コード例 #1
function CopyDirectory($srcdir, $destdir)
    if (substr($srcdir, -1) == "/") {
        $srcdir = substr($srcdir, 0, -1);
    if (substr($destdir, -1) == "/") {
        $destdir = substr($destdir, 0, -1);
    $dir = opendir($srcdir);
    if ($dir) {
        while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
            if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
                if (is_dir($srcdir . "/" . $file)) {
                    CopyDirectory($srcdir . "/" . $file, $destdir . "/" . $file);
                } else {
                    if (is_file($srcdir . "/" . $file)) {
                        @copy($srcdir . "/" . $file, $destdir . "/" . $file);
コード例 #2
ファイル: autoresponders.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
	* Copy
	* Copy an autoresponder along with attachments, images etc.
	* @param Int $oldid Autoresponderid of the autoresponder to copy.
	* @see Load
	* @see Create
	* @see CopyDirectory
	* @see Save
	* @return Boolean True if it copied the autoresponder, false otherwise.
	function Copy($oldid=0)
		if ($oldid <= 0) {
			return array(false, false);

		if (!$this->Load($oldid)) {
			return array(false, false);

		$this->name = GetLang('CopyPrefix') . $this->name;

		$newid = $this->Create();
		if (!$newid) {
			return array(false, false);


		$this->createdate = $this->GetServerTime();

		$olddir = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/autoresponders/' . $oldid;
		$newdir = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/autoresponders/' . $newid;

		$status = CopyDirectory($olddir, $newdir);

		$this->textbody = str_replace('autoresponders/' . $oldid, 'autoresponders/' . $newid, $this->textbody);
		$this->htmlbody = str_replace('autoresponders/' . $oldid, 'autoresponders/' . $newid, $this->htmlbody);


		return array(true, $status);
コード例 #3
ファイル: upgrade.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
	 * CopyFiles
	 * @return Void Returns nothing
	function CopyFiles()
					self.parent.parent.location = 'index.php?Page=Upgrade&Step=3';

		$dirs_to_copy = IEM::sessionGet('DirectoriesToCopy');
		if (!$dirs_to_copy) {
			$dirs_to_copy = list_directories($GLOBALS['ROOTDIR'] . 'temp/images', null, true);

			IEM::sessionSet('DirectoriesToCopy', $dirs_to_copy);

			$dirs_copied = array();
			IEM::sessionSet('DirectoriesCopied', $dirs_copied);

			$dirs_not_copied = array();
			IEM::sessionSet('DirectoriesNotCopied', $dirs_not_copied);

		$dirs_to_copy = IEM::sessionGet('DirectoriesToCopy');
		$dirs_copied = IEM::sessionGet('DirectoriesCopied');

		// Check if there is anything to copy
		if (count($dirs_to_copy) == 0) {
					self.parent.parent.location = 'index.php?Page=Upgrade&Step=3';

		if ($dirs_to_copy == $dirs_copied) {

			// copy attachments last. there won't be too many of these so we'll do it all in one step.
			$all_attachments = array();
			$query = "SELECT AttachmentID, AttachmentFilename, AttachmentName FROM " . $GLOBALS['TABLEPREFIX'] . "attachments";
			$result = mysql_query($query);
			while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
				$all_attachments[$row['AttachmentID']] = array('filename' => $row['AttachmentFilename'], 'realname' => $row['AttachmentName']);

			if (!empty($all_attachments)) {
				$query = "select ComposedID, AttachmentIDs from " . $GLOBALS['TABLEPREFIX'] . "composed_emails where attachmentids != ''";
				$result = mysql_query($query);
				while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
					$new_folder = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/newsletters/' . $row['ComposedID'];
					$attachments = explode(':', stripslashes($row['AttachmentIDs']));
					foreach ($attachments as $k => $attachid) {
						$fname = basename($all_attachments[$attachid]['filename']);
						$file = $GLOBALS['ROOTDIR'] . 'temp/attachments/' . $fname;

						$realname = $all_attachments[$attachid]['realname'];
						copy($file, $new_folder . '/' . $realname);

							@chmod($new_folder . '/' . $realname, 0644);

				$query = "select AutoresponderID, AttachmentIDs from " . $GLOBALS['TABLEPREFIX'] . "autoresponders where attachmentids != ''";
				$result = mysql_query($query);
				while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
					$new_folder = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/autoresponders/' . $row['ComposedID'];
					$attachments = explode(':', stripslashes($row['AttachmentIDs']));
					foreach ($attachments as $k => $attachid) {
						$fname = basename($all_attachments[$attachid]['filename']);
						$file = $GLOBALS['ROOTDIR'] . 'temp/attachments/' . $fname;

						$realname = $all_attachments[$attachid]['realname'];
						copy($file, $new_folder . '/' . $realname);

							@chmod($new_folder . '/' . $realname, 0644);
					self.parent.parent.location = 'index.php?Page=Upgrade&Step=3';

		$listProcessed = count($dirs_copied);
		$listTotal = count($dirs_to_copy);
		$percentProcessed = 0;

		foreach ($dirs_to_copy as $p => $dir) {
			if (in_array($dir, $dirs_copied)) {

			$percentProcessed = ceil(($listProcessed / $listTotal)*100);
			echo "<script>\n";
			echo sprintf("self.parent.UpdateStatusReport('%s');", "Files copied: {$listProcessed}/{$listTotal}");
			echo sprintf("self.parent.UpdateStatus('%s', %d);", "Copying directory \\'{$dir}\\' to new location ...", $percentProcessed);
			echo "</script>\n";

			echo 'Copying directory ' . str_replace($GLOBALS['ROOTDIR'], '', $dir) . ' to new location...<br/>';

			$new_dir = str_replace($GLOBALS['ROOTDIR'] . 'temp/images', TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/user', $dir);
			$copied = CopyDirectory($dir, $new_dir);
			if (!$copied) {
				$dirs_not_copied[] = $dir;
				IEM::sessionSet('DirectoriesNotCopied', $dirs_not_copied);
			$dirs_copied[] = $dir;
			IEM::sessionSet('DirectoriesCopied', $dirs_copied);

				setTimeout('window.location="index.php?Page=Upgrade&Action=CopyFiles"', 1);

コード例 #4
ファイル: templates.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
	* Copy
	* Copy a template along with attachments, images etc.
	* @param Int $oldid Templateid of the template to copy.
	* @see Load
	* @see Create
	* @see CopyDirectory
	* @see Save
	* @return Boolean True if it copied the template, false otherwise.
	function Copy($oldid=0)
		$oldid = (int)$oldid;
		if ($oldid <= 0) {
			return array(false, 'No ID');

		if (!$this->Load($oldid)) {
			return array(false, 'Unable to load old template.');

		$this->name = GetLang('CopyPrefix') . $this->name;
		$newid = $this->Create();
		if (!$newid) {
			return array(false, 'Unable to create new template');


		$olddir = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/templates/' . $oldid;
		$newdir = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/templates/' . $newid;

		$status = CopyDirectory($olddir, $newdir);

		$this->textbody = str_replace('templates/' . $oldid, 'templates/' . $newid, $this->textbody);
		$this->htmlbody = str_replace('templates/' . $oldid, 'templates/' . $newid, $this->htmlbody);


		return array(true, $newid, $status);
コード例 #5
    $data = str_replace(array("c:/Apache24/htdocs", "c:/Apache24", "DirectoryIndex index.html", "#ServerName www.example.com:80"), array($apache_docroot, $apache_root, "DirectoryIndex index.html index.php", "ServerName localhost"), $data);
    $pos = strpos($data, "LoadModule xml2enc_module modules/mod_xml2enc.so" . $lineend);
    if ($pos !== false) {
        $pos += strlen("LoadModule xml2enc_module modules/mod_xml2enc.so" . $lineend);
        $data2 = "LoadModule php5_module \"" . $basepath . "php/php5apache2_4.dll\"" . $lineend;
        $data2 .= "AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php" . $lineend;
        $data2 .= $lineend;
        $data2 .= "PHPIniDir \"" . $basepath . "php\"" . $lineend;
        $data = substr($data, 0, $pos) . $data2 . substr($data, $pos);
    file_put_contents($basepath2 . "apache/conf/httpd.conf", $data);
if (!is_dir($basepath2 . "apache/htdocs")) {
    CopyDirectory($basepath2 . "apache/orig-htdocs", $basepath2 . "apache/htdocs");
if (!is_dir($basepath2 . "apache/logs")) {
    CopyDirectory($basepath2 . "apache/orig-logs", $basepath2 . "apache/logs");
// Maria DB.
if (!is_dir($basepath2 . "maria_db/data")) {
    CopyDirectory($basepath2 . "maria_db/orig-data", $basepath2 . "maria_db/data");
if (!is_file($basepath2 . "maria_db/my.ini")) {
    copy($basepath2 . "maria_db/" . $maria_db_config, $basepath2 . "maria_db/my.ini");
// PHP.
if (!is_file($basepath2 . "php/php.ini")) {
    copy($basepath2 . "php/" . $php_config, $basepath2 . "php/php.ini");
echo "Done.\n";
コード例 #6
    $data = str_replace(array("c:/Apache24/htdocs", "c:/Apache24", "DirectoryIndex index.html", "#ServerName www.example.com:80"), array($apache_docroot, $apache_root, "DirectoryIndex index.html index.php", "ServerName localhost"), $data);
    $pos = strpos($data, "LoadModule xml2enc_module modules/mod_xml2enc.so" . $lineend);
    if ($pos !== false) {
        $pos += strlen("LoadModule xml2enc_module modules/mod_xml2enc.so" . $lineend);
        $data2 = "LoadModule php5_module \"" . $basepath . "php/php5apache2_4.dll\"" . $lineend;
        $data2 .= "AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php" . $lineend;
        $data2 .= $lineend;
        $data2 .= "PHPIniDir \"" . $basepath . "php\"" . $lineend;
        $data = substr($data, 0, $pos) . $data2 . substr($data, $pos);
    file_put_contents($basepath2 . "apache/conf/httpd.conf", $data);
if (!is_dir($basepath2 . "apache/htdocs")) {
    CopyDirectory($basepath2 . "apache/orig-htdocs", $basepath2 . "apache/htdocs");
if (!is_dir($basepath2 . "apache/logs")) {
    CopyDirectory($basepath2 . "apache/orig-logs", $basepath2 . "apache/logs");
// MySQL.
if (!is_dir($basepath2 . "mysql/data")) {
    CopyDirectory($basepath2 . "mysql/orig-data", $basepath2 . "mysql/data");
if (!is_file($basepath2 . "mysql/my.ini")) {
    copy($basepath2 . "mysql/" . $mysql_config, $basepath2 . "mysql/my.ini");
// PHP.
if (!is_file($basepath2 . "php/php.ini")) {
    copy($basepath2 . "php/" . $php_config, $basepath2 . "php/php.ini");
echo "Done.\n";
コード例 #7
	* MoveFiles
	* Moves uploaded images from temporary storage under a user's id - to it's final location - under the type and it's id. Eg newsletter/1.
	* @param String $destination The destination (eg newsletter or template).
	* @param Int $id The destinations id.
	* @see CreateDirectory
	* @see list_files
	* @return Boolean Returns false if it can't create the paths or it can't copy the necessary files. Returns true if everything worked ok.
	function MoveFiles($destination=false, $id=0)
		if (!$destination) {return false;}

                if($id <= 0){ return false; }
                $user = IEM::userGetCurrent();
                $tempid = $user->userid . "_tmp";
		$destinationdir = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/' . $destination . '/' . $id;
		$tempdir = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/' . $destination . '/' . $tempid;

                    $createdir = CreateDirectory($destinationdir,TEMP_DIRECTORY,0777);
                    if (!$createdir) {return false;}
		//Get files from the 'temporary' folder, /destination/userid_tmp/, and move them to the final location
                if(CopyDirectory($tempdir, $destinationdir)){remove_directory($tempdir);}
		return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: generate.php プロジェクト: shrknt35/nunit.org
function ProcessImageDirectory($mode)
    echo "<h4>Processing Images</h4>\n<blockquote>\n";
    if ($mode == "docs" || $mode == 'print') {
        CopyFile(NUNIT_IMAGE_DIR, TARGET_IMAGE_DIR, "logo.gif");
        CopyFile(NUNIT_IMAGE_DIR, TARGET_IMAGE_DIR, "langfilter.gif");
        CopyFile(NUNIT_IMAGE_DIR, TARGET_IMAGE_DIR, "bulletOn.gif");
        CopyFile(NUNIT_IMAGE_DIR, TARGET_IMAGE_DIR, "bulletOff.gif");
    } else {
    echo "</blockquote>\n";
コード例 #9
ファイル: general.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
* CopyDirectory
* Copies an entire directory structure from source to destination. Works recursively.
* @param String $source Source directory to copy.
* @param String $destination Destination directory to create and copy to.
* @return Boolean Returns true if all files were worked ok, otherwise false.
function CopyDirectory($source='', $destination='')
	if (!$source || !$destination) {
		return false;

	if (!is_dir($source)) {
		return false;

	if (!CreateDirectory($destination)) {
		return false;

	$files_to_copy = list_files($source, null, true);

	$status = true;

	if (is_array($files_to_copy)) {
		foreach ($files_to_copy as $pos => $name) {
			if (is_array($name)) {
				$dir = $pos;
				$status = CopyDirectory($source . '/' . $dir, $destination . '/' . $dir);

			if (!is_array($name)) {
				$copystatus = copy($source . '/' . $name, $destination . '/' . $name);
				if ($copystatus) {
					chmod($destination . '/' . $name, 0644);
				$status = $copystatus;
		return $status;
	return false;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Functions.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
  * MoveFiles
  * Moves uploaded images from temporary storage under a user's id - to it's final location - under the type and it's id. Eg newsletter/1.
  * @param String $destination The destination (eg newsletter or template).
  * @param Int $id The destinations id.
  * @see CreateDirectory
  * @see list_files
  * @return Boolean Returns false if it can't create the paths or it can't copy the necessary files. Returns true if everything worked ok.
 function MoveFiles($destination = false, $id = 0)
     if (!$destination || !$id) {
         return false;
     $destinationdir = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/' . $destination . '/' . $id;
     $createdir = CreateDirectory($destinationdir);
     if (!$createdir) {
         return false;
     $user = IEM::getCurrentUser();
     $sourcedir = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/user/' . $user->userid;
     $file_list = list_files($sourcedir);
     $dir_list = list_directories($sourcedir);
     if (empty($file_list) && empty($dir_list)) {
         return true;
     $result = true;
     foreach ($file_list as $p => $filename) {
         if (!copy($sourcedir . '/' . $filename, $destinationdir . '/' . $filename)) {
             $result = false;
     if ($result) {
         foreach ($dir_list as $dir) {
             $dirname = str_replace($sourcedir, '', $dir);
             if ($dirname == 'attachments') {
             $copy_dir_result = CopyDirectory($dir, $destinationdir . $dirname);
             if (!$copy_dir_result) {
                 $resut = false;
     return $result;
コード例 #11
} else {
    if ($result["response"]["code"] != 200) {
        DownloadFailed("Error retrieving URL.  Server returned:  " . $result["response"]["code"] . " " . $result["response"]["meaning"]);
$baseurl = $result["url"];
$rows = $html->find("a[href]");
foreach ($rows as $row) {
    if (preg_match('/^\\/downloads\\/releases\\/php-(5\\.5\\.\\d+)-Win32-VC11-x86.zip$/', $row->href, $matches)) {
        echo "Found:  " . $row->href . "\n";
        echo "Latest version:  " . $matches[1] . "\n";
        echo "Currently installed:  " . (isset($installed["php"]) ? $installed["php"] : "Not installed") . "\n";
        if (!isset($installed["php"]) || $matches[1] != $installed["php"]) {
            DownloadAndExtract("php", ConvertRelativeToAbsoluteURL($baseurl, $row->href));
            $extractpath = dirname(FindExtractedFile($stagingpath, "php.exe")) . "/";
            @copy($installpath . "vc_redist/msvcr110.dll", $extractpath . "bin/msvcr110.dll");
            echo "Copying staging files to final location...\n";
            CopyDirectory($extractpath, $installpath . "php");
            echo "Cleaning up...\n";
            $installed["php"] = $matches[1];
            echo "PHP binaries updated to " . $matches[1] . ".\n\n";
echo "Updating finished.\n\n";