コード例 #1
ファイル: profile.php プロジェクト: mistgrass/geeklog-ivywe
function fncComment($id)
    global $_CONF;
    global $_TABLES;
    $order = '';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['order'])) {
        $order = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['order']);
    $mode = '';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['mode'])) {
        $mode = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['mode']);
    $page = 1;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['cpage'])) {
        $page = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['cpage']);
    $tbl = $_TABLES['USERBOX_base'];
    $sql = "SELECT ";
    $sql .= "commentcode ";
    $sql .= ",owner_id";
    $sql .= ",group_id";
    $sql .= ",perm_owner";
    $sql .= ",perm_group";
    $sql .= ",perm_members";
    $sql .= ",perm_anon";
    $sql .= " FROM ";
    $sql .= " {$tbl} AS t ";
    $sql .= " WHERE ";
    $sql .= " id=" . $id;
    $sql .= " AND t.draft_flag=0" . LB;
    //アクセス権のないデータ はのぞく
    $sql .= COM_getPermSql('AND');
    $sql .= " AND (released <= NOW())";
    $sql .= " AND (expired=0 OR expired > NOW())";
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    $numrows = DB_numRows($result);
    if ($numrows > 0) {
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
        $A = array_map('stripslashes', $A);
        if ($A['commentcode'] >= 0) {
            $delete_option = SEC_hasRights('userbox.edit') && SEC_hasAccess($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']) == 3 ? true : false;
            require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-comment.php';
            $retval .= CMT_userComments($id, $A['topic'], 'userbox', $order, $mode, 0, $page, false, $delete_option, $A['commentcode']);
    return $retval;
コード例 #2
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: JohnToro/external
*   Build the admin list of pages
*   @return string      HTML content
function EXP_adminList()
    $retval = '';
    $header_arr = array(array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['edit'], 'field' => 'edit', 'sort' => false), array('text' => 'Page ID', 'field' => 'exid', 'sort' => true), array('text' => 'Title', 'field' => 'title', 'sort' => true), array('text' => 'URL', 'field' => 'url', 'sort' => true), array('text' => 'Hits', 'field' => 'hits', 'sort' => true));
    $menu_arr = array(array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/' . $_CONF_EXP['pi_name'] . '/edit.php?exid=0', 'text' => 'Add New'), array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'], 'text' => $LANG_ADMIN['admin_home']));
    $defsort_arr = array('field' => 'exid', 'direction' => 'asc');
    $header_str = $LANG_EX00['header'] . ' ' . $LANG_EX00['version'] . ' ' . $_CONF_EXP['pi_version'];
    $retval .= COM_startBlock($header_str, '', COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'header'));
    $retval .= ADMIN_createMenu($menu_arr, 'Administer External Pages', plugin_geticon_external());
    $text_arr = array('has_extras' => true, 'form_url' => "{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/plugins/{$_CONF_EXP['pi_name']}/index.php");
    $query_arr = array('table' => 'external', 'sql' => "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['external']} ", 'query_fields' => array('title', 'url'), 'default_filter' => COM_getPermSql());
    $retval .= ADMIN_list('external', 'EXP_getAdminListField', $header_arr, $text_arr, $query_arr, $defsort_arr, '', '', '', $form_arr);
    $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'footer'));
    return $retval;
コード例 #3
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hostellerie/nexpro
function listpolls()
    require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-admin.php';
    $retval = '';
    // writing the menu on top
    $menu_arr = array(array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/polls/index.php?mode=edit', 'text' => $LANG_ADMIN['create_new']), array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'], 'text' => $LANG_ADMIN['admin_home']));
    $retval .= COM_startBlock($LANG25[18], '', COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'header'));
    $retval .= ADMIN_createMenu($menu_arr, $LANG25[19], plugin_geticon_polls());
    // writing the actual list
    $header_arr = array(array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['edit'], 'field' => 'edit', 'sort' => false), array('text' => $LANG25[9], 'field' => 'topic', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG25[20], 'field' => 'voters', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ACCESS['access'], 'field' => 'access', 'sort' => false), array('text' => $LANG25[3], 'field' => 'unixdate', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG25[33], 'field' => 'is_open', 'sort' => true));
    $defsort_arr = array('field' => 'unixdate', 'direction' => 'desc');
    $text_arr = array('has_extras' => true, 'instructions' => $LANG25[19], 'form_url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/polls/index.php');
    $query_arr = array('table' => 'polltopics', 'sql' => "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS unixdate " . "FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']} WHERE 1=1", 'query_fields' => array('topic'), 'default_filter' => COM_getPermSql('AND'));
    $retval .= ADMIN_list('polls', 'plugin_getListField_polls', $header_arr, $text_arr, $query_arr, $defsort_arr);
    $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'footer'));
    return $retval;
コード例 #4
ファイル: lib-menu.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
function getAdminMenu()
    global $_SP_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES, $LANG01, $LANG_MB01, $LANG_LOGO, $LANG_AM, $LANG_SOCIAL, $LANG29, $_CONF, $_DB_dbms, $_GROUPS, $config;
    $item_array = array();
    if (!COM_isAnonUser()) {
        $plugin_options = PLG_getAdminOptions();
        $num_plugins = count($plugin_options);
        if (SEC_isModerator() or SEC_hasRights('story.edit,block.edit,topic.edit,user.edit,plugin.edit,user.mail,syndication.edit,social.admin', 'OR') or $num_plugins > 0) {
            // what's our current URL?
            $elementUrl = COM_getCurrentURL();
            $topicsql = '';
            if (SEC_isModerator() || SEC_hasRights('story.edit')) {
                $tresult = DB_query("SELECT tid FROM {$_TABLES['topics']}" . COM_getPermSQL());
                $trows = DB_numRows($tresult);
                if ($trows > 0) {
                    $tids = array();
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $trows; $i++) {
                        $T = DB_fetchArray($tresult);
                        $tids[] = $T['tid'];
                    if (sizeof($tids) > 0) {
                        $topicsql = " (tid IN ('" . implode("','", $tids) . "'))";
            $modnum = 0;
            if (SEC_hasRights('story.edit,story.moderate', 'OR') || $_CONF['usersubmission'] == 1 && SEC_hasRights('user.edit,user.delete')) {
                if (SEC_hasRights('story.moderate')) {
                    if (empty($topicsql)) {
                        $modnum += DB_count($_TABLES['storysubmission']);
                    } else {
                        $sresult = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['storysubmission']} WHERE" . $topicsql);
                        $S = DB_fetchArray($sresult);
                        $modnum += $S['count'];
                if ($_CONF['listdraftstories'] == 1 && SEC_hasRights('story.edit')) {
                    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE (draft_flag = 1)";
                    if (!empty($topicsql)) {
                        $sql .= ' AND' . $topicsql;
                    $result = DB_query($sql . COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 3));
                    $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                    $modnum += $A['count'];
                if ($_CONF['usersubmission'] == 1) {
                    if (SEC_hasRights('user.edit') && SEC_hasRights('user.delete')) {
                        $modnum += DB_count($_TABLES['users'], 'status', '2');
            // now handle submissions for plugins
            $modnum += PLG_getSubmissionCount();
            if (SEC_hasRights('story.edit')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/story.php';
                $label = $LANG01[11];
                if (empty($topicsql)) {
                    $numstories = DB_count($_TABLES['stories']);
                } else {
                    $nresult = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count from {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE" . $topicsql . COM_getPermSql('AND'));
                    $N = DB_fetchArray($nresult);
                    $numstories = $N['count'];
                $label .= ' (' . COM_numberFormat($numstories) . ')';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_hasRights('block.edit')) {
                $result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']}" . COM_getPermSql());
                list($count) = DB_fetchArray($result);
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/block.php';
                $label = $LANG01[12] . ' (' . COM_numberFormat($count) . ')';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_hasRights('autotag.admin')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/autotag.php';
                $label = $LANG_AM['title'];
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/clearctl.php';
                $label = $LANG01['ctl'];
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/menu.php';
                $label = $LANG_MB01['menu_builder'];
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/logo.php';
                $label = $LANG_LOGO['logo_admin'];
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_hasRights('topic.edit')) {
                $result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['topics']}" . COM_getPermSql());
                list($count) = DB_fetchArray($result);
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/topic.php';
                $label = $LANG01[13] . ' (' . COM_numberFormat($count) . ')';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_hasRights('user.edit')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/user.php';
                $label = $LANG01[17] . ' (' . COM_numberFormat(DB_count($_TABLES['users']) - 1) . ')';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_hasRights('group.edit')) {
                if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                    $grpFilter = '';
                } else {
                    $elementUsersGroups = SEC_getUserGroups();
                    $grpFilter = 'WHERE (grp_id IN (' . implode(',', $elementUsersGroups) . '))';
                $result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['groups']} {$grpFilter};");
                $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/group.php';
                $label = $LANG01[96] . ' (' . COM_numberFormat($A['count']) . ')';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_hasRights('social.admin')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/social.php';
                $label = $LANG_SOCIAL['label'];
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/envcheck.php';
                $label = $LANG01['env_check'];
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_hasRights('user.mail')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/mail.php';
                $label = $LANG01[105] . ' (N/A)';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if ($_CONF['backend'] == 1 && SEC_hasRights('syndication.edit')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/syndication.php';
                $label = $LANG01[38] . ' (' . COM_numberFormat(DB_count($_TABLES['syndication'])) . ')';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (($_CONF['trackback_enabled'] || $_CONF['pingback_enabled'] || $_CONF['ping_enabled']) && SEC_hasRights('story.ping')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/trackback.php';
                $label = $LANG01[116] . ' (' . COM_numberFormat(DB_count($_TABLES['pingservice'])) . ')';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_hasRights('plugin.edit')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins.php';
                $label = $LANG01[77] . ' (' . COM_numberFormat(DB_count($_TABLES['plugins'])) . ')';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/configuration.php';
                $label = $LANG01[129] . ' (' . COM_numberFormat(count($config->_get_groups())) . ')';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            // This will show the admin options for all installed plugins (if any)
            for ($i = 0; $i < $num_plugins; $i++) {
                $plg = current($plugin_options);
                $url = $plg->adminurl;
                $label = $plg->adminlabel;
                if (empty($plg->numsubmissions)) {
                    $label .= '';
                } else {
                    $label .= ' (' . COM_numberFormat($plg->numsubmissions) . ')';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/database.php';
                $label = $LANG01[103] . '';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/logview.php';
                $label = $LANG01['logview'] . '';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if ($_CONF['link_documentation'] == 1) {
                $doclang = COM_getLanguageName();
                if (@file_exists($_CONF['path_html'] . 'docs/' . $doclang . '/index.html')) {
                    $docUrl = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/docs/' . $doclang . '/index.html';
                } else {
                    $docUrl = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/docs/english/index.html';
                $url = $docUrl;
                $label = $LANG01[113] . '';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/vercheck.php';
                $label = $LANG01[107] . ' (' . GVERSION . PATCHLEVEL . ')';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if (SEC_isModerator()) {
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/moderation.php';
                $label = $LANG01[10] . ' (' . COM_numberFormat($modnum) . ')';
                $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
            if ($_CONF['sort_admin']) {
                usort($item_array, '_mb_cmp');
            $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/index.php';
            $label = $LANG29[34];
            $cc_item = array('label' => $LANG29[34], 'url' => $url);
            $item_array = array_merge(array($cc_item), $item_array);
    return $item_array;
コード例 #5
ファイル: topic.php プロジェクト: mystralkk/geeklog
 * Show topic administration form
 * @param    string  tid     ID of topic to edit
 * @return   string          HTML for the topic editor
function edittopic($tid = '')
    $retval = '';
    if (empty($tid)) {
        // new topic - set defaults
        $A = array('tid' => '', 'topic' => '', 'sortnum' => 0, 'parent_id' => TOPIC_ROOT, 'inherit' => 1, 'hidden' => 0, 'limitnews' => '', 'is_default' => 0, 'archive_flag' => 0);
    } else {
        $result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['topics']} WHERE tid ='{$tid}'");
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
        $access = SEC_hasAccess($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']);
        if ($access == 0 || $access == 2) {
            $retval .= COM_showMessageText($LANG27[13], $LANG27[12]);
            COM_accessLog("User {$_USER['username']} tried to illegally create or edit topic {$tid}.");
            return $retval;
    $token = SEC_createToken();
    $retval .= COM_startBlock($LANG27[1], '', COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'header'));
    $retval .= SEC_getTokenExpiryNotice($token);
    if (!is_array($A) || empty($A['owner_id'])) {
        $A['owner_id'] = $_USER['uid'];
        // this is the one instance where we default the group
        // most topics should belong to the Topic Admin group
        if (isset($_GROUPS['Topic Admin'])) {
            $A['group_id'] = $_GROUPS['Topic Admin'];
        } else {
            $A['group_id'] = SEC_getFeatureGroup('topic.edit');
        SEC_setDefaultPermissions($A, $_CONF['default_permissions_topic']);
        $access = 3;
    $topic_templates = COM_newTemplate($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'admin/topic');
    $topic_templates->set_file('editor', 'topiceditor.thtml');
    if (!empty($tid) && SEC_hasRights('topic.edit')) {
        $delButton = '<input type="submit" value="' . $LANG_ADMIN['delete'] . '" name="mode"%s' . XHTML . '>';
        $jsConfirm = ' onclick="return confirm(\'' . $MESSAGE[76] . '\');"';
        $topic_templates->set_var('delete_option', sprintf($delButton, $jsConfirm));
        $topic_templates->set_var('delete_option_no_confirmation', sprintf($delButton, ''));
        $topic_templates->set_var('allow_delete', true);
        $topic_templates->set_var('lang_delete', $LANG_ADMIN['delete']);
        $topic_templates->set_var('confirm_message', $MESSAGE[76]);
        $topic_templates->set_var('warning_msg', $LANG27[6]);
    if ($_CONF['titletoid'] && empty($tid)) {
        $_SCRIPTS->setJavaScriptFile('title_2_id', '/javascript/title_2_id.js');
        $topic_templates->set_var('titletoid', true);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_topicid', $LANG27[2]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('topic_id', $A['tid']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_parent_id', $LANG27[32]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('parent_id_options', TOPIC_getTopicListSelect($A['parent_id'], 1, false, $A['tid'], true));
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_inherit', $LANG27[33]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_inherit_info', $LANG27[34]);
    if ($A['inherit'] == 1) {
        $topic_templates->set_var('inherit_checked', 'checked="checked"');
    } else {
        $topic_templates->set_var('inherit_checked', '');
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_hidden', $LANG27[35]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_hidden_info', $LANG27[36]);
    if ($A['hidden'] == 1) {
        $topic_templates->set_var('hidden_checked', 'checked="checked"');
    } else {
        $topic_templates->set_var('hidden_checked', '');
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_donotusespaces', $LANG27[5]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_accessrights', $LANG_ACCESS['accessrights']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_owner', $LANG_ACCESS['owner']);
    $ownername = COM_getDisplayName($A['owner_id']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('owner_username', DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'username', "uid = {$A['owner_id']}"));
    $topic_templates->set_var('owner_name', $ownername);
    $topic_templates->set_var('owner', $ownername);
    $topic_templates->set_var('owner_id', $A['owner_id']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_group', $LANG_ACCESS['group']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_save', $LANG_ADMIN['save']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_cancel', $LANG_ADMIN['cancel']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('group_dropdown', SEC_getGroupDropdown($A['group_id'], $access));
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_permissions', $LANG_ACCESS['permissions']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_permissions_key', $LANG_ACCESS['permissionskey']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_perm_key', $LANG_ACCESS['permissionskey']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('permissions_msg', $LANG_ACCESS['permmsg']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_permissions_msg', $LANG_ACCESS['permmsg']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('permissions_editor', SEC_getPermissionsHTML($A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']));
    // show sort order only if they specified sortnum as the sort method
    if ($_CONF['sortmethod'] !== 'alpha') {
        $topic_templates->set_var('lang_sortorder', $LANG27[10]);
        if ($A['sortnum'] == 0) {
            $A['sortnum'] = '';
        $topic_templates->set_var('sort_order', '<input type="text" size="5" maxlength="5" name="sortnum" value="' . $A['sortnum'] . '"' . XHTML . '>');
    } else {
        $topic_templates->set_var('lang_sortorder', $LANG27[14]);
        $topic_templates->set_var('sort_order', $LANG27[15] . '<input type="hidden" name="sortnum" value="' . $A['sortnum'] . '"' . XHTML . '>');
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_storiesperpage', $LANG27[11]);
    if ($A['limitnews'] == 0) {
        $topic_templates->set_var('story_limit', '');
    } else {
        $topic_templates->set_var('story_limit', $A['limitnews']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('default_limit', $_CONF['limitnews']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_defaultis', $LANG27[16]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_topicname', $LANG27[3]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('topic_name', htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($A['topic']), ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt()));
    if (empty($A['tid'])) {
        $A['imageurl'] = '/images/topics/';
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_topicimage', $LANG27[4]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_uploadimage', $LANG27[27]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_maxsize', $LANG27[28]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('icon_dimensions', $_CONF['max_topicicon_width'] . ' x ' . $_CONF['max_topicicon_height']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('max_url_length', 255);
    $topic_templates->set_var('image_url', $A['imageurl']);
    if (empty($_CONF['image_lib'])) {
        $scaling = $LANG04[162];
    } else {
        $scaling = $LANG04[161];
    $topic_templates->set_var('icon_max_dimensions', sprintf($LANG04[160], $_CONF['max_topicicon_width'], $_CONF['max_topicicon_height'], $_CONF['max_topicicon_size'], $scaling));
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_metadescription', $LANG_ADMIN['meta_description']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_metakeywords', $LANG_ADMIN['meta_keywords']);
    if (!empty($A['meta_description'])) {
        $topic_templates->set_var('meta_description', $A['meta_description']);
    if (!empty($A['meta_keywords'])) {
        $topic_templates->set_var('meta_keywords', $A['meta_keywords']);
    if ($_CONF['meta_tags'] > 0) {
        $topic_templates->set_var('hide_meta', '');
    } else {
        $topic_templates->set_var('hide_meta', ' style="display:none;"');
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_defaulttopic', $LANG27[22]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_defaulttext', $LANG27[23]);
    if ($A['is_default'] == 1) {
        $topic_templates->set_var('default_checked', 'checked="checked"');
    } else {
        $topic_templates->set_var('default_checked', '');
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_archivetopic', $LANG27[25]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_archivetext', $LANG27[26]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('archive_disabled', '');
    if ($A['archive_flag'] == 1) {
        $topic_templates->set_var('archive_checked', 'checked="checked"');
    } else {
        $topic_templates->set_var('archive_checked', '');
        // Only 1 topic can be the archive topic - so check if there already is one
        if (DB_count($_TABLES['topics'], 'archive_flag', '1') > 0) {
            $topic_templates->set_var('archive_disabled', 'disabled');
    if (empty($tid)) {
        $num_stories = $LANG_ADMIN['na'];
    } else {
        $nResult = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']}, {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta WHERE ta.type = 'article' AND ta.id = sid AND ta.tid = '" . DB_escapeString($tid) . "'" . COM_getPermSql('AND'));
        $N = DB_fetchArray($nResult);
        $num_stories = COM_numberFormat($N['count']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_num_stories', $LANG27[30]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('num_stories', $num_stories);
    $topic_templates->set_var('gltoken_name', CSRF_TOKEN);
    $topic_templates->set_var('gltoken', $token);
    $topic_templates->parse('output', 'editor');
    $retval .= $topic_templates->finish($topic_templates->get_var('output'));
    $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'footer'));
    return $retval;
コード例 #6
ファイル: router.php プロジェクト: mystralkk/geeklog
 * Display a list of routes
 * @return   string  HTML for the list
function listRoutes()
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_ADMIN, $LANG_ROUTER, $_IMAGE_TYPE, $securityToken;
    require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-admin.php';
    // Writing the menu on top
    $menu_arr = array(array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/router.php?mode=edit&amp;rid=0', 'text' => $LANG_ADMIN['create_new']), array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'], 'text' => $LANG_ADMIN['admin_home']));
    $notice = $LANG_ROUTER[11];
    if (!isset($_CONF['url_rewrite']) || empty($_CONF['url_rewrite'])) {
        $notice .= ' ' . $LANG_ROUTER[18];
    if (!isset($_CONF['url_routing']) || $_CONF['url_routing'] == Router::ROUTING_DISABLED) {
        $notice .= ' ' . $LANG_ROUTER[19];
    $retval = COM_startBlock($LANG_ROUTER[2], '', COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'header')) . ADMIN_createMenu($menu_arr, $notice, $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/router.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE);
    $headerArray = array(array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['edit'], 'field' => 'rid', 'sort' => false), array('text' => $LANG_ROUTER[4], 'field' => 'method', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ROUTER[5], 'field' => 'rule', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ROUTER[6], 'field' => 'route', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ROUTER[7], 'field' => 'priority', 'sort' => true));
    $defaultSortArray = array('field' => 'priority', 'direction' => 'asc');
    $textArray = array('has_extras' => false, 'title' => $LANG_ROUTER[1], 'form_url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/router.php');
    $queryArray = array('table' => 'routes', 'sql' => "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['routes']} WHERE (1 = 1) ", 'query_fields' => array('rule', 'route', 'priority'), 'default_filter' => COM_getPermSql('AND'));
    $retval .= ADMIN_list('routes', 'ADMIN_getListFieldRoutes', $headerArray, $textArray, $queryArray, $defaultSortArray, '', $securityToken, '');
    $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'footer'));
    return $retval;
コード例 #7
ファイル: procss.php プロジェクト: hostellerie/nexpro
 private function _renderMenuItems($pid = 0)
     global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE;
     foreach ($this->_menuitems as $menuitem) {
         if ($this->_multiLangMode) {
             $label = $this->getMenuLabel($menuitem['id']);
         } else {
             $label = $menuitem['label'];
         $target = $menuitem['type'] == 2 ? 'target=newWindow;' . $this->_targetFeatures : '';
         $menuitemImage = trim($menuitem['image']);
         if ($menuitemImage != '') {
             // Check and see if the full url is entered
             if (strpos($menuitemImage, 'http') === false) {
                 $menuitemImage = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/nexmenu/menuimages/' . $menuitemImage;
         if ($i == $this->_menuitemCount) {
             $lastitem = true;
         } else {
             $lastitem = false;
         // Check and see if this item is a submenu
         if ($menuitem['type'] == 3) {
             // Type Submenu
             $url = str_replace('[siteurl]', $_CONF['site_url'], $menuitem['url']);
             $url = str_replace('[siteadminurl]', $_CONF['site_admin_url'], $url);
             if ($this->_type == 'header') {
                 $menuitemimagecss = 'headermenuitemimage';
             } else {
                 $menuitemimagecss = 'blocksubmenuitemimage';
             $t = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'nexmenu/procssmenu');
             if ($pid == 0) {
                 if ($this->_type == 'header') {
                     $t->set_file('menu', 'headersubmenu.thtml');
                 } else {
                     $t->set_file('menu', 'submenu.thtml');
                 $t->set_var('menuitem_url', $url);
                 if ($menuitemImage != '') {
                     $image = '<img src="' . $menuitemImage . '" border="0">&nbsp;';
                     $label = "{$image}<span id=\"{$menuitemimagecss}\">{$label}</span>";
                     $t->set_var('menuitem_label', $label);
                 } else {
                     $t->set_var('menuitem_label', $label);
                 if ($pid == 0) {
                     $t->set_var('imgclass', 'drop');
                 } else {
                     $t->set_var('imgclass', 'fly');
                 if ($i == $this->_menuitemCount) {
                     $t->set_var('lastitemclass', 'class="enclose"');
             } else {
                 $t->set_file('menu', 'flysubmenu.thtml');
                 $t->set_var('menuitem_url', $url);
                 $t->set_var('menuitem_label', $label);
             $t->set_var('submenu_items', $this->_renderMenuItems($menuitem['id']));
             $t->parse('output', 'menu');
             $retval .= $t->finish($t->get_var('output'));
         } elseif ($menuitem['type'] == 4) {
             // Core Menu
             switch ($menuitem['url']) {
                 case "adminmenu":
                     if ($_USER['uid'] > 1) {
                         $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['admin_block'] = 'nexmenu/procssmenu/blank.thtml,nexmenu/procssmenu/blank.thtml';
                         $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['adminoption'] = 'nexmenu/procssmenu/menuitem.thtml,nexmenu/procssmenu/menuitem_on.thtml';
                         $plugin_options .= PLG_getAdminOptions();
                         $nrows = count($plugin_options);
                         if (SEC_isModerator() or $nrows > 0 or SEC_hasrights('story.edit,block.edit,topic.edit,link.edit,event.edit,poll.edit,user.edit,plugin.edit,user.mail', 'OR')) {
                             $retval .= COM_adminMenu();
                 case "usermenu":
                     if ($_USER['uid'] > 1) {
                         $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['user_block'] = 'nexmenu/procssmenu/blank.thtml,nexmenu/procssmenu/blank.thtml';
                         $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['useroption'] = 'nexmenu/procssmenu/menuitem.thtml,nexmenu/procssmenu/menuitem_on.thtml';
                         $retval .= COM_userMenu();
                 case "topicmenu":
                     $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['topicoption'] = 'nexmenu/procssmenu/menuitem2.thtml,nexmenu/procssmenu/menuitem2_on.thtml';
                     $retval .= COM_showTopics('', " sortnum < '{$CONF_NEXMENU['restricted_topics']}'");
                 case "linksmenu":
                     if ($this->_linksPlugin) {
                         $retval .= nexmenu_showlinks($pid, $this->_type, 'site', $numcategories, 0, $lastitem);
                 case "spmenu":
                     if ($this->_staticpagesPlugin) {
                         if ($CONF_NEXMENU['sp_labelonly']) {
                             $sql = "SELECT sp_id,sp_title,sp_label FROM {$_TABLES['staticpage']} WHERE sp_onmenu=1 ";
                             $sql .= COM_getPermSql('AND');
                             $sql .= 'ORDER BY sp_title';
                             $spquery = DB_query($sql);
                         } else {
                             $sql = "SELECT sp_id,sp_title,sp_label FROM {$_TABLES['staticpage']} ";
                             $sql .= COM_getPermSql('WHERE');
                             $sql .= 'ORDER BY sp_title';
                             $spquery = DB_query($sql);
                         while (list($id, $title, $sp_label) = DB_fetchArray($spquery)) {
                             if (trim($sp_label) == '') {
                                 $label = $title;
                             } else {
                                 $label = $sp_label;
                             $url = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/staticpages/index.php?page={$id}";
                             $retval .= "<li><a href=\"{$url}\" {$target}>{$label}</a></li>" . LB;
                 case "pluginmenu":
                     $result = DB_query("SELECT pi_name FROM {$_TABLES['plugins']} WHERE pi_enabled = 1");
                     $nrows = DB_numRows($result);
                     $menu = array();
                     for ($i = 1; $i <= $nrows; $i++) {
                         $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                         $function = 'plugin_getmenuitems_' . $A['pi_name'];
                         if (function_exists($function)) {
                             $menuitems = $function();
                             if (is_array($menuitems) and count($menuitems) > 0) {
                                 foreach ($menuitems as $plugin_label => $plugin_link) {
                                     if ($pid == 0) {
                                         $retval .= "<li class=\"top\"><a class=\"top_link\" href=\"{$plugin_link}\" {$target}><span>{$plugin_label}</span></a></li>" . LB;
                                     } else {
                                         $retval .= "<li><a href=\"{$plugin_link}\" {$target}><span>{$plugin_label}</span></a></li>" . LB;
                 case "headermenu":
                     $t = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'nexmenu/procssmenu');
                     $t->set_file(array('menu' => 'siteheader_menuitems.thtml', 'menuitem' => 'headermenu_item.thtml', 'menuitem_last' => 'headermenu_item.thtml'));
                     $plugin_menu = PLG_getMenuItems();
                     COM_renderMenu($t, $plugin_menu);
                     $t->parse('output', 'menu');
                     $retval .= $t->finish($t->get_var('output'));
             // End of menutype == 4  (Core Menu)
         } elseif ($menuitem['type'] == 5) {
             if (function_exists($menuitem['url'])) {
                 /* Pass the type of menu to custom php function */
                 $retval .= $menuitem['url']($this->_type);
         } else {
             $url = str_replace('[siteurl]', $_CONF['site_url'], $menuitem['url']);
             $url = str_replace('[siteadminurl]', $_CONF['site_admin_url'], $url);
             // what's our current URL?
             $thisUrl = COM_getCurrentURL();
             if ($menuitemImage != '') {
                 if ($this->_type == 'header') {
                     $menuitemimagecss = 'headermenuitemimage';
                 } else {
                     $menuitemimagecss = 'blockmenuitemimage';
                 $image = '<img src="' . $menuitemImage . '" border="0">&nbsp;';
                 if ($i == 1 and $pid > 0) {
                     $retval .= "<li><a href=\"{$url}\" {$target} class=\"enclose\">{$image}<span id=\"{$menuitemimagecss}\">{$label}</span></a></li>" . LB;
                 } elseif ($i == $menurows and $pid == 0) {
                     $retval .= "<li><a href=\"{$url}\" {$target} class=\"enclose\">{$image}<span id=\"{$menuitemimagecss}\">{$label}</span></a></li>" . LB;
                 } elseif ($url == $thisUrl) {
                     $retval .= "<li id=\"menuitem_current\"><a href=\"{$url}\" {$target}>{$image}<span id=\"{$menuitemimagecss}\">{$label}</span></a></li>" . LB;
                 } else {
                     $retval .= "<li><a href=\"{$url}\" {$target}>{$image}<span id=\"{$menuitemimagecss}\">{$label}</span></a></li>" . LB;
             } else {
                 if ($pid == 0) {
                     $retval .= "<li class=\"top\"><a class=\"top_link\" href=\"{$url}\" {$target}><span>{$label}</span></a></li>" . LB;
                 } else {
                     $retval .= "<li><a href=\"{$url}\" {$target}><span>{$label}</span></a></li>" . LB;
     // Restore Template Setting
     $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE = $this->_currentBlockTemplate;
     return $retval;
コード例 #8
ファイル: trackback.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
COM_setArgNames(array('id', 'type'));
$id = COM_applyFilter(COM_getArgument('id'));
$type = COM_applyFilter(COM_getArgument('type'));
if (empty($id)) {
    TRB_sendTrackbackResponse(1, $TRB_ERROR['illegal_request']);
if (empty($type)) {
    $type = 'article';
if ($type == 'article') {
    // check if they have access to this story
    $sid = DB_escapeString($id);
    $result = DB_query("SELECT trackbackcode FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE (sid = '{$sid}') AND (date <= NOW()) AND (draft_flag = 0)" . COM_getPermSql('AND') . COM_getTopicSql('AND'));
    if (DB_numRows($result) == 1) {
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
        if ($A['trackbackcode'] == 0) {
            TRB_handleTrackbackPing($id, $type);
        } else {
            TRB_sendTrackbackResponse(1, $TRB_ERROR['no_access']);
    } else {
        TRB_sendTrackbackResponse(1, $TRB_ERROR['no_access']);
} else {
    if (PLG_handlePingComment($type, $id, 'acceptByID') === true) {
        TRB_handleTrackbackPing($id, $type);
    } else {
        TRB_sendTrackbackResponse(1, $TRB_ERROR['no_access']);
コード例 #9
* Check if the current user is allowed to delete trackback comments.
* @param    string  $sid    ID of the parent object of the comment
* @param    string  $type   type of the parent object ('article' = story, etc.)
* @return   boolean         true = user can delete the comment, false = nope
function TRB_allowDelete($sid, $type)
    global $_TABLES;
    $allowed = false;
    if ($type == 'article') {
        $sid = DB_escapeString($sid);
        $sql = "SELECT owner_id,group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE sid = '{$sid}'" . COM_getPermSql('AND', 0, 3);
        $result = DB_query($sql);
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
        if (SEC_hasRights('story.edit') && SEC_hasAccess($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']) == 3 && TOPIC_hasMultiTopicAccess('article', $sid) == 3) {
            $allowed = true;
        } else {
            $allowed = false;
    } else {
        $allowed = PLG_handlePingComment($type, $sid, 'delete');
    return $allowed;
コード例 #10
* Prints Command and Control Page or Administration Menu Block
* This will return the command and control items or administration menu items that
* the user has sufficient rights to -- Admin Block on the left side.
* @param        string      $adminMenu  True if admin menu, false if command and control page
* @param        string      $help       Help file to show (admin menu only)
* @param        string      $title      Menu Title (admin menu only)
* @param        string      $position   Side being shown on 'left', 'right' or blank. (admin menu only)
* @see function COM_adminMenu
function COM_commandControl($adminMenu = false, $help = '', $title = '', $position = '')
    global $_CONF, $_CONF_FT, $_TABLES, $LANG01, $LANG29, $LANG_LOGVIEW, $LANG_ENVCHECK, $LANG_ADMIN, $_IMAGE_TYPE, $_DB_dbms, $config;
    $retval = '';
    if ($adminMenu) {
        // what's our current URL?
        $thisUrl = COM_getCurrentURL();
        // Figure out topics sql since used in a few places
        $topicsql = '';
        if (SEC_isModerator() || SEC_hasRights('story.edit')) {
            $tresult = DB_query("SELECT tid FROM {$_TABLES['topics']}" . COM_getPermSQL());
            $trows = DB_numRows($tresult);
            if ($trows > 0) {
                $tids = array();
                for ($i = 0; $i < $trows; $i++) {
                    $T = DB_fetchArray($tresult);
                    $tids[] = $T['tid'];
                if (count($tids) > 0) {
                    $topicsql = " AND (ta.tid IN ('" . implode("','", $tids) . "'))";
        // Template Stuff
        $adminmenu = COM_newTemplate($_CONF['path_layout']);
        if (isset($_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['adminnavigation'])) {
            $adminmenu->set_file('adminnavigation', $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['adminnavigation']);
        } else {
            $adminmenu->set_file('adminnavigation', 'adminnavigation.thtml');
        $blocks = array('option', 'current', 'group', 'count');
        foreach ($blocks as $block) {
            $adminmenu->set_block('adminnavigation', $block);
        $adminmenu->set_var('block_name', str_replace('_', '-', 'admin_block'));
        if (empty($title)) {
            $title = DB_getItem($_TABLES['blocks'], 'title', "name = 'admin_block'");
        $retval .= COM_startBlock($title, $help, COM_getBlockTemplate('admin_block', 'header', $position));
        // Allow anything not in the blocks but in the rest of the template file to be displayed
        $retval .= $adminmenu->parse('item', 'adminnavigation', true);
        // Add Command and Control Link
        $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/index.php';
        $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $url);
        $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[14]);
        $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', $LANG_ADMIN['na']);
        $retval .= $adminmenu->finish($adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $url ? 'current' : 'option'));
        // Get any plugin items
        $plugins = PLG_getAdminOptions();
    } else {
        // this defines the amount of icons displayed next to another in the CC-block
        define('ICONS_PER_ROW', 6);
        // Template Stuff
        $admin_templates = COM_newTemplate($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'admin');
        $admin_templates->set_file(array('cc' => 'commandcontrol.thtml'));
        $blocks = array('ccgroup', 'ccrow', 'ccitem');
        foreach ($blocks as $block) {
            $admin_templates->set_block('cc', $block);
        $retval .= COM_startBlock('Geeklog ' . VERSION . ' -- ' . $LANG29[34], '', COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'header'));
        // Get any plugin items
        $plugins = PLG_getCCOptions();
    $cc_core = array();
    $cc_plugins = array();
    $cc_tools = array();
    $cc_users = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($plugins); $i++) {
        $cur_plugin = current($plugins);
        if ($adminMenu) {
            $item = array('condition' => SEC_hasRights('story.edit'), 'url' => $cur_plugin->adminurl, 'lang' => $cur_plugin->adminlabel, 'num' => $cur_plugin->numsubmissions);
        } else {
            $item = array('condition' => SEC_hasRights('story.edit'), 'url' => $cur_plugin->adminurl, 'lang' => $cur_plugin->adminlabel, 'image' => $cur_plugin->plugin_image);
        switch ($cur_plugin->admingroup) {
            case 'core':
                $cc_core[] = $item;
            case 'tools':
                $cc_tools[] = $item;
            case 'users':
                $cc_users[] = $item;
                $cc_plugins[] = $item;
    // Command & Control Group Layout
    $ccgroups = array('core', 'plugins', 'tools', 'users');
    foreach ($ccgroups as $ccgroup) {
        // Clear a few things before starting group
        $cc_arr = array();
        $items = array();
        if (!$adminMenu) {
            $admin_templates->set_var('cc_icon_width', floor(100 / ICONS_PER_ROW));
        switch ($ccgroup) {
            // Core - Blocks, Content Syndication, Stories, Topics, Submissions, Trackbacks
            case 'core':
                $showTrackbackIcon = ($_CONF['trackback_enabled'] || $_CONF['pingback_enabled'] || $_CONF['ping_enabled']) && SEC_hasRights('story.ping');
                // Count stuff for admin menu
                $blockcount = 0;
                $topiccount = 0;
                $storycount = 0;
                $submissioncount = 0;
                $syndicationcount = 0;
                $trackbackcount = $LANG_ADMIN['na'];
                if ($adminMenu) {
                    // Find num of blocks
                    $result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']}" . COM_getPermSql());
                    list($blockcount) = DB_fetchArray($result);
                    // Find num of topics
                    $result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['topics']}" . COM_getPermSql());
                    list($topiccount) = DB_fetchArray($result);
                    // Find num of stories
                    if (SEC_hasRights('story.edit')) {
                        if (empty($topicsql)) {
                            $storycount = DB_count($_TABLES['stories']);
                        } else {
                            $nresult = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sid) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']}, {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta WHERE ta.type = 'article' AND ta.id = sid " . $topicsql . COM_getPermSql('AND'));
                            $N = DB_fetchArray($nresult);
                            $storycount = $N['count'];
                    // Find num of submissions
                    if (SEC_hasRights('story.edit,story.moderate', 'OR') || $_CONF['commentsubmission'] == 1 && SEC_hasRights('comment.moderate') || $_CONF['usersubmission'] == 1 && SEC_hasRights('user.edit,user.delete')) {
                        if (SEC_hasRights('story.moderate')) {
                            if (empty($topicsql)) {
                                $submissioncount += DB_count($_TABLES['storysubmission']);
                            } else {
                                $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sid) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['storysubmission']}, {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta WHERE ta.type = 'article' AND ta.id = sid " . $topicsql;
                                $sresult = DB_query($sql);
                                $S = DB_fetchArray($sresult);
                                $submissioncount += $S['count'];
                        if ($_CONF['listdraftstories'] == 1 && SEC_hasRights('story.edit')) {
                            $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sid) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']}, {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta WHERE ta.type = 'article' AND ta.id = sid AND draft_flag = 1";
                            if (!empty($topicsql)) {
                                $sql .= $topicsql;
                            $result = DB_query($sql . COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 3));
                            $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                            $submissioncount += $A['count'];
                        if ($_CONF['commentsubmission'] == 1 && SEC_hasRights('comment.moderate')) {
                            $submissioncount += DB_count($_TABLES['commentsubmissions']);
                        if ($_CONF['usersubmission'] == 1) {
                            if (SEC_hasRights('user.edit') && SEC_hasRights('user.delete')) {
                                $submissioncount += DB_count($_TABLES['users'], 'status', '2');
                    // now handle submissions for plugins
                    $submissioncount += PLG_getSubmissionCount();
                    // Find num of syndication
                    if ($_CONF['backend'] == 1 && SEC_hasRights('syndication.edit')) {
                        $syndicationcount = COM_numberFormat(DB_count($_TABLES['syndication']));
                    // Find num of trackback
                    if ($_CONF['ping_enabled'] && SEC_hasRights('story.ping')) {
                        $trackbackcount = COM_numberFormat(DB_count($_TABLES['pingservice']));
                $cc_arr = array(array('condition' => SEC_hasRights('topic.edit'), 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/topic.php', 'lang' => $LANG01[13], 'num' => COM_numberFormat($topiccount), 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/topic.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => SEC_hasRights('block.edit'), 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/block.php', 'lang' => $LANG01[12], 'num' => COM_numberFormat($blockcount), 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/block.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => SEC_hasRights('story.edit'), 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/story.php', 'lang' => $LANG01[11], 'num' => COM_numberFormat($storycount), 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/story.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => SEC_hasModerationAccess(), 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/moderation.php', 'lang' => $LANG01[10], 'num' => COM_numberFormat($submissioncount), 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/moderation.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => SEC_hasRights('syndication.edit'), 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/syndication.php', 'lang' => $LANG01[38], 'num' => $syndicationcount, 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/syndication.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => $showTrackbackIcon, 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/trackback.php', 'lang' => $LANG01[116], 'num' => $trackbackcount, 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/trackback.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE));
                // Merge any items that belong to this group from plugins
                $cc_arr = array_merge($cc_arr, $cc_core);
                // Plugins - All ungrouped plugins
            // Plugins - All ungrouped plugins
            case 'plugins':
                $cc_arr = $cc_plugins;
                // Tools - Db backups, Clear cache, Log Viewer, GL Version Test, Plugins, Configuration, Documentation, SPAM-X Plugin
            // Tools - Db backups, Clear cache, Log Viewer, GL Version Test, Plugins, Configuration, Documentation, SPAM-X Plugin
            case 'tools':
                $docsUrl = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/docs/english/index.html';
                if ($_CONF['link_documentation'] == 1) {
                    $doclang = COM_getLanguageName();
                    $docs = 'docs/' . $doclang . '/index.html';
                    if (file_exists($_CONF['path_html'] . $docs)) {
                        $docsUrl = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/' . $docs;
                $pluginscount = 0;
                if ($adminMenu) {
                    // Find num of plugins
                    if (SEC_hasRights('plugin.edit')) {
                        $pluginscount = COM_numberFormat(DB_count($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_enabled', 1));
                $cc_arr = array(array('condition' => SEC_hasRights($_CONF_FT, 'OR'), 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/configuration.php', 'lang' => $LANG01[129], 'num' => count($config->_get_groups()), 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/configuration.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => $_CONF['link_documentation'] == 1, 'url' => $docsUrl, 'lang' => $LANG01[113], 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/docs.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => SEC_inGroup('Root') && $_CONF['link_versionchecker'] == 1, 'url' => 'http://www.geeklog.net/versionchecker.php?version=' . VERSION, 'lang' => $LANG01[107], 'num' => VERSION, 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/versioncheck.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => SEC_hasRights('plugin.edit'), 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins.php', 'lang' => $LANG01[98], 'num' => $pluginscount, 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/plugins.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => $_CONF['allow_mysqldump'] == 1 && $_DB_dbms == 'mysql' && SEC_inGroup('Root'), 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/database.php', 'lang' => $LANG01[103], 'num' => '', 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/database.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => SEC_inGroup('Root'), 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/clearctl.php', 'lang' => $LANG01['ctl'], 'num' => '', 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/ctl.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => SEC_inGroup('Root'), 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/envcheck.php', 'lang' => $LANG_ENVCHECK['env_check'], 'num' => '', 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/envcheck.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => SEC_inGroup('Root'), 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/logviewer.php', 'lang' => $LANG_LOGVIEW['log_viewer'], 'num' => '', 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/log_viewer.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => SEC_inGroup('Root'), 'url' => $_CONF['site_url'] . '/filemanager/index.php?Type=Root', 'lang' => $LANG01['filemanager'], 'num' => '', 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/filemanager.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE, 'target' => '_blank'), array('condition' => true, 'url' => $_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php?mode=logout', 'lang' => $LANG01[35], 'num' => '', 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/logout.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE));
                // Merge any items that belong to this group from plugins
                $cc_arr = array_merge($cc_arr, $cc_tools);
                // Users - Groups, Users, Mail Users
            // Users - Groups, Users, Mail Users
            case 'users':
                $groupcount = 0;
                $usercount = 0;
                if ($adminMenu) {
                    // Find num of groups
                    if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                        $grpFilter = '';
                    } else {
                        $thisUsersGroups = SEC_getUserGroups();
                        $grpFilter = 'WHERE (grp_id IN (' . implode(',', $thisUsersGroups) . '))';
                    $result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['groups']} {$grpFilter};");
                    $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                    $groupcount = $A['count'];
                    // Find num of users
                    $usercount = DB_count($_TABLES['users'], 'status', USER_ACCOUNT_ACTIVE) - 1;
                $cc_arr = array(array('condition' => SEC_hasRights('group.edit'), 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/group.php', 'lang' => $LANG01[96], 'num' => COM_numberFormat($groupcount), 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/group.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => SEC_hasRights('user.edit'), 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/user.php', 'lang' => $LANG01[17], 'num' => COM_numberFormat($usercount), 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/user.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE), array('condition' => SEC_hasRights('user.mail'), 'url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/mail.php', 'lang' => $LANG01[105], 'num' => '', 'image' => $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/mail.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE));
                // Merge any items that belong to this group from plugins
                $cc_arr = array_merge($cc_arr, $cc_users);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($cc_arr); $i++) {
            if ($cc_arr[$i]['condition']) {
                if ($adminMenu) {
                    // Add Command and Control Link
                    $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $cc_arr[$i]['url']);
                    $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $cc_arr[$i]['lang']);
                    if (!empty($cc_arr[$i]['num'])) {
                        $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', $cc_arr[$i]['num']);
                        $adminmenu->set_var('display_count', $adminmenu->parse('item', 'count'));
                    $adminmenu->set_var('branch_spaces', '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;');
                    if (isset($cc_arr[$i]['target'])) {
                        $adminmenu->set_var('target', ' target="' . $cc_arr[$i]['target'] . '"');
                    } else {
                        $adminmenu->set_var('target', '');
                    $item = $adminmenu->finish($adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $cc_arr[$i]['url'] ? 'current' : 'option'));
                    // incase set before
                } else {
                    if (!empty($cc_arr[$i]['url'])) {
                        $admin_templates->set_var('page_url', $cc_arr[$i]['url']);
                        $admin_templates->set_var('page_image', $cc_arr[$i]['image']);
                        $admin_templates->set_var('option_label', $cc_arr[$i]['lang']);
                        $admin_templates->set_var('cell_width', (int) (100 / ICONS_PER_ROW) . '%');
                        if (isset($cc_arr[$i]['target'])) {
                            $admin_templates->set_var('target', ' target="' . $cc_arr[$i]['target'] . '"');
                        } else {
                            $admin_templates->set_var('target', '');
                        $item = $admin_templates->parse('cc_main_options', 'ccitem', false);
                $items[$cc_arr[$i]['lang']] = $item;
        if ($_CONF['sort_admin']) {
            uksort($items, 'strcasecmp');
        if (!empty($items)) {
            // Add Group Label now
            if ($adminMenu) {
                $adminmenu->set_var('group_label', $LANG29[$ccgroup]);
                $retval .= $adminmenu->finish($adminmenu->parse('item', 'group'));
            } else {
                $admin_templates->set_var('lang_group', $LANG29[$ccgroup]);
            // Add items now
            $cols = 0;
            $cc_main_options = '';
            foreach ($items as $key => $val) {
                if ($adminMenu) {
                    $retval .= $val;
                } else {
                    $cc_main_options .= $val . LB;
                    if ($cols == ICONS_PER_ROW) {
                        $admin_templates->set_var('cc_main_options', $cc_main_options);
                        $admin_templates->parse('cc_rows', 'ccrow', true);
                        $cc_main_options = '';
                        $cols = 0;
            if (!$adminMenu) {
                if ($cols > 0) {
                    // "flush out" any unrendered entries
                    $admin_templates->set_var('cc_main_options', $cc_main_options);
                    $admin_templates->parse('cc_rows', 'ccrow', true);
                $admin_templates->parse('cc_groups', 'ccgroup', true);
    if ($adminMenu) {
        $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('admin_block', 'footer', $position));
    } else {
        $retval .= $admin_templates->finish($admin_templates->parse('output', 'cc'));
        $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'footer'));
    return $retval;
コード例 #11
ファイル: article.php プロジェクト: NewRoute/glfusion
        $order = COM_applyFilter($_GET['order']);
    if (isset($_GET['query'])) {
        $query = COM_applyFilter($_GET['query']);
    if (isset($_GET['reply'])) {
        $reply = COM_applyFilter($_GET['reply']);
if (empty($sid)) {
if (strcasecmp($order, 'ASC') != 0 && strcasecmp($order, 'DESC') != 0) {
    $order = '';
$result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE sid = '" . DB_escapeString($sid) . "'" . COM_getPermSql('AND'));
$A = DB_fetchArray($result);
if ($A['count'] > 0) {
    $ratedIds = array();
    if ($_CONF['rating_enabled'] != 0) {
        $ratedIds = RATING_getRatedIds('article');
    $story = new Story();
    $args = array('sid' => $sid, 'mode' => 'view');
    $output = STORY_LOADED_OK;
    $result = PLG_invokeService('story', 'get', $args, $output, $svc_msg);
    if ($result == PLG_RET_OK) {
        /* loadFromArray cannot be used, since it overwrites the timestamp */
        while (list($fieldname, $save) = each($story->_dbFields)) {
            $varname = '_' . $fieldname;
コード例 #12
ファイル: milonic.php プロジェクト: hostellerie/nexpro
 private function _renderMenuItems()
     global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE;
     foreach ($this->_menuitems as $menuitem) {
         if ($this->_multiLangMode) {
             $label = $this->getMenuLabel($menuitem['id']);
         } else {
             $label = $menuitem['label'];
         $target = $menuitem['type'] == 2 ? 'target=newWindow;' . $this->_targetFeatures : '';
         $menuitemImage = trim($menuitem['image']);
         if ($menuitemImage != '') {
             // Check and see if the full url is entered
             if (strpos($menuitemImage, 'http') === false) {
                 $menuitemImage = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/nexmenu/menuimages/' . $menuitemImage;
         if ($i == $this->_menuitemCount) {
             $lastitem = true;
         } else {
             $lastitem = false;
         // Check and see if this item is a submenu
         if ($menuitem['type'] == 3) {
             // Type Submenu
             $url = str_replace('[siteurl]', $_CONF['site_url'], $menuitem['url']);
             $url = str_replace('[siteadminurl]', $_CONF['site_admin_url'], $url);
             if ($this->_type == 'header') {
                 $menuitemimagecss = 'headermenuitemimage';
             } else {
                 $menuitemimagecss = 'blocksubmenuitemimage';
             if ($menuitemImage != '') {
                 $retval .= 'aI("image=' . $menuitemImage . ';text=' . $label . ';' . 'url=' . $url . ';' . $target . 'showmenu=nexmenu' . $menuitem['id'] . ';");';
             } else {
                 $retval .= 'aI("text=' . $label . ';' . 'url=' . $url . ';' . $target . 'showmenu=nexmenu' . $menuitem['id'] . ';");';
         } elseif ($menuitem['type'] == 4) {
             // Core Menu
             switch ($menuitem['url']) {
                 case "adminmenu":
                     if ($_USER['uid'] > 1) {
                         $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['admin_block'] = 'nexmenu/milonicmenu/blockheader-blank.thtml,nexmenu/milonicmenu/blockfooter-blank.thtml';
                         $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['adminoption'] = 'nexmenu/milonicmenu/option.thtml,nexmenu/milonicmenu/option_off.thtml';
                         $plugin_options .= PLG_getAdminOptions();
                         $nrows = count($plugin_options);
                         if (SEC_isModerator() or $nrows > 0 or SEC_hasrights('story.edit,block.edit,topic.edit,link.edit,event.edit,poll.edit,user.edit,plugin.edit,user.mail', 'OR')) {
                             $retval .= COM_adminMenu();
                 case "usermenu":
                     if ($_USER['uid'] > 1) {
                         $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['user_block'] = 'nexmenu/milonicmenu/blockheader-blank.thtml,nexmenu/milonicmenu/blockfooter-blank.thtml';
                         $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['useroption'] = 'nexmenu/milonicmenu/option.thtml,nexmenu/milonicmenu/option_off.thtml';
                         $retval .= COM_userMenu();
                 case "topicmenu":
                     $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['topicoption'] = 'nexmenu/milonicmenu/option.thtml,nexmenu/milonicmenu/option_off.thtml';
                     $retval .= COM_showTopics('', " sortnum < '{$CONF_NEXMENU['restricted_topics']}'");
                 case "linksmenu":
                     if ($this->_linksPlugin) {
                         $retval .= $this->_milonicLinksPluginSiteLinks();
                 case "spmenu":
                     if ($this->_staticpagesPlugin) {
                         if ($CONF_NEXMENU['sp_labelonly']) {
                             $sql = "SELECT sp_id,sp_title,sp_label FROM {$_TABLES['staticpage']} WHERE sp_onmenu=1 ";
                             $sql .= COM_getPermSql('AND');
                             $sql .= 'ORDER BY sp_title';
                             $spquery = DB_query($sql);
                         } else {
                             $sql = "SELECT sp_id,sp_title,sp_label FROM {$_TABLES['staticpage']} ";
                             $sql .= COM_getPermSql('WHERE');
                             $sql .= 'ORDER BY sp_title';
                             $spquery = DB_query($sql);
                         while (list($id, $title, $sp_label) = DB_fetchArray($spquery)) {
                             if (trim($sp_label) == '') {
                                 $label = $title;
                             } else {
                                 $label = $sp_label;
                             $url = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/staticpages/index.php?page={$id}";
                             $retval .= 'aI("text=' . $label . ';url=' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/staticpages/index.php?page=' . $id . ';");';
                 case "pluginmenu":
                     $result = DB_query("SELECT pi_name FROM {$_TABLES['plugins']} WHERE pi_enabled = 1");
                     $nrows = DB_numRows($result);
                     $menu = array();
                     for ($i = 1; $i <= $nrows; $i++) {
                         $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                         $function = 'plugin_getmenuitems_' . $A['pi_name'];
                         if (function_exists($function)) {
                             $menuitems = $function();
                             if (is_array($menuitems) and count($menuitems) > 0) {
                                 foreach ($menuitems as $plugin_label => $plugin_link) {
                                     $retval .= 'aI("text=' . $plugin_label . ';' . $target . 'url=' . $plugin_link . ';");';
             // End of menutype == 4  (Core Menu)
         } elseif ($menuitem['type'] == 5) {
             if (function_exists($menuitem['url'])) {
                 /* Pass the type of menu to custom php function */
                 $retval .= $menuitem['url']($this->_type);
         } else {
             $url = str_replace('[siteurl]', $_CONF['site_url'], $menuitem['url']);
             $url = str_replace('[siteadminurl]', $_CONF['site_admin_url'], $url);
             // what's our current URL?
             $thisUrl = COM_getCurrentURL();
             if ($menuitemImage != '') {
                 $retval .= 'aI("image=' . $menuitemImage . ';text=' . $label . ';url=' . $url . ';' . $target . ';");';
             } else {
                 $retval .= 'aI("text=' . $label . ';url=' . $url . ';' . $target . ';");';
     // Restore Template Setting
     $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE = $this->_currentBlockTemplate;
     return $retval;
コード例 #13
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: NewRoute/glfusion
        if (isset($pid)) {
            $display .= POLLS_siteHeader();
            if ($msg > 0) {
                $display .= COM_showMessage($msg, 'polls');
            if (isset($_POST['aid'])) {
                $eMsg = $LANG_POLLS['answer_all'] . ' "' . DB_getItem($_TABLES['polltopics'], 'topic', "pid = '" . DB_escapeString($pid) . "'") . '"';
                $display .= COM_showMessageText($eMsg, $LANG_POLLS['not_saved'], true);
            if (DB_getItem($_TABLES['polltopics'], 'is_open', "pid = '" . DB_escapeString($pid) . "'") != 1) {
                $aid = -1;
                // poll closed - show result
            if (!isset($_COOKIE['poll-' . $pid]) && !POLLS_ipAlreadyVoted($pid) && $aid != -1) {
                $display .= POLLS_pollVote($pid);
            } else {
                $display .= POLLS_pollResults($pid, 400, $order, $mode);
        } else {
            $poll_topic = DB_query("SELECT topic FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']} WHERE pid='" . DB_escapeString($pid) . "'" . COM_getPermSql('AND'));
            $Q = DB_fetchArray($poll_topic);
            if (empty($Q['topic'])) {
                $display .= POLLS_siteHeader($LANG_POLLS['pollstitle']) . POLLS_pollList();
            } else {
                $display .= POLLS_siteHeader($Q['topic']) . POLLS_pollResults($pid, 400, $order, $mode);
$display .= POLLS_siteFooter();
echo $display;
コード例 #14
ファイル: trackback.php プロジェクト: milk54/geeklog-japan
COM_setArgNames(array('id', 'type'));
$id = COM_applyFilter(COM_getArgument('id'));
$type = COM_applyFilter(COM_getArgument('type'));
if (empty($id)) {
    TRB_sendTrackbackResponse(1, $TRB_ERROR['illegal_request']);
if (empty($type)) {
    $type = 'article';
if ($type == 'article') {
    // check if they have access to this story
    $sid = DB_escapeString($id);
    $sql = "SELECT trackbackcode FROM {$_TABLES['stories']}, {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta\n            WHERE (sid = '{$sid}') AND (date <= NOW()) AND (draft_flag = 0)" . COM_getPermSql('AND') . " AND ta.type = 'article' AND ta.id = sid AND ta.tdefault = 1 " . COM_getTopicSql('AND', 0, 'ta');
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    if (DB_numRows($result) == 1) {
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
        if ($A['trackbackcode'] == 0) {
            TRB_handleTrackbackPing($id, $type);
        } else {
            TRB_sendTrackbackResponse(1, $TRB_ERROR['no_access']);
    } else {
        TRB_sendTrackbackResponse(1, $TRB_ERROR['no_access']);
} else {
    if (PLG_handlePingComment($type, $id, 'acceptByID') === true) {
        TRB_handleTrackbackPing($id, $type);
    } else {
コード例 #15
ファイル: topic.php プロジェクト: NewRoute/glfusion
* Displays a list of topics
* Lists all the topics and their icons.
* @return   string      HTML for the topic list
function TOPIC_list()
    $retval = '';
    $menu_arr = array(array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/topic.php?edit=x', 'text' => $LANG_ADMIN['create_new']), array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'], 'text' => $LANG_ADMIN['admin_home']));
    $retval .= COM_startBlock($LANG27[8], '', COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'header'));
    $retval .= ADMIN_createMenu($menu_arr, $LANG27[9], $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/topic.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE);
    $header_arr = array(array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['edit'], 'field' => 'edit', 'sort' => false, 'align' => 'center', 'width' => '35px'), array('text' => $LANG27[10], 'field' => 'sortnum', 'sort' => true, 'align' => 'center'), array('text' => $LANG27[2], 'field' => 'tid', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG27[3], 'field' => 'topic', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG27[38], 'field' => 'is_default', 'sort' => false, 'align' => 'center'), array('text' => $LANG27[39], 'field' => 'archive_flag', 'sort' => false, 'align' => 'center'), array('text' => $LANG27[11], 'field' => 'limitnews', 'sort' => false, 'align' => 'center'), array('text' => $LANG27[35], 'field' => 'sort_by', 'sort' => false, 'align' => 'center', 'nowrap' => 'true'), array('text' => $LANG27[37], 'field' => 'sort_dir', 'sort' => false, 'align' => 'center'), array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['delete'], 'field' => 'delete', 'sort' => false, 'align' => 'center', 'width' => '35px'));
    $defsort_arr = array('field' => 'sortnum', 'direction' => 'asc');
    $text_arr = array('has_extras' => true, 'form_url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/topic.php');
    $query_arr = array('table' => 'topics', 'sql' => "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['topics']} WHERE 1=1", 'query_fields' => array('tid', 'topic'), 'default_filter' => COM_getPermSql('AND'));
    $token = SEC_createToken();
    $form_arr = array('bottom' => '<input type="hidden" name="' . CSRF_TOKEN . '" value="' . $token . '"/>');
    $retval .= ADMIN_list('topics', 'TOPIC_getListField', $header_arr, $text_arr, $query_arr, $defsort_arr, '', $token, '', $form_arr);
    $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'footer'));
    return $retval;
コード例 #16
ファイル: directory.php プロジェクト: Geeklog-Core/geeklog
 * Display main view (list of years)
 * Displays an overview of all the years and months, starting with the first
 * year for which a story has been posted. Can optionally display a list of
 * the stories for the current month at the top of the page.
 * @param    Template $template  reference of the template
 * @param    string   $dir_topic current topic
 * @return   string                list of all the years in the db
function DIR_displayAll($template, $dir_topic)
    global $_TABLES, $LANG_DIR;
    $retval = '';
    $yearsql = array();
    $yearsql['mysql'] = "SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(date) AS year, date\n        FROM {$_TABLES['stories']}, {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta\n        WHERE (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW())\n        AND ta.type = 'article' AND ta.id = sid\n        " . COM_getTopicSQL('AND', 0, 'ta') . COM_getPermSql('AND') . COM_getLangSQL('sid', 'AND');
    $yearsql['pgsql'] = "SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR from date) AS year\n        FROM {$_TABLES['stories']}, {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta\n        WHERE (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW())\n        AND ta.type = 'article' AND ta.id = sid\n        " . COM_getTopicSQL('AND', 0, 'ta') . COM_getPermSql('AND') . COM_getLangSQL('sid', 'AND');
    $ySql = array();
    $ySql['mysql'] = $yearsql['mysql'] . " GROUP BY year, date ORDER BY date DESC";
    $ySql['pgsql'] = $yearsql['pgsql'] . " GROUP BY year, date ORDER BY year DESC";
    $yResult = DB_query($ySql);
    $numYears = DB_numRows($yResult);
    if ($numYears > 0) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numYears; $i++) {
            $Y = DB_fetchArray($yResult);
            if (TEMPLATE_EXISTS) {
                $template->set_var('section_title', $Y['year']);
                $retval .= $template->parse('title', 'section-title') . LB;
            } else {
                $retval .= '<h3>' . $Y['year'] . '</h3>' . LB;
            $retval .= DIR_displayYear($template, $dir_topic, $Y['year']);
    } else {
        if (TEMPLATE_EXISTS) {
            $retval .= $template->parse('message', 'no-articles') . LB;
        } else {
            $retval .= '<p>' . $LANG_DIR['no_articles'] . '</p>' . LB;
    return $retval;
コード例 #17
ファイル: menu.class.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
 function _parseElement()
     global $_SP_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES, $LANG01, $_CONF, $_GROUPS;
     $returnArray = array();
     $childArray = array();
     $item_array = array();
     if ($this->active != 1 && $this->id != 0) {
         return NULL;
     if ($this->group_id == 998 && !COM_isAnonUser()) {
         return NULL;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['topic'])) {
         $topic = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['topic']);
     } else {
         $topic = '';
     if (COM_isAnonUser()) {
         $anon = 1;
     } else {
         $anon = 0;
     $allowed = true;
     if ($this->group_id != 998 && $this->id != 0 && !SEC_inGroup($this->group_id)) {
         return NULL;
     if ($this->group_id == 1 && !isset($_GROUPS['Root'])) {
         return NULL;
     switch ($this->type) {
         case ET_SUB_MENU:
         case ET_FUSION_ACTION:
             switch ($this->subtype) {
                 case 0:
                     // home
                     $this->url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/';
                 case 1:
                     // contribute
                     if ($anon && ($_CONF['loginrequired'] || $_CONF['submitloginrequired'])) {
                         return NULL;
                     if (empty($topic)) {
                         $this->url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/submit.php?type=story';
                     } else {
                         $this->url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/submit.php?type=story&amp;topic=' . $topic;
                     $label = $LANG01[71];
                 case 2:
                     // directory
                     if ($anon && ($_CONF['loginrequired'] || $_CONF['directoryloginrequired'])) {
                         return NULL;
                     $this->url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/directory.php';
                     if (!empty($topic)) {
                         $this->url = COM_buildUrl($this->url . '?topic=' . urlencode($topic));
                 case 3:
                     // prefs
                     if ($anon && ($_CONF['loginrequired'] || $_CONF['profileloginrequired'])) {
                         return NULL;
                     $this->url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php?mode=edit';
                 case 4:
                     // search
                     if ($anon && ($_CONF['loginrequired'] || $_CONF['searchloginrequired'])) {
                         return NULL;
                     $this->url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/search.php';
                 case 5:
                     // stats
                     if (!SEC_hasRights('stats.view')) {
                         return NULL;
                     $this->url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/stats.php';
                     // unknown?
                     $this->url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/';
         case ET_FUSION_MENU:
             $this->url = '';
             switch ($this->subtype) {
                 case USER_MENU:
                     // if anonymous user - show login entry
                     if (COM_isAnonUser()) {
                         $this->label = $LANG01[58];
                         $this->url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php';
                         $this->target = '';
                     // logged-in user see My Account entry
                     $item_array = getUserMenu();
                     $this->label = $LANG01[47];
                 case ADMIN_MENU:
                     $this->url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'];
                     $item_array = getAdminMenu();
                 case TOPIC_MENU:
                     $item_array = getTopicMenu();
                 case STATICPAGE_MENU:
                     $item_array = array();
                     $order = '';
                     if (!empty($_SP_CONF['sort_menu_by'])) {
                         $order = ' ORDER BY ';
                         if ($_SP_CONF['sort_menu_by'] == 'date') {
                             $order .= 'sp_date DESC';
                         } else {
                             if ($_SP_CONF['sort_menu_by'] == 'label') {
                                 $order .= 'sp_label';
                             } else {
                                 if ($_SP_CONF['sort_menu_by'] == 'title') {
                                     $order .= 'sp_title';
                                 } else {
                                     // default to "sort by id"
                                     $order .= 'sp_id';
                     $result = DB_query('SELECT sp_id, sp_label FROM ' . $_TABLES['staticpage'] . ' WHERE sp_onmenu = 1 AND sp_status = 1' . COM_getPermSql('AND') . $order);
                     $nrows = DB_numRows($result);
                     $menuitems = array();
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) {
                         $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                         $url = COM_buildURL($_CONF['site_url'] . '/page.php?page=' . $A['sp_id']);
                         $label = $A['sp_label'];
                         $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
                 case PLUGIN_MENU:
                     $item_array = array();
                     $plugin_menu = PLG_getMenuItems();
                     if (count($plugin_menu) == 0) {
                         $this->access = 0;
                     } else {
                         for ($i = 1; $i <= count($plugin_menu); $i++) {
                             $url = current($plugin_menu);
                             $label = key($plugin_menu);
                             $item_array[] = array('label' => $label, 'url' => $url);
                 case HEADER_MENU:
         case ET_PLUGIN:
             $plugin_menus = _mbPLG_getMenuItems();
             if (isset($plugin_menus[$this->subtype])) {
                 $this->url = $plugin_menus[$this->subtype];
             } else {
                 $this->access = 0;
                 $allowed = 0;
         case ET_STATICPAGE:
             $this->url = COM_buildURL($_CONF['site_url'] . '/page.php?page=' . $this->subtype);
         case ET_URL:
         case ET_PHP:
             $functionName = $this->subtype;
             if (function_exists($functionName)) {
                 $item_array = $functionName();
         case ET_TOPIC:
             $this->url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php?topic=' . $this->subtype;
     if ($this->id != 0 && $this->group_id == 998 && SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
         return NULL;
     if ($allowed == 0 || $this->access == 0) {
         return NULL;
     if ($this->type == ET_FUSION_MENU || $this->type == ET_PHP) {
         $childArray = $item_array;
     } else {
         if (!empty($this->children)) {
             $howmany = $this->getChildcount();
             if ($howmany > 0) {
                 $children = $this->getChildren();
                 foreach ($children as $child) {
                     $elementArray = $child->_parseElement();
                     if ($elementArray != NULL) {
                         $childArray[] = $elementArray;
         } else {
             $childArray = NULL;
     $returnArray = array('label' => $this->label, 'url' => $this->url, 'target' => $this->target, 'children' => is_array($childArray) ? $childArray : NULL);
     return $returnArray;
コード例 #18
ファイル: profiles.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
* Display form to email a story to someone.
* @param    string  $sid    ID of article to email
* @return   string          HTML for email story form
function mailstoryform($sid, $to = '', $toemail = '', $from = '', $fromemail = '', $shortmsg = '', $msg = 0)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG03, $LANG08, $LANG_LOGIN;
    $retval = '';
    if (COM_isAnonUser() && ($_CONF['loginrequired'] == 1 || $_CONF['emailstoryloginrequired'] == 1)) {
        $display = COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG_LOGIN[1]);
        $display .= SEC_loginRequiredForm();
        $display .= COM_siteFooter();
        echo $display;
    $result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE sid = '" . DB_escapeString($sid) . "'" . COM_getTopicSql('AND') . COM_getPermSql('AND'));
    $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
    if ($A['count'] == 0) {
        return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php');
    if ($msg > 0) {
        $retval .= COM_showMessage($msg, '', '', 0, 'info');
    if (empty($from) && empty($fromemail)) {
        if (!COM_isAnonUser()) {
            $from = COM_getDisplayName($_USER['uid'], $_USER['username'], $_USER['fullname']);
            $fromemail = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'email', "uid = {$_USER['uid']}");
    $postmode = $_CONF['mailuser_postmode'];
    $mail_template = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'profiles');
    $mail_template->set_file('form', 'contactauthorform.thtml');
    if ($postmode == 'html') {
        $mail_template->set_var('show_htmleditor', true);
    } else {
    $mail_template->set_var('lang_postmode', $LANG03[2]);
    $mail_template->set_var('postmode', $postmode);
    $mail_template->set_var('start_block_mailstory2friend', COM_startBlock($LANG08[17]));
    $mail_template->set_var('lang_fromname', $LANG08[20]);
    $mail_template->set_var('name', $from);
    $mail_template->set_var('lang_fromemailaddress', $LANG08[21]);
    $mail_template->set_var('email', $fromemail);
    $mail_template->set_var('lang_toname', $LANG08[18]);
    $mail_template->set_var('toname', $to);
    $mail_template->set_var('lang_toemailaddress', $LANG08[19]);
    $mail_template->set_var('toemail', $toemail);
    $mail_template->set_var('lang_shortmessage', $LANG08[27]);
    $mail_template->set_var('shortmsg', @htmlspecialchars($shortmsg, ENT_COMPAT, COM_getEncodingt()));
    $mail_template->set_var('lang_warning', $LANG08[22]);
    $mail_template->set_var('lang_sendmessage', $LANG08[16]);
    $mail_template->set_var('story_id', $sid);
    PLG_templateSetVars('emailstory', $mail_template);
    $mail_template->set_var('end_block', COM_endBlock());
    $mail_template->parse('output', 'form');
    $retval .= $mail_template->finish($mail_template->get_var('output'));
    return $retval;
コード例 #19
ファイル: lib-story.php プロジェクト: mystralkk/geeklog
 * Return information for a story
 * This is the story equivalent of PLG_getItemInfo. See lib-plugins.php for
 * details.
 * @param    string $sid     story ID or '*'
 * @param    string $what    comma-separated list of story properties
 * @param    int    $uid     user ID or 0 = current user
 * @param    array  $options (reserved for future extensions)
 * @return   mixed               string or array of strings with the information
function plugin_getiteminfo_story($sid, $what, $uid = 0, $options = array())
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES;
    // parse $what to see what we need to pull from the database
    $properties = explode(',', $what);
    $fields = array();
    foreach ($properties as $p) {
        switch ($p) {
            case 'date-created':
                $fields[] = 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS unixdate';
            case 'date-modified':
                $fields[] = 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS unixdate';
            case 'description':
                $fields[] = 'introtext';
                $fields[] = 'bodytext';
            case 'excerpt':
                $fields[] = 'introtext';
            case 'feed':
                $fields[] = 'ta.tid';
            case 'id':
                $fields[] = 'sid';
            case 'title':
                $fields[] = 'title';
            case 'url':
                // needed for $sid == '*', but also in case we're only requesting
                // the URL (so that $fields isn't emtpy)
                $fields[] = 'sid';
                // nothing to do
    $fields = array_unique($fields);
    if (count($fields) == 0) {
        $retval = array();
        return $retval;
    // prepare SQL request
    if ($sid == '*') {
        $where = ' WHERE';
    } else {
        $where = " WHERE (sid = '" . DB_escapeString($sid) . "') AND";
    $where .= ' (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW())';
    if ($uid > 0) {
        $permSql = COM_getPermSql('AND', $uid) . " AND ta.type = 'article' AND ta.id = sid AND ta.tdefault = 1 " . COM_getTopicSql('AND', $uid, 'ta');
    } else {
        $permSql = COM_getPermSql('AND') . " AND ta.type = 'article' AND ta.id = sid AND ta.tdefault = 1 " . COM_getTopicSql('AND', 0, 'ta');
    $sql = "SELECT " . implode(',', $fields) . " FROM {$_TABLES['stories']}, {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta" . $where . $permSql;
    if ($sid != '*') {
        $sql .= ' LIMIT 1';
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    $numRows = DB_numRows($result);
    $retval = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numRows; $i++) {
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
        $props = array();
        foreach ($properties as $p) {
            switch ($p) {
                case 'date-created':
                    $props['date-created'] = $A['unixdate'];
                case 'date-modified':
                    $props['date-modified'] = $A['unixdate'];
                case 'description':
                    $props['description'] = trim(PLG_replaceTags(stripslashes($A['introtext']) . ' ' . stripslashes($A['bodytext'])));
                case 'excerpt':
                    $excerpt = stripslashes($A['introtext']);
                    if (!empty($A['bodytext'])) {
                        $excerpt .= "\n\n" . stripslashes($A['bodytext']);
                    $props['excerpt'] = trim(PLG_replaceTags($excerpt));
                case 'feed':
                    $feedfile = DB_getItem($_TABLES['syndication'], 'filename', "topic = '::all'");
                    if (empty($feedfile)) {
                        $feedfile = DB_getItem($_TABLES['syndication'], 'filename', "topic = '::frontpage'");
                    if (empty($feedfile)) {
                        $feedfile = DB_getItem($_TABLES['syndication'], 'filename', "topic = '{$A['tid']}'");
                    if (empty($feedfile)) {
                        $props['feed'] = '';
                    } else {
                        $props['feed'] = SYND_getFeedUrl($feedfile);
                case 'id':
                    $props['id'] = $A['sid'];
                case 'title':
                    $props['title'] = stripslashes($A['title']);
                case 'url':
                    if (empty($A['sid'])) {
                        $props['url'] = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $sid);
                    } else {
                        $props['url'] = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $A['sid']);
                    // return empty string for unknown properties
                    $props[$p] = '';
        $mapped = array();
        foreach ($props as $key => $value) {
            if ($sid == '*') {
                if ($value != '') {
                    $mapped[$key] = $value;
            } else {
                $mapped[] = $value;
        if ($sid == '*') {
            $retval[] = $mapped;
        } else {
            $retval = $mapped;
    if ($sid != '*' && count($retval) == 1) {
        $retval = $retval[0];
    return $retval;
コード例 #20
ファイル: article.php プロジェクト: alxstuart/ajfs.me
    if (isset($_GET['reply'])) {
        $reply = COM_applyFilter($_GET['reply']);
    if (isset($_GET['cpage'])) {
        $page = COM_applyFilter($_GET['cpage'], true);
if (empty($sid)) {
    echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php');
if (strcasecmp($order, 'ASC') != 0 && strcasecmp($order, 'DESC') != 0) {
    $order = '';
$result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE sid = '{$sid}'" . COM_getPermSql('AND'));
$A = DB_fetchArray($result);
if ($A['count'] > 0) {
    $story = new Story();
    $args = array('sid' => $sid, 'mode' => 'view');
    $output = STORY_LOADED_OK;
    $result = PLG_invokeService('story', 'get', $args, $output, $svc_msg);
    if ($result == PLG_RET_OK) {
        /* loadFromArray cannot be used, since it overwrites the timestamp */
        while (list($fieldname, $save) = each($story->_dbFields)) {
            $varname = '_' . $fieldname;
            if (array_key_exists($fieldname, $output)) {
                $story->{$varname} = $output[$fieldname];
コード例 #21
ファイル: topic.php プロジェクト: hostellerie/nexpro
* Show topic administration form
* @param    string  tid     ID of topic to edit
* @return   string          HTML for the topic editor
function edittopic($tid = '')
    $retval = '';
    if (empty($tid)) {
        // new topic - set defaults
        $A = array();
        $A['tid'] = '';
        $A['topic'] = '';
        $A['sortnum'] = 0;
        $A['limitnews'] = '';
        // leave empty!
        $A['is_default'] = 0;
        $A['archive_flag'] = 0;
    } else {
        $result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['topics']} WHERE tid ='{$tid}'");
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
        $access = SEC_hasAccess($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']);
        if ($access == 0 or $access == 2) {
            $retval .= COM_startBlock($LANG27[12], '', COM_getBlockTemplate('_msg_block', 'header'));
            $retval .= $LANG27[13];
            $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_msg_block', 'footer'));
            COM_accessLog("User {$_USER['username']} tried to illegally create or edit topic {$tid}.");
            return $retval;
    $token = SEC_createToken();
    $retval .= COM_startBlock($LANG27[1], '', COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'header'));
    $retval .= SEC_getTokenExpiryNotice($token);
    if (!is_array($A) || empty($A['owner_id'])) {
        $A['owner_id'] = $_USER['uid'];
        // this is the one instance where we default the group
        // most topics should belong to the Topic Admin group
        if (isset($_GROUPS['Topic Admin'])) {
            $A['group_id'] = $_GROUPS['Topic Admin'];
        } else {
            $A['group_id'] = SEC_getFeatureGroup('topic.edit');
        SEC_setDefaultPermissions($A, $_CONF['default_permissions_topic']);
        $access = 3;
    $topic_templates = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'admin/topic');
    $topic_templates->set_file('editor', 'topiceditor.thtml');
    $topic_templates->set_var('xhtml', XHTML);
    $topic_templates->set_var('site_url', $_CONF['site_url']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('site_admin_url', $_CONF['site_admin_url']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('layout_url', $_CONF['layout_url']);
    if (!empty($tid) && SEC_hasRights('topic.edit')) {
        $delbutton = '<input type="submit" value="' . $LANG_ADMIN['delete'] . '" name="mode"%s' . XHTML . '>';
        $jsconfirm = ' onclick="return confirm(\'' . $MESSAGE[76] . '\');"';
        $topic_templates->set_var('delete_option', sprintf($delbutton, $jsconfirm));
        $topic_templates->set_var('delete_option_no_confirmation', sprintf($delbutton, ''));
        $topic_templates->set_var('warning_msg', $LANG27[6]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_topicid', $LANG27[2]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('topic_id', $A['tid']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_donotusespaces', $LANG27[5]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_accessrights', $LANG_ACCESS['accessrights']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_owner', $LANG_ACCESS['owner']);
    $ownername = COM_getDisplayName($A['owner_id']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('owner_username', DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'username', "uid = {$A['owner_id']}"));
    $topic_templates->set_var('owner_name', $ownername);
    $topic_templates->set_var('owner', $ownername);
    $topic_templates->set_var('owner_id', $A['owner_id']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_group', $LANG_ACCESS['group']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_save', $LANG_ADMIN['save']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_cancel', $LANG_ADMIN['cancel']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('group_dropdown', SEC_getGroupDropdown($A['group_id'], $access));
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_permissions', $LANG_ACCESS['permissions']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_permissions_key', $LANG_ACCESS['permissionskey']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_perm_key', $LANG_ACCESS['permissionskey']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('permissions_msg', $LANG_ACCESS['permmsg']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_permissions_msg', $LANG_ACCESS['permmsg']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('permissions_editor', SEC_getPermissionsHTML($A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']));
    // show sort order only if they specified sortnum as the sort method
    if ($_CONF['sortmethod'] != 'alpha') {
        $topic_templates->set_var('lang_sortorder', $LANG27[10]);
        if ($A['sortnum'] == 0) {
            $A['sortnum'] = '';
        $topic_templates->set_var('sort_order', '<input type="text" size="3" maxlength="3" name="sortnum" value="' . $A['sortnum'] . '"' . XHTML . '>');
    } else {
        $topic_templates->set_var('lang_sortorder', $LANG27[14]);
        $topic_templates->set_var('sort_order', $LANG27[15]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_storiesperpage', $LANG27[11]);
    if ($A['limitnews'] == 0) {
        $topic_templates->set_var('story_limit', '');
    } else {
        $topic_templates->set_var('story_limit', $A['limitnews']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('default_limit', $_CONF['limitnews']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_defaultis', $LANG27[16]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_topicname', $LANG27[3]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('topic_name', stripslashes($A['topic']));
    if (empty($A['tid'])) {
        $A['imageurl'] = '/images/topics/';
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_topicimage', $LANG27[4]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_uploadimage', $LANG27[27]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('icon_dimensions', $_CONF['max_topicicon_width'] . ' x ' . $_CONF['max_topicicon_height']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_maxsize', $LANG27[28]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('max_url_length', 255);
    $topic_templates->set_var('image_url', $A['imageurl']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_metadescription', $LANG_ADMIN['meta_description']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_metakeywords', $LANG_ADMIN['meta_keywords']);
    if (!empty($A['meta_description'])) {
        $topic_templates->set_var('meta_description', $A['meta_description']);
    if (!empty($A['meta_keywords'])) {
        $topic_templates->set_var('meta_keywords', $A['meta_keywords']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_defaulttopic', $LANG27[22]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_defaulttext', $LANG27[23]);
    if ($A['is_default'] == 1) {
        $topic_templates->set_var('default_checked', 'checked="checked"');
    } else {
        $topic_templates->set_var('default_checked', '');
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_archivetopic', $LANG27[25]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_archivetext', $LANG27[26]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('archive_disabled', '');
    if ($A['archive_flag'] == 1) {
        $topic_templates->set_var('archive_checked', 'checked="checked"');
    } else {
        $topic_templates->set_var('archive_checked', '');
        // Only 1 topic can be the archive topic - so check if there already is one
        if (DB_count($_TABLES['topics'], 'archive_flag', '1') > 0) {
            $topic_templates->set_var('archive_disabled', 'disabled');
    if (empty($tid)) {
        $num_stories = $LANG_ADMIN['na'];
    } else {
        $nresult = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE tid = '" . addslashes($tid) . "'" . COM_getPermSql('AND'));
        $N = DB_fetchArray($nresult);
        $num_stories = COM_numberFormat($N['count']);
    $topic_templates->set_var('lang_num_stories', $LANG27[30]);
    $topic_templates->set_var('num_stories', $num_stories);
    $topic_templates->set_var('gltoken_name', CSRF_TOKEN);
    $topic_templates->set_var('gltoken', $token);
    $topic_templates->parse('output', 'editor');
    $retval .= $topic_templates->finish($topic_templates->get_var('output'));
    $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'footer'));
    return $retval;
コード例 #22
* Returns a list of stories with a give topic id
function SITEMAPMENU_listStory($tid)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_DIR;
    $retval = '';
    $sql = "SELECT sid, title, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS day " . "FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} " . "WHERE (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW())";
    if ($tid != 'all') {
        $sql .= " AND (tid = '{$tid}')";
    $sql .= COM_getTopicSql('AND') . COM_getPermSql('AND') . " ORDER BY date DESC";
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    $numrows = DB_numRows($result);
    if ($numrows > 0) {
        $entries = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numrows; $i++) {
            $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
            $url = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $A['sid']);
            $entries[] = '<a class="nav-link" href="' . $url . '">' . SITEMAPMENU_esc(stripslashes($A['title'])) . '</a>';
        $retval .= COM_makeList($entries) . LB;
    return $retval;
コード例 #23
  * @param $all_langs boolean: true = all languages, true = current language
  * Returns an array of (
  *   'id'        => $id (string),
  *   'title'     => $title (string),
  *   'uri'       => $uri (string),
  *   'date'      => $date (int: Unix timestamp),
  *   'image_uri' => $image_uri (string)
  * )
 public function getItemsByDate($event_type = '', $all_langs = false)
     global $_CONF, $_TABLES;
     $entries = array();
     if (empty(Dataproxy::$startDate) or empty(Dataproxy::$endDate)) {
         return $entries;
     $sql = "SELECT eid, title, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datestart) AS day1, " . "  UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestart) AS day2 " . "FROM {$_TABLES['eventsjp']} " . "WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datestart) BETWEEN '" . Dataproxy::$startDate . "' AND '" . Dataproxy::$endDate . "') ";
     if (!empty($event_type)) {
         $sql .= "AND (event_type = '" . addslashes($event_type) . "') ";
     if (!Dataproxy::isRoot()) {
         $sql .= COM_getPermSql('AND', Dataproxy::uid());
     $sql .= " ORDER BY day1 DESC, day2 DESC";
     $result = DB_query($sql);
     if (DB_error()) {
         return $entries;
     while (($A = DB_fetchArray($result, FALSE)) !== FALSE) {
         $entry = array();
         $entry['id'] = $A['eid'];
         $entry['title'] = stripslashes($A['title']);
         $entry['uri'] = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/calendarjp/event.php?eid=' . $entry['id'];
         $entry['date'] = (int) $A['day1'] + (int) $A['day2'];
         $entry['image_uri'] = FALSE;
         $entries[] = $entry;
     return $entries;
コード例 #24
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: milk54/geeklog-japan
 * List links
 * @global array core config vars
 * @global array core table data
 * @global array core user data
 * @global array core lang admin vars
 * @global array links plugin lang vars
 * @global array core lang access vars
function listlinks()
    require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-admin.php';
    $retval = '';
    $header_arr = array(array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['edit'], 'field' => 'edit', 'sort' => false), array('text' => $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN[2], 'field' => 'lid', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['title'], 'field' => 'title', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ACCESS['access'], 'field' => 'access', 'sort' => false), array('text' => $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN[14], 'field' => 'category', 'sort' => true));
    $menu_arr = array(array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/links/index.php?mode=edit', 'text' => $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN[51]));
    $validate = '';
    if (isset($_GET['validate'])) {
        $token = SEC_createToken();
        $menu_arr[] = array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/links/index.php', 'text' => $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN[53]);
        $dovalidate_url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/links/index.php?validate=validate' . '&amp;' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token;
        $dovalidate_text = $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN[58];
        $form_arr['top'] = COM_createLink($dovalidate_text, $dovalidate_url);
        if ($_GET['validate'] == 'enabled') {
            $header_arr[] = array('text' => $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN[27], 'field' => 'beforevalidate', 'sort' => false);
            $validate = '?validate=enabled';
        } else {
            if ($_GET['validate'] == 'validate') {
                $header_arr[] = array('text' => $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN[27], 'field' => 'dovalidate', 'sort' => false);
                $validate = '?validate=validate&amp;' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token;
        $validate_help = $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN[59];
    } else {
        $menu_arr[] = array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/links/index.php?validate=enabled', 'text' => $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN[26]);
        $form_arr = array();
        $validate_help = '';
    $defsort_arr = array('field' => 'title', 'direction' => 'asc');
    $menu_arr[] = array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/links/category.php', 'text' => $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN[50]);
    $menu_arr[] = array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/links/category.php?mode=edit', 'text' => $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN[52]);
    $menu_arr[] = array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'], 'text' => $LANG_ADMIN['admin_home']);
    $retval .= COM_startBlock($LANG_LINKS_ADMIN[11], '', COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'header'));
    $retval .= ADMIN_createMenu($menu_arr, $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN[12] . $validate_help, plugin_geticon_links());
    $text_arr = array('has_extras' => true, 'form_url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . "/plugins/links/index.php{$validate}");
    $query_arr = array('table' => 'links', 'sql' => "SELECT l.lid AS lid, l.cid as cid, l.title AS title, " . "c.category AS category, l.url AS url, l.description AS description, " . "l.owner_id, l.group_id, l.perm_owner, l.perm_group, l.perm_members, l.perm_anon " . "FROM {$_TABLES['links']} AS l " . "LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['linkcategories']} AS c " . "ON l.cid=c.cid WHERE 1=1", 'query_fields' => array('title', 'category', 'url', 'l.description'), 'default_filter' => COM_getPermSql('AND', 0, 3, 'l'));
    $retval .= ADMIN_list('links', 'plugin_getListField_links', $header_arr, $text_arr, $query_arr, $defsort_arr, '', '', '', $form_arr);
    $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'footer'));
    return $retval;
コード例 #25
ファイル: event.php プロジェクト: milk54/geeklog-japan
* Save an event to user's personal calendar
* User has seen the confirmation screen and they still wants to
* add this event to their calendar.  Actually save it now.
* @param    string  $eid    ID of event to save
* @return   string          HTML refresh
function saveuserevent($eid)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER;
    if (!COM_isAnonUser()) {
        // Try to delete the event first in case it has already been added
        DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['personal_eventsjp']} WHERE uid={$_USER['uid']} AND eid='{$eid}'");
        $result = DB_query("SELECT eid FROM {$_TABLES['eventsjp']} WHERE (eid = '{$eid}')" . COM_getPermSql('AND'));
        if (DB_numRows($result) == 1) {
            $savesql = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['personal_eventsjp']} " . "(eid,uid,title,event_type,datestart,dateend,timestart,timeend,allday,location,address1,address2,city,state," . "zipcode,url,description,group_id,owner_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon) SELECT eid," . $_USER['uid'] . ",title,event_type,datestart,dateend,timestart,timeend,allday,location,address1,address2," . "city,state,zipcode,url,description,group_id,owner_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon FROM " . "{$_TABLES['eventsjp']} WHERE eid = '{$eid}'";
            return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/calendarjp/index.php?mode=personal&msg=24');
    return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php');
コード例 #26
ファイル: block.php プロジェクト: ivywe/geeklog
* Display two lists of blocks, separated by left and right
* @return   string  HTML for the two lists
function listblocks()
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_ADMIN, $LANG21, $_IMAGE_TYPE;
    require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-admin.php';
    $retval = '';
    $token = SEC_createToken();
    // writing the menu on top
    $menu_arr = array(array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/block.php?mode=edit', 'text' => $LANG_ADMIN['create_new']), array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'], 'text' => $LANG_ADMIN['admin_home']));
    $retval .= COM_startBlock($LANG21[19], '', COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'header'));
    $retval .= ADMIN_createMenu($menu_arr, $LANG21[25], $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/block.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE);
    // Left
    // Regular Blocks
    $header_arr = array(array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['edit'], 'field' => 'edit', 'sort' => false), array('text' => $LANG21[65], 'field' => 'blockorder', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG21[46], 'field' => 'move', 'sort' => false), array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['title'], 'field' => 'title', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG21[48], 'field' => 'name', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['type'], 'field' => 'type', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['topic'], 'field' => 'topic', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['enabled'], 'field' => 'is_enabled', 'sort' => true));
    $defsort_arr = array('field' => 'blockorder', 'direction' => 'asc');
    $text_arr = array('has_extras' => true, 'title' => "{$LANG21['20']} ({$LANG21['40']})", 'form_url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/block.php');
    $query_arr = array('table' => 'blocks', 'sql' => "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']} WHERE onleft = 1", 'query_fields' => array('title', 'content'), 'default_filter' => COM_getPermSql('AND'));
    // this is a dummy variable so we know the form has been used if all blocks
    // should be disabled on one side in order to disable the last one.
    // The value is the onleft var
    $form_arr = array('top' => '<input type="hidden" name="' . CSRF_TOKEN . '" value="' . $token . '"' . XHTML . '>', 'bottom' => '<input type="hidden" name="blockenabler" value="1"' . XHTML . '>');
    $retval .= ADMIN_list('blocks', 'ADMIN_getListField_blocks', $header_arr, $text_arr, $query_arr, $defsort_arr, '', $token, '', $form_arr);
    // Dynamic blocks
    $dyn_header_arr = array(array('text' => $LANG21[65], 'field' => 'blockorder', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG21[69], 'field' => 'plugin', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['title'], 'field' => 'title', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG21[48], 'field' => 'name', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['type'], 'field' => 'type', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['topic'], 'field' => 'topic', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['enabled'], 'field' => 'is_enabled', 'sort' => true));
    $dyn_text_arr = array('title' => "{$LANG21['22']} ({$LANG21['40']})", 'form_url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/block.php');
    $leftblocks = PLG_getBlocksConfig('left', '');
    // Sort Dynamic Blocks on Block Order
    usort($leftblocks, "cmpDynamicBlocks");
    $retval .= ADMIN_simpleList('ADMIN_getListField_dynamicblocks', $dyn_header_arr, $dyn_text_arr, $leftblocks, '', $form_arr);
    // Right
    // Regular Blocks
    $query_arr = array('table' => 'blocks', 'sql' => "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']} WHERE onleft = 0", 'query_fields' => array('title', 'content'), 'default_filter' => COM_getPermSql('AND'));
    $text_arr = array('has_extras' => true, 'title' => "{$LANG21['20']} ({$LANG21['41']})", 'form_url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/block.php');
    // this is a dummy-variable so we know the form has been used if all blocks should be disabled
    // on one side in order to disable the last one. The value is the onleft var
    $form_arr = array('top' => '<input type="hidden" name="' . CSRF_TOKEN . '" value="' . $token . '"' . XHTML . '>', 'bottom' => '<input type="hidden" name="blockenabler" value="0"' . XHTML . '>');
    $retval .= ADMIN_list('blocks', 'ADMIN_getListField_blocks', $header_arr, $text_arr, $query_arr, $defsort_arr, '', $token, '', $form_arr);
    // Dynamic blocks
    $dyn_text_arr = array('title' => "{$LANG21['22']} ({$LANG21['41']})", 'form_url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/block.php');
    $rightblocks = PLG_getBlocksConfig('right', '');
    // Sort Dynamic Blocks on Block Order
    usort($rightblocks, "cmpDynamicBlocks");
    $retval .= ADMIN_simpleList('ADMIN_getListField_dynamicblocks', $dyn_header_arr, $dyn_text_arr, $rightblocks, '', $form_arr);
    $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'footer'));
    return $retval;
コード例 #27
  * Returns an array of (
  *   'id'        => $id (string),
  *   'title'     => $title (string),
  *   'uri'       => $uri (string),
  *   'date'      => $date (int: Unix timestamp),
  *   'image_uri' => $image_uri (string)
  * )
 public function getItemsByDate($tid = '', $all_langs = FALSE)
     global $_CONF, $_TABLES;
     $entries = array();
     if (empty(Dataproxy::$startDate) or empty(Dataproxy::$endDate)) {
         return $entries;
     $sql = "SELECT sid, title, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS day " . "  FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} " . "WHERE (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW()) " . "  AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) BETWEEN '" . Dataproxy::$startDate . "' AND '" . Dataproxy::$endDate . "') ";
     if (!empty($tid)) {
         $sql .= "AND (tid = '" . addslashes($tid) . "') ";
     if (!Dataproxy::isRoot()) {
         $sql .= COM_getTopicSql('AND', Dataproxy::uid()) . COM_getPermSql('AND', Dataproxy::uid());
         if (function_exists('COM_getLangSQL') and $all_langs === FALSE) {
             $sql .= COM_getLangSQL('sid', 'AND');
     $result = DB_query($sql);
     if (DB_error()) {
         return $entries;
     while (($A = DB_fetchArray($result, FALSE)) !== FALSE) {
         $entry = array();
         $entry['id'] = stripslashes($A['sid']);
         $entry['title'] = stripslashes($A['title']);
         $entry['uri'] = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . stripslashes($A['sid']));
         $entry['date'] = $A['day'];
         $entry['imageurl'] = FALSE;
         $entries[] = $entry;
     return $entries;
コード例 #28
ファイル: lib-common.php プロジェクト: alxstuart/ajfs.me
* Prints administration menu
* This will return the administration menu items that the user has
* sufficient rights to -- Admin Block on the left side.
* @param        string      $help       Help file to show
* @param        string      $title      Menu Title
* @param        string      $position   Side being shown on 'left', 'right' or blank.
* @see function COM_userMenu
function COM_adminMenu($help = '', $title = '', $position = '')
    global $_TABLES, $_CONF, $_CONF_FT, $LANG01, $LANG_ADMIN, $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE, $_DB_dbms, $config;
    $retval = '';
    if (COM_isAnonUser()) {
        return $retval;
    $plugin_options = PLG_getAdminOptions();
    $num_plugins = count($plugin_options);
    if (SEC_isModerator() or SEC_hasRights('story.edit,block.edit,topic.edit,user.edit,plugin.edit,user.mail,syndication.edit', 'OR') or $num_plugins > 0 or SEC_hasConfigAcess()) {
        // what's our current URL?
        $thisUrl = COM_getCurrentURL();
        $adminmenu = COM_newTemplate($_CONF['path_layout']);
        if (isset($_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['adminoption'])) {
            $templates = explode(',', $_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['adminoption']);
            $adminmenu->set_file(array('option' => $templates[0], 'current' => $templates[1]));
        } else {
            $adminmenu->set_file(array('option' => 'adminoption.thtml', 'current' => 'adminoption_off.thtml'));
        $adminmenu->set_var('block_name', str_replace('_', '-', 'admin_block'));
        if (empty($title)) {
            $title = DB_getItem($_TABLES['blocks'], 'title', "name = 'admin_block'");
        $retval .= COM_startBlock($title, $help, COM_getBlockTemplate('admin_block', 'header', $position));
        $topicsql = '';
        if (SEC_isModerator() || SEC_hasRights('story.edit')) {
            $tresult = DB_query("SELECT tid FROM {$_TABLES['topics']}" . COM_getPermSQL());
            $trows = DB_numRows($tresult);
            if ($trows > 0) {
                $tids = array();
                for ($i = 0; $i < $trows; $i++) {
                    $T = DB_fetchArray($tresult);
                    $tids[] = $T['tid'];
                if (count($tids) > 0) {
                    $topicsql = " (tid IN ('" . implode("','", $tids) . "'))";
        $modnum = 0;
        if (SEC_hasRights('story.edit,story.moderate', 'OR') || $_CONF['commentsubmission'] == 1 && SEC_hasRights('comment.moderate') || $_CONF['usersubmission'] == 1 && SEC_hasRights('user.edit,user.delete')) {
            if (SEC_hasRights('story.moderate')) {
                if (empty($topicsql)) {
                    $modnum += DB_count($_TABLES['storysubmission']);
                } else {
                    $sresult = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['storysubmission']} WHERE" . $topicsql);
                    $S = DB_fetchArray($sresult);
                    $modnum += $S['count'];
            if ($_CONF['listdraftstories'] == 1 && SEC_hasRights('story.edit')) {
                $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE (draft_flag = 1)";
                if (!empty($topicsql)) {
                    $sql .= ' AND' . $topicsql;
                $result = DB_query($sql . COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 3));
                $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                $modnum += $A['count'];
            if ($_CONF['commentsubmission'] == 1 && SEC_hasRights('comment.moderate')) {
                $modnum += DB_count($_TABLES['commentsubmissions']);
            if ($_CONF['usersubmission'] == 1) {
                if (SEC_hasRights('user.edit') && SEC_hasRights('user.delete')) {
                    $modnum += DB_count($_TABLES['users'], 'status', '2');
        if (SEC_hasConfigAcess()) {
            $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/configuration.php';
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $url);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[129]);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', count($config->_get_groups()));
            $menu_item = $adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $url ? 'current' : 'option');
            $link_array[$LANG01[129]] = $menu_item;
        // now handle submissions for plugins
        $modnum += PLG_getSubmissionCount();
        if (SEC_hasRights('story.edit')) {
            $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/story.php';
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $url);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[11]);
            if (empty($topicsql)) {
                $numstories = DB_count($_TABLES['stories']);
            } else {
                $nresult = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE" . $topicsql . COM_getPermSql('AND'));
                $N = DB_fetchArray($nresult);
                $numstories = $N['count'];
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', COM_numberFormat($numstories));
            $menu_item = $adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $url ? 'current' : 'option');
            $link_array[$LANG01[11]] = $menu_item;
        if (SEC_hasRights('block.edit')) {
            $result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']}" . COM_getPermSql());
            list($count) = DB_fetchArray($result);
            $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/block.php';
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $url);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[12]);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', COM_numberFormat($count));
            $menu_item = $adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $url ? 'current' : 'option');
            $link_array[$LANG01[12]] = $menu_item;
        if (SEC_hasRights('topic.edit')) {
            $result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['topics']}" . COM_getPermSql());
            list($count) = DB_fetchArray($result);
            $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/topic.php';
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $url);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[13]);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', COM_numberFormat($count));
            $menu_item = $adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $url ? 'current' : 'option');
            $link_array[$LANG01[13]] = $menu_item;
        if (SEC_hasRights('user.edit')) {
            $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/user.php';
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $url);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[17]);
            $active_users = DB_count($_TABLES['users'], 'status', USER_ACCOUNT_ACTIVE);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', COM_numberFormat($active_users - 1));
            $menu_item = $adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $url ? 'current' : 'option');
            $link_array[$LANG01[17]] = $menu_item;
        if (SEC_hasRights('group.edit')) {
            if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                $grpFilter = '';
            } else {
                $thisUsersGroups = SEC_getUserGroups();
                $grpFilter = 'WHERE (grp_id IN (' . implode(',', $thisUsersGroups) . '))';
            $result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['groups']} {$grpFilter};");
            $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
            $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/group.php';
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $url);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[96]);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', COM_numberFormat($A['count']));
            $menu_item = $adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $url ? 'current' : 'option');
            $link_array[$LANG01[96]] = $menu_item;
        if (SEC_hasRights('user.mail')) {
            $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/mail.php';
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $url);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[105]);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', $LANG_ADMIN['na']);
            $menu_item = $adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $url ? 'current' : 'option');
            $link_array[$LANG01[105]] = $menu_item;
        if ($_CONF['backend'] == 1 && SEC_hasRights('syndication.edit')) {
            $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/syndication.php';
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $url);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[38]);
            $count = COM_numberFormat(DB_count($_TABLES['syndication']));
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', $count);
            $menu_item = $adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $url ? 'current' : 'option');
            $link_array[$LANG01[38]] = $menu_item;
        if (($_CONF['trackback_enabled'] || $_CONF['pingback_enabled'] || $_CONF['ping_enabled']) && SEC_hasRights('story.ping')) {
            $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/trackback.php';
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $url);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[116]);
            if ($_CONF['ping_enabled']) {
                $count = COM_numberFormat(DB_count($_TABLES['pingservice']));
                $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', $count);
            } else {
                $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', $LANG_ADMIN['na']);
            $menu_item = $adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $url ? 'current' : 'option');
            $link_array[$LANG01[116]] = $menu_item;
        if (SEC_hasRights('plugin.edit')) {
            $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins.php';
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $url);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[77]);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', COM_numberFormat(DB_count($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_enabled', 1)));
            $menu_item = $adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $url ? 'current' : 'option');
            $link_array[$LANG01[77]] = $menu_item;
        // This will show the admin options for all installed plugins (if any)
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_plugins; $i++) {
            $plg = current($plugin_options);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $plg->adminurl);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $plg->adminlabel);
            if (isset($plg->numsubmissions) && is_numeric($plg->numsubmissions)) {
                $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', COM_numberFormat($plg->numsubmissions));
            } elseif (!empty($plg->numsubmissions)) {
                $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', $plg->numsubmissions);
            } else {
                $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', $LANG_ADMIN['na']);
            $menu_item = $adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $plg->adminurl ? 'current' : 'option', true);
            $link_array[$plg->adminlabel] = $menu_item;
        if ($_CONF['allow_mysqldump'] == 1 and $_DB_dbms == 'mysql' and SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
            $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/database.php';
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $url);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[103]);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', $LANG_ADMIN['na']);
            $menu_item = $adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $url ? 'current' : 'option');
            $link_array[$LANG01[103]] = $menu_item;
        if ($_CONF['link_documentation'] == 1) {
            $doclang = COM_getLanguageName();
            $docs = 'docs/' . $doclang . '/index.html';
            if (file_exists($_CONF['path_html'] . $docs)) {
                $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $_CONF['site_url'] . '/' . $docs);
            } else {
                $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $_CONF['site_url'] . '/docs/english/index.html');
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[113]);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', $LANG_ADMIN['na']);
            $menu_item = $adminmenu->parse('item', 'option');
            $link_array[$LANG01[113]] = $menu_item;
        if ($_CONF['link_versionchecker'] == 1 and SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', 'http://www.geeklog.net/versionchecker.php?version=' . VERSION);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[107]);
            $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', VERSION);
            $menu_item = $adminmenu->parse('item', 'option');
            $link_array[$LANG01[107]] = $menu_item;
        if ($_CONF['sort_admin']) {
            uksort($link_array, 'strcasecmp');
        $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/moderation.php';
        $adminmenu->set_var('option_url', $url);
        $adminmenu->set_var('option_label', $LANG01[10]);
        $adminmenu->set_var('option_count', COM_numberFormat($modnum));
        $menu_item = $adminmenu->finish($adminmenu->parse('item', $thisUrl == $url ? 'current' : 'option'));
        $link_array = array($menu_item) + $link_array;
        foreach ($link_array as $link) {
            $retval .= $link;
        $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('admin_block', 'footer', $position));
    return $retval;
コード例 #29
ファイル: pingback.php プロジェクト: Geeklog-Core/geeklog
 * Extract story ID (sid) from the URL
 * Accepts rewritten and old-style URLs. Also checks permissions.
 * @param    string $url targetURI, a URL on our site
 * @return   string          story ID or empty string for error
function PNB_getSid($url)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES;
    $retval = '';
    $sid = '';
    $params = substr($url, strlen($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php'));
    if (substr($params, 0, 1) === '?') {
        // old-style URL
        $pos = strpos($params, 'story=');
        if ($pos !== false) {
            $part = substr($params, $pos + strlen('story='));
            $parts = explode('&', $part);
            $sid = $parts[0];
    } elseif (substr($params, 0, 1) == '/') {
        // rewritten URL
        $parts = explode('/', substr($params, 1));
        $sid = $parts[0];
    if (!empty($sid)) {
        $parts = explode('#', $sid);
        $sid = $parts[0];
    // okay, so we have a SID - but are they allowed to access the story?
    if (!empty($sid)) {
        $testsid = DB_escapeString($sid);
        $result = DB_query("SELECT trackbackcode FROM {$_TABLES['stories']}, {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta WHERE ta.type = 'article' AND ta.id = sid AND sid = '{$testsid}'" . COM_getPermSql('AND') . COM_getTopicSql('AND', 0, ta));
        if (DB_numRows($result) == 1) {
            $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
            if ($A['trackbackcode'] == 0) {
                $retval = $sid;
    return $retval;
コード例 #30
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: milk54/geeklog-japan
         $cal_templates->set_var('cal_day_style', 'cal-futureday');
 if (strlen($curday->daynumber) == 1) {
     $curday->daynumber = '0' . $curday->daynumber;
 $cal_templates->set_var('cal_day_anchortags', COM_createLink($curday->daynumber, $_CONF['site_url'] . '/calendarjp/index.php?view=day&amp;' . addMode($mode) . 'day=' . $curday->daynumber . "&amp;month={$month}&amp;year={$year}", array('class' => 'cal-date')) . '<hr' . XHTML . '>');
 if (strlen($month) == 1) {
     $month = '0' . $month;
 if ($mode == 'personal') {
     $calsql_tbl = $_TABLES['personal_eventsjp'];
     $calsql_filt = "AND (uid = {$_USER['uid']})";
 } else {
     $calsql_tbl = $_TABLES['eventsjp'];
     $calsql_filt = COM_getPermSql('AND');
 $calsql = "SELECT eid,title,datestart,dateend,timestart,timeend,allday,owner_id,group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon FROM {$calsql_tbl} WHERE " . "((datestart >= '{$year}-{$month}-{$curday->daynumber} 00:00:00' " . "AND datestart <= '{$year}-{$month}-{$curday->daynumber} 23:59:59') " . "OR (dateend >= '{$year}-{$month}-{$curday->daynumber} 00:00:00' " . "AND dateend <= '{$year}-{$month}-{$curday->daynumber} 23:59:59') " . "OR ('{$year}-{$month}-{$curday->daynumber}' BETWEEN datestart AND dateend))" . $calsql_filt . " ORDER BY datestart,timestart";
 $query2 = DB_query($calsql);
 $q2_numrows = DB_numRows($query2);
 if ($q2_numrows > 0) {
     $entries = '';
     for ($z = 1; $z <= $q2_numrows; $z++) {
         $results = DB_fetchArray($query2);
         if ($results['title']) {
             $cal_templates->set_var('cal_day_entries', '');
             $entries .= COM_createLink(stripslashes($results['title']), $_CONF['site_url'] . '/calendarjp/event.php?' . addMode($mode) . 'eid=' . $results['eid'], array('class' => 'cal-event')) . '<hr' . XHTML . '>';
     for ($z = $z; $z <= 4; $z++) {
         $entries .= '<br' . XHTML . '>';