  * Get a html representation of a NodeSettings object
  * @param joppa\model\NodeSettings $nodesettings
  * @return string html representation of the NodeSettings object
 private function getHtmlFromNodeSettings(NodeSettings $nodeSettings)
     $inheritedSettings = $nodeSettings->getInheritedNodeSettings();
     if ($inheritedSettings) {
         $arrayInheritedSettings = $inheritedSettings->getArray(true, true);
     } else {
         $arrayInheritedSettings = array();
     $arraySettings = $nodeSettings->getArray();
     $settings = Structure::merge($arrayInheritedSettings, $arraySettings);
     $html = '';
     foreach ($settings as $key => $setting) {
         $value = $setting->getIniString(true);
         if ($setting->inherit) {
             $value = substr($value, 1);
         if (isset($arraySettings[$key])) {
             $html .= '<strong>' . $value . '</strong>';
         } else {
             $html .= $value;
         $html .= "<br />\n";
     return $html;
Esempio n. 2
 public function testMerge()
     $array1 = array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2');
     $array2 = array('key1' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3');
     $array3 = array('key1' => 'value2', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3');
     $array = Structure::merge($array1, $array2);
     $this->assertEquals($array3, $array);
Esempio n. 3
  * Add a empty value to the option
  * @param string $value label of the option
  * @param string $key key of the option
  * @return null
 public function addEmpty($value = '---', $key = 0)
     $model = ModelManager::getInstance()->getModel(CountryModel::NAME);
     $country = $model->createData(false);
     $country->id = $key;
     $country->name = $value;
     $this->options = Structure::merge(array('---' => array($key => $country)), $this->options);
Esempio n. 4
  * Get the routes from the Joppa system combined with the routes from the fallback router
  * @return array Array with the route as key and a Route object as value
 public function getRoutes()
     $model = ModelManager::getInstance()->getModel(NodeModel::NAME);
     $routes = $model->getNodeRoutes();
     foreach ($routes as $route) {
         $routes[$route] = new Route($route, self::FRONTEND_CONTROLLER);
     return Structure::merge(parent::getRoutes(), $routes);
Esempio n. 5
  * Reads the routes from the data source
  * @return array Array with Route instances
 protected function readRoutes()
     $routes = array();
     $files = array_reverse(Zibo::getInstance()->getFiles(self::PATH_FILE));
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $fileRoutes = $this->readRoutesFromFile($file);
         $routes = Structure::merge($routes, $fileRoutes);
     return $routes;
Esempio n. 6
  * Read all the models in the Zibo file system structure
  * @param boolean $onlyInModules Set to true to only read in the modules directory
  * @return array Array with Model instances
 public function readModelsFromIncludePaths($onlyInModules = false)
     $models = array();
     $includePaths = array_reverse(Zibo::getInstance()->getIncludePaths());
     if ($onlyInModules) {
     foreach ($includePaths as $includePath) {
         $pathModels = $this->readModelsFromPath(new File($includePath));
         $models = Structure::merge($models, $pathModels);
     return $models;
 protected function applyPagination()
     $this->countRows = count($this->parents) + count($this->values);
     $this->values = Structure::merge($this->parents, $this->values);
     if (!$this->pageRows) {
     $this->paginationPages = ceil($this->countRows / $this->pageRows);
     if ($this->page > $this->pages || $this->page < 1) {
         $this->page = 1;
     $offset = ($this->page - 1) * $this->pageRows;
     $this->values = array_slice($this->values, $offset, $this->pageRows, true);
Esempio n. 8
  * Render a subview for this view
  * All the styles and scripts of the subview will be added to the main view
  * @param zibo\core\View $view the view to render
  * @return string The output of the view
 protected function renderView(View $view)
     $renderedView = $view->render(true);
     if (!$view instanceof HtmlView) {
         return $renderedView;
     $this->meta = Structure::merge($this->meta, $view->getMeta());
     $this->styles = Structure::merge($this->styles, $view->getStyles());
     $this->scripts = Structure::merge($this->scripts, $view->getJavascripts());
     $this->inlineScripts = Structure::merge($this->inlineScripts, $view->getInlineJavascripts());
     return $renderedView;
Esempio n. 9
  * Gets the log for a data object
  * @param string $modelName Name of the data model
  * @param integer $id Primary key of the data
  * @param integer $version If provided, the log of this version will be retrieved, else all logs
  * @param string $locale
  * @return array Array with LogData objects
 public function getLog($modelName, $id, $version = null, $locale = null)
     $logs = $this->getChanges($modelName, $id, $version, $locale);
     $logs = array_reverse($logs);
     $versions = array();
     foreach ($logs as $log) {
         $id = $log->dateAdded;
         if (!$log->changes && $log->dataModel != $modelName) {
         if ($log->dataModel != $modelName) {
             if (!isset($versions[$id])) {
                 if (isset($versions[$id - 1])) {
                     $versions[$id - 1]->changes = Structure::merge($versions[$id - 1]->changes, $log->changes);
                 } else {
                     $versions[$id] = $log;
         } elseif (!isset($versions[$id])) {
             $versions[$id] = $log;
         if ($versions[$id]->dataModel != $modelName && $log->dataModel == $modelName) {
             $versions[$id]->dataModel = $modelName;
             $versions[$id]->dataId = $log->dataId;
             $versions[$id]->dataVersion = $log->dataVersion;
         $versions[$id]->changes = Structure::merge($versions[$id]->changes, $log->changes);
     foreach ($versions as $id => $version) {
         $changes = $version->changes;
         foreach ($changes as $index => $change) {
             if ($change->fieldName == VersionField::NAME || $change->fieldName == LocalizedModel::FIELD_LOCALE || $change->fieldName == LocalizedModel::FIELD_DATA) {
         $version->changes = $changes;
         $versions[$id] = $version;
     return array_reverse($versions);
Esempio n. 10
  * Parses a hierarchic array into a simple array
  * @param array $configuration Hierarchic array  with configuration values to simplify
  * @param string $prefix Prefix for the keys of the configuration array (needed for recursive calls)
  * @return array Simplified configuration
 private function parseConfigurationArray(array $configuration, $prefix = null)
     $result = array();
     if ($prefix) {
         $prefix .= Config::TOKEN_SEPARATOR;
     foreach ($configuration as $key => $value) {
         $prefixedKey = $prefix . $key;
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $result = Structure::merge($result, $this->parseConfigurationArray($value, $prefixedKey));
         } else {
             $result[$prefixedKey] = $value;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 11
  * Get the names of all the sections in the configuration
  * @return array Array with the names of all the ini files in the configuration directory, withouth the extension
 public function getAllSections()
     $sections = array();
     $includePaths = $this->browser->getIncludePaths();
     foreach ($includePaths as $includePath) {
         $path = new File($includePath, Zibo::DIRECTORY_CONFIG);
         $sections = Structure::merge($sections, $this->getDirectorySections($path));
     $path = new File($this->getEnvironmentPath());
     $sections = Structure::merge($sections, $this->getDirectorySections($path));
     return $sections;
Esempio n. 12
  * Gets the array of actions to include
  * @return array
 public function getInclude()
     return Structure::getKeyArray($this->getValue(self::FIELD_INCLUDE));
Esempio n. 13
  * Get the value of this field from the request
  * @param string $name name of the request variable
  * @return mixed value of this field from the request
 protected function getRequestValue($name = null)
     if ($name == null) {
         $name = $this->name;
     $request = new Structure($_REQUEST);
     return $request->get($name);
Esempio n. 14
  * Get an array with the settings of this object
  * @param boolean $includeInheritedSettings true to include the inherited settings in the array
  * @param boolean $onlyInheritSettings true to include only settings which inherit to lower levels
  * @return array Array with the setting key as key and a NodeSetting instance as value
 public function getArray($includeInheritedSettings = false, $inheritedSettingRequired = false)
     $array = $this->settings;
     if ($inheritedSettingRequired) {
         foreach ($array as $key => $nodeSetting) {
             if (!$nodeSetting->inherit) {
     $inheritedSettings = $this->getInheritedNodeSettings();
     if (!$includeInheritedSettings || $inheritedSettings == null) {
         return $array;
     $inheritedArray = $inheritedSettings->getArray($includeInheritedSettings, $inheritedSettingRequired);
     return Structure::merge($inheritedArray, $array);
Esempio n. 15
  * Create an array with the node hierarchy. Usefull for an options field.
  * @param array $tree array with Node objects
  * @param string $prefix prefix for the node names
  * @return array Array with the node id as key and the node name as value
 public function createListFromNodeTree(array $tree, $separator = '/', $prefix = '')
     $list = array();
     foreach ($tree as $node) {
         $newPrefix = $prefix . $separator . $node->name;
         $list[$node->id] = $newPrefix;
         if ($node->children) {
             $children = $this->createListFromNodeTree($node->children, $separator, $newPrefix);
             $list = Structure::merge($list, $children);
     return $list;
Esempio n. 16
  * Gets all the files needed for the provided CSS file. This will extract the imports from the CSS.
  * @param zibo\core\Zibo $zibo Instance of Zibo
  * @param zibo\library\filesystem\File $file CSS source file
  * @return array Array with the path of the file as key and the File object as value
 private function getFilesFromStyle(Zibo $zibo, File $file)
     $source = $file->read();
     $source = preg_replace(CSSMin::REGEX_COMMENT, '', $source);
     $files = array();
     $parent = $file->getParent();
     $lines = explode("\n", $source);
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         $line = trim($line);
         if (empty($line)) {
         if (!preg_match(CSSMin::REGEX_IMPORT, $line)) {
         $importFileName = $this->getFileNameFromImportLine($line);
         $importFile = $zibo->getRelativeFile(new File($parent, $importFileName));
         $importFile = $zibo->getFile($importFile);
         if (!$importFile) {
         $styleFiles = $this->getFilesFromStyle($zibo, $importFile);
         $files = Structure::merge($files, $styleFiles);
     $files[$file->getPath()] = $file;
     return $files;
Esempio n. 17
  * Parses the provided part and subparts
  * @param resource $stream The stream of the connection with the server
  * @param integer $id The internal id of the message
  * @param integer $partId The internal id of the part
  * @param object $part The part to parse
  * @return array Array with MimePart objects extracted from the part
 private function parseMessagePart($stream, $id, $partId, $part)
     $parts = array();
     $body = imap_fetchbody($stream, $id, $partId);
     if ($part->type != 0) {
         // part is not text
         $filename = null;
         if (isset($part->dparameters)) {
             $filename = $this->parser->getPartFilename($part->dparameters);
         if (empty($filename) && isset($part->parameters)) {
             $filename = $this->parser->getPartFilename($part->parameters);
         if (!empty($filename)) {
             $mimeType = $this->parser->getPartMimeType($part);
             $encoding = $this->parser->getPartEncoding($part);
             $parts[$filename] = new MimePart($body, $mimeType, null, $encoding);
     } else {
         // part is text
         $textPartId = $partId;
         if (!isset($parts[Message::PART_BODY])) {
             $textPartId = Message::PART_BODY;
         } elseif (!isset($parts[Message::PART_ALTERNATIVE])) {
             if ($parts[Message::PART_BODY]->getMimeType() === 'text/html') {
                 $textPartId = Message::PART_ALTERNATIVE;
             } else {
                 $textPartId = Message::PART_BODY;
                 $parts[Message::PART_ALTERNATIVE] = $parts[Message::PART_BODY];
         $mimeType = $this->parser->getPartMimeType($part);
         $encoding = $this->parser->getPartEncoding($part);
         $parts[$textPartId] = new MimePart($body, $mimeType, null, $encoding);
     // if subparts... recurse into function and parse them too!
     if (isset($part->parts) && count($part->parts)) {
         foreach ($part->parts as $subPartId => $subPart) {
             $subParts = $this->parseMessagePart($stream, $id, $partId . '.' . ($subPartId + 1), $subPart);
             $parts = Structure::merge($parts, $subParts);
     return $parts;
Esempio n. 18
  * Updates the module model with the installed modules
  * @return null
 private function readModules()
     $modules = array();
     $path = new File(Zibo::DIRECTORY_MODULES);
     $files = $path->read();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         // skip hidden files
         if (strncmp($file->getName(), '.', 1) === 0) {
         $fileModules = $this->getModulesFromPath($file);
         $modules = Structure::merge($modules, $fileModules);