コード例 #1
ファイル: common.php プロジェクト: Cyberspace-Networks/TGPX
function BuildPages(&$pages, $callback = null, $all = FALSE)
    global $DB, $C, $L;
    // One at a time please
    $wouldblock = FALSE;
    $fd = fopen("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/_build_lock", 'w');
    flock($fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB, $wouldblock);
    if ($wouldblock) {
    // Clear old build history
    $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_build_history` WHERE `date_start` < DATE_ADD(?, INTERVAL -14 DAY)', array(MYSQL_NOW));
    $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_build_history` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array(null, MYSQL_NOW, null, null, count($pages), 0, null));
    $GLOBALS['build_history_id'] = $DB->InsertID();
    if (!preg_match('~^\\d\\d\\d$~', $C['page_permissions'])) {
        $C['page_permissions'] = $GLOBALS['FILE_PERMISSIONS'];
    } else {
        $C['page_permissions'] = octdec('0' . $C['page_permissions']);
    // Clear records of currently used galleries on these pages
    ClearUsedGalleries($pages, $all);
    // Process the clicklog
    // Cache icons
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['ICON_CACHE'])) {
        $GLOBALS['ICON_CACHE'] =& $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tx_icons`', null, 'icon_id');
    // Cache categories by tag
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['CATEGORY_CACHE_TAG'])) {
        $GLOBALS['CATEGORY_CACHE_TAG'] =& $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tx_categories` ORDER BY `name`', null, 'tag');
    // Cache categories by id
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['CATEGORY_CACHE_ID'])) {
        $GLOBALS['CATEGORY_CACHE_ID'] =& $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tx_categories`', null, 'category_id');
        $GLOBALS['CATEGORY_CACHE_ID'][''] = array('name' => $L['MIXED'], 'category_id' => 0);
    // Cache sponsors by id
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['SPONSOR_CACHE'])) {
        $GLOBALS['SPONSOR_CACHE'] =& $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tx_sponsors`', null, 'sponsor_id');
    // Clear data on galleries used during the previous build
    $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_gallery_used` SET `this_build`=0,`new`=0');
    // Remove galleries scheduled for deletion
    $result = $DB->Query('SELECT * FROM `tx_galleries` WHERE `date_deletion` <= ?', array(MYSQL_NOW));
    while ($gallery = $DB->NextRow($result)) {
        DeleteGallery($gallery['gallery_id'], $gallery);
    // Delete old submitted galleries that are currently holding
    $result = $DB->Query('SELECT * FROM `tx_galleries` WHERE `status`=? AND `type`=? AND `date_displayed` <= SUBDATE(?, INTERVAL ? DAY)', array('holding', 'submitted', MYSQL_NOW, $C['submitted_hold']));
    while ($gallery = $DB->NextRow($result)) {
        DeleteGallery($gallery['gallery_id'], $gallery);
    // Rotate permanent galleries from holding back to approved queue
    $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_galleries` SET ' . "`status`='approved', " . "`date_displayed`=NULL, " . "`build_counter`=IF(?, 0, `build_counter`), " . "`used_counter`=IF(?, 0, `used_counter`), " . "`clicks`=IF(?, 0, `clicks`) " . "WHERE `status`='holding' AND `type`='permanent' AND `date_displayed` <= SUBDATE(?, INTERVAL ? DAY)", array(intval($C['reset_on_rotate']), intval($C['reset_on_rotate']), intval($C['reset_on_rotate']), MYSQL_NOW, $C['permanent_hold']));
    // Count total thumbs and galleries
    $GLOBALS['_totals'] = $DB->Row("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `galleries`,SUM(`thumbnails`) AS `thumbnails` FROM `tx_galleries` WHERE `status` IN ('approved','used')");
    $GLOBALS['_totals']['categories'] = count($GLOBALS['CATEGORY_CACHE_ID']) - 1;
    // Build each page
    foreach ($pages as $page) {
        $page_all = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tx_pages` WHERE `page_id`=?', array($page['page_id']));
        if ($page_all['locked'] && !$GLOBALS['override_page_lock']) {
        if ($callback) {
            call_user_func($callback, $page_all);
        $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_gallery_used_page`');
        $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_ads_used_page`');
        $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_build_history` SET `current_page_url`=? WHERE `history_id`=?', array($page_all['page_url'], $GLOBALS['build_history_id']));
        $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_build_history` SET `pages_built`=`pages_built`+1 WHERE `history_id`=?', array($GLOBALS['build_history_id']));
    // Mark newly selected galleries as used
    // Update counters for galleries used this build
    $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_galleries` JOIN `tx_gallery_used` USING (`gallery_id`) SET ' . '`build_counter`=`build_counter`+1, ' . '`used_counter`=`used_counter`+1, ' . '`times_selected`=IF(`new`=1, `times_selected`+1, `times_selected`), ' . '`status`=?, ' . '`date_displayed`=IF(`new`=1, ?, `date_displayed`) ' . 'WHERE `this_build`=1', array('used', MYSQL_NOW));
    // Move no longer used galleries to holding queue (or rotate back to approved if permanent holding period is 0)
    if ($C['permanent_hold'] == 0) {
        $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_galleries` LEFT JOIN `tx_gallery_used` USING (`gallery_id`) SET ' . "`status`=IF(`type`='permanent', 'approved', 'holding'), " . "`date_displayed`=IF(`type`='permanent', NULL, `date_displayed`), " . "`date_approved`=IF(`type`='permanent', NULL, `date_approved`), " . "`date_scheduled`=IF(`type`='permanent', NULL, `date_scheduled`), " . "`build_counter`=IF(`type`='permanent', IF(?, 0, `build_counter`+1), `build_counter`+1), " . "`used_counter`=IF(`type`='permanent', IF(?, 0, `used_counter`), `used_counter`), " . "`clicks`=IF(`type`='permanent', IF(?, 0, `clicks`), `clicks`) " . "WHERE `status`='used' AND `page_id` IS NULL", array(intval($C['reset_on_rotate']), intval($C['reset_on_rotate']), intval($C['reset_on_rotate']), 'used'));
    } else {
        $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_galleries` LEFT JOIN `tx_gallery_used` USING (`gallery_id`) SET `status`=?,`build_counter`=`build_counter`+1 WHERE `status`=? AND `page_id` IS NULL', array('holding', 'used'));
    $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_build_history` SET `date_end`=?,`current_page_url`=NULL WHERE `history_id`=?', array(gmdate(DF_DATETIME, TimeWithTz()), $GLOBALS['build_history_id']));
    flock($fd, LOCK_UN);
    @chmod("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/_build_lock", 0666);
コード例 #2
ファイル: ajax.php プロジェクト: Cyberspace-Networks/TGPX
function txCategoryDelete()
    global $DB, $json, $C;
    VerifyPrivileges(P_CATEGORY_REMOVE, TRUE);
    if (!is_array($_REQUEST['category_id'])) {
        $_REQUEST['category_id'] = array($_REQUEST['category_id']);
    foreach ($_REQUEST['category_id'] as $category_id) {
        $category = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tx_categories` WHERE `category_id`=?', array($category_id));
        // Find all of the galleries in this category
        $result = $DB->Query('SELECT * FROM `tx_galleries` WHERE MATCH(`categories`) AGAINST (? IN BOOLEAN MODE)', array($category['tag']));
        while ($gallery = $DB->NextRow($result)) {
            $gallery['categories'] = RemoveCategoryTag($category['tag'], $gallery['categories']);
            // Delete the gallery if it is not also located in another category
            if ($gallery['categories'] == MIXED_CATEGORY) {
                DeleteGallery($gallery['gallery_id'], $gallery);
            } else {
                $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_galleries` SET `categories`=? WHERE `gallery_id`=?', array($gallery['categories'], $gallery['gallery_id']));
        // Remove the category
        $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_categories` WHERE `category_id`=?', array($category_id));
        // Remove pages associated with this category
        $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_pages` WHERE `category_id`=?', array($category['category_id']));
    echo $json->encode(array('status' => JSON_SUCCESS, 'message' => 'The selected categories have been deleted'));
コード例 #3
ファイル: scanner.php プロジェクト: Cyberspace-Networks/TGPX
function ProcessGallery(&$gallery, &$scan, &$exception)
    global $configuration, $exceptions, $penalties, $DB, $config_id, $history_id;
    $removed = FALSE;
    $message = '';
    $penalty = 0x0;
    $reasons = array('connect' => "Connection error: {$scan['errstr']}", 'forward' => "Redirecting URL: {$scan['status']}", 'broken' => "Broken URL: {$scan['status']}", 'blacklist' => "Blacklisted data: " . htmlspecialchars($scan['blacklist_item']), 'norecip' => "No reciprocal link found", 'no2257' => "No 2257 code found", 'excessivelinks' => "Too many links found on the gallery: {$scan['links']}", 'thumbchange' => "Thumbnail count has changed from {$gallery['thumbnails_old']} to {$scan['thumbnails']}", 'pagechange' => "Page content has changed", 'content_server' => 'The gallery content is not hosted on the same server as the gallery', 'badformat' => 'The gallery format is not allowed in this category');
    // Determine the most strict penalty based on the infractions that were found
    foreach ($exceptions as $key => $value) {
        if ($exception & $value && $configuration['action_' . $key] >= $penalty) {
            $message = $reasons[$key];
            $penalty = intval($configuration['action_' . $key], 16);
    // Blacklist
    if ($penalty & $penalties['blacklist']) {
        $action = 'Blacklisted';
        $removed = TRUE;
        DeleteGallery($gallery['gallery_id'], $gallery);
        // Update history
        $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_scanner_history` SET `exceptions`=`exceptions`+1,`blacklisted`=`blacklisted`+1 WHERE `history_id`=?', array($history_id));
    } else {
        if ($penalty & $penalties['delete']) {
            $action = 'Deleted';
            $removed = TRUE;
            DeleteGallery($gallery['gallery_id'], $gallery);
            // Update history
            $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_scanner_history` SET `exceptions`=`exceptions`+1,`deleted`=`deleted`+1 WHERE `history_id`=?', array($history_id));
        } else {
            if ($penalty & $penalties['disable']) {
                $action = 'Disabled';
                // Don't re-disable a gallery
                if ($gallery['status'] != 'disabled') {
                    //$DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_galleries` SET `status`=?,`admin_comments`=? WHERE `gallery_id`=?', array('disabled', $message, $gallery['gallery_id']));
                    $gallery['previous_status'] = $gallery['status'];
                    $gallery['status'] = 'disabled';
                    $gallery['admin_comments'] = $message;
                // Update history
                $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_scanner_history` SET `exceptions`=`exceptions`+1,`disabled`=`disabled`+1 WHERE `history_id`=?', array($history_id));
            } else {
                if ($penalty & $penalties['report']) {
                    $action = 'Unchanged';
                    // Update history
                    $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_scanner_history` SET `exceptions`=`exceptions`+1 WHERE `history_id`=?', array($history_id));
                } else {
                    // Do nothing
                    $exception = 0x0;
                    return $removed;
    $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_scanner_results` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array($config_id, $gallery['gallery_id'], $gallery['gallery_url'], $scan['status'], gmdate(DF_DATETIME, TimeWithTz()), $action, $message));
    return $removed;
コード例 #4
function &DeletePartner($username, $partner = null)
    global $DB;
    if ($partner == null) {
        $partner = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tx_partners` WHERE `username`=?', array($username));
    if ($partner) {
        // Remove this partner's galleries
        $result = $DB->Query('SELECT * FROM `tx_galleries` WHERE `partner`=?', array($partner['username']));
        while ($gallery = $DB->NextRow($result)) {
            DeleteGallery($gallery['gallery_id'], $gallery);
        $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_partners` WHERE `username`=?', array($partner['username']));
        $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_partner_icons` WHERE `username`=?', array($partner['username']));
        $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_partner_fields` WHERE `username`=?', array($partner['username']));
    return $partner;
コード例 #5
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hackingman/TGPX
function txGalleryImport()
    global $DB, $C;
    $defaults = array('gallery_url' => null, 'description' => null, 'keywords' => null, 'thumbnails' => 0, 'email' => $C['from_email'], 'nickname' => null, 'weight' => $C['gallery_weight'], 'clicks' => 0, 'submit_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'gallery_ip' => '', 'sponsor_id' => !empty($_REQUEST['sponsor']) ? $_REQUEST['sponsor'] : null, 'type' => $_REQUEST['type'], 'format' => $_REQUEST['format'], 'status' => $_REQUEST['status'], 'previous_status' => null, 'date_scanned' => null, 'date_added' => MYSQL_NOW, 'date_approved' => null, 'date_scheduled' => null, 'date_displayed' => null, 'date_deletion' => null, 'partner' => null, 'administrator' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], 'admin_comments' => null, 'page_hash' => null, 'has_recip' => 0, 'has_preview' => 0, 'allow_scan' => 1, 'allow_preview' => 1, 'times_selected' => 0, 'used_counter' => 0, 'build_counter' => 0, 'tags' => null, 'categories' => null, 'preview_url' => null, 'dimensions' => null);
    $v = new Validator();
    if (empty($_REQUEST['type']) && !in_array('type', $_REQUEST['fields'])) {
        $v->SetError('You indicated that the gallery type should come from the import data, but that field has not been defined');
    if (empty($_REQUEST['format']) && !in_array('format', $_REQUEST['fields'])) {
        $v->SetError('You indicated that the gallery format should come from the import data, but that field has not been defined');
    // Make sure only one of each field is submitted
    $field_counts = array_count_values($_REQUEST['fields']);
    foreach ($field_counts as $field_name => $field_count) {
        if ($field_name != 'IGNORE' && $field_count > 1) {
            $v->SetError("The {$field_name} field has been specified more than once");
    if (!$v->Validate()) {
        return $v->ValidationError('txShGalleryImportAnalyze');
    // Create/empty log files for skipped galleries
    FileWrite("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/skipped-cat.txt", '');
    FileWrite("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/skipped-dupe.txt", '');
    // Initialize variables
    $imported = 0;
    $duplicates = 0;
    $no_matching_cat = 0;
    $lines = file(SafeFilename("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/{$_REQUEST['filename']}"));
    $sponsors =& $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tx_sponsors`', null, 'name');
    $partners = array();
    $columns = $DB->GetColumns('tx_gallery_fields');
    foreach ($lines as $line_number => $line) {
        $line = trim($line);
        if (IsEmptyString($line)) {
        $data = explode('|', $line);
        $gallery = array();
        foreach ($_REQUEST['fields'] as $index => $field) {
            $gallery[$field] = trim($data[$index]);
        $gallery = array_merge($defaults, $gallery);
        // Check for and handle duplicates
        $dupes =& $DB->FetchAll('SELECT `gallery_id` FROM `tx_galleries` WHERE `gallery_url`=?', array($gallery['gallery_url']));
        if (count($dupes) > 0) {
            switch ($_REQUEST['duplicates']) {
                case 'replace':
                    // Remove existing so it can be replaced with new
                    foreach ($dupes as $dupe) {
                case 'allow':
                    // Allow duplicate galleries, so do nothing here
                    // Go to next line if this is a duplicate
                    FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/skipped-dupe.txt", sprintf("%-6d %s", $line_number, $line));
                    continue 2;
        // Check for valid categories
        $skipped = array();
        $category_tags = CategoryTagsFromList($gallery['categories'], $skipped);
        if ($category_tags == MIXED_CATEGORY) {
            switch ($_REQUEST['bad_category']) {
                case 'create':
                    if (IsEmptyString($gallery['categories'])) {
                        FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/skipped-cat.txt", sprintf("%-6d %s", $line_number, $line));
                        continue 2;
                    $category_tags = CreateCategories($gallery['categories']);
                case 'force':
                    $category_tags = MIXED_CATEGORY . " " . $_REQUEST['forced_category'];
                    FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/skipped-cat.txt", sprintf("%-6d %s", $line_number, $line));
                    continue 2;
        if (count($skipped) && $_REQUEST['bad_category'] == 'create') {
            $category_tags = join(' ', array_unique(array($category_tags, CreateCategories($gallery['categories']))));
        // Setup the sponsor
        if (empty($_REQUEST['sponsor']) && $_REQUEST['add_sponsor'] && $gallery['sponsor_id'] != null && !isset($sponsors[$gallery['sponsor_id']])) {
            $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_sponsors` VALUES (?,?,?)', array(null, $gallery['sponsor_id'], null));
            $sponsors[$gallery['sponsor_id']]['sponsor_id'] = $DB->InsertID();
            $gallery['sponsor_id'] = $sponsors[$gallery['sponsor_id']]['sponsor_id'];
        } else {
            if (empty($_REQUEST['sponsor']) && $gallery['sponsor_id'] != null && isset($sponsors[$gallery['sponsor_id']])) {
                $gallery['sponsor_id'] = $sponsors[$gallery['sponsor_id']]['sponsor_id'];
        // Check for valid format
        $gallery['format'] = strtolower($gallery['format']);
        if (!in_array($gallery['format'], array('pictures', 'movies'))) {
            $gallery['format'] = 'pictures';
        // Check for valid type
        $gallery['type'] = strtolower($gallery['type']);
        if (!in_array($gallery['type'], array('submitted', 'permanent'))) {
            $gallery['type'] = 'submitted';
        // Check date scheduled for errors
        if ($gallery['date_scheduled'] != null && !preg_match(RE_DATETIME, $gallery['date_scheduled'])) {
            $gallery['date_scheduled'] = null;
        // Check date of deletion for errors
        if ($gallery['date_deletion'] != null && !preg_match(RE_DATETIME, $gallery['date_deletion'])) {
            $gallery['date_deletion'] = null;
        // Has a preview thumbnail
        if (!empty($gallery['preview_url'])) {
            $gallery['has_preview'] = 1;
        // Add regular fields
        $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_galleries` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array(null, $gallery['gallery_url'], $gallery['description'], FormatSpaceSeparated($gallery['keywords']), $gallery['thumbnails'], $gallery['email'], $gallery['nickname'], $gallery['weight'], $gallery['clicks'], $gallery['submit_ip'], $gallery['gallery_ip'], $gallery['sponsor_id'], $gallery['type'], $gallery['format'], $gallery['status'], $gallery['previous_status'], $gallery['date_scanned'], $gallery['date_added'], $gallery['date_approved'], $gallery['date_scheduled'], $gallery['date_displayed'], $gallery['date_deletion'], $gallery['partner'], $gallery['administrator'], $gallery['admin_comments'], $gallery['page_hash'], $gallery['has_recip'], $gallery['has_preview'], $gallery['allow_scan'], $gallery['allow_preview'], $gallery['times_selected'], $gallery['used_counter'], $gallery['build_counter'], FormatSpaceSeparated($gallery['tags']), $category_tags));
        $gallery['gallery_id'] = $DB->InsertID();
        // Add user defined fields
        $query_data = CreateUserInsert('tx_gallery_fields', $gallery, $columns);
        $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_gallery_fields` VALUES (' . $query_data['bind_list'] . ')', $query_data['binds']);
        // Has a preview thumbnail
        if (!empty($gallery['preview_url'])) {
            $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_gallery_previews` VALUES (?,?,?,?)', array(null, $gallery['gallery_id'], $gallery['preview_url'], $gallery['dimensions']));
        // Add icons
        if (!IsEmptyString($gallery['icons'])) {
            foreach (explode(',', $gallery['icons']) as $icon) {
                $icon = trim($icon);
                if (!empty($icon)) {
                    $icon_id = $DB->Count('SELECT `icon_id` FROM `tx_icons` WHERE `identifier`=?', array($icon));
                    if ($icon_id) {
                        $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_gallery_icons` VALUES (?,?)', array($gallery['gallery_id'], $icon_id));
        if (!empty($gallery['partner'])) {
            // Add partner icons
            $partner_icons =& $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tx_partner_icons` WHERE `username`=?', array($gallery['partner']));
            foreach ($partner_icons as $icon) {
                $DB->Update('REPLACE INTO `tx_gallery_icons` VALUES (?,?)', array($gallery['gallery_id'], $icon['icon_id']));
    StoreValue('last_import', serialize($_REQUEST['fields']));
    // Update partner submit counts
    foreach ($partners as $username => $amount) {
        $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_partners` SET `submitted`=`submitted`+? WHERE `username`=?', array($amount, $username));
    $GLOBALS['message'] = "A total of {$imported} galleries have been imported<br />" . "<a href=\"index.php?r=txShSkippedImport&type=dupe\" class=\"window {title: 'Skipped Galleries'}\">{$duplicates} galleries</a> were skipped because they were duplicates<br />" . "<a href=\"index.php?r=txShSkippedImport&type=cat\" class=\"window {title: 'Skipped Galleries'}\">{$no_matching_cat} galleries</a> were skipped because they did not fit into an existing category";