentage = $gdata[$i]; } switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $label[$i]=FlattenText($label[$i]); $tableXLS[]= array($label[$i],$grawdata[$i],sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%"); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$label[$i]); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$grawdata[$i]); $sheet->write($xlsRow,2,sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%"); break; case 'pdf': $label[$i]=FlattenText($label[$i]); $tablePDF[] = array($label[$i],$grawdata[$i],sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%", ""); break; case 'html': //output $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t<td align='center'>"; //output percentage $statisticsoutput .= sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage) . "%"; //adjust output $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t</td>"; break; default: break; } } //item 3 - just show results twice //old: if($gdata[$i] >= 400) //trying to fix bug #2583: if($gdata[$i] >= 400 && $i != 0) { //remove "400" which was added before $gdata[$i] -= 400; if($itemcounter == 3 && $label[$i+3] == $statlang->gT("No answer")) { //prevent division by zero if(($results - $grawdata[$i+3]) > 0) { //re-calculate percentage $percentage = ($grawdata[$i] / ($results - $grawdata[$i+3])) * 100; } else { $percentage = 0; } } else { //get the original percentage $percentage = $gdata[$i]; } switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $label[$i]=FlattenText($label[$i]); $tableXLS[] = array($label[$i],$grawdata[$i],sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%",sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%"); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$label[$i]); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$grawdata[$i]); $sheet->write($xlsRow,2,sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%"); $sheet->write($xlsRow,3,sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%"); break; case 'pdf': $label[$i]=FlattenText($label[$i]); $tablePDF[] = array($label[$i],$grawdata[$i],sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%",sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%"); break; case 'html': //output percentage $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t<td align='center' >"; $statisticsoutput .= sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage) . "%</td>"; //output again (no real aggregation here) $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t<td align='center' >"; $statisticsoutput .= sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%"; $statisticsoutput .= "</td>\t\t"; break; default: break; } } //FIRST value -> add percentage of item 1 + item 2 //old: if($gdata[$i] >= 300 && $gdata[$i] < 400) //trying to fix bug #2583: if(($gdata[$i] >= 300 && $gdata[$i] < 400) || ($i == 0 && $gdata[$i] <= 400)) { //remove "300" which was added before $gdata[$i] -= 300; if($itemcounter == 1 && $label[$i+5] == $statlang->gT("No answer")) { //prevent division by zero if(($results - $grawdata[$i+5]) > 0) { //re-calculate percentage $percentage = ($grawdata[$i] / ($results - $grawdata[$i+5])) * 100; $percentage2 = ($grawdata[$i + 1] / ($results - $grawdata[$i+5])) * 100; } else { $percentage = 0; $percentage2 = 0; } } else { $percentage = $gdata[$i]; $percentage2 = $gdata[$i+1]; } //percentage of item 1 + item 2 $aggregatedgdata = $percentage + $percentage2; switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $label[$i]=FlattenText($label[$i]); $tableXLS[] = array($label[$i],$grawdata[$i],sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%",sprintf("%01.2f", $aggregatedgdata)."%"); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$label[$i]); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$grawdata[$i]); $sheet->write($xlsRow,2,sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%"); $sheet->write($xlsRow,3,sprintf("%01.2f", $aggregatedgdata)."%"); break; case 'pdf': $label[$i]=FlattenText($label[$i]); $tablePDF[] = array($label[$i],$grawdata[$i],sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%",sprintf("%01.2f", $aggregatedgdata)."%"); break; case 'html': //output percentage $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t<td align='center' >"; $statisticsoutput .= sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage) . "%</td>"; //output aggregated data $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t<td align='center' >"; $statisticsoutput .= sprintf("%01.2f", $aggregatedgdata)."%"; $statisticsoutput .= "</td>\t\t"; break; default: break; } } //LAST value -> add item 4 + item 5 if($gdata[$i] > 100 && $gdata[$i] < 300) { //remove "200" which was added before $gdata[$i] -= 200; if($itemcounter == 5 && $label[$i+1] == $statlang->gT("No answer")) { //prevent division by zero if(($results - $grawdata[$i+1]) > 0) { //re-calculate percentage $percentage = ($grawdata[$i] / ($results - $grawdata[$i+1])) * 100; $percentage2 = ($grawdata[$i - 1] / ($results - $grawdata[$i+1])) * 100; } else { $percentage = 0; $percentage2 = 0; } } else { $percentage = $gdata[$i]; $percentage2 = $gdata[$i-1]; } //item 4 + item 5 $aggregatedgdata = $percentage + $percentage2; switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $label[$i]=FlattenText($label[$i]); $tableXLS[] = array($label[$i],$grawdata[$i],sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%",sprintf("%01.2f", $aggregatedgdata)."%"); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$label[$i]); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$grawdata[$i]); $sheet->write($xlsRow,2,sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%"); $sheet->write($xlsRow,3,sprintf("%01.2f", $aggregatedgdata)."%"); break; case 'pdf': $label[$i]=FlattenText($label[$i]); $tablePDF[] = array($label[$i],$grawdata[$i],sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage)."%",sprintf("%01.2f", $aggregatedgdata)."%"); break; case 'html': //output percentage $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t<td align='center' >"; $statisticsoutput .= sprintf("%01.2f", $percentage) . "%</td>"; //output aggregated data $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t<td align='center' >"; $statisticsoutput .= sprintf("%01.2f", $aggregatedgdata)."%"; $statisticsoutput .= "</td>\t\t"; break; default: break; } // create new row "sum" //calculate sum of items 1-5 $sumitems = $grawdata[$i] + $grawdata[$i-1] + $grawdata[$i-2] + $grawdata[$i-3] + $grawdata[$i-4]; //special treatment for zero values if($sumitems > 0) { $sumpercentage = "100.00"; } else { $sumpercentage = "0"; } //special treatment for zero values if($TotalCompleted > 0) { $casepercentage = "100.00"; } else { $casepercentage = "0"; } switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $footXLS[] = array($statlang->gT("Sum")." (".$statlang->gT("Answers").")",$sumitems,$sumpercentage."%",$sumpercentage."%"); $footXLS[] = array($statlang->gT("Number of cases"),$TotalCompleted,$casepercentage."%",""); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$statlang->gT("Sum")." (".$statlang->gT("Answers").")"); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$sumitems); $sheet->write($xlsRow,2,$sumpercentage."%"); $sheet->write($xlsRow,3,$sumpercentage."%"); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$statlang->gT("Number of cases")); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$TotalCompleted); $sheet->write($xlsRow,2,$casepercentage."%"); break; case 'pdf': $footPDF[] = array($statlang->gT("Sum")." (".$statlang->gT("Answers").")",$sumitems,$sumpercentage."%",$sumpercentage."%"); $footPDF[] = array($statlang->gT("Number of cases"),$TotalCompleted,$casepercentage."%",""); break; case 'html': $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t \n\t</tr>\n"; $statisticsoutput .= "<tr><td align='center'><strong>".$statlang->gT("Sum")." (".$statlang->gT("Answers").")</strong></td>"; $statisticsoutput .= "<td align='center' ><strong>".$sumitems."</strong></td>"; $statisticsoutput .= "<td align='center' ><strong>$sumpercentage%</strong></td>"; $statisticsoutput .= "<td align='center' ><strong>$sumpercentage%</strong></td>"; $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t \n\t</tr>\n"; $statisticsoutput .= "<tr><td align='center'>".$statlang->gT("Number of cases")."</td>"; //German: "Fallzahl" $statisticsoutput .= "<td align='center' >".$TotalCompleted."</td>"; $statisticsoutput .= "<td align='center' >$casepercentage%</td>"; //there has to be a whitespace within the table cell to display correctly $statisticsoutput .= "<td align='center' > </td></tr>"; break; default: break; } } } //end if -> show aggregated data //don't show aggregated data else { switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $label[$i]=FlattenText($label[$i]); $tableXLS[] = array($label[$i],$grawdata[$i],sprintf("%01.2f", $gdata[$i])."%", ""); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$label[$i]); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$grawdata[$i]); $sheet->write($xlsRow,2,sprintf("%01.2f", $gdata[$i])."%"); //$sheet->write($xlsRow,3,$sumpercentage."%"); break; case 'pdf': $label[$i]=FlattenText($label[$i]); $tablePDF[] = array($label[$i],$grawdata[$i],sprintf("%01.2f", $gdata[$i])."%", ""); break; case 'html': //output percentage $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t<td align='center' >"; $statisticsoutput .= sprintf("%01.2f", $gdata[$i]) . "%"; $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t"; //end output per line. there has to be a whitespace within the table cell to display correctly $statisticsoutput .= "\t\t </td>\n\t</tr>\n"; break; default: break; } } } //end else -> $gdata[$i] != "N/A" //increase counter $i++; $itemcounter++; } //end while //only show additional values when this setting is enabled if(isset($showaggregateddata) && $showaggregateddata == 1 ) { //it's only useful to calculate standard deviation and arithmetic means for question types //5 = 5 Point Scale //A = Array (5 Point Choice) if($qtype == "5" || $qtype == "A") { $stddev = 0; $am = 0; //calculate arithmetic mean if(isset($sumitems) && $sumitems > 0) { //calculate and round results //there are always 5 items for($x = 0; $x < 5; $x++) { //create product of item * value $am += (($x+1) * $stddevarray[$x]); } //prevent division by zero if(isset($stddevarray) && array_sum($stddevarray) > 0) { $am = round($am / array_sum($stddevarray),2); } else { $am = 0; } //calculate standard deviation -> loop through all data /* * four steps to calculate the standard deviation * 1 = calculate difference between item and arithmetic mean and multiply with the number of elements * 2 = create sqaure value of difference * 3 = sum up square values * 4 = multiply result with 1 / (number of items) * 5 = get root */ for($j = 0; $j < 5; $j++) { //1 = calculate difference between item and arithmetic mean $diff = (($j+1) - $am); //2 = create square value of difference $squarevalue = square($diff); //3 = sum up square values and multiply them with the occurence //prevent divison by zero if($squarevalue != 0 && $stddevarray[$j] != 0) { $stddev += $squarevalue * $stddevarray[$j]; } } //4 = multiply result with 1 / (number of items (=5)) //There are two different formulas to calculate standard derivation //$stddev = $stddev / array_sum($stddevarray); //formula source: //prevent division by zero if((array_sum($stddevarray)-1) != 0 && $stddev != 0) { $stddev = $stddev / (array_sum($stddevarray)-1); //formula source: } else { $stddev = 0; } //5 = get root $stddev = sqrt($stddev); $stddev = round($stddev,2); } switch($outputType) { case 'xls': $tableXLS[] = array($statlang->gT("Arithmetic mean"),$am,'',''); $tableXLS[] = array($statlang->gT("Standard deviation"),$stddev,'',''); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$statlang->gT("Arithmetic mean")); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$am); ++$xlsRow; $sheet->write($xlsRow,0,$statlang->gT("Standard deviation")); $sheet->write($xlsRow,1,$stddev); break; case 'pdf': $tablePDF[] = array($statlang->gT("Arithmetic mean"),$am,'',''); $tablePDF[] = array($statlang->gT("Standard deviation"),$stddev,'',''); break; case 'html': //calculate standard deviation $statisticsoutput .= "<tr><td align='center'>".$statlang->gT("Arithmetic mean")."</td>"; //German: "Fallzahl" $statisticsoutput .= "<td> </td><td align='center'> $am</td><td> </td></tr>"; $statisticsoutput .= "<tr><td align='center'>".$statlang->gT("Standard deviation")."</td>"; //German: "Fallzahl" $statisticsoutput .= "<td> </td><td align='center'>$stddev</td><td> </td></tr>"; break; default: break; } } } if($outputType=='pdf') //XXX TODO PDF { //$tablePDF = array(); $tablePDF = array_merge_recursive($tablePDF, $footPDF); $pdf->headTable($headPDF,$tablePDF); //$pdf->tableintopdf($tablePDF); // if(isset($footPDF)) // foreach($footPDF as $foot) // { // $footA = array($foot); // $pdf->tablehead($footA); // } } //-------------------------- PCHART OUTPUT ---------------------------- //PCHART has to be enabled and we need some data if ($usegraph==1 && array_sum($gdata)>0) { $graph = ""; $p1 = ""; // $statisticsoutput .= "<pre>"; // $statisticsoutput .= "GDATA:\n"; // print_r($gdata); // $statisticsoutput .= "GRAWDATA\n"; // print_r($grawdata); // $statisticsoutput .= "LABEL\n"; // print_r($label); // $statisticsoutput .= "JUSTCODE\n"; // print_r($justcode); // $statisticsoutput .= "LBL\n"; // print_r($lbl); // $statisticsoutput .= "</pre>"; //First, lets delete any earlier graphs from the tmp directory //$gdata and $lbl are arrays built at the end of the last section //that contain the values, and labels for the data we are about //to send to pchart. $i = 0; foreach ($gdata as $data) { if ($data != 0){$i++;} } $totallines=$i; if ($totallines>15) { $gheight=320+(6.7*($totallines-15)); $fontsize=7; $legendtop=0.01; $setcentrey=0.5/(($gheight/320)); } else { $gheight=320; $fontsize=8; $legendtop=0.07; $setcentrey=0.5; } // Create bar chart for Multiple choice if ($qtype == "M" || $qtype == "P") { //new bar chart using data from array $grawdata which contains percentage $DataSet = new pData; $counter=0; $maxyvalue=0; foreach ($grawdata as $datapoint) { $DataSet->AddPoint(array($datapoint),"Serie$counter"); $DataSet->AddSerie("Serie$counter"); $counter++; if ($datapoint>$maxyvalue) $maxyvalue=$datapoint; } if ($maxyvalue<10) {++$maxyvalue;} $counter=0; foreach ($lbl as $label) { $DataSet->SetSerieName($label,"Serie$counter"); $counter++; } if ($MyCache->IsInCache("graph".$surveyid,$DataSet->GetData())) { $cachefilename=basename($MyCache->GetFileFromCache("graph".$surveyid,$DataSet->GetData())); } else { $graph = new pChart(1,1); $graph->setFontProperties($rootdir."/fonts/".$chartfontfile, $chartfontsize); $legendsize=$graph->getLegendBoxSize($DataSet->GetDataDescription()); if ($legendsize[1]<320) $gheight=420; else $gheight=$legendsize[1]+100; $graph = new pChart(690+$legendsize[0],$gheight); $graph->loadColorPalette($homedir.'/styles/'.$admintheme.'/limesurvey.pal'); $graph->setFontProperties($rootdir."/fonts/".$chartfontfile,$chartfontsize); $graph->setGraphArea(50,30,500,$gheight-60); $graph->drawFilledRoundedRectangle(7,7,523+$legendsize[0],$gheight-7,5,254,255,254); $graph->drawRoundedRectangle(5,5,525+$legendsize[0],$gheight-5,5,230,230,230); $graph->drawGraphArea(255,255,255,TRUE); $graph->drawScale($DataSet->GetData(),$DataSet->GetDataDescription(),SCALE_START0,150,150,150,TRUE,90,0,TRUE,5,false); $graph->drawGrid(4,TRUE,230,230,230,50); // Draw the 0 line $graph->setFontProperties($rootdir."/fonts/".$chartfontfile,$chartfontsize); $graph->drawTreshold(0,143,55,72,TRUE,TRUE); // Draw the bar graph $graph->drawBarGraph($DataSet->GetData(),$DataSet->GetDataDescription(),FALSE); //$Test->setLabel($DataSet->GetData(),$DataSet->GetDataDescription(),"Serie4","1","Important point!"); // Finish the graph $graph->setFontProperties($rootdir."/fonts/".$chartfontfile, $chartfontsize); $graph->drawLegend(510,30,$DataSet->GetDataDescription(),255,255,255); $MyCache->WriteToCache("graph".$surveyid,$DataSet->GetData(),$graph); $cachefilename=basename($MyCache->GetFileFromCache("graph".$surveyid,$DataSet->GetData())); unset($graph); } } //end if (bar chart) //Pie Chart else { // this block is to remove the items with value == 0 $i = 0; while (isset ($gdata[$i])) { if ($gdata[$i] == 0) { array_splice ($gdata, $i, 1); array_splice ($lbl, $i, 1); } else {$i++;} } $lblout=array(); if ($language=='ar') { $lblout=$lbl; //reset text order to original include_once($rootdir.'/classes/core/Arabic.php'); $Arabic = new Arabic('ArGlyphs'); foreach($lblout as $kkey => $kval){ if (preg_match("^[A-Za-z]^", $kval)) { //auto detect if english //eng //no reversing } else{ $kval = $Arabic->utf8Glyphs($kval,50,false); $lblout[$kkey] = $kval; } } } elseif (getLanguageRTL($language)) { $lblout=$lblrtl; } else { $lblout=$lbl; } //create new 3D pie chart if ($usegraph==1) { $DataSet = new pData; $DataSet->AddPoint($gdata,"Serie1"); $DataSet->AddPoint($lblout,"Serie2"); $DataSet->AddAllSeries(); $DataSet->SetAbsciseLabelSerie("Serie2"); if ($MyCache->IsInCache("graph".$surveyid,$DataSet->GetData())) { $cachefilename=basename($MyCache->GetFileFromCache("graph".$surveyid,$DataSet->GetData())); } else { $gheight=ceil($gheight); $graph = new pChart(690,$gheight); $graph->loadColorPalette($homedir.'/styles/'.$admintheme.'/limesurvey.pal'); $graph->drawFilledRoundedRectangle(7,7,687,$gheight-3,5,254,255,254); $graph->drawRoundedRectangle(5,5,689,$gheight-1,5,230,230,230); // Draw the pie chart $graph->setFontProperties($rootdir."/fonts/".$chartfontfile, $chartfontsize); $graph->drawPieGraph($DataSet->GetData(),$DataSet->GetDataDescription(),225,round($gheight/2),170,PIE_PERCENTAGE,TRUE,50,20,5); $graph->setFontProperties($rootdir."/fonts/".$chartfontfile,$chartfontsize); $graph->drawPieLegend(430,12,$DataSet->GetData(),$DataSet->GetDataDescription(),250,250,250); $MyCache->WriteToCache("graph".$surveyid,$DataSet->GetData(),$graph); $cachefilename=basename($MyCache->GetFileFromCache("graph".$surveyid,$DataSet->GetData())); unset($graph); } //print_r($DataSet->GetData()); echo "<br/><br/>"; } } //end else -> pie charts //introduce new counter if (!isset($ci)) {$ci=0;} //increase counter, start value -> 1 $ci++; switch($outputType) { case 'xls': /** * No Image for Excel... */ break; case 'pdf': $pdf->AddPage('P','A4'); $pdf->titleintopdf($pdfTitle,$titleDesc); $pdf->Image($tempdir."/".$cachefilename, 0, 70, 180, 0, '', $homeurl."/admin.php?sid=$surveyid", 'B', true, 150,'C',false,false,0,true); break; case 'html': $statisticsoutput .= "<tr><td colspan='4' style=\"text-align:center\"><img src=\"$tempurl/".$cachefilename."\" border='1' /></td></tr>"; break; default: break; } } //close table/output if($outputType=='html') $statisticsoutput .= "</table><br /> \n"; } //end if -> collect and display results //delete data unset($gdata); unset($grawdata); unset($label); unset($lbl); unset($lblrtl); unset($lblout); unset($justcode); unset ($alist); } // end foreach -> loop through all questions //output if($outputType=='html') $statisticsoutput .= "<br /> \n"; } //end if -> show summary results switch($outputType) { case 'xls': //$workbook-> $workbook->close(); if($pdfOutput=='F') { return $sFileName; } else { return; } break; case 'pdf': $pdf->lastPage(); if($pdfOutput=='F') { // This is only used by lsrc to send an E-Mail attachment, so it gives back the filename to send and delete afterwards $pdf->Output($tempdir."/".$statlang->gT('Survey').'_'.$surveyid."_".$surveyInfo['surveyls_title'].'.pdf', $pdfOutput); return $tempdir."/".$statlang->gT('Survey').'_'.$surveyid."_".$surveyInfo['surveyls_title'].'.pdf'; } else return $pdf->Output($statlang->gT('Survey').'_'.$surveyid."_".$surveyInfo['surveyls_title'].'.pdf', $pdfOutput); break; case 'html': return $statisticsoutput; break; default: return $statisticsoutput; break; } }
/** * FixLanguageConsistency() fixes missing groups,questions,answers & assessments for languages on a survey * @param string $sid - the currently selected survey * @param string $availlangs - space seperated list of additional languages in survey - if empty all additional languages of a survey are checked against the base language * @return bool - always returns true */ function FixLanguageConsistency($sid, $availlangs = '') { global $connect, $databasetype; if (trim($availlangs) != '') { $availlangs = sanitize_languagecodeS($availlangs); $langs = explode(" ", $availlangs); if ($langs[count($langs) - 1] == "") { array_pop($langs); } } else { $langs = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($sid); } $baselang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($sid); $sid = sanitize_int($sid); $query = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('groups') . " WHERE sid='{$sid}' AND language='{$baselang}' ORDER BY group_order"; $result = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { while ($group = $result->FetchRow()) { foreach ($langs as $lang) { $query = "SELECT gid FROM " . db_table_name('groups') . " WHERE sid='{$sid}' AND gid='{$group['gid']}' AND language='{$lang}'"; $gresult = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked if ($gresult->RecordCount() < 1) { db_switchIDInsert('groups', true); $query = "INSERT INTO " . db_table_name('groups') . " (gid,sid,group_name,group_order,description,language) VALUES('{$group['gid']}','{$group['sid']}'," . db_quoteall($group['group_name']) . ",'{$group['group_order']}'," . db_quoteall($group['description']) . ",'{$lang}')"; $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked db_switchIDInsert('groups', false); } } reset($langs); } } $quests = array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('questions') . " WHERE sid='{$sid}' AND language='{$baselang}' ORDER BY question_order"; $result = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { while ($question = $result->FetchRow()) { array_push($quests, $question['qid']); foreach ($langs as $lang) { $query = "SELECT qid FROM " . db_table_name('questions') . " WHERE sid='{$sid}' AND qid='{$question['qid']}' AND language='{$lang}'"; $gresult = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked if ($gresult->RecordCount() < 1) { db_switchIDInsert('questions', true); $query = "INSERT INTO " . db_table_name('questions') . " (qid,sid,gid,type,title,question,preg,help,other,mandatory,question_order,language, scale_id,parent_qid) VALUES('{$question['qid']}','{$question['sid']}','{$question['gid']}','{$question['type']}'," . db_quoteall($question['title']) . "," . db_quoteall($question['question']) . "," . db_quoteall($question['preg']) . "," . db_quoteall($question['help']) . ",'{$question['other']}','{$question['mandatory']}','{$question['question_order']}','{$lang}',{$question['scale_id']},{$question['parent_qid']})"; $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($query . "<br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked db_switchIDInsert('questions', false); } } reset($langs); } $sqlans = ""; foreach ($quests as $quest) { $sqlans .= " OR qid = '" . $quest . "' "; } $query = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('answers') . " WHERE language='{$baselang}' and (" . trim($sqlans, ' OR') . ") ORDER BY qid, code"; $result = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { while ($answer = $result->FetchRow()) { foreach ($langs as $lang) { $query = "SELECT qid FROM " . db_table_name('answers') . " WHERE code='{$answer['code']}' AND qid='{$answer['qid']}' AND language='{$lang}'"; $gresult = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked if ($gresult->RecordCount() < 1) { db_switchIDInsert('answers', true); $query = "INSERT INTO " . db_table_name('answers') . " (qid,code,answer,scale_id,sortorder,language,assessment_value) VALUES('{$answer['qid']}'," . db_quoteall($answer['code']) . "," . db_quoteall($answer['answer']) . ",{$answer['scale_id']},'{$answer['sortorder']}','{$lang}',{$answer['assessment_value']})"; $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked db_switchIDInsert('answers', false); } } reset($langs); } } } $query = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('assessments') . " WHERE sid='{$sid}' AND language='{$baselang}'"; $result = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { while ($assessment = $result->FetchRow()) { foreach ($langs as $lang) { $query = "SELECT id FROM " . db_table_name('assessments') . " WHERE sid='{$sid}' AND id='{$assessment['id']}' AND language='{$lang}'"; $gresult = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked if ($gresult->RecordCount() < 1) { db_switchIDInsert('assessments', true); $query = "INSERT INTO " . db_table_name('assessments') . " (id,sid,scope,gid,name,minimum,maximum,message,language) " . "VALUES('{$assessment['id']}','{$assessment['sid']}'," . db_quoteall($assessment['scope']) . "," . db_quoteall($assessment['gid']) . "," . db_quoteall($assessment['name']) . "," . db_quoteall($assessment['minimum']) . "," . db_quoteall($assessment['maximum']) . "," . db_quoteall($assessment['message']) . ",'{$lang}')"; $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked db_switchIDInsert('assessments', false); } } reset($langs); } } return true; }
/** * This function imports a LimeSurvey .lsg question group XML file * * @param mixed $sFullFilepath The full filepath of the uploaded file * @param mixed $newsid The new survey id - the group will always be added after the last group in the survey */ function XMLImportGroup($sFullFilepath, $newsid) { global $connect, $dbprefix, $clang; $aLanguagesSupported = array(); // this array will keep all the languages supported for the survey $sBaseLanguage = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($newsid); $aLanguagesSupported[] = $sBaseLanguage; // adds the base language to the list of supported languages $aLanguagesSupported = array_merge($aLanguagesSupported, GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($newsid)); $xml = @simplexml_load_file($sFullFilepath); if ($xml == false || $xml->LimeSurveyDocType != 'Group') { safe_die('This is not a valid LimeSurvey group structure XML file.'); } $dbversion = (double) $xml->DBVersion; $aQIDReplacements = array(); $results['defaultvalues'] = 0; $results['answers'] = 0; $results['question_attributes'] = 0; $results['subquestions'] = 0; $results['conditions'] = 0; $results['groups'] = 0; $importlanguages = array(); foreach ($xml->languages->language as $language) { $importlanguages[] = (string) $language; } if (!in_array($sBaseLanguage, $importlanguages)) { $results['fatalerror'] = $clang->gT("The languages of the imported group file must at least include the base language of this survey."); return $results; } // First get an overview of fieldnames - it's not useful for the moment but might be with newer versions /* $fieldnames=array(); foreach ($xml->questions->fields->fieldname as $fieldname ) { $fieldnames[]=(string)$fieldname; };*/ // Import group table =================================================================================== $tablename = $dbprefix . 'groups'; $newgrouporder = $connect->GetOne("SELECT MAX(group_order) AS maxqo FROM " . db_table_name('groups') . " WHERE sid={$newsid}"); if (is_null($newgrouporder)) { $newgrouporder = 0; } else { $newgrouporder++; } foreach ($xml->groups->rows->row as $row) { $insertdata = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value; } $oldsid = $insertdata['sid']; $insertdata['sid'] = $newsid; $insertdata['group_order'] = $newgrouporder; $oldgid = $insertdata['gid']; unset($insertdata['gid']); // save the old qid // now translate any links $insertdata['group_name'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $insertdata['group_name']); $insertdata['description'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $insertdata['description']); // Insert the new question if (isset($aGIDReplacements[$oldgid])) { $insertdata['gid'] = $aGIDReplacements[$oldgid]; db_switchIDInsert('groups', true); } $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $insertdata); $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert data<br />{$query}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['groups']++; if (!isset($aGIDReplacements[$oldgid])) { $newgid = $connect->Insert_ID($tablename, "gid"); // save this for later $aGIDReplacements[$oldgid] = $newgid; // add old and new qid to the mapping array } else { db_switchIDInsert('groups', false); } } // Import questions table =================================================================================== // We have to run the question table data two times - first to find all main questions // then for subquestions (because we need to determine the new qids for the main questions first) $tablename = $dbprefix . 'questions'; $results['questions'] = 0; if (isset($xml->questions)) { foreach ($xml->questions->rows->row as $row) { $insertdata = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value; } $oldsid = $insertdata['sid']; $insertdata['sid'] = $newsid; if (!isset($aGIDReplacements[$insertdata['gid']]) || trim($insertdata['title']) == '') { continue; } // Skip questions with invalid group id $insertdata['gid'] = $aGIDReplacements[$insertdata['gid']]; $oldqid = $insertdata['qid']; unset($insertdata['qid']); // save the old qid // now translate any links $insertdata['title'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $insertdata['title']); $insertdata['question'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $insertdata['question']); $insertdata['help'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $insertdata['help']); // Insert the new question if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$oldqid])) { $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]; db_switchIDInsert('questions', true); } $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $insertdata); $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert data<br />{$query}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); if (!isset($aQIDReplacements[$oldqid])) { $newqid = $connect->Insert_ID($tablename, "qid"); // save this for later $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid] = $newqid; // add old and new qid to the mapping array $results['questions']++; } else { db_switchIDInsert('questions', false); } } } // Import subquestions -------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($xml->subquestions)) { foreach ($xml->subquestions->rows->row as $row) { $insertdata = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value; } $insertdata['sid'] = $newsid; if (!isset($aGIDReplacements[$insertdata['gid']])) { continue; } // Skip questions with invalid group id $insertdata['gid'] = $aGIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['gid']]; $oldsqid = (int) $insertdata['qid']; unset($insertdata['qid']); // save the old qid if (!isset($aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['parent_qid']])) { continue; } // Skip subquestions with invalid parent_qids $insertdata['parent_qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['parent_qid']]; // remap the parent_qid // now translate any links $insertdata['title'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $insertdata['title']); $insertdata['question'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $insertdata['question']); $insertdata['help'] = isset($insertdata['help']) ? translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $insertdata['help']) : ''; if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$oldsqid])) { $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[$oldsqid]; db_switchIDInsert('questions', true); } $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $insertdata); $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert data<br />{$query}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $newsqid = $connect->Insert_ID($tablename, "qid"); // save this for later if (!isset($insertdata['qid'])) { $aQIDReplacements[$oldsqid] = $newsqid; // add old and new qid to the mapping array } else { db_switchIDInsert('questions', false); } $results['subquestions']++; } } // Import answers -------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($xml->answers)) { $tablename = $dbprefix . 'answers'; foreach ($xml->answers->rows->row as $row) { $insertdata = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value; } if (!isset($aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['qid']])) { continue; } // Skip questions with invalid group id $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['qid']]; // remap the parent_qid // now translate any links $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $insertdata); $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert data<br />{$query}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['answers']++; } } // Import questionattributes -------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($xml->question_attributes)) { $tablename = $dbprefix . 'question_attributes'; foreach ($xml->question_attributes->rows->row as $row) { $insertdata = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value; } unset($insertdata['qaid']); if (!isset($aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['qid']])) { continue; } // Skip questions with invalid group id $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['qid']]; // remap the parent_qid // now translate any links $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $insertdata); $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert data<br />{$query}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['question_attributes']++; } } // Import defaultvalues -------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($xml->defaultvalues)) { $tablename = $dbprefix . 'defaultvalues'; $results['defaultvalues'] = 0; foreach ($xml->defaultvalues->rows->row as $row) { $insertdata = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value; } $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['qid']]; // remap the qid if (!isset($aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['sqid']]) || is_null($aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['sqid']])) { $insertdata['sqid'] = 0; // defaults for non-array types } else { $insertdata['sqid'] = $aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['sqid']]; // remap the subqeustion id } // now translate any links $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $insertdata); $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert data<br />" . $query . "<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['defaultvalues']++; } } // Import conditions -------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($xml->conditions)) { $tablename = $dbprefix . 'conditions'; foreach ($xml->conditions->rows->row as $row) { $insertdata = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value; } // replace the qid for the new one (if there is no new qid in the $aQIDReplacements array it mean that this condition is orphan -> error, skip this record) if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$insertdata['qid']])) { $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[$insertdata['qid']]; // remap the qid } else { continue; } // a problem with this answer record -> don't consider if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$insertdata['cqid']])) { $insertdata['cqid'] = $aQIDReplacements[$insertdata['cqid']]; // remap the qid } else { continue; } // a problem with this answer record -> don't consider list($oldcsid, $oldcgid, $oldqidanscode) = explode("X", $insertdata["cfieldname"], 3); if ($oldcgid != $oldgid) { // this means that the condition is in another group (so it should not have to be been exported -> skip it continue; } unset($insertdata["cid"]); // recreate the cfieldname with the new IDs if (preg_match("/^\\+/", $oldcsid)) { $newcfieldname = '+' . $newsid . "X" . $newgid . "X" . $insertdata["cqid"] . substr($oldqidanscode, strlen($oldqid)); } else { $newcfieldname = $newsid . "X" . $newgid . "X" . $insertdata["cqid"] . substr($oldqidanscode, strlen($oldqid)); } $insertdata["cfieldname"] = $newcfieldname; if (trim($insertdata["method"]) == '') { $insertdata["method"] = '=='; } // now translate any links $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $insertdata); $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert data<br />\$query<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['conditions']++; } } LimeExpressionManager::RevertUpgradeConditionsToRelevance($newsid); LimeExpressionManager::UpgradeConditionsToRelevance($newsid); $results['newgid'] = $newgid; $results['labelsets'] = 0; $results['labels'] = 0; return $results; }
function do_language($ia) { global $dbprefix, $surveyid, $clang; if ($ia[8] == 'Y') { $checkconditionFunction = "checkconditions"; } else { $checkconditionFunction = "noop_checkconditions"; } $answerlangs = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); $answerlangs [] = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); $answer = "\n\t<p class=\"question\">\n<select name=\"$ia[1]\" id=\"answer$ia[1]\" onchange=\"document.getElementById('lang').value=this.value; $checkconditionFunction(this.value,, this.type);\">\n"; if (!$_SESSION[$ia[1]]) {$answer .= "\t<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">".$clang->gT('Please choose...')."</option>\n";} foreach ($answerlangs as $ansrow) { $answer .= "\t<option value=\"{$ansrow}\""; if ($_SESSION[$ia[1]] == $ansrow) { $answer .= SELECTED; } $answer .= '>'.getLanguageNameFromCode($ansrow, true)."</option>\n"; } $answer .= "</select>\n"; $answer .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"java$ia[1]\" id=\"java$ia[1]\" value=\"{$_SESSION[$ia[1]]}\" />\n"; $inputnames[]=$ia[1]; $answer .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lang\" id=\"lang\" value=\"\" />\n\t</p>\n"; return array($answer, $inputnames); }
function makelanguagechanger() { global $relativeurl; if (!isset($surveyid)) { $surveyid = returnglobal('sid'); } if (isset($surveyid)) { $slangs = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); } $token = sanitize_token(returnglobal('token')); if ($token != '') { $tokenparam = "&token={$token}"; } else { $tokenparam = ""; } if (!empty($slangs)) { if (isset($_SESSION['s_lang']) && $_SESSION['s_lang'] != '') { $lang = sanitize_languagecode($_SESSION['s_lang']); } else { if (isset($_POST['lang']) && $_POST['lang'] != '') { $lang = sanitize_languagecode($_POST['lang']); } else { if (isset($_GET['lang']) && $_GET['lang'] != '') { $lang = sanitize_languagecode($_GET['lang']); } else { $lang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); } } } $htmlcode = "<select name=\"select\" class='languagechanger' onchange=\"javascript:window.location=this.value\">\n"; $htmlcode .= "<option value=\"{$relativeurl}/index.php?sid=" . $surveyid . "&lang=" . $lang . "{$tokenparam}\">" . getLanguageNameFromCode($lang, false) . "</option>\n"; foreach ($slangs as $otherlang) { if ($otherlang != $lang) { $htmlcode .= "\t<option value=\"{$relativeurl}/index.php?sid=" . $surveyid . "&lang=" . $otherlang . "{$tokenparam}\" >" . getLanguageNameFromCode($otherlang, false) . "</option>\n"; } } if ($lang != GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid)) { $htmlcode .= "<option value=\"{$relativeurl}/index.php?sid=" . $surveyid . "&lang=" . GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid) . "{$tokenparam}\">" . getLanguageNameFromCode(GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid), false) . "</option>\n"; } $htmlcode .= "</select>\n"; // . "</form>"; return $htmlcode; } elseif (!isset($surveyid)) { global $defaultlang, $baselang; $htmlcode = "<select name=\"select\" class='languagechanger' onchange=\"javascript:window.location=this.value\">\n"; $htmlcode .= "<option value=\"{$relativeurl}/index.php?lang=" . $defaultlang . "{$tokenparam}\">" . getLanguageNameFromCode($defaultlang, false) . "</option>\n"; foreach (getlanguagedata() as $key => $val) { $htmlcode .= "\t<option value=\"{$relativeurl}/index.php?lang=" . $key . "{$tokenparam}\" "; if ($key == $baselang) { $htmlcode .= " selected=\"selected\" "; } $htmlcode .= ">" . getLanguageNameFromCode($key, false) . "</option>\n"; } $htmlcode .= "</select>\n"; return $htmlcode; } }
/** * This function imports a LimeSurvey .lsq question XML file * * @param mixed $sFullFilepath The full filepath of the uploaded file * @param mixed $newsid The new survey id * @param mixed $newgid The new question group id -the question will always be added after the last question in the group */ function XMLImportQuestion($sFullFilepath, $newsid, $newgid) { global $connect, $dbprefix, $clang; $aLanguagesSupported = array(); // this array will keep all the languages supported for the survey $sBaseLanguage = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($newsid); $aLanguagesSupported[] = $sBaseLanguage; // adds the base language to the list of supported languages $aLanguagesSupported = array_merge($aLanguagesSupported, GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($newsid)); $xml = simplexml_load_file($sFullFilepath); if ($xml->LimeSurveyDocType != 'Question') { safe_die('This is not a valid LimeSurvey question structure XML file.'); } $dbversion = (double) $xml->DBVersion; $aQIDReplacements = array(); $aSQIDReplacements = array(0 => 0); $results['defaultvalues'] = 0; $results['answers'] = 0; $results['question_attributes'] = 0; $results['subquestions'] = 0; $importlanguages = array(); foreach ($xml->languages->language as $language) { $importlanguages[] = (string) $language; } if (!in_array($sBaseLanguage, $importlanguages)) { $results['fatalerror'] = $clang->gT("The languages of the imported question file must at least include the base language of this survey."); return $results; } // First get an overview of fieldnames - it's not useful for the moment but might be with newer versions /* $fieldnames=array(); foreach ($xml->questions->fields->fieldname as $fieldname ) { $fieldnames[]=(string)$fieldname; };*/ // Import questions table =================================================================================== // We have to run the question table data two times - first to find all main questions // then for subquestions (because we need to determine the new qids for the main questions first) $tablename = $dbprefix . 'questions'; $newquestionorder = $connect->GetOne("SELECT MAX(question_order) AS maxqo FROM " . db_table_name('questions') . " WHERE sid={$newsid} AND gid={$newgid}") + 1; if (is_null($newquestionorder)) { $newquestionorder = 0; } else { $newquestionorder++; } foreach ($xml->questions->rows->row as $row) { $insertdata = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value; } $oldsid = $insertdata['sid']; $insertdata['sid'] = $newsid; $insertdata['gid'] = $newgid; $insertdata['question_order'] = $newquestionorder; $oldqid = $insertdata['qid']; unset($insertdata['qid']); // save the old qid // now translate any links $insertdata['title'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $insertdata['title']); $insertdata['question'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $insertdata['question']); $insertdata['help'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $insertdata['help']); // Insert the new question if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$oldqid])) { $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]; db_switchIDInsert('questions', true); } $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $insertdata); $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert data<br />{$query}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); if (!isset($aQIDReplacements[$oldqid])) { $newqid = $connect->Insert_ID($tablename, "qid"); // save this for later $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid] = $newqid; // add old and new qid to the mapping array } else { db_switchIDInsert('questions', false); } } // Import subquestions -------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($xml->subquestions)) { foreach ($xml->subquestions->rows->row as $row) { $insertdata = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value; } $insertdata['sid'] = $newsid; $insertdata['gid'] = $newgid; $oldsqid = (int) $insertdata['qid']; unset($insertdata['qid']); // save the old qid $insertdata['parent_qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['parent_qid']]; // remap the parent_qid // now translate any links $insertdata['title'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $insertdata['title']); $insertdata['question'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $insertdata['question']); $insertdata['help'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $insertdata['help']); if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$oldsqid])) { $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[$oldsqid]; db_switchIDInsert('questions', true); } $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $insertdata); $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert data<br />{$query}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $newsqid = $connect->Insert_ID($tablename, "qid"); // save this for later if (!isset($insertdata['qid'])) { $aQIDReplacements[$oldsqid] = $newsqid; // add old and new qid to the mapping array } else { db_switchIDInsert('questions', false); } $results['subquestions']++; } } // Import answers -------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($xml->answers)) { $tablename = $dbprefix . 'answers'; foreach ($xml->answers->rows->row as $row) { $insertdata = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value; } $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['qid']]; // remap the parent_qid // now translate any links $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $insertdata); $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert data<br />{$query}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['answers']++; } } // Import questionattributes -------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($xml->question_attributes)) { $tablename = $dbprefix . 'question_attributes'; foreach ($xml->question_attributes->rows->row as $row) { $insertdata = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value; } unset($insertdata['qaid']); $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['qid']]; // remap the parent_qid // now translate any links $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $insertdata); $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert data<br />{$query}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['question_attributes']++; } } // Import defaultvalues -------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($xml->defaultvalues)) { $tablename = $dbprefix . 'defaultvalues'; $results['defaultvalues'] = 0; foreach ($xml->defaultvalues->rows->row as $row) { $insertdata = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value; } $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['qid']]; // remap the qid $insertdata['sqid'] = $aSQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['sqid']]; // remap the subquestion id // now translate any links $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $insertdata); $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert data<br />\$query<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['defaultvalues']++; } } LimeExpressionManager::SetDirtyFlag(); // so refreshes syntax highlighting $results['newqid'] = $newqid; $results['questions'] = 1; $results['labelsets'] = 0; $results['labels'] = 0; return $results; }
} } } else { $browseoutput = "\t<div class='messagebox ui-corner-all'><div class='header ui-widget-header'>" . $clang->gT("Browse Responses") . "</div><div class='warningheader'>" . $clang->gT("Error") . "\t</div>\n" . $clang->gT("There is no matching survey.") . "<br />\n" . "<input type='submit' value='" . $clang->gT("Main Admin Screen") . "' onclick=\"'{$scriptname}', '_top')\" /><br />\n" . "</div>"; return; } //OK. IF WE GOT THIS FAR, THEN THE SURVEY EXISTS AND IT IS ACTIVE, SO LETS GET TO WORK. $surveyinfo = getSurveyInfo($surveyid); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/sessioncontrol.php'; // Set language for questions and labels to base language of this survey if (isset($browselang) && $browselang != '') { $_SESSION['browselang'] = $browselang; $language = $_SESSION['browselang']; } elseif (isset($_SESSION['browselang'])) { $language = $_SESSION['browselang']; $languagelist = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); $languagelist[] = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); if (!in_array($language, $languagelist)) { $language = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); } } else { $language = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); } $surveyoptions = browsemenubar($clang->gT("Browse Responses")); $browseoutput = ""; $js_admin_includes[] = 'scripts/browse.js'; $qulanguage = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); // Looking at a SINGLE entry if ($subaction == "id") { $dateformatdetails = getDateFormatData($_SESSION['dateformat']); //SHOW HEADER
$jsX = 0; $jsRemLang = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n var mylangs = new Array();\n standardtemplaterooturl='{$standardtemplaterooturl}';\n templaterooturl='{$usertemplaterooturl}'; \n"; foreach (GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid) as $langname) { if ($langname && $langname != $esrow['language']) { // base languag must not be shown here $jsRemLang .= "mylangs[{$jsX}] = \"{$langname}\"\n"; $editsurvey .= "<option id='" . $langname . "' value='" . $langname . "'"; $editsurvey .= ">" . getLanguageNameFromCode($langname, false) . "</option>\n"; $jsX++; } } $jsRemLang .= "</script>\n"; $editsurvey .= $jsRemLang; // Add/Remove Buttons $editsurvey .= "</select></td>" . "<td align='left'><input type=\"button\" value=\"<< " . $clang->gT("Add") . "\" onclick=\"DoAdd()\" id=\"AddBtn\" /><br /> <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . $clang->gT("Remove") . " >>\" onclick=\"DoRemove(0,'')\" id=\"RemoveBtn\" /></td>\n" . "<td align='left'><select size='5' style='min-width:220px;' id='available_languages' name='available_languages'>"; $tempLang = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); foreach (getLanguageData() as $langkey2 => $langname) { if ($langkey2 != $esrow['language'] && in_array($langkey2, $tempLang) == false) { // base languag must not be shown here $editsurvey .= "<option id='" . $langkey2 . "' value='" . $langkey2 . "'"; $editsurvey .= ">" . $langname['description'] . "</option>\n"; } } $editsurvey .= "</select></td>" . " </tr></table></li>\n"; // Administrator... $editsurvey .= "" . "<li><label for='admin'>" . $clang->gT("Administrator:") . "</label>\n" . "<input type='text' size='50' id='admin' name='admin' value=\"{$esrow['admin']}\" /></li>\n" . "<li><label for='adminemail'>" . $clang->gT("Admin Email:") . "</label>\n" . "<input type='text' size='50' id='adminemail' name='adminemail' value=\"{$esrow['adminemail']}\" /></li>\n" . "<li><label for='bounce_email'>" . $clang->gT("Bounce Email:") . "</label>\n" . "<input type='text' size='50' id='bounce_email' name='bounce_email' value=\"{$esrow['bounce_email']}\" /></li>\n" . "<li><label for='faxto'>" . $clang->gT("Fax to:") . "</label>\n" . "<input type='text' size='50' id='faxto' name='faxto' value=\"{$esrow['faxto']}\" /></li></ul>\n"; // End General TAB $editsurvey .= "</div>\n"; } // Presentation and navigation TAB $editsurvey .= "<div id='presentation'><ul>\n";
} if (!isset($action)) { $action = returnglobal('action'); } include_once 'translate_functions.php'; $js_admin_includes[] = $homeurl . '/scripts/translation.js'; // TODO need to do some validation here on surveyid $surveyinfo = getSurveyInfo($surveyid); $tolang = ""; if (isset($_GET['tolang'])) { $tolang = $_GET['tolang']; } elseif (isset($_POST['tolang'])) { $tolang = $_POST['tolang']; } if ($tolang == "" && count(GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid)) == 1) { $tmp_langs = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); $tolang = $tmp_langs[0]; } $actionvalue = ""; if (isset($_POST['actionvalue'])) { $actionvalue = $_POST['actionvalue']; } // if(isset($_GET['actionvalue'])) {$actionvalue = $_GET['actionvalue'];} $survey_title = $surveyinfo['name']; $baselang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); $supportedLanguages = getLanguageData(false); $baselangdesc = $supportedLanguages[$baselang]['description']; if ($tolang != "") { $tolangdesc = $supportedLanguages[$tolang]['description']; } $translateoutput = "";
/** * This function imports the old CSV data from 1.50 to 1.87 or older. Starting with 1.90 (DBVersion 143) there is an XML format instead * * @param array $sFullFilepath * @returns array Information of imported questions/answers/etc. */ function CSVImportSurvey($sFullFilepath,$iDesiredSurveyId=NULL) { global $dbprefix, $connect, $timeadjust, $clang; $handle = fopen($sFullFilepath, "r"); while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle); $bigarray[] = $buffer; } fclose($handle); $aIgnoredAnswers=array(); $aSQIDReplacements=array(); $aLIDReplacements=array(); $aGIDReplacements=array(); $substitutions=array(); $aQuotaReplacements=array(); $importresults['error']=false; $importresults['importwarnings']=array(); $importresults['question_attributes']=0; if (isset($bigarray[0])) $bigarray[0]=removeBOM($bigarray[0]); // Now we try to determine the dataformat of the survey file. $importversion=0; if (isset($bigarray[1]) && isset($bigarray[4])&& (substr($bigarray[1], 0, 22) == "# SURVEYOR SURVEY DUMP")) { $importversion = 100; // Version 0.99 or 1.0 file } elseif (substr($bigarray[0], 0, 24) == "# LimeSurvey Survey Dump" || substr($bigarray[0], 0, 25) == "# PHPSurveyor Survey Dump") { // Seems to be a >1.0 version file - these files carry the version information to read in line two $importversion=substr($bigarray[1], 12, 3); } else // unknown file - show error message { $importresults['error'] = $clang->gT("This file is not a LimeSurvey survey file. Import failed.")."\n"; return $importresults; } if ((int)$importversion<112) { $importresults['error'] = $clang->gT("This file is too old. Only files from LimeSurvey version 1.50 (DBVersion 112) and newer are supported."); return $importresults; } // okay.. now lets drop the first 9 lines and get to the data // This works for all versions for ($i=0; $i<9; $i++) { unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //SURVEYS if (array_search("# GROUPS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# GROUPS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# GROUPS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# GROUPS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) {$surveyarray[] = $bigarray[$i];} unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //GROUPS if (array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) {$grouparray[] = $bigarray[$i];} unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //QUESTIONS if (array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) { $questionarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //ANSWERS if (array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) { $answerarray[] = str_replace("`default`", "`default_value`", $bigarray[$i]); } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //CONDITIONS if (array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) {$conditionsarray[] = $bigarray[$i];} unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //LABELSETS if (array_search("# LABELS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# LABELS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) {$labelsetsarray[] = $bigarray[$i];} unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //LABELS if (array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) {$labelsarray[] = $bigarray[$i];} unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //Question attributes if (array_search("# ASSESSMENTS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ASSESSMENTS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# ASSESSMENTS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ASSESSMENTS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) {$question_attributesarray[] = $bigarray[$i];} unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //ASSESSMENTS if (array_search("# SURVEYS_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# SURVEYS_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# SURVEYS_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# SURVEYS_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { // if ($i<$stoppoint-2 || $i==count($bigarray)-1) if ($i<$stoppoint-2) { $assessmentsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //LANGAUGE SETTINGS if (array_search("# QUOTA TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUOTA TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { // if ($i<$stoppoint-2 || $i==count($bigarray)-1) //$bigarray[$i]= trim($bigarray[$i]); if (isset($bigarray[$i]) && (trim($bigarray[$i])!='')) { if (strpos($bigarray[$i],"#")===0) { unset($bigarray[$i]); unset($bigarray[$i+1]); unset($bigarray[$i+2]); break ; } else { $surveylsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //QUOTA if (array_search("# QUOTA_MEMBERS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA_MEMBERS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUOTA_MEMBERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA_MEMBERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { // if ($i<$stoppoint-2 || $i==count($bigarray)-1) if ($i<$stoppoint-2) { $quotaarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //QUOTA MEMBERS if (array_search("# QUOTA_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUOTA_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { // if ($i<$stoppoint-2 || $i==count($bigarray)-1) if ($i<$stoppoint-2) { $quotamembersarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //Whatever is the last table - currently //QUOTA LANGUAGE SETTINGS $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; for ($i=0; $i<$stoppoint-1; $i++) { if ($i<=$stoppoint) {$quotalsarray[] = $bigarray[$i];} unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); if (isset($surveyarray)) {$importresults['surveys'] = count($surveyarray);} else {$importresults['surveys'] = 0;} if (isset($surveylsarray)) {$importresults['languages'] = count($surveylsarray)-1;} else {$importresults['languages'] = 1;} if (isset($grouparray)) {$importresults['groups'] = count($grouparray)-1;} else {$importresults['groups'] = 0;} if (isset($questionarray)) {$importresults['questions'] = count($questionarray);} else {$importresults['questions']=0;} if (isset($answerarray)) {$importresults['answers'] = count($answerarray);} else {$importresults['answers']=0;} if (isset($conditionsarray)) {$importresults['conditions'] = count($conditionsarray);} else {$importresults['conditions']=0;} if (isset($labelsetsarray)) {$importresults['labelsets'] = count($labelsetsarray);} else {$importresults['labelsets']=0;} if (isset($assessmentsarray)) {$importresults['assessments']=count($assessmentsarray);} else {$importresults['assessments']=0;} if (isset($quotaarray)) {$importresults['quota']=count($quotaarray);} else {$importresults['quota']=0;} if (isset($quotamembersarray)) {$importresults['quotamembers']=count($quotamembersarray);} else {$importresults['quotamembers']=0;} if (isset($quotalsarray)) {$importresults['quotals']=count($quotalsarray);} else {$importresults['quotals']=0;} // CREATE SURVEY if ($importresults['surveys']>0){$importresults['surveys']--;}; if ($importresults['answers']>0){$importresults['answers']=($importresults['answers']-1)/$importresults['languages'];}; if ($importresults['groups']>0){$countgroups=($importresults['groups']-1)/$importresults['languages'];}; if ($importresults['questions']>0){$importresults['questions']=($importresults['questions']-1)/$importresults['languages'];}; if ($importresults['assessments']>0){$importresults['assessments']--;}; if ($importresults['conditions']>0){$importresults['conditions']--;}; if ($importresults['labelsets']>0){$importresults['labelsets']--;}; if ($importresults['quota']>0){$importresults['quota']--;}; $sfieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($surveyarray[0],',','"'); $sfieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($surveyarray[1],',','"'); $surveyrowdata=array_combine($sfieldorders,$sfieldcontents); $oldsid=$surveyrowdata["sid"]; if($iDesiredSurveyId!=NULL) $oldsid = $iDesiredSurveyId; if (!$oldsid) { if ($importingfrom == "http") { $importsurvey .= "<br /><div class='warningheader'>".$clang->gT("Error")."</div><br />\n"; $importsurvey .= $clang->gT("Import of this survey file failed")."<br />\n"; $importsurvey .= $clang->gT("File does not contain LimeSurvey data in the correct format.")."<br /><br />\n"; //Couldn't find the SID - cannot continue $importsurvey .= "<input type='submit' value='".$clang->gT("Main Admin Screen")."' onclick=\"'$scriptname', '_top')\" />\n"; $importsurvey .= "</div>\n"; unlink($sFullFilepath); //Delete the uploaded file return; } else { echo $clang->gT("Import of this survey file failed")."\n".$clang->gT("File does not contain LimeSurvey data in the correct format.")."\n"; return; } } $newsid = GetNewSurveyID($oldsid); $insert=$surveyarray[0]; $sfieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($surveyarray[0],',','"'); $sfieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($surveyarray[1],',','"'); $surveyrowdata=array_combine($sfieldorders,$sfieldcontents); // Set new owner ID $surveyrowdata['owner_id']=$_SESSION['loginID']; // Set new survey ID $surveyrowdata['sid']=$newsid; $surveyrowdata['active']='N'; if (validate_templatedir($surveyrowdata['template'])!==$surveyrowdata['template']) $importresults['importwarnings'][] = sprintf($clang->gT('Template %s not found, please review when activating.'),$surveyrowdata['template']); if (isset($surveyrowdata['datecreated'])) {$surveyrowdata['datecreated']=$connect->BindTimeStamp($surveyrowdata['datecreated']);} unset($surveyrowdata['expires']); unset($surveyrowdata['attribute1']); unset($surveyrowdata['attribute2']); unset($surveyrowdata['usestartdate']); unset($surveyrowdata['notification']); unset($surveyrowdata['useexpiry']); unset($surveyrowdata['url']); unset($surveyrowdata['lastpage']); if (isset($surveyrowdata['private'])){ $surveyrowdata['anonymized']=$surveyrowdata['private']; unset($surveyrowdata['private']); } if (isset($surveyrowdata['startdate'])) {unset($surveyrowdata['startdate']);} $surveyrowdata['bounce_email']=$surveyrowdata['adminemail']; if (!isset($surveyrowdata['datecreated']) || $surveyrowdata['datecreated']=='' || $surveyrowdata['datecreated']=='null') {$surveyrowdata['datecreated']=$connect->BindTimeStamp(date_shift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d", $timeadjust));} $values=array_values($surveyrowdata); $values=array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"),$values); // quote everything accordingly $insert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}surveys (".implode(',',array_keys($surveyrowdata)).") VALUES (".implode(',',$values).")"; //handle db prefix $iresult = $connect->Execute($insert) or safe_die("<br />".$clang->gT("Import of this survey file failed")."<br />\n[$insert]<br />{$surveyarray[0]}<br /><br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); // Now import the survey language settings $fieldorders=convertCSVRowToArray($surveylsarray[0],',','"'); unset($surveylsarray[0]); foreach ($surveylsarray as $slsrow) { $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($slsrow,',','"'); $surveylsrowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); // convert back the '\'.'n' char from the CSV file to true return char "\n" $surveylsrowdata=array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $surveylsrowdata); // Convert the \n return char from welcometext to <br /> // translate internal links $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_title']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_title']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_description']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_description']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_welcometext']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_welcometext']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_urldescription']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_urldescription']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_invite']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_invite']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_remind']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_remind']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_register']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_register']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_confirm']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_confirm']); unset($surveylsrowdata['lastpage']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_survey_id']=$newsid; $newvalues=array_values($surveylsrowdata); $newvalues=array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"),$newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $lsainsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}surveys_languagesettings (".implode(',',array_keys($surveylsrowdata)).") VALUES (".implode(',',$newvalues).")"; //handle db prefix $lsiresult=$connect->Execute($lsainsert) or safe_die("<br />".$clang->gT("Import of this survey file failed")."<br />\n[$lsainsert]<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg() ); } // The survey languagesettings are imported now $aLanguagesSupported = array(); // this array will keep all the languages supported for the survey $sBaseLanguage = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($newsid); $aLanguagesSupported[]=$sBaseLanguage; // adds the base language to the list of supported languages $aLanguagesSupported=array_merge($aLanguagesSupported,GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($newsid)); // DO SURVEY_RIGHTS GiveAllSurveyPermissions($_SESSION['loginID'],$newsid); $importresults['deniedcountls'] =0; $qtypes = getqtypelist("" ,"array"); $results['labels']=0; $results['labelsets']=0; $results['answers']=0; $results['subquestions']=0; //Do label sets if (isset($labelsetsarray) && $labelsetsarray) { $csarray=buildLabelSetCheckSumArray(); // build checksums over all existing labelsets $count=0; foreach ($labelsetsarray as $lsa) { $fieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($labelsetsarray[0],',','"'); $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($lsa,',','"'); if ($count==0) {$count++; continue;} $labelsetrowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); // Save old labelid $oldlid=$labelsetrowdata['lid']; unset($labelsetrowdata['lid']); $newvalues=array_values($labelsetrowdata); $newvalues=array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"),$newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $lsainsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}labelsets (".implode(',',array_keys($labelsetrowdata)).") VALUES (".implode(',',$newvalues).")"; //handle db prefix $lsiresult=$connect->Execute($lsainsert); $results['labelsets']++; // Get the new insert id for the labels inside this labelset $newlid=$connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}labelsets",'lid'); if ($labelsarray) { $count=0; foreach ($labelsarray as $la) { $lfieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($labelsarray[0],',','"'); $lfieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($la,',','"'); if ($count==0) {$count++; continue;} // Combine into one array with keys and values since its easier to handle $labelrowdata=array_combine($lfieldorders,$lfieldcontents); $labellid=$labelrowdata['lid']; if ($importversion<=132) { $labelrowdata["assessment_value"]=(int)$labelrowdata["code"]; } if ($labellid == $oldlid) { $labelrowdata['lid']=$newlid; // translate internal links $labelrowdata['title']=translink('label', $oldlid, $newlid, $labelrowdata['title']); $newvalues=array_values($labelrowdata); $newvalues=array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"),$newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $lainsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}labels (".implode(',',array_keys($labelrowdata)).") VALUES (".implode(',',$newvalues).")"; //handle db prefix $liresult=$connect->Execute($lainsert); if ($liresult!==false) $results['labels']++; } } } //CHECK FOR DUPLICATE LABELSETS $thisset=""; $query2 = "SELECT code, title, sortorder, language, assessment_value FROM {$dbprefix}labels WHERE lid=".$newlid." ORDER BY language, sortorder, code"; $result2 = db_execute_num($query2) or safe_die("Died querying labelset $lid<br />$query2<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while($row2=$result2->FetchRow()) { $thisset .= implode('.', $row2); } // while $newcs=dechex(crc32($thisset)*1); unset($lsmatch); if (isset($csarray)) { foreach($csarray as $key=>$val) { if ($val == $newcs) { $lsmatch=$key; } } } if (isset($lsmatch) || ($_SESSION['USER_RIGHT_MANAGE_LABEL'] != 1)) { //There is a matching labelset or the user is not allowed to edit labels - // So, we will delete this one and refer to the matched one. $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}labels WHERE lid=$newlid"; $result=$connect->Execute($query) or safe_die("Couldn't delete labels<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['labels']=$results['labels']-$connect->Affected_Rows(); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}labelsets WHERE lid=$newlid"; $result=$connect->Execute($query) or safe_die("Couldn't delete labelset<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['labelsets']=$results['labelsets']-$connect->Affected_Rows(); $newlid=$lsmatch; } else { //There isn't a matching labelset, add this checksum to the $csarray array $csarray[$newlid]=$newcs; } //END CHECK FOR DUPLICATES $aLIDReplacements[$oldlid]=$newlid; } } // Import groups if (isset($grouparray) && $grouparray) { // do GROUPS $gafieldorders=convertCSVRowToArray($grouparray[0],',','"'); unset($grouparray[0]); foreach ($grouparray as $ga) { $gacfieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($ga,',','"'); $grouprowdata=array_combine($gafieldorders,$gacfieldcontents); //Now an additional integrity check if there are any groups not belonging into this survey if ($grouprowdata['sid'] != $oldsid) { $results['fatalerror'] = $clang->gT("A group in the CSV/SQL file is not part of the same survey. The import of the survey was stopped.")."<br />\n"; return $results; } $grouprowdata['sid']=$newsid; // remember group id $oldgid=$grouprowdata['gid']; //update/remove the old group id if (isset($aGIDReplacements[$oldgid])) $grouprowdata['gid'] = $aGIDReplacements[$oldgid]; else unset($grouprowdata['gid']); // Everything set - now insert it $grouprowdata=array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $grouprowdata); // translate internal links $grouprowdata['group_name']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $grouprowdata['group_name']); $grouprowdata['description']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $grouprowdata['description']); if (isset($grouprowdata['gid'])) db_switchIDInsert('groups',true); $tablename=$dbprefix.'groups'; $ginsert = $connect->GetinsertSQL($tablename,$grouprowdata); $gres = $connect->Execute($ginsert) or safe_die($clang->gT('Error').": Failed to insert group<br />\n$ginsert<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); if (isset($grouprowdata['gid'])) db_switchIDInsert('groups',false); //GET NEW GID if (!isset($grouprowdata['gid'])) {$aGIDReplacements[$oldgid]=$connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}groups","gid");} } // Fix sortorder of the groups - if users removed groups manually from the csv file there would be gaps fixSortOrderGroups($newsid); } // GROUPS is DONE // Import questions if (isset($questionarray) && $questionarray) { $qafieldorders=convertCSVRowToArray($questionarray[0],',','"'); unset($questionarray[0]); foreach ($questionarray as $qa) { $qacfieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($qa,',','"'); $questionrowdata=array_combine($qafieldorders,$qacfieldcontents); $questionrowdata=array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $questionrowdata); $questionrowdata["type"]=strtoupper($questionrowdata["type"]); // Skip not supported languages if (!in_array($questionrowdata['language'],$aLanguagesSupported)) continue; // replace the sid $questionrowdata["sid"] = $newsid; // Skip if gid is invalid if (!isset($aGIDReplacements[$questionrowdata['gid']])) continue; $questionrowdata["gid"] = $aGIDReplacements[$questionrowdata['gid']]; if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$questionrowdata['qid']])) { $questionrowdata['qid']=$aQIDReplacements[$questionrowdata['qid']]; } else { $oldqid=$questionrowdata['qid']; unset($questionrowdata['qid']); } unset($oldlid1); unset($oldlid2); if ((isset($questionrowdata['lid']) && $questionrowdata['lid']>0)) { $oldlid1=$questionrowdata['lid']; } if ((isset($questionrowdata['lid1']) && $questionrowdata['lid1']>0)) { $oldlid2=$questionrowdata['lid1']; } unset($questionrowdata['lid']); unset($questionrowdata['lid1']); if ($questionrowdata['type']=='W') { $questionrowdata['type']='!'; } elseif ($questionrowdata['type']=='Z') { $questionrowdata['type']='L'; $aIgnoredAnswers[]=$oldqid; } if (!isset($questionrowdata["question_order"]) || $questionrowdata["question_order"]=='') {$questionrowdata["question_order"]=0;} // translate internal links $questionrowdata['title']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['title']); $questionrowdata['question']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['question']); $questionrowdata['help']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['help']); if (isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) { db_switchIDInsert('questions',true); } $tablename=$dbprefix.'questions'; $qinsert = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename,$questionrowdata); $qres = $connect->Execute($qinsert) or safe_die ($clang->gT("Error").": Failed to insert question<br />\n$qinsert<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); if (isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) { db_switchIDInsert('questions',false); $saveqid=$questionrowdata['qid']; } else { $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]=$connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}questions",'qid'); $saveqid=$aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]; } // Now we will fix up old label sets where they are used as answers if (((isset($oldlid1) && isset($aLIDReplacements[$oldlid1])) || (isset($oldlid2) && isset($aLIDReplacements[$oldlid2]))) && ($qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['answerscales']>0 || $qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['subquestions']>1)) { $query="select * from ".db_table_name('labels')." where lid={$aLIDReplacements[$oldlid1]} and language='{$questionrowdata['language']}'"; $oldlabelsresult=db_execute_assoc($query); while($labelrow=$oldlabelsresult->FetchRow()) { if (in_array($labelrow['language'],$aLanguagesSupported)) { if ($qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['subquestions']<2) { $qinsert = "insert INTO ".db_table_name('answers')." (qid,code,answer,sortorder,language,assessment_value) VALUES ({$aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]},".db_quoteall($labelrow['code']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['title']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['sortorder']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['language']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['assessment_value']).")"; $qres = $connect->Execute($qinsert) or safe_die ($clang->gT("Error").": Failed to insert answer (lid1) <br />\n$qinsert<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } else { if (isset($aSQIDReplacements[$labelrow['code'].'_'.$saveqid])){ $fieldname='qid,'; $data=$aSQIDReplacements[$labelrow['code'].'_'.$saveqid].','; } else{ $fieldname='' ; $data=''; } $qinsert = "insert INTO ".db_table_name('questions')." ($fieldname parent_qid,title,question,question_order,language,scale_id,type, sid, gid) VALUES ($data{$aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]},".db_quoteall($labelrow['code']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['title']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['sortorder']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['language']).",1,'{$questionrowdata['type']}',{$questionrowdata['sid']},{$questionrowdata['gid']})"; $qres = $connect->Execute($qinsert) or safe_die ($clang->gT("Error").": Failed to insert question <br />\n$qinsert<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); if ($fieldname=='') { $aSQIDReplacements[$labelrow['code'].'_'.$saveqid]=$connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}questions","qid"); } } } } if (isset($oldlid2) && $qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['answerscales']>1) { $query="select * from ".db_table_name('labels')." where lid={$aLIDReplacements[$oldlid2]} and language='{$questionrowdata['language']}'"; $oldlabelsresult=db_execute_assoc($query); while($labelrow=$oldlabelsresult->FetchRow()) { $qinsert = "insert INTO ".db_table_name('answers')." (qid,code,answer,sortorder,language,assessment_value,scale_id) VALUES ({$aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]},".db_quoteall($labelrow['code']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['title']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['sortorder']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['language']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['assessment_value']).",1)"; $qres = $connect->Execute($qinsert) or safe_die ($clang->gT("Error").": Failed to insert answer (lid2)<br />\n$qinsert<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } } } } } //Do answers if (isset($answerarray) && $answerarray) { $answerfieldnames = convertCSVRowToArray($answerarray[0],',','"'); unset($answerarray[0]); foreach ($answerarray as $aa) { $answerfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($aa,',','"'); $answerrowdata = array_combine($answerfieldnames,$answerfieldcontents); if (in_array($answerrowdata['qid'],$aIgnoredAnswers)) { // Due to a bug in previous LS versions there may be orphaned answers with question type Z (which is now L) // this way they are ignored continue; } if ($answerrowdata===false) { $importquestion.='<br />'.$clang->gT("Faulty line in import - fields and data don't match").":".implode(',',$answerfieldcontents); } // Skip not supported languages if (!in_array($answerrowdata['language'],$aLanguagesSupported)) continue; // replace the qid for the new one (if there is no new qid in the $aQIDReplacements array it mean that this answer is orphan -> error, skip this record) if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata["qid"]])) $answerrowdata["qid"] = $aQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata["qid"]]; else continue; // a problem with this answer record -> don't consider if ($importversion<=132) { $answerrowdata["assessment_value"]=(int)$answerrowdata["code"]; } // Convert default values for single select questions $questiontemp=$connect->GetRow('select type,gid from '.db_table_name('questions').' where qid='.$answerrowdata["qid"]); $oldquestion['newtype']=$questiontemp['type']; $oldquestion['gid']=$questiontemp['gid']; if ($answerrowdata['default_value']=='Y' && ($oldquestion['newtype']=='L' || $oldquestion['newtype']=='O' || $oldquestion['newtype']=='!')) { $insertdata=array(); $insertdata['qid']=$newqid; $insertdata['language']=$answerrowdata['language']; $insertdata['defaultvalue']=$answerrowdata['answer']; $query=$connect->GetInsertSQL($dbprefix.'defaultvalues',$insertdata); $qres = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die ("Error: Failed to insert defaultvalue <br />{$query}<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } // translate internal links $answerrowdata['answer']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $answerrowdata['answer']); // Everything set - now insert it $answerrowdata = array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $answerrowdata); if ($qtypes[$oldquestion['newtype']]['subquestions']>0) //hmmm.. this is really a subquestion { $questionrowdata=array(); if (isset($aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code'].$answerrowdata['qid']])){ $questionrowdata['qid']=$aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code'].$answerrowdata['qid']]; } $questionrowdata['parent_qid']=$answerrowdata['qid'];; $questionrowdata['sid']=$newsid; $questionrowdata['gid']=$oldquestion['gid']; $questionrowdata['title']=$answerrowdata['code']; $questionrowdata['question']=$answerrowdata['answer']; $questionrowdata['question_order']=$answerrowdata['sortorder']; $questionrowdata['language']=$answerrowdata['language']; $questionrowdata['type']=$oldquestion['newtype']; $tablename=$dbprefix.'questions'; $query=$connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename,$questionrowdata); if (isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) db_switchIDInsert('questions',true); $qres = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die ("Error: Failed to insert subquestion <br />{$query}<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); if (!isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) { $aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code'].$answerrowdata['qid']]=$connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}questions","qid"); } else { db_switchIDInsert('questions',false); } $results['subquestions']++; // also convert default values subquestions for multiple choice if ($answerrowdata['default_value']=='Y' && ($oldquestion['newtype']=='M' || $oldquestion['newtype']=='P')) { $insertdata=array(); $insertdata['qid']=$newqid; $insertdata['sqid']=$aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code']]; $insertdata['language']=$answerrowdata['language']; $insertdata['defaultvalue']='Y'; $tablename=$dbprefix.'defaultvalues'; $query=$connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename,$insertdata); $qres = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die ("Error: Failed to insert defaultvalue <br />{$query}<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } } else // insert answers { unset($answerrowdata['default_value']); $tablename=$dbprefix.'answers'; $query=$connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename,$answerrowdata); $ares = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die ("Error: Failed to insert answer<br />{$query}<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['answers']++; } } } // get all group ids and fix questions inside each group $gquery = "SELECT gid FROM {$dbprefix}groups where sid=$newsid group by gid ORDER BY gid"; //Get last question added (finds new qid) $gres = db_execute_assoc($gquery); while ($grow = $gres->FetchRow()) { fixsortorderQuestions($grow['gid'], $newsid); } //We've built two arrays along the way - one containing the old SID, GID and QIDs - and their NEW equivalents //and one containing the old 'extended fieldname' and its new equivalent. These are needed to import conditions and question_attributes. if (isset($question_attributesarray) && $question_attributesarray) {//ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUESTION_ATTRIBUES $fieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($question_attributesarray[0],',','"'); unset($question_attributesarray[0]); foreach ($question_attributesarray as $qar) { $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($qar,',','"'); $qarowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); $newqid=""; $qarowdata["qid"]=$aQIDReplacements[$qarowdata["qid"]]; unset($qarowdata["qaid"]); $newvalues=array_values($qarowdata); $newvalues=array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"),$newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $qainsert = "insert INTO {$dbprefix}question_attributes (".implode(',',array_keys($qarowdata)).") VALUES (".implode(',',$newvalues).")"; $result=$connect->Execute($qainsert); // no safe_die since some LimeSurvey version export duplicate question attributes - these are just ignored if ($connect->Affected_Rows()>0) {$importresults['question_attributes']++;} } } if (isset($assessmentsarray) && $assessmentsarray) {//ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES $fieldorders=convertCSVRowToArray($assessmentsarray[0],',','"'); unset($assessmentsarray[0]); foreach ($assessmentsarray as $qar) { $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($qar,',','"'); $asrowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); if (isset($asrowdata['link'])) { if (trim($asrowdata['link'])!='') $asrowdata['message']=$asrowdata['message'].'<br /><a href="'.$asrowdata['link'].'">'.$asrowdata['link'].'</a>'; unset($asrowdata['link']); } if ($asrowdata["gid"]>0) { $asrowdata["gid"]=$aGIDReplacements[$asrowdata["gid"]]; } $asrowdata["sid"]=$newsid; unset($asrowdata["id"]); $tablename=$dbprefix.'assessments'; $asinsert = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename,$asrowdata); $result=$connect->Execute($asinsert) or safe_die ("Couldn't insert assessment<br />$asinsert<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); unset($newgid); } } if (isset($quotaarray) && $quotaarray) {//ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUOTAS $fieldorders=convertCSVRowToArray($quotaarray[0],',','"'); unset($quotaarray[0]); foreach ($quotaarray as $qar) { $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($qar,',','"'); $asrowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); $oldsid=$asrowdata["sid"]; foreach ($substitutions as $subs) { if ($oldsid==$subs[0]) {$newsid=$subs[3];} } $asrowdata["sid"]=$newsid; $oldid = $asrowdata["id"]; unset($asrowdata["id"]); $quotadata[]=$asrowdata; //For use later if needed $tablename=$dbprefix.'quota'; $asinsert = $connect->getInsertSQL($tablename,$asrowdata); $result=$connect->Execute($asinsert) or safe_die ("Couldn't insert quota<br />$asinsert<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $aQuotaReplacements[$oldid] = $connect->Insert_ID(db_table_name_nq('quota'),"id"); } } if (isset($quotamembersarray) && $quotamembersarray) {//ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUOTA MEMBERS $count=0; foreach ($quotamembersarray as $qar) { $fieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($quotamembersarray[0],',','"'); $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($qar,',','"'); if ($count==0) {$count++; continue;} $asrowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); $oldsid=$asrowdata["sid"]; $newqid=""; $newquotaid=""; $oldqid=$asrowdata['qid']; $oldquotaid=$asrowdata['quota_id']; foreach ($substitutions as $subs) { if ($oldsid==$subs[0]) {$newsid=$subs[3];} if ($oldqid==$subs[2]) {$newqid=$subs[5];} } $newquotaid=$aQuotaReplacements[$oldquotaid]; $asrowdata["sid"]=$newsid; $asrowdata["qid"]=$newqid; $asrowdata["quota_id"]=$newquotaid; unset($asrowdata["id"]); $tablename=$dbprefix.'quota_members'; $asinsert = $connect->getInsertSQL($tablename,$asrowdata); $result=$connect->Execute($asinsert) or safe_die ("Couldn't insert quota<br />$asinsert<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } } if (isset($quotalsarray) && $quotalsarray) {//ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUOTA LANGUAGE SETTINGS $count=0; foreach ($quotalsarray as $qar) { $fieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($quotalsarray[0],',','"'); $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($qar,',','"'); if ($count==0) {$count++; continue;} $asrowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); $newquotaid=""; $oldquotaid=$asrowdata['quotals_quota_id']; $newquotaid=$aQuotaReplacements[$oldquotaid]; $asrowdata["quotals_quota_id"]=$newquotaid; unset($asrowdata["quotals_id"]); $tablename=$dbprefix.'quota_languagesettings'; $asinsert = $connect->getInsertSQL($tablename,$asrowdata); $result=$connect->Execute($asinsert) or safe_die ("Couldn't insert quota<br />$asinsert<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } } //if there are quotas, but no quotals, then we need to create default dummy for each quota (this handles exports from pre-language quota surveys) if ($importresults['quota'] > 0 && (!isset($importresults['quotals']) || $importresults['quotals'] == 0)) { $i=0; $defaultsurveylanguage=isset($defaultsurveylanguage) ? $defaultsurveylanguage : "en"; foreach($aQuotaReplacements as $oldquotaid=>$newquotaid) { $asrowdata=array("quotals_quota_id" => $newquotaid, "quotals_language" => $defaultsurveylanguage, "quotals_name" => $quotadata[$i]["name"], "quotals_message" => $clang->gT("Sorry your responses have exceeded a quota on this survey."), "quotals_url" => "", "quotals_urldescrip" => ""); $i++; } $tablename=$dbprefix.'quota_languagesettings'; $asinsert = $connect->getInsertSQL($tablename,$asrowdata); $result=$connect->Execute($asinsert) or safe_die ("Couldn't insert quota<br />$asinsert<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $countquotals=$i; } // Do conditions if (isset($conditionsarray) && $conditionsarray) {//ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE CONDITIONS! $fieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($conditionsarray[0],',','"'); unset($conditionsarray[0]); // Exception for conditions based on attributes $aQIDReplacements[0]=0; foreach ($conditionsarray as $car) { $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($car,',','"'); $conditionrowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); unset($conditionrowdata["cid"]); if (!isset($conditionrowdata["method"]) || trim($conditionrowdata["method"])=='') { $conditionrowdata["method"]='=='; } if (!isset($conditionrowdata["scenario"]) || trim($conditionrowdata["scenario"])=='') { $conditionrowdata["scenario"]=1; } $oldcqid=$conditionrowdata["cqid"]; $oldgid=array_search($connect->GetOne('select gid from '.db_table_name('questions').' where qid='.$aQIDReplacements[$conditionrowdata["cqid"]]),$aGIDReplacements); $conditionrowdata["qid"]=$aQIDReplacements[$conditionrowdata["qid"]]; $conditionrowdata["cqid"]=$aQIDReplacements[$conditionrowdata["cqid"]]; $oldcfieldname=$conditionrowdata["cfieldname"]; $conditionrowdata["cfieldname"]=str_replace($oldsid.'X'.$oldgid.'X'.$oldcqid,$newsid.'X'.$aGIDReplacements[$oldgid].'X'.$conditionrowdata["cqid"],$conditionrowdata["cfieldname"]); $tablename=$dbprefix.'conditions'; $conditioninsert = $connect->getInsertSQL($tablename,$conditionrowdata); $result=$connect->Execute($conditioninsert) or safe_die ("Couldn't insert condition<br />$conditioninsert<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } } $importresults['importversion']=$importversion; $importresults['newsid']=$newsid; $importresults['oldsid']=$oldsid; return $importresults; }
function getXMLData($exclude = array()) { global $dbversionnumber, $surveyid; $xml = getXMLWriter(); $xml->openMemory(); $xml->setIndent(true); $xml->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xml->startElement('document'); $xml->writeElement('LimeSurveyDocType', 'Survey'); $xml->writeElement('DBVersion', $dbversionnumber); $xml->startElement('languages'); $surveylanguages = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); $surveylanguages[] = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); foreach ($surveylanguages as $surveylanguage) { $xml->writeElement('language', $surveylanguage); } $xml->endElement(); getXMLStructure($xml, $exclude); $xml->endElement(); // close columns $xml->endDocument(); return $xml->outputMemory(true); }
function makelanguagechanger() { global $relativeurl; if (!isset($surveyid)) { $surveyid = returnglobal('sid'); } if (isset($surveyid)) { $slangs = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); $sBaseLanguage = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); } // TODO - When is this needed? $token = sanitize_token(returnglobal('token')); if ($token != '') { $tokenparam = "&token={$token}"; } else { $tokenparam = ""; } $previewgrp = false; if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'previewgroup') { $previewgrp = true; } } if (!empty($slangs)) { if (isset($_SESSION['s_lang']) && $_SESSION['s_lang'] != '') { $lang = sanitize_languagecode($_SESSION['s_lang']); } else { if (isset($_POST['lang']) && $_POST['lang'] != '') { $lang = sanitize_languagecode($_POST['lang']); } else { if (isset($_GET['lang']) && $_GET['lang'] != '') { $lang = sanitize_languagecode($_GET['lang']); } else { $lang = $sBaseLanguage; } } } $slangs[] = $sBaseLanguage; $aAllLanguages = getLanguageData(); $slangs = array_keys(array_intersect_key($aAllLanguages, array_flip($slangs))); // Sort languages by their locale name // Changed how language changer works so that posts any currently set values. This also ensures that token (and other) parmeters are also posted. // $htmlcode ="<select name=\"select\" class='languagechanger' onchange=\"javascript:window.location=this.value\">\n"; $htmlcode = "<select name=\"select\" class='languagechanger' " . " onchange=\"javascript:\$('[name=move]').val('changelang_'+ this.value);\$('#limesurvey').submit();\">\n"; $sAddToURL = ""; $sTargetURL = "{$relativeurl}/index.php"; if ($previewgrp) { $sAddToURL = "&action=previewgroup&gid={$_REQUEST['gid']}"; $sTargetURL = ""; } foreach ($slangs as $otherlang) { // $htmlcode .= "\t<option value=\"$sTargetURL?sid=". $surveyid ."&lang=". $otherlang ."$tokenparam$sAddToURL\" "; $htmlcode .= "\t<option value=\"" . $otherlang . "\" "; if ($otherlang == $lang) { $htmlcode .= " selected=\"selected\" "; } $htmlcode .= ">" . $aAllLanguages[$otherlang]['nativedescription'] . "</option>\n"; } $htmlcode .= "</select>\n"; // . "</form>"; return $htmlcode; } elseif (!isset($surveyid)) { global $defaultlang, $baselang; $htmlcode = "<select name=\"select\" class='languagechanger' onchange=\"javascript:window.location=this.value\">\n"; $htmlcode .= "<option value=\"{$relativeurl}/index.php?lang=" . $defaultlang . "{$tokenparam}\">" . getLanguageNameFromCode($defaultlang, false) . "</option>\n"; foreach (getlanguagedata() as $key => $val) { $htmlcode .= "\t<option value=\"{$relativeurl}/index.php?lang=" . $key . "{$tokenparam}\" "; $htmlcode .= ">" . getLanguageNameFromCode($key, false) . "</option>\n"; } $htmlcode .= "</select>\n"; return $htmlcode; } }