public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; //$TrueURL = (is_numeric($URL)?'?_page=home&city='.$URL:$URL); list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("WagJag.txt", "" . $URL . chr(13) . chr(10) . chr(13) . chr(10) . $Data); } if (stripos($Data, 'id="js_wagjag_id"') === false || stripos($Data, 'error with that wagjag') !== false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array(0, 'id="js_wagjag_id"', 'value="', '"', true), "Title" => array('', 'id="deal_headline"', '>', '</span>', false), "Website" => array('', '<br /><br /></p>', 'href="', '"', false, true), "PriceReg" => array(0, 'Regular Price:', '$', '<', true), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'Buy For', '$', '<', true), "StoreName" => array('', '<!-- <h1>About', ' ', '<', false), "Description" => array('', '<!-- Deal Highlights -->', 'Highlights</span>', '<!-- End Deal Information -->', false), "Addresses" => array('', 'var sites =', '[[', ']]', false, true), "EndDate" => array('', 'TargetDate = ', '"', 'GMT', false)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = strtotime($NewDeal['EndDate'][0]); if ($EndDate === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } //Wagjags all seem to finish at midnight EST $VExpiry = FindData($Data, '<li>Expires', '</li>', 11, 0, false, 0, false); if (substr($VExpiry, 0, 3) == 'in ') { $VExpiry = strtotime(str_ireplace('in ', '+', $VExpiry)); } else { $VExpiry = $VExpiry === false ? 0 : strtotime($VExpiry); } if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Title = CleanHTML($NewDeal['Title'][0]); $Locations = array(); if ($NewDeal['Addresses'][0] !== false) { $Addresses = explode('],[', $NewDeal['Addresses'][0]); foreach ($Addresses as $Address) { $AdrName = FindData($Address, ', "', '"', 3, 0, false, 0, false); if ($AdrName !== false) { $Coords = FindData($Address, '",', ', ', 2, 0, false, 0, false); if ($Coords !== false && stripos($Coords, ',') !== false) { $Coords = explode(',', $Coords); $Locations[] = array(CleanHTML($AdrName), $Coords[0], $Coords[1]); } else { $Locations[] = array(CleanHTML($AdrName), 0, 0); } } } } if (count($Locations) == 0) { $Locations[] = array(null, 0, 0); } $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, "/?wagjag="); while ($Start !== false) { $ID = FindData($Data, '/?wagjag=', "'", 9, 0, true, $Start, false); if ($ID !== false) { $MoreDeals[] = '/?wagjag=' . $ID; } $Start = stripos($Data, "/?wagjag=", $Start + 20); } $Website = null; if ($NewDeal['Website'][0] !== false) { $Website = trim($NewDeal['Website'][0]); } if ($Website == '') { $Website = null; } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $Title; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Website'] = $Website; $RData['Locations'] = $Locations; if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; if ($Sub) { list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); } else { list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); } if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("Vieurbaine.txt", $Data); } if (stripos($Data, 'og:url') === false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array(0, 'og:url', '?deal=', '&', true), "Title" => array('', 'og:title', 'content="', '"/', false), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'itemprop="price"', '>', '$', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, 'line-through', '>', '$', true), "StoreName" => array('', 'var marker = createMarker(', 'point,"', '"', false), "Address" => array('', 'div id=\\"gmapmarker\\"', '<br \\/>', '<\\/div>', false), "Coords" => array('', 'var point = new GLatLng', '(', ')', false), "Website" => array('', 'itemprop="url"', 'href="', '"', false, true), "Description" => array('', 'og:description', 'content="', '"/>', false), "EndH" => array(0, 'id="hours"', '>', '<', true, true), "EndM" => array(0, 'id="mins"', '>', '<', true, true), "EndS" => array(0, 'id="secs"', '>', '<', true, true)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } //Start, end dates $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = time(); if ($NewDeal['EndH'][0] !== false) { $EndDate += (int) $NewDeal['EndH'][0] * 60 * 60; } if ($NewDeal['EndM'][0] !== false) { $EndDate += (int) $NewDeal['EndM'][0] * 60; } if ($NewDeal['EndS'][0] !== false) { $EndDate += (int) $NewDeal['EndS'][0]; } if ($EndDate <= time()) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } //Expiry Date $VExpiry = FindData($Data, 'Promotional value expires', '</p>', 26, 0, false, 0, false); if ($VExpiry !== false) { if (stripos($VExpiry, ',') !== false) { $VExpiry = substr($VExpiry, 0, stripos($VExpiry, ',')); } $VExpiry = strtotime(CleanHTML($VExpiry)); } if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } //Website $Website = null; if ($NewDeal['Website'][0] !== false) { $Website = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; } //Address $Address = $NewDeal['Coords'][0]; if (stripos($Address, ',') !== false) { $Address = explode(',', $Address); } if ($Address === false || count($Address) != 2) { $Address = array(0, 0); } $Locations = array(); $Locations[] = array(CleanHTML($NewDeal['Address'][0]), $Address[0], $Address[1]); $MoreDeals = array(); if (stripos($Data, '?pagetype=sidedeal') !== false) { $MoreDeals[] = "pagetype=sidedeal"; } $TitleFR = false; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0]); if ($Data !== false) { $TitleFR = FindSubData($Data, 'og:title', 'content="', '"', false); if ($TitleFR !== false) { $TitleFR = ucfirst(strtolower(CleanHTML($TitleFR))); } } //Save $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = ucfirst(strtolower(CleanHTML($NewDeal['Title'][0]))); if ($TitleFR !== false && $TitleFR != '') { $RData['Title-fr'] = $TitleFR; } $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Website'] = $Website; $RData['Locations'] = $Locations; if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("DealTicker.txt", '' . $URL . chr(13) . chr(10) . chr(13) . chr(10) . $Data); } if (stripos($Data, "id='newsletter_form'") !== false || stripos($Data, 'We will be coming to your city soon') !== false || stripos($Data, 'No Longer Available') !== false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array(0, 'product_id:', '"', '"', true), "Title" => array('', 'meta name="description"', 'content="', '"', false), "Website" => array('', 'auto; " >', 'href="', '"', false, true), "PriceSale" => array(0, '<td class="price"', '$', '<', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, 'You Save', '$', '<', true), "StoreName" => array('', 'div style="padding: 0 15px;"', '>', '</b>', false), "Description" => array('', 'id="description"', '>', '</div>', false), "Address" => array('', 'div style="padding: 0 15px;"', '<br>', '</div>', false, true), "EndD" => array(0, '"r_dd"', '>', '<', true, true), "EndH" => array(0, '"r_hh"', '>', '<', true, true), "EndM" => array(0, '"r_mm"', '>', '<', true, true), "EndS" => array(0, '"r_ss"', '>', '<', true, true)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = time(); if ($NewDeal['EndD'][0] !== false) { $EndDate += (int) $NewDeal['EndD'][0] * 24 * 60 * 60; } if ($NewDeal['EndH'][0] !== false) { $EndDate += (int) $NewDeal['EndH'][0] * 60 * 60; } if ($NewDeal['EndM'][0] !== false) { $EndDate += (int) $NewDeal['EndM'][0] * 60; } if ($NewDeal['EndS'][0] !== false) { $EndDate += (int) $NewDeal['EndS'][0]; } if ($EndDate <= time()) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } $VExpiry = FindData($Data, 'Expires:', ')', 9, 0, false, 0, false); $VExpiry = $VExpiry === false ? 0 : strtotime($VExpiry); if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Address = array(); if ($NewDeal['Address'][0] !== false && $NewDeal['Address'][0] != '') { if (stripos($NewDeal['Address'][0], 'located in') === false) { $Address = $NewDeal['Address'][0]; $Address = trim(str_ireplace('<td>', ' ', $Address)); $Address = trim(str_ireplace('</td>', ' ', $Address)); $Address = trim(str_ireplace('<tr>', ' ', $Address)); $Address = trim(str_ireplace('</tr>', ' ', $Address)); $Address = trim(str_ireplace(' ', ' ', $Address)); $Address = trim(str_ireplace('<br>', ' ', $Address)); $Address = trim(str_ireplace(chr(9), ' ', $Address)); $Address = trim(str_ireplace(chr(10), ' ', $Address)); $Address = trim(str_ireplace(chr(13), ' ', $Address)); while (stripos($Address, ' ')) { $Address = trim(str_ireplace(' ', ' ', $Address)); } if (stripos($Address, '</span>') === false) { $Address = array($Address); } else { $Lines = explode('</span>', $Address); $Address = array(); foreach ($Lines as &$Line) { if (stripos($Line, 'locations') === false) { if (substr($Line, 0, 5) == '<span') { $Line = trim(substr($Line, stripos($Line, '>') + 1)); } elseif (stripos($Line, '<span') !== false) { $Line = trim(substr($Line, 0, stripos($Line, '<span'))); } if (is_numeric(substr($Line, 0, stripos($Line, ' '))) && strlen($Line) >= 25) { $Address[] = $Line; } } } } } } $Locations = array(); if (count($Address) > 0) { foreach ($Address as $Adr) { $Locations[] = array(CleanHTML($Adr), 0, 0); } } else { $Locations[] = array(null, 0, 0); } $Last = 0; $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, 'More Great DealTickers'); while ($Start !== false) { $New = FindData($Data, '/product.php/product_id/', '"', 24, 0, true, $Start, false); if ($New !== false && $New > 0 && $New != $Last) { $MoreDeals[] = '/product.php/product_id/' . $New; $Last = $New; } $Start = stripos($Data, " <!-- Today's Side Deal -->", $Start + 20); } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = '/product.php/product_id/' . $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $NewDeal['Title'][0]; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . $NewDeal['ID'][0]; //$RDate['URL'] = ''.$URL.'/users/refer/4458/499/5fa1c87e50f3bef60631853dec007bc1'; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Website'] = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; $RData['Locations'] = $Locations; if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("EverybodyBuys.txt", $Data); } if (stripos($Data, 'class="subscriptions-content-form round-10 clearfix"') !== false) { return array(true, false); } //IF there is no deal, return false $NewDeal = array("ID" => array('', 'class="title"', 'href="', '"', false), "Title" => array('', 'class="title"', 'title="', '"', false), "Website" => array('', chr(13) . chr(10) . ' <span class="ak-subtitle"', 'href="', '"', false, true), "Address" => array('', 'id="map_adress"', '>', '<br />', false), "PriceReg" => array('', 'class="ak-small-info ak-reg"', '$', '<', false), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'class="ak-value ak-num"', '>', '<', true), "StoreName" => array('', chr(13) . chr(10) . ' <div class="ak-subside2">', 'class="ak-subtitle">', "<", false), "EndDate" => array(0, 'ak-value ak-time-left', 'js-time hide">', '<', true), "Description" => array('', 'Daily Write Up', '<p>', 'clear: left', false)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } if ((int) $NewDeal['EndDate'][0] <= 0) { return array(true, false); } $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = $StartDate + (int) $NewDeal['EndDate'][0]; if ($EndDate <= time()) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } //Only operating in TO, so timezone always EST //$DateParts = explode(',', $DateEnds); //$EndDate = mktime((int)$DateParts[2], (int)$DateParts[3], (int)$DateParts[4], (int)$DateParts[0], (int)$DateParts[1], (int)date('Y')); //No Expiry, it will return 0 anyway $VExpiry = FindData($Data, 'Expiries', '</span>', 8, 0, false, 0, false); $VExpiry = $VExpiry === false ? 0 : strtotime($VExpiry); if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Address = null; if ($NewDeal['Address'][0] !== false) { $Address = CleanHTML($NewDeal['Address'][0]); } if ($Address == '') { $Address = null; } $Website = null; if ($NewDeal['Website'][0] !== false) { $Website = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; } //Need function prototype, would like to know what the function does with the needle. $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, "<div style='position: relative;'>"); while ($Start !== false) { $ID = FindData($Data, 'href="/', '"', 6, 0, false, $Start, false); if ($ID !== false) { $MoreDeals[] = $ID; } $Start = stripos($Data, "<div style='position: relative;'>", $Start + 20); //Not sure if I need an 'offset' here?? } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $NewDeal['Title'][0]; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Price'] = (double) str_ireplace(',', '', $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]); $RData['Value'] = (double) str_ireplace(',', '', $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]); $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Website'] = $Website; $RData['Locations'] = array(array($Address, 0, 0)); if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, $RData); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("Dealathons.txt", $Data); } if (stripos($Data, '/checkout/') === false || stripos($Data, 'Dealathons Is Coming') !== false || stripos($Data, 'No Deal Available') !== false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array(0, '/checkout/', '/product/', '/', true), "Title" => array('', 'class="cont_top_cntr"', '<p>', '</p>', false), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'class="price_value"', '$', '<', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, '>Value<', '$', '<', true), "Description" => array('', 'class="highlights"', '>', '<!', false), "Coords" => array('', '', ';ll=', '&', false, true), "StartDate" => array('', 'var startdate =', '"', '";', false), "EndDate" => array('', 'var targetdate =', '"', '";', false)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = strtotime($NewDeal['StartDate'][0]); $EndDate = strtotime($NewDeal['EndDate'][0]); if ($EndDate <= time()) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } $VExpiry = FindSubData($Data, '"bottom_description"', 'Expires ', '<', false); if ($VExpiry !== false) { $VExpiry = strtotime($VExpiry); } if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Address = array(); $AdrBlock = FindData($Data, '<address>', '</address>', 9, 0, false, 0, false); if ($AdrBlock !== false) { if (stripos($AdrBlock, '<p> </p>') === false) { if (stripos($AdrBlock, '<br />') !== false) { $AdrBlock = substr($AdrBlock, stripos($AdrBlock, '<br />') + 6); } elseif (stripos($AdrBlock, '</p>') !== false) { $AdrBlock = substr($AdrBlock, stripos($AdrBlock, '</p>') + 6); } $AdrBlock = array($AdrBlock); } else { $AdrBlock = explode('<p> </p>', $AdrBlock); } foreach ($AdrBlock as &$Adr) { $Adr = CleanHTML($Adr); if ($Adr != '') { $Address[] = $Adr; } } } if (count($Address) == 0) { $Address[] = null; } $Locations = array(); if (count($Address) == 1) { if ($NewDeal['Coords'][0] !== false) { $Coords = explode(',', $NewDeal['Coords'][0]); if ($Coords === false || count($Coords) != 2) { $Coords = array(0, 0); } } else { $Coords = array(0, 0); } $Locations[] = array($Address[0], $Coords[0], $Coords[1]); } else { foreach ($Address as $Adr) { $Locations[] = array($Adr, 0, 0); } } if (count($Locations) == 0) { return array(SysLogIt("Could not decipher addresses for division with ID of " . $SRID . ".", StatusError), null); } $StoreName = false; if (stripos($Data, 'pp-headline-address') !== false) { $StoreName = FindSubData($Data, 'pp-headline-address', '>', '<', false); } elseif (stripos($Data, '<address>') !== false) { $StoreName = FindData($Data, '<address>', '</address>', 9, 0, false, 0, false); if ($StoreName !== false) { if (stripos($StoreName, '<span') === false) { $StoreName = false; } else { $StoreName = FindData($StoreName, '<span', '</span>', 5, 0, false, 0, false); if ($StoreName !== false) { $StoreName = substr($StoreName, stripos($StoreName, '>') + 1); $StoreName = CleanHTML($StoreName); } } } } if ($StoreName === false) { return array(SysLogIt("Could not determine store name for division with ID of " . $SRID . ".", StatusError), null); } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $NewDeal['Title'][0]; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . $URL; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $StoreName; $RData['Website'] = null; $RData['Locations'] = $Locations; return array(true, array($RData)); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; if ($Sub) { list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); } else { list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL . '#'); } if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("SwarmJam.txt", $Data); } if (stripos($Data, 'href="https://') === false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array(0, 'href="https://', '&PRODID=', '"', true), "Title" => array('', 'class="offerTitle"', '>', '</div>', false), "VendorID" => array(0, 'venddet.jsp', '&ONERR2=venddet.jsp&VENDID=', '"', true), "Website" => array('', '<p><a href="http:', '//', '"', false, true), "PriceSale" => array(0, '>Buy', '$', '<', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, '>Value:', '$', '<', true, true), "Savings" => array(0, '>Buy', '(', '%', true, true), "Description" => array('', 'More About This Deal', '<p>', '</p>', false), "AdrA" => array('', chr(9) . 'v_address =', '"', '"', false, true), "AdrC" => array('', chr(9) . 'v_city =', '"', '"', false, true), "AdrS" => array('', chr(9) . 'v_state =', '"', '"', false, true), "AdrP" => array('', chr(9) . 'v_state =', '</script>', '</p>', false, true), "EndD" => array(0, 'id="cx-cnt-int-day"', '>', '<', true, true), "EndH" => array(0, 'id="cx-cnt-int-hou"', '>', '<', true, true), "EndM" => array(0, 'id="cx-cnt-int-min"', '>', '<', true, true), "EndS" => array(0, 'id="cx-cnt-int-sec"', '>', '<', true, true), "Expiry" => array('', 'Expiry Date:', 'document.write("', '")', false, true)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } list($SubData, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . (int) $NewDeal['VendorID'][0]); if ($SubData === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error retrieving vendor information.', StatusError), null); } $StoreName = FindSubData($SubData, 'id="ctyx-content"', 'About ', '<'); if ($StoreName === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding vendor information.', StatusError), null); } if ($NewDeal['PriceReg'][0] !== false) { $PriceReg = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; } elseif ($NewDeal['Savings'][0] !== false) { $PriceReg = $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0] / ((100 - $NewDeal['Savings'][0]) / 100); } else { return array(SysLogIt('Error determining regular price.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = time(); if ($NewDeal['EndD'][0] !== false) { $EndDate += (int) $NewDeal['EndD'][0] * 24 * 60 * 60; } if ($NewDeal['EndH'][0] !== false) { $EndDate += (int) $NewDeal['EndH'][0] * 60 * 60; } if ($NewDeal['EndM'][0] !== false) { $EndDate += (int) $NewDeal['EndM'][0] * 60; } if ($NewDeal['EndS'][0] !== false) { $EndDate += (int) $NewDeal['EndS'][0]; } if ($EndDate <= time()) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } $VExpiry = false; if ($NewDeal['Expiry'][0] !== false) { $VExpiry = strtotime(str_ireplace('at', '', $NewDeal['Expiry'][0])); } if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Coords = array(0, 0); $Locations = array(); $Address = null; $LocURL = FindSubData($Data, 'Participating Locations', '>', 'Click to view locations', false); if ($LocURL !== false) { $LocURL = FindSubData($LocURL, 'href=', '"', '"', false); if ($LocURL !== false) { list($SubData, $DURL) = GetWebData($LocURL); if ($SubData !== false) { $Start = stripos($SubData, 'class="location"'); while ($Start !== false) { $NewAdr = FindData($SubData, chr(9) . 'v_address = "', '"', 14, 0, false, $Start, false); $NewCty = FindData($SubData, chr(9) . 'v_city = "', '"', 11, 0, false, $Start, false); $NewPro = FindData($SubData, chr(9) . 'v_state = "', '"', 12, 0, false, $Start, false); $Address = ''; if ($NewAdr !== false) { $Address .= $NewAdr . ', '; } if ($NewCty !== false) { $Address .= $NewCty . ', '; } if ($NewPro !== false) { $Address .= $NewPro . ', '; } $Address = rtrim(trim($Address), ','); $Address = CleanHTML($Address); if ($Address !== '') { $Locations[] = array($Address, 0, 0); } $Start = stripos($SubData, 'class="location"', $Start + 20); } } } } else { $Address = ''; if ($NewDeal['AdrA'][0] !== false) { $Address .= $NewDeal['AdrA'][0] . ', '; if ($NewDeal['AdrA'][0] == 'Online Vendor') { $Coords = array(-1, -1); } } if ($NewDeal['AdrC'][0] !== false) { $Address .= $NewDeal['AdrC'][0] . ', '; } if ($NewDeal['AdrS'][0] !== false) { $Address .= $NewDeal['AdrS'][0] . ', '; } if ($NewDeal['AdrP'][0] !== false) { $Address .= $NewDeal['AdrP'][0] . ', '; } $Address = rtrim(trim($Address), ','); $Address = CleanHTML($Address); if ($Address == '') { $Address = null; } } if (count($Locations) == 0) { $Locations[] = array($Address, $Coords[0], $Coords[1]); } $Website = null; if ($NewDeal['Website'][0] !== false) { $Website = 'http://' . $NewDeal['Website'][0]; } $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="side-details"'); while ($Start !== false) { $New = FindData($Data, "&PRODID=", '"', 8, 0, true, $Start, false); if ($New !== false && $New > 0) { $MoreDeals[] = $New; } $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="side-details"', $Start + 20); } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $NewDeal['Title'][0]; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = $PriceReg; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $StoreName; $RData['Website'] = $Website; $RData['Locations'] = $Locations; if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
@file_put_contents($ps_runfile, serialize($ps_file_arr)); } $block_lst = array(); $block_list_way = 'addl/block_list_' . $config['user']['id'] . '.lst'; if (file_exists($block_list_way)) { $f_data = @file_get_contents($block_list_way); $block_lst = unserialize($f_data); } /********* ADDL::PUBLIC STATS *********/ $f = cdim('db', 'query', "SELECT * FROM `flows` WHERE user_id = " . $config['user']['id']); if (isset($f)) { foreach ($f as $k => $v) { $ps_exists = false; $ps_public_key = false; if ($ps_file_arr !== FALSE) { $ps_data = FindData($ps_file_arr, array('user_id' => $config['user']['id'], 'flow_id' => $v->id)); if ($ps_data != false) { $ps_exists = true; $ps_public_key = $ps_data['public_key']; } } $b_list_str = isset($block_lst[$v->id]) ? implode(',', $block_lst[$v->id]) : ''; echo ' <tr class="rig_line" data-userProxyLine="' . $v->id . '"> <td class="rig_line_1"><span>Flow id</span>' . $v->id . '</td> <td class="rig_line_2"> <select onChange="updateFlowFile(' . $v->id . ', this);" class="exeSelector" data-flowId="' . $v->id . '"> ' . getUserExeAsSelectOptions($v->file_id) . ' </select> <input type="checkbox" name="public_stats" id="flow_' . $v->id . '" ' . ($ps_exists ? 'checked=\'true\'' : '') . ' onclick="flow_switch(' . $v->id . ');"> Public stats ' . ($ps_exists ? '<a href="public_stats.php?pkey=' . $ps_public_key . '" target="_blank">Get link</a>' : '') . ' </td>
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("Dealsnoop.txt", '' . $URL . chr(13) . chr(10) . chr(13) . chr(10) . $Data); } if (stripos($Data, 'coming soon to your city') !== false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array(0, 'id="deal_id"', 'value="', '"', true), "Title" => array('', 'og:title', 'content="', '"', false), "Website" => array('', 'id="deal-address"', 'href="', '"', false, true), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'id="deal-price"', '$', '<', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, 'id="treat-deal-value"', '$', '<', true), "StoreName" => array('', 'class="caps"', '>', '<', false), "Description" => array('', 'id="about-this-deal"', '>', '</p>', false), "Address" => array('', 'id="googlemap"', 'value="', '"', false, true), "EndY" => array(0, 'id="deal-expyear"', 'value="', '"', true), "EndM" => array(0, 'id="deal-expmonth"', 'value="', '"', true), "EndD" => array(0, 'id="deal-expday"', 'value="', '"', true), "EndH" => array(0, 'id="deal-exphour"', 'value="', '"', true), "EndN" => array(0, 'id="deal-expmin"', 'value="', '"', true), "EndS" => array(0, 'id="deal-expsec"', 'value="', '"', true)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = mktime((int) $NewDeal['EndH'][0], (int) $NewDeal['EndN'][0], (int) $NewDeal['EndS'][0], (int) $NewDeal['EndM'][0] + 1, (int) $NewDeal['EndD'][0], (int) $NewDeal['EndY'][0]); if ($EndDate <= time()) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } $VExpiry = FindSubData($Data, 'id="deal-fp-description"', '<p>', 'expiry', false); if ($VExpiry !== false) { if (strripos($VExpiry, '.') !== false) { $VExpiry = trim(substr($VExpiry, strripos($VExpiry, '.') + 1)); } if ($VExpiry !== false) { $VExpiry = strtotime('+' . $VExpiry); } } if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Website = null; if ($NewDeal['Website'][0] !== false) { $Website = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; } $Address = null; if ($NewDeal['Address'][0] !== false) { $Address = $NewDeal['Address'][0]; } $Locations = array(); $Locations[] = array($Address, 0, 0); $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="more-deals-link"'); while ($Start !== false) { $ID = FindData($Data, '../treats/?dsdeal=', "'", 18, 0, true, $Start, false); if ($ID !== false) { $MoreDeals[] = '/treats/?dsdeal=' . $ID; } $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="more-deals-link"', $Start + 20); } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $NewDeal['Title'][0]; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Website'] = $Website; $RData['Locations'] = $Locations; if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; //There is an automatic forward to NYC, //What does $Sub look like, and $URL //I am still having issues with chr(13) etc. Ask Jonathan //Lets go over the date conversion, +1 with JavaScript needs checking if ($Sub) { list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); } else { list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL . '/deal/today'); } if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("DealOn.txt", "" . $URL . chr(13) . chr(10) . chr(13) . chr(10) . $Data); } if (stripos($Data, 'class="page-title"') !== false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array('', 'class="deal-meter-buy"', 'href="/user/buy', '"', false), "Title" => array('', 'id="deal-title"', '>', '<', false), "Website" => array('', 'class="deal-details-right-column"', 'href="', '"', false, true), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'class="deal-meter-buy"', '$', '<', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, 'class="deal-discount"', '$', '<', true), "StoreName" => array('', '<h2>Company Information</h2>', '>', '<', false), "Description" => array('', '<h2>About This Deal</h2>', '<p>', '</div>', false), "Address" => array('', '<h2>Company Information</h2>', '<br/>', '<a', false, true), "EndDate" => array('', "('#countdown')", 'UTCDate(', ')', false)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); list($DateO, $DateY, $DateM, $DateD, $DateH, $DateN, $DateS, $DateI) = explode(',', $NewDeal['EndDate'][0]); $EndDate = mktime((int) $DateH + (-5 - (int) $DateO), (int) $DateN, (int) $DateS, (int) $DateM + 1, (int) $DateD, (int) $DateY); //Need to Add + 1, because JavaScript counts 0 to 11 //Based on their plugin usage if ($EndDate <= time()) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } $VExpiry = FindData($Data, 'Expiration Date:', '<', 17, 0, false, 0, false); $VExpiry = $VExpiry === false ? 0 : strtotime($VExpiry); if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Website = null; if ($NewDeal['Website'][0] !== false) { $Website = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; } if ($Website == '') { $Website = null; } $Coords = array(0, 0); $Address = null; if ($NewDeal['Address'][0] !== false) { $Address = CleanHTML($NewDeal['Address'][0]); } if ($Address == '') { $Address = null; } if ($Address == 'Visit Online:') { $Address = null; $Coords = array(-1, -1); } $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="bonus-deals"'); while ($Start !== false) { $ID = FindData($Data, 'href="', '"', 6, 0, false, $Start, false); //What is 24, 0 for?? if ($ID !== false) { $MoreDeals[] = $ID; } $Start = stripos($Data, ' <h3>', $Start + 20); } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $NewDeal['Title'][0]; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; if ($Sub) { $RData['URL'] = '' . $URL; } else { $RData['URL'] = '' . $URL . $NewDeal['ID'][0]; } $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Website'] = $Website; $RData['Locations'] = array(array($Address, $Coords[0], $Coords[1])); if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; if ($Sub) { list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL, null, 'language=english'); } else { list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL . '/all-buys/local', null, 'language=english'); } if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("Teambuy.txt", $Data); } if ($Sub) { //if (stripos($Data, '/buy/') === false) return array(true, false); $Prices = FindSubData($Data, 'PRICE:', 'class="ddValues">', '<', false); if ($Prices == 'Varies') { return array(SysLogIt('Deal has variable pricing. Skipping...', StatusInfo), false); } $NewDeal = array("City" => array('', 'og:url', 'content="', '/', false), "ID" => array(0, 'og:url" content="', '/', '/', true), "Title" => array('', '<title>', '| ', '<', false), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'PRICE:', '$', '<', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, 'VALUE:', '$', '<', true), "StoreName" => array('', 'id="companyName"', '>', '<', false), "Website" => array('', 'id="companyWebsite"', 'href="', '"', false, true), "Description" => array('', 'id="writeUpContent"', '<p>', '</p>', false), "EndDate" => array('', 'var futuredate', '"timercontainer", "', '")', false)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = strtotime($NewDeal['EndDate'][0] . ' 12:00 AM'); if ($EndDate === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } //$EndDate += -(((int)$TZ + 5) * 60 * 60); //All teambuys seem to finish at 12AM EST $VExpiry = FindData($Data, 'id="dealExpiryWide">Expires: ', '<', 29, 0, false, 0, false); $VExpiry = $VExpiry === false ? 0 : strtotime($VExpiry); if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Locations = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, '&geocode'); while ($Start !== false) { $New = FindData($Data, "&hnear=", '&', 7, 0, false, $Start, false); if ($New !== false) { $Locations[] = array(CleanHTML(urldecode($New)), 0, 0); } $Start = stripos($Data, "&geocode", $Start + 20); } if (count($Locations) == 0) { $Locations[] = array(null, 0, 0); } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $NewDeal['Title'][0]; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . $NewDeal['City'][0] . '/referral/92yyby6y/' . (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0] . '/'; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Website'] = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; $RData['Locations'] = $Locations; return array(true, array($RData)); } else { $RData = array(); $RData['GW'] = true; $RData['EDate'] = 0; $MoreDeals = array(); $Last = ''; $Start = stripos($Data, 'deal_id-'); while ($Start !== false) { $New = FindSubData($Data, 'deal_id-', 'href="', '"', false, $Start, false); if ($New !== false && $New != $Last) { $MoreDeals[] = $New; $Last = $New; } $Start = stripos($Data, 'deal_id-', $Start + 20); } if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); } }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("DealFind.txt", $Data); } if (stripos($Data, 'insanely monstrous') !== false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array(0, 'var DealID', '=', ';', true), "Title" => array('', 'var DealName', '"', '"', false), "URL" => array('', 'var AffiliateLinkURL', '"', '"', false), "PriceReg" => array(0, 'var RegularPriceHTML', "'\$", "'", true), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'var OurPriceHTML', "'\$", "'", true), "DealTime" => array(0, 'DealSeconds_Total', '=', ';', true), "DealElapsed" => array(0, 'DealSeconds_Elapsed', '=', ';', true), "DealStart" => array('', 'The deal went live', 'on', '<', false), "StoreName" => array('', 'itemprop="name"', '>', '<', false), "Description" => array('', 'class="dealText"', '>', '<div', false), "Website" => array('', 'itemprop="url"', 'href="', '"', false, true), "Address" => array('', 'itemprop="name"', 'itemprop="description">', chr(9) . '</div>', false, true), "Coords" => array('', 'point = new GLatLng', '(', ')', false, true)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time() - $NewDeal['DealElapsed'][0]; $EndDate = $StartDate + $NewDeal['DealTime'][0]; //Time measured in seconds, so no need for timezone adjustments $VExpiry = FindData($Data, 'Expires on', '.', 11, 0, false, 0, false); $VExpiry = $VExpiry === false ? 0 : strtotime($VExpiry); if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Coords = array(0, 0); if ($NewDeal['Coords'][0] !== false) { $Coords = explode(',', $NewDeal['Coords'][0]); } if ($Coords === false || count($Coords) != 2) { $Coords = array(0, 0); } $Address = null; if ($NewDeal['Address'][0] !== false) { $Address = CleanHTML($NewDeal['Address'][0]); } if ($Address == '') { $Address = null; } if (stripos($Address, 'map it') !== false) { $Address = trim(substr($Address, 0, stripos($Address, 'map it'))); } if (stripos($Address, 'n/a') !== false) { $Address = trim(substr($Address, 0, stripos($Address, 'n/a'))); } if (stripos($Address, 'redeem online') !== false || stripos($Address, 'redeem by phone') !== false || stripos($Address, 'mobile service') !== false) { $Address = null; $Coords = array(-1, -1); } //$Website = FindData($NewDeal['MoreData'][0], 'a href="', '"', 8, 0, false, 0, false); //if ($Website === false) $Website = ''; $Website = null; if ($NewDeal['Website'][0] !== false) { $Website = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; } if (trim($Website) == '') { $Website = null; } $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="side-deal'); while ($Start !== false) { $ID = FindData($Data, 'href="', '"', 6, 0, false, $Start, false); if ($ID !== false) { $MoreDeals[] = $ID; } $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="side-deal', $Start + 20); } /* //Parse address $Address = $NewDeal['MoreData'][0]; $Address = str_ireplace('<br/>', ', ', $Address); $Address = str_ireplace('website', '', $Address); $Address = str_ireplace('map it', '', $Address); $Address = substr(trim(CleanHTML($Address)), 2); */ /* $AddressArray = explode(chr(13).chr(10), $NewDeal['MoreData'][0]); foreach ($AddressArray as $AddressItem) { if (stripos($AddressItem, ' ') !== false && stripos($AddressItem, ' ') === false) { $Address = trim(substr($AddressItem, 0, stripos($AddressItem, '<br><a'))); $Address = CleanHTML($Address); break; } } */ $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $NewDeal['Title'][0]; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = $NewDeal['URL'][0]; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Website'] = $Website; $RData['Locations'] = array(array($Address, $Coords[0], $Coords[1])); if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL, null, 'Preferences=Town=M2'); if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("FabFind.txt", $Data); } if (stripos($Data, 'Chatter.aspx?dealid=') === false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array(0, 'Chatter.aspx?dealid', '=', '"', true), "Title" => array('', 'id="ctl00_contentTop_lblTitle"', '>', '</span', false), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'ctl00_contentTop_lblPrice', '>', '<', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, 'ctl00_contentTop_lblValue', '$', '<', true), "StoreName" => array('', 'ctl00_contentMain_lblBusinessName', '>', '<', false), "Website" => array('', 'linkBusinessWebsite', 'href="', '"', false, true), "Phone" => array('', 'ctl00_contentMain_lblPhone', 'Phone: ', '<', false, true), "Address" => array('', 'ctl00_contentMain_lblAddress', '>', '</span', false, true), "Description" => array('', 'ctl00_contentMain_lblDescription', '>', '</span>', false), "Coords" => array('', 'GMaps', 'GLatLng(', ')', false, true), "EndDate" => array(0, 'DealSecLeft', '+', "'", true)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = time() + $NewDeal['EndDate'][0]; //End date uses seconds left, so no Timezone calculations needed $VExpiry = FindSubData($Data, 'Certificate expires', '(', ')', false); if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = FindSubData($Data, '<li>Expires', ' ', '<', false); } $VExpiry = $VExpiry === false ? 0 : strtotime($VExpiry); if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Address = $NewDeal['Address'][0] === false ? '' : trim(str_ireplace('<br />', ', ', $NewDeal['Address'][0])); if (stripos($Address, 'several locations') !== false) { $Address = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, '&hnear='); while ($Start !== false) { $New = FindData($Data, '&hnear=', '&', 7, 0, false, $Start, false); if ($New !== false) { $Address[] = array(str_ireplace('+', ' ', $New), 0, 0); } $Start = stripos($Data, '&hnear=', $Start + 20); } } if (!is_array($Address)) { $Address = array(array($Address, 0, 0)); } foreach ($Address as &$Adr) { if ($NewDeal['Phone'][0] !== false) { $Adr[0] .= $NewDeal['Phone'][0]; } if ($Adr[0] == '') { $Adr[0] = null; } } /* $Coords = array(0, 0); if ($NewDeal['Coords'][0] !== false) $Coords = explode(',', $NewDeal['Coords'][0]); if (($Coords === false) || (count($Coords) != 2)) $Coords = array(0, 0); */ $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, 'href="deal/'); while ($Start !== false) { $New = FindData($Data, 'href="deal/', '"', 11, 0, false, $Start, false); if ($New !== false) { $MoreDeals[] = '/deal/' . $New; } $Start = stripos($Data, 'href="deal/', $Start + 20); } $Title = CleanHTML($NewDeal['Title'][0]); $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $Title; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Website'] = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; $RData['Locations'] = $Address; if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("Tuango.txt", '' . $URL . chr(13) . chr(10) . chr(13) . chr(10) . $Data); } if ($Sub) { if (stripos($Data, 'purchase?') === false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array('', 'class="dealName"', '/en/', '"', false), "Title" => array('', 'class="dealName"', '>', '</p>', false), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'class="dealPrice"', '$', '<', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, 'class="infoNumbers"', '$', '<', true), "StoreName" => array('', 'companyName', '<h2>', '</h2>', false), "Address" => array('', 'companyName', '</h2>', '<', false, true), "Website" => array('', 'companyName', 'href="', '"', false, true), "Description" => array('', 'companyDetails', '<p>', '</div>', false), "EndDate" => array('', 'TargetDate =', '"', '"', false)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = strtotime($NewDeal['EndDate'][0]); if ($EndDate === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } $VExpiry = FindSubData($Data, '/ Ends', ' ', '<', false); if ($VExpiry !== false) { $VExpiry = strtotime($VExpiry); } if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Website = null; if ($NewDeal['Website'][0] !== false) { $Website = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; } $Locations = array(); $Address = null; if ($NewDeal['Address'][0] !== false) { $Address = $NewDeal['Address'][0]; } if (stripos($Address, 'website') !== false) { $Locations[] = array(null, -1, -1); } else { $Locations[] = array($Address, 0, 0); } $TitleFR = false; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $NewDeal['ID'][0]); if ($Data !== false) { $TitleFR = FindSubData($Data, 'class="dealName"', '</span>', '</p>', false); if ($TitleFR !== false) { $TitleFR = CleanHTML($TitleFR); } } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = CleanHTML(str_ireplace("Today's Deal:", "", $NewDeal['Title'][0])); if ($TitleFR !== false && $TitleFR != '') { $RData['Title-fr'] = $TitleFR; } $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Website'] = $Website; $RData['Locations'] = $Locations; return array(true, array($RData)); } else { $RData = array(); $RData['GW'] = true; $RData['EDate'] = 0; $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="gbItemInfo"'); while ($Start !== false) { $ID = FindData($Data, "div", "href='/en/deal", "'", false, $Start, false); if ($ID !== false) { $MoreDeals[] = $ID; } $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="gbItemInfo"', $Start + 20); } if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); } }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; if ($Sub) { list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); } else { list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL . '/'); } if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("Maddeal.txt", "" . $URL . chr(13) . chr(10) . chr(13) . chr(10) . $Data); } if (stripos($Data, 'NoDeal.jpg') !== false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array(0, '?did', '=', '"', true), "Title" => array('', 'class="boldheaderarial"', '>', '<', false), "Website" => array('', 'id="ctl00_cphBody_busWebsite"', 'href="', '"', false, true), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'id="ctl00_cphBody_dealPrice"', '>', '<', true), "PriceReg" => array('', 'id="ctl00_cphBody_dealValue"', '>', '<', false), "StoreName" => array('', 'id="ctl00_cphBody_busName"', '>', '<', false), "Description" => array('', 'id="ctl00_cphBody_decription"', '<p>', '<br />', false), "Address" => array('', 'id="ctl00_cphBody_busLocation"><a', '>', '</a>', false, true), "Coords" => array('', 'id="ctl00_cphBody_busLocation"', '(', ')', false, true), "EndDate" => array('', 'id="ctl00_cphBody_remaining"', '>', '<', false)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = time(); //Comming in HH:MM:SS list($hours, $minutes, $seconds) = explode(':', $NewDeal['EndDate'][0]); $EndDate += (int) $hours * 60 * 60; //Hours $EndDate += (int) $minutes * 60; //Minutes $EndDate += (int) $seconds; //Seconds if ($EndDate <= time()) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } $VExpiry = FindData($Data, chr(9) . chr(9) . 'Expires', '<', 9, 0, false, 0, false); $VExpiry = $VExpiry === false ? 0 : strtotime($VExpiry); if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Website = null; if ($NewDeal['Website'][0] !== false) { $Website = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; } $Address = null; if ($NewDeal['Address'][0] !== false) { $Address = CleanHTML($NewDeal['Address'][0]); } if ($Address == '') { $Address = null; } $Coords = array(0, 0); if ($NewDeal['Coords'][0] !== false) { $Coords = explode(',', $NewDeal['Coords'][0]); } if ($Coords === false || count($Coords) != 2) { $Coords = array(0, 0); } $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, 'id="ctl00_cphBodyLeft_divLeft"'); while ($Start !== false) { $ID = FindData($Data, "document.location.href='", "'", 24, 0, false, $Start, false); if ($ID !== false) { $MoreDeals[] = $ID; } $Start = stripos($Data, 'id="ctl00_cphBodyLeft_divLeft"', $Start + 20); } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $NewDeal['Title'][0]; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; if ($Sub) { $RData['URL'] = '' . $URL . '&q=P22932'; } else { $RData['URL'] = '' . $URL . '?did=' . $NewDeal['ID'][0] . '&q=P22932'; // } $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) substr($NewDeal['PriceReg'][0], 1); $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Website'] = $Website; $RData['Locations'] = array(array($Address, $Coords[0], $Coords[1])); if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; if ($Sub) { list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); } else { list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData(''); } if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("ILoveMTL.txt", $Data); } if (stripos($Data, 'og:url') === false) { return array(true, false); } if ($WebD) { $NewDeal = array("ID" => array('', 'og:url', 'content="', '"', false), "Title" => array('', 'og:title', 'content="', '"', false), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'id="escape-promo-price"', '<span>', '$', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, 'id="escape-promo-regprice"', ':', '$', true), "StoreName" => array('', 'class="location-name', '>', '<', false), "Description" => array('', 'line-height:1.45em;', '>', '<!-- Fine print -->', false), "EndDate" => array('', 'var endtime =', 'new Date(', ')', false)); } else { $NewDeal = array("ID" => array('', 'og:url', 'content="', '"', false), "Title" => array('', '"promo-title"', '</span>', '</div>', false), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'id="promo-price"', '<span>', '$', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, 'class="price-details', '>Value', '$', true), "StoreName" => array('', 'class="location-name', '>', '<', false), "Description" => array('', 'About this deal', '<p>', '</div>', false), "EndDate" => array('', 'var endtime =', 'new Date(', ')', false), "Address" => array('', 'class="location-addr"', '>', '<a', false, true), "Website" => array('', 'class="location-addr"', '<a href="', '"', false, true)); } if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } //Start, end dates $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = 0; $DateParts = explode(',', $NewDeal['EndDate'][0]); if ($DateParts !== false) { $EndDate = mktime((int) trim($DateParts[3]), (int) trim($DateParts[4]), (int) trim($DateParts[5]), (int) trim($DateParts[1]) + 1, (int) trim($DateParts[2]), (int) trim($DateParts[0])); } if ($EndDate === false) { $EndDate = 0; } if ($EndDate <= time()) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } //Expiry Date $VExpiry = FindSubData($Data, '<li>Valid', ' to ', '</li>', false, 0, false); if (stripos($VExpiry, '.') !== false) { $VExpiry = substr($VExpiry, 0, stripos($VExpiry, '.')); } if ($VExpiry !== false) { $VExpiry = strtotime($VExpiry); } if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Website = null; if ($NewDeal['Website'][0] !== false) { $Website = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; } //Address(es) $Locations = array(); if ($NewDeal['Address'][0] !== false) { $Locations[] = array(CleanHTML($NewDeal['Address'][0]), 0, 0); } else { $Locations[] = array(null, 0, 0); } /* $Start = stripos($Data, '&markers='); while ($Start !== false) { $Coords = FindData($Data, '&markers=', ',greena', 9, 0, false, $Start, false); if ($Coords !== false) $Coords = explode(',', $Coords); $Adr = FindData($Data, '&q=', '&ie=', 3, 0, false, $Start, false); $Adr = ($Adr === false)?null:urldecode($Adr); if (count($Coords) == 2) $Locations[] = array($Adr, $Coords[0], $Coords[1]); $Start = stripos($Data, '&markers=', $Start + 20); } */ //Side deals $MoreDeals = array(); if (!$Sub) { $Last = ''; $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="sidedeal-img"'); while ($Start !== false) { $New = FindData($Data, 'href="', '"', 32, 0, false, $Start, false); if ($New !== false && $New != $Last) { $MoreDeals[] = array($New, stripos($New, 'escapes') !== false); $Last = $New; } $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="sidedeal-img"', $Start + 20); } } //French title if ($WebD) { $TitleFR = ''; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $NewDeal['ID'][0]); if ($Data !== false) { $TitleFR = FindSubData($Data, 'og:title', 'content="', '"', false, 0, false); if ($TitleFR !== false) { $TitleFR = CleanHTML($TitleFR); } } } else { $TitleFR = ''; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $NewDeal['ID'][0]); if ($Data !== false) { $TitleFR = FindSubData($Data, '"promo-title"', '</span>', '</div>', false, 0, false); if ($TitleFR !== false) { $TitleFR = CleanHTML($TitleFR); } } } //Save $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = CleanHTML($NewDeal['Title'][0]); if ($TitleFR !== false && $TitleFR != '') { $RData['Title-fr'] = $TitleFR; } $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; if ($WebD) { $RData['URL'] = '' . $NewDeal['ID'][0]; } else { $RData['URL'] = '' . $NewDeal['ID'][0]; } $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Website'] = $Website; $RData['Locations'] = $Locations; if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL, null, 'dealoftheday.redflagdeals.com_splashIgnored=0'); if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("RedFlagDeals.txt", $Data); } $NewDeal = array("Title" => array('', 'og:title', 'content="', '"', false), "URL" => array('', 'data-url=', '"', '?', false), "StoreName1" => array('', 'merchantAddress_192', '<b>', '</b>', false, true), "StoreName2" => array('', 'name="keywords" content=', '"', ',', false, true), "Website" => array('', 'merchantAddress_192', 'href="', '"', false, true), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'detailsPageDealInfoPrice', '"wrappedPriceValue">', '<', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, 'origPriceValue', '$', '<', true), "Description" => array('', 'prodDescriptionText', '>', '</div>', false), "Address" => array('', 'addresses.push(', '"', '"', false, true), "TimeL" => array('', ' DealTimeClass', '(', ')', false), "Expiry" => array('', 'expires', ' ', '<', false, true)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = time(); $DateParts = explode(',', $NewDeal['TimeL'][0]); if ($DateParts === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } if (trim($DateParts[0]) != 'null') { $EndDate += (int) substr(trim($DateParts[0]), 1, strlen(trim($DateParts[0])) - 2) * 24 * 60 * 60; } if (trim($DateParts[1]) != 'null') { $EndDate += (int) substr(trim($DateParts[1]), 1, strlen(trim($DateParts[1])) - 2) * 60 * 60; } if (trim($DateParts[2]) != 'null') { $EndDate += (int) substr(trim($DateParts[2]), 1, strlen(trim($DateParts[2])) - 2) * 60; } if (trim($DateParts[3]) != 'null') { $EndDate += (int) substr(trim($DateParts[3]), 1, strlen(trim($DateParts[3])) - 2); } if ($EndDate <= time()) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } $StoreName = ''; if ($StoreName == '' && $NewDeal['StoreName1'][0] !== false) { $StoreName = $NewDeal['StoreName1'][0]; } if ($StoreName == '' && $NewDeal['StoreName2'][0] !== false) { $StoreName = $NewDeal['StoreName2'][0]; } if ($StoreName == '') { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine store name.', StatusError), null); } $VExpiry = false; if ($NewDeal['Expiry'][0] !== false) { $VExpiry = $NewDeal['Expiry'][0]; if (stripos($VExpiry, '(') !== false) { $VExpiry = substr($VExpiry, 0, stripos($VExpiry, '(')); } $VExpiry = strtotime($VExpiry); } if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } //Initialize location array $Locations = array(); //Look for first instance of addresses.push $Start = stripos($Data, 'addresses.push"'); while ($Start !== false) { //Get first content between parenthesis immediately after addresses.push $New = FindData($Data, '("', '")', 2, 0, false, $Start, false); //If found, add to locations array if ($New !== false) { $Locations[] = array($New, 0, 0); } //Check for next instance, starting at previous location + 20 $Start = stripos($Data, 'addresses.push', $Start + 20); } //If no addresses were found, add null address if (count($Locations) == 0) { $Locations[] = array(null, 0, 0); } $Website = null; if ($NewDeal['Website'][0] !== false) { $Website = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; } $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, 'id="sideDealsSection"'); while ($Start !== false) { $New = FindData($Data, '', '"', 42, 0, false, $Start, false); if ($New !== false) { $MoreDeals[] = $New; } $Start = stripos($Data, 'id="sideDealsSection"', $Start + 20); } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = $URL; $RData['Title'] = $NewDeal['Title'][0]; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . $NewDeal['URL'][0]; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $StoreName; $RData['Website'] = $Website; $RData['Locations'] = $Locations; if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("StealTheDeal.txt", $Data); } if (stripos($Data, 'og:url') === false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array(0, 'og:url', '', '"', true), "Title" => array('', 'og:title', 'content="', '"', false), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'dealPrice', '$', '<', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, '"valueTitle"', '$', '<', true), "Website" => array('', 'Merchant website:', 'href="', '"', false, true), "Description" => array('', 'DescriptionHtml Start', '>', '<!', false), "Address" => array('', '', ';q=', '&', false, true), "Coords" => array('', '', ';ll=', '&', false, true), "Address2" => array('', 'DetailsHtml', '</li>', '</ul>', false, true), "TZone" => array(0, 'TzOffset', '=', ';', true), "EndDate" => array('', 'TargetDate =', '"', '"', false)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = strtotime($NewDeal['EndDate'][0]); $EndDate += -(((int) $NewDeal['TZone'][0] + 5) * 60 * 60); if ($EndDate <= time()) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } $StoreName = ''; if (stripos($NewDeal['Title'][0], ' from ') !== false) { $StoreName = substr($NewDeal['Title'][0], stripos($NewDeal['Title'][0], ' from ') + 6); } elseif (stripos($NewDeal['Title'][0], ' at ') !== false) { $StoreName = substr($NewDeal['Title'][0], stripos($NewDeal['Title'][0], ' at ') + 4); } elseif (stripos($NewDeal['Title'][0], ' by ') !== false) { $StoreName = substr($NewDeal['Title'][0], stripos($NewDeal['Title'][0], ' by ') + 4); } elseif (stripos($NewDeal['Title'][0], ' to ') !== false) { $StoreName = substr($NewDeal['Title'][0], stripos($NewDeal['Title'][0], ' to ') + 4); } elseif (stripos($NewDeal['Title'][0], 'for a') !== false && stripos($NewDeal['Title'][0], 'voucher') !== false) { $StoreName = substr($NewDeal['Title'][0], stripos($NewDeal['Title'][0], 'for a') + 5); $StoreName = trim(substr($StoreName, 0, stripos($NewDeal['Title'][0], 'voucher'))); if (substr($StoreName, 0, 2) == 'n ') { $StoreName = trim(substr($StoreName, 2)); } } elseif (stripos($NewDeal['Title'][0], ' with ') !== false) { $StoreName = substr($NewDeal['Title'][0], stripos($NewDeal['Title'][0], ' with ') + 6); } if (stripos($StoreName, '(') !== false) { $StoreName = trim(substr($StoreName, 0, stripos($StoreName, '(') - 1)); } if ($StoreName == '') { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine store name.', StatusError), null); } $VExpiry = 0; if (stripos($Data, 'Please use within') !== false) { $VExpiry = FindData($Data, 'Please use within', 'of', 17, 0, false, 0, false); if ($VExpiry !== false) { $VExpiry = strtotime('+' . $VExpiry); } } elseif (stripos($Data, 'Expires on') !== false) { $VExpiry = FindData($Data, 'Expires on', '<', 10, 0, false, 0, false); if ($VExpiry !== false) { $VExpiry = strtotime($VExpiry); } } if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Address = $NewDeal['Address'][0] === false ? null : str_ireplace('+', ' ', $NewDeal['Address'][0]); if (is_null($Address) && $NewDeal['Address2'][0] !== false) { $Address = CleanHTML(str_ireplace('map it', '', $NewDeal['Address2'][0])); } if ($Address == '') { $Address = null; } $Coords = array(0, 0); if ($NewDeal['Coords'][0] !== false) { $Coords = explode(',', $NewDeal['Coords'][0]); } if ($Coords === false || count($Coords) != 2) { $Coords = array(0, 0); } $Last = (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="sideBox sideDeal"'); if ($Start !== false) { $Start = stripos($Data, '/Deal/', $Start); } while ($Start !== false) { $New = FindData($Data, "/Deal/", '"', 6, 0, true, $Start, false); if ($New !== false && $New > 0 && $New != $Last) { $MoreDeals[] = '/' . $URL . '/Deal/' . $New; $Last = $New; } $Start = stripos($Data, "/Deal/", $Start + 20); } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = (int) $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $NewDeal['Title'][0]; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . $URL; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $StoreName; $RData['Website'] = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; $RData['Locations'] = array(array($Address, $Coords[0], $Coords[1])); if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
if ($e !== FALSE) { $p = $e; $e = $arr[$e]; $e['num'] = $p; unset($arr); return $e; } return false; } $ps_runfile = './addl/ps_runfile'; $ps_file_arr = array(); if (file_exists($ps_runfile)) { $ps_filedata = @file_get_contents($ps_runfile); if ($ps_filedata !== FALSE) { $ps_file_arr = unserialize($ps_filedata); $fd = FindData($ps_file_arr, array('public_key' => $pkey)); if ($fd !== false) { $user_id = (int) $fd['user_id']; $flow_id = (int) $fd['flow_id']; } else { die('Unknown pkey'); } } } $ard = array(); $all_result = cdim('db', 'query', "SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM `traff` WHERE user_id = " . $user_id . " AND flow_id = " . $flow_id); $all_res_exp = cdim('db', 'query', "SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM `traff` WHERE user_id = " . $user_id . " AND flow_id = " . $flow_id . " AND `exp` != ''"); $top10 = cdim('db', 'query', "SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt, cc FROM `traff` WHERE user_id = " . $user_id . " AND flow_id = " . $flow_id . " GROUP BY cc ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 10"); foreach ($top10 as $k => $v) { $ans = cdim('db', 'query', "SELECT COUNT(*) AS expl, cc FROM `traff` WHERE user_id = " . $user_id . " AND flow_id = " . $flow_id . " AND cc = '" . $v->cc . "' AND `exp` != ''"); $ah = array_shift($ans);
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("PriceDodger.txt", '' . $URL . chr(13) . chr(10) . chr(13) . chr(10) . $Data); } if (stripos($Data, 'id="deal_intro"') === false || stripos($Data, 'deal ended at') !== false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array('', 'id="deal_intro"', '/deal/', '"', false), "URL" => array('', 'id="deal_intro"', 'a href="', '"', false), "Title" => array('', 'id="deal_intro"', 'title="', '"', false), "Website" => array('', 'class="company_link', 'href="', '"', false, true), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'class="price">$', '>', '<', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, 'class="value">$', '>', '<', true), "StoreName" => array('', 'class="company_link', '<span ', '</span>', false), "Description" => array('', 'id="deal_desc"', '>', 'class="company', false), "Address" => array('', 'id="deal_desc"', '</u>', '</span>' . chr(9) . chr(9), false, true), "Coords" => array('', '', '?center=', '&', false, true), "EndDate" => array('', 'id="time_left"', ' ', '<div>', false)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = time(); if (stripos($NewDeal['EndDate'][0], 'days') !== false) { $EndDate += 60 * 60 * 24 * (int) substr($NewDeal['EndDate'][0], 0, stripos($NewDeal['EndDate'][0], 'days') - 1); $EndDate += (int) FindData($NewDeal['EndDate'][0], ' ', 'H', 6, 0, false) * 60 * 60; } else { $EndDate += (int) substr($NewDeal['EndDate'][0], 0, stripos($NewDeal['EndDate'][0], 'H')) * 60 * 60; } $EndDate += (int) FindData($NewDeal['EndDate'][0], ';: ', 'M', 8, 0, false) * 60; if ($EndDate <= time()) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } $VExpiry = FindData($Data, '>Expires', '<', 9, 0, false, 0, false); if ($VExpiry !== false) { $VExpiry = strtotime($VExpiry); } if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $StoreName = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $StoreName = trim(str_replace('class="c">', ' ', $StoreName)); $StoreName = trim(str_replace('class="c1">', ' ', $StoreName)); $Address = null; if ($NewDeal['Address'][0] !== false) { $Address = CleanHTML($NewDeal['Address'][0]); } if ($Address == '') { $Address = null; } $Coords = array(0, 0); if ($NewDeal['Coords'][0] !== false) { $Coords = explode(',', $NewDeal['Coords'][0]); } if ($Coords === false || count($Coords) != 2) { $Coords = array(0, 0); } $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, 'id="side_deal"'); while ($Start !== false) { $New = FindData($Data, '', '"', 28, 0, false, $Start, false); if ($New !== false) { $MoreDeals[] = '/deal/' . $New; } $Start = stripos($Data, 'id="side_deal"', $Start + 20); } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $NewDeal['Title'][0]; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . $NewDeal['URL'][0]; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $StoreName; $RData['Website'] = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; $RData['Locations'] = array(array($Address, $Coords[0], $Coords[1])); if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL); if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("Kijiji.txt", "" . $URL . chr(13) . chr(10) . chr(13) . chr(10) . $Data); } if (stripos($Data, '/buy"') === false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array('', 'id="toDeal"', '', '"', false), "Title" => array('', 'id="toDeal">', '>', '</a>', false), "Website" => array('', 'class="location_box"', 'href="', '"', false, true), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'class="price"', '$', '<', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, 'class="value"', '$', '<', true), "StoreName" => array('', 'class="location_box"', '<p>', '<', false), "Description" => array('', 'About this deal', '<p>', '</p>', false), "Address" => array('', '', '?q=', '"', false, true), "EndDate" => array('', 'ready(function()', 'setCountdown("', '"', false)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = strtotime($NewDeal['EndDate'][0]); if ($EndDate === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } if ($EndDate < time()) { return array(true, false); } $VExpiry = FindData($Data, '<p>Expires', 'from', 11, 0, false, 0, false); if ($VExpiry !== false) { $VExpiry = strtotime('+' . $VExpiry); } if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Website = null; if ($NewDeal['Website'][0] !== false) { $Website = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; } $Address = null; if ($NewDeal['Address'][0] !== false) { $Address = CleanHTML($NewDeal['Address'][0]); } if ($Address == '') { $Address = null; } $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="dealBox '); while ($Start !== false) { $ID = FindData($Data, 'href="', '"', 38, 0, false, $Start, false); if ($ID !== false) { $MoreDeals[] = $ID; } $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="dealBox ', $Start + 20); } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = CleanHTML(str_ireplace("Today's Deal:", "", $NewDeal['Title'][0])); $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Website'] = $Website; $RData['Locations'] = array(array($Address, 0, 0)); if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
$e = $k; break; } } if ($e !== FALSE) { $p = $e; $e = $arr[$e]; $e['num'] = $p; unset($arr); return $e; } return false; } $ps_runfile = '../addl/ps_runfile'; $ps_file_arr = array(); if (file_exists($ps_runfile)) { $ps_filedata = @file_get_contents($ps_runfile); if ($ps_filedata !== FALSE) { $ps_file_arr = unserialize($ps_filedata); $fd = FindData($ps_file_arr, array('user_id' => $user_id, 'flow_id' => $flow_id)); if ($fd === false) { $public_key = md5($user_id . $flow_id . time() + rand(1000, 9999)); $ps_file_arr[] = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'flow_id' => $flow_id, 'public_key' => $public_key); } else { $num = $fd['num']; unset($ps_file_arr[$num]); } @file_put_contents($ps_runfile, serialize($ps_file_arr)); } } exit(json_encode(array('type' => 'success', 'msg' => 'Public stats was switched')));
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; if ($Sub) { list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL, null); } else { list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL, null); } if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("WebPiggy.txt", $Data); } if (stripos($Data, 'id="deal_action"') === false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array(0, 'id="deal_action"', '/deals/buy/', '"', true), "Title" => array('', 'id="centre_title">', '">', '<', false), "Website1" => array('', 'deal_desc_col2', '<br/><a href="http://', '"', false, true), "Website2" => array('', 'deal_desc_col2', '<a href="', '"target="_blank"', false, true), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'id="deal_price"', '$', '<', true), "PriceReg" => array(0, '<li>Value', '$', '<', true), "StoreName1" => array('', '<br/><a href="http://', '>', '<', false, true), "StoreName2" => array('', 'id="deal_desc_col2"', '"_blank">', '<', false, true), "Description" => array('', 'deal_desc_col2', '<p>', '</p>', false), "Ends" => array('', '<p>', 'var dthen = new Date("', '");', false), "Address2" => array('', '', '&hnear=', '&', false, true), "Address1" => array('', '', '&q=', '&', false, true)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = strtotime($NewDeal['Ends'][0]); if ($EndDate <= time()) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } $VExpiry = FindData($Data, 'Expiry ', '.', 7, 0, false, 0, false); if ($VExpiry !== false) { $VExpiry = strtotime($VExpiry); } if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Address = ''; if ($NewDeal['Address1'][0] !== false) { $Address = CleanHTML(str_replace('+', ' ', $NewDeal['Address1'][0])); } if ($Address == '' && $NewDeal['Address2'][0] !== false) { $Address = CleanHTML(str_replace('+', ' ', $NewDeal['Address2'][0])); } if ($Address == '') { $Address = null; } $Website = null; if ($NewDeal['Website1'][0] !== false) { $Website = 'http://' . $NewDeal['Website1'][0]; } elseif ($NewDeal['Website2'][0] !== false) { $Website = 'http://' . $NewDeal['Website2'][0]; } if ($Website == '') { $Website = null; } $StoreName = ''; if ($NewDeal['StoreName1'][0] !== false) { $StoreName = 'http://' . $NewDeal['StoreName1'][0]; } elseif ($NewDeal['StoreName2'][0] !== false) { $StoreName = 'http://' . $NewDeal['StoreName2'][0]; } if ($StoreName == '') { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine store name.', StatusError), null); } $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, 'id="side_deal"'); if ($Start !== false) { $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="deal_talk_content"', $Start); while ($Start !== false) { $New = FindData($Data, 'href="/deals/side_deal/', '"', 23, 0, true, $Start, false); if ($New !== false && $New > 0) { $MoreDeals[] = $New; } $Start = stripos($Data, 'class="deal_talk_content"', $Start + 20); } } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $NewDeal['Title'][0]; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceReg'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $StoreName; $RData['Website'] = $Website; $RData['Locations'] = array(array($Address, 0, 0)); if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL, null, 'user_locale=en_CA'); //fr_CA if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("GrouponCA.txt", $Data); } if (stripos($Data, '/payment') === false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array('', '', '?u=', '"', false), "Title" => array('', 'id="contentDealTitle"', '<h1>', '</h1>', false), "PriceSale" => array(0, 'class="price"', 'C$', '<', true), "Savings" => array(0, 'class="row2"', 'C$', '<', true), "StoreName" => array('', 'class="merchantContact"', '">', '<', false), "Website" => array('', 'class="merchantContact"', 'href="', '"', false, true), "Description" => array('', 'class="merchantContact"', '<p><p>', '<p class="outset"', false), "EndDate" => array('', 'id="currentTimeLeft"', 'value="', '"', false)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } //Start, end dates $StartDate = time(); $EndDate = time(); $EndDate += (int) $NewDeal['EndDate'][0] / 1000; if ($EndDate <= time()) { return array(SysLogIt('Could not determine deal end date.', StatusError), null); } //Store name $StoreName = CleanHTML($NewDeal['StoreName'][0]); //Expiry Date $VExpiry = FindData($Data, '<li>Expires', '<', 11, 0, false, 0, false); if ($VExpiry !== false) { $VExpiry = strtotime($VExpiry); } if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Website = null; if ($NewDeal['Website'][0] !== false) { $Website = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; } //Address(es) if (stripos($Data, '<strong>Locations') === false && stripos($Data, 'locations:</strong>') === false) { $Addresses = FindSubData($Data, 'class="merchantContact"', '</h', '<br />', false, 0, false); if ($Addresses !== false) { $Addresses = array($Addresses); } if ($Addresses === false) { $Addresses = array(); } } else { $Addresses = FindSubData($Data, '<strong>Locations', '</strong>', '<p', false, 0, false); if ($Addresses === false) { $Addresses = FindSubData($Data, 'locations:</strong>', '</p>', '<p', false, 0, false); } if ($Addresses !== false) { $Addresses = explode('<br /><br />', $Addresses); } if ($Addresses === false) { $Addresses = array(); } } $Locations = array(); foreach ($Addresses as &$Adr) { if (!is_null($Adr) && $Adr != '') { $Locations[] = array(CleanHTML($Adr), 0, 0); } } if (count($Locations) == 0) { $Locations[] = array(null, 0, 0); } //Side deals $Last = $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $MoreDeals = array(); $Start = stripos($Data, '"/deals/'); while ($Start !== false) { $New = FindData($Data, '"/deals/', '"', 1, 0, false, $Start, false); if ($New !== false && $New != $Last) { $MoreDeals[] = $New; $Last = $New; } $Start = stripos($Data, '"/deals/', $Start + 20); } $TitleFR = ''; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL, null, 'user_locale=fr_CA'); if ($Data !== false) { $TitleFR = FindSubData($Data, 'id="contentDealTitle"', '<h1>', '</h1>', false, 0, false); if ($TitleFR !== false) { $TitleFR = CleanHTML($TitleFR); } } //Save $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = CleanHTML($NewDeal['Title'][0]); if ($TitleFR !== false && $TitleFR != '') { $RData['Title-fr'] = $TitleFR; } $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0] + (double) $NewDeal['Savings'][0]; $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $StoreName; $RData['Website'] = $Website; $RData['Locations'] = $Locations; if (count($MoreDeals) > 0) { $RData['Deals'] = $MoreDeals; } return array(true, array($RData)); }
public function GetDivisionData($SRID, $URL, $LID, $TZ, $Sub = false, $WebD = false) { global $DebugMode; list($Data, $DURL) = GetWebData('' . $URL, null, 'seen-roadblock=1'); if ($Data === false) { return array(SysLogIt('Error getting web data.', StatusError), null); } if ($DebugMode) { file_put_contents("LivingSocial.txt", "" . $URL . chr(13) . chr(10) . chr(13) . chr(10) . $Data); } if (stripos($Data, 'More Cities - LivingSocial') !== false) { return array(true, false); } $NewDeal = array("ID" => array(0, 'og:url', '/deals/', '-', true), "Title" => array('', 'class="deal-title"', '<p>', '</p>', false), "Website" => array('', 'id="sfwt_full_1"', 'href="', '"', false), "PriceSale" => array('', 'class="deal-price', '</span>', '</div>', false), "PercOff" => array(0, 'id="percentage"', '>', '%', true), "StoreName" => array('', 'class="deal-title"', '<h1>', '</h1>', false), "Description" => array('', 'id="sfwt_full_1"', '<p>', '</p>', false), "Address" => array('', '<span class="street_1"', '>', '|', false, true), "Phone" => array('', 'class="phone"', '>', '<', false, true)); if (!GetNewDealData($Data, $NewDeal)) { return array(SysLogIt('Error finding key deal information.', StatusError), null); } $StartDate = time(); $VExpiry = FindData($Data, 'expires on ', '</p>', 11, 3, false, 0, false); $VExpiry = $VExpiry === false ? 0 : strtotime($VExpiry); if ($VExpiry === false) { $VExpiry = 0; } $Expiry = FindData($Data, '<div id="countdown">', '</div>', 20, 0, false, 0, false); if ($Expiry === false) { SysLogIt('No countdown timer found. Switching to secondary detection.'); $Days = FindSubData($Data, '<li class="last">', '<div class="value">', 'day', true); if ($Days === false) { $Days = 0; } $EndDate = mktime(5 - ($TZ + 5), 0, 0, date('n'), date('j') + (date('H') > 5 - ($TZ + 5) ? 1 : 0) + $Days, date('Y')); } else { $ExpParts = explode('<span class="colon">:</span>', $Expiry); foreach ($ExpParts as &$ExpPart) { $ExpPart = FindData($ExpPart, '<span class="num">', '</span>', 18, 0, true); } if ($ExpParts[0] === false || $ExpParts[1] === false || $ExpParts[2] === false) { $EndDate = mktime(5 - ($TZ + 5), 0, 0, date('n'), date('j') + (date('H') > 5 - ($TZ + 5)) ? 1 : 0, date('Y')); } else { $EndDate = mktime(date('H') + $ExpParts[0], date('i') + $ExpParts[1], date('s') + $ExpParts[2], date('n'), date('j'), date('Y')); } } $Address = null; if ($NewDeal['Address'][0] !== false) { $Address = CleanHTML($NewDeal['Address'][0]); } //if ($NewDeal['Phone'][0] !== false) $Address .= $NewDeal['Phone'][0]; if ($Address == '') { $Address = null; } $Coords = FindData($Data, 'maps?q=', '"', 7, 0, false, 0, false); if ($Coords !== false) { $Coords = explode(',', $Coords); if ($Coords === false || count($Coords) != 2) { $Coords = array(0, 0); } } else { $Coords = array(0, 0); } $RData = array(); $RData['DRID'] = $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Title'] = $NewDeal['Title'][0] . ' - ' . $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Descr'] = $NewDeal['Description'][0]; $RData['URL'] = '' . $NewDeal['ID'][0]; $RData['Price'] = (double) $NewDeal['PriceSale'][0]; $RData['Value'] = (double) ($NewDeal['PriceSale'][0] / (1 - $NewDeal['PercOff'][0] / 100)); $RData['Status'] = 0; $RData['SDate'] = $StartDate; $RData['EDate'] = $EndDate; $RData['VDate'] = $VExpiry; $RData['StoreName'] = $NewDeal['StoreName'][0]; $RData['Website'] = $NewDeal['Website'][0]; $RData['Locations'] = array(array($Address, $Coords[0], $Coords[1])); return array(true, array($RData)); }