function Do_rules_Add() { if (empty($_POST['heading']) || empty($_POST['body']) || strlen($_POST['heading']) > 100) { Do_Error("Error", "Field is blank or length too long!"); } $cat_id = (int) $_POST['cat']; if (!is_valid_id($cat_id)) { Do_Error("Error", "No heading"); } $heading = sqlesc(strip_tags($_POST['heading'])); $body = sqlesc(strip_tags($_POST['body'])); $sql = "INSERT INTO rules (cid, heading, body, ctime) VALUES ({$cat_id}, {$heading}, {$body}, UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+(3600*24*3))"; @mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_affected_rows() == -1) { stderr("Warning", "Couldn't forefill that request"); } stdhead("Add New heading"); New_rules_Form(1); stdfoot(); exit; }
function Show_Cat_Edit_Form() { global $lang, $CURUSER; $htmlout = ''; $maxclass = intval($CURUSER['class']); if (!isset($_GET['catid']) || empty($_GET['catid']) || !is_valid_id($_GET['catid'])) { $htmlout .= Do_Error("Error", "No Section selected"); } $cat_id = (int) $_GET['catid']; $sql = sql_query("SELECT * FROM rules_cat WHERE id = " . sqlesc($cat_id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (!mysqli_num_rows($sql)) { stderr("SQL Error", "Nothing doing here!"); } $htmlout .= "<table class='table table-bordered table-striped'>\n <tr>\n <td class='colhead'>Name</td>\n <td class='colhead'>Shortcut</td>\n <td class='colhead'>Min Class</td></tr>"; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql)) { $htmlout .= "<h2>Title No." . intval($row['id']) . "</h2>\n <form name='inputform' method='post' action='staffpanel.php?tool=rules_admin'>\n <input type='hidden' name='mode' value='takeedit_cat' />\n <input type='hidden' name='cat' value='" . intval($row['id']) . "' />\n <tr><td><input type='text' value='" . htmlsafechars($row['name']) . "' name='name' style='width:380px;' /></td>\n <td><input type='text' value='" . htmlsafechars($row['shortcut']) . "' name='shortcut' style='width:380px;' /></td>\n\n <td><select name='min_view'>"; for ($i = 0; $i <= $maxclass; ++$i) { $htmlout .= '<option value="' . $i . '"' . ($row['min_view'] == $i ? " selected='selected'" : "") . '">' . get_user_class_name($i) . '</option>'; } $htmlout .= "</select></td>\n <td colspan='4'><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Edit' class='button' /></td>\n </tr></form>"; } $htmlout .= "</table>"; echo stdhead("Edit options") . $htmlout . stdfoot(); exit; }
function Do_Faq_Add() { if (empty($_POST['question']) || empty($_POST['Answer']) || strlen($_POST['question']) > 100) { Do_Error("Error", "Field is blank or length too long!"); } $cat_id = (int) $_POST['cat']; if (!is_valid_id($cat_id)) { Do_Error("Error", "No category"); } $question = sqlesc(strip_tags($_POST['question'])); $answer = sqlesc(strip_tags($_POST['Answer'])); $sql = "INSERT INTO faq (cid, question, answer, ctime) VALUES ({$cat_id}, {$question}, {$answer}, UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+(3600*24*3))"; @sql_query($sql); if (mysql_affected_rows() == -1) { stderr("Warning", "Couldn't forefill that request"); } stdhead("Add New Category"); New_Faq_Form(1); stdfoot(); exit; }