function fmt($f) { $f2 = fmkt($f); if ($f2 == 2000000000) { null; } else { $f2++; } if (Touch($f, $f2)) { return $f2; } else { Db("touch:{$f}", null, '1'); } }
function ew_GetConnectionType($dbid = 0) { $db = Db($dbid); if ($db) { return $db["type"]; } elseif (ew_SameText($dbid, "MYSQL")) { return "MYSQL"; } elseif (ew_SameText($dbid, "POSTGRESQL")) { return "POSTGRESQL"; } elseif (ew_SameText($dbid, "ORACLE")) { return "ORACLE"; } elseif (ew_SameText($dbid, "ACCESS")) { return "ACCESS"; } elseif (ew_SameText($dbid, "MSSQL")) { return "MSSQL"; } return FALSE; }
function CacheInit($N = 0) { static $t; timelong('cache'); if ($_POST || e('nocache,toolong,badurl', 1) || isset($_COOKIE['nocache']) or !isgoodurl(SU) || preg_match('#administrator#', U)) { return; } #$apc=1;#IF(ereg('!R22',u))@unlink(cachepath); if (headers_sent($f, $line)) { e(',headersent:' . $f . '/' . $line); Db("headers!{$f},{$line}"); } #-algo de compression non reconnu car ligne 1063 #AV('cacheinti',$_POST,'nocache:'.e(',nocache',1),'headersent:'.e(',headersent',1),$_COOKIE['nocache'],'goodurl:'.isgoodurl(SU)); if (!defined('REWRITE') && ($t && RS == 404)) { R404(); } #Si la page doit ordinairement retourner une erreur 404 -- problème de certains rewritings sur erreur 404 --- Db("cache404".SU);-la génération de l'erreur 404 est passée par qqch[QUERY_STRING] => x=404 if ($t && ob_get_length() == 0) { return; } #appel de trop #if(ereg("go=",q)){ob_end_clean();$u=str_replace('?go=1','',SU);@unlink(cachepath);R301($u,3);} #$apc=1;gt('apc1');if(apc_exists($a))$apc=1;gt('apc2'); $a = str_replace(TMP . 'cache/', '', CACHEPATH); if ($apc && bots) { GT('apcgetcache-bots'); kill(APCG($a)); } #ram if ($apc && isgoodurl()) { Gt('apcread-start'); $_ENV['cacheread'] = 1; $x = APCG($a); Gt('apcread-get'); echo $x; kill("<!--readapccache:{$_ENV['lasttime']}ms-->"); } #str_replace(TMP,SHM,CACHEPATH), $path = array(CACHEPATH); Array_unique($path); #Mem en préférence foreach ($path as $cachepath) { if ($_ENV['yt']['erasecache'] && H == '' && !J9) { e(',erasecache'); @unlink($cachepath); continue; } if (is_file(DR . '.lastmod.db') && is_file($cachepath)) { if (filemtime(DR . '.lastmod.db') > filectime($cachepath)) { unlink($cachepath); } } #pour le joomla#cma-lib-joo-datab-datab-mysqli:391 if (is_file($cachepath)) { r304($cachepath); $fs = Filesize($cachepath); if (bots || isgoodurl() && $fs > 100 && filemtime($cachepath) > $_ENV['expires']) { $_ENV['cacheread'] = 1; e(',cacheread,die,noperf,' . $cachepath . ',cachesize:' . $fs); Gt('cachepath:read:0'); #ob_end_clean(); #if(H==''){$x=utf2a(file_get_contents($cachepath));echo $x;}else{ readfile($cachepath); #78,18,25 $x=FGC($cachepath);echo$x); Gt("cachepath:read:1:size:{$fs}"); header('A: cacheread:' . $_ENV['lasttime'], 1); die; } } } #ob_end_clean(); was taking the more time #écriture $cachepath = Re($_ENV['c']['htmlcache'][0], CACHEPATH); #html local override #e(',t:'.$t.','.$cachepath); #unlink $path=Array(str_replace(TMP,SHM,CACHEPATH),CACHEPATH);A if ($t) { GT('cache:write'); $page = ob_get_contents(); #GT('flush:0');ob_flush();gt('flush:1'); #ob_get_flush,ob_get_clean $exp = NOW + $_ENV['lasttime'] * $_ENV['c']['cachetime']; e('die,noperf,cachesize:' . strlen($page) . ',' . $_ENV['lasttime'] . ',' . Date('Y-m-d H', $exp)); if ($_ENV['c']['htmlcache'][0]) { Av($_ENV['c']['htmlcache']); #manuellement déterminé foreach ($path as $v) { @unlink($v); } #unlink tous fichiers de cache antérieurs $page = $_ENV['c']['htmlcache'][1] . $page . $_ENV['c']['htmlcache'][2] . '<?kill();?>'; #Ya } if ($_ENV['lasttime'] > 0.3 || strlen($page) > 50000) { # #$cachepath=str_replace(TMP,SHM,$cachepath);e(',shm'); if ($apc) { $apc = 2; APCP($a, $page); gt('apc-write'); } } if ($apc != 2) { FPC($cachepath, $page); Touch($cachepath, $exp); r304($exp); } #if(GT()>500)Dbt();chown($cachepath,'www-data'); #uniquement si owner = the same :) #if(h=='')av(cachepath,$exp); #Gt('echo page');echo $page;Gt('echo page-done'); header('Acachegen: ' . $_ENV['lasttime']); die; } if (!$t) { $t = 1; if (!$_ENV['expires']) { $_ENV['expires'] = now; } GT('cache:init'); } #sinon initialisation du cache }