コード例 #1
ファイル: func_stat.php プロジェクト: robmat/samplebator
	# this calculates the ranking points of all players who belong
	# to a specific LEAGUE-Group $fedagroup FEDA (MIXED or DAMEN)
	# a) retrieve all legs belonging to this listnumber form all events for the specified period
	# b) check on legacy table and include data
	# v2.6 incl current league in report
	*	v3 changed to fit into ls_statsadmin - produce minimal output ...
	*	v4 changed and removed the team - event strings ...
	*			includes all events of this statgroup not only active events
	* v5  extended by the API_RS model
	* v5 reM: works only on 501 legs !!
function generateStaticFEDAStatisticEntries($feda_stat_group, $indexdate, $writeToDB = 'no')
    global $user, $dbi;
    $fromdate = fnc_date_calc($indexdate, -365);
     * Rangliste berechnet aus allen Spielen von $fromdate bis $indexdate
     * we query after all players from all events belonging to this statgroup ...
     * this returns really ALL players who have ever played in this group (active + non-active events ..)
     * No sense to include the teams+events here, since there could be multiple ...
     * this returns multiple records for each player ....
    $RS = DB_listEventStatGroupPlayers($dbi, $feda_stat_group);
    $aTH = array("Vorname", "Nachname", "Scorezahl", "Checkzahl", "Gesamtzahl", "Legs", "Spiele");
    debug("Calculating actual stat values for " . count($RS) . " Players");
    echo ArrayToTableHead($aTH);
    foreach ($RS as $p) {
        # get legs per player - calc - and sum up, att. here we can have multiple player entries
        #	the recordset is sorted by PID ...
        $sumScore = 0;
        $sumCheck = 0;
        $CountScore = 0;
        $CountCheck = 0;
        $scoreindex = 0;
        $checkindex = 0;
        # LEGACY data from pre system times
        $legqry = "select lxid,lxdate,lxrscore,lxrest,lxrcheck from tbllegx where lxpid={$p['0']} and lxevlist={$feda_stat_group} and lxdate<'{$indexdate}' and lxdate>'{$fromdate}' and lxrscore>0 order by lxdate asc";
        $Lrecord = sql_query($legqry, $dbi);
        while (list($lxid, $lxdate, $lxrscore, $lxrest, $lxrcheck) = sql_fetch_row($Lrecord, $dbi)) {
            $idx = "";
            $idx = retFEDAIndexZahlperLeg(501, $lxrscore, $lxrest, $lxrcheck, $iTEST);
            list($a, $b, $c) = split(":", $idx);
            # values of -1 indicate failure
            if ($a > -1) {
                $sumScore = $sumScore + $a;
                $CountScore = $CountScore + 1;
            if ($b > -1) {
                $sumCheck = $sumCheck + $b;
                $CountCheck = $CountCheck + 1;
        # structured data from League-System
        $LEGS = DB_listLegsFromPeriod($dbi, 0, 0, $feda_stat_group, $fromdate, $indexdate, $p[0]);
        # lid,lroundscore,lscore,lroundcheck,gid,mid,mround,mdate ##
        $gamecount = 0;
        $lastgid = 0;
        foreach ($LEGS as $L) {
            if ($lastgid != $L[4]) {
                $gamecount = $gamecount + 1;
            $idx = "";
            $idx = retFEDAIndexZahlperLeg(501, $L[1], 501 - $L[2], $L[3]);
            list($a, $b, $c) = split(":", $idx);
            # values of -1 indicate failure
            if ($a > -1) {
                $sumScore = $sumScore + $a;
                $CountScore = $CountScore + 1;
            if ($b > -1) {
                $sumCheck = $sumCheck + $b;
                $CountCheck = $CountCheck + 1;
            $lastgid = $L[4];
         * calculate index by division with countvalues
        if ($CountScore > 0) {
            $scoreindex = $sumScore / $CountScore;
        if ($CountCheck > 0) {
            $checkindex = $sumCheck / $CountCheck;
         * Finally Output into TABLEROW or OUTVAR
         * V3.1 change, since we have ALL players here we have a lot of cases where no actual statval is compiled in this case its zero and
         * we cont store anything ..
        if ($gamecount > 0) {
            echo "<tr><td>{$p['1']}</td><td>{$p['2']}</td><td>" . number_format($scoreindex, 2, '.', '') . "</td><td>" . number_format($checkindex, 2, '.', '') . "</td><td>" . number_format($scoreindex + $checkindex, 2, '.', '') . "</td><td>{$CountScore}</td><td>{$gamecount}</td></tr>";
            if ($writeToDB == 'yes') {
                $qry = "insert into tblstat(statid,statdate,statcode,statval,statpid,statgames,statlegs) values(0,'{$indexdate}',{$feda_stat_group}," . number_format($scoreindex + $checkindex, 2, '.', '') . ",{$p['0']},{$gamecount},{$CountScore})";
                $res = sql_query($qry, $dbi);
        } else {
            echo "<tr style=\"color:#ff0000;\"><td>{$p['1']}</td><td>{$p['2']}</td><td>NO DATA</td><td>NO DATA</td><td>NO DATA</td><td></td><td></td></tr>";
コード例 #2
    $start_date = strip_tags($_GET['startdate']);
if (isset($_GET['enddate'])) {
    $end_date = strip_tags($_GET['enddate']);
if (!is_numeric($p_id)) {
    return 0;
if (!is_numeric($event_code)) {
    return 0;
if (!is_numeric($stat_code)) {
    return 0;
if (!is_numeric($event_group)) {
    return 0;
if (strlen($start_date) > 12) {
    return 0;
if (strlen($end_date) > 12) {
    return 0;
$dbi = sql_connect($dbhost, $dbuname, $dbpass, $dbname);
#echo $event_code.":".$event_group.":".$stat_code.":".$start_date.":".$end_date.":".$p_id;
$RS = DB_listLegsFromPeriod($dbi, $event_code, $event_group, $stat_code, $start_date, $end_date, $p_id);
$ROWS = RecordsetToCSV($RS);
header('Content-Type: application/text; charset=ISO-8859-1');
echo $ROWS;