function AddJobToParcel($table) { UUID(); $_POST['mmb_parcele16e_parcel_ida'] = $_REQUEST[$_REQUEST['ssc']]; #Add addictional clause to prevent from adding if already in parcel selected if ($_POST['mmb_parcele16e_parcel_ida'] != '') { $parcel_id = $_REQUEST[$_REQUEST['ssc']]; $_POST['mmb_parcel090foke_job_idb'] = $_REQUEST['id']; unset($_POST[$_REQUEST['ssc']]); AddNewRecord($table); if ($table == 'mmb_parcel__bespoke_job_c') { $parcel_table = 'mmb_parcel'; } elseif ($table == 'mmb_parcel_t__bespoke_job_c') { $parcel_table = 'mmb_parcel_thailand'; } $parcel_name = FieldValue($parcel_table, 'id', $parcel_id, 'name'); $_POST = array(); AddNote("Job added to parcel {$parcel_name}"); } }
if ($access == "invalidid") { $aInt->gracefulExit($aInt->lang("support", "ticketnotfound")); } if ($access == "deptblocked") { $aInt->gracefulExit($aInt->lang("support", "deptnoaccess")); } if ($access == "flagged") { $aInt->gracefulExit($aInt->lang("support", "flagnoaccess") . ": " . getAdminName($flag)); } if ($access) { exit; } if ($postreply || $postaction) { check_token("WHMCS.admin.default"); if ($postaction == "note") { AddNote($id, $message); } else { $attachments = uploadTicketAttachments(true); if ($postaction == "close") { $newstatus = "Closed"; } else { if (substr($postaction, 0, 9) == "setstatus") { $result = select_query("tblticketstatuses", "title", array("id" => substr($postaction, 9))); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $newstatus = $data[0]; } else { if ($postaction == "onhold") { $newstatus = "On Hold"; } else { if ($postaction == "inprogress") { $newstatus = "In Progress";
echo "<table width=519>\n"; echo "<tr><td class=c colspan=2>" . loca("NOTE_EDIT") . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>" . loca("NOTE_PRIORITY") . "</th><th><select name=u><option value=2" . $u[2] . ">" . loca("NOTE_PRIO_2") . "</option><option value=1" . $u[1] . ">" . loca("NOTE_PRIO_1") . "</option><option value=0" . $u[0] . ">" . loca("NOTE_PRIO_0") . "</option></select></th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>" . loca("NOTE_EDIT_SUBJ") . "</th><th><input type=text name=betreff size=30 maxlength=30 value='" . stripslashes($note['subj']) . "'></th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>" . loca("NOTE_EDIT_TEXT") . " (<span id=\"cntChars\">" . $note['textsize'] . "</span> / 5000 " . loca("NOTE_CHARS") . ")</th><th><textarea name=text cols=60 rows=10 onkeyup=\"javascript:cntchar(5000)\">" . stripslashes($note['text']) . "</textarea></th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class=c><a href=?page=notizen&session=" . $_GET['session'] . ">" . loca("NOTE_BACK") . "</a></td><td class=c><input type=reset value='" . loca("NOTE_RESET") . "'><input type=submit value='" . loca("NOTE_APPLY") . "'></td></tr>\n"; echo "</table></form><br><br><br><br>\n"; } // Обработать POST запросы. if (key_exists('s', $_POST)) { $title = htmlspecialchars($_POST['betreff']); $text = $_POST['text']; $title = addslashes($title); $text = addslashes($text); if (intval($_POST['s']) == 1) { AddNote($GlobalUser['player_id'], $title, $text, intval($_POST['u'])); } else { if (intval($_POST['s']) == 2) { UpdateNote($GlobalUser['player_id'], intval($_POST['n']), $title, $text, intval($_POST['u'])); } } } if (key_exists('delmes', $_POST)) { foreach ($_POST['delmes'] as $i => $entry) { DelNote($GlobalUser['player_id'], intval($i)); } } // Проверить неверные параметры. if (key_exists('a', $_GET)) { if (intval($_GET['a']) < 1 || intval($_GET['a']) > 2) { die;
* * @ WHMCS FULL DECODED & NULLED * * @ Version : 5.2.15 * @ Author : MTIMER * @ Release on : 2013-12-24 * @ Website : * **/ if (!defined("WHMCS")) { exit("This file cannot be accessed directly"); } if (!function_exists("getAdminName")) { require ROOTDIR . "/includes/adminfunctions.php"; } if (!function_exists("AddNote")) { require ROOTDIR . "/includes/ticketfunctions.php"; } if ($ticketnum) { $result = select_query("tbltickets", "id", array("tid" => $ticketnum)); } else { $result = select_query("tbltickets", "id", array("id" => $ticketid)); } $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $ticketid = $data['id']; if (!$ticketid) { $apiresults = array("result" => "error", "message" => "Ticket ID not found"); return null; } AddNote($ticketid, $message); $apiresults = array("result" => "success");