msg("error", lang("Access Denied"), lang("You can not perform this action if you are not admin"), "#GOBACK"); } if (!$selected_news) { msg("error", lang('Error!'), lang("You have not specified any articles"), "#GOBACK"); } // -------- $the_selected_news = array(); list($news_file) = detect_source($source); $news = file($news_file); if (preg_match_all("~^(" . join('|', $selected_news) . ")\\|.*\$~m", join('', $news), $this, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($this as $the) { $item = explode('|', $the[0]); $the_selected_news[] = array('id' => $item[NEW_ID], 'date' => date('d-m-Y H:i:s', $item[NEW_ID]), 'title' => htmlspecialchars($item[NEW_TITLE])); } } $CSRF = CSRFMake(); $msg = proc_tpl('mass/chdate'); msg('info', lang('Change Date'), $msg); } elseif ($action == 'dochangedate') { CSRFCheck(); list($news_file, $comm_file) = detect_source($source); $db_news_file = file($news_file); $db_comm_file = file($comm_file); // Sort by ascending foreach ($dates as $id => $date) { $dates[$id] = strtotime($date); } asort($dates); foreach ($dates as $id => $date) { if ($date <= time()) { // Don't touch this news: only change date
$value = ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') ? stripslashes($value) : $value; fwrite($handle, "\${$name} = <<<HTML\n{$value}\nHTML;\n\n\n"); } fwrite($handle, "?>"); fclose($handle); add_to_log($member_db[UDB_NAME], lang('Update templates')); relocation($PHP_SELF . '?action=templates&mod=options&do_template=' . $do_template . '&save=success'); } elseif ($action == "syscon") { if ($member_db[UDB_ACL] != ACL_LEVEL_ADMIN) { msg("error", lang("Access Denied"), lang("You don't have permissions to access this section"), '#GOBACK'); } $bc = 'main/options/options:syscon=config'; if (isset($_REQUEST['message'])) { $bc .= '/=' . lang('Your Configuration Saved'); } $csrf_code = CSRFMake(); function showRow($title = "", $description = "", $field = "") { global $i; if ($i % 2 == 0 and $title != "") { $bg = "bgcolor=#F7F6F4"; } else { $bg = ""; } echo proc_tpl("options/syscon.row", array('bg' => $bg, 'title' => $title, 'field' => $field, 'description' => $description)); $i++; } // Make syscon row function syscon($config_name, $title, $options = null) { global $counter;