コード例 #1
function AmbilFooter($p)
    $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 12);
    $t = 7;
    $identitas = GetFields('identitas', 'Kode', KodeID, '*');
    $p->Cell(270, $t, $identitas['Kota'] . ', ' . AmbilBulan(date('m')) . ' ' . date('Y'), 0, 1);
    $p->Cell(270, $t, '', 0, 1);
    $p->Cell(270, $t, 'BAAK', 0, 1);
コード例 #2
function Isinya($p)
    $lbr = 290;
    $t = 5;
    $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 8);
    $s = "select k.*, m.MhswID,left(m.Nama, 28) as Mhsw,m.KelasID\r\n  \t\tfrom kompre k\r\n      left outer join mhsw m on m.MhswID = k.MhswID and m.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n\twhere k.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n      and k.TahunID = '{$_SESSION['TahunID']}'\r\n\t  and k.Lulus = 'N'\r\n\t  and k.NA = 'N'\r\n    Group by k.MhswID";
    $r = _query($s);
    $n = 0;
    $jum = _num_rows($r);
    while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) {
        $hari = AmbilHari($w[_Hari]);
        $ss = "select k.*, LEFT(k.JamMulai, 5) as JM, LEFT(k.JamSelesai, 5) as JS, d.Nama as _Dosen\r\n\t\tfrom kompredosen k left outer join dosen d on k.DosenID=d.Login \r\n\t\twhere k.KompreID = '{$w['KompreID']}' and k.NA = 'N'\r\n\t\torder by k.Tanggal, k.JamMulai, k.JamSelesai";
        $qq = _query($ss);
        $nn = _num_rows($qq);
        $tt = $nn * $t;
        $p->Cell(5, $tt, '', '', 0);
        $p->Cell(8, $tt, $n, 1, 0);
        $p->Cell(20, $tt, $w['MhswID'], 1, 0);
        $p->Cell(60, $tt, $w['Mhsw'], 1, 0);
        while ($ww = _fetch_array($qq)) {
            $p->Cell(40, $t, $ww['_Dosen'], 1, 0);
            $p->Cell(55, $t, GetDateInWords($ww['Tanggal']) . " / " . $ww['JM'] . " - " . $ww['JS'] . " / " . $ww['RuangID'], 1, 1);
        //$p->Cell(55, $t, '', 'T', 0);
    $bulan = AmbilBulan(date('m'));
    $identitas = GetFields('identitas', 'Kode', KodeID, "*");
    $pejabat = GetFields('pejabat', "KodeJabatan='KABAA' and KodeID", KodeID, 'Nama, Jabatan');
    $p->Cell(5, $t, '', '', 0);
    $p->Cell(50, $t, $identitas['Kota'] . ', ' . date('d') . " " . $bulan . " " . date('Y'), '', 0, 'C');
    $p->Ln($t * 4);
    $p->Cell(50, $t, $pejabat[Nama], 0, 0, 'C');
    $p->Cell(50, $t, $pejabat[Jabatan], 0, 0, 'C');